Invest Met
Invest Met
Invest Met
It refers to the set-up which helps the industry to raise the funds by issuing different types of securities. These securities are issued directly to the investors (both individuals as well as institutional) through the mechanism called primary market or new issue market. The securities take birth in this market.
It refers to the work of investigation, analysis and processing of new project proposals. Origination starts before an issue is actually floated in the market. It includes a careful study of the technical, economic and financial viability to ensure the soundness of the project and provides advisory services.
It is an agreement whereby the underwriter promises to subscribe to a specified number of shares or debentures in the event of public not subscribing to the issue. Thus it is a guarantee for the marketability of shares. Underwriters may be institutional and noninstitutional.
It is the function of sale of securities to ultimate investors. Brokers and agents who maintain regular and direct contract with the ultimate investors, perform this service.
Offer of sale
It consists in outright sale of securities through the intermediary of issue houses or share brokers. It consists of two stages: the first stage is a direct sale by the issuing company to the issue house and brokers at an agreed price. In the second stage, the intermediaries resell the above securities to the ultimate investors. The issue houses purchase the securities at a negotiated price and resell at a higher price. The difference in the purchase and sale price is called turn or spread.
Private placement
It involves sale of securities to a limited number of sophisticated investors such as financial institutions, mutual funds, venture capital funds, banks, and so on. It refers to sale of equity or equity related instruments of an unlisted company or sale of debentures of a listed or unlisted company.
Right Issue
When a listed company proposes to issue securities to its existing shareholders, whose names appear in the register of members on record date, in the proportion to their existing holding, through an offer document, such issues are called Right Issue. This mode of raising capital is the best suited when the dilution of controlling interest is not intended.
Book-Building/Price Band
It is a process used for marketing a public offer of equity shares of a company. Book building is a process wherein the issue price of a security is determined by the demand and supply forces in the capital market The Price at which securities will be allotted is not known in advance to the investor. Only an indicative price range is known. (Also called price band and it should not be more than 20% of the floor price).
The companies are now allowed to issue capital to the public through the on-line system of the stock exchanges. For making such on-line issues, the companies should comply with the provisions contained in Chapter 11A of SEBI( Disclosure and Investor Protection) Guidelines, 2000.
Listing of Securities
Listing means admission of the securities to dealings on a recognized stock exchange. The securities may be of any public limited company, central or state government, quasi governmental and other financial institutions/corporations, municipalities etc.
Objectives of listing
Providing liquidity to securities; Mobilize savings for economic development; Protect interest of investors by ensuring full disclosures. The exchange has a separate Listing Dept. to grant approval for listing of securities of companies in accordance with the various provisions of the concerned laws, guidelines issued by SEBI and rules, bye-laws and regulation of the exchange.