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Cfans Asset 131281

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SECTION 5: Wastewater Sources & Flows

Wastewater Sources ..................................................................................................................................5-1

Hydraulics Flow Rates ........................................................................................................ 5-11

7080 Versus 7081...................................................................................................................................5-11 General Hydraulic Considerations ..........................................................................................................5-11 Estimates of Flow for Dwelling Design ..................................................................................................5-12 Measuring Flow for Design and Management ........................................................................................5-17

Waste Characteristics: Waste Strength Components ......................................................... 5-26

Biochemical oxygen demands (BOD5), Dissolved Oxygen, and Total Suspended Solids (TSS) ..............5-27

Biological Treatment Processes............................................................................................ 5-34 Nutrients ................................................................................................................................ 5-40 Monitoring Wastewater Characteristics ............................................................................. 5-56
References ..............................................................................................................................................5-57

Appendix 1 ............................................................................................................................. 5-61

Biological Hazards in Wastewater: FAQs for Septic System Professionals ...............................................5-61

SECTION 5: Wastewater Sources and Flows



Wastewater Sources
To start this section, it is rst important to dene these two terms: 1. Wastewater: clear water, stormwater, industrial, sewage (domestic or commercial), or any combination thereof, carried by water. 2. Source: location at which wastewater is generated. This manual will focus on the sewage constituents of wastewater, but we need to assess the other components to discover if they will interact and affect the onsite sewage treatment system in any way.

Sewage is waste produced by toilets, bathing, laundry, or culinary operations or the oor drains associated with these sources, and includes household cleaners, medications, and other constituents in sewage restricted to amounts normally used for domestic purposes (MN Rules Chapter 7080.1100, Subp. 73). Sewage does not include clear water such as swimming pool water, roof drainage, water softener recharge water, or water used to irrigate lawns or gardens. There are several types or categories of sewage that have been nationally dened by the Consortium of Institutes for Decentralized Wastewater Treatment (CIDWT, 2009): 1. Blackwater: portion of the wastewater stream that originates from toilet xtures, dishwashers and food preparation sinks. 2. Graywater: water captured from non-food preparation sinks, showers, baths, spa baths, clothes washing machines, and laundry tubs. Graywater is dened in MN Rules Chapter 7080.1100, Subp. 37 as sewage that does not contain toilet wastes. A Graywater system is one that receives, treats, and disperses only graywater or other similar system as designated by the commissioner (MN Rules Chapter 7080.1100, Subp. 38). Toilet wastes from the residence or other establishment have to be treated in some other system, or the residence has to have a privy. To prevent hooking up a ush toilet onto a graywater system, the plumbing of the system must have two-inch diameter pipe, rather than four-inch. Even the oor drains have to use two-inch pipe. The exception is for a graywater system being installed for an existing building. There is no need to re-plumb the entire structure. Graywater systems cannot accept garbage disposal waste. Graywater must be fully treated and is further discussed in Section 7. 3. Yellow water: an isolated waste stream consisting of urine collected from specic xtures and not contaminated by feces or diluted by graywater sources; see also urine separating device.

2011 Regents of the University of Minnesota. All rights reserved.


SECTION 5: Wastewater Sources and Flows

The amount and type of water discharged to an onsite sewage treatment system is one of the factors used in sizing that system. Other factors that inuence sizing include soil properties such as texture, structure, and percolation rate. Designing a wastewater treatment system based upon average daily ow would imply that the system is operating beyond its design capacity 50 percent of the time. For this reason, treatment systems are typically designed to produce the required efuent quality when treating the maximum daily ow. This accounts for the natural variability in the amount and strength of wastewater entering a SSTS as shown in Figure 5.1. FIGURE 5.1 Peak Wastewater Flows from a Single-Family Home The amount of wastewater entering the treatment system is the hydraulic loading rate. In sizing for the hydraulic loading rate, the volume of water owing through the treatment process is the design parameter under consideration. For the concept of mass loading rate, the idea of the mass or weight of a particular contaminant owing through the system over some time is considered. The organic loading rate, the number of pounds or kilograms of BOD per day, and the solids loading rate, the number of pounds or kilograms of TSS per day, are common mass loading rates.

Water use varies widely among individuals, depending on such factors as background, age and economic status. For example, an individual who was raised in a household without running water will probably be very conservative in water use even when running water is available. Teenagers are typically high water users. The use of hot tubs or water-circulating devices for therapeutic services greatly increases water use. A number of studies have been made throughout the country on water use habits and rates. In studies made during the 1970s, average water use per person, nationwide, was about 45 gallons per day. A 1999 study found a national water-use rate of about 60 gallons per person per day with a variation of plus or minus 40 gallons per day (Mayer et al. 1999). Domestic sewage is generated by a dwelling, a toilet facility at an establishment open to the public, rental units such as motels and resort cabins, shower and toilet facilities for schools or campgrounds, or anywhere typical domestic wastewater is created.

Non sewage sources

Clear water additions
Clear water (including groundwater, rainwater, surface water, condensate, ice machine drainage, and/or discharge from pools, hot tubs, and water treatment devices) ts into this category. Sources of clear water should not be directed to the system; if connected, they can create problems in the system. A number of water-using devices (such as water softeners, iron lters and water treatment devices) do not produce sewage as dened in MN Rules Chapter 7080. These devices do produce efuent, but that efuent has not come in contact

SECTION 5: Wastewater Sources and Flows


with humans or laundry to create contamination that needs to be treated or removed. Water treatment discharge is dened by CIDWT as the by-product from a water treatment device, such as regeneration water from an ion-exchange unit, reject water from a reverse-osmosis unit, or the backwash from an iron lter and does not need to be directed to a SSTS. Water softeners reduce the number of or remove calcium and magnesium ions, which are the principal causes of hardness in water. Cation exchange resin method is most commonly used for residential and commercial water treatment. Water softener and iron lter recharge water adds a large volume of water to the system typically 30 to 80 gallons per cycle. This is water that does not require treating. A growing concern with water softener recharge water is that it may cause an increase in the amount of solid material that remains suspended in the liquid layer (efuent) in the septic tank and ends up in the drain eld trenches or a mound. These solids may shorten the life of the soil treatment system, increasing the chance of draineld or mound failure. Water softener discharge has conicting results in research studies, but it does appear that scum layers are often absent in tanks where the water softener recharge water enters the septic tank. Iron lters are similar to water softeners in that the efuent is not sewage, but the discharge does have different characteristics. The two choices for iron removal are ion exchange (water softener) and oxidation ltration. Water softener is applied to water where the iron concretions are in the 2-5 ppm range. If the iron concentrations are higher (> 5 ppm) or the natural pH is high (> 8) then applying an oxidation ltration system may be more effective. These systems physically lter the iron and then are back-ushed, removing the iron as a solid. These systems will need to be discharged into a settling component before being discharged to the soil to remove the solids that would plug the soil surface. Reverse osmosis is a separation process that uses pressure to force water through a membrane that retains the solute on one side and allows the pure solvent to pass to the other side. More specically, it is the process of forcing a liquid from a region of high solute concentration through a membrane to a region of low solute concentration by applying a pressure in excess of the osmotic pressure. This is the reverse of the normal osmosis process, which is the natural movement of solvent from an area of low solute concentration, through a membrane, to an area of high solute concentration when no external pressure is applied. The membrane here is semi-permeable, meaning it allows the passage of liquid but not of solute or particles. The membranes used for reverse osmosis have a dense barrier layer in the polymer matrix where most separation occurs. In most cases, the membrane is designed to allow only water to pass through this dense layer while preventing the passage of solutes (such as salt ions). This process requires that a high pressure be exerted on the high concentration side of the membrane, usually 217 bar (30250 psi) for fresh and brackish water, and 4070 bar (6001000 psi) for seawater, which has around 24 bar (350 psi) natural osmotic pressure which must be overcome. Reverse osmosis units sold for residential purposes offer water ltration at the cost of large quantities of waste water. For every ve gallons of output, a typical residential reverse osmosis lter will send around ten to 20 gallons of water down the drain (although many people capture it and use it for watering plants and lawns). In some states this water is used for irrigation. High-efciency furnaces operate at a high efciency and therefore save on energy use. One of the results of the heating process is that condensation occurs in the unit. When


SECTION 5: Wastewater Sources and Flows

this condensation builds up, water slowly trickles out of the unit and into the plumbing that is often connected to an onsite system. This water can cause freezing problems in the onsite system because of the slow, steady ow. In addition, this water is clean and therefore does not need to be treated. When the furnace is in operation, this water typically trickles out of the unit at a volume of ve to ten gallons on a cold day. In high-efciency furnaces, the recharge water from water softeners and iron lters has the potential to cause problems with onsite sewage treatment systems.

Industrial wastewater
Industrial wastewater is the water or liquid-carried waste from an industrial process resulting from industry, manufacture, trade, automotive repair, vehicle wash, business or medical, activity that may contain toxic or hazardous constituents. Garage oor drain liquid wastes from garages serving single and multi-family homes can consist of the following: Precipitation draining from vehicles and liquids from vehicle washing Q Spills from materials stored or used in the garage such as: Thinners, solvents, paints, pesticides, cleaners, etc. Q Liquids from vehicle repair such as: gasoline, used oil, antifreeze, other Therefore, there is a potential for hazardous waste and other damaging waste entering the oor drain system.

Always check with local units of government for specic requirements. The following list is provided in preferential order of how to handle liquid wastes from private garages: Preference #1: Do not install oor drains in new constructions of private garages; instead, slope the oor to the doors. For existing garages, seal the drain to prevent further discharge. Preference #2: If a oor drain is desired, the oor drain may discharge to the homeowners lawn surface if approved by the administrative authority (MN R. Chapter 4715.1300, subp. 6). The discharge area must be visible, and cannot drain or convey runoff directly to storm drains or ditches. The good housekeeping practices described below must be followed. Preference #3: If a oor drain is desired and the home is connected to the municipal sanitary sewer, connect oor drain to the homes building sewer for sanitary wastes. Connection must be in compliance with the Plumbing Code (MN Rules Chapter 4715.1300). The hookup should comply with the local sewer use ordinance, and may be subject to local approval. The good housekeeping practices described below must be followed. DO NOT: direct the oor drain waste to a street, ditch or water body (MN Rules Chapter 7050.0210, sub 2), Q connect to building sewer of homes served by individual sewage treatment systems (ISTS) (MN Rules Chapter 7080.0065), Q allow the oor drain to deadhead into the soil (MN Rules Chapter 4715.1300).

Good Housekeeping:

Care should be taken that hazardous or other damaging waste does not come in

SECTION 5: Wastewater Sources and Flows


contact with the garage oor. Any hazardous or other damaging waste reaching the garage oor must be absorbed and disposed of at a household hazardous waste facility. No hazardous or other damaging waste should be discharged to daylight via a oor drain or sloped oor, or to a oor drain connected to sanitary sewer (MN Rule Chapter 7060, subp 2). All used oil must be recycled (MN Statute 115A.916). Q Homeowners have the duty to avoid and mitigate pollution from any of the preferred disposal options (MN Statutes 115.061). Any non-hazardous/non-damaging liquid waste discharged to daylight via a oor drain or sloped oor must not create a nuisance condition or contaminate storm water runoff (MN Rule Chapter 7050.0210). Q If a oor drain remains in the garage, it is recommended that a permanent sign or plate be placed on or within view of the drain stating, WARNING - Water Only! Floor drain leads to our water supplies.

Other Establishments
Domestic sewage is also generated by Other Establishments. Under Chapter 7081, an other establishment is any public or private structure, other than a dwelling, that generates sewage and discharges it to an MSTS (7081.0020, Subp. 6). Other establishments may have large ows and/or high-strength waste, so Chapter 7081 has special regulations for them. These systems are also regulated by the EPA Class V Rules and must complete an inventory form (see Section 13: Forms). Non-domestic waste is generated by many sources, such as restaurants, laundromats, barber shops, car washes and other light industrial establishments. Waste other than sewage is only allowed to be discharged into a SSTS if the waste is suitable to be discharged to groundwater. If waste strength parameters exceed the values identied in MN Rules Chapter 7081.0130, Subp. 2, the system should include pretreatment. A range of systems can be designed for Other Establishments. a. Type I if domestic levels of wastewater can be achieved with septic tanks alone the system is classied as at Type I system. b. Type II or III - if site or soil conditions are limiting. c. Type IV if the system uses a registered product (Treatment Level C) to reduce waste strength the system is considered to be a Type IV system. d. Type V if the system uses a non-registered product to reduce the waste strength the system is consider to be a Type V system. Some other establishments include the following:

Apartment buildings
Rental situations have been known to have overuse of the system. The renter may not understand the impacts of their usage habits on the system and may have little concern about over using water. Multiple families can also impact the loading to the system. Low-ow xtures and appliances along with education can assist in the management of the system.

Day cares
Day cares are always going to have higher ows associated with their use. The other concern here will the cleaners that are used and the type of food that is available. In-home


SECTION 5: Wastewater Sources and Flows

daycares will have higher ows than are typical for the number of bedrooms in the house due to the amount of people that are in the home and the amount of time they are there. The kitchen or waste strength will be similar to a normal home. The use of cleaners must be watched in these systems. Excessive cleaning, which is common in day cares, can lead to the killing of the bacteria and lower efciency in the treatment tanks.

Commercial kitchen
A commercial kitchen is a food preparation center that prepares multiple meals or food products and typically generates high-strength wastewater. The food service wastewater from these facilities is non-toxic, non-hazardous wastewater and is similar in composition to domestic wastewater, but which may occasionally have one or more of its constituents exceed typical domestic ranges. It includes all the sewage wastes from commercial food preparation, food processing or food production sources. Restaurants and bars almost always have high-strength waste that makes sewage treatment difcult. For this reason, a number of best management practices can be taken to facilitate treatment: Limit food particles and alcohol going down the drain. Q Limit the use of chemicals going down the drain: chemicals can kill the treatment systems good bacteria. Q Limit use of degreasers, even in cleaning supplies. Q A grease interceptor, a watertight device designed to intercept, congeal and retain or remove fats, oils, and grease (FOGs) from food-service wastewaters; may be located inside (grease separator) or outside (grease tank or grease trap) of a facility that generates commercial food service wastewater. Q Isolate kitchen waste from other sewage production Q Design tanks for a minimum of four to seven times the daily ow. Q Be aware that high water temperatures (140F) do not allow grease to solidify, adding to treatment concerns. Q More tanks in series can help cool efuent Q Be aware that septic tanks alone usually will not get the job done.

When available the Designer or Service Provider should test the efuent from the last septic tank or pump tank to determine BOD/TSS/FOG levels. Design considerations include: 1. Provide and maintain internal grease interceptor. 2. Place clean out outside structure in the lines. Schedule regular line cleaning to avoid emergency services. 3. Keep the rst outside tank close to the establishment (i.e. a short building sewer) to keep the sewage from cooling and grease solidifying in the building sewer. 4. If fat and grease are excessive, more and smaller tanks are better for cooling as there is more surface area contact with the soil. However an individual tank in series must still not be less than 25% of the total liquid capacity (MN Rules Chapter 7080.1940 B). 5. Tanks must be sized on retention time to promote adequate cooling, oatation and settling. Typical retention time for domestic wastes is 3 to 4 days. (daily ow x 3, or daily ow x 4). More retention time is likely needed for high strength wastes. The

SECTION 5: Wastewater Sources and Flows


frequency of solids removal should also be considered when determining tank size. 6. If fat and grease are excessive, more capacity above the liquid level and higher bafes may be advisable. Efuent lters should (must for MSTS) be used on the nal tank in series. 7. For high strength waste situations, it is recommended that the orice size for pressure distribution system be no smaller than 1/4 and the distal head should be no less than 5 feet. Cleanouts must be provided (MN Rules Chapter 7080.2050 sub. 4J). More frequent doses are preferable (min of 4 doses/day is required by rule), as long as the dose volume equals or exceeds four distribution pipe volumes plus the volume of the supply pipe. 8. The size of the absorption area should be sized on the greater of the maximum hydraulic load or the maximum organic load. See Table 5.1 below and calculations to determine organic loading. It may be advisable to oversize the absorption area by 50% and divide the system into 3 zones for dosing and resting cycles if secondary treatment is not employed (a must for MSTS MN Rules Chapter 7081.0270, Subp. 5 B 3). TABLE 5.1 Maximum Waste Strength Loading RatesBottom Area Only
Soil Loading Rate (gpd/ft2)
1.2 0.78 0.68 0.6 0.52 0.5 0.45 0.42

Pounds of BOD5/ft2/day
0.0017 0.0011 0.0009 0.0009 0.0008 0.0007 0.0006 0.0006

Pounds of TSS/ft2/day
0.0006 0.0004 0.0003 0.0003 0.0003 0.0003 0.0002 0.0002

Pounds of FOG/ft2/day
0.0003 0.0002 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001

Based on organic loading to a Type I system with design ow and bottom area loading with concentrations of BOD5 of 170 mg/L, TSS of 60 mg/L. and FOG of 25 mg/L.

To calculate: 1. BOD Loading _________ x (8.34 1,000,000) x _________ = ___________ BOD conc. Hydraulic Waste strength from treatment loading rate loading rate device (mg/L) (gal/ft2/day) (lbs/ft2/day) 2. TSS Loading _________ x (8.34 1,000,000) x __________ = ___________ TSS conc. Hydraulic Waste strength from treatment loading rate loading rate device (mg/L) (gal/ft2/day) (lbs/ft2/day) 3. Oil and Grease Loading _________ x (8.34 1,000,000) x ___________ = _____________ O & G conc. Hydraulic Waste strength from treatment loading rate loading rate device (mg/L) (gal/ft2/day) (lbs/ft2/day)


SECTION 5: Wastewater Sources and Flows

At campgrounds, it is likely that users unfamiliar with onsite treatment systems will be adding waste to the systems. Peak ows are often very high; for this reason, consider extra tank capacity, commercial-size efuent lters, and the use of timers. Pretreatment may also be needed to get the levels of the efuent down to domestic levels. Privies Q Pit Privies must have three feet of separation below the point where sewage enters soil Q Vault Privies must meet all requirements of holding tanks 3 Q Minimum size = 25 ft Q More information on Privies is detailed in Section 7 RV Dump Stations Q At RV dump stations, there is the potential for odor-control chemicals (OCC) that may be harmful to the system, including: Q Formaldehyde (OCC): the organic strength is so high that the resulting mixture in a holding tank is fteen to twenty times stronger. Q Quats (OCC) are not biodegradable and deodorize by killing the odor-causing microorganisms. Q Enzyme-based products employ natural organic chemicals. Because they are less effective, they are not used much. Consider operating the dump station as a holding tank if OCC are in the waste stream. Pretreating the RV waste or slowly time-dosing the RV waste to the rest of the treatment system is another option. Dump stations which should be designed with excessive tank capacity. UMN recommends a 3 or 4 day retention time for holding tank sizing based on the maximum number of trailers using the facility per day (40 gallons per day)

The treatment of wastewater from laundromats is often compromised by their high use of soap, chemicals, and water. Steps can be taken to mitigate these factors, including: Use liquid soaps only; some cheap powders have excessive llers Q Sell only liquid soaps which do not have a bleach additive Q Consider doubling tank capacity Q Use of low water use washing machines Q Use of lint lters in facility Q Use of a commercial-size efuent lter on septic tank Q Increase outlet bafe size to 50-60% of tank depth

Ofce Buildings
Flow varies greatly from one ofce building site to the next. In general, there is the potential for high-strength waste due to low graywater content. There is also the potential that users will be unfamiliar with onsite treatment systems. System designers should be aware of any cooking facilities that may be present in the building, and should consider a commercial-size efuent lter when there is the potential for high-strength waste.

SECTION 5: Wastewater Sources and Flows


Schools and Churches

Because of the potential for high-attendance events to be held at schools and churches, peak ows can be quite high at times, and it is likely that users will be unfamiliar with onsite systems. Consider extra tanks, timers and dual elds so one can be rested. System designers should ask if a cooking facility is present. If so, the waste will be high strength and will require additional design considerations. Consider commercial-size efuent lters.

Hotels and Motels

Again, there is the potential that users at hotels and motels will be unfamiliar with onsites. System designers should ask if a cooking facility is present. Consider commercial-size efuent lters. If the facility is seasonal, consider dual elds to rest and help with freeze protection.

Medical Facilities
There is the potential for users unfamiliar with onsites. There is also the potential for harmful chemicals to enter the system, including left-over medicine and cleaning chemicals. Leftover medications should not be ushed down the toilet and janitorial staff should be educated about the appropriate use of cleaning chemicals to ensure a sanitary environment while minimizing product use. Sharps/red bag waste must not go into system. Consider commercial-size efuent lters. The well setback for is increased to 150 for systems serving this type of waste.

Beauty Salons and Barbers

Hair and other chemicals should not be allowed to enter the system. Good catch basins/ screens should be placed in sinks. Have one sink for rinsing out perms/hair color that drains to a holding tank, as the chemicals used in these processes can be hazardous. Consider a commercial-size efuent lter.

Automotive Garages
No oor drains where vehicle maintenance is being performed should drain to a SSTS. Instead, these drains should go to a holding tank. Flammable waste traps are a good idea in case of spills or misuse. Hazardous waste can not be allowed to enter the system. If a thick layer of oil/grease forms on the on top of the tank, laboratory analysis should be conducted to determine what the layer is composed of and should be checked for hazardous waste. If there is no hazardous waste, the wastewater may be thinly land applied or brought to a permitted waste treatment facility.

Filling Stations, Service Stations, Car Washes

The oil and grease wastes from a lling station or car wash can not be allowed to ow into a septic system. Such wastes, including oor washing wastes from the service bay should be discharged into a holding tank which is pumped and cleaned when full. EPA prohibits oor drain waste from a service station from entering an onsite system. Only the toilet wastes from a service station should ow into a septic tank and subsurface soil absorption system. See Section 13 Forms: Underground Discharge System (Class V) Inventory for more information about systems for these establishments. All of these facilities have a high potential for hazardous waste. As a Designer, be sure to communicate the care of these chemicals and the responsibility to control their discharge. As a professional developing a simple care plan is also important for the proper operation of the facility.


SECTION 5: Wastewater Sources and Flows

When a single onsite system is designed to treat an average design ow greater than 10,000 gallons per day, the owner or owners must apply for a state disposal system (SDS) permit from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. A professional engineer (PE) must be involved in the design of any SSTS that requires a SDS permit. According to MN Rules Chapter 7081.0040, Subp. 1: a. All MSTS must be designed and operated according to this chapter, except as modied through an ordinance in compliance with chapter 7082 and Minnesota Statutes, section 115.55. All MSTS must be designed, installed, inspected, pumped, and operated by a qualied employee under part 7083.1010 or a licensed business under part 7083.0710. All MSTS must conform to applicable state statutes and rules. b. The owner or owners of a single SSTS or a group of SSTS under common ownership must obtain an SDS permit from the agency according to chapter 7001 when all or part of proposed or existing soil dispersal components are within one-half mile of each other and the combined ow from all proposed and existing SSTS is greater than 10,000 gallons per day. For proposed SSTS, the ow must be determined according to item D. For existing SSTS, the ow is determined by the greater of: (1) the average maximum seven-day measured ow; or (2) the ow determined according to item D. c. An SDS permit is required for any subsurface sewage treatment system or group of subsurface sewage treatment systems that the commissioner determines has the potential or an increased potential to cause adverse public health or environmental impacts if not regulated under a state permit. Conditions for these permits include systems in environmentally sensitive areas, unsubstantiated or unexpected ow volumes, and systems requiring exceptional operation, monitoring, and management. d. Flow amounts to calculate whether an SDS permit is required must be determined according to part 7081.0110. The highest calculated value of the various methods in Table I under part 7081.0130, subpart 1, must be used to make this determination, with no reduction allowed. An SDS permit is not required if a factor of safety is added to the design ow that results in a design ow that is in excess of the SDS permit threshold.

Class V Inventory Form (EPA regulations)

These forms are required for all facilities that meet the following requirements: on-site sewage treatment systems serving 20 or more people, Q facilities that generate waste other than domestic waste, and Q inventory form must be completed and copies sent to the EPA (address listed on the form).

SECTION 5: Wastewater Sources and Flows


Hydraulics Flow Rates

7080 Versus 7081
7080 is the rule reference for determining design ows for domestic systems from dwellings with ows less under 5,000 gpd. However, 7080.1880 states that design sewage ow and waste concentration levels for other establishments with a ow of 5,000 gallons per day or less shall be determined by part 7081.0130. Chapter 7081 applies to MSTS cluster systems which have ows from 5,000 to 10,000 gpd. There are many terms that apply to cluster systems that are commonly used. Cluster system is the sewage collection, treatment, and dispersal system designed to serve two or more sewage-generating dwellings or facilities. This implies a planning concept incorporating green space and common wastewater treatment. Q Collector system is typically an older development that needs to treat the wastewater offsite incorporating a collection system. Q Decentralized system includes the collection, treatment, and dispersal/reuse of wastewater from individual homes, clusters of homes, isolated communities, industries, or institutional facilities, at or near the point of waste generation. Q Distributed sewer system is an area-wide system of individual, community, and cluster wastewater treatment systems that is managed by one or more management entities. Systems may include all forms of treatment, dispersal, discharge, reuse or recycle alternatives. In both Chapter 7080 and 7081 the design ows calculated are ow maximums, meaning that the systems should not actually receive this amount of wastewater daily to ensure long term performance. It is recommended that the average ow to the system be less then 70% of the design ow.

General Hydraulic Considerations

There are numerous terms used to apply to hydraulics and ow that a professional needs to understand in the design and operation of a SSTS: Flow rate, average daily: average volume of wastewater in a 24-hour period; calculated from values measured over a period of time Q Flow rate, daily: measured volume of wastewater generated from a facility in a 24hour period; expressed as a volume per day Q Flow rate, daily design: estimated peak volume of wastewater for any 24-hour period; parameter used to size non-residential systems Q Flow rate, design: estimated volume of wastewater per unit of time for which a component or system is designed; commonly called design ow; see ow, design Q Flow rate, peak hourly: highest ows measured for a one-hour period Q Flow rate, peak instantaneous: highest recorded ow rate occurring within a given period of time Q Flow surge: ow of efuent greater than average and occurring for short periods of time Q Flow equalization: system conguration that includes sufcient efuent storage capacity to allow for uniform ow to a subsequent component despite variable ow from the source


SECTION 5: Wastewater Sources and Flows

Figure 5.2 charts the ow entering a system over the course of a week and graphically identies many of the above terms. FIGURE 5.2 Flow Rates Vary Signicantly

Design Process for Flow Equalization

1. The tank capacity is determined by adding: a. the minimum volume required to keep the pump submerged, b. a surge volume equal to the ow generated during the designated storage period, and c. the reserve volume above the alarm activation level. 2. It is recommended that the equalization tank be designed to hold at least twice the average daily ow of the facility and dose it over the course of more than a single day. 3. The ow from a surge or ow equalization tank is controlled by a timer that controls pump operation according to xed on (dose) and off (rest) cycles. Efuent delivery can then be spread out over several days. See the MPCA publication, Prescriptive Designs and Design Guidance for Advanced Designers for more information about ow equalization.

Estimates of Flow for Dwelling Design

The estimates of ow used in Minnesota to size sewage treatment systems allow for a safety factor so that systems will function properly even when serving a residence or other establishment with higher than average rates of water use. Chapter 7080 species estimated sewage ow rates depending upon the size of residence and the number of waterusing appliances. From 7080.1850, Subp.1 & 2, if construction of additional dwellings or bedrooms, the installation of water-using devices, or other factors likely to affect the operation

SECTION 5: Wastewater Sources and Flows


of the ISTS can be reasonably anticipated, the system must be designed to accommodate these factors. The estimated design ow for any dwelling must provide for at least two bedrooms. For multiple or multifamily dwellings, the design ow consists of the sum of the design ows for each individual unit. A bedroom is dened in 7080.1100, Subp. 9, is an area that is: a. a room designed or used for sleeping; or b. a room or area of a dwelling that has a minimum oor area of 70 square feet with access gained from the living area or living area hallway. Architectural features that affect the use as a bedroom under this item may be considered in making the bedroom determination. The estimated sewage ows presented in Table 5.1 are based on the number of bedrooms in a residence. Because the individuals who occupy a residence use the water, the number of bedrooms is considered a good index of the potential water use. For a Class I residence, the estimated water use is equal to 150 gallons per day (gpd) per bedroom. This assumes occupancy of two people per bedroom, each using 75 gpd. This is a conservative estimate for many residences, although it may be low for large and high-value residences. The notes in Table 5.2 suggest a classication for the various types of residences according to home size and number of water-using appliances. Dwelling does not include a single-family or multifamily residence that serves both as a domicile and a place of business. If the business increases the volume of sewage above what is normal for a dwelling, a designer should add the additional ow from the business to the values in Table 5.2. If the liquid waste generated from business operations no longer qualies as domestic sewage, additional design considerations must accommodate the waste type and strength. TABLE 5.2 Estimated Sewage Flows in Gallons per Day (from MN Rules Chapter 7080.1860 Table IV)
Number of Bedrooms 2 or less 3 4 5 6 Class I
300 450 600 750 900

Class II
225 300 375 450 525

Class III
180 218 256 294 332

Class IV
* * * * *

* Flows for Classication IV dwellings are 60 percent of the values as determined for Classication I, II, or III systems. For more than six bedrooms, the design ow is determined by the following formulas: Classication I: Classication I dwellings are those with more than 800 square feet per bedroom, when the dwellings total nished oor area is divided by the number of bedrooms, or where more than two of the following water-use appliances are installed or anticipated: clothes washing machine, dishwasher, water conditioning unit, bathtub greater than 40 gallons, garbage disposal, or selfcleaning humidier in furnace. The design ow for Classication I dwellings is determined by multiplying 150 gallons by the number of bedrooms. Classication II: Classication II dwellings are those with 500 to 800 square feet per bedroom, when the dwellings total nished oor area is divided by the number of bedrooms, and where no more than two of the water-use appliances listed in Classication I are installed or anticipated. The design ow for Classication II dwellings is determined by adding one to the number of bedrooms and multiplying this result by 75 gallons. Classication III: Classication III dwellings are those with less than 500 square feet per bedroom, when the dwellings total nished oor area is divided by the number of bedrooms, and where no more than two of the water-use appliances listed in Classication I are installed or anticipated. The design ow for Classication III dwellings is determined by adding one to the number of bedrooms, multiplying this result by 38 gallons, then adding 66 gallons. Classication IV: Classication IV dwellings are dwellings designed under part 7080.2240.


SECTION 5: Wastewater Sources and Flows

The determination of what constitutes a bedroom may seem to be an easy process; however in some cases, it has proved to be a difcult task. It should be clearly understood that the denition of a bedroom in 7080.1100, Subp. 9 is intended to be used only to estimate sewage ow from the dwelling. It must not be used to determine the adequacy or safety of a room for sleeping purposes. Please refer to the International Residential Code (http:// www.iccsafe.org), the Minnesota State Building code (http://www.doli.state.mn.us/ccld/ Codes.asp), or other pertinent building codes for those requirements. The denition of bedroom was crafted to be as specic as possible to address a majority of the ow determination situations that will be encountered. However, there may be unique situations in which this denition may need to be interpreted. Excerpts from the MPCAs fact sheet, Bedroom Denition for Determining SSTS Size are offered below to provide guidance to designers and inspectors in making these unique determinations. The main complication in crafting a denition of a bedroom is the differences between older and newer dwellings. Older dwellings were not built to a code, while newer dwellings are constructed under very detailed codes. Therefore, rooms used as bedrooms can be markedly different from older to newer dwellings. If Chapter 7080 were to be used as a bedroom denition based on a current building code, it would wrongly exclude rooms as commonly used as bedrooms in older dwellings. A survey was taken of local SSTS administrators to aid in crafting the bedroom denition. The survey results focused on two main issues - current use and architectural issues.

Current Use
MN Rules Chapter 7080 is clear that if a room or area (even if it does not meet the size or access requirements) is currently being used as a sleeping room, it is counted as a bedroom. This includes an area used for sleeping which may be unsafe. Again, this bedroom determination is to estimate ow, not to determine the safety of the room for sleeping. Exceptions can be made if the occupant who is using the room for sleeping is temporary. Examples would be: an adult child with family who has temporarily moved-in during construction of their new dwelling, and Q occasional guest(s) who sleep on a sofa-sleeper in a common living area.

Other useful sources for determining if a room is a bedroom include: Q The current or most recent real estate listing of the number of bedrooms Q The number of bedrooms listed with the local Assessors ofce Q Rooms labeled as bedrooms on the house plans Q Rooms with smoke detector Q All rooms on a second level that are not bathrooms

Architectural Issues
These are features common to designated bedrooms or rooms used as sleeping areas: Q Rooms or areas with legal egress Q Rooms with a closet Q Rooms which are adjacent to a three-quarter bathroom

SECTION 5: Wastewater Sources and Flows


Rooms such as dens, sewing rooms, exercise rooms and home theaters should also be given serious consideration as a bedroom as they have the potential to be easily converted. Architectural features that are obstacles to the use of a room as a bedroom include: Q Rooms that are obviously a kitchen, bathroom, living room, dining room, laundry room, storage room (without windows) or family room Q Rooms and areas with low ceilings Q Rooms with arched doorways that lack a door Q Rooms and areas with half walls Q Rooms and areas with no privacy Q Rooms and areas without egress to the outside Q Rooms and areas with no source of light and ventilation to the outside Q Rooms and areas that are used as a passage to other rooms, stairs, or bathrooms unless this is the only sleeping area in the dwelling Q Open lofts A minimum ceiling height is seven feet for basements and seven feet, six inches for upper oors; for attic areas having downward-tapering ceilings a minimum height of ve feet is allowed. Areas less than ve feet in height are not included in the 70 sq. ft. minimum oor area calculation.

LGU ordinance considerations

The following are examples of ordinance amendments being used by some LGUs to address whether or not a questionable room is counted as a bedroom. These may not be applicable to all LGUs. 1. Requiring documentation from builder/owner of a permanent feature that precludes the use of the room as a bedroom 2. Limiting the number of bedrooms for a typical single family dwelling 3. Requiring a minimum number of bedrooms for a typical single family dwelling 4. Requiring techniques to insulate the system if freezing is a concern for a dwelling with a large number of bedrooms but a water use well below the design volume

Financial considerations
Typically, the increase in cost of adding an additional bedroom to a system design is not exorbitant. A larger system size adds longevity and often recaptures the additional cost over the life of the system.

Sample bedroom determinations

Table 5.3 below offers some common situations, suggestions on the bedroom determination, and reasons supporting suggested determination. Always remember to check with the LGU to see whether they have stricter provisions in their ordinance.


SECTION 5: Wastewater Sources and Flows

TABLE 5.3 Bedroom Determination

Room description
Den, exercise room or sewing room on house plan that is > 70 ft2 Room used as bedroom in an existing dwelling that is < 70 ft2 and has no egress Laundry room in existing dwelling is > 70 ft2 Open loft in existing dwelling used as a bedroom Open loft on house plan Open loft in existing dwelling currently used as a play room Basement room >70 ft2 with egress Basement >70 ft2 without egress

Yes Yes No Yes No No Yes No

Supporting reasoning
Meets minimum size requirements and has no precluding architectural features Currently being used as a bedroom Plumbing, sinks, and washer/dryer are obstacles to use as a bedroom Currently being used as a bedroom Open is a an obstacle to use as a bedroom Not being used as a bedroom, and Open is an obstacle to use as a bedroom Meets Rule requirements of size and architectural features Lack of egress is an obstacle to use as a bedroom

Use the Design Summary Worksheet in the Forms Section with every design.

Estimated Flow- Class II IV Dwellings

If ows estimates less than Type I are going to be used for design, water conservation is critical. Water conservation is dened by CIDWT as the management of water resources so as to eliminate waste or maximize efciency utilizing such methods as using the same water again before it is wasted (becomes wastewater), installing water-efcient plumbing, or wastewater recycling and reuse. MN Rules Chapter 7080.1860 denes ow estimates for a variety of dwelling classications.

Class II
A study on water use from the 1970s indicated that, on average, there was one more occupant in a house than the number of bedrooms. Using this information, the MPCA developed a reduced ow estimate for SSTS sizing if the dwellings contain 500 to 800 square feet per bedroom, when the dwellings total nished oor area is divided by the number of bedrooms, and where no more than two of the water-use appliances listed in Classication I are installed or anticipated. The design ow for Classication II dwellings is determined by adding one to the number of bedrooms and multiplying this result by 75 gallons.

Class III
Classication III dwellings are those with less than 500 square feet per bedroom, when the dwellings total nished oor area is divided by the number of bedrooms, and where no more than two of the water-use appliances listed in Classication I are installed or anticipated. The design ow for Classication III dwellings is determined by adding one to the number of bedrooms, multiplying this result by 38 gallons, then adding 66 gallons. These ow estimates are extremely conservative compared to more recent water use research (Mayer, 1999).

Class IV
A Class IV residence has no ush toilet, so the value for Class I, II, or III is reduced by 40 percent: ow x .6. If a dwelling has a graywater system, it is a Class IV residence, and average daily ow is es-

SECTION 5: Wastewater Sources and Flows


timated as 60 percent of a similar house as shown in Table 5.2. Efuent from a graywater tank has to enter a soil treatment system for nal treatment. It cannot be discharged to the surface. Proper sizing of the soil absorption system is based on Class IV ows and the appropriate soil hydraulic loading rate. See Section 7 for the discussion of the products available for the removal of the ush toilets from the source.

Measuring Flow for Design and Management

Flow measurement is any method used to accurately quantify the ow of liquid. From MN Rules Chapter 7080.1100, Subp. 35, ow measurement means any method to accurately measure water or sewage ow, including, but not limited to, water meters, event counters, running time clocks, or electronically controlled dosing. These methods are discussed below.

Water Meters
Septic systems are becoming more expensive both to install and to repair, so one goal is to design them to treat the actual amount of ow rather than an estimated amount, which may be high or low. Another goal is to get optimum use over the longest possible time from existing systems. In order to achieve these goals, it is helpful to know actual ow rates, which the water meter provides. While it is often necessary to use the values in Table 5.2 to estimate sewage ows, more accurate data should be obtained if possible. For example, if a chain restaurant is to be located beyond the reach of municipal sewer, then data should be obtained from the parent company on water use rates of comparable facilities. A water meter can help ensure successful septic system operation. To get keep track of the amount of water entering the septic system, include a water meter in the design of the system, or add one to an existing system. All systems with pump and MSTS (MN Rules Chapter 7081.0230 D) must have a water meter installed, or they must have some other means of measuring ow - such as a running time clock or event counter on a pump. Water meters come in many different shapes and sizes. Most water meters are designed to deal with clean water, which means that they may not function properly if they are used to measure the ow of sewage. For example, many water meters have small paddles or wheels that move to measure ow. These moving parts can be easily plugged by solids in sewage. One way to avoid this problem is to measure the ow of clean water before it is used in the house. These meters should measure the water used inside the house, but not the water used outside for watering lawns and gardens, lling swimming pools, or washing cars, since this water does not enter the septic system. A lter to catch small particles should be installed to protect the water meter. Placing the meter after the water softener is common. If its difcult to install a water meter so that it does not include the water to be used outdoors, try to estimate outside use, or use only data from December to March, when there is typically no outdoor use of water.


SECTION 5: Wastewater Sources and Flows

Water meters measure ow in either gallons per minute, gallons per hour, or cubic feet per second. Before doing any calculations using data from the meter, check to be sure of the units of measurement. Designs for septic systems typically use gallons per day. If the meter measures gallons per minute, multiply by 1,440 minutes per day. If it measures gallons per hour, multiply by 24 to get the gallons per day. If it measures cubic feet per second, multiply by 646,272 to convert to gallons per day. (See Table 5.4) TABLE 5.4 Water Meter Conversions
Meter Reading
28 gallons per minute (gpm) 28 cubic feet (ft ) 0.5 cubic feet per second (ft3/s)

Conversion Calculation
28 gpm x 1440

Converted Values
40,320 gpd

The water meter should be installed by a plumber to make sure it is put in properly. Although it is installed directly into the water system, it will not affect water pressure.

Another type of clean water meter often found in houses is an ondemand water softener. These water softeners measure ow and 28 ft x 7.48 209 gallons recycle at certain set ow amounts. This system may also be used 323,126 gpd 28 ft3/s x 646,272 to calculate water ow. These calculations are not as straightforward as simply reading a meter and multiplying by a factor of 24 or 1,440, but this is a valid method of measuring clean water ow.

Event counter (cycle counter)

Another way to use a pump as a measurement device is to use an event counter. An event or cycle counter is a device used to record the number of times a component has been activated (e.g., activation of a pump followed by deactivation is one cycle). An event counter is a meter that records every instance of the pump turning on. By counting the number of times the pump turns on during a day you can measure the ow of wastewater going out to the system provided that you know from the septic system design how many gallons are to be pumped each time the pump turns on. This method is not as accurate as a running time clock because the oats that turn the pump on have some variability. That is, the pump may turn on at six inches the rst time and then 6-l/2 inches the second time. That can be a 15 to 20 gallon discrepancy each dose. If the event counter is turning ve times a day, at a 20-gallon per time discrepancy, your calculations could be off by as much as 100 gallons of water that day. This value is critical for the drainback calculation.

Elapsed time meter

All pumps run at a certain rate, so efuent ow can be calculated and calibrated from the pump system. This calibration can be done in the following steps: 1. the level in the tank is measured, 2. the pump is run for a known amount of time (such as two timed minutes), 3. the amount of water that remains is measured, 4. the remaining amount is divided by the amount of time that the pump was running, 5. and a pumping rate in gallons per minute is the result. Using this rate, the amount of water pumped can be calculated based on how long the pump has been running.

SECTION 5: Wastewater Sources and Flows


For example, assume you know that a tank contains 10 gallons per inch of water depth, and the depth of wastewater is three feet. (For information on determining the volume per unit depth of a tank, see Section 7). A pump is run for two minutes, and now the wastewater is measured as two feet deep. 12 x 10 gallons = 120 gallons have been pumped in two minutes, so the rate = 120 gallons / 2 minutes = 60 gallons per minute. Now nd out how many minutes the pump runs in the course of a day. If the same pump ran for a total of ten minutes, then during that day it pumped 10 x 60 or 600 gallons. This is a quick way to use a pump and a clock to calculate how much water is being used. Once you know the pumps rate, check it regularly (annually at a minimum). The rate may slow to the point where it is not evenly distributing wastewater to the soil treatment system, or it may be failing. It is good to know before the pump stops working that there is a problem. However it is measured, rate of ow is critical data that will allow the best design and operation of the septic system. Flow estimation is a great design tool. It allows for a safety factor and peace of mind. Measured ow is used both to design systems and to verify performance. By using both ow gures appropriately, you give the system the best chance of good long-term performance.

Other Establishments and MSTS Hydraulic Determinations

There are three components when determining ow from a non-dwelling. The three components are dwellings, other establishments and inltration from the collection system.

1. Dwellings
The design ow for MSTS serving existing dwellings is determined by the following calculation in conjunction with part 7080.1850: the total ow from the ten highest ow dwellings + (total ow from the remaining dwellings * 0.45) (7081.0120, Subp 2). For new housing developments to be served by a common SSTS, the developer must determine and restrict the total number of bedrooms for the development. Proposed dwellings are determined to be Classication I dwellings for ow determination purposes unless different classications are approved by the local unit of government. The determined classication system must be used in conjunction with the ow calculation method in subpart 1. If the ultimate development of phased or segmented growth meets or exceeds the thresholds in part 7081.0040, subpart 1, item B, the initial system or systems and all subsequent systems require a state disposal system permit (7081.0120, Subp 2). These methods are allowed due to less variability in ows and typically the number of residents averages out and the peaks ows are lower. If construction of additional dwellings or bedrooms, installation of additional waterusing devices, or other factors likely to increase the ow volumes can be reasonably anticipated, the MSTS must be designed to accommodate the additional capacity as determined by the local unit of government (7081.0120, Subp 3).


SECTION 5: Wastewater Sources and Flows

Per capita applicability

For systems that are operating, an estimate for actual use can be based on the people that are currently inhabiting the dwelling. For residential systems, an estimate between 50-75 gallons per person can be used for real ows. This is not a design ow but a check against the reading on the ow meters. For example, in a four-bedroom Type I home, the design ow would be 600 gpd; however, when four people are actually living in the home, the real ow should be closer to 4 x 50 gpd= 200 gpd to 4 x 75 gpd = 300 gpd. A measured ow of 500 gpd would point to higher risk due to high use or leaky xture or components. Even though size of a residence is used to estimate sewage ow, a sewage treatment system is designed for a certain number of gallons per day, not for a certain size of residence. For example, if a system is sized for 450 gallons a day (a Class I, three-bedroom home), and the home actually discharges an average of 600 or 700 gallons per day, hydraulic failure is likely to occur. The pretreatment unit will be overloaded, and each soil treatment unit has a nite capacity, which, if consistently exceeded, will lead to hydraulic overload of that system. Table 5.5, from the US EPA 2002 Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems Manual provides information on typical residential wastewater ows. TABLE 5.5 Residential Wastewater Flows
Brown & Caldwell (1984) Anderson & Siegrist (1989) Anderson, et al. (1983) Mayer et al. (1999) Weighted Average

Number of Residences
210 90 25 1188 153

Study Duration (months)

Study Average (gal/person/day)

66.2 (250.6)a

Study range (gal/person/day)

57.3 73.0 (216.9 276.3)b 65.9 75.6 (249.4 289.9) 26.1 85.2 (98.9 322.5) 57.1 83.5 (216.1 316.1)

3 2 1c

70.8 (268.0) 50.7 (191.9) 69.3 (252.3) 68.6 (259.7)

Based on indoor water use monitoring and not wastewater ow monitoring b Liters per person per day in parentheses c Based on two weeks of continuous monitoring in each of two seasons at each home (3) From US EPA Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems Manual, EPA/625/R-00/008, US EPA Ofce of Water, 2002

In addition to the daily ow variation, seasonal variations may also occur. Typically, wastewater treatment processes are sized to treat the maximum daily ow rather than simply having the capacity to treat the average daily ow. The maximum daily ow is the maximum ow that occurs over the course of a single day, perhaps 450 gallons per day for a typical 3-bedroom home. The average daily ow is the average of the ows that occur during single days over the course of some period of time perhaps years. This may be 160 gallons per day.

SECTION 5: Wastewater Sources and Flows


2. Other Establishments
According to MN Rules Chapter 7081.0130 design ows for other establishments are determined by methods A (ow estimates as shown in Table 5.6) or B (using measured ow from a seven-day period in which the establishment is at maximum capacity or use). TABLE 5.6 Estimated Design Sewage Flow from Other Establishments
Dwelling units (also see outdoor recreation)
Hotel or luxury hotel Motel Rooming house Daycare (no meals) Daycare (with meals) Dormitory Labor camp Labor camp, semipermanent

guest square foot guest square foot resident add for each nonresident meal child child person person employee

Design ow (gal/ day/unit)

55 0.28 38 0.33 45 3.3 19 23 43 18 50

Retail store

square foot customer toilet employee square foot parking space employee/8-hour shift square foot square foot practitioner patient employee/8-hour shift employee/8-hour shift with showers machine load square foot chair station nonfood vendor/space limited food vendor/space with food vendor/space

Design ow (gal/ day/unit)

0.13 3.8 590 11.5 0.15 2.5 18 0.18 1.1 275 8 17.5 25 635 52.5 2.6 68 285 15 25 50

Shopping center


Medical ofce*

Industrial building*

Laundromat Barber shop* Beauty salon* Flea market


SECTION 5: Wastewater Sources and Flows

TABLE 5.6 Estimated Design Sewage Flow from Other Establishments (contd)
Eating and drinking establishments Unit
meal without alcoholic drinks meal with alcoholic drinks seat (open 16 hours or less) seat (open more than 16 hours) seat (open 16 hours or less, single service articles) seat (open more than 16 hours, single service articles) customer car space square foot meal square foot meal customer customer customer seat

Design ow (gal/ day/unit)

3.5 8 30 50 20 35 7 30 0.5 5.0 0.2 8.5 7 2.5 4.5 36

Restaurant (does not include bar or lounge)

Restaurant (short order) Restaurant (drive-in) Restaurant (carry out, including caterers) Institutional meals Food outlet Dining hall Coffee shop Cafeteria Bar or lounge (no meals)

Entertainment establishments
Drive-in theater Theater/auditorium Bowling alley Country club Fairground and other similar gatherings Stadium Dance hall Health club/gym

car stall seat alley member (no meals) member (with meals and showers) member (resident) visitor seat person member

Design ow (gal/ day/unit)

5 4.5 185 22 118 86 1.5 5 6 35

Outdoor recreation and related lodging facilities


person with hook-up site with hook-up site without hook-up, with central bath site to be served by dump station mobile home person person person person person customer guest visitor

Design ow (gal/ day/unit)

32 100 50 63 225 20 25 45 62 50 4 10 13

Permanent mobile home Camp, day without meals Camp, day with meals Camp, day and night with meals Resort/lodge hotel Cabin, resort Retail resort store Park or swimming pool Visitor center

SECTION 5: Wastewater Sources and Flows


TABLE 5.6 Estimated Design Sewage Flow from Other Establishments (contd)
Gas station/convenience store

customer customer service bay toilet square foot square foot passenger square foot restroom

Design ow (gal/ day/unit)

3.5 11 50 250 0.25 5 5 5 565

Service station*

Car wash* (does not include car wash water) Airport, bus station, rail depot

Hospital* Mental health hospital* Prison or jail Nursing home, other adult congregate living Other public institution School (no gym, no cafeteria, and no showers) School (with cafeteria, no gym and no showers) School (with cafeteria, gym, and showers) School (boarding) Church Assembly hall

bed bed inmate resident person student student student student seat add for each meal prepared seat

Design ow (gal/ day/unit)

220 147 140 125 105 14 18 27.5 95 4 5 4

Public lavatory Public shower

user shower taken

Design ow (gal/ day/unit)

5 11

* Waste other than sewage is only allowed to be discharged into the system if the waste is suitable to be discharged to groundwater.

Unless otherwise noted in Table 5.6, the ow values do not include ows generated by employees. A ow value of 15 gallons per employee per eight-hour shift must be added to the ow amount. Design ow determination for establishments not listed in Table 5.6 shall be determined by the best available information and approved by the local unit of government (7081.0130 Subp 1 A). For these establishments the waste concentration of the efuent needs to be considered if concentrations of biochemical oxygen demands, total suspended solids, and oil and grease from the sewage are expected to be higher than 170 mg/L (or 125 mg/L CBOD5), 60 mg/L, or 25 mg/L respectively. An estimated or measured average concentration must be determined and be acceptable to the local unit of government. System design must account for concentrations of these constituents so as not to cause internal system malfunction, such as, but not limited to, clogging of pipes, orices, treatment devices, or media (7081.0130, Subp. 2).

Measured Flow
From 7081.0130, Subp. 1(B) the measured design ow of sewage for MSTS serving other establishments is determined by averaging the measured daily ows for a consecutive seven-day period in which the establishment is at maximum capacity or use.


SECTION 5: Wastewater Sources and Flows

To calculate the measured design ow, you will need two sets of data: 1. daily ow data, and 2. capacity of the establishment for each day. A minimum of 90 days of ow during the busiest time of the year is the minimum recommended amount of data, but one full year of data is recommended (the more data you have, the greater the condence you will have). The worksheet Measured Flow: Other Establishments in the Forms section of this manual provides a location to calculate these values. Daily ow should be in gallons per day (gpd). Some water meters give cumulative readings (so that one day the meter may measure 400 gallons, the next day 850 gallons, and the next day 1,200 gallons). If this is the case, make sure to convert the gallons into a per-day unit. In this example, 400 gallons are discharged on day 1; 850 - 450 = 400 gallons for day 2; and 1200 - 850 = 350 gallons for day 3. Make sure you are using the correct units when you use the information to design a system (see Table 5.4). Capacity of the other establishment should be in the form of percentage full or percentage use. For example, a typical campground may estimate that 60 percent of its campground sites are in use. Remember that percentage is converted to a decimal format by dividing by 100. (60% 100 = 0.60) Organize the data by day number, date, ow, and capacity, with additional columns for measured maximum design ow and measured average design ow. The measured maximum design ow is calculated assuming the facility is at 100 percent capacity; therefore, the daily ows need to be converted to design ows by using the percentage capacity on that day. Calculate the measured design ow by dividing the percent capacity into the daily ow rate. Lets say for day 1 the measured ow is calculated as 2,000 0.60 = 3,333 gpd. Calculate the measured maximum design ow for each day at 100 percent capacity for each day. Measured design ow is calculated assuming the facility is at 100 percent capacity; therefore, the converted ows are used. To calculate measured average design ow, average the seven highest consecutive ows at 100 percent capacity. Calculate the average from days 1-7, then days 2-8, then days 3-9, etc. Select the highest value.

Design Process for Determining Flow

The worksheet Final Flow Total in the Forms section should be completed with the following information: 1. Calculate ows from dwellings, enter into number 1. 2. Calculate ows from other establishments: a. If existing establishment: install ow measuring device if one is not present, collect daily ow data during the time of peak facility use. A minimum of 90 days is recommended. Calculate ow characteristics from measured ow data (worksheet Measured Flow: Other Establishments). b. Use Table 5.6 (7081.0130) to determine estimated ow. This value must be used for permitting purposes. If measured ow data is not available this value will also be used for design ow. Refer to worksheet Measured Flow OE in the forms section.

SECTION 5: Wastewater Sources and Flows


c. Compare calculated ow to measured ow data. Based on best professional judgment on consultation with facility owner regarding current and future use provide documentation and LGU enter the appropriate value into number 2. 3. Add in I & I under number 3. According to MN Rules Chapter 7081.0140, the design ow must also include 200 gallons of inltration and inow per inch of collection pipe diameter per mile per day with a minimum pipe diameter of two inches to be used for the calculation. Flow values are allowed to be further increased if the system employs treatment devices that are exposed to atmospheric conditions that will inltrate precipitation. Flow estimates as calculated in this chapter shall not be relied upon for the design of collection systems. 4. Refer to code and design guidance and consult with LGU as to required design ow rate for various components in the system include grease traps, septic tanks, surge tanks, pretreatment unit and soil treatment area. 5. It is recommended that the operating permit have a mitigation trigger at 70% of design ow.

Design best-practices checklist

Be sure to check with the local government unit before any changes are made to the onsite system. Q Route your furnace, water softener and iron lter discharge out of the onsite system. Q This water can be day-lighted to the surface as long as it does not directly discharge into a water body. Alternatively, it can go into an existing drywell or abandoned drain eld. If it is day-lighted, remember that this water contains salt and can be hard on vegetation. Freezing can be a concern for day-lighted water in winter. Q Install a small separate section of draineld to deal with this water (no tank is needed). In most cases 20-50 feet2 should be sufcient. Q If only the furnace water is being added, this can go into the onsite system, but a sump or other device to collect the water must be used so water is not trickling out, causing freezing problems. Q If rerouting is not an option, a good solution for everyone is to minimize the amount of salt and water used by the softener or iron lter. Q Reduce the total volume of water used in the home. Q Adjust the water softener or iron lter to recharge less frequently. Adjusting the frequency can be done by lengthening the time between recharges on a timed unit or increasing the volume of water passing through the unit before recharging on a metered unit.

3. Inltration from the Collection System

According to MN Rules Chapter 7081.0140, the design ow must also include 200 gallons of inltration and inow per inch of collection pipe diameter per mile per day with a minimum pipe diameter of two inches to be used for the calculation. Flow values are allowed to be further increased if the system employs treatment devices that are exposed to atmospheric conditions that will inltrate precipitation. Flow estimates as calculated in this chapter shall not be relied upon for the design of collection systems.


SECTION 5: Wastewater Sources and Flows

Waste Characteristics: Waste Strength Components

Components of Wastewater
Efuent quality is the physical, biological, and chemical characteristics of a liquid owing from a component or device. The components of wastewater may be divided into four categories: biochemical oxygen demand, total suspended solids and fats, oils and grease (BOD5 , TSS, FOG), Q pathogens (fecal coliform, viruses), Q nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus), and Q other chemicals. Table 5.7 shows typical concentrations of these components in raw waste, septic tank efuent, and soil.

TABLE 5.7 Unsaturated Flow During Soil Treatment of Septic Tank Efuent
BOD5 (mg/L) TSS (mg/L) fecal coliform (MPN/100ml) viruses (PFU/ml) Nitrogen (mg/L) total NH4+ NO3total phosphorus (mg/L)

raw waste
270-400 300-400 1,000,000100,000,000 unknown 100-150 60-120 <1 10-40

septic tank efuent

140-220 45-65 100,0001,000,000,000 1,000-1,000,000,000 50-60 30-60 <1 7-15

one foot below trench bottom

B B B-100 B-1,000 *B-60 *B-40 *B-10

three feet below trench bottom

B B B B *B *B-40 *B-1

* B = background Magdorf et al., 1974 and Metcalf and Eddy, 1991

The waste strength of sewage and efuent as it passes through a treatment system can indicate the performance of a septic system. Understanding how these components enter the waste stream and are removed through the treatment process is critical for system designers and service providers. This section will describe these wastewater components.

Waste Strength
Residential strength efuent is dened as septic tank efuent or other treatment device with a BOD5 less than or equal to 170 mg/L; TSS less than or equal to 60 mg/L; and fats, oils, and grease less than or equal to 25 mg/L (7081.0130, Subp 2). High-strength wastewater is dened as: 1. inuent having BOD5 greater than 300 mg/L; and/or TSS greater than 200 mg/L; and/or fats, oils, and grease greater than 50 mg/L entering a pretreatment component (as dened by NSF Standard 40 testing protocol); 2. efuent from a septic tank or other pretreatment component that has BOD5 greater than 170 mg/L; and/or TSS greater than 60 mg/L; and/or fats, oils, and grease greater than 25 mg/L and is applied to an inltrative surface.

SECTION 5: Wastewater Sources and Flows


Biochemical Oxygen Demands (BOD5), Dissolved Oxygen, and Total Suspended Solids (TSS)
Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) is the most widely used parameter applied to wastewater. BOD5 is a measure of the dissolved oxygen required by microorganisms to oxidize or decompose the organic matter in wastewater. A typical BOD5 value for septic tank efuent is 150 milligrams per liter. For a Type I system, the BOD5 limit is 170 milligrams per liter. When the dissolved oxygen (DO) contained in septic tank efuent is measured, it is usually very low, typically one milligram per liter. While DO in water can be as high as 12 milligrams per liter, the microorganisms in the septic tank normally use up any available oxygen to break down organic matter. Total suspended solids (TSS) is a measure of the solids that remain in the wastewater after settling has occurred in the tank. A typical TSS value is 60 milligrams per liter. BOD and total suspended solids together measure the strength of the wastewater. They can serve as an indicator of system performance. Table 5.8 identies estimated BOD for other establishments. The data is taken from a CIDWT Publication entitled, Analyzing Wastewater Treatment Systems Serving Residential and Commercial Facilities for High Strength and Hydraulic Loading, 2008. You can calculate the estimated concentration of BOD5 by using the following equation: Concentration (mg/L) = # lbs BOD5 Q(gpd) 8.35 X 1,000,000 TABLE 5.8 Estimate of Waste Strengths from Other Establishments
Type of Facility
Airports Per passenger Per employee Apartment houses multiple family Boarding houses Bowling alley (no kitchen) Camps Construction (Semi-permanent) Day (no meals) Luxury Resort - night & day/limited plumbing Church (no kitchen) Country club Dwelling single family Employee/personnel addition Factory No showers With showers Hospital Hotel Mobile home park Motel per bed space Per room w/ bath, toilet & kitchen wastes

BOD (lbs/unit/day)
0.02 0.05 0.175/unit 0.14/person 0.15/lane 0.140/person 0.031/person 0.208/person 0.140/person 0.02/seat 0.208/member 0.17/person 0.04/employee 0.073/employee 0.083/employee 0.518/bed 0.125 per room/ two person 0.140/person 0.083/bed 0.14/person


SECTION 5: Wastewater Sources and Flows

TABLE 5.8 Estimate of Waste Strengths from Other Establishments (contd)

Nursing home Ofce building (no food) Park toilet wastes only bathhouses, showers and ush toilets Restaurant Kitchen waste Toilet and kitchen waste Additional for bars and cocktail lounges School, day Add for gym/showers Add for cafeteria School, boarding Service station Shopping center (no food service or laundry) Sports stadiums Stores Swimming pools and bathhouses Theaters Drive-in Indoor Trailer Park 0.26/person 0.05/employee 0.01/person 0.021/person 0.015/meal 0.021/customer 0.01/customer 0.031/student 0.011/student 0.011/student 0.208/student 0.021/vehicle served 0.050/employee 0.20/person 0.832/toilet room 0.021/person 0.010/car space 0.010/seat 0.35/trailer

Types of BOD
Biochemical Oxygen Demand
BOD or Biochemical Oxygen Demand is the quantity of dissolved oxygen consumed by microorganisms during the microbial and chemical oxidation of the constituents contained in a wastewater sample during an incubation period at a given temperature. The biochemical oxygen demand represents the oxygen utilized during the oxidation of both carbon and nitrogenous compounds.

Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5)

BOD5 or Biochemical Oxygen Demand 5-day is the quantity of dissolved oxygen consumed by microorganisms during the breakdown of organic matter in a wastewater sample during a 5-day incubation period and measured in mg/L at 20oC. It is used as a means to describe the amount of organic matter present in the water. Biodegradable organic matter is provided in terms of pounds of BOD5 per person (capita) per day by using the BOD5 concentration and daily ow. Biochemical oxygen demand is a measure of the oxygen required by bacteria, chemicals, and other organisms to break down organic matter over a ve day period. It is an indicator of the overall strength of the wastewater. Most designs assume that all residential sources generate a concentration of 300 mg/L of BOD5, and after pretreatment in a properly sized septic tank the BOD5 is reduced to approximately 170 mg/L (Table 5.7). However, these concentrations can vary from site to site.

Carbonaceous Biochemical Oxygen Demand (CBOD)

CBOD or Carbonaceous Biochemical Oxygen Demand is the quantity of dissolved oxygen consumed by microorganisms during the breakdown of organic carbon in a wastewater sample during an incubation period of 5 days at 20C. An inhibitor is placed in the sample to prevent growth of nitrogenous oxidizing microbial populations. It is used as a

SECTION 5: Wastewater Sources and Flows


means to describe the amount of organic carbon present in the water that can be broken down with microbial processes.

Nitrogenous Biochemical Oxygen Demand (NBOD)

NBOD or Nitrogenous Biochemical Oxygen Demand is the quantity of dissolved oxygen consumed by microorganisms during the oxidation of nitrogenous compounds such as protein and ammonium in a wastewater sample during an incubation period of 5 days at 20C. It is used as a means to describe the amount of organic nitrogen (such as urea, proteins, etc.) present in the water. It is not usually used in typical wastewater analysis.

Ultimate Biochemical Oxygen Demand (UBOD)

Ultimate Biochemical Oxygen Demand is the measure of the oxygen required to complete the breakdown of the organic matter. The UBOD consists of summing the oxygen demand required to oxidize the organic matter in the wastewater, synthesize the organic matter into new cell tissue, and the endogenous respiration where cell tissue is consumed by other microbes to obtain energy for cell maintenance. The UBOD is not typically a value measured in lab analysis.

High BOD5 levels are caused by high organic loading to the system. In a residential system, the number of people in the house could be greater than that for which the system was designed and originally constructed. In this situation it is also possible that the concentration might not be elevated, but the overall organic mass loading could be signicantly higher. An elevated BOD5 concentration could also be inuenced by the activities that are happening at the source. In homes or restaurants, the presence of a garbage disposal, the types of foods prepared and methods to prepare them can increase the BOD5 levels. In a home, a large portion of BOD5 is produced from toilet water. Toilet water also produces a large part of the natural microorganisms. A high BOD5 (> 170 mg/L) can cause the growth of excessive biomass that can clog and shorten the lifespan of the soil treatment area. High BOD5 in the efuent moving to the downstream components of the treatment train could be also be caused by a broken inlet or outlet bafe in the septic tank, infrequent tank maintenance, or reduced biological activity in the septic tank. BOD5 levels are roughly cut in half in a properly operating septic tank (Magdorf, 1974). Bafes manage the ow of sewage to facilitate settling and anaerobic decomposition. BOD5 reduction is limited if bafes are not operational. Appropriately removing accumulated scum and sludge from the tank also facilitates the proper operation of a septic tank. Chemicals used by the source may play a large role in inhibiting the reduction of the BOD5, therefore causing a high efuent BOD5 concentration. Onsite wastewater treatment systems use naturally existing microorganisms to reduce the contaminants and treat wastewater. During treatment, the microorganisms feed on constituents in the wastewater, reducing their concentration and resulting in cleaner wastewater. Harsh chemicals, such as bleach, detergents, cleaners, and disinfectants, can kill these microorganisms and reduce their ability to breakdown contaminants such as BOD5. Low BOD5 from a home may be due to a low occupancy or a low number of meals prepared at home. A low BOD5 concentration may also be created through dilution from higher than normal hydraulic ows into the wastewater treatment system. This dilution

Source and Impact of BOD5 on Systems


SECTION 5: Wastewater Sources and Flows

effect could be due to the extra use of appliances, such as laundry machines, Jacuzzis, or long showers. Leaking xtures can also add extra water. If clear water sources such as water treatment systems or condensate drains are plumbed into the system, the increase in carriage water volume will dilute the constituents in the wastewater and decrease the concentration of food supply. Commercial systems may have a low BOD5 if a low percentage of the wastewater comes from the bathroom and the rest comes from sources with low BOD5 contributions with signicant carriage water volume. In typical wastewater treatment trains, your senses may assist in estimating relative BOD5 concentrations. You can recognize BOD5 levels that are not average by the clarity of the water. Clear water is an indication of a low BOD5 level. The cloudier the wastewater is, the higher the organic loading. This assumes suspended clays are not part of the waste stream. If the wastewater odor is sour and rancid or if it smells like a detergent or a cleaner, this may be a sign that chemicals are present that can inhibit biological treatment, resulting in a high BOD5.

Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)

Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) is a measure of the amount of organic matter oxidized by a strong chemical oxidant. COD is used to measure organic matter in commercial, industrial, and municipal wastes that contain compounds toxic to biological life where the BOD5 test would not work. The COD levels in a wastewater sample are almost always greater than BOD5 levels because more compounds can be chemically oxidized in the COD test than can be biologically oxidized in the BOD test. In most cases, once the COD/BOD5 relationship is known for a particular facility, the COD concentration of a sample can be used to approximate the BOD5 concentration. The COD test can generally be done within 2.5 hours, whereas a BOD5 test takes ve days. A COD test is performed when a quick determination of oxygen demand is needed.

Total Suspended Solids (TSS)

Total suspended solids or TSS is the most common measure of the amount of solids in wastewater efuent. TSS is the measure of all suspended solids in a liquid, typically expressed in mg/L. It is measured by ltering a well-mixed sample through a standard glass ber lter and drying the residue retained on the lter at 217 to 221 degrees F (103 to 105 degrees C). The increase in the weight of the lter represents the amount of total suspended solids. Other terms and measurements of solids in wastewater treatment systems are: Solids, settleable: suspended solids that will settle out of suspension within a specied period of time, expressed in milliliters per liter (mL/L) Q Solids, total (TS): mineral, cells, etc. left in wastewater after evaporation of the water fraction at 103 degrees C, typically expressed in mg/L Q Solids, total dissolved (TDS): material that passes a standard glass ber lter, and remains after evaporation at 103 degrees C, typically expressed in mg/L Q Solids, volatile: weight loss on ignition of total, solids, not distinguishing between inorganic and organic matter and including loss due to decomposition or volatilization of some mineral salts at 550 degrees C TSS and BOD5 are typically the two parameters used to measure wastewater strength and treatment performance relating to organic/inorganic matter. TSS (as stated earlier)

SECTION 5: Wastewater Sources and Flows


is measured by performing a solids analysis but can also be estimated by a turbidity test. Turbidity is the physical clarity of the water and is an indicator of the presence of suspended matter in wastewater. A quick and dirty TSS test can be determined with an Imhoff Cone. A visual test will determine if TSS levels are high or low when a sample of wastewater is placed in a cone against a light background.

Impact of TSS on systems

High TSS can place a great demand on the downstream devices and could lead to clogged components and orices in distribution manifolds. High TSS can result from: The system being under-designed for the source supply Q Use of low ow xturesalthough they conserve water, they do not reduce the constituent mass loading and result in higher concentrations Q Use of a garbage disposal Q Kitchen practicese.g., kitchen clean-up, food preparation, or cuisine Q Above average use of toilet paper, which can be broken down biologically but only by fungus, which needs air to function. Microbes present in septic tanks typically do not break down paper products which are wood-based Q Laundry machinesdue to clothing bers, clay, or soils present on the clothes The volume of dirt or grime present in the laundry will directly relate to the habits, hobbies, and occupation of the residents.

Although low TSS is not a problem for the system, it could indicate that something else is wrong with the system. Low TSS could be due to: Fewer users on the system than considered in the original design Q Higher ows from low TSS sources Q Clear water inows

Fats, Oils and Grease (FOG)

FOG (fats, oils, and grease) is a constituent of sewage typically originating from food stuffs (animal fats or vegetable oils) or consisting of compounds of alcohol or glycerol with fatty acids (soaps and lotions), typically measured in mg/L.

Sources of FOG
Fat found in onsite wastewater treatment systems is animal fat, oil is from vegetable and cooking oils, and grease is from petroleum based soaps. FOG are generally treated in onsite wastewater treatment systems by separating them from the wastewater stream. At high temperatures FOG are in a liquid state, but as the temperature cools, the fats component will solidify (Table 5.9). FOG can be trapped in pretreatment components, such as septic tanks and grease traps, where they typically oat to the top of tanks. They are less dense and lighter than water. It is important to try to contain FOG early in the system, because they can accumulate inside pipes and lead to clogging of downstream components. FOG also contribute to BOD5 and TSS concentrations. FOG in excessive amounts interfere with aerobic biological processes and lead to decreased treatment efciency. The expected levels of FOG concentration must be considered during wastewater treatment design.


SECTION 5: Wastewater Sources and Flows

TABLE 5.9 Characteristics of fats, oils and grease in wastewater.

Fats Oils Grease

State at Room Temperature1

Solid Liquid Liquid

Derived From
Animal fat Vegetable and cooking oils Petroleum based products: soaps, hair conditioners, tanning oils, oil/grease on hands/clothes, bath oils, etc.

Non-toxic to the system Non-toxic to the system Residual material on appliances; solid material attached to pans/equipment; may potentially be toxic to microbes commonly present in the wastewater treatment system.

1 2

Room temperature assumes 80F. Warning: the use of a degreaser will move all of these components through the wastewater system

FOG in domestic wastewater will generally originate in the kitchen or bathroom. Kitchen FOG usually come from disposing animal- or vegetable-based food scraps and liquids down the sink. Households using garbage disposals will have 30-40 percent more FOG than households not using garbage disposals. Bath oils, sun tan lotions, hair conditioners, and moisturizing creams are bathroom sources of FOG that enter the wastewater stream. An increased use in cooking oils, lotions, and hair conditioners will directly increase the FOG concentration in the wastewater. Low FOG, although it is not considered a problem, could be the result of not using the kitchen or of higher than normal ows entering the system. Low FOG can also be attributed to the use of bar soap instead of liquid soaps.

Impact of FOG on systems

Fat Animal fat is relatively easy to hold in a tank because its quite sensitive to temperature. It becomes a solid at 80F, and wastewater temperature is usually less than 80F. Animal fat will break down in the soil, but it takes four times more energy to break down than the organic matter typically measured by BOD5. Fat is added to the system from cooking, clean up, and dish washing, so commercial systems will typically have higher levels of fat than residential systems. If a system is supplied with a lot of animal fat, it will typically stay in the septic tank. If it is contained in the septic tank, it may not be observed in FOG measurements in downstream components. Oils Vegetable oil is not as sensitive to temperature as fat and can pass through the system. Oil can also be broken down through a biological process, but it takes 12 times more energy to break down oil than the organic matter typically measured by BOD5. There are many different types of oils used, but vegetable is the most common. Vegetable oil is often used in the liquid form, but it can also be solid shortening. The liquid form is harder to hold in a tank. Table 5.10 lists several different types of fats and oils that are commonly used and lists their physical properties.

SECTION 5: Wastewater Sources and Flows


TABLE 5.10 Cooking fat and oil physical properties (adapted from CIA, 1996)
Substance Corn Oil Olive Oil Vegetable Oil Canola Oil Soy-bean Oil Sunower Oil Cottonseed Oil Shortening Lard (Fat) Melting Point (F) 12 32 n/a 14 3.2 2 55 115 86 Density (g/mL) @ 59-68 (F) 0.923 0.918 0.910 0.92 0.92 0.919 0.926 n/a 0.919

The ability of the oil to separate is inuenced not only by temperature, but also by how the oil was generated and used. Free oil will rise to the wastewater surface and be easily separated when the mixture is allowed to become quiescent. Emulsied oil has been broken up into very small droplets and occurs either by mechanical or chemical action. An example of mechanical emulsication is when extremely hot water from a dishwasher is mixed with the oil. Given time and a decrease in temperature, this oil can be separated. Chemical emulsication occurs when detergents or cleaners produce a mix of oil and water. Degreasing compounds can generate dissolved oils, in which discrete oil particles are no longer present. Chemically emulsied oil will take a longer time to separate, increasing the risk of carrying it to downstream components unless long quiescent periods are available to allow separation. Grease Grease is petroleum-based and can be toxic to a system. Because grease is petroleumbased, it cannot be broken down, but it can be separated. Grease comes from lotions, hair products, and soaps. Typically, there will be a higher percentage of grease in the FOG from residential systems when compared to most commercial systems. Grease can build up over time, coating components and inhibiting treatment of other constituents in the wastewater.

Design Process for HSW

a. Evaluate reference documents for potential of generating HSW. b. Evaluate other establishment sources using Facility Use Survey. See attachment. c. Sample efuent from the existing system, if possible. i. When. The system should be sampled within 18 hours of known peak usage. It is optimum if the tank is not in need of pumping (worst case) and not pumped recently (best case) to get a representative sample. ii. Where. It is best to sample from the outlet of the last septic tank or pump tank. iii. How. Samples can be either pumped from the wastewater surface inside the bafe of the tank or a bottle can be lowered into the gap taking the sample as near to the wastewater surface as possible. The sides of the bafe should be avoided so that the FOG buildup on the bafe wall is not added into the sample. If a sample is taken from a pump tank be sure to move aside a scum layer if it exists.


SECTION 5: Wastewater Sources and Flows

d. Either with estimates or measurements determine if the design must account for high strength wastewater. e. Calculate the projected loading to the downstream components in lbs of BOD5 per day.

Biological Treatment Processes

Wastewater Oxygen States
To fully understand the biological treatment process the oxidation states in a system are critical. Oxidation is: 1. the chemical reaction in which a loss of electrons results in an increase in oxidation number (valence) of an element; occurs concurrently with reduction of the associated reactant; 2. the chemical or biological conversion of organic matter to simpler, more stable forms in the presence of oxygen with a concurrent release of energy and 3. the process of a substance combining with oxygen. These treatment process can either occur under aerobic, anaerobic or anoxic conditions. 1. Aerobic: having molecular oxygen (O2) as a part of the environment, or a biological process that occurs only in the presence of molecular oxygen. Typically aerobic bacteria dominate in this environment and metabolize only in the presence of molecular oxygen. 2. Anaerobic: absence of molecular oxygen (O2) as a part of the environment, or a biological process that occurs in the absence of molecular oxygen; bound oxygen is present in other molecules, such as nitrate (NO3-) sulfate (SO42-) and carbon dioxide CO2. Anaerobic bacteria dominate in this state because they are able to metabolize in the absence of molecular oxygen. 3. Anoxic: condition in which all constituents are in their reduced form (no oxidants present); conditions in a septic tank are generally anaerobic, but not anoxic; see also aerobic and anaerobic. Biological processes for treatment take many different forms, including die-off, predation, oxidation, and mineralization. Natural die-off occurs when pathogens are held in nutrient-poor aerobic conditions. Predation occurs when microorganisms attack and destroy pathogenic bacteria and viruses. Biological oxidation occurs when bacteria break down organic matter into water and carbon dioxide (CO2). Oxidation reduces BOD5, removes pathogens, and works best under aerobic conditions. Mineralization transforms organic nitrogen into inorganic forms of nitrogen that can become part of other biologically driven treatment processes, such as nitrication and denitrication. The microbes that are used for biological treatment require food (which is the constituents in the wastewater) and an environment consisting of optimal conditions. The following parameters can inuence the effectiveness of treatment by inuencing the performance of the microbes: Dissolved oxygen (DO) Q pH Q Temperature

SECTION 5: Wastewater Sources and Flows


These parameters are used as indicators for the presence of other constituents in the wastewater. If one of these parameters is not in the expected range, then it can be assumed that the wastewater is not being properly treated, because the microbes cannot function properly. All of these parameters can be evaluated in the eld. If one of them is out of the expected range, lab tests evaluating other constituents and system performance should be run.

Dissolved Oxygen (DO)

Dissolved Oxygen (DO) is the amount of oxygen dissolved in water. It is inuenced mainly by temperature, barometric pressure (altitude), and water salinity. As temperature decreases, the amount of dissolved oxygen that can be accepted by water increases until it becomes saturated. The three oxygen states are aerobic, anaerobic, and anoxic conditions. The term aerobic is dened as having molecular oxygen (free oxygen, O2) as a part of the environment or a biological process that occurs only in the presence of molecular oxygen. An anaerobic condition is the absence of molecular oxygen as a part of the environment or a biological process that occurs in the absence of molecular oxygen but can utilize oxygen bound in other molecules, such as nitrate (NO3-). Anoxic is the condition in which all wastewater and/or efuent constituents are in their reduced form, meaning there are no oxidants present. The microorganisms (bugs) that are used for biological treatment can be categorized by the state of oxidation in which they operate. These categories of microorganisms include: Aerobes thrive in aerobic conditions Q Anaerobes thrive in anaerobic conditions Q Facultative thrive in both aerobic and anaerobic conditions

FIGURE 5.3 Relative Size of Anaerobic and Aerobic Bacteria

Free oxygen (O2) is needed for aerobic treatment to take place, and aerobic bacteria need oxygen to grow and live. Aerobic organisms respire dissolved oxygen contained in the water. Anaerobic bacteria grow and live in the absence of free oxygen. Facultative organisms have the ability to respire free oxygen when it is available and shut down the respiration process when dissolved oxygen is lacking. Table 5.11 gives the desired ranges of DO in wastewater. Anaerobic bacteria are signicantly slower at oxidation and smaller in size than aerobic bacteria (Figure 5.3), but they are much more resilient to environmental changes. Aerobic microorganisms are more sensitive to wastewater parameters (such as DO, pH and temperature), but in optimal conditions, they digest organic matter and pathogens more rapidly than do anaerobic organisms.

TABLE 5.11 Ideal Dissolved Oxygen Range in Wastewater

Low DO (mg/L) High DO (mg/L) Typical (mg/L)

0 0.5 0-0.3

0 5 0-1

0.5 5 1-3

The septic tank is typically considered an anaerobic treatment component, although there can be aerobic zones. For the most part, septic tank microbes assimilate the waste constituents in the absence of a respiration process and are commonly referred to as anaerobic microbes. Facultative microbes utilize free oxygen or assimilate waste without respiration. During assimilation of waste, the bonds holding the oxygen are broken and allow the


SECTION 5: Wastewater Sources and Flows

compounds to react with other components (i.e., SO4- H2S). Therefore, septic tanks can have both anaerobic and facultative bacteria treating the wastewater. The anaerobic bacteria do not thrive in environments with free oxygen. Water entering the septic tank has dissolved free oxygen which must be removed by the oxygen requirements of the wastewater so the anaerobic bacteria can survive. As the system matures, the anaerobic bacteria become more efcient. The oxygen demand in the system rapidly removes free oxygen entering with the inuent and maintains the anaerobic environment. The greater removal rates of BOD and TSS are achieved under this fully anaerobic environment. If the water source has low DO, then the amount of DO entering the onsite wastewater treatment system will be low. Low DO in the wastewater could also be caused by a high organic load. In aerobic treatment processes, high concentrations of BOD5, FOG, and nutrients will exhaust the oxygen in the wastewater. This is because the microbes present in the system require more oxygen to break down the increase in food. High DO can be attributed to the water source and/or dilution due to leaking xtures or inltration. Also, if there is a signicant amount of dead microbes in the system due to a chemical upset, a high DO may result. The microbes are not robust and are not depleting the oxygen supply. Although high or low DO is not a contaminant, it can be used as an indicator. Low DO is expected in the septic tank, but should be greater than 1.0 mg/L in the aeration component. Be cautious when sampling for DO not to add oxygen. In addition, the sampling method may be faulty and give inaccurate readings.

pH is a term used to describe the relative amount of acidity or basicity in the wastewater. Low pH values indicate a high concentration of hydrogen ions (acids) in solution, and high pH values indicate a low concentration of hydrogen ions (basic). The pH value can range from 1 to 14 with a value of 7 being neutral. The ideal pH in wastewater will typically be around the neutral range (Table 5.12). High pH (basic conditions) can be caused by certain laundry detergents, cleaning agents, chemicals, and high alkalinity source water. Photo developing labs and laundromats are common sources of wastewater that cause high pH. As the pH rises, the microbial population changes to organisms less efcient in the breakdown of wastewater. Low pH (acidic conditions) can be inuenced by cooking habits, low alkalinity in the water supply or acid-based cleaners. If there is an above normal use of dairy products, coffee, excessive baking, or home canning, lower pH levels in the wastewater TABLE 5.12 Ideal range for pH stream are likely. Just like high pH levels, low pH levels will only allow in wastewater certain microbes to survive, adversely inuencing wastewater treatment. Ideal Range in Wastewater The microbes at low or high pH are not as efcient as the microbes that can Low pH < 6.5 survive at an average pH level.
Ideal High pH >7.2

The pH level can be easily identied by the odor of the system. Low pH has a very acidic smell that absorbs readily into clothing and is hard to remove. High pH often smells like the chemical or cleaner that was used at the wastewater source that is causing the high pH. Over a relatively short period of time, our olfactory sensors become accustomed to an odor. As a result, the odor test can only be used at the very start of a testing or inspection before our senses get used to the odor.

SECTION 5: Wastewater Sources and Flows


Septic tank efuent on average is approximately 20 degrees (F) warmer than the ambient ground temperature. Microbial activity doubles in population every time the temperature increases by 18F (10C) until the optimum temperature is reached. As the microbial activity doubles, the biodegradation of constituents increases. This means that oxygen uptake is more rapid at warmer temperatures, requiring air to be supplied at a higher rate. The waste degrades more quickly at warmer temperatures, so it need not be held in the treatment system as long when it is warm. The converse is also true: in the winter, oxygen uptake is low and air need not be supplied as fast. However, the waste takes longer to degrade, and would thus need to stay in the treatment system longer during cold months. The practical implication of this is that aerators are designed using summer temperatures and detention tanks are designed using winter temperatures. If the temperature is too high, it will damage or kill the microbes that are providing treatment. The opposite effect occurs: as temperature decreases, so does microbial activity. It has been found that microbes used in wastewater treatment become dormant at 39.2F (4C). The ideal range for aerobic microbes decomposing the waste is between 77 and 95F (Table 5.13). Just as the microbial population varies under certain pH and DO ranges, there are specic microbes that can thrive at a particular temperature ranges (Table 5.14). TABLE 5.13 Ideal temperature range in wastewater
Ideal Range in Wastewater
Low temperature High temperature 77 F 95 F Psychrophilic Mesophilic Thermophilic

TABLE 5.14 Temperature classication of bacteria (M&E, 2003)

Type Temperature range C (F)
10-30 (50-86) 20-50 (68-122) 35-75 (95-167)

Optimum range C (F)

12-18 (53.6-64.4) 25-40 (77-104) 55-65 (131-149)

Low temperature levels can be caused by cold water entering a leaky tank or leaky plumbing, the climate, or by laundry that is washed in cold water. If the temperature is too low, the biological activity in the system will slow or stop altogether. High temperatures in a system can be caused by long hot showers, excessive laundering using hot water, dishwashers, or leaky hot water faucets. Temperatures that are over 100 F can dissolve greases and oils held within a tank. In ideal temperatures, FOG would oat to the top of the tank and separate from the wastewater stream. With high temperatures, eventually these dissolved greases and oils will end up in downstream components and clog them. Temperatures in excess of 122 F can cause aerobic digestion and nitrication processes to cease. These higher temperatures in the treatment unit are unlikely for domestic wastes but may be possible in commercial units that use a lot of hot water such as commercial kitchens.

Alkalinity refers to a wastewaters ability, or inability, to neutralize acids. The alkalinity in wastewater helps to buffer changes in pH caused by the addition of acids and is essential for the nitrication process (see page 47). Alkalinity typically occurs naturally in the source water.


SECTION 5: Wastewater Sources and Flows

The most critical component, in terms of what must be removed from wastewater, is pathogens. Pathogens are organisms that cause disease; they include viruses, protozoa, parasites, and bacteria. Examples in wastewater include Salmonella, Vibrio cholera, Entamoeba histolytica, and Cryptosporidium although almost all disease organisms could be present in wastewater. Viruses are organism too small to be seen by light microscopy. They are an obligate parasite dependent on a host cell for its metabolic and reproductive needs. Pathogens may be found in wastewater generated anywhere in the house. Any human contact with water results in the potential to add pathogens to the environment. Because of their role in spreading disease, pathogens in wastewater make wastewater treatment a public health issue.

Fecal Coliform (FC)

Some of the microorganisms found in wastewater can cause disease while others are harmless. It is nearly impossible to identify all the pathogenic organisms in wastewater. Fecal coliform bacteria is an indicator bacteria common to the digestive systems of warmblooded animals that is cultured in standard tests to indicate either contamination from sewage or the level of disinfection generally measured as number of colonies/100 mL or Most Probable Number (MPN). It is the most common test for pathogens because it is a relatively easy and inexpensive test. MN Rules Chapter 7080.1100, Subp. 30, denes fecal coliform as the bacteria common to the digestive systems of humans that are cultured in standard tests. Counts of these organisms are typically used to indicate potential contamination from sewage or to describe a level of disinfection, generally expressed in colonies per 100 mL. A colony-forming unit (cfu) is the term used to report the estimated number of bacteria in a water sample. Fecal coliform bacteria are fairly easy to test for, and their presence is an indication that pathogens, which are more difcult to isolate and identify, may also be present. An average MPN for fecal coliform bacteria in septic tank efuent is 1,000,000 cells per 100 milliliters. Sometimes total coliform bacteria is measured instead of fecal. Total coliform is a broader group of bacteria that constitute most of the intestinal ora of warm blooded animals (including the genera Klebsiella sp., Enterobacter sp., Citrobacter sp., or Escherichia sp.) The removal of these organisms through the soil treatment process is the key design factor for systems, although E-coli is becoming the preferred indicator organism because of their known pathogenic effects. The requirement of soil separation found in MN Rules Chapter 7080 comes from the removal of fecal coliform organisms. Vertical separation as the vertical measurement of unsaturated soil or sand between the bottom of the distribution medium and the periodically saturated soil level or bedrock (7080.1100, Subp 91). For a SSTS to properly treat wastewater, this zone of unsaturated soil must be present in order for benecial bacteria and microbes in the soil to remove harmful bacteria and viruses from the wastewater. The periodically saturated soil level is commonly identied by the presence of redoximorphic features. For SSTS constructed after March 31, 1996, or in a Shoreland area/Wellhead protection area/serving food, beverage, or lodging establishments (SWF area), at least three feet of vertical separation distance is required. The LGU may allow up to a 15 percent reduction in this distance; this reduction must be specied in the local ordinance. This amount of separation is allowed to be decreased according to Table 5.15 because the efuent is treated to either level A or B before reaching the soil. Treatment products are registered in Minnesota as products that either: 1) treat residential strength sewage or 2) treat commercial or high-strength sewage as follows:

SECTION 5: Wastewater Sources and Flows


Category A treatment products for residential strength sewage Q Category B treatment products for commercial or high-strength sewage

TABLE 5.15 Treatment Component Performance Levels and Method of Distribution by Texture Group1
Vertical Separation (inches)
12 to 173

Texture Group2 All sands and loamy sands

Treatment level A Uniform distribution Timed dosing Treatment level B Uniform distribution Timed dosing Treatment level A-2 or B-2 Uniform distribution Treatment level C

Sandy loam, loam, silt loam

Treatment level A Uniform distribution Timed dosing Treatment level B Uniform distribution Timed dosing Treatment level A-2 or B-2 Uniform distribution Treatment level C

Clay, clay loams

Treatment level A Uniform distribution Timed dosing Treatment level B Uniform distribution Treatment level A-2 or B-2 Uniform distribution Treatment level C

18 to 353


2 3

The treatment component performance levels correspond with those established for treatment components under the product testing requirements in Table III in part 7083.4030. With less than 50 percent rock fragments. Additional vertical separation distance is required as determined in part 7080.2150, subpart 3, item C, subitem (1), unit (b).

Category A Products and Treatment Levels

Within Category A, proprietary treatment products are listed by their ability to treat residential sewage to a specic treatment level. There are seven Treatment Levels at which treatment products can be registered (Table 5.16). Products that meet the requirements of Treatment Level A meet the highest treatment standard in removing organic matter (15 mg/L CBOD5), total suspended solids (15 mg/L TSS), and pathogenic indicator organisms (1,000 cfu/100 mL fecal coliform bacteria). TABLE 5.16 The Seven Treatment Levels for Proprietary Treatment Products
CBOD5 (mg/L) A A-2 B B-2 C TN TP * BOD5 = 170 mg/L
a Carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand or CBOD5 means the measure of the quantity of oxygen used by microorganisms in the aerobic oxidation of organic matter and other compounds containing carbon amount of oxygen required by bacteria while stabilizing, digesting, or treating the organic matter under aerobic conditions over a ve-day incubation period while in the presence of a chemical inhibitor to block nitrication. CBOD5 is commonly expressed in milligrams per liter (mg/L) (7080.0020, Subp. 12). b Total suspended solids or TSS means solids that are in suspension in water and that are removable by laboratory ltering (7083.0020, Subp. 21). c O&G means oil and grease, a component of sewage typically originating from foodstuffs such as animal fats or vegetable oils or consisting of compounds of alcohol or glycerol with fatty acids such as soaps and lotions, typically expressed in mg/L (7080.0020, Subp. 14). d Fecal coliform or FC means bacteria common to the digestive systems of warm-blooded animals humans that are cultured in standard tests. Counts of these organisms are typically used to indicate potential contamination from sewage or to describe a level of disinfection, generally expressed in colonies per 100 mL (7080.0020, Subp. 30). Category A: Designed to treat sewage with strength typical of a residential source when septic tank efuent is anticipated to be equal to or less than treatment Level C. Category B: Designed to treat high-strength sewage when septic tank efuent is anticipated to be greater than treatment level C, including restaurants, grocery stores, mini-marts, group homes, medical clinics, residences, etc. Total nitrogen and phosphorus reduction in Categories A and B

TSS (mg/L) 15 15 30 30 60 --b

O&G (mg/L)c ----25 ---

FC (#/100 mL)d 1,000 -10,000 -----

Nutrient (mg/L) -----<20 or actual value <5 or actual value

15 15 25 25 125* ---


SECTION 5: Wastewater Sources and Flows

Products that meet Treatment Level B standards have been tested to reduce organic matter to 25 mg/L CBOD5, total suspended solids to 30 mg/L TSS, and fecal coliform bacteria to 10,000 cfu/100 mL. Higher quality efuents produced using products that meet Treatment Levels A and B can be dispersed into suitable soils with reduced vertical separation and increased loading rates, depending upon soil characteristics. Soil dispersal requirements using treatment products that meet Treatment Levels A and B are specied in Minnesota Rules Chapter 7080.2150, Table IX. For a residential treatment product (Category A) listed under Treatment Level A, the product would also meet treatment standards for Treatment Level B and Treatment Level C.

Category B Products and Treatment Levels

Within Category B, products can be registered for treating high strength or commercial wastewater (i.e. restaurants, grocery stores). These products have been tested to specically reduce wastewater from high strength to typical residential strength wastewater. These products would be listed as Treatment Level C products, or products tested to reduce wastewater to typical residential strength (125 mg/L CBOD5, 80 mg/L TSS, and 20 mg/L oil and grease).

Nutrient Listing
Table 5.16 also identies those products registered for use in Minnesota that have been shown to reduce nitrogen and/or phosphorus. In order to be listed for nitrogen and phosphorus removal, independent third party testing has been completed and shown to meet a total nitrogen of <20 mg/L and a total phosphorus of <5 mg/L.


Nutrients are elements or compounds essential as raw material for growth and development of an organism; nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are primary nutrients. Two nutrients are of concern in wastewater treatment: phosphorus and nitrogen. These nutrients have different chemical characteristics: phosphorus tends to bind to soil particles, while nitrogen is more mobile in the soil.

MN Rule Treatment Requirements for Nutrients

In MN Rules Chapter 7080.2210, Subp. 4, for systems from 2,500 5,000 gpd if the system will impact the water quality of an aquifer, as dened in part 4725.0100, Subp. 21, it must employ best management practices for nitrogen reduction developed by the commissioner to mitigate water quality impacts to groundwater. For MSTS with design ows from 5,000 10,000 gpd there are additional nitrogen removal requirements: 1. if the discharge from an MSTS will impact water quality of an aquifer, as dened in part 4725.0100, subpart 21, the efuent from an MSTS, in combination with the effective recharge to the groundwater, must not exceed a concentration of total nitrogen greater than 10 mg/L at the property boundary or nearest receptor, whichever is closest; and 2. if the discharge from an MSTS will not impact water quality of an aquifer, as dened in part 4725.0100, subpart 21, best management practices developed by the commissioner to mitigate water quality impacts to groundwater must be employed; and not exceed a groundwater discharge

SECTION 5: Wastewater Sources and Flows


With MSTS, Phosphorus must also be considered. According to MN Rules 7081.0070, Subp 4 (E) discharge from the system can not exceed a groundwater discharge of phosphorus to a surface water that exceeds the phosphorus standard to the receiving water. During the Preliminary Evaluation the Designer must consider whether the ordinary high water level of public waters will be within 500 feet of the proposed soil treatment and dispersal area and if so, a preliminary assessment of phosphorus impacts to the surface water must be performed. SSTS may have additional nutrient compliance criteria when their design ow exceeds 2,500 gpd. From MN Rules Chapter 7080.1550, Subp. 5 -the compliance criteria for systems with a ow of greater than 2,500 gallons per day - systems designed under part 7080.2150, subpart 4, item A or B, must demonstrate that the additional nutrient reduction component required under those items is in place and functioning.

Portions of the following nitrogen section were taken directly from the following reference: Oakley, S. 2005. Onsite Nitrogen Removal Text. in (M.A. Gross and N.E. Deal, eds.) University Curriculum Development for Decentralized Wastewater Management. National Decentralized Water Resources Capacity Development Project. University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR. Full text and Figures available Online at: http:// www.onsiteconsortium.org/les/nitrogen.htm Nitrogen is an essential nutrient for the growth of plants and microorganisms. Nitrogen (N) is an essential chemical element and nutrient for all life forms. N constitutes 78 percent of the atmosphere by volume and is present in surface water and groundwater as ammonia (NH3), nitrite (NO2-), nitrate (NO3-), and organic nitrogen. Total nitrogen is the measure of the complete nitrogen content in wastewater including nitrate (NO3-), nitrite (NO2-), ammonia (NH3), ammonium (NH4+), and organic nitrogen, expressed as mg/L of N; all these forms of nitrogen, as well as nitrogen gas (N2), can be converted from one form to another biochemically and are components of the nitrogen cycle.

NH3 is the non-ionized form of reduced nitrogen. Q NH is the ionized form of reduced nitrogen usable by plants. 4 Q NO is the stable oxidized form of nitrogen usable by plants and usually not 3 degraded in groundwater; nitrifying bacteria can convert nitrite (NO2-) to nitrate (NO3-) in the nitrogen cycle. Q TKN is total Kjeldahl nitrogen, which is the measure of the total concentration of organic nitrogen, ammonia, and ammonium nitrogen. Q NO is the unstable oxidized form of nitrogen. 2 Q Organic N is the nitrogen bound in plant and animal matter, primarily amino acids and proteins; the amount of organic nitrogen can be obtained by separately measuring the ammonia nitrogen and subtracting that value from the total Kjeldahl nitrogen. As nitrogen moves through the treatment system, it changes from ammonia to nitrate. While it is possible for nitrate to change into nitrogen gas in some systems, standard trench and bed systems do not facilitate this change, so the nitrate may move into groundwater. A typical level of nitrogen in septic tank efuent is 40 milligrams per liter.


SECTION 5: Wastewater Sources and Flows

In drinking water, which is often from groundwater, high levels of nitrogen can be toxic to infants, causing methemaglobinemia, blue baby syndrome. Ammonia in surface waters can be toxic to sh. Advanced pretreatment may be required to minimize the release of nitrogen to the environment. The principal forms of nitrogen of concern in onsite wastewater treatment and soilgroundwater interactions are Organic-N, NH3/NH4+, N2, NO2-, and NO3-(Rittman & McCarty, 2001; Sawyer et al., 1994; US EPA, 1993). Because these forms still represent four possible oxidation states that can change in the environment, it is customary to express the various forms of nitrogen in terms of nitrogen rather than the specic chemical compound: Organic-N, NH3-N, NH4+-N, N2-N, NO2--N, and NO3--N. Thus, for example, 10 mg/L of NO3--N is equivalent to 45 mg/L of NO3- ion.

The Nitrogen Cycle in Soil-Groundwater Systems

Transformation of the principal nitrogen compounds (Organic-N, NH3-N, NH4+-N, N2N, NO2--N, and NO3--N) can occur through several key mechanisms in the environment: xation, ammonication, synthesis, nitrication, and denitrication (US EPA, 1993).

1. Nitrogen Fixation
Nitrogen xation is the conversion of nitrogen gas into nitrogen compounds that can be assimilated by plants. Biological xation is the most common, but xation can also occur by lightning and through industrial processes: Biological: N2 Organic-N Lightning: N2 NO3Industrial: N2 NO3-; NH3/ NH4+

2. Ammonication
Ammonication is the biochemical degradation of organic-N into NH3 or NH4+ by heterotrophic bacteria under aerobic or anaerobic conditions. Organic-N + Microorganisms NH3/ NH4+ Some organic-N cannot be degraded and becomes part of the humus in soils.

3. Synthesis
Synthesis is the biochemical mechanism in which NH4+-N or NO3--N is converted into plant protein (Organic-N): NH4+ + CO2 + green plants + sunlight Organic-N NO3- + CO2 + green plants + sunlight Organic-N Nitrogen xation is also a unique form of synthesis that can only be performed by nitrogen-xing bacteria and algae (WEF, 1998):
N-Fixing Bacteria/Algae

N2 Organic-N

4. Nitrication
Nitrication is the biological oxidation of NH4+ to NO3- through a two-step autotrophic process by the bacteria Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter (Rittman and McCarty, 2001; Sawyer, et al., 1994):

SECTION 5: Wastewater Sources and Flows



Step 1: NH4+ + 3/2O2 NO2- + 2H+ + H2O


Step 2: NO2- + 1/2O2 NO3The two-step reactions are usually very rapid and hence it is rare to nd nitrite levels higher than 1.0 mg/L in water (Sawyer, et al., 1994). The nitrate formed by nitrication is, in the nitrogen cycle, used by plants as a nitrogen source (synthesis) or reduced to N2 gas through the process of denitrication. Nitrate can, however, contaminate groundwater if it is not used for synthesis or reduced through denitrication as shown in Figure 1.

5. Denitrication
NO3- can be reduced, under anoxic conditions, to N2 gas through heterotrophic biological denitrication as shown in the following unbalanced equation (US EPA, 1993):
Heterotrophic Bacteria

NO3- + Organic Matter N2 + CO2 + OH- + H2O The above equation is identical to the equation for the biological oxidation of organic matter with the exception that NO3- is used as an electron acceptor instead of O2:
Heterotrophic Bacteria

O2 + Organic Matter CO2 + OH- + H2O A large variety of heterotrophic bacteria can use nitrate in lieu of oxygen for the degradation of organic matter under anoxic conditions. If O2 is present, however, the bacteria will preferentially select it instead of NO3- (US EPA, 1993). Thus it is very important that anoxic conditions exist in order that NO3- will be used as the electron acceptor. A carbon source is required as the electron donor in the above equation for denitrication to occur. Autotrophic denitrication is also possible with either elemental sulfur or hydrogen gas used as the electron donor by autotrophic bacteria as shown in the following unbalanced equation (Rittman and McCarty, 2001): NO3- + CO2 + Inorganic Electron Donor N2 + Oxidized Electron Donor
(Elemental Sulfur or H2 gas)

Health Effects from Groundwater Contamination with Nitrates

Contamination of groundwater with nitrates is a problem in many parts of the U.S. and has been widely documented (Bouchard, et al., 1992). Potential health concerns where contaminated groundwater is used as a drinking water source include methemoglobinemia, carcinogenesis, and birth defects.

High nitrate levels in drinking water supplies can cause methemoglobinemia in infants, especially those less than six months old (Bouchard, et al., 1992). After ingestion, nitrate is reduced to nitrite in the gut of the infant. The absorbed nitrite reacts with hemoglobin in the blood, forming methemoglobin. Methemoglobin, unlike hemoglobin, cannot carry oxygen. As more of the blood hemoglobin is converted to methemoglobin, the oxygencarrying capacity of the blood is signicantly reduced. Oxygen starvation of the blood can result in a bluish discoloration of the body, which is called blue-baby syndrome or


SECTION 5: Wastewater Sources and Flows

methemoglobinemia. To prevent methemoglobinemia, the maximum contaminant level of nitrate in drinking water has been set at 10 mg/L as NO3--N by the US EPA (Bouchard, et al., 1992).

High nitrate levels in drinking water could potentially have carcinogenic effects through the formation of nitrosamines. Nitrates in the human body can be converted to nitrites and then to nitrosamines, several forms of which have been classied as potential human carcinogens (Bouchard, et al., 1992). While several scientic studies have shown a positive correlation between some types of cancers and nitrate intake in animals, a cause-effect relationship for risk of cancer has not yet been demonstrated conclusively.

Birth Defects
Epidemiological studies in Canada and South Australia have shown a statistically signicant increase in congenital malformations associated with nitrate-rich well water (Bouchard, et al., 1992). These studies, however, are considered to be too limited in scope to deduce a causal association between birth defects and nitrate ingestion. Experimental animal studies have not shown signicant effects from elevated nitrate ingestion.

Surface Water Pollution with Nitrogen

When excess nitrogen concentrations are discharged to surface waters, several deleterious effects may occur, depending on the environmental conditions.

Phosphorus is oftentimes the limiting nutrient for the growth of algae and aquatic plants in surface waters. Thus, any phosphorus can cause the stimulation of growth, resulting in algal blooms or overgrowth of aquatic plants, which can have serious consequences for the receiving water such as odors, accumulation of unsightly biomass, dissolved oxygen depletion due to biomass decay, and loss of sh and shellsh. In some cases, nitrogen is the limiting nutrient and excess nitrogen is the cause for excessive plant growth.

Oxygen Demand through Nitrication

The oxidation of Organic-N and NH3-N/NH4+-N to NO3--N through the process of nitrication can exert a signicant oxygen demand on the receiving water, which is known as the nitrogenous biochemical oxygen demand (NBOD) (Metcalf and Eddy, 1991). The NBOD of a wastewater can even be greater than the carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand (CBOD), although it may not be exerted as rapidly. The rate of nitrication is dependent on several environmental factors, which include the population of nitrifying bacteria, temperature, alkalinity, and availability of dissolved oxygen.

Ammonia Toxicity to Aquatic Organisms

Nitrogen in the form of NH3-N can cause acute toxicity to several species of sh. Because the concentration of NH3-N as opposed to NH4+-N is pH dependent, criteria for ambient water quality have been set for unionized ammonia as a function of pH and temperature (Sawyer, et al., 1994). Many municipal wastewater treatment plants in the US are required to nitrify their efuent in order to avoid ammonia toxicity in receiving waters.

Biological Nitrication
As mentioned above, nitrication is a two-step autotrophic process (nitriers use CO2 instead of organic carbon as their carbon source for cell synthesis) for the conversion of NH4+

SECTION 5: Wastewater Sources and Flows


to NO3--N. During this energy yielding reaction some of the NH4+ is synthesized into cell tissue giving the following overall oxidation and synthesis reaction (US EPA, 1993): 1.00NH4+ + 1.89O2 + 0.08CO 0.98NO3- + 0.016C5H7O2N + 0.95H2O + 1.98H+ The above equation poses several key design constraints on nitrication systems. For each mole of NH4+ oxidized, 1.89 moles of oxygen are required and 1.98 moles of hydrogen ions will be produced. Or, in mass terms, 4.32 mg of O2 are required for each mg of NH4+-N oxidized, with the subsequent loss of 7.1 mg of alkalinity as CaCO3 in the wastewater, and the synthesis of 0.1 mg of new bacterial cells. Stated yet another way, the oxidation of, for example, 20 mg/L of NH4+-N would require the consumption of 86.4 mg/L of dissolved oxygen, the destruction of 141.4 mg/L of alkalinity as CaCO3, and the production of 2.6 mg/L of nitrifying organisms (US EPA, 1993). Nitrication can thus exert a very high nitrogenous biochemical oxygen demand (NBOD) in addition to the carbonaceous BOD (CBOD) as shown in Figure 3-3. MN Rules Chapter 7080.1100, Subp. 12 denes CBOD5 as the measure of the amount of oxygen required by bacteria while stabilizing, digesting, or treating the organic matter under aerobic conditions over a ve-day incubation period while in the presence of a chemical inhibitor to block nitrication. CBOD is commonly expressed in milligrams per liter (mg/L). Using the above equation, a septic tank efuent of 40 mg/L NH4+-N would have a NBOD of about 184 mg/L in addition to the CBOD. This factor must be included in the design of nitrication systems to be sure there is sufcient dissolved oxygen (DO) within the system for nitrication to occur. To process 40 mg/L of NH4+,you must add 184 mg/L of DO. Nitrication can also cause a signicant drop in pH if there is not adequate buffering capacity (alkalinity) in the wastewater.

Process Microbiology
Nitrifying organisms exhibit growth rates that are much lower than those for heterotrophic bacteria. As a result, the rate of nitrication is controlled rst by concurrent heterotrophic oxidation of CBOD; as long as there is a high organic (CBOD) loading to the system, the heterotrophic bacteria will dominate. Nitrication systems must thus be designed to allow sufcient detention time within the system for nitrifying bacteria to grow. Heterotrophic organisms can also play a key role in limiting oxygen transfer to nitrifying bacteria, especially in attached-growth systems (Rittman and McCarty, 2001; US EPA, 1993). After competition with heterotrophs, the rate of nitrication will be limited by the concentration of available NH4+-N in the system. Temperature, pH, and chemical inhibitors can also play a key role as discussed below. At low BOD5/TKN ratios (0.5 to 3) the population of nitrifying bacteria is high and nitrication should not be inuenced by heterotrophic oxidation of CBOD (Metcalf & Eddy, 1991); this type of nitrication process is termed separate-stage nitrication. At higher BOD5/TKN ratios, the fraction of nitrifying organisms in the system is much lower due to heterotrophic competition from oxidation of CBOD; this process is termed single-stage nitrication. Separate-stage nitrication is highly desirable from the standpoint of process control and operation. Many onsite systems presently used or proposed for nitrogen removal, however, because of the interest in reducing size and system footprint, employ single-stage nitrication; examples include aerobic treatment units with short hydraulic detention times and sand lters or media lters that are heavily loaded organically. Single-stage systems may require more rigorous process control to ensure adequate nitrication rates.


SECTION 5: Wastewater Sources and Flows

Dissolved Oxygen Requirements and Organic Loading Rates

Suspended Growth Systems
The concentration of DO has a signicant effect on nitrication in wastewater treatment. Although much research has been performed, practical experience has shown that DO levels must be maintained at approximately 2.0 mg/L in suspended-growth (aerobic) systems, especially when NH4+-N loadings are expected to uctuate widely (US EPA, 1993); this may or may not be the case in domestic onsite wastewater systems.

Attached-Growth Systems
For attached-growth systems, which include both submerged and nonsubmerged processes (Crites and Tchobanoglous, 1998), DO levels must be maintained at levels that are at least 2.7 times greater than the NH4+-N concentrations in order to prevent oxygen transfer through the biolm from limiting nitrication rates (US EPA, 1993). This is usually overcome in practice by using lower organic surface loadings than what would be normally applied for CBOD removal to allow for growth of nitrifying organisms; otherwise the heterotrophic organisms will dominate the bacterial lm within the attached-growth media. For trickling lters, for example, the organic loading rate for nitrication is only about 1/5 to 1/8 of the CBOD loading for CBOD removal (Metcalf & Eddy, 1991; US EPA, 1993). Recirculation of efuent through the attached growth media, and use of special media, such as trickling lter plastic media with high specic surface areas, is also used to lower organic surface loadings and to promote high oxygen transfer rates. Table 5.17 shows design organic loading rates for various attached-growth systems to achieve nitrication. Unfortunately, organic loading rates for onsite attached-growth systems are not well dened even for CBOD removal, let alone nitrication (Crites and Tchobanoglous, 1998). The more commonly used hydraulic loading rates as cited in the literature show mixed results for nitrication. This is no doubt due, at least in part, to varying organic loading rates that were not taken into consideration since the CBOD5 of septic tank efuent can vary greatly, ranging from less than 100 to 480 mg/L (Ayres Associates, 1993).

SECTION 5: Wastewater Sources and Flows


TABLE 5.17 Design Loading Rates for Attached Growth Systems to Achieve >85% Nitrication
Trickling Filters1 Rock Media Plastic Media Sand Filters Single-Pass Recirculating Textile Filters Single-Pass Multi-Pass3
(Partial Nitrication)

Hydraulic Loading Rate, gpd/ft2

30-900 288-1700 0.4-1.2 3-5 10 30

Organic Loading Rate, lbs. BOD/ft2day

0.04-0.12 (0.04-0.64) 0.10-0.25 (0.50-2.00) 0.000135-0.002 0.002-0.008 0.01 0.03

State of Knowledge for Design

Well Known Well Known Lesser Known2 Lesser Known2 Lesser Known2 Lesser Known2

The values for trickling lters given for both hydraulic and organic loadings are the ranges for low rate and high rate lters. Rock lters were assumed to have a depth of 8 ft. and plastic lters a depth of 10 ft. The numbers in parentheses for organic loadings are the values for CBOD removal only without nitrication. 2 These systems have not traditionally been designed using organic loading rates to achieve nitrication. High strength wastes thus could affect nitrication performance. 3 At this organic loading rate only 59-76% nitrication was achieved (Leverenz, et al., 2001). Adapted from Converse (1999); Crites and Tchobanaglous (1998); Leverenz, et al. (2001); Metcalf & Eddy (1991); and US EPA (1993).

pH and Alkalinity Effects on Nitrication

The optimum pH range for nitrication is 6.5 to 8.0 (US EPA, 1993). Because nitrication consumes about 7.1 mg of alkalinity (as CaCO3) for every mg of NH4+-N oxidized, in low alkalinity wastewaters there is a risk that nitrication will lower the pH to inhibitory levels. If, for example, it were desired to nitrify 40 mg/L of NH4+-N, approximately 284 mg/L as CaCO3 would be required to maintain pH levels; this may be beyond the capabilities of some wastewaters derived from water sources that do not contain relatively high alkalinity.

Temperature Effects
Temperature has a signicant effect on nitrication that must be taken into consideration for design (US EPA, 1993). In general, colder temperatures require longer cell residence times in suspended-growth systems and lower hydraulic loading rates in attached-growth systems due to slower growth rates of nitrifying bacteria.

Effect of Inhibitors
Nitrifying bacteria are much more sensitive than heterotrophic bacteria and are susceptible to a wide range of organic and inorganic inhibitors as shown in Table 5.18. As has occurred in centralized wastewater treatment (US TABLE 5.18 Examples of Nitrication Inhibitors EPA, 1993), there is a need to establish a methodolInorganic Compounds Organic Compounds ogy for onsite wastewater systems for assessing the Acetone Sodium azide Zinc potential for, and occurrence of, nitrication inhibiCarbon Disulde Hydrazine Free Cyanide tion. The introduction of chemicals shown in Table Chloroform Sodium cyanate Perchlorate 5.18 can destroy the nitrifying bacterial populations. Ethanol Potassium chromate Copper If these systems are not continuously monitored, the Phenol Cadmium Mercury effects of these chemicals will go unnoticed. Ethylenediamine Arsenic Chromium
Nickel Silver Cobalt Thiocyanate Sodium cyanide Fluoride Lead Free ammonia Free nitrous acid Hexamethylene diamine Aniline Monoethanolamine


SECTION 5: Wastewater Sources and Flows

Since heterotrophic bacteria are much more resilient than nitrifying bacteria, and because many of the inhibitory compounds are biodegradable organics, inhibitory effects can oftentimes be controlled by designing separate-stage nitrication systems (US EPA, 1993). In separate-stage systems the CBOD is rst removed along with any biodegradable inhibitory compounds; the nitrifying organisms, which are in effect protected in the second stage, are then used to nitrify the low--CBOD, high-NH4+-N efuent (Figure 5). Example: Calculation of alkalinity and oxygen requirements for nitrication Determine the alkalinity requirements for complete nitrication for a septic tank efuent that has a CBOD of 150 mg/L and an Organic-N and NH4+-N concentration of 40 mg/L. What would the NBOD of this wastewater be? Solution 1. Write a balanced equation for the nitrication reaction and include mass relationships.

1.00NH4+ + 1.89O2 + 0.08CO2 0.98NO3- + 0.016C5H7O2N + 0.95H2O + 1.98H+

Bacteria bacterial cells

18 GMW

32 GMW

113 GMW 1.81 mg 0.13 mg

1 GMW 1.98 mg 1.98meq 0.14 meq 7.1 mg as CaCO3

14 mg as N 60.48 mg 1 mg as N 4.32 mg

GMW = gram molecular weight Milliequivalent mass of CaCO3 = 50 mg/meq 0.14 meq as H+ in terms of equivalent CaCO3 = 0.14 meq (50 mg CaCO3/meq) = 7.1 mg as CaCO3 mg as CaCO3 2. Determine alkalinity requirements. Alkalinity required = 40 mg/L Total-N (7.1 mg/L CaCO3/mg N) = 284 mg/L as CaCO3 3. Determine the NBOD. NBOD = 40 mg/L total-N (4.32 mg O2/ mg N) = 173 mg/L Comment: The alkalinity requirements here exceed the 200 mg/L as CaCO3 that has been reported to be a typical alkalinity concentration in strong, untreated domestic wastewater (Metcalf & Eddy, 1991). Alkalinity does increase as a result of water use, and the incremental range for septic tank efuent has been reported from 60-120 mg/L as CaCO3 (Crites and Tchobanoglous, 1998). In areas with low-alkalinity source waters, however, nitrication could be limited. Note that the NBOD exceeds the CBOD of the septic tank efuent, which underscores the oxygen requirements for nitrication.

Summary of Nitrication Processes

Table 5.19 summarizes the various onsite technologies and their advantages and disadvantages for effective nitrication based on the factors discussed above. The available information suggests that an effective design strategy for nitrication in onsite systems would

SECTION 5: Wastewater Sources and Flows


be to use attached-growth processes with relatively low organic loadings (compared to CBOD removal only) and deep, well-aerated media (such as a 2 ft. deep SPSF). This type of system would approach a separate-stage nitrication with its advantages while maintaining the cost and simplicity of a single-stage system. In this design the heterotrophic bacteria would grow in the upper levels and remove CBOD and inhibitory compounds; nitrifying bacteria would grow in the lower levels and would be protected both from shock loadings and temperature extremes. A single pass sand lter, which is well known for its nitrication reliability, is an example of this design. TABLE 5.19 Onsite Technologies for > 85% Nitrication
Suspended growth: aerobic units Attached Growth: Single-Pass Sand Filters (SPSF) Recirculating Sand Filters (RSF) Single-Pass Textile Filters Multi-Pass Textile Filters

Insufcient design and performance data Need more design data for organic loadings for nitrication Need more design data for organic loadings for nitrication Limited data to date. Probably similar to SPSF Limited data to date. Probably similar to RSF

Onsite status
Operation and maintenance unknown Fair to good performance in cold climates Poorer performance in cold climates than SPSFs Need design data for organic loadings for nitrication Need design data for organic loadings for nitrication and performance in cold climates

Biological Dentrication
Denitrication is a biological process that uses NO3- as the electron acceptor (hence nitrication must precede denitrication) instead of O2 to oxidize organic matter (heterotrophic denitrication) or inorganic matter such as sulfur or hydrogen (autotrophic denitrication) under anoxic conditions (Rittmann and McCarty, 2001). In the process NO3- is reduced to N2 gas. Because the principal biochemical pathway is a modication of aerobic pathways (i.e., NO3- is used as the electron acceptor instead of O2), the denitrication process is said to occur under anoxic conditions as opposed to anaerobic conditions (where obligate anaerobic organisms would be present). Denitrifying bacteria, whether heterotrophic or autotrophic, are facultative aerobes and can shift between oxygen respiration and nitrate respiration. For heterotrophic denitrication, the carbon source can come from the original wastewater, bacterial cell material, or an external source such as methanol or acetate. For autotrophic denitrication, which is common in water treatment but not wastewater treatment, the electron donor can come from elemental sulfur or hydrogen gas (Rittmann and McCarty, 2001).

Heterotrophic Dentrication
Wastewater as Carbon Source The following unbalanced equation illustrates the process when wastewater or bacterial cell material is used as the carbon source (US EPA, 1993): Heterotrophic aCOHNS + bNO3- cN2 + dCO2 + eC5H7O2N + f OH- + gH2O + end products As is shown in the following example, the reduction of 1 mg of NO3- is equivalent to 2.86 mg of O2. Thus, for example, a wastewater with an ultimate BOD (BODL) of 200 mg/L could potentially reduce almost 70 mg/L of NO3--N if the wastewater were used as


SECTION 5: Wastewater Sources and Flows

the carbon source (US EPA, 1993). This does not happen in practice, however, because a portion of the organic carbon in the wastewater must be used for cell synthesis and not nitrate reduction. Example: Calculation of stoichiometric equations for nitrate REDUCTION USING THE WASTEWATER AS THE CARBON SOURCE. Determine the theoretical amount of NO3--N that could be removed if septic tank efuent, which has a BOD5 of 120 mg/L, is used as the carbon source. What quantity could be removed if the raw wastewater inuent to the septic tank, with a BOD5 of 220 mg/L, were used as the carbon source? Solution 1. Write the half-reactions for oxygen and nitrate as electron acceptors (Rittmann and McCarty, 2001). Oxygen: 0.25O2 + H+ + e- 0.5 H2O 32 GMW 8 g [0.25(32) = 8] 8 mg Nitrate: 0.2NO3- + 1.2H+ + e- 0.1N2 + 0.6H2O 62 GMW 14 GMW as N 2.8 g [0.2(14) = 2.8] 2.8 mg 2. Determine the stoichiometric equivalency of oxygen and nitrate. For the acceptance of one electron, the above equations show that 8 mg of O2 is equivalent to 2.8 mg of NO3- -N, or that 1.0 mg of NO3- -N is equivalent to 2.86 mg of O2. 8 mg O2/e- equiv. = 2.86 mg O2/ mg NO3- -N 2.8 mg NO3 -N/e equiv. 3. Determine the BODL of the wastewater. The stoichiometric equations must be based on the ultimate BOD (BODL) rather then the more commonly used BOD5. The BOD5 of wastewater can range between 68% to 94% of the BODL, depending on the value of the BOD reaction rate constant, k (Sawyer, et al., 1994). It will be assumed here that k (base e) is 0.23 d-1 at 20 C, a typical value for domestic wastewater (Metcalf & Eddy, 1991). Septic Tank Efuent: BODL = BOD5 = 120__ = 120 = 176 mg/L -kt (1 e ) (1 e-0.23(5)) 0.68 Septic Tank Inuent: BODL = BOD5 = 220___ = 220 = 323 mg/L (1 e-kt) (1 e-0.23(5)) 0.68

SECTION 5: Wastewater Sources and Flows


4. Determine the quantity of NO3- -N that could theoretically be reduced. Septic Tank Efuent: NO3--N Reduction = Septic Tank Inuent: NO3--N Reduction = 323 mg O2 demand/L = 113 mg/L 2.86 mg O2/ mg NO3- -N 176 mg O2 demand/L = 61.5 mg/L 2.86 mg O2/ mg NO3- -N

Comment: In practice the equivalency of 2.86 mg O2/ mg NO3--N is not achievable because a portion of the electron donor (i.e., the wastewater) must be used to provide carbon for cell synthesis; thus more electron donor will be needed to reduce a given amount of NO3--N than is predicted by the half-reactions alone. For complex organic matter such as wastewater, the stoichiometric equivalency can range from 3.46-5.07 mg BODL/mg NO3- -N, with 4.0 mg BODL/ mg NO3- -N used as a rule of thumb (Rittmann and McCarty, 2001). In terms of BOD5, this amounts to 2.72 mg BOD5/ mg NO3- -N for k (base e) = 0.23 d-1.

Example: Recalculation of stoichiometric equations for nitrate reduction using the wastewater as the carbon source
Recalculate the amount of NO3--N that could be removed in Example 5 using the rule of thumb stoichiometric equivalency. Solution 1. Express the stoichiometric equivalency in terms of the commonly used BOD5. BOD5 = 0.68BODL for k = 0.23 d-1 (base e) 4.0 mg BODL = 0.68(4.0) = 2.72 mg BOD5 mg NO3- -N mg NO3- -N 2. Determine the quantity of NO3- -N that could theoretically be reduced. Septic Tank Efuent: NO3--N Reduction = 120 mg BOD5/L ____ = 44 mg/L 2.72 mg BOD5/ mg NO3- -N

Septic Tank Inuent: NO3--N Reduction = 220 mg BOD5/L ____ = 81 mg/L 2.72 mg BOD5/ mg NO3- -N

Comment: To achieve the maximum nitrate reduction potential, the wastewater should be used at the point of highest CBOD. This may not occur if septic tank efuent, for example, or a recirculation tank from a packed bed lter system, is used as the point of application of the carbon source. Imperfect mixing of the wastewater carbon source with the nitried efuent, and the absence of anoxic conditions, can also cause a reduction in denitrication.


SECTION 5: Wastewater Sources and Flows

External Carbon Source

In cases where there is insufcient CBOD left in the wastewater to serve as an electron donor for denitrication, an external carbon source must be supplied. Although there are many possibilities, methanol and acetate have been studied the most and their stoichiometry is shown below (Rittmann and McCarty, 2001; US EPA, 1993): Methanol:

NO3- + 1.08CH3OH + 0.24H2CO3 0.47N2 + 0.056C5H7O2N + HCO3- + 1.68H2O

methanol Bacteria bacterial cells


NO + 0.87CH3COO + H+ 0.46N2 + 0.08C5H7O2N + 0.87HCO3- + H2O + 0.44CO2

3 -



bacterial cells

There are few examples in the literature of an external carbon source being used for onsite denitrication. Although methanol has been studied extensively in centralized wastewater treatment plants, it is probably not a good choice for onsite systems because of its toxicity and potential for contaminating groundwater supplies. Gold, et al., (1989) reported on the use of both methanol and ethanol as an external carbon source in a recirculating sand lter system with an anoxic rock lter for denitrication. They noted that although the total nitrogen removal rate was as high as 80%, the use of the chemicals required operation and maintenance of the carbon source supply system, including an on-site storage facility, a metering pump mechanism, and supplying a diluted carbon source solution. They concluded that the external carbon source could probably best be handled by a wastewater management district or a private O & M contractor (Gold, et al., 1989).

Example: Design of dentrication system using methanol as the carbon source

Determine the methanol requirements for an onsite denitrication system using a recirculating sand lter. The following conditions apply: 1. Household owrate = 192 gpd 2. The concentration of NO3--N to be removed is 40 mg/L 3. Characteristics of Methanol: 99.90% Solution = 0.7913 g CH3OH/ml 10.00% Solution = 0.08 g CH3OH/ml Solution 1. Write the balanced equation for denitrication and include mass relationships.

NO3- + 1.08CH3OH + 0.24H2CO3 0.47N2 + 0.056C5H7O2N + HCO3- + 1.68H2O

methanol 62 GMW 32 GMW 14 mg as N 34.6 mg 1 mg as N 2.47 mg Bacteria bacterial cells 113 GMW 6.3 mg 0.45 mg 61 GMW 1 meq 0.07 meq 3.57 mg as CaCO3

2. Determine the required concentration of methanol.

SECTION 5: Wastewater Sources and Flows


Required concentration of CH3OH = 2.47 mg (40 mg/L NO3- -N) = 98.8 mg/L 5 100 mg/L mg NO3- -N

3. Determine the methanol requirement. CH3OH requirement = (100 mg/L)(150 gpd)(3.78 L/gal)(1 g/1000 mg) = 56.7 g/day 10% Solution:
56.7 g/day = 709 mL/day = 21.3 L/month = 5.6 gallons/month 5 one 55 gallon drum/10 mos. 0.08 g/mL

4. Determine the BODL of methanol. CH3OH + 1.5O2 CO2 + 2H2O 32 GMW 32 mg 1 mg 32 GMW 48 mg 1.5 mg

5. Determine the ratio of BODL/NO3- -N reduced. 150 mg/L BODL = 3.75 mg BODL/mg NO3- -N reduced. 40 mg/L NO3- -N Comment. This example shows that the required BODL of methanol is higher than that predicted by half-reactions alone (2.86 mg BODL/mg NO3--N) because a portion of the methanol was used for cell synthesis as can be seen in the balanced equation. Note that 3.57 mg of alkalinity as CaCO3 was produced per mg of NO3--N reduced. Thus approximately half of the alkalinity lost during nitrication can be recovered through denitrication with methanol or wastewater as the carbon source.

Example: Design of dentrication system using acetic acid as the carbon source
Determine the acetic acid requirements for an onsite denitrication system using a recirculating sand lter. Assume the acetic acid could be used in the form of vinegar (5% solution). The following conditions from Example 6 apply: 1. Household ow rate = 192 gpd 2. The concentration of NO3- -N to be removed is 40 mg/L 3. Characteristics of acetic acid: 99.5% Solution = 1.05 g CH3COOH/mL 5.0% Solution = 0.05 g CH3COOH/mL


SECTION 5: Wastewater Sources and Flows

Solution 1. Write the balanced equation for denitrication and include mass relationships (Rittmann and McCarty, 2001).

NO3- + 0.87CH3COOH + H+ 0.46N2 + 0.08C5H7O2N + 0.87HCO3- + H2O + 0.44CO2

acetic acid Bacteria bacterial cells

62 GMW 60 GMW 14 mg as N 52.2 mg 1 mg as N 3.73 mg

113 GMW 9.0 mg 0.65 mg

61 GMW 0.87 meq 0.06 meq 3.0 mg as CaCO3

2. Determine the required concentration of acetic acid. Required concentration of CH3COOH = 3.73 mg (40 mg/L NO3- -N) = 149 mg/L mg NO3- -N 3. Determine the acetic acid requirement. CH3COOH requirement = (149 mg/L)(150 gpd)(3.78 L/gal)(1 g/1000 mg) = 84.5 g/day 5% Solution:
84.5 g/day = 1690 mL/day = 50.7 L/month = 13.4 gallons/month 5 one 55 gallon drum/4 mos. 0.05 g/mL

4. Determine the BODL of acetic acid. CH3COOH + 2O2 2CO2 + 2H2O 60 GMW 60 mg 1 mg 32 GMW 64 mg 1.07 mg

1 mg of CH3COOH 1.07 mg BODL 149 mg/L CH3COOH 159 mg/L BODL 5. Determine the ratio of BODL/NO3- -N reduced. Portions of the preceding nitrogen section were taken directly from the following reference: Oakley, S. 2005. Onsite Nitrogen Removal Text. in (M.A. Gross and N.E. Deal, eds.) University Curriculum Development for Decentralized Wastewater Management. National Decentralized Water Resources Capacity Development Project. University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR. Full text and Figures available Online at: http:// www.onsiteconsortium.org/les/nitrogen.htm 159 mg/L BODL = 3.97 mg BODL/mg NO3- -N reduced. 40 mg/L NO3- -N Comment: In this example, unlike methanol or wastewater, acetic acid adds acid to the system, which is neutralized by the production of alkalinity through denitrication (0.87 meq of H+ from acetic acid would be neutralized by the 0.87 meq of HCO3- produced by denitrication). Thus there would not be a 50% recovery of the alkalinity lost through nitrication if acetic acid were used as the carbon source (Rittmann and McCarty, 2001).

SECTION 5: Wastewater Sources and Flows


In temperate regions, such as Minnesota, phosphorus (P) is the nutrient primarily responsible for accelerating eutrophication of freshwaters, because phosphorus is usually in limited supply relative to plant demand. Wastewater contains phosphorus from feces and detergents. Phosphorus in wastewater can be categorized as orthophosphate, condensed phosphates, or organic phosphorus (Crites and Tchobanoglous 1998): 1. Orthophosphate (o-phosphate) includes H3PO4, H2PO4-, HPO42-, and PO43-. In waters with a pH close to 7, H2PO4- and HPO42- are the predominant orthophosphate forms. 2. Condensed phosphates include various polyphosphate forms such as pyrophosphate (P2O74-) and P3O105-. Derived primarily from laundry detergents and other cleansers, condensed phosphates convert slowly to orthophosphate. 3. Organic phosphorus includes phosphorus incorporated with organic compounds, such as sugars, phospholipids, and nucleotides. Approximately 50% of phosphorus in raw wastewater is orthophosphate, 40% polyphosphates, and 10% organic phosphorus. Estimated phosphorus loads from household sources average 1.0 to 1.3 kg/capita/year (Jenkins and Hermanowicz, 1991), broken down as follows:

Human waste: 0.6 kg/capita/year Laundry detergents (with no phosphorus limitation): 0.3 kg/capita/year Other household detergents and cleaners: 0.1 kg/capita/year

Total phosphorus (TP) is the sum of all forms of phosphorus in efuent. Each of these forms is expressed in terms of milligrams per liter (mg/L). A typical value for phosphorus in septic tank efuent is seven - ten mg/L. A small amount (~10%) of phosphorus removal will occur in a septic tank due to settling. Phosphorus can be naturally treated and removed in soils with the right conditions for removal. Different types of soils remove more phosphorus then others. Removal of phosphorus in soil absorption areas is dependent upon adsorption and precipitation reactions. Precipitation occurs as the phosphorus reacts with calcium, aluminum, magnesium, or iron in the soil. Adsorption is the association of phosphate with the surfaces of a particle. Studies show that phosphate adsorption takes place via formation of a bond between phosphate and a specic site on the adsorbing solid phase (Sposito, 1989). Precipitation involves the formation of a three-dimensional solid phase arrangement of molecules from the solution phase (Doner and Grossl, 2002). This is different than adsorption, which involves the formation of a two-dimensional structure (i.e., PO43- on the surface of a mineral rather than within the mineral itself). The distinction between these two processes is important because surface adsorption is usually limited by a xed availability of sorption sites in a particular soil that eventually will be used up if sewage loading occurs over long periods. Precipitation reactions are potentially sustainable provided that there is sustainable supply of aluminum, iron and/or calcium to complete the reaction.


SECTION 5: Wastewater Sources and Flows

Other Components of Wastewater

Pharmaceutical and personal care product (PPCP) are of growing concern in wastewater treatment systems. They are chemical substances such as a prescription or over-the-counter therapeutic drugs, fragrances, cosmetics, sunscreen agents, diagnostic agents, among others; widespread use is increasing their prevalence in the environment; their effects, even in trace amounts are being studied. Other chemicals that are of concern in systems include trace organic contaminants that originate from residential and non-residential sources, such as ingredients in drugs, pesticides, consumer products, and industrial process agents, usually present in concentrations much lower than one mg/L, which may have adverse ecological and/or human health effects.

Chemicals and hazardous waste

Hazardous waste should not be added to a treatment system. Nonhazardous wastes, including detergents, shampoos, antibacterial soap, and salt from water softeners, have not been shown to cause detrimental effects at normal household loading. Excessive loading of any of these chemicals, however, can cause problems with the treatment process. Of particular concern are continuous toilet cleaners and formaldehyde. Because the toilet ow represents nearly 40 percent of total wastewater, continuous use of a sanitizer can cause problems and should be avoided. Formaldehyde, typically used in chemical toilets, also causes major system problems and should be avoided. If a residence or any other facility plans to dispose of hazardous waste into an onsite system, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) must be contacted. These systems would be considered Class V injection wells and are subject to regulations other than those of Chapter 7080. Hair salons, photography businesses and taxidermists, for example, may generate hazardous waste. A Class V inventory form for any such system, as well as for any system serving 20 or more people, must be submitted to the Environmental Protection Agency and the MPCA. (See Section 13: Forms Underground Disposal System (Class V) Inventory Form.) In the case of lling station wastes, oil, grease and oor washing wastes from the service bay should be discharged to a holding tank separate from the sewage system treating the toilet wastes. Any liquid waste containing petroleum products should not be discharged into a subsurface treatment system. A car wash area should be evaluated for hazardous waste problems, and may also need a holding tank for wastes. There is a potential for volatile compounds in these systems which are capable of being evaporated at relatively low temperatures. These are typically measured as volatile organic compound (VOC) which is the class of organic compounds that readily evaporate; includes liquids and solids at natural environmental temperature.

SECTION 5: Wastewater Sources and Flows


Monitoring Wastewater Characteristics

Many techniques can be used to monitor an onsite wastewater treatment systems performance. Monitoring is the action of verifying performance for a regulatory authority or a manufacturer (e.g., qualitative monitoring as part of service visit). It varies from something as simple as checking for sewage on the soil surface, to complicated laboratory analysis. Costs vary from lab to lab. Be sure to contact the lab prior to dropping off samples. There are several types of samples that can be obtained from a system: Composite Combination of individual samples collected from the same point at different times; samples may be of equal volume or may be proportional to the ow at time of sampling. Grab Discrete sample collected at a particular time and location. Integrated Combination of grab samples collected at a similar time but at different locations.

Certied Labs
When choosing a lab to perform analysis of wastewater characteristics, a certied lab is always the best choice, because these labs use standard procedures. The Minnesota Department of Health maintains a list of labs across Minnesota that are certied. This can be found on their website at https://apps.health.state.mn.us/eldo/public/accreditedlabs/labsearch.seam. If you do not have access to the internet call (800) 383-9808 and a hard copy of the list can be sent to you.

There are many locations where samples can be taken. It is best if the sample locations are determined when the system is being designed, and then built in. Efuent chambers, pump tanks and sampling ports are suggested locations at which to obtain samples. A sampling port is a part or device at a particular location in a component that allows a sample to be collected for analysis. Chapter 7081.0240 (E) requires that MSTS must be designed with sufcient access and ports to monitor the system as applicable. Some obvious locations where the wastewater characteristics are of interest are: Q As it leaves the home Q As it leaves the tank Q At the systems end-of-pipe Q In groundwater (lysimeter, sampling wells) Q In soil (dry gram soil/microgram fecal) Piezometers can be used to determine the amount of separation but are not to be used to sample groundwater. Lysimeters or soil access ports can be used to determine the amount of fecal coliform bacteria under system.


SECTION 5: Wastewater Sources and Flows

Adolfson Associates, Inc., Burnett Consolidated On-Site Demonstration Project, Final Report, Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department, Washington, 1999. Ayres Associates, Florida Keys Onsite Wastewater Nutrient Reduction Systems Demonstration Project, Final Report, Submitted to Florida Department of Health, Onsite Sewage Program, March, 1998. Ayres Associates, Onsite Sewage Disposal System Research in Florida, Report Prepared for Environmental Health Program, Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, State of Florida, March 1993. Bohrer, R. M. and Converse, J. C., Soil Treatment Performance and Cold Weather Operation of Drip Distribution Systems, Proceedings of the Ninth National Symposium on Individual and Small Community Sewage Systems, ASAE, Fort Worth, Texas, pp. 561583, 2001. Bouchard, D. C., et al., Nitrate Contamination of Groundwater: Sources and Potential Health Effects, Journal of AWWA, Vol. 84, no, 9, pp.85-90, 1992. Brooks, M., Alternative On-Site Wastewater Treatment Systems, Department of Civil and Agricultural Engineering, Montana State University, June, 1996. California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Evaluation of Alternative Onsite Treatment Systems for the Removal of Nitrogen from Wastewater, Central Coast Region, November 25, 1997. CIDWT Decentralized Wastewater Glossary. Available online at: http://www.onsiteconsortium.org/les/Glossary.pdf (veried 4/29/2009) Converse, M. M., A Field Evaluation of Single Pass Sand lters in a Northern Climate, Masters Thesis, Agricultural Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1999. County of Butte, Chico Urban Area Nitrate Compliance Plan, Program Report and Proposed Implementation Plan, Butte County Administrative Ofce, Oroville, California, March, 1998. County of Suffolk, Standards for Construction of Modied Sewage Disposal Systems, Department of Health Services, Division of Environmental Quality, Farmingville, New York, March 8, 1989. Carducci, A., Tozzi, E., Rubulotta, E., Casini, B., Cantiani, L., Rovini, E., Muscillo, M. and Pacini, R. (2000). Assessing Airborne Biological Hazard from Urban Wastewater Treatment. Wat. Res. 34, 4, 1173-1178. Centers for Disease Control. (2005). Hepatitis A Fact Sheet. Retrieved August 11, 2008 from http://hawaii.gov/health/healthy-lifestyles/std-aids/pdfs/hepatitis/hepa-factsheet-CDC. pdf. The Center to Protect Workers Rights. (2004). Biological Hazards in Sewage and Wastewater Treatment Plants. Retrieved August 9, 2008 from http://www.cpwr.com/ pdfs/pubs/hazard_alerts/hazsludge.pdf. Crites, R., and Tchobanoglous, G., Small and Decentralized Wastewater Management Systems, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1998. Doner, H.E. and P.R. Grossl (2002). Carbonates and Evaporites, in Dixon, J.B. and D.G. Schulze, eds., Soil Mineralogy with Environmental Applications, Soil Science Society of America, Inc., Madison, WI, p. 207.

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SECTION 5: Wastewater Sources and Flows

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SECTION 5: Wastewater Sources and Flows

Appendix 1
Biological Hazards in Wastewater: FAQs for Septic System Professionals
Bufford A. Ang; Sara Heger Christopherson; John M. Shutske Q: What microorganisms are present in wastewater that can be hazardous to health? A: Microorganisms that cause disease are known as pathogens. A variety of pathogens are present in wastewater, including (The Center to Protect Workers Rights, 2004): Bacteria, such as E. coli, Shigella, Salmonella, Vibrio cholerae, and Leptospira. Bacteria are small, single-celled life-forms that can reproduce quickly. These bacteria can cause diarrhea, fever, cramps, vomiting, headache, weakness, or loss of appetite. Q Parasites. These use other organisms such as humans for food or a place to live and reproduce. One type of parasite is the protozoa. These are single-celled, microscopic organisms that live primarily in water. Some protozoans that cause disease include Giardia lambia, Cryptosporidum parvum and Amoeba. Another type of parasite includes helminths, which are worms. Roundworms, for example, can cause ascariasis. A lot of roundworms in your stomach will make you cough, and cause breathing difculties, abdominal pain, and intestinal blockage. Q Viruses are small particles that infect cells in other organisms. A virus cannot reproduce on its own, but requires other living cells to replicate. Viruses such as Norwalk-like viruses and hepatitis A are passed through feces of infected people. Hepatitis A is the most common virus present in wastewater.

Q: What are signs of hepatitis A? A: One obvious sign of the hepatitis A virus (HAV) is jaundice - yellowing of the skin or whites of the eyes. Other signs include tiredness, abdominal pain, nausea, and diarrhea. About 15% of people infected with HAV will have prolonged or relapsing symptoms over a 6-9 month period (Centers for Disease Control, 2005). Q: What health risks are present in wastewater? A: All wastewater will contain fecal coliforms. These bacteria are present in the intestines of all warm-blooded animals, including humans. Although they are important in digestion (and also help with some treatment of wastewater in septic tanks), they may cause varying degrees of illness if introduced to someone through any of the pathways listed later in this paper. Pathogens like Giardia, Cryptosporidia, Salmonella, Shigella, Vibrio cholerae, etc., will be present only if those using the wastewater treatment system are infected. However, since it is unlikely you will ever know the health conditions of those using a particular system, always assume that health risks exist. Exposure to wastewater may result in a number of illnesses, some of which include (Health & Safety Executive, 2004): Gastroenteritis (cramping stomach pains, diarrhea, and vomiting), caused by E. coli and other bacteria; protozoans such as Giardia and Cryptosporidia; and some viruses Q Cholera (extreme diarrhea and dehydration), caused by the bacteria Vibrio cholerae

SECTION 5: Wastewater Sources and Flows


Leptospirosis (u-like symptoms, accompanied by a persistent and severe headache), caused by the bacteria Leptospira. Leptospirosis may result in damage to liver, kidneys and blood, and may be fatal Q Infectious hepatitis (jaundice and fever) due to the virus Hepatitis A. It causes liver inammation Q Legionellosis (lung inammation with fever, dry cough, and aching muscles and joints) caused by a bacteria Q Skin and eye infections

Q: How can workers come in contact with pathogens? A: There are four main routes that explain how pathogens can enter the body. These include (Health & Safety Executive, 2004): Oral Ingestion via hand-to-mouth contact during eating, drinking, and smoking; and by wiping your face with contaminated hands or gloves. Ingestion is the major route of infection. Q Dermal Skin contact from wastewater splashes. Having cuts, scratches, and wounds raises the risk of infection. Q Eyes Pathogens can enter the body through the eye. Q Lungs Inhaling airborne microbes carried by dust, mist, or fumes.

Q. What are likely points of microbial contamination? A. The following are common sites contaminated with pathogens: Air in the vicinity of wastewater can lead to respiratory exposure. Q Tools, vehicle door handles, radio knobs, and gear shifters result in dermal exposure. Q Lunch, cigarettes, gum, etc. can lead to ingestion of pathogens.

Q: Where are pathogens found in wastewater treatment systems? A: Pathogens are present in wastewater, and can be found anywhere and on anything that is in contact with wastewater. This means they will be found in the septic tank, distribution pipes, and efuent treatment components such as a draineld, mound, recirculating sand lter, etc. Highest populations are present in the septic tank, and are reduced as wastewater receives treatment while traveling through the system (see image below). In properly designed, installed, and maintained systems, research has shown there are no pathogens found in wastewater once it has traveled through soil three feet below the bottom of the draineld (Zimmerman and Maurer, 2007). Please see table on the following page.


SECTION 5: Wastewater Sources and Flows

TABLE A-1 Numbers of pathogens found in wastewater at various stages of treatment in an onsite system (Zimmerman and Maurer, 2007)
Fecal coliforms (MPN/100 ml) Viruses (CFU/ml)

Raw wastewater
1,000,000 100,000,000 unknown

Septic tank efuent

1,000 1,000,000,000 1,000 1,000,000,000

1 ft below trench
0 - 100 0 - 1000

3 ft below trench
0 0

In wastewater treatment plants, pathogens have been found in the following components and processes: Pre-treatment Q Thickening, dewatering, primary and secondary sludge treatment Q Primary clariers and settlers Q Aeration (biological oxidation) tank Q Sludge processing unit Q Belt press machines (belt press area) Q Sludge collection hoppers Q Sludge dewatering area Q Incoming water tunnels Q Inow chambers Q Aerated basins with sprinkler systems Q Trickling lters Q Grit collection Q Biolter tower interior Q Servicing and cleaning equipment Q Washing stations

Q: What can septic system workers and wastewater treatment plant employees do to protect themselves from pathogens? A: Since pathogens are naturally found in wastewater, they CANNOT be removed. The risk of contracting a disease decreases if you practice good personal hygiene and use personal protective equipment on the job. Some pointers to keep in mind and to practice are: Make sure you understand the risks these microbes pose to your health, and ways that you can pick up infections. Q Always have a rst aid kit handy. Clean and disinfect all exposed wounds, and cover with a sterile waterproof dressing. Q Report any injuries suffered at the work site to your supervisor right away. Q Use waterless hand cleaners, anti-bacterial soaps, and anti-bacterial handwipes on the job. Q DO NOT eat or drink in a wastewater handling area. Q Do not touch your nose, mouth, eyes, or ears with your hands unless you have just washed your hands.

SECTION 5: Wastewater Sources and Flows


Wash your hands well with soap and clean hot water before you eat or smoke, periodically throughout the day, and at the end of your workday. Assume anything coming in contact with wastewater is contaminated! Q Clean any part of you that comes in contact with wastewater or sludge immediately. Q Keep your ngernails short and clean them frequently. Q Wear waterproof gloves when cleaning pumps or screens, or when handling wastewater, sludge, or grit. Whenever possible, wear heavy-duty gloves (double glove) and boots that are waterproof and puncture resistant (The Center to Protect Workers Rights, 2004). Q Wear a surgical-type mask, goggle, face shield, or visor if there is a chance that you will be splashed with wastewater. Q Wear rubber boots or those that can be disinfected if you should step in wastewater. Q Report any damaged equipment right away for replacement or repair. Q Handle sharp items with extra care to prevent accidental injuries. Q Clean contaminated equipment/tools on site with a bleach solution (Miller, 2001) (1 tablespoon of bleach to 1 gallon of water). Bleach loses its effectiveness after exposure to sunlight or dirt, so keep a fresh supply handy. Q Shower and change your work clothes before leaving work for the day. Do not take contaminated clothing home for washing. Use two different lockers to separate your work and street clothes. If you must launder your clothing at home, launder your work clothing separately from family clothing. Q Wash work clothing in hot water with chlorine bleach. Q Discuss your occupation with your health care providers so they know what potential exposures you have due to your work. Q Be sure your vaccine shots are up-to-date, especially for tetanus and diphtheria. Vaccination against hepatitis A is highly recommended. Q Consult your healthcare provider for any u-like symptoms, such as fever or severe headache, or any skin infections. Seek medical help if chest symptoms consistent with asthma appear.

Q: So, do professionals really need to worry about airborne droplets and dust that carry pathogens (bioaerosols)? A: Yes! In 2003, Prazmo and her colleagues studied Polish sewer workers who were exposed to droplet aerosols containing infectious biological agents. These aerosols impaired the immune system and had the potential to produce allergies in susceptible individuals. Prazmo and her colleagues listed the infectious agents present, which included viruses (polioviruses, coxsackieviruses, echoviruses, rotaviruses, adenoviruses, Norwalk virus), and bacteria (Leptospira, Salmonella spp., Shigella spp., Campylobacter jejuni, Yersinia enterocolitica, Legionella pneumophila, Helicobacter pylori, Listeria monocytogenes, Mycobacterium xenopi). Another risk that they cited was microbial allergens and endotoxins. They stated that endotoxins, produced by bacteria, can cause respiratory and intestinal inammation, diarrhea, fatigue, and nose irritation among sewer workers.


SECTION 5: Wastewater Sources and Flows

Q: When, what type, and how should a professional wear a respirator? A: A respirator should be worn whenever you might come in contact with airborne pathogens, such as spray from a treatment device, or a humid atmosphere. The N-95 Respirator is recommended by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). Fit of respirator is always important to make sure that there is a tight seal between the face and mask. A leak would result in the inhalation of contaminated air. Facial hair is discouraged, since this can interfere with proper respirator t. To make sure respirators are tted, worn, and used properly, a respiratory protection program for the facility is highly recommended. Q: Just what is the level of risk for an ordinary individual to get exposed to pathogens in wastewater? A. The answer is It depends. The risk for an ordinary individual getting exposed to pathogens depends upon how well the septic system was designed, installed, and maintained. If there is wastewater draining to or surfacing in the yard, there is greater risk than if the system is working properly. If the septic system was installed in an area with high groundwater levels, and/or close to a drinking water well, the risk is higher. If a homeowner maintains his/her own system and cleans the efuent screen, the risk is higher for that person than if a professional is hired. However, if that homeowner follows safety precautions, the risk will be reduced. All in all, if a system is designed considering the strength and volume of wastewater, the soil and site specics; installed using best management practices; and maintained properly, risk to an ordinary individual is minimal.

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