Curious Hynek Statements
Curious Hynek Statements
Curious Hynek Statements
(;i1(lrr, Prolcsnn ol Astrono r), lradlcv Obvrrvatory, \gn.s S.,rtt (lollegr, Dccxhu, Ccotgia, i! a k:rlcr drktl JuLy 21. 11)5.1 ltj'|cs '\\'hilc nr.rnl smr)se riHlirs lDve hccn reportcd in this area, all yil|l{ \iruc(rs rod \isiro$ lr)nr !)ulfr spxrc hi\.c givcrl Dndlcy Observrtor,v rhc .ourplrtc lrfl'rh on. \lrhrr is jr :rl'out ns that thcy don'r likci $'ill) I ry, pi('rccr ir rocker rc\ear.h aDd sptlcc rravcl sals in his book Sttrllit^, Ra. (t\ n|tl o ter Sll,l.t:, ''rhe tlling saucer (pidemi( scems f.r ha\r rur (s.our\( iu rhe srnre Al rriE ar mnny cpidmi( causd Lv baclll/iEf 'naDner te) ia. -\r dx. ourlauqhr a large Ix)rtion of dre popnlation succnrhbs, gF hlls A6cp-e;5p116 rnor. or lcs\ sevpr'( (irs(s ol rhc dini\c. A fen ire imrrnne and are 'I'B rreircd sirh ccn by dx,\c rrho ha\'e caught ir; immuurt.v seemr to be .- \., tlnfrir in an undcfiDible rlrDcr. -^hcr a rrhilc most of lhe patients re.over bLrr there ru( a nlrnber of loDclc\_ ($cs." " +) Dr J llkl lllrtel (,1 Nonlr$cit(ru I nivernrt and rhe Sruithronian IDnirrtc s;rYr:
7S I)f \\rilliiur \
u ir,rsc, rs r{cnle{l I'r thc,c5crr(hcs ot istroromcri, ; $ vasr a,r(l compriscs !r F'rn) billions ,,f sun' xn,l heD(c II i'rte'encc, bilh'ns of sdrr sj'rtcrrrs t,tri-rl,rL lor ,)11. Lr) lj,)l(l r,(lx) rhit njrr ir Ll,c highcsr intelli8cr(,.
(;'r,rrf(1, rIcn, tfrrr rhcic rrr) b..orDrle$ othe). inrelligcnt ci!ilirntion$. crrnicd rlio Lhxr rl( \ miglrr l||tempr ro (onntrunnntc rLith odrcr sud.ivili. ratiorn, outsclrcs includc.l- l|Ut herc i\ $hcrc the cosfli.-romrnti( and drc \Ltiotrs rr||,t)on,d rrn\r l)xrt r,rnprr,). fhe vc'r !ast,,e$ of rhc uDircric plnci. r !irtu,rllv irirrpcrxL)lc t)lltrrl( L,) rLc fLrllillmrnL ol c\ncdiliols of onnnuni.arn[. r'h( rLi\ran.$ itrr,ilLc(l rrc siNpl! roo grear and rhc eryinccrinF difii(lltics roo txhnl,rs ld ni ro conccilc ol such lisitarioDs. ..Brt oni u'ishfrl tlirkcrs (onrc b.ft rDd sx], "Rui $ltrt abo t ill thc evidcscc ot ll\,ing sr(er5 rhrt rhe {i' [(tr.. hrs bectr gflhurg all theie years Lct rlt r(Lm'x'lrc$ i,lonc, leas j'rsr look nr rhe clidc're. ..\.h, thers the n,b: \rJlir crirkxrei * coBnlrrnr DD Lhcic lllitrcrs kr fte Air Fd(e n)r'naD) \(rrs, I hr\c scer rlii{.utlcr((iiurl ns r s(ienri\r ir ler!cs mc.tnite hustraicrl. lhere ii notl,ing rhcrc Lhir rtr! sci.trliir trould lr ulr ( ILL sci(trrifi( (lcrrilctt nnn'crixl rcsrlt\ that (iu be used xr dr cvideocc."lL.r! rrc -Ihcr( 'n, ba$i$.1 conll[rariolx xre no s|)eclrtrnr rnnllns 0f lighr, Do l)lok! gnpir tlrr( ,"\crl rr\ (lcrxil Arrcrrllv ttorlri'$ hur rrg(e slrrcurclrrr rhx( lx(k Lhc xll cc'sxrv vienrin( prccni(nr. -{luost rll of lhc reports futther. tnne dono"\rmbh isc noD srinn,li trhich cu'r lnost lo8i(rll) bc i(lcnrifr(d wiIL Biiridunrili.xrirrr.l !oIre ol,je.r-l)rLll(nnr, bi,{li, riIcfrft, crc.' in(l \'hrr is nr)sr lrurlritirg rrrl (li\rl,t'oiutitrs m m. 5hxll I.onlcsi it-I .l!r,l,l !.rr r,r(i, liLc r,, lr "n.,'r .hdn ,,^,ni( rom.'nti.r ,r1,. bclic\.r i"
i9 Lr\rr N ro rnlr Lx|r,Rr\ \,\irnri Li,ri,, ilirc Il,r\ r\cirirq \\li.,L trc(,n(ltr,'!r irr lnrL!.tdplir r"(t r.iign,ii' Ilnr, rl.rr l.rst I.,,ruDber Ir\L liLL rt 1r nlrr l)cr!)r!.tl hclrrL Liur lirr(l .ol,l Ix,Lr prcs.nt.(l b) rh'('r(1...! (lrLr r). Llrc l)rLrltLnq b.i(ks (n sci(ncc st) trr rn,l !ruch Lo ,,i1 (lir.,t,ln,inor)f,,t hc (\i.l.rxc hrs l)..n lnind r,,'Li,,g E\.n rn rl,.!. lc\ ,rsi rir. lir Irrrt crt,trrt tr triri. rn(l ot r!hi(1, I I,r1. in\esliqrtc(l r i,udLr.r PL,n',rllr ,n.l I rrrnot cxPldnl cithcr {hc nicjiLih( }.r' is i,r'trfli(icrrt to LOm !).Lrrr (lcIn'rc {''r (lt.N!j.]|1qrl]|l[,nj)'LL.)ll''(r])|,|,L]l1] !,r( ol Lhj,rg\ l)\ rfhi.I dr1 r,,r irirtiL!.nr b.iriF' s.!ld ri) ro ((inrnuiri( tL. $ir1ns \\'li) b. $ n)i(crion!, \\'h\ rl, i,, ',th tririrl 1!rls rn(l () !) x)r preicnt i l!ll(r1c,li\l)l,rr tl) a lIll ,'L!: lcw? l\h To isrronoinci\ the,hirns ol rLe fl)inq jrrr((r lrr)l'oDcnt!,|) ro1 nrrl' ll,r I tlotr t Ll,l,,k rl,er. ts rri r\rtonor'rcr s.nic ricDriii.trill i\r.riD)\i\ ali!. rrho rnrul(1 nor stxntt !p rrid (l,iLr rt n n! lfrl omcrr(c lr)' stt(c \isitors llol our l rfledg. .l r\r,.,i(,i1r, r,rr,! 'r:r* ii 11. ,L)rrlLl r'i'muni.iL. (lircdl\ \irh {leni7.ns ol .,ir,, \r).tt rirrl hrtr\ .r" L rlrolrrLrLo!r \t)dlrt nouDtl \,!l (i)i,tai.$',(r,l(l ,{iLrl,,l\ tr.rr r\rrof(irr(ri LrLL ttlf ,\ii li,r(e 1 t L,,xL to p!r{rc s!(li ( o, Dnu r,r. il)t\l Er(,n1 rh rILrf(llrttt rlt)i,e I miehL rcll irl, |1c,tr. lcr us lr \f !n. ro Urrrrq \.if.o5
,\n.l in
Dr Ucnzl srl\
A\ roL, krhi!, in li53 I ln,Ili\heLL r l)ook, 'll!ing sru(rs. L\ tirc ItrFai{l t difertttl Pre$ lhis l)ook srs I sci.,,rifi( stI(l) .t Lh. lirtirc(l ob5ervrti,)nel diLr then rrailrl)le in(ludnrg I nudb.L ot slrlrrL cr!$ Ic lcarc{l hy rhe.\ir l'or(e .Alr|o,,gh m} (on.lusions ]\erc rlr.rr l),ntd hiqch on rlirorcrn,rl (.n\idrrtioni, I l,rrc dutiDg Lhc lJr5L socD \crrr hril rn amtlc oU,.ih,.iL\ ro (lte.k.nd rc(hcck rhe rnt(inefts dixt I rrrrrl. in rl'rt book\lr|olllilIw)u1(lnoL.1ailll01)l)ei, thc,rrrdi,Ll Ll,.,t I lrrd xrril)lnf.Lr th.,r (inrc r1\ tof5isr(:Irr \ir l rl,. rtdri,)i,s rl,rt I then prol)oic(l I hrre \e! riirrgc. t1]rt hrrc rrtu,rll\ 'hD,fLl rri.ii,t)Line ll[\es.Dipc(r,(ulr,{rt!1.$\,]rnl.\'!(l( lc,irli^ r5 il l,\ Drqr etrl fr.c r sl,it, iir lts Ixth rL.rgh 3l'L(( I hi\. ri.n !'n..1 Ll,i i.Ln!16 grc.t f)cl)llli r)l Lhc S.Drhnc5L, '|(lt'(!rrrg 'n. I I rr !ri,\ r(l rill,'l\ {1,!)t.{l itr dlL lhi,u,r,,(( l1.i:,,,",' I l,r\f ,L 1i,, .t)irii.Ir rl!i)li.1t.(l 'ir nr!1 {l!lnr,rLirt rtJrrrrrllr r\t \ irn lJ,rj l \iiig \,,rd,LL)l'r,iti.n i,, rl,1 lnr)k' Irc,' 1),]. 1,r, no\1rt r') lrrr. r \,,,rt1. (,lIri,', iri t(i,ri\,)l rc{ic(ri1in.,)r ill,,drtnr i1'rr5 li.!r rxLlirl ,Jbl.( ' ()r,ni,,!, j,,fl, L(rr),s !r,)n i(cti)\Li,Lt,,,ll(tr,)r,5 IitnL (itcr (|r,fletl i!l I !l ic,. .r,L)ii!i\ r() !,\ ,,tigiii.Ll I),,rt).\iti,)r I lrrr Il\jtl t rr(cis lL.L\r ,r litr. i(rnl,lc(Lrll ,,rr,,i.Ll .\,linr iori r1,.,, !LLf1,(r.rL( ,lri | ,iL. \rlliIlf t\idcnn rl,.,1f\.I rL, \!i)lrorr Llrt (orrLfirLi.ii rr '!1i1LrU \!r 'btt,,r(lIr)
ur du!Yc suhjr(
(pi^ 6rt
dhrnd I
Etlq' Frn #,, [7:5' . ryry1 /?" ; ^-r,,"'i1 ,.-.ii U.-;j{'tJ-* ii d,r , &...,/J
taly psj i
lln-lrr.l $orrl'l t,. rr,re qil,or'hrir.r r'.'1..,1 : :{-:: ,l , nr 'lh irr' li t -.' --. rsytn il - ',;,]t.l';in,,,''J""ir ,. ,, ,, r,..,,,r.1 .,.hour,'itriuocr sihs ro rnn.c,r i., .r r..rr(ri r^y.rri( u,i cplrer. , j.l. $.r, r,rriri^d Lr r,.r" u r,'.,,,,\,.1 1,. Monrrno Wh,lc i '1n, \ru.ol,,f, r'.rLl .,1."w. an Innl.rflUrrd \ pw or L I'e pornrs porr r, rKe r\- grclr Mannlng Manr;rg. s rilrds l.:,r.'lr rres II noldrng huld.n( a i Drass brJ.s key L"r LF'k".r' l,:sl orr,.ls. Denlecn lrs r(rlrg I:,r t, l,JL:rls\" ul.-. r. !,,.,rnr r,. r'e lnLl ornsrs. r'-r:.t, rrurnlr.t. "',.j llrt\h ',....r,, Ir thtlmbldlingcrThekeyjspeltocttystlaiehtThen holds tl)o lrcy in hrs lightly closad hand, ar,d then holds iil|nre's trucsorne lisychic rlrilitrcs he's hever been toLrqhi ag!in L(l$," n his rhln,h ar.l _ li qer," rrrill"d Dr. (r\vun.l I '
s 11lh
Monteil to
about hrs UFO
Whs Arr{ve
Mystnridus 'men;n {sents lril lavc'11p-11- f-;". fil-- r--^-. me metal Darticlcs \ interrosated many pcopre *nn* -,0s. Exist,. Qoims.Expert' l;S.Sl,i""#:i"""filfJ'.!';.'Si; '"rll*,, tt' 'u"'"lia;a. sisnrca-urOs. vari.t rhcm to kecp .1r9'q"" '"r'1.
UFOs exist. ",r.iog and whcn he learned"thai ;;r;titj ,,1" r told r.ra them o,o- I'd T,d scnt eonr the rha parn,r:s. I "." le _And, Dr. Bon Wertrum. a protcssor phologrrph.d ihF foo,f-ints, to the Aerial Phenomena R" ,iran ol soclology or so.iolos) al qrripr ar ltastem Er 1c.n Mlchtgan N,t-.hi an I unL n' bedt}e b.o rh; man,s p s camera amnra iro and st Orernizati,rn and thc rnen Left versity, believes the "men in black" iritm from it. 'The. he destr;r droyed fh htfirour idantir)ins ihemser\es. -lhe po are agents of the CIA or some other LfootD nts and lcft ,, : r r" r s-'l ice re\erled . . f'b,r government security aAency. Jim larenzcn dirctor of the Aeri;l l-*n:r---"-' ---r-- * ri^ n"rrr"- r-6 ttq _;9vqyn1r.nt denies Phenon"nr oreiuzau.rfi, .'ofti.iiUy. ; ure e\jstnce of UIOS,'Dr. uestrum]sajd.he.s,had scv.rat experiencds inJ y
rh.y". *"; l;:l-;,,9:,;li lT,,l:t:i:";l lTi,"ll;9""'311;i":Ii"'*'il*. .whcn I interviewed him. I:t:l ib?tl-.'',1'l haras\ed them and. in 5ome .ases.1i;.;n ,;;' jX"" "br,,.l conris"atea ploioi ana ;iil-;;il "".i,'':ii;Jt"a , rot or qu""tio;.!!. iii:. jL" l:ffL::"-tlfl: dence that
pcopr. arel ll?: ll:1,l!es, -'L-":1._,", oerDg rlrcktso doqn Dy rhe I lA 3nd
i opinionl
my nomerronn" to h,m lnd his tr:e it h. conrlsrllbued ra-rins abour seeine Lhe LrFo.., ..proor . tnrcnrEd tiRq- ,-""
,:qilsi!"il, *^:;;,i.:y:ri:I{fii;liil xurtr I L3sr ,rune. It "- ' trL.n r, ::",":l' l"l1 l1+_ff1,1',;t;r"x'rrti,",,;;;";"":t | Lrsr,rune,
t}le Centor for "mer lton, nt., v;enr IIFO Carlos Antonio to lunch and they qlrestioned me
the pilot, that Monteil hed DQeD ap-]r His brmh with the mysterious men lproaina proached ty by ure the ,nen blackl ,'.ti;i 'men in btickr' 'r.Drrit ;i;;;,:i"ir," I the nhdtnorabhr pnotographs. cam while investigating a UFO sight, lHynek said, . fffp1mffi.tgT;Xf;il""; "A womsn hrd soon a spa.cjike loul fifsr ..rhey d\s&niFfl in .aid. creatur with huge {eei outside her off the r rhemserlres as members of
quoted as saying to be authentic,
is a piece from the }ationaL -b'nquirer from ciacussing the far0ous 'l{en fn tslackn. In it you are that you be.lieve at -Least one l{en fn Black incident the one invoj.ving Carlos r:'lonteil in i\4exico' Is this
l-ast Iieptember,
quotation correct?
story of the trien In lllack originated the contactee-oriented groups of Gray Barker and A-L tsender, as Irm certain you nust reaj-ize. Origina-|'Ly, the lill! were supposed to be extraterres trials, as gender re.lates. loes the Center for Li !'O Studies nov.| enbrace the M]B as an
authentic part of the overall L1?0 picture? -tf the \ational drlquirer, or an:f other pubtlcation of which you are aware of, has nisrepresented anything you have said on the subiect of the i,len In -B-Lack, i wouid very nuch apprecia-te :t if yount/ould 1et x0e Krrow so that f aro not inadvertently attribute to you statements you
Best regards,
iiobert Sheaffer
P.S.- J assume that you harae had tlme to l-ook over noy article on tILe r/b Iij.-L-L "Liu abductj.on", lrhat are your corDnents on it? Do you think that it seriously weakens the credibj.lity of that case? And what about the star map, seen in the iight of the new revelations- do you now agree that it has been pretty Buch shot down? AI-L those nice co,Ior illustrations 1nAASfRODAIMY, appear to have been exercises in wishful thinking. ierhaps you have not heard the iatest deveiopnent in the Hiii, case. Betty iliil c.Laims to have spoken with the Shost of her Iate husband, who said that the LFo people cotne fron "Ceres" which "cirinks froE the star at the tip of the ,lipper"(????). ,{IB** this rady ciains to have been tallen on board a Ll'O. 'then she says she can contact the aliens telepathicaify. iroly she ta-rks to ghosts. fihat wiil she crea$ up next? And yet the 'serious' LF0togists continue to regard the t{j.-tl case ae this te-L-L us so!0ething? one of the very strongest, Loes -UFoI'AUTS for details' ) (See Haris iio-Lzerrs new booli the
Faned psychjc Ingo Swann, who says he h3s rnade out. of-iody erploratlons of the planeis l\lercury and Jupiter, has sirocked scierlijsts \riih incredibly accurate descriptiors of thcse plal1ets. "llc dcscribeLt things aDd gave dclails which vere not knovr) tc scrcnlisls ul/til the llsliner 10 and Pioneer 10 saieliiles flc$' b) the planets and got the infornation," re\,ce]cd Edgar lI;tchell. the fonner Americen astr'oraut that seem to leap up. Thcy who Falked on the moon. arch. Tney are more like Szid Dr. J Alln ]{ynek, S$ajrn also descdbd a magcha;r"uar of the aslroromj' dc. netic fieid sLr.roundiig the at \-DrtLr.*esleru UniPartnrenl versjtr/. "Thcse are ihinAs thrt planet - and saiC he detected ''soffcihjrg like lichens, sort l1I. SNann couldn t h!!P oi a witerlilie life th.rt af trcssfrl or rEad about. Ilis taches iisetf to ihe rocks." anC , nrrpresrions of i\forcury presiigious Sclence (Ismistcd." The Jupiief .annot be - -, Swenir rep.rrrcd ilr.t I\ler- lie$ s agazine, reporting'on Iierjner. sajd: "A major sur{ . r. .urt h?d an rlr)oiirhere, a p.ise lrrs Ure discovefy that Datnf rc iield aJ]d a sk! glow, tie supposedly airlcss vorld ln! \!ir rn..,ral liqits. He rins .. , ,r ii..!cu lorrccr ti11.c0 \'ecks (cI r',lorcury) has an aimoslrter ri:rrin llar_iner i0 marle rij ilr-lr\r of the ll at. . i_ fh: il2:enr-tl(l pslchic's Ii!1d, the nr:rgarire s!id. "It a Inajor scientrfic l:lai" :!:r irrNg obserrari.o - r.t-.te:enls planetary magdiscL'very irl trier thlle is a fornr of Drirnilire p;nt l,ie oD i'Ierci{.' Scienc," Nevs also reporfcd c{rtLi(i :i,r! ir! rcriri.d be.;ri. thc.i.'.eiiiie nrs too lar a$ay
Dr Ihnek iold
The EN-
irIFd io tLe esl.rfirl. tald'l'irc llll.alLl-tllJR lh:,1 S,rann nlajn13ii:d corscio sncss Uronglrout ihe e\I,cfjmcri in his Ne}' \orli .rf:r-ilDert - "btli his Drin.l was fnr a$ ry "' jnjnute!. \lithi. he rcporled ' Lclr: Li]r and oLrl into space
tr r'Lj.i.!rl na" nrcn;torcd by ,hr?i irlilclicll, e parrp;vcholo:ril riih lhe Softot! i,rr Irst'ciric.l ites.arcl i\l:: triiicn.ll. r'ho i: nol re-
' }ft. S\!?ur's lindinqs - Xlirl'l Eight nonlhs later, the bciore rie recci\e(l ure ncr t0 data _ wefe incredjblv Pionecr 10 tly-by of Jupiter. J was abte io confirm ail ofl accurate. 'IIe rcpcrtcd atmoslhere a tlese ljndirgs. matnctrc.field. iron. ifior.!l Said Dr Hrnekr ,.I was fas.
tar<fl in or llercLrry." add, Ilrs. llitcholl. \ho rs stxdyixg_Ior lrer doclorat in psito
SFaun's obscrrations were trirc ff.orCed, tr.a.ldrilrd and no.l]iircd ileli in edlaxce of I
SFACE TRAVEL is cxhl or.iing, excloims psychic
liusscll TrrA, seiior research- "ii $as exhrlarating I was crs si ilre noicd Slaniord fte- a\lare of 3ll nl'.senses probing search lrslilute in l"Ieulo the planets. I'ark. Calii.
tlc \l::incr fil by. ' It s bfcuiil'l - cod, ii's Lclrrlilull" he gas|ed rl ote 'T|crc sf?ms {o be a thin 2tn.-rplicre.. I r.c *irbo\rs
S rnn said Jupiier lis st,qkd a pclionous "billcf crld ' rtno,lf,htjre "of nlt,rj.1.l col{,rs - Jcll.r ', rcd. violei.
rjcnrc Ercr1s.
vorks iispla!." lle sard he' (r$ vl.rt l,oLcd like a t,,r-l
k t1'7s
Unidentlfied Flying Objects are probably piloted by mechanical men, according to America's leading UFO authority. "If U!'Os are spaceships from otier stars, it stands to reason that their pilots must be computerjred, prograDmed robots,', said Dr. J. Allen Hynek. Dr. Hynek, chairman of the Northwestern University Department of Astronomi and founder of tbe Center for UFO Stidies, told TATTLEfi. : "Considering the distance tbey'd ha\re to travel and fhe frequency of their appeararces, it would be unreasonable to assume the ocopants are made of living material - whether Dlant or animal.
seing space crews
fiorn Ilying
"II lcd
lt8ve l.o
dista prlnl in
sst sly
somebody lrom
are rct conemd with hunans, Ilynek added. Qurt onen, whe! these alien spacemer a.e sighaed, rhey seem not to reallze &ey,re being watched - or tlEy jusl don t
''The.e are many, rnary tbings alr.llUFOS, their maker+ and thei.
in Aulrolla, l{e
ald i.y to
Somedar UFO8
yill m l0neer
''Il s not ihat the peapie wiD built the UFOS are neessrlly nde Eynek sard he'd like !o put inttlieent than we r.e ar much ar it toeetber an educational television is that they're piobabv nore a+ sho{, st esstn! thc key fact6 as he
my3tcrlous, f.ightenhg
b {he
'MosL people qho've sen the spaemen, noee!e., app@. ro tuve do.e Bo dain8 the 3 a,nr, ap
spaceDetr just dor,t *en 0o a&e hucl uhethd 0r nol there @
vculdn'i have
been able co
About fouJifths of
incredible anit cEDt
@nl. They
D@ple arouDd,
Blt if v
FATE \1!, I
. "\v6
J, Ail.i Hin.[i
po'ribilitf r$,rr our tndwleCa is..nof sulTicient +o comF.6tend the prcblen, l+ Has real physical ' a5Fech at1d p.rahormal 6spect,, {oo."
mu5* Edmii -rhe
r^.:l_ r'_'ll-i<, snr. rrls rgo at b$es jn ttre urrqer ry.ches ot 1e L/ rr..b r.u rnd I i,alkcil alolrt !-r:Eor that could have exisied icr eril.rji3 ilie !ar;:,r3 'J:.ories oI E-iite a ilhilc, A 1!ird !-.rosal is thtrt
llsa:,' S. lel's .i::-!ss :'!at Ul'Cs Urros has not cheried ?i sare ray !e, l. id.a lirt lhcr soris o! thinss lvere ..poricC in 1915 at be hore iirar .,r. f.iid o! liins. as were leporled in 1055 ad ?rrier. - cl.,e,o.I the origirai eal)lana1iols ol Ii lre had ihe tcchnotosy imlued iD
I'A1D rft: Irirst of all I have a iEnDc restc't for ile t(mcndols tmces involled in sDace ri se'ms
ron rs lrr:'I thF I FO r" nu'e rl ,\' u'llY :hc tr "'h'rom "r'"r out lhat lb' icrcnt lt naY lurn
tro 't-ie
dnecleJ Proq:cn
essentiatly interchaneeable supit wa3 !6ss!b1e to bavel in tibe .aiher ilEn in spsce 1'lr. sar that the trme is the srme lere as in New York hut suplos. that i.stead of iime beilB file same, spac ree.e considered the sme alC one travpose
.re ci themwhere olc Bould inasine such journPyr v/ould ie jnftquent. I like the idea .l .xtratorrestriil
It's pure blucsky lhysical scjn. my.olleacues would say I'm .absoiutcly ..azy foi evcn thinhihg along these lin.s. llul physicists lotist-s and
elj!_jl_!!Eij!srs4..,It. an Era.e !roblch o{ going from loint A to loint E V/e wolid travel ir lirne .ather raD in stace
bii, but ny thi.d quesiion concerns i,he conqept ihat U1iO3 come from anothei sp:.e-1ime cohtinuum This is rclaled to ebat you'vc just saiit bDt hay noi be exacU]. the same
to da$ i rDur ;icw cl the ' UFOS come {rofl ,
de talking about tbines todar ihey wouHn t haee dreamed ol tallri.C about 50 or 100 J.-erN ago Frller: One of rhe basic tenets of Dr
i t' ,..
rllaaki Ir
js__slniaLr___Istallr,j spacc
of this, tnat
:up DC time
Ij-hin.s work E the realily of precog tron No.r, if it is possible lor a Dersoi to know an event befa.e it haFlens lrer't v,e tatnrg about an event llsi prhaFs has no cause?
-J_. i. tr-,eL riyrrek, L:ar!,. i.l:1oLL3 a;. Lror,onlrr :ni scientilic il:r0 zrlvesti._atorr Jolrl5 a ,,1s,'14i ltinei oi I'tcl-i sarr:iilliveii an.l spirrtua-L jieaiirrg authorilrias"' iti a sjc.lio1arrJi ijyrrrposirlln or) "0u1-ot-b!dy travci,l" r arra: rri.lollulunicatron uiah ihe Llnanei, (oa-!(:".
.'' r' .uf, r rr. dtT .!.r.i._ - C-u .: -Lri iief,ai.r" thl: rsrae,Li Caf-Liost-{o !.r'no ij-!Ein,< r1i5'psychjei i ovrers +riljiiate ."rith
tne myster:lou5 si,ac.r !eopie oi tne .iJ-Lar-et loo'/r, ,. ro -.1 I ;Li^ tu i, L'., La, - ! Lr". uiich niiracu:ous-iy Cematriarize, (l]jljrl_ Journa t..ol c{ UrtL llelreir hy -lhS-'livs]lerv r',,ndri ja ilharich iioubreday, 1i74.r -lr:Fo ,'jlvarrri, r,/ho elaims ic have beerr ;I1 l..e.Fatrlre totnmu[ieatior with a j,]n1ro.len.jron, but iound the merita- erLergy oi tfie " {r.coo1 . ral-! " ,,al.t tc L Lco Iorni at_ , ani.i riljoyer:: grl:ater sruccess vrnelr he aitern!t9d':r tc terelrathical-y .omirlate a !,iec. 91 "rubbcri,;ec1 !.,ra!ol tL: " . ( 1'o jllss lgrth'-Gcoiilnq by .inf'o Swann iawthorne Baakst j-t75)
Sepenth Annual
rttrd. da]
i'r!,.airiiing the sonference is l{aro-11 :lirermar-, a ci .:. !:. tr - , Lr-:nuJi.arr wl-Il l-?:nJ Lo havr :iwarl ii] takirlg 'Out-ol*llodyr tritrs around -oi: the l,o-,ar :jystrn, naiiinp_ psychic --xlj.Loratiorri: oi thr. :r: . ...-rcLirJ dn. u.p'_.rr \.tvr,.i. :1",., -..r., tcr n;1:: t! ii,iinF sufil ol Sr5.iJi,, you, too, car join ih i. assemb-|:iee of a istj-ngu;ehE.l rlseareli,.'. a.- they c i;r- !(:)1E tiLa uniTerse of "-r're cornition", "'i-1'!,h- La-ilr;", arIr o-ther nysterlcus J-ai1i s beyor,i. tr,r - LAr of iea, i t v. i jr:/ne( ar-irj y'a-Lree I H3gtlery
. Dr. Robert
Polard . Robdr
. Harotd Shernan
ESPRESEARCHASSOCIATES FOUNDA]ION 1660 L]NION NANONAL PLAZA. LITTLE ROCI(, ARK. 72201 Deaf F{rrold Shcman, Plcas. sendfolde.wirh aI,tetaits
. tr
, 1
I-ATE nagaz
ine !9?6
t | ,:.....*
set "
THE STAR leamed is berns set up by Dr. J. AUen Hynek and his wo.Id-renowned Centr For IJFO
Astronomer - -Dr.
nn! ;;k. dissr,sried wlh rt" ai, r,j#.r".rfr_iii li,ll"i*iJ;i;ia-r il ;;;1c;# -;Jn;;'ca;;, ']'elast ror debala become a.subjFt ii".r; lii;"i i,,*iiis?r".-'' ha5. *li";;;un cd \aiions ; ;;i;J-&;;iness in_'he Hynek. prDressor or asl ronomy
alien beings. Hynek Ras the movrc's technical ad\,'lsor This week. wit]l the smeral release of the movre. and with publrauon oI a mw book. The ilythe whole conI5I-YI9,-Eprt rs narins up asain ',m!rsy. rew days. il . Already, in
A scne rrom close Encounters oI The trdTiiil lhe movie that has irspLed a rcw UFO pmtf terrestrial way- By this I mean ansbon, Ill, told THE STAR this wek that there a.e abod 100 that the intelligence may be quiie UFO sightings each day around clos to eartb but in anothr dthe world, and that more than r5 mqrsion or trme fmme " million Americans have now rClose Encounters will make it pgrted seng unidentified flying things "Anvthins between two or three milliori or ihese cannot b ex
said less
."i,o|.r"a io niii it',f seGahonal'new UFO movie $as al l\orlhwe$em Ilniversity in Ev-
sight identifiable
old reFrts
ibility than
" HFek said h was '1rtterly eptical" when the US. Air Force appmached hih in a96:
mitrd hw s.wiiq I fa6l *'i i*'F-.i
ar Nonhrrstft University m
would not want lo had a new inspace and make all sorts of assumptions that UFOS must b comlrg rrom ou@r space_ "On the othr hand, at the Cen-
''SuDFose amonq these blind pople mayb t$!- or iJ|ree had their sidf re$ored temDorarilv and thei saw the red sunslt. Ho; in the hell would they explain thar
"It was Juns's idea that while we're all individuals at th consciou6 ler|, we alt cqmected at
r all separate but besically conrEted ard the sme blood rults through all of them. 3
the rnconscious leil hke the fingers of your dght hand. They ,
tbincs beca8e thev wer s6leticallY 'prosanmed to ao WATCH FOR EX'IBACTS IT'OM TIIE }M{EK UFo RE-
thai al
Dr H]'nek, professor ol astroDomy at Northwestem University, Evanston, Ill , also heads the Cnter ror UFO Studies, and \las technical
experi' In most cases, wrtnesses names have been censored by order of the Attorney GeDeral's office, to
Skctch of creature scn
or Kertucky fam.
Astronomer Dr. J. Allen Hynek, the UFO hunter who has just witteD a startling neq book.
ty of these sightiDgs last for sevelal minutes, and the witnesses are senerallv able lo recall sDecific-dehns; rt seems hishl! in
likely thal the witnesses are hallu-
one of the most interesting cases, says Hyrek, is th Kelly:Hotr kinsville srshtinq on Ausust 2L 1965 Seven adults-th.@-wom.n and tour men-reDorted sisbtins
creaturcs on a falm in Kllt, Kv: They were mterviewed in th.e
ed the incident firmly blieved Hlnek says: "He could find no mohve whatever for a hoax the simpte folk were not seeking puts
cinahng, hallucinations
are usually transitory rn nature, and the '\'ictim is nol generaly able
descnbe things
bly from curiousrty-seeke$, rportrs and sensation-moneers " Another remarkable "clos ncounter" involved a radio announ-
"The obiecrs werc seminelv weishtless'as they would fl6ai down tuom trees more than fall
"W}len tley approached the all cases. tbe alms wre .aised in a 'stick em up fashron, and they {ould approach vry slowl! on their hind fet. "When struck with bullets or a nashlisht. they would droD to
hous rn
dle of th mad. The man ctaimed thle tittle "creaturs" emerged from the obiect. Hvrek ouotes th man as safrng: 'rI *rin! that they we.e looking al me I camot be sure bcause I did not se eyes of any sort. I know that I was lookmg at them and I was quite fascinated
fashion as a hawk's and the hands were raised above the head, it apparently looked rather lihe an al, A UFO ploiographed h CeDtral Braril itr 1969: Dr. Hymk and his team tack positron. However, may investigated hudreds of similar sightitrgs in receD! ]ars. have been a fnendly gesture to indicate that they had no weapons. "They rvould move slowly when in t}lis position towards the houses and made no attemDt to enter _stared They just stood and untjl they were frightened away " Hynek says the story mel with complete disbelief m the part of
three minutes. Thn they tumed and weni under the obiect and a tew seconds later, the object stafted to rise slowly
"l can salely say thal ]ve 'looked' at each other for about
''After it was about one quarter mile high, the light went ort and
nost !rsoN, except those who tnew ihe famrly well But Bud
rL^ ;r--r^--
f i,,l p r $Mn
lop They said he had bmken a carF pdqn DromBe to reveal secret govemment files on UFOS They blame plitical and mlitary presThe charses wer leveled bv as' troDomer D"r. J. Allen Hrnek,'psy chologist Dr R Leo Spnnkle, and
?lt.l 0f lh mpl:catjor,s
Dr Sprinlle, clnlogy at rhe Un'lersit) of nmg- S3id thai Caner "didn't realjze lhe imDlicatrons of tbe .lease of such lrfonnation." when
he made his campaign pror,rse
Dr HFek,
had oI the
tnal UF0s are real. there ould be widesprad panic around lbe Bo.ld Goverments would collapse, Dr Sprinkle said So
would enlire economic systems 'Alun8 wiih ih panrc, an epl Llcmic .f suicidc\ and Insanily
":c cr !/r''
r+rr ,i ia"
IoR S,\l,E: iALIi fron i ssue No. I complete to 1957. lrile or phone DoDinick C. Lucchesi, 71 Boor(cn \vc .Iersey li ly, Ner Jerscr (J7)J()7 201- Sl| 5-2J7;
A Pdqe 3
Tiier 'silence group' greeting the alien ship !n 'Close Encounte.s ot th Third Kind'
Dr J Allcn Htnek has nrer had a close enc0unter, but hD is one ot tle $orld s leading xperts on UFOS And hc
Carter a
lenter for LFO StuCies in Evanslon.lll. *ith olhr (rridri scientists tlc chims he has cor)p!1' records of 1i0,000 s.Ehtiri!, .rtori, l.l !'prL.nt of !hi(h fannnt hr r. bll;ir.-:?s-nbIf?s or ndrural
or man.caurj!
weakcnd s ilFO .nn\,ention
''1 have had people rell me they kno$ tha Dilor !,vho tle\r the bodies back { to the Unite,l srares or thc ductor sbo^SQs
demand ''lv
itrry pilols,
Brounc raa3r
One thine he
to tl1lnk UFOS were
been ridiculed to death.
aqtronaqLs_ or
But they won't go away .eali?e that there is a vast unilerse ort thre and that some of the people who hale seen UFOS mililary pilots and argineers, for trstance are Dot just
Norihwestern Universrty "ff its all nDnsense. thn th-".e s uo reason lo stop them from talkrng But I keep hearing aboul milltary oificors
the govern-
about is thut lcopie who once wer afraid tD reveal tney la:d v;tne$ed rmusual evenls are now cornii1g for}'nrd
The queston of a possrble governnent coverup of coofte. is th.lhfmc of "Closc Encounters of the'I'hird (ind.' a drawing h|lge c.ords
rhey taJnr*t ey,ritedly arountl the 70{dd tahlei rrr.yjng such items as slarshit plirls, (rsb Enlerpnse bad8es and boardinripasscs a d cosnic posters. They l,{lc..d to Dr. Hyneh and lourer experts, but they reserve,l th,lr l, uJcst chaers to. actol wrllian Sh.lncf \lhu plalcd .ptain Kilk in "sl)r4Trcli.
''We are
'But he aho acknowledges that many people are lookinE for a scientitic father image in the sky a "scientific Cod, ' as be puts it One thing he can't explan: w1tre ar UFOS? space is putting the cart befor lhe horse, ' he says- "We can t say that yet We still have a lor of data ro garher_
has acluall,v iieen rcporled and {iocu such ls skin blrrns, shaking mented
Dr H!-nk Bas technical coNuhant for the iilmandthe originator of its title He serled ncarly 20 ycars as a cililian consultant v'iih Project $iue Book, the ,\ir Force's controversial sludy of ,he
UFO phenomenon
sig rult
$,ere based or many sketches made by persons $ho have claimed to have seen sucn alie!
H says he has learned, since Project Blue Book was abandoned in 1ftt9, that many reports alid not lind the .way tnro 1Ie Air Fofre study.
in the lilm
conrinced the Air Fo.ce Lungl4 ris IJFO inrestigalion His latest book, lThe Llynek UFO Report,"
purports to rfvcrl what the government s'rppressed r!d r!hy.
Dr Ilyr,bk is
One of the mosl persistenl reports he hears involves frozen alien cadavers the -4iI Force supposedly recovered from a crashed UFO in ltexico in 19i18
'/-F r'i{
On r)ia
\ii.iil ll
I;'rrr King
i lii;l<i Nilrons |ai be(ome ln-'!,ltt't-ffi{aiitls"a'rE i '-fiI'iF rienu(r. *.orps are no? ririiil llr sllrd rnone], 0'l
Jonetl,ln! rhal
b$ cot -
rdersi,rl,he.dce'i. Ilrr alehrer lor UFO Siudiei has t3Ll ro eii,:! 4r: lohrrieer
iiir l:i,!i,al tli \r. ri, l. sr, , ri,iLr(;l:rLr !I, Li.:rfr i iitL rr! t,,:,t t ,L ?.rr r!r0flrirjl -1,, .;i rl!$.:1 !i,r,tra.iji. )l! ,r_:r!;rs io rir. ,ire 0,r \:ril I (\ ifr 'lrflrserrhirir s. rrLl fi..i!,ck," lL.!a d 9!t. r !:r{ r1xl, l,.d@nii
r)samscrei Arr Force
I.1l-\ n t n1t4rt ln.rr:ei,.r, il" r i.1!j .1
ch,r;r{i r Lrh q(-fJlrxrt a daocv hall srilrif 3it fL\'( 0l l ber eir3lrlsil|lr{int In ths arri drn.,
'iD'r ir,ri
w![]:y ttIb .d nal L"J b(slsecityollicla15 diil Il r' (r(i\ sr i!Li .rt ih:,' nd rri.r{,.rpiirnr\ l,,r'ei or lne i) pr'Ue!,Firnrlc Ul rpors as ciiyr ftarlC Ritrdan(i.g .rtr,:$ of \irii lflatiiaLtons of 3 ir i .e lle vxnr\ io chailcnFr !i.o:rilnar.e in coLrrl I r^r, ite repnrrs rul! lcr s.iilLficriiriti!li'rc S(\:r,n4, :fa plrei.aEi,rr :s B:rb;rl, ,,,,' ri,rrtJ lronr irird n r,. rc!ri1( lnlv. !rrr ira.- i) l"ifrrrr r"itlrni . !i,il i, .;rri li ,,e is , rf itr lrnff l)v r3i.r.L.i:shrd qr,ripr. i, irnlr lr$Ite rr .r sl rtl! Jl:r){ lh.r NuLi.,rL,l .{," nil,i!ti(. ai i spEe ACrr,.isr;irr:,n rcjr: I,rl J r.!:acnr .i..r'i ni. ,Lr,r 'j -"J,rif ri'.1s, h.
.r:rrq llighL
orl4v tvir?ne a\a,,ibl. ro Ih{ /.:r li,.c. lhli !ir!\i ?rlrhrr lh(rrprd m!n.u!i:r ngxn' ho!.
thi ch r ,v:,s bi,!anr tiry lllooft5 lt sreEt !iL{ri 5'rirrd.v n:!i,1 "faiher. .( ?lD !.rsons rt Crr_s|al ,iit ^ lrrlrt(s A fr ler rl iirrm d:rcL{i rhrden rh. nltht, Liesp,e :_ign5':i aFtrin\! T..r ljr.iSer Jr, arLifi-.Y tf i/i,ir(s, sard nc wes di$
n/ i i: lii,r,r :rr I
remarl- Res.arch, Srdnn .bl fFy.hi. fears $as when he r, 14 hi,td-n o,,x anll de ,nd rellow trsy.hic Harold Shar +rl,p rr5 " LUnrcnc mn'!.ldt.d" the planets Me.- He ,,wenr, and rold his exswanD oefloeo tnrn85
ry rrd Jupilfr.,
bfl tt.dcrk.
Sch eidte.
. the,on,
b!p Wc qroled
rsearcher L;!r!rude
SWAtlf, - lr i. onlv EYcrrlc oN.." _.g dara Sometimes ihe ,irven b! remote viev/ine
ALDUT 170 Brnups dre t^rng .dd sirc-Fcdrnt - in Lhis rr Y!l r,!e ! ag.: lt u:s 1.!
, fchate \,icrv fs !!a !hrL rhf . i Lihsrn4l ll s.araral tsrJ.n.l driven oul 'fl , ilre\ d. rL rer\ {.ll .1rrr,{rt I he nbilrr., : !! lrrr unr,r rrl/i ..r,.rl I,t, r Lirnr,r nh|1,,)d. \!,, lia \ !nc.jLr.rfed t ) ..1 rti. ou erpi fi '1 i,rf! sr ,!.rt r)rr ri fr:. 'r, t)ttIt! rt. rhe! i( r\ar. ff. . ,'n t'f r n srrl\t ic '1!j,rii,, (r.s 1,, ij:!,,t!. *' I, I r!e a r.rcnrrt! E,lr. "f il ii rfrirossrblt
nubli. hrs dls , tr. IiSP i r. ordinar! f.r s! *irh FSf) rost scrcntrsts Thc\ $ll hcr pofle s libcs
pnrd.... L:r.\..r *har i .,1 In!'r.,,\l rrd rn.r trre rec.L.l r.r{.(l ,ir. r,, L,e,l 'j ,r , r.l, ,t JL!. ,f rlrc i!".s .lrrmrireir Tra i.orh.r -..3sr{ !lrt.he rhL driier,ri, bfrr.ri t. 'dr' r,,. !r " :l ,r! rcrs. th.ough a ph\sical |:r!.r.rr.b\ rh.!ghi Ll(,.r It.r ir.rkL Lt "ollL,r'p. nJs rirl iDPrcr.h, he d.r I nol .sscn j,r lr. Sqrn.hiJn.rj.., jde. ,frh, ! filljrjE'c 11! ; , n , '. .r 'rlLrirur. , I t Do j,,r..r.ti.Srifir ol', '.'b..' 1 P.h I l.L l aL ( PIL rhe-, L! a <pr it t-!{irld ps\chr( rhc r. I .h .nlrd Lliie 1, I rpr,.. lr! i !r: n' ! ,lrl.. ,,nr l/4!e rr,Lr ndrl rrv Sr^r, il 1 ..'.i,."cr.di!. rh, !. tsnt,ii f. rr,. nl'r rlr.,nr:r. i\e: Yis U! nr,ir rnrl trr.d tskcd Su.L.r 'i h! .. ! d .irlr.t .L iI i !l pr" rhr mri hLr!, -1i. .lri nfi n,)t l lhe nll h.r 1r :k,,1 fir l! r0 I ni, \ r.\n on -L fhrrL .: ,,1.r I , lil,, r: ! 1., I ' . \!S\rifri b!F..f irri i ,rn , Lir ,r, irrr r.rlJl,:, Lllr.rsrr.ntr(., whr , nr. a.rhLnq ,r rl.l i,f i, lir,i,,1, lhr 1,. i . !l lf !-,,,r .,r. \.f1l, srN..r ir. 'l:it,r , rr - frrrr r!lL, r, .. a, i'. hcr,'ra:r (j lr riolr.r 1. .rlr,1;. r..n :r!, ne.r .'gr Tfe rn51 ri,::pe.i.{l Lilir.r '. Ir\ , rd i ,!h.d ro rhr Urr.lrrll S$r|rr i,.J..,.1 i, i' .,, j. \ri(rir .r a ,,,ir rlL :: ., llL!, Sh. nc!fr Ikerr lIF .Llrlr pL,n, ilr.- , : ,L!l.r .:, \r! th t...riir,l r .ir ,i.- rir(j ' i^. iuic alv, d, iir-.nLi, fni l1 hiir rl,,rr rcl,'i1L) rle i,:t|,'\r. I hrv. b4rn hrr. il:l ii0li ,inr.s rji!,if' imif.r s i.rigf(r \rr,ri Lril do 'r'.fi If rh. ri)niepr rs drfir.rlr !r .Lr n nf ia,j !1...1 l^r r,,,r r.rrlrr ir'LLr. irlhr.,ouiri \dni t)'r.p ! 10 .n.rPt i,1. n,rl .flt ! Li)r.. i, I ir i tn l..on\'er! th.rn N1.sL feopl,, \ r.l ld .Jn hrrdll t.rleratc th(r fres.nt He use! i, rltr\ rr, rrLi 1,. S., rn. dlrr. |a\. jarr' prqe . . . iri, rrrJ < h. z.^r1!ng ,r!! 1,1 ih. | 1.. .jj:il I lo noL Insrsr pe.ple bcl jeve in gdrnSinto rhP !!flh \i . lrr i, J(j ''I wa! l,,rr rr rhf 11.rk\ !t!\r Lr in r|,,-hrn! tirc.rJ br n ',,1r\!,qri! I unde5tawl \ou o.e tur br- MoBnlains i used l. lrir. r. ir
o. art ol br,TycxPenn.^t How dds Ihe /a.trltJ u.orhl, I dont rhrnk I ve ever Deen rn mv bodv! I do noL knou AltlrouAh rnan ! eRs the d^r Swa.n L:or dr t irir. gu.sse.. dlFUt ofrerC llL5rmp.e$ioni, Mercu^ an.j J!irr,!r..Lnfor b.
I onte saw o
I have
useful. You know whAt scinlistsare The fact I have r iletre makes i1 respectable to speak lo
degree hr i5
, olten rusto ' sald. gf;ffi?T#$i#i}#i."1',Tr'*'l1i'; r,Evrarr aIT\r nr I lll6n uh.L ' :i^ -,,-L^-^..,--, ----i-^-."r.^..,---u,a:rcocirv-Qi..r.ArenHynek, ,*"" " -'*-' "ii;i1;.; " arc lobbylng "r",:i'ei; Hynek said i'-iii he i! ' th this,"Dr, oi]riy"ii ffi#ile;;;;;id;"1i'1il'.li,;'i;,,ilii1i energetlcally on ou r behalf, " "; bv the large larEe numbcr number of
"We'requltC hopelul lhatthe Mexlcan Eovemment wlll back us." Hvnek
At one potnt during ttre-twcday uFd conference he asked ihe 90(LmclYlher ;|rr-
,:'Most astfonomers will admit there are' unide objects and that thore is life elsowh ere in-space ',no prool that theie two propositlons arg'rslate( ,lust bb easlly ba comtng from another dimen could be psychic manllestations ol some so ,"
ects ano N ace," he tilirini iJu."'' tot ncse lwo laliononuFos. w"7':q ould Just Just 6niittrC same ttnes as i"niiiiir"ffiJriir.r." L,i!! u,--tr r.^r.^r^"r^-r,6lr.n nr o" eosrlv be comidlr rrom anolner dimen- Dr'J.AllgnHynek
lm ls to obtaln U
he says. In neirher case w"5; #1,'/,L' e$aping gas mentioned by any gcotog'sts. scismologrsts. vis'tors or resi dents in thc epicentral areas '
Franklin Park Zff, a team oi Ameri can and crnadidn $ienrisrs tcd bv -=:^lT-:=:=* |\4|ND-BODY-SP|R|T \ Dcnnis stanlo.d of the smithsorian .TrHL l-rh cnnurl Fesfival ,,r VinLl- \ In'lrturi,,n uscd rhe . for s 1e 'emr I B/d)-\oirir srllbe h<ld.r shrinc \no\cl etpe.rnrcnrs,,n bur.hering etcExpos'tk)n Hall, Los Angeles,Januflry bhanrs, iracruring clephanr bones and l5- 16 and 17 The Fcstival was hcld inaking elcphant bone r@ls rr l-ondon in t977 lnd l91a- Ncv I The expcrimenlcrs fou.d thrt $ev
a iew yean
Yrk in
HEAITH t+ BEAUTY Bracelet tan hdp you leel and look gudl
{ ;
100t{ s.lhl.cuor Gudanlr.d
lionoy B..k
in conjunctlon
ffi+,h the
Fesents the
P,llen l"lynek
alnost everyore there has seen a UlD or terrifying experience. A neeting vhere everyone speaks up anal ie1ls ],lhat actually happened to then lithout feEI of iialicul.e anal without shane, knowlng tbat every other lerson there also has a sinilar story to te11" A meetlng ]rheLe the l.roTldrs forenogt authority on the subject and a st,ff of experts ca.refully anal seriously evafuate what you have io say in an aitem?t to, cafn aral reassure you tbat you llot alolte, that these things axe happe4l4g to others all over ihe }Iorld, ltell, frarikly, such a neeting has rever ta]<en pla.ce befor.e but it i.j goi4g to happen bhis Allgus L in a snraf.l, secl-uded area of {,he ozarks about ljLr llil e6 fron either Lithle lioclr, Menphis or Sprtngfle-Ld.
So, if youove ever seen a UIo or ha_d 1[hat you consialer to be an unusua-L expericnce but bavc been re-Lucta t to refale It ior. fea{ of iiillcule or }cciruse you felL no one LDuld believe you, then here 1s yolll ol]x)rtunlty. The lrorld's forenLost authority a.nal scientific 1nwgs11g.16. of the UFO ?henorrenon, h. J. trllen Hlmek and his sta-ff of erpe]:ts nill personally reviex detaifs of your. sighLing in an attenpt to ur'].lersta.nd or reveal its origin to you ox lernalrs go
fuither lrlth a full investiAation. Iou wit"l be in a friendty, recepLive atno:j_ lhere conflingllng r,'ith peop-Le just as anxious as you to flnd ansi{ers to the incralltiIe, enignatic nysdery sur"rounding Unidentified Ftying objcct. llhether youive seen a dayfighi dis - or rroctw.nal liehL or have in facl ha.i .. C_Losc lincoun of the Ftst, Seconal or Third (ind, you wiu find a l:ecelrive ear ai UIo Vlitness Ueekend. 0r if you l'ish to be silent ald just ]isten to llhat other]s have seen and experienced e know thi6 can be one of the nosi. excitlng, j.nforn_ atlve a.nd enfightenlng weekends of your t1fe. It aff happens AugrEt Z, B, 9 at Hillhigh l,odge a.rd Spa, Horseshoe Benal, lEkansas, tlLcked akiry tn the foot_ hilfs of the Ozaxk Mountalns where, incidentalfy, nany stlange sightings have
Reeistration fee for this outstanrling event is $75,00 if paymerrt and yorll reservation is nade in aCvance or $100.0tt at the door. The reglstration fee includes the entire p:ro6ran of events pfus unlinited use of the very fine Spa facllttles Et HiUhigh Lodge lncludlng nens and fiomens SynrLasiums ' rock sauna baths, stea.n roons, whir.fpoof baths, B0 1t. j.ndoor swil ring pool' elc, Yorlr -cegisLraLlor fee ooes ro- !rc-Luoe JoLr^ rvoir or nF@ls, Beaut- ul , spaciols singfe or double rooms a.Ie availabfe at the Lodge (u"e .oo* charges belor) and in addition to the excellent restaulrant at the Lodge, nals alle afso available a"t several other loca-tions in the innediate area.. Upon receipt of yo[r reservation, Ne r.dlf send you a detailed strip and road IDap fron l,our tokn right to Horseshoe Bend. Facilities are afso availabfe for recr.eationaf vehicles and self-conLa.lned campers in a canpground fess than five minutes fron the l,odBe. If you're condng fron a. BTeat distance and vlsh to fly connLerclal lnto l4enphis or l,ittle Rock, pfease call us a.s we nay be abfe to pick lrou up a.t the Eir?ort. If you have your own air?lane, Horseshoe Bend has a 5,000 ft, llard surface runway adjacent to the Lodge. See the l4emphis or Kansas City sectionaf chaxts for detaifs.
Absolutely 4ll press or nedia wlff be invited or alfo{ed a.t these neetings, so if you're not afraid to t.ell JglI story, fill ou+ t.he forn befon and plan to be tith us in August confirnL
reservations for "UFO IfiTNESS 1IEH{m[D" at $75.00 per Person. legis-tration fee includes all activities beginnlng trYlday evening, August 7, 1981 and ending Sunday afternoon, August 9, 1981, plus unlinited use of Spa fa.cllities.
En-l^c6/l ic riv .ho^L
pfease charge
in the anount of
Expiration Date
* x * * * * *+
I wlff
* * * * *+ *
niAhts be6jnning
at Hif]high
Metascience Quatte
Fo ow ng Keyhoe s address loLrr specralrzat on workshops were hed Joe San N,IUFON slale dreclor of MassachLrsetls hed a workshop on F/e/cl lnvesxgatve Iechnt.lues Ted B oecher elaborated of h s !!o( wlh tire hLrmanod compllerzed calalog lvlrs cynlhaHnd Lhe MUFoN represen\alive 1or Bhodesa d scussed Afr can cases and Dr Brlce Maccabee. lhe stale d reclof for \4arylan.l spo\e an UFO Phatogtaphrc Analysis The f na speakeron SatLrrdaywas Dr J Alen Hynek The aLrlhor olLhe class ca wa,k The jFA Expetience he was ror more tlran 20 years a cons! lanl ro tfre Arr Force s Prolecl BLue Book Toge the r wrth .lacques Va lee he co.aul lro red Ire Ecrge ol Aearr! and h s most recent conlr buton has been Ihe Hynek UFa Bepon\De lte\| York 1977)
langeo lhe
HewasLhelechnca advso.lothe Coumba/EMl I m CE3K and rt was through the courlesy ot tire I m stld o thal he
was abe ,o show the Space Tine SingDlatity. .:anta rcd h s observation tlrat t e uFOphenomeron s so aleo . space and lime Hefel1ha1 iortlremostparl UFOs man 1es1ed themse ves none ocalon !!h erareybengseensequenlraiyovergreat d sLances Hynek aiso noled LhaL UFO encoufters lend 10 be br e1 He be eved the space/trme so at on (sTl) ol uFo s to be a pr mary cnaractensL c ol the myslery He rev ewed some ol lhe c!trenL theorres conce.ninq UFO org n and he gave consderab e room to Ll-re MndoverMatler osych clireorywrr ch rrods lhalourown psych c energy can man pu ale malter and creale aer a anorna es Fe synLires zed tlis dea wrLh Lire elnaterfestna nte lence (ETl) lrypothess The resuit a sLrpef advanced. a en c,vlLzalof Ll1 zng psychc energes m,ght be responsbe ior the eusve dscs beng seen io.jay He lavored lhe l\,1 over l'1 hypothess and he was
N s paper. UFOS As a
thef! tmedirectoroilheCnteriorUFOSludies
o I
tl ronomy
lna 15mnLrtesoltlremove
rsalrsfedthesT sllatonveryweli
Hynekanno!ncedlhathewas aLrncrr rgamalor ecL!reloLrf nlhe FaL inorderlo encourage peop e 10 rpor1 lhe r UFO exper ences w tholt lear oT r a cu e Aiother reason lor the 1o!r w be to ra se bad y neeoed flnds for lhe Cenl,.f fe sirong y te t that thqLra lyofincom ng reports co! d be9featy mprove., He lrged nveslgators to obtan and slldy lhe MUFOAI Fteld lnveslgatat s Alanual logeLher wth the lorllrconr ng UFO GrLrebook by A an Henry Dr Fynek closed bysayrng Lhatlhe search for af ans$/er to Lhe UFO mysterywas compe ng oeople Lo thnk whlle allhe same tmeaclng asanantdole ior lfose earlhboLrnd foks w th rmled oLitooks Afler Dr Nyneks aclcress there was a qleston and answer sessron whrch
leaLured o1 ilre sympos Lrm speakers and worksrrop moderaLors When qlest oned as to whelher lhe C A had nt trated N CAP d!r nq h s d reclor slr o Malof Keyhoe reD ed ihal at one t me lirere\,/as ofe ndvdua n N|CAP an Ar Forceo{fcer whon' he slspec ted oT be nq an agenl lle ordered h s stalT Lowitrrhord any rrporlant maLera ftom thal person and he added that lherewas.oone noLrr organzaton that was be ng loo ed by thls supposed penekalon Fle 1e tthal N CAP was nver s{.rccessluliy nlltraledd!rnghsler'nasdrrector and he adm lted thal lhe group today should be reorqan zed
Keyhoe re aled a persoi a expereice H sa d lhai some I me ago hewas vrsLled by an A F BrgaderGenera whocrlicrzed hm lorhsaLtempls tolncoverlireo{lca ve oi secrecy He threatened 10 nave Keyhoe plrt back on acrNe duly and translerred 1o some godiofsaken pace I he d.l no1 endhsUFOwrtng ectLrrng and rad oiTV
The mator Lhenasked themenac ng genera whaL hewo! ddo the(Keyhoe)were lobrnglhemeeLnlltothep!bcsalt-antonThegeneraansweredthalher/oLrddeny the entre alfa r Wlrr thal Keyhoe tod r m thal Lhe olfce was blgged and thal ihe
ent re conversal on was on tape Tlre sLunned genera todhm orders ano Lirat he rea y d dn L mean wnat he had sa d
Xa" X to 03 ro 04 !o 05 to 06 ro 07
Encountering Hynek
He has been called the "calileo of Ut'Olosy"; he coined Lhe te.m "close encounters" to help catesorize UfO srghLings; he ws technical adviser for Urc mosie Close Encountcrs oJ the Third Kind, and he hE written two books on the subje{l of unidentiliei flyins ob, jecls. He js J. Allen Hynek, dt.ononie.,, aulhor, and the man who in
man ol Lhe Northwestrn UniveBity asl.onomy departmenL Perhsps iL is because his arliclo invokes the names of g.eal physicists hke Niels Bohr and
Eusene }visner and equates the complenly ol the UFO mystery $ith quanmost UFOsightings lurn out lo be hoax, es or staE, mel@rs, and other phenomena, the few thal remain un-
A queslion arises. Why would ?'?cInologlt ltedeu pti^L written ^.ticle to UFO by a man who gives ^n credence abductions? Pcrhaps i! is because Hynek h6 some valid crcdcnlials; he is an asLrcnomer a.d the rormer chair,
,ri;:,.tft ;r
jdenfified hold the clue to somel.hins slranse and wondrous Writes Hynek,
have come to believe Lhat if we'pre cipilate out'lhe essenlial elements from the cbaos ol popular UFOlosy,'w w'll uncove. a new cmpirical phenomebon, pe.haps comprsble to Lhe first gllmpses ot mic.obrBanishs by Leeuwenhoek
ben oul lor a full yar and yielG noLhi.g, this, in itself, would be
more responsible than any other per' $n ror keepiDs the UFO controveFy
Now Hynek is at il again. Hisbyhned article "The UFO Phenonrenon" ap peared in the July issue ot TechnoLow Reu"u, the respctad joumal ediled and published mCamb.idse aL LheMas' sachueiLs Institute of Technologf,. At the same Lme, Hynek ondomed a new
orJup'ter's satllites
by Galil6. Unfortunatly, Lhe process may be alrnosl as Ldrng as Mad ame Curie's extraclion of a gr-am of radium from several toN of
' lsrv ennumber lhal wa given ouL to forcemenl agencies a.ound rhe Unitd States. The telephone bas ben r;nging,
more!hanseven )ears have passed, and HynekstiLl hd not tound his sram ot ra dium. That, by his own sround rules, is of negative signrfi cance. Perhaps l.his is why he has chansed
nesative s;Cniflcance." In 1973, Hynek establ;shed the Cnter for UFO Srudics in Eva.ston, Illinois, wirh roll-free
perhaps the most dpl of the UFO phenomenon-" AIld what is the book? A "ddunented sludy" of abduc tions of several lnnocenL citizera by the crews oIUFOs.
UFOmenacing a h@seinZanesville, Ohio
Mtsszs fiae ss . . . an outstanding-and above all, well writ tn<onL.rbution to our knowledge of
book, entitled
competenl invesligal.oN who would intewiew people callins in to repo.r UFO sightings. Said he, "lf the UFO 1000 p.osram is since.ely and intensively
his Lack. In his Technolosa Retieo article, he ci{s reports of srrange UI0 behavior matenalizarion, dematerraljalion, change of fo.m, imptaus; ble accele.aliom, and iNLantanmus ch anges in postion as"paranormalapcLs" thaLare"too \rell documenred Lo
UFO phenomenon have se.erally ben d sulficien t re6on for dismissrng Lhe enL're subjerr, but such dBrnrssal Hynek ought
cause you
irresponsibility. Take, for example, his 1979 UFO talk du.ina the Spiritual FrontieB Feliowship Retreat, held by areligious g.oup involved with psychic phebomena and mystical expeiienc6. "I am gojng to feel free. to discus the mo.e esoteric sspeck lof UFOS] be
have... an a$arens"of
possibilities thaL the solely maredalist, ically orienled pe.son, like scientis's in
genr!|, do nol have: Talking to tlrem abouLccrtain subjerts would be like rrying lo explain calcuius L a k'ndergarHynek appeaN to be in hjs element
aL psychrc meet.ings, or as an adviser to. a Drovie about a gient musjcal top c.ewed by a race of po ta Lo-headed c.eatures. Bul he seems embarrasinglyour
DrscovEF / auGUsT