Magic Reiki
Magic Reiki
Magic Reiki
Magic Reiki
Magic Reiki is a system of energetic healing which deals with the world of ghosts, magic, and witchcraft. It helps clean the space from negative substances, lift clan curses, and carry out exorcist sances, as well as neutralize negative programs created with the help of witchcraft and negative energetic impulses (spoiling, evil eye, love magic), including programs created in the far-away past (working with the forefathers) or in the previous lives (working with karma). Apart from healing the body, the soul, and life, Magic Reiki helps create powerful protection for the person and the space. Magic Reiki energy connects the Masters soul with the upper and the lower world, turning him into a Psychopomp, or a guide between the worlds. If he has been working with energy for a long time and possesses additional occult knowledge he will obtain an ability to receive information from both worlds, contact ghosts, elementals, and elementarians. Protected by Magic Reiki Master can contact representatives of various worlds and need not fear that he might be enslaved by them. The system consists of two levels: practical and that of Master.
Practical level
Level I is free from symbols. The energies of this level have a cleaning function. They work immediately with a persons informational field deleting from it negative programs created by others will (spoiling, evil eye, curse, love magic). Also the energies of this level clean the space and objects from negative energy clots, for instance after a bad person was in the room and manipulated with objects. Magic Reiki of the practical level neutralizes destroying programs implemented in objects and food elimination of the so called spoiling through an object or food. Self-healing sance In order to clean your informational field all you have to do is call for energy asking your Higher Self to be tuned to it and let the energy flow through you. It will find all impurities itself and will eliminate them. If the energy ligers on somewhere it means that it has run into a hotbed of negativity and is working with it. You can reinforce the energy activity by inhaling and exhaling through the problem spot. You should pay special attention to the solar plexus as a rule, this is where the main blow is directed. Hold your hands the left one over the right one in front of your solar plexus and imagine/feel a purifying stream of Magic Reiki flowing there. Working with a client In order to clean a person you should hold your hands palms up in parallel with each other above the clients head and imagine/feel a stream of energy descending between them and going into the ground while taking all the negativity away with it. If you are able to see the persons aura you can direct the energy stream immediately at the tails and the whirlwinds holding your hands in front of them. In case of remote work instead of the client contact his phantom. You do not need to know what the client looks like. Just imagine a human figure and mentally write the clients name into the place where the heart should be. Cleaning lasts for about 20 minutes. In case of heavy lesion several sances for abo ut 30-40 minutes are needed. Working with a room Imagine a stream as large as the room going from above and descending into the ground taking there all the negativity away with it. While doing that hold your hands in front of you palms in parallel to each other. You do not need to define the contaminated zones: the energy will itself find and neutralize them. If you are able to see the negative energy you can immediately direct the energy stream there letting it flow between your palms. In case of remote work put an image of the room into a shining ball between your palms and direct a stream of energy there.
A cleaning sance usually lasts for 15 minutes, 40 minutes in case of considerable contamination. Working with objects If you need to neutralize a destroying program implemented in an object remember rule 1: do not touch the object! Just as in the cases described above form a corridor of your palms and direct a stream of energy at the object of exposure. Time of cleaning: from 15 to 30 minutes. Afterwards you can throw away the cleaned object. In case of remote work visualize the object inside a shining ball between your palms and direct a stream of energy there. This way you can clean any objects from heavy energy or one you find dissonant. Time of exposure may range from 3 to 10 minutes, depending on the way you feel about it.
Master level
Condition of obtaining: Master Usui Reiki Rioho or Master Kundalini Reiki. Level II has one symbol the pentagram: an encircled five-edge star top up. The usage of the pentagram makes the power of Magic Reiki several times greater which lets one work with more subtle levels and matters. Master level energy can be used for exorcism, karma and clan cleaning, returning negative energy to sorcerers (although I do not recommend doing that as we cannot see all causeeffect relations; the Universe can find its bearings without us), ghost spells, contact with elementals and elementarians etc. One can only become proficient in the whole specter of the effects of the Magic Reiki Master level if he/she possesses appropriate knowledge in the sphere of magic and witchcraft. I advise Reiki Masters should use this energy for cleaning clan and personal karma from negative programs created by others will. The energy can also be used for creating a safe corridor into the other world for the soul of a deceased (if not more than three days have passed since the moment of death) and for returning substances into their dimension. The pentagram symbol helps create powerful protection for a person, objects, and lodgings in order to be protected from negative energy impacts.
The pentagram is a regular geometrical figure possessing five-ray symmetry. It should be mentioned that five-ray symmetry can only be found in living organisms and never in inanimate nature. That means that the pentagram embodies in its form one of the distinctions between the animate and the inanimate. The pentagram is an ancient symbol. It has been found in archeological objects dating back to the 7th millennium B.C. However, the pentagram could possibly have appeared much earlier.
The pentagram symbol is known to the majority of the peoples of the Earth. It was used by the Sumers and after them by the Babylonians, Egyptians, Persians, Celts, Chinese (Daos) and North-American Indians. With the Egyptians the pentagram was called Isidas Star and was considered to be a symbolic designation of Mother Earths underworld bosom. The Celts called the pentagram the Druids Track. In Ancient Greece the pentagram symbol was called pentalpha, that is a sign consisting of five letters. Other peoples invented their own names as well. And everywhere the pentagram symbol was connected with magic, with the interaction of the elements and the wizards will. In the Egyptian written language there existed a hieroglyph shaped as the pentagram. Its meaning is translated as teach, enlighten. In Babylon the pentagram was once a symbol of royal power spreading to the four parts of the world and the sky. Apart from that, the Babylonians, and the Celts independently from them, used the pentagram as a disease amulet, both for individual and collective protection. In that case a pentagram, one for all, was drawn on the house, usually above the door or a window. Sometimes it was also drawn on the ground in front of the house, necessarily directed edge away from the door. The Jews thought the pentagram a symbol of the Pentateuch (part of the Judaic sacred scriptures). In Cabbala the pentagram is a powerful symbol representing the activity of the Eternal Spirit and the Four Elements under the Devine rule of the letters of the name Yeheshuah. The elements, as they are, are ruled in the symbol of the cross by YHVH. However, if one adds the letter Shin representing Ruah Elohim, the Devine Spirit, the Name will sound Yeheshuah. Or if the letter Shin is placed between the ruling Earth and the other three letters of the Tetragrammaton the name will look as Yehovashah. That is why from each inner corner of the Pentagram there comes a ray representing the emanation of the Devine. And that is why it is called the Burning Pentagram, or the Star of the Grand Light, as a proof of the fact that the powers of the Devine Light can be traced in it. In the Christian religion the pentagram originally possessed a positive meaning and symbolized Christs five wounds He received at the crucifixion. Under Constantine the Emperor it was used as a religious symbol even more often than the cross.
Method The Seal This method is used when it is necessary to create a protection for a person or a room, or to inspire a talisman to make it frighten away bad substances. Please, visualize the pentagram in the chakra of your leading palm, turn it to the object and send the symbol there together with the energy of Magic Reiki. Thus you can seal up windows, doors (the symbol is placed on the lock) and places, where energetic breaches were made. Depending on the power of a Master such a protection can work during several years. To create a protection for a person you must send the symbol into his/her heart chakra. If the client is energetically weak, the symbol is placed into his/her Manipura, Anahata and Muladhara. If you need to inspire a protection talisman, you must send the symbol and the energy inside the object. The time of usage of such talisman is about five years. Sending the symbol and the energy dont forget to say: In the name of Tetragrammaton I put the protection seal on (name the object). men.
Method The Well This method is used, when it is necessary to clean the situation in the past form the active negative programs. Imagine the moment, when the program was placed into the field of a victim (it can be the moment, when a person took an object inspired with bad energies, when he/she ate smth, or you can imagine a wizard creating the program, for example, performing love magic ritual). Mentally draw the pentagram with the opened fire well in the centre on the ground and place the situation over it. Send the stream of Magic Reiki energy to the situation and let all the negative energy go into the well. As soon as you feel, that the situation is clean, cover the pentagram well with the golden pentagram, which plays the role of a lid and seal. In that way you can also remove a spoiling, love magic and perdition. Also you can clean your own karma, neutralizing your own bad magic actions in the past. Ending the work, please, dont forget to visualize a new situation with a good scenario instead the old one (or you can ask your client to do it).
Method The Portal This method is used for returning substances to their dimension and for forwarding lost souls to the other world. Activate Magic Reiki energy. Draw the pentagram with the anticlockwise involute whirlwind inside on the ground or in any point of the space. After this visualize a substance or a ghost in front of the whirlwind and wait till the whirlwind draw it in. At the same time you must say: In the name of Father, Son and the Holy Spirit go back to the place where you came from! Amen - this is for returning a substance to its dimension. Or: In the name of Father, Son and the Holy Spirit go there, where you must be! Amen - for forwarding lost souls to the other world. As soon as a substance or a ghost is inside of the whirlwind, please, imagine that the centre of the pentagram is closing.
Exorcism This is the most complicated ritual as it demands from the Master the absolute belief in God and his/her own power. It can be used also distantly, everything depends on the conscious power of a Master and his/her vibration frequencies. Mentally draw the pentagram with the flaming centre under the client so that he/she is in the centre, and you are out of the circle. Put the smaller pentagram over the clients head. Then draw the pentagrams on the clients forehead (in front of Adjna) and in his/her heart chakra . All the pentagrams must be with opened centers. Let three stream of Magic Reiki energy flow through them: top-down through the clients central channel, inside Adjna and inside Anahata. Begin to say: In the name of Father, Son and Holy Spirit, substance, leave (the name of the client). Repeat it till the substance leave the client and disappear in the pentagram well. After this all the pentagrams must be closed, and the client must stay in the energy stream about 20 minutes to restore his/her aura, chakras and energetic channels. After work read any testimonial pray three times to clean yourself and to balance your energies. Though Magic Reiki defend the Master from the negative information with which he/she works, he/she can by harmed by his/her own fear, excitement, dislike, especially if its a beginner.
How to receive the attunement After you have received the confirmation from the Master, please, make yourself comfortable, relax and ask your Higher Self to tune to Magic Reiki energy. Please, say: Im ready to be tuned to Magic Reiki energy of practical/Master Level by Master N (the name of the Master). The process lasts about 15-20 min. The attunement to next level you can receive not earlier than in three days after the first one, because your energetic bodies need time to slave to the new vibrations.
How to pass the attunement Let the energy stream flow through the pupil and say: In the name of Tetragrammaton I pass Magic Reiki energy of practical/Master level to pupil N (the full name and place of residence). I ask my Higher Self to tune the pupils Higher Self to energy. By the initiation to the Master level you must insert the pentagram symbol into the space over the pupils Sahasrara, into Anahata, Muladhara and the chakras of the palms and feet.
After the tuning ritual dont forget to thank the Heavens for their generosity and help and also the Master who gave you the attunement.
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