Master Prospectors
Master Prospectors
Master Prospectors
Go Get 'Em Harry! Let's use the example of a brand new distributor who's just starting out, and let's call him Harry Hot-ToTrot. Harry has just heard the presentation and he's extremely excited. This is exactly what he's been looking for his entire life. What an opportunity-this is fantastic! Okay, it's now one day later and Harry has just emerged from his very first Saturday training with an arm full of marketing materials and a head full of proven how-to's. Hot? You bet. Excited and enthusiastic? Absolutely. So let's make Harry a 10 and put him at the top of the chart.... Then Harry talks to his very first prospect, the number one name on his list-someone certain to say yes. And guess what? "Nope, it's not for me. Besides, these things don't work. They're pyramid schemes, Harry. How could you be so stupid? Boy, you're going to lose all your money while some other guy gets rich and you're going to look very, very foolish." Harry says, "Thanks, Dad." Yes, he's a bit disappointed (and knocked down a couple of notches to an 8), but in the training session, they warned him this might happen. So Harry says, "SW, SW, SW-Next. Some Will, Some Won't, So What-Next." As a result, Harry picks himself back up to a 9 on the enthusiasm chart and moves on to the next person on his prospect list-Mom. Although Mom and Dad haven't agreed on anything for ages, they do on this one. Mom says, "No. And I'm not interested in the video. Get a real job, Harry, like your brother"-who happens to be the next person on Harry's list. By the way, Harry's about a 6 on the chart now-a bit bloodied and shell shocked. He stops by to talk with his brother-who's just gotten off the phone with Mom and Dad-and before Harry can say "Opportu," his brother is showing him the want ads in the local newspaper. This drops Harry's enthusiasm down to around a 3 or 4. After calling his sponsor, who does a good job of convincing him that he needs to be at tomorrow night's opportunity meeting, Harry gets pumped back up again to an 8. He also decides that talking to family members is the wrong way to go. So he heads out to talk to his buddies down at the health club. A few more no-win conversations take place and Harry is still Hot-To-Trot, but only because that's his name. Frankly, Harry is bummed out and wonders how he ever got involved in this Network Marketing thing in the first place.
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If we look at the graph and connect the dots that show Harry's fluctuating levels of enthusiasm, we see that his "line of excitement" resembles a graph that measures on of California's worst earthquakes. If he gets another "no" or two, he just might drop off the chart all together. He'll quit. Harry will be history, which is what a zero on the chart stands for.
So What Happened? Back when Harry was a 10 and bursting with enthusiasm, there was something missing. Something fundamental and vitally important. It's called personal belief, and no matter how much juice and excitement a person has, if it's not supported by a similar level of genuine belief, the chances of someone succeeding are slim-to-none. Enthusiasm = Personal Belief In the "science of attitude", there's a universal law stating that enthusiasm equals personal belief. Why? Because belief is a lot like gravity: No matter how enthusiastic you are, your beliefs will pull on your excitement until both your enthusiasm and belief are congruent. The reason Harry slipped so quickly is that his beliefs (when he started out) were so far below his enthusiasm that eventually his beliefs pulled him down to his reality. You see, even though Harry's enthusiasm was high when he started, his belief system hovered around a 3 or 4. It's easy to get all excited and pumped-up by some peak experience or moment of motivation, but if a person doesn't really and truly believe in those possibilities, he or she will crash. It's inevitable. You can't sustain an enthusiasm of eight with a belief level of three or four. It's just not possible.
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So What Personal Beliefs Are Important In Network Marketing? Here they are: A belief in yourself. A belief in others. A belief in your company, products, and services. And a belief in your industry.
Without these beliefs, all the enthusiasm in the world is just a house built on sand. A few strong waves of negative emotion come along and the house gets washed away. That's what happened to Harry and all the Harrys or Harriets you may know. When there's such a large gap between enthusiasm and belief, a person is vulnerable to being bounced up and down by circumstances and emotions. Sooner than later, he or she is bound to get mentally and physically exhausted. Master Prospectors walk around with an 8.5 on the enthusiasm chart and a minimum of 8.0 on their belief chart. They maintain such a small gap between those two numbers that they are virtually immune to the bouncing that Harry experienced. What's more, they're always working actively to raise their belief level. They know that just as negative beliefs can drag their enthusiasm down, positive beliefs can boost it up to greater heights than ever before. That's why you find Master Prospectors constantly studying, learning and experience more-about themselves, others, their company, products, and services, and their industry. They never stop studying and learning because they know the law: enthusiasm = personal belief. While other people are getting bounced around, a Master Prospector only experiences a slight dribble-at most. He or she know how vitally important it is to keep that level of belief up around 8 and 9 so they can be consistently consistent. Belief is the Key. Master Prospectors work on their belief systems more than anything else. They read voraciously and listen to tapes. They attend meetings, rallies and conventions all the time. They have a huge appetite for learning all they can about themselves, others, their company, products and services-and their industry. Without a firm foundation of strong personal and professional beliefs, you can be bounced like a rubber ball from emotional high to psychological low. And anything bounced enough times quickly loses air. So consistently build your beliefs and you're well on your way to becoming a Master Prospector!
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