Guide-Line For Maximize The Chance To Reach The ROI of EERP
Guide-Line For Maximize The Chance To Reach The ROI of EERP
Guide-Line For Maximize The Chance To Reach The ROI of EERP
Maximizing Return on Investment Investment (ROI) of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERP) for Nonprofit onprofit Organizations: Proposed Model
ERP are the core business application for many companies; and its very apparent that organization spending on those systems is in a continuous rise, on the other hand this also raised the issue of how can ERP systems pay those spending; and when that investment can reach ROI point. In this study the researcher will attempt to propose a model that contains guide line phases for nonprofit organizations in order to speed up the stage in which ERP system can reach ROI, the researcher opted for universities since they are one of the main nonprofit organizations that employ ERP in their processes.
1. Introduction
ERP systems are considered costly that require effective time and change management, and organizations need solid justification in order to convince decision makers to invest in such systems; one of these justifications is the return on investment and when the system will reach that point. One of the most organizations that face challenges in terms of ROI are nonprofit organization such as universities and other governmental funded organizations, many of those has already applied ERP but not in an evaluated matter which led to disappointment and system deficiency or inadaptability which led to some sort of system failure to achieve full potential; also this illustrated some cases of failure to apply that system and not being able to achieve ROI point. (7) ERP systems are hard to measure in terms of efficiency and benefits added to processes since it takes a long time to appear; which can lead to system neglect and losing assets used in that investment. Universities are non profit governmental organizations that are one of the hardest cases of achieving ERP system benefits; those benefits can be summed in reducing running costs and process improvements which may not vividly apparent in financial terms. The researcher will attempt to provide a
IJCSN International Journal of Computer Science and Network, Volume 2, Issue 4, August 2013 ISSN (Online) : 2277-5420
44 of ERPs, cost of maintenance and support, or lack of available customization. (5) Universities must choose for what reason they need to apply ERP; that is a very important point in reaching ROI since it helps to compare organization position after applying that system infrastructure) and organization culture (personnel skills effected by the systems). (3)
To enhance university change management of EERP and obtaining best results; the gap between resistance level (organization, technology, culture) must be reduced to achieve optimal point according to the figure. The more the university is closer to optimal point the more the chance is higher to achieve ROI and gaining from EERP. The researcher used Belasco model to help universities accelerate optimal point achievement; Belasco says that change management could be performed on resistance levels in order to raise success rated to apply new technology according to the following steps: (10) 1- University must focus on individual motivation (employees and students), through illustrating what EERP will add to them, also by seeking leader character of each and persuade him to establish more embracement of the new system in a faster manner. 2- Finding a clear path to achieve the mentioned goals in phase two to be followed by individuals which helps to maximize confidence in themselves and the university. 3- Layout change plans that include processes, individual skills and technology infrastructure. 4- Enforce good behavior by university, in this phase the university must seek resistance and find the catalyst in order to handle it.
IJCSN International Journal of Computer Science and Network, Volume 2, Issue 4, August 2013 ISSN (Online) : 2277-5420
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3. Conclusion
The issue of achieving ROI in ERP application is very common in organizations applying that system especially nonprofit organizations, this paper has provided a guideline that can be used by universities in order to achieve ROI point in EERP application more efficiently, which can summed in: Why are you changing your system, What are the Objectives that you expect to reach, Why you choose this System provider, Did you revise your requirement, Did you apply the change Management, How to measure the ROI. The researcher will attempt in the future to apply this model on university cases in order to prove it statistically.
First Author Hussain A.H Awad received his B.Sc. in Business Administration from Mutah University in Jordan, and obtained his M.Sc in Management Information Systems from Amman Arab University in Jordan, and Ph.D. in Management Information Systems from the Arab Academy for Banking and Financial Sciences in Jordan. He is now an Assistant Professor at the Department of Management Information Systems in KING ABDULAZIZ UNIVERSITY, Faculty of Science and Arts - Khulais, Jeddah Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. His current research interests are supply chain management, IS security, and information retrieval.