Annexure - Ii Anna University CHENNAI - 600 025
Annexure - Ii Anna University CHENNAI - 600 025
Annexure - Ii Anna University CHENNAI - 600 025
he Department Name of the faculty member Present Designation Residential Address Contact Nos. Gender PAN Number Date of Birth : 01-06-1986 : PSNA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY : ECE : P.NAGARAJAN : ASSISTANT PROFESSOR : 17, KUMAR STREET, VADAGARAI, PERIAKULAM THENI(DT),PIN: 625601 : Landline : : Male : AIAPN8562C Passport Number :Mobile: 9894495983 Email :
Affix passport size photograph
I. Particulars of Educational Qualification * : Cate gory Name of the Degree B.E Speciali zation Year of Passing Name of the College ODAIYAPPA COLLEGE OF ENGG & TECH., RVS COLLEGE OF ENGG & TECH., Name of the University ANNA UNIVERSI TY,CHEN NAI ANNA UNIVERSI TY,TRICH Y ANNA UNIVERSI TY % of Marks / Grades Obtained\ 79% Class obtained FIRST CLASS FIRST CLASS WITH DISTINC TION -
* Enclose copies of certificates and testimonials duly attested by the faculty member and the principal as proof.
I.a. Additional Qualification : i. GATE Score (In case of B.E. / B.Tech.) ii. NET / SLET (In case of M.C.A. / M.Sc. / M.A.)
: NIL : Year of Experience As Asst. As Asso. Professor Professor 1 YEARS 4 MONTHS As Professor
III. Faculty in which Ph.D. was awarded : NIL IV. Academic Experience as on April 2012 * Name of the College 1. PSNA COLLEGE OF ENGG & TECH., As Lecturer 1 YEARS 7 MONTHS
V. Industrial Experience *: NIL Name of the Organisation Designation Nature of Work No. of Years Total No. of years
(Endorsement by the Principal) (Inspectors use only) VII. Remarks of Certificate Verifying Officer / Chairman of Inspection Committee: Eligible to hold the post of ___________________
Verifying Officers