How To Make The Most of An SVN Conference: Thursday, October 17, 2013
How To Make The Most of An SVN Conference: Thursday, October 17, 2013
How To Make The Most of An SVN Conference: Thursday, October 17, 2013
Baltimore, Maryland Thursday, October 17, 2013 1:30 8:00pm 3:30 4:45pm Registration Open Welcome and Networking Session: How to Make the Most of an SVN Conference Co-Facilitated by Jared Levy, Neighbor Agency; John Heyman, NewLevel Group; Donna Daniels & Deb Nelson, Social Venture Network Reception Hosted by RSF Social Finance Networking Dinner Opening Plenary: Democratizing the Way the World Raises Funds Danae Ringelmann, Indiegogo Artist in Residence Performance: Austin Willacy Film & Discussion Shift Change Facilitated by Michael Peck, MAPA Group and MONDRAGON Corporation Evening Connections Friday, October 18, 2013 8:00 9:00am 7:45 8:30am 8:30am 7:00pm 9:00 10:15am Breakfast Yoga Led by Ali and Atman Smith, Holistic Life Foundation Registration Open Catalyzing Positive Change Hosted by Rha Goddess, Move the Crowd 1. Popping the Filter Bubble and Spreading Social Change Eli Pariser, Upworthy 2. Performance by Austin Willacy 3. The Power of Microbusiness to Drive Job Creation Connie Evans, Association for Enterprise Opportunity Intermission Catalyzing Positive Change continued 1. Performance by Invincible, EMERGENCE Media 2. Mushrooms: Changing the Way We Look At Materials Eben Bayer, Ecovative 3. Performance by TBD 1 8/12/1318:47 A8/P8
4:45 6:15pm 6:15 7:30pm 7:30 8:45pm 8:45 9:00pm 9:15 10:45pm
9:15 11:30pm
Friday, October 18, 2013 12:00 1:15pm 1:15 2:45pm 1:15 2:30pm 1:30 2:30pm 2:45 4:00pm Lunch Networking and Optional Activities Indiegogo Workshop Facilitated by Amy Lesnik, Indiegogo Biodanza Led by Michelle Dubreuil Macek, Biodanza Interactive Breakout Sessions: 1. Reimagining Public Policy Beth Williams, Roxbury Technology Corporation and Robert Raben, The Raben Group. Facilitated by Mark Watson, Keel Asset Management LLC 2. Climate Change: From Research to Action Jacqui Patterson, NAACP, Jessy Tolkan, Campaign for Global Electric Vehicle Infrastructure and Initiative and Mike Tidwell, Chesapeake Climate Action Network. Facilitated by Cara Pike, The Social Capital Project Intergenerational Mens Circle Intergenerational Womens Circle Facilitated by Shilpa Jain, YES! Networking Reception Dinner SVN Innovation Awards Ceremony Hosted by Jeffrey Hollender, Hollender Sustainable Brands and Meika Hollender, Sustain Condoms Artist in Residence Performance: Invincible, EMERGENCE Media Evening Connections Saturday, October 19, 2013 8:00 9:15am 8:00 8:45am 8:30am 2:00pm 9:15 10:30am 10:30 11:00am 11:00am 12:15pm Breakfast Morning Meditation Registration Open Interactive Plenary: Cultivating Human Potential for Global Progress Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev, Isha Foundation Break Interactive Breakout Sessions: 1. Impact Investing: Myths and Opportunities Lisa Hall, Calvert Foundation, Kevin Jones, Social Capital Markets and Sonia Lo, Chalsys LLP. Facilitated by Dan Levinson, Main Street Resources 2 8/12/1318:47 A8/P8
4:15 5:45pm 4:15 5:45pm 5:45 6:30pm 6:30 7:45pm 7:45 9:30pm 9:30 9:45pm 9:45 11:30pm
Saturday, October 19, 2013 2. Brewing Happy Employees Kim Jordan, New Belgium Brewing Company 3. Organized Labor and Worker Co-ops: Strange Bedfellows or Strategic Allies? Kristen Barker, Cincinnati Union Co-op Initiative and Michael Peck, MAPA Group and MONDRAGON Corporation. Facilitated by Eric Leenson, SOL Economics Lunch and Plenary: Building a Meaningful Marketplace Matthew Stinchcomb, Etsy, Inc. Networking and Optional Activities Public Policy With David Brodwin and David Levine, ASBC Yoga Led by Ali and Atman Smith, Holistic Life Foundation Interactive Breakout Sessions: 1. Fueling Social Change and Cultural Transformation Bob Alotta, Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice in conversation with Donna Daniels, Social Venture Network 2. The Business Solution to Poverty Mal Warwick, One World Futbol Project and Paul Polak, Windhorse International and International Development Enterprises (IDE) Product & Services Expo and Reception Dinner Plenary: Majora Carter, Majora Carter Group DJ Dance Party: Joseph Mouzon (DJ MAJ), Tides Advocacy Fund Sunday, October 20, 2013 Breakfast Bringing Renewed Spirit to Business Ali and Atman Smith, Holistic Life Foundation Plenary: Mission in a Bottle Seth Goldman, Honest Tea Break Closing Circle Lunch
12:30 2:00pm 2:00 3:15pm 2:00 3:00pm 2:15 3:00pm 3:15 4:30pm
9:00 10:00am 10:00 10:30am 10:30 11:30am 11:30am 12:00pm 12:00 1:15pm 1:15 2:30pm
8/12/1318:47 A8/P8