SAP AFS Retail Integration - by Biren Agnihotri
SAP AFS Retail Integration - by Biren Agnihotri
SAP AFS Retail Integration - by Biren Agnihotri
By : Biren Agnihotri
Data Flow Between IS Retail and IS AFS System
2. Distribution of the basic data from the AFS material master to the basic data of the Retail
article master (with variants if the material is assigned to a grid). Each variant in SAP
Retail has its own article master.
3. Translation of the AFS sales price into the SAP Retail purchase price using ALE
(transmitting the info record and the conditions)
4. Triggering of the workflow for the listing procedure when creating a new article or a new
5. Sending a purchase order from SAP Retail to an AFS sales order via EDI
6. Sending a shipping notification from the AFS system to SAP Retail via EDI
7. Sending an invoice from the AFS system to SAP Retail via EDI and executing the
invoice verification in the Retail system
Master Data Flow in IS Retail and IS AFS System
Master IDoc
Material to
creates ARTMAS Material
from Request Number
Retail Listing
Apply IDoc
Inbox Message
User Decision
Once the IDoc inbound process is successfully completed by creating a new article or variant, the
workflow will issue a message that this new article/variant must be listed in the stores. The message
also contains the article number and description, and possibly a list of new variants.
The message will guide you through the maintenance of the Assortment Listing. The workflow brings
you to the Change Article transaction.
You then select the Listing view, enter the necessary fields and start the listing process by choosing
Perform Listing. The workflow is completed once you leave the transaction.
Purchase Order
Orders IDoc
Purchase Order Sales Order
The purchase order is created in the Retail system and sent to the AFS system via an IDoc interface.
Once the AFS system has received the IDoc, the corresponding sales order is generated in AFS.
The message types used for transferring purchase orders are ORDERS (creation) and ORDCHG
The materials involved in the purchase order documents are referenced by their EAN numbers.
Shipping Notification
Shipping Notification Delivery
Once a sales order has been created in the AFS system, the user can create the corresponding
delivery document.
The delivery document is transferred to the Retail system in the standard IDoc of a shipping notification.
The message type used for transferring deliveries is DESADV.
The materials involved in the delivery documents are referenced by their EAN numbers.
Invoice Verification Invoice
After sending the delivery document to the Retail system, the user can create the corresponding invoice
The invoice document is transferred to the customer in the standard IDoc of an invoice.
The message type used for transferring an invoice is INVOIC.
The materials involved in the invoice documents are referenced by their EAN numbers.
AFS Material with a Grid and Generic Article in SAP Retail
AFS Variant 001 Small Red EAN1
Variant 002 Small Blue EAN1
Size Red Blue
Variant 003 Medium Red EAN3
Small EAN1 EAN2 Variant 004 Medium Blue EAN4
Medium EAN3 EAN4 Variant 005 Large Red EAN5
Large EAN4 EAN5 Variant 006 Large Blue EAN6
The Merchandise Category in SAP Retail has no direct equivalent in AFS, but it is required
information when creating an article in SAP Retail. In order to assign AFS materials to Retail articles,
you must use the AFS system to determine which merchandise category can be assigned to a
To make it easier for the user to make the settings in Customizing, merchandise categories,
characteristics profiles, characteristics and their possible values can be sent from SAP Retail to the
AFS system. Using these tables, the user can accurately the AFS data and can reduce errors such as
typos or spelling mistakes when specifying which SAP Retail data should belong to which AFS data.
The message type for the transfer of merchandise categories and associated data is WMERCAT.
AFS Material without a Grid and Single Article in SAP Retail
SAP Retail Single
AFS Material
Without Grid
AFS materials are transferred to the Retail system using the standard IDoc for the article master. You
can use standard ALE filters to restrict the number of AFS materials to be sent.
The EAN numbers are used for the assignment in purchase order / sales order processing for AFS
materials / Retail articles. An AFS material is converted to a generic0 article and to as many variants in
SAP Retail as there are grid elements with EAN numbers. AFS materials without grids and standard
materials are converted to single articles in SAP Retail. In order to transfer an article IDoc
automatically when an AFS material is created or modified, change pointers for the ARTMAS message
type can be activated in the AFS system.
SAP Retail IS AFS System