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Import Excel To Mysql

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import excel to mysql

sinem February 2008 Posts: 85

hallo teman... saya mo tanya,
excel itu gimana ? exportnya
Goku February 2008 Posts:
Kalau mai import ke mysql file
juga sebaliknya. Di phpmyadmin

kalo import table dari sql ke

juga gimana yakh ? thenkyu
excel dijadikan csv dulu. Begitu
ada export sebagai file csv.

Cara import sudah dibahas. Coba cari dengan keyword csv dan pilih
kategori MySQL.
mmmot February 2008 Posts: 16
saya mau kasih saran lain...
coba dari program yg udah ada
dikomputer,yaitu Ms.access..
dari access, import file excel tersebut...
simpan dalam bntuk access..kmudian,
file access tersebut, di ekspor ke dlm bentuk .sql..
slmt mencoba...
badrun February 2008 Posts: 266
kalo mau dari database -> excel
gampang kamu buat dulu ODBC
utk db mu lalu manfaatkan pivot
tablenya excel..
ms. excel menu data->pivottable and pivotchart report
ntar pilih yg external data source ya selanjutnya ikutin aja kamu bakal
masukin ODBC yg kamu buat
tapi kalo mau dari excel -> mysql eksekusi script perl excel2mysql.pl
ini tentu saja dieksekusi dg interperter perl (download aja)
use strict;
use DBI;
foreach my $argument (0..$#ARGV) {
if ($ARGV[$argument]=~/^-[^h\s]*h/) {
# -h is HOST
if ($ARGV[$argument]=~/^-[^d\s]*d/) {
# -d is DATABASE

if ($ARGV[$argument]=~/^-[^u\s]*u/) {
# -u is USER
if ($ARGV[$argument]=~/^-[^p\s]*p/) {
# -p is PASSWORD
if ($ARGV[$argument]=~/^-[^s\s]*s/) {
# -s is SHEET
if ($ARGV[$argument]=~/^-[^P\s]*P/) {
# -P is PORT
if ($ARGV[$argument]=~/^-[^t\s]*t/) {
# -t is TABLE
my $file=$ARGV[$#ARGV];
$cg_db_host='' if (!defined($cg_db_host));
$cg_db_name='' if (!defined($cg_db_name));
$cg_db_pass='' if (!defined($cg_db_pass));
$cg_db_port='' if (!defined($cg_db_port));
$cg_db_table='' if (!defined($cg_db_table));
$cg_db_sheet='' if (!defined($cg_db_sheet));
$cg_db_user='' if (!defined($cg_db_user));
$file='' if (!defined($file));
$cg_db_sheet=2 if ($cg_db_sheet eq '');
&print_usage if ($file eq '' || $cg_db_name eq
'' || $cg_db_table eq '');
my $dsn;
if ($cg_db_host eq '') {
$dsn.=";port=$cg_db_port" if ($cg_db_port ne
my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn,$cg_db_user,$cg_db_pass);

if ($dbh->err) {
print "Error connecting to database: ".$dbh->errstr;
sub import_xls_to_database {
my $file=$_[0];
my $import_sheet=$_[1];
my $import_table=$_[2];
my $dbh = $_[3];
my $query_string="CREATE TABLE `$import_table` (";
my $insert_string="INSERT INTO `$import_table` VALUES
my $columns=0;
my (@sheets);
my %name_hash;
foreach my $column_name (@{${$sheets[$import_sheet]}
[0]}) {
$column_name=~s/[^A-Za-z0-9_ ]/_/g;
if (defined($name_hash{$column_name})) {
text, ";
else {
$query_string.="`$column_name` text,
$dbh->do("DROP TABLE `$import_table`");
if ($dbh->err) {
print "\nBut that's probobly OK.
Don't worry. I'm just too lazy to fix this.\n";

my $create_table = $dbh->prepare($query_string);
$dbh->do("LOCK TABLES `$import_table`
my $insert_query = $dbh->prepare($insert_string);
foreach my $row (@{$sheets[$import_sheet]}
[1..$#{$sheets[$import_sheet]}]) {
foreach my $cell (@{$row}) {
$dbh->do("UNLOCK TABLES");
sub parse_excel {
my $dir=$_[0];
my $buf;
my $excel_file;
open FILE,$dir;
binmode FILE;
my $file_size=( -s $dir ); # $$
for (1..(64-length($find_string))) {
$find_string .=
for (1..36) {
$find_string .= "\x00";
my $length;
my $offset;
while (!defined($offset) || $offset==-1) {
my $excel_block;
if (read(FILE,$excel_block,512)) {
if ($excel_block=~m/\Q$find_string\E(.{4})(.{4})/s) {

else {
die("Can't find spreadsheet!");
my @sheets=parse(*FILE{IO},$offset,$length);
close FILE;
return @sheets;
sub _RK_to_num {
my ($RK) = @_;
my $type = $RK & 0x3;
my $val = ($type & 2) ?
: unpack("d", "\0\0\0\0".pack
("V", $RK ^ $type))
$val /= 100.0 if $type &1; # /
sub _float_to_date { # F
my ($date) = @_;
# $date;
my @monsum = (
0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334,
-1, 31, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335
my ($day, $month, $year, $switch, $i);
$year = int( $date/365.2425 ) + 1900;
$switch = !($year%4) && 12 || 0;
$date -= int($year-1900)*365 + int(($year-1900)/4);


for($i=11; $i && ($date <= $monsum[$switch+$i]); $i--)


$month = $i+1;
$day = $date - $monsum[$switch+$i];
$date = sprintf("%02d.%02d.%02d", $day, $month,
sub parse {
my $sheet=0;
my $file=$_[0];
my $offset=$_[1];
my $fsize=$_[2];
my ($l, $o, $type, $buf, @sheets, @strings);
my ($row, $col, $style, $len, $num);
$o = 0;
while ($o<$fsize) {
$l=unpack ("v",$l);
if ("\x00\x00" eq $type) {
} elsif ("\x07\x02" eq $type) {
my ($row, $col, $style, $data, $type) =
get_struct("WWWBB", \$buf, 0);
if ($type==0) {
if ($data == 0) {
}elsif ($data == 7) {
}elsif ($data == 0x0f) {
}elsif ($data == 0x17) {
}elsif ($data == 0x1d) {

}elsif ($data == 0x24) {
}elsif ($data == 0x2a) {
} elsif ("\x07\x00" eq $type) {
my ($row, $col, $style, $RK) = get_struct("WWWL", \
$buf, 0);
} elsif ("\xbd\x00" eq $type) {
($row, $col) = get_nword(2, \$buf, 0);
my $n = ($l - 6) / 6; #/
for (1..$n) {
my ($style, $RK) = get_struct("WL", \$buf, 4+($_1)*6);
} elsif ("\xbe\x00" eq $type) {
($row, $col) = get_nword(2, \$buf, 0);
my $n = ($l - 6) / 2; #/
my @style = get_nword($n, \$buf, 4);
for (1..$n) {
} elsif ("\xfc\x00" eq $type) {
my $os=0;
my $n = get_long(\$buf, $os);
my $n2 = get_long(\$buf,$os);
my $sect_len=$l;
my $c; my $l1; my $s;
for (0..$n2-1) {
my $start = "";
$l1 = get_word(\$buf, $os);
if ($c+$l1 > $sect_len) {

$l1 -= ($sect_len-$c);
$l=unpack ("v",$l);
push(@strings, $start.substr($buf,$os,$l1));
elsif ($c+$l1 == $sect_len) {
push(@strings, substr($buf, $os+3, $l1));
$l=unpack ("v",$l);
else {
push(@strings, substr($buf, $os+3, $l1));
} elsif ("\xfd\x00" eq $type) {
my ($row, $col, $style) = get_nword(3, \$buf, 0);
my $i = get_long(\$buf, 6);
} elsif ("\x01\x02" eq $type) {
my ($row, $col, $style) = get_nword(3, \$buf, 0);

} elsif ("\x03\x02" eq $type) {
my ($row, $col, $style, $float) =
get_struct("WWWD", \$buf, 0);
} elsif ("\x04\x02" eq $type) { # Cell: Text
($row, $col, $style, $len) = get_nword(4, \$buf, 0);
${${$sheets[$sheet]}[$row]}[$col]=substr($buf, 8, $len);
} elsif ("\x7e\x02" eq $type) { # Cell: RK number
my ($row, $col, $style, $RK) = get_struct("WWWL", \
$buf, 0);
} elsif ("\x09\x08" eq $type) {
$o += $l;
return @sheets;
sub get_struct {
my @PV = packpar(shift);
if (ref($_[1])) {
${$_[1]} += $PV[1];
unpack ($PV[0], substr(${$_[0]}, ${$_[1]}-$PV[1], $PV[1]));
} else {
unpack ($PV[0], substr(${$_[0]}, $_[1], $PV[1]));
sub get_nword {
if (ref($_[2])) {
unpack ("v"."$_[0]", substr(${$_[1]}, $
{$_[2]}-$_[0]*2, $_[0]*2))
} else {
unpack ("v"."$_[0]", substr(${$_[1]}, $_[2],
sub packpar {
my $str = shift;
my $F; my $len = 0;

$F = "C"; $len += ($str =~ s/B/$F/g) * 1;

$F = "v"; $len += ($str =~ s/W/$F/g) * 2;
$F = "V"; $len += ($str =~ s/L/$F/g) * 4;
$F = "f"; $len += ($str =~ s/R/$F/g) * 4;
$F = "d"; $len += ($str =~ s/D/$F/g) * 8;
($str, $len);
sub get_nlong {
if (ref($_[2])) {
unpack ("V"."$_[0]", substr(${$_[1]}, $
{$_[2]}-$_[0]*4, $_[0]*4))
} else {
unpack ("V"."$_[0]", substr(${$_[1]}, $_[2],

get_byte { get_nbyte(1, @_) }

get_word { get_nword(1, @_) }
get_long { get_nlong(1, @_) }
get_real { get_nreal(1, @_) }
get_double { get_ndouble(1, @_) }

sub get_nbyte {
if (ref($_[2])) {
unpack ("C"."$_[0]", substr(${$_[1]}, $
{$_[2]}-$_[0]*1, $_[0]*1))
} else {
unpack ("C"."$_[0]", substr(${$_[1]}, $_[2],
sub get_ndouble {
if (ref($_[2])) {
unpack ("d"."$_[0]", substr(${$_[1]}, $
{$_[2]}-$_[0]*8, $_[0]*8))
} else {
unpack ("d"."$_[0]", substr(${$_[1]}, $_[2],

sub get_nreal {
if (ref($_[2])) {
unpack ("f"."$_[0]", substr(${$_[1]}, $
{$_[2]}-$_[0]*4, $_[0]*4))
} else {
unpack ("f"."$_[0]", substr(${$_[1]}, $_[2],
sub print_usage {
print <<END_OF_USAGE;
Imports one sheet from a Microsoft Excel file into a MySQL database.
perl (currently installed or you're looking at the code)
Access to a MySQL server running version 3.23.* or higher
Usage: $0 -t <table> -d <database> [-h <host>] [-P
<port>] [-u <user>] [-p <password>] [-s <sheet>]
= Host of MySQL server
= Port of MySQL server if not default
<database> = Database name to connect to
= User name to use
<password> = Password to use.
<sheet> = Number of the sheet in the spreadsheet to import
<table> = Name of new table to import to. THIS TABLE IS
= Name of Excel file to import.
-Some of the Excel parsing code was taken from herbert.
-Some of the routines may have come from OLE::Storage (I
don't remember)
-All fields are created as TEXT fields you can always ALTER TABLE later
-This program should be very easily modified to support any database
with a DBD driver.

This routine was written by Stephen Hurd while converting a large MSAccess
database to perl/Tk/MySQL in a desperate effort to avoid having to reboot
into MS-Windows. The MS-Access database was contantly
Excel files.
You can e-mail me at shurd\@sk.sympatico.ca
This program is Copyright 2001 by Stephen Hurd under the BSD
license. If
the BSD license is not applicable due to an oversight on my part, I
release this code into the public domain.
There's probobly gobs of them. If you find one, e-mail me at
shurd\@sk.sympatico.ca tell me the MySQL version, and attach a copy
of the
spreadsheet. I'll have a look as soon as I can.
As always, a patch is MUCH more welcome than a bug report. :-)

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