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I Am Decrees PDF

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FOR ASCENDED MASTER SUPPLY OF ALL GOOD THINGS INCLUDING MONEY Our Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germain, says; In the Fullness of the Presence is the Love that you require! In the Fullness of the Presence are the things that you desire! Therefore, in the following Ascended Master I AM Decrees for the release of the supply of all good thing, including money, to all who are constructive, the first requirement of this Ascended Master Law, is to turn the attention FIRST to the Mighty Beloved I AM Presence from whence ALL GOOD in the Universe has always come. Send you intense FEELING of Love and Gratitude to that Source of all Life and Supply! Call for all obstruction in you feeling to be annihilated instantly and the way to be kept open until your Ascension, for an ocean of the supply of all good things including money, to flood you and your world and all who are constructive forever! We call to the Great Cosmic Beings the Great Divine Director, Archangel Michael, Our Beloved Messenger, the Angelic Host, the Forces of Nature and all the Legions of Light to fire you with Their Feeling of instantaneous fulfillment of your every I AM Decree; and with Their Acceptance, Authority and Cosmic Power of the Light of a Thousand Suns which compels into your physical appearance world, all and more than you can ever require for your Perfect Upkeep, the Perfect Expansion of this Light, Its Invincible Protection, Its Victorious Defense and Its Quick Over-whelming Onrush that sweeps everywhere in America and the world and annihilates ALL lack from mankind, the earth and its atmosphere forever! With all our Love, Light and Blessings to all forever! MRS. G. W. BALLARD AND DONALD

(Accredited Messengers of the Ascended Masters)

I AM the omnipresent, limitless supply of Gods Riches and Opulence in my hands and use. I AM the precipitation and visible Presence of whatever I desire and no man can interfere with it. I AM the wealth, the opulence, the substance already perfected in my world, of every constructive thing I can possibly conceive of or desire. I AM the Power acting; I AM the Intelligence directing; I AM the substance being acted upon, and I now bring it into visible form for my use. I live, move and have my being and all out expression in the full opulence of God made manifest every moment. I AM the Active Presence of all channels of distribution of all things acting for my good. I AM the Active Presence, bringing this money into my hand and use instantly. I AM the visible opulence I desire.

Copyrighted by Saint Germain Press, Inc.

I AM the Presence producing abundance wherever I choose to use it. I AM the Opulence of God now made manifest in my being and world. I AM the Resurrection of the Life of my limitless supply of every good thing, including money. Mighty I AM Presence! Take out of my feeling world all sense of limitation and fear of lack of money! Replace it with the Fullness of your Presence and Your Limitless Abundance of all good things, including money. Mighty I AM Presence! Charge me and my world with the supply and use of money I require in the Service of the Light; with ten times more than I require as Your Glad Free Gift of Love! See that I use it all in the Service of the Light and give You the credit as being the Giver. I ace[t the instantaneous manifestation and thank Thee it is done! Mighty I AM Presence! Great Host of Ascended Masters and all Great Beings and Powers of Light! Place in the hands and use of all under this Radiation, ten times more than we require of every good thing, including money; for our perfect upkeep and perfect expansion, invincible protection and Victorious defense of this Light. Make that cash visible in our hands even as we speak. See that we use it all in the Service of the Light, directed by Ascended Master Wisdom exactly as Saint Germain wants it used. We thank Thee it is done. Mighty I AM Presence! and all Great Beings and Powers of Light! Take command of all the money in my possession or that which comes into my possession each day! Charge it with Saint Germains and Daddys Ascended Master Consciousness of the Violet Consuming Flame! Send it forth into the commercial world as a little messenger of balance, purity, Perfection and Freedom to create peace, harmony and Divine Justice wherever it goes. See that it is a blessing to all it contacts and keep it expanding, until the entire earth knows the Victory and Power of Light! Mighty I AM Presence! and all Great Beings and Powers of Light! Keep in my hands and use at all times, ten times more of every good thing that I require, including money! See the I use it all in the Service of the Light, directed by Ascended Master Wisdom, Intelligence and discrimination at all time.

Copyrighted by Saint Germain Press, Inc.

Mighty I AM Presence! and Great Host of Ascended Masters! You take command of my financial world and hold Ascended Master God-control. Supply and release of all the money I desire, now and forever! I AM here I AM there! Money floods into me from everywhere as a Glad Free Gift of Love and all shall be used in the Service of the Light, directed by Ascended Master Wisdom at all times to produce and expand only Perfection, eternally sustained. Mighty I AM Presence! Dont ever let me be short of money again! See that the consciousness of lack is wiped out of the whole Universe, so no part of Life can ever again think of nor lack for any good thing; but instead use all of everything constructively and hold Ascended Master Perfection eternally sustained. Mighty I AM Presence! and Great Host of Ascended Masters and all Great Beings and Powers of Light! Mighty Elohim of Creation! Release this instant into the hands and use of everyone under this Radiation and to all who sincerely seek the light throughout the world, Thy Inexhaustible ever-expanding Supply of every good thing as Your Glad Free Gift of Love! See that no one under this Radiation lacks for any good thing, but make all crystal clear channels, for the continuous Out-pouring of Thy Limitless Blessings to all forever! Keep this eternally sustained and ever-expanding! Mighty I AM Presence! and Great Host of Ascended Masters! Open Your own Channels of Limitless Money to me this very hour! Keep my being and world always flooded with ten times more money and supply than I require, as You Glad Free Gift of Love and see that I always use it in the Service of the Light. I thank Thee, Thou dost always fulfill my every call. Mighty I AM Presence! Come forth NOW in Thy Full Ascended Master Power and release to the Children of Light, Thy full supply of every good thing, including money! See that no one under this Radiation lacks for any good thing! Open Your Treasurehouse and supply all with an abundance of money, food, clothing, buildings, equipment and everything they desire and keep it eternally sustained.

Copyrighted by Saint Germain Press, Inc.

Mighty I AM Presence! and all Great Beings and Powers of Light! Sweep everywhere in our channels of finance! Annihilate all suggestions and conditions that would impose financial lack or panic upon our people or injustice of nay kind. Charge all money and collateral in our land with Saint Germains Power of the Violet Consuming Flame and UNFED FLAME in Their Three-fold Activity; and everywhere that money or collateral goes, compel it to produce Perfect Balance, Freedom and Divine Justice to everyone within our borders and the Limitless supply of all good things to our people everywhere. Mighty I AM Presence! and Great Host of Ascended Masters! Place every human being in Thy Perfect Channel of employment or activity! Show each one the Perfect thing to do and make him do it all in the Service of the Light and set mankind eternally free. In the Name and Authority of my Might I AM Presence I command that all feeling of financial lack get out of my world instantly! Do Thou Oh Might I AM Presence open the Flood-gates and bring to me the fullness of every good thing! See that it is sustained until the moment of my ascension! See all is used in the Constructive Way of Life directed by Ascended Master Wisdom.

Copyrighted by Saint Germain Press, Inc.

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