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On Instantaneous Frequency

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April 3, 2009 18:0 WSPC/244-AADA 00009

Advances in Adaptive Data Analysis

Vol. 1, No. 2 (2009) 177229
c World Scientic Publishing Company
Research Center for Adaptive Data Analysis
National Central University
Chungli, Taiwan 32001, Republic of China
Department of Meteorology & Center for
Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies
Florida State University
Tallahassee, FL 32306, USA
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Ocean Sciences Branch/Code 614.2
Wallops Flight Facility
Wallops Island, VA 23337, USA
Department of Electric and Computer Engineering
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
The First Institute of Oceanography, SOA
Qingdao 266061, Peoples Republic of China
Code 564, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA
Instantaneous frequency (IF) is necessary for understanding the detailed mechanisms for
nonlinear and nonstationary processes. Historically, IF was computed from analytic sig-
nal (AS) through the Hilbert transform. This paper oers an overview of the diculties
involved in using AS, and two new methods to overcome the diculties for computing
IF. The rst approach is to compute the quadrature (dened here as a simple 90

of phase angle) directly. The second approach is designated as the normalized Hilbert
transform (NHT), which consists of applying the Hilbert transform to the empirically
determined FM signals. Additionally, we have also introduced alternative methods to
compute local frequency, the generalized zero-crossing (GZC), and the teager energy
operator (TEO) methods. Through careful comparisons, we found that the NHT and
direct quadrature gave the best overall performance. While the TEO method is the most
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178 N. E. Huang et al.
localized, it is limited to data from linear processes, the GZC method is the most robust
and accurate although limited to the mean frequency over a quarter wavelength of tem-
poral resolution. With these results, we believe most of the problems associated with the
IF determination are resolved, and a true timefrequency analysis is thus taking another
step toward maturity.
Keywords: Instantaneous frequency; Hilbert transform; quadrature; empirical mode
decomposition; normalized intrinsic mode function; empirical AM/FM decomposition.
1. Introduction
The term instantaneous frequency (IF) has always elicited strong opinions in
the data analysis and communication engineering communities, covering the range
from banishing it forever from the dictionary of the communication engineer,
being a conceptual innovation in assigning physical signicance to the nonlinearly
distorted waveforms.
In between these extremes, there are plenty of more mod-
erate opinions stressing the need for and also airing the frustration of nding an
acceptable denition and workable way to compute its values.
Before discussing any methods for computing the IF, we have to justify the
concept of an instantaneous value for the frequency. After all, the traditional fre-
quency analysis method is mostly based on the Fourier transform, which gives time-
invariant amplitude and frequency values. Furthermore, the inherited uncertainty
principle associated with the Fourier transform pair has prompted Gr ochenig
say, The uncertainty principle makes the concept of an Instantaneous Frequency
impossible. As Fourier analysis is a well-established subject in mathematics and the
most popular method in timefrequency transform, this verdict against IF is a seri-
ous one indeed. This seemly rigorous objection, however, could be easily resolved,
for the uncertainty principle is a consequence of the Fourier transform (or any other
type of integral transform) pair; therefore, its limitation could only be applied to
such integral transforms, in which time would be smeared over the integral interval.
Consequently, if we eschew an integral transform in the frequency computation, we
would not be bounded by the uncertainty principle. Fourier analysis is only one of
the mathematical methods for timefrequency transform; we have to look beyond
Fourier analysis to nd a solution. Indeed, the need of the frequency as a function
of time and the fact that the frequency should be a function of time, and hav-
ing an instantaneous value, can be justied from both mathematical and physical
Mathematically, the commonly accepted denition of frequency in the classical
wave theory is based on the existence of a phase function (see, e.g., Refs. 4, 5). Here,
starting with the assumption that the wave surface is represented by a slowly
varying function consisting of time-varying amplitude a(x, t), and phase, (x, t),
functions, such that the wave prole is the real part of the complex valued function,
we have
(x, t) = R(a(x, t)e
). (1)
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On Instantaneous Frequency 179
Then, the frequency, , and the wave-number, k, are dened as

and k =

. (2)
Cross-dierentiating the frequency and wave-number, one immediately obtains the
wave conservation equation,

= 0. (3)
This is one of the fundamental laws governing all wave motions. The assumption
of the classic wave theory is very general: that there exists a slowly varying func-
tion such that we can write the complex representation of the wave motion given
in Eq. (1). If frequency and wave-number can be dened as in Eq. (2), they have
to be dierentiable functions of the temporal and the spatial variables for Eq. (3)
to hold. Thus, for any wave motion, other than the trivial kind with constant fre-
quency sinusoidal motion, the frequency representation should have instantaneous
values. Therefore, there should not be any doubt of the mathematical meaning of
or the justication for the existence of IF. Based on the simple slowly varying
assumption, the classical wave theory is founded on rigorous mathematic grounds
and with many of the theoretical results conrmed by observations.
This model
can be generalized to all kinds of wave phenomena such as in surface water waves,
acoustics, and electromagnetics. The pressing questions are how to dene the phase
function and the IF for a given wave data set.
Physically, there is also a real need for IF in a faithful representation of under-
lying mechanisms for data from nonstationary and nonlinear processes. Obviously,
the nonstationarity is one of the key features here, but, as explained by Huang
et al.,
the concept of IF is also essential for a physically meaningful interpretation
of nonlinear processes: for a nonstationary process, the frequency should be ever
changing. Consequently, we need a timefrequency representation for the data, or
that the frequency value has to be a function of time. For nonlinear processes, the
frequency variation as a function of time is even more drastic. To illustrate the need
for IF in the nonlinear cases, let us examine a typical nonlinear system as given by
the Dung equation:
+ x + x
= cos t, (4)
in which is a parameter not necessarily small, and the right-hand term is the
forcing function of magnitude and frequency . This cubic nonlinear equation
can be rewritten as
+ x(1 + x
) = cos t, (5)
where the term in the parenthesis can be regarded as a single quantity representing
the spring constant of the nonlinear oscillator, or the pendulum length of a nonlin-
early constructed pendulum. As this quantity is a function of position, the frequency
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180 N. E. Huang et al.
of this oscillator is also ever changing, even within one oscillation. This intrawave
frequency modulation is the singular most unique characteristic of a nonlinear oscil-
lator as proposed by Huang et al.
The geometric consequences of this intrawave
frequency modulation are the waveform distortion. Traditionally, such nonlinear
phenomena are represented by harmonics. As the waveform distortion can be tted
by harmonics of the fundamental wave in Fourier analysis, it is viewed as harmonic
distortions. This traditional view, however, is the consequence of imposing a linear
structure on a nonlinear system: the superposition of simple harmonic functions
with each as a solution for a linear oscillator. One can only assume that the sum
and the total of the linear superposition would give an accurate representation of
the full nonlinear system. The diculty here is this: we would need innitely many
terms to represent a caustic point. But large number of terms would be impractical.
Even if we could obtain the Fourier expansion, all the individual harmonic terms,
however, are mathematic artifacts and have no physical meaning. For example,
in the case of water surface waves, the harmonics are not a physical wave train,
for they do not satisfy the dispersive relationship.
Although, the perturbation
approach seems to have worked well for systems with innitesimal nonlinearity,
the approach fails when the nonlinearity is nite and the motion becomes chaotic
(see, e.g., Ref 7). A natural and logical approach should be one that can capture
the physical meaning: the physical essence of this nonlinear system is an oscillator
with variable intrawave-modulated frequency assuming dierent values at dierent
times even within one single period. To describe such a motion, we should use IF
to represent this essential physical characteristic of nonlinear oscillators. In fact,
the intrawave frequency modulation is a physical meaningful and eective way to
describe the waveform distortions.
In real-world experimental and theoretic studies, the conditions of ever-changing
frequency are common, if not prevailing. Chirp signal is one class of the signals used
by bats as well as in radar. The frequency content in speech, though not exactly
a chirp, is also ever changing, and many of the consonants are produced through
highly nonlinear mechanisms such as explosion or friction. Furthermore, for any
nonlinear system, the frequency is denitely modulating not only among dierent
oscillation periods, but also within one period as discussed above. To understand the
underlying mechanisms of these processes, we can no longer rely on the traditional
Fourier analysis with components of constant frequency. We have to examine the
true physical processes through instantaneous frequency from non-Fourier based
There have been copious publications in the past on the IF, for example: Refs. 8
16. Most of these publications, however, were concentrated on WignerVille distri-
bution (WVD) and its variations, where the IF is dened through the mean moment
of dierent components at a given time. But the WVD is essentially Fourier based
analysis. Other than the WVD, IF obtained through the analytic signal (AS) pro-
duced by the Hilbert transform (HT) has also received a lot attention. Boashash,
in particular, gave a summary history of the evolution of the IF denition. Most of
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On Instantaneous Frequency 181
the discussions given by Boashash
were on monocomponent signals. For more
complicated signals, he again suggested utilizing the moments of the WVD. But
there are no a priori reasons to assume that the multicomponent signal should have
a single-valued instantaneous frequency at any given time and still be retaining
its full physical signicance. Even for a monocomponent signal, the WignerValle
method still relies on the moment approach. Boashash also suggested crossing the
WVD of the signal with a reference signal. This method will be seriously compro-
mised when the signal to noise ratio is high. We will return to these points and
discuss them in more detail later.
One of the most basic yet confusing points concerning IF stems from the erro-
neous idea that for each IF value there must be a corresponding frequency in the
Fourier spectrum of the signal. In fact, IF of a signal when properly dened should
have a very dierent meaning when compared with the frequency in the Fourier
spectrum, as discussed in Huang et al.
But the divergent and confused viewpoints
on IF indicate that the erroneous view is a deeply rooted one associated with and
responsible for some of the current misconceptions and fundamental diculties in
computing IF. Some of the traditional objections on IF actually can be traced to
the mistaken assumption that a single-valued IF exists for any function at any
given instant. Obviously, a complicated signal could consist of many dierent fre-
quencies at any given time, such as a recorded music of a symphonic orchestra
The IF witnessed two major advances recently. The rst one is through the
introduction of the empirical mode decomposition (EMD) method and the intrin-
sic mode function (IMF) introduced by Huang et al.
for data from nonlinear
and nonstationary processes. The second one is through wavelet based decom-
position introduced by Olhede and Walden
for data from linear nonstationary
processes. Huang et al.
have also introduced the Hilbert view on nonlinearly dis-
torted waveforms, which provided explanations to many of the paradoxes raised
by Cohen
on the validity of IF, which will be discussed in detail later. Indeed,
the introduction of EMD or the wavelet decomposition resolved one key obsta-
cle for computing a meaningful IF from a multicomponent signal by reducing it
to a collection of monocomponent functions. Once we have the monocomponent
functions, there are still limitations on applying AS for physically meaningful IF
as stipulated by the well-known Bedrosian
and Nuttall
theorems. Some of the
mathematic problems associated with the HT of IMFs have also been addressed by
In this paper, we propose an empiric AMFM decomposition
based on a spline
tted normalization scheme to produce a unique and smooth empiric envelope (AM)
and a unity-valued carrier (FM). Our experience indicates that the empiric envelope
so produced is identical to the theoretic one when explicit expressions exist, and it
provides a smoother envelope than any other method including the one based on AS
when there is no explicit expression for the data. The spline based empiric AMFM
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182 N. E. Huang et al.
decomposition will not only remove most of the diculties associated with AS, but
also enable us to compute the quadrature directly, and then compute IF through
a direct quadrature function without any approximation. The normalization also
resolves many of the traditional diculties associated with the IF computed through
AS: it makes AS satisfy the limitation imposed by the Bedrosian theorem.
the same time, it provides a sharper and easily computable error index than the
one proposed by the Nuttall theorem,
which governs the case when the HT of
a function is dierent from its quadrature. Additionally, we will also introduce
alternative methods based on a generalized zero-crossing (GZC) and an energy
operator to dene frequency locally for cross comparisons.
The paper is organized as follows: This introduction will be followed by a dis-
cussion of the denitions of frequency. Then we will introduce the empiric AMFM
decomposition, or the spline normalization scheme, and all the dierent instan-
taneous frequency computation methods in Sec. 3. In Sec. 4, we will present the
comparisons of the IF values dened from various alternative methods to establish
the validity, advantages and disadvantages of each method through testing on model
functions and real data. We will also introduce the frequency-modulated (FM) and
amplitude-modulated (AM) representations of the data in Sec. 5. Finally, we will
discuss the merits of the dierent methods and make a recommendation for general
applications, and oer a short conclusion. To start, however, we will rst present
the various denitions of frequency in the next section as a motivation for the
subsequent discussions.
2. Denitions of Frequency
Frequency is an essential quantity in the study of any oscillatory motion. The most
fundamental and direct denition of frequency, , is simply the inverse of period,
T; that is
. (6)
Following this denition, the frequency exists only if there is a whole cycle of wave
motion. And the frequency would be constant over this length, with no ner tem-
poral resolution. In fact, a substantial number of investigators still hold the view
that frequency cannot be dened without a whole wave prole.
Based on the denition of frequency given in Eq. (6), the obvious way of deter-
mining the frequency is to measure the time intervals between consecutive zero-
crossings or the corresponding points of the phase on successive waves. This is very
easily implemented for a simple sinusoidal wave train, where the period is a well-
dened constant. For real data, this restrictive view presents several diculties:
to begin with, those holding this view obviously are oblivious to the fundamental
wave conservation law, which requires the wave-number and frequency to be dier-
entiable. How can the frequency be dierentiable if its value is constant over a whole
wavelength? Secondly, this view cannot reveal the detailed frequency modulations
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On Instantaneous Frequency 183
with ever-changing frequency in nonstationary and, especially, nonlinear processes
with intrawave frequency modulations. And nally, in a complicated vibration, there
might be multi-extrema between two consecutive zero-crossings, a problem treated
extensively by Rice,
who restricted the applications of the zero-crossing method
to narrow-band signals, where the signal must have equal numbers of extrema and
zero-crossings. Therefore, without something like the EMD method to decompose
the data into IMFs, this simple zero-crossing method has only been used for the
band-passed data (see, e.g., Ref. 26), or more recently by the more sophisticated
wavelet based ltering proposed by Olhede and Walden.
As the bandpass lters
used all work in frequency space, they tend to separate the fundamental from its
harmonics; the ltered data will lose most, if not all, of the nonlinear characteristics.
With these diculties, the zero-crossing method has seldom been used in serious
research work.
Another denition of frequency is through the dynamic system. This elegant
method determines the frequency through the variation of the Hamiltonian, H(q, p),
where q is the generalized coordinate, and p, the generalized momentum (see, e.g.,
Refs. 27, 28) as,
(A) =
, (7)
in which A is the action variable dened as
A =
pdp, (8)
where the integration is over a complete period of a rotation. The frequency so
dened is varying with time, but the resolution is no ner than the averaging over
one period, for the action variable is an integrated quantity as given in Eq. (8).
Thus, the frequency dened by Eq. (7) is equivalent to the inverse of the period,
the classical denition of frequency. This method is elegant theoretically, but its
utility is limited to relatively simple low-dimensional dynamic systems, linear or
nonlinear, whenever integrable solutions describing the full process exist. It cannot
be used for data analysis routinely.
In practical data analysis, the data consist of a string of real numbers, which
may have multi-extrema between consecutive zero-crossings. Then, there can be
many coexisting frequency values at any given time. Traditionally, the only way
to dene frequency is to compute through the Fourier transform. Thus, for a time
series, x(t), we have
x(t) = R

, (9)
dt, (10)
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184 N. E. Huang et al.
with R indicating the real part of the quantity. With classic Fourier analysis, the
frequency values are constant over the whole time span covering the range of the
integration. As the Fourier denition of frequency is not a function of time, we can
easily see that the frequency content would be physically meaningful only if the
data represent a linear (to allow superposition) and stationary (to allow a time-
independent frequency representation) process.
A slight generalization of the classic Fourier transform is to break the data into
short subspans. Thus the frequency value can still vary globally, but is assumed to be
constant within each subintegral span. Nevertheless, the integrating operation leads
to the fundamental limitation on this Fourier type of analysis by the uncertainty
principle, which states that the product of the frequency resolution, , and the
time span over which the frequency value is dened, T, shall not be less than
1/2. As Fourier transform theory is established over an innite time span, then the
uncertainty principle dictates that this time interval cannot be too short related to
the period of the oscillation. At any rate, the uncertainty principle dictates that, for
the Fourier-type methods, it is impossible to resolve the signal with the frequency
varying faster than the integration time scale, certainly not within one period.
This seemingly weak restriction has in fact limited the Fourier spectral analysis to
linear and stationary processes only.
A further generation of the Fourier transform is the wavelet analysis, a very
popular data analysis method (see, e.g., Refs. 29, 30), which is also extremely
useful for data compression, and image edge denitions, for example. True, the
wavelet approach oers some timefrequency information with an adjustable win-
dow. The most serious weakness of wavelet analysis is again the limitation imposed
by the uncertainty principle: to be local, a base wavelet cannot contain too many
waves; yet to have ne frequency resolution, a base wavelet will have to con-
tain many waves. As the numerous examples have shown, the uniformly poor
frequency resolution renders wavelet results only as a qualitative tool for time
frequency analysis. The frequency resolution problem is mitigated greatly through
the Hilbert spectral representation based on the wavelet projection.
less, this improved method is still burdened by harmonics; therefore, their result
can only be physical meaningful when the data are from nonstationary but linear
Still another extension of the classical Fourier analysis is the WVD (see, e.g.,
Ref. 13), which is dened as
V (t, ) =

t +



d. (11)
By denition, the marginal distribution, by integrating the time variable out, is
identical to the Fourier power density spectrum. Even though the full distribution
does oer some timefrequency properties, it inherits many of the shortcomings of
Fourier analysis. The additional time variable, however, provides a center of gravity
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On Instantaneous Frequency 185
type of weighted mean local frequency as
(t) =

V (t, )d

V (t, )d
_ . (12)
Here we have only a single value as a mean for all the dierent components. This
mean value lacks the necessary details to describe the complexity imbedded in a
multicomponent data set. For example, if we have a recording of a symphonic music
piece, when many instruments are playing at the same time, WignerVille would
allow one single frequency at any given time. This is certainly unreasonable and
As our emphasis is on analyzing data from nonstationary and nonlinear pro-
cesses, we have to examine the frequency content of the data in detail at any given
time with the subperiod temporal resolution. We have proposed solutions: time
frequency analysis based on AS functions and direct quadrature, which will be the
subject of the next section. It should be noted that all the above methods work
for any data, while the methods to be discussed in the next section work only for
monocomponent functions.
3. Instantaneous Frequency
Ideally, the IF for any monocomponent data should be through its quadrature,
dened as a simple 90

phase shift of the carrier phase function only. Thus

from any monocomponent data, we have to nd its envelope, a(t), and carrier,
cos (t), as,
x(t) = a(t) cos (t), (13)
where (t) is the phase function to represent the AM and FM parts of the signal
respectively. Its quadrature then is
xq(t) = a(t) sin (t), (14)
where the change comparing to the original data is limited only to the phase. With
these expressions, the instantaneous frequency can be computed as in the classical
wave theory given in Eq. (2). These seemingly trivial steps have been impossible to
implement in the past. To begin with, not all the data are monocomponent. Even
though decomposing the data into a collection of monocomponent functions is now
available by wavelet decomposition
or the empirical mode decomposition,
are other daunting diculties: to nd the unique pair of [a(t), (t)] to represent-
ing the data, and to nd a general method to compute the quadrature directly.
Traditionally, the accepted way is to use the AS through the HT as a proxy for
the quadrature. This has made the AS approach the most popular method to
dene IF.
The approach of using AS, however, is not without its diculties. The most
fundamental one is that AS is only an approximation to the quadrature, except
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186 N. E. Huang et al.
for some very simple cases. And due to this and other diculties associated with
this approach, it has also contributed to all the controversies related to IF. To
fully appreciate the subtlety of the IF dened through HT, a brief history of IF is
necessary. A more detailed one can be found in Boashash,
for example. For the
sake of completeness and to facilitate our discussions, we will trace certain essential
historic milestones of the approach from its beginning to its present state as follows:
The rst important step for dening IF was due to Van der Pol,
a pioneer in
nonlinear system studies, who rst explored the idea of IF seriously. He proposed the
correct expression of the phase angle as an integral of the IF. The next important
step was made by Gabor,
who introduced the HT to generate a unique AS from
real data, thus removing the ambiguity of the innitely many possible amplitude
and phase pair combinations to represent the data. Gabors approach is summarized
as follows: for the variable x(t), its HT, y(t), is dened as
y(t) =


d, (15)
with P indicating the Cauchy principal value of the complex integral. The HT
provides the imaginary part of the analytic pair, y(t), of the real data. Thus, we
have a unique AS given by
z(t) = x(t) + iy(t) = A(t)e
, (16)
in which
A(t) = {x
(t) + y
and (t) = tan
, (17)
form the canonical pair, [A(t), (t)], associated with x(t). Gabor even proposed a
direct method to obtain AS through two Fourier transforms:
z(t) = 2

d, (18)
where F() is the Fourier transform of x(t). In this representation, the original
data x(t) becomes
x(t) = R{A(t)e
} = A(t) cos (t). (19)
It should be pointed out that this canonical pair, [A(t), (t)], is in general dierent
from the complex number dened by the quadrature, [a(t), (t)], though their real
parts are identical. For the analytic pair, the IF can be dened as the derivative of
the phase function of this analytic pair given by
(t) =


). (20)
In general, for stochastic data, the phase function is a function of time; therefore,
the IF is also a function of time. This denition of frequency bears a striking
similarity with that of the classical wave theory.
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On Instantaneous Frequency 187
Fig. 1. Data of the recorded word, Hello, digitized at a rate of 22,050 Hz.
As the HT exists for any function of L
class, there is a misconception that one
can put any function through the above operation and obtain a physically mean-
ingful IF as advocated by Hahn.
Such an approach has created great confusion
for the meaning of the IF in general, and tarnished the approach of using the HT
for computing the IF in particular. Let us take the data recording of a voice saying
Hello, given in Fig. 1, as an example. Through HT, we have the AS plotted in
the complex phase plane given in Fig. 2, which just shows a collection of random
loops. If we designate the derivative of the phase function as the IF according to
Eq. (20), the result is shown in Fig. 3. Clearly, the frequency values are scattered
over a wide range with both positive and negative values. Furthermore, any speech
could have multicomponent sounds, but this representation gives only a single fre-
quency at any given time and ignores the multiplicity of the coexisting components.
Consequently, these values are not physically meaningful at all, instantaneously or
otherwise. The diculties encountered here actually can be illustrated by a much
simpler example using the simple function employed by Huang et al.
x(t) = a + cos t, (21)
with a as an arbitrary constant. Its HT is simply
y(t) = sin t; (22)
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188 N. E. Huang et al.
Fig. 2. Complex phase graph of the analytic signal derived from data in Fig. 1 through HT.
Fig. 3. The IF derivative through the AS given in Fig. 2, with the original data plotted in
arbitrary unit and a magnitude shift.
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On Instantaneous Frequency 189
therefore, the IF according to Eq. (20) is
(1 + a sin t)
1 + 2a cos t + a
. (23)
Equation (23) can give any value for the IF, depending on the value of a. To recover
the frequency of the input sinusoidal signal, the constant, a, has to be zero. This
simple example illustrates some crucial necessary conditions for the AS approach
to give a physical meaningful IF: the function will have to be monocomponent, zero
mean locally, and the wave will have to be symmetric with respect to the zero mean.
All these conditions are satised by either EMD or the wavelet projection methods
mentioned above. But these are only the necessary conditions. There are other more
subtle and stringent conditions for the AS approach to produce a meaningful IF. For
example, Loughlin and Tracer
proposed physical conditions for the AM and FM
of a signal for IF to be physically meaningful, and Picinbono
proposed spectral
properties of the envelope and carrier in order to have a valid AS representation.
Indeed, the unsettling state of the AM, the FM decomposition, and the associated
instantaneous frequency have created great misunderstanding, which has prompted
to list a number of paradoxes concerning instantaneous frequency. Some
of the paradoxes concerning negative frequency are a direct consequence of these
necessary conditions given by the IMFs. All the paradoxes will be discussed later.
In fact, the most general conditions are already summarized most succinctly by
the Bedrosian
and Nuttall
theorems. Bedrosian
established another general
necessary condition for obtaining a meaningful AS for IF computation, which set a
limitation of separating the HT of the carrier from its envelope as
H{a(t) cos (t)} = a(t)H{cos (t)}, (24)
provided that the Fourier spectra of the envelope and the carrier are non-
overlapping. This is a much sharper condition on the data: the data has to be
not only monocomponent, but also narrow band; otherwise the AM variations will
contaminate the FM part. The IMF produced by EMD does not satisfy this require-
ment automatically. With the spectra from amplitude and carrier not clearly sepa-
rated, the IF will be inuenced by the AM variations. As a result, the applications
of the HT as used by Huang et al.
are still plagued by occasional negative fre-
quency values. Strictly speaking, unless one uses bandpass lters, any local AM
variation will violate the restriction of the Bedrosian theorem. If any data violate
the condition set forth in Eq. (24), the operations given in Eqs. (16) to (20) will not
be valid anymore. Although we can still obtain an AS with the real part identical
to the data, but the imaginary part would not be the same through the eect on
the phase function contaminated by the AM. The result will be meaningless as the
example given in Fig. 3.
It can be further shown that the Bedrosian condition is not the only prob-
lem. More fundamentally, Nuttall
questions the condition under which we can
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190 N. E. Huang et al.
H{cos (t)} = sin (t), (25)
for an arbitrary function of (t). This diculty has been ignored by most investi-
gators using the HT to compute IF. Picinbono
stated that it would be impossible
to justify Eq. (25) from only the spectral properties. He then entered an extensive
discussion on the specic properties of the phase function under which Eq. (25) is
true. The conditions were recently generalized by Qian et al.
But such discus-
sions would be of very limited practical use in data analysis, for we cannot force
our data to satisfy the conditions prescribed. Picinbono nally concluded that the
only scientic procedure would require the calculation of the error coming from
the approximation, which resides only in the imaginary part of the AS. He also
correctly pointed out that there is no general procedure to calculate this error from
the spectrum of the amplitude function, for the error depends on the structure of
the phase function rather than on spectral properties of the amplitude function.
With the diculties presented by Picinbono,
we can only settle on the partial
solution provided by the Nuttall
rst established the following theoretic result: for any given function
x(t) = a(t) cos (t), (26)
for arbitrary a(t) and (t), not necessarily narrow band functions, and if the HT
of x(t) is given by xh(t), and the quadrature of x(t) is xq(t), then
E =

[xh(t) xq(t)]
dt = 2


()d, (27)
() = F() + i

a(t) sin (t)e

dt, (28)
in which F() is the spectrum of the signal, and F
() is the spectrum of the
quadrature of the signal. Therefore, the necessary and sucient conditions for the
HT and the quadrature to be identical is E = 0. This is an important and brilliant,
yet not very practical and useful, result. The diculties are due to the following
three deciencies. First, the result is expressed in terms of the quadrature spectrum
of the signal, which is an unknown quantity, if quadrature is unknown. Therefore,
the error bound could not be evaluated easily. Second, the result is given as an
overall integral, which provides a global measure of the discrepancy. Therefore, we
would not know which part of the data causes the error in a nonstationary time
series. Finally, the error index is energy based; it only states that the xh(t) and xq(t)
are dierent, but does not oer an error index on the frequency.
Therefore, the
Nuttall theorem oers only a proxy for the error index of IF; it is again a necessary
condition for the AS approach to yield the exact IF. These diculties, however, do
not diminish the signicance of Nuttalls result: it points out a serious problem and
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On Instantaneous Frequency 191
limitation on equating the HT and the quadrature of a signal; therefore, there is a
serious problem on using the HT to compute physically valid IF values.
All these important results were known by the late sixties. For lack of a sat-
isfactory method to decompose the data into the monocomponent functions other
than the traditional bandpass lters, the limitations set by Bedrosian and Nuttall
were irrelevant, for the bandpassed signal is linear and narrow band and satises
the limitation automatically. As it is also well known that a bandpassed signal
would eliminate many interesting nonlinear properties from the data, the band-
pass approach could not make the Hilbert transform generated AS into a general
tool for physically valid IF computation. Consequently, the HT method remains
as an impractical method for data analysis. The solutions to these diculties are
presented in the next section.
3.1. The normalization scheme: an empirical AM and
FM decomposition
Both limitations stated by the Bedrosian and Nuttall theorems have rm theoretic
foundations, and must be satised. To this end, we propose a new normalization
scheme, which is an empirical AM and FM decomposition method enabling us to
separate any IMF empirically and uniquely into envelope (AM) and carrier (FM)
parts. This normalization decomposition scheme has three important consequences:
rst, and most importantly, the normalized carrier also enables us to directly com-
pute quadrature (DQ). Second, the normalized carrier has unity amplitude; there-
fore, it satises the Bedrosian theorem automatically. Finally, the normalized car-
rier enables us to provide a ready and sharper local energy based measure of error
than that given by the Nuttall theorem. The method using the empirical AM
FM decomposition and the normalization scheme is designated as the normalized
Hilbert transform (NHT).
Other than direct quadrature and NHT based IF computations, we will also
introduce two additional methods for determining the local frequency independent
of the HT, each based on dierent assumptions, and each giving slightly dierent
values for IF from the same data. For all of these methods to work, the data will
have to be reduced to an IMF rst. In this section, we shall present these dierent
approaches and the most crucial step, the normalization scheme.
The normalization scheme is designed to separate the AM and FM parts of the
IMF signal uniquely but empirically; it is based on iterative applications of cubic
spline tting through the data. As this empirical AMFM decomposition is of great
importance to the subsequent discussions, we will present it rst as follows:
First, from the given IMF data in Fig. 4, identify all the local maxima of the
absolute value of the data as in Fig. 5. By using the absolute value tting, we
are guaranteed that the normalized data are symmetric with respect to the zero
axis. Next, we connect all these maxima points with a cubic spline curve. This
spline curve is designated as the empiric envelope of the data, e
(t), also shown in
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192 N. E. Huang et al.
Fig. 4. Arbitrary sample data used here as example to illustrate the empirical AMFM decom-
position through the spline tted normalization scheme.
Fig. 5. The maxima of the absolute values (dot) of the data (dash line) given in Fig. 4 and
the spline tting (solid line) through those values. The spline line is dened as the envelope
(instantaneous amplitude) to be used as the base for normalizing the data.
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On Instantaneous Frequency 193
Fig. 5. In general, this envelope is dierent from the modulus of the AS. For any
given real data, the extrema are xed; therefore, this empiric envelope should be
xed and uniquely dened, with respect to a given spline function, without any
ambiguity. Having obtained the empiric envelope through spline tting, we can use
this envelope to normalize the data, x(t), by
(t) =
, (29)
with y
(t) as the normalized data. Ideally, y
(t) should have all the extrema with
unity value. Unfortunately, Fig. 6 shows that the normalized data still have ampli-
tudes higher than unity occasionally. This is due to the fact that the spline is tted
through the maximum points only. At the locations of fast changing amplitudes, the
envelope spline line, passing through the maxima, can go below some data points.
Even with these occasional aws, the normalization scheme has eectively sepa-
rated the amplitude from the carrier oscillation. To remove any aws of this type,
the normalization procedure can be implemented repeatedly with e
(t) dened as
the empiric envelope for y
(t), and so on as,
(t) =
(t) =
after nth iteration. When all of the values of y
(t) are less than or equal to unity,
the normalization is complete; it is then designated as the empirical FM part of the
data, F(t),
(t) = cos (t) = F(t), (31)
where F(t) is a purely FM function with unity amplitude. With the FM part deter-
mined, the AM part, A(t), is dened simply as,
A(t) =
= e
(t) e(t)
. (32)
Therefore, from Eq. (32), we have
x(t) = A(t) F(t) = A(t) cos (t). (33)
Thus, we accomplished the empiric AMFM decomposition through repeated
normalization. Typically the converging is very fast; two or three rounds of itera-
tions would be sucient to make all data points equal to or less than unity. The
thrice normalized result is given in Fig. 7 as an example, where no point is greater
than unity. The empiric AM and the modulus of AS from the data were all plotted
in Fig. 8. It is clear that the empiric AM is smoother and devoid of the higher-
frequency uctuation and overshoots as in the modulus of AS. Our experience also
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194 N. E. Huang et al.
Fig. 6. The one time normalized data (dotted line) compared with the original data (solid line).
Notice that the normalized data still have values greater than unity.
Fig. 7. The three times normalized data (dotted line) compared with the original data (solid
line). Notice that the normalized data have no value greater than unity.
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On Instantaneous Frequency 195
Fig. 8. The data (dotted line) and various envelopes: although both envelopes agree in general,
the modulus of AS (black line) shows high-frequency intrawave modulations, while the empiric
envelope (gray line) tted by spline is smooth.
shows that the spline tted envelopes serve as a much better base for the normal-
ization operations.
As in the EMD, this approach lacks analytic expressions for the operation and
the nal results, which might hamper the formulation of a theoretical proof. This
approach, just like the EMD, is direct and simple to implement. Analyticity, how-
ever, is not a requirement for computing the IF. As we have shown that the resulting
empiric envelope is unique and even smoother than the modulus of the AS obtained
through HT. We will also show that the IF values determined are exactly based on
the phase function without any approximation. These advantages, in our judgment,
have far out-weighted the deciency of lacking an analytic expression. After all, in
most cases there is no analytic expression for the data anyway.
It should be noted that the normalization process could cause some deformation
of the original data, but the amount of the deformation is negligible, for there are
rigid controling points for the periodicity provided by the zero-crossing points in
addition to the extrema. The zero-crossing points are totally unalternated by the
normalization process. As we discussed above, an alternative method to normalizing
an IMF is to use the modulus of the AS instead of the spline envelope in the
normalization scheme. This will certainly avoid the envelope dipping under the
data, but any nonlinear distorted wave form will give a jagged AS modulus envelope,
which could cause even worse deformation of the waveforms in the normalized data.
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196 N. E. Huang et al.
Still another consideration in favor of the empiric envelope is in the applica-
tion of computing the damping of a dynamic system. Salvino and Cawley
the modulus of AS as the envelope, which worked for simple nearly linear sys-
tems. In more complicated vibrations, the intrawave amplitude variations cause
the time derivative of the amplitude to be highly oscillatory and thus made the
damping computation impossible. Huang et al.
had used the empirical envelope
and resolved the diculties. Based on this consideration, we decided against using
the modulus of AS as the base for normalization.
3.2. Direct quadrature
Having proposed the empiric AMFM decomposition, we can use the normalized
IMF as a base to compute its quadrature directly. This approach will eschew the
HT totally, and enable us to get an exact IF. After the normalization, the empirical
FM signal, F(t), is the carrier part of the data. Assuming the data to be a cosine
function, we have its quadrature simply as,
sin (t) =
1 F
(t). (34)
The complex pair formed by the data and its direct quadrature is not necessarily
analytic. They are computed solely to dene the correct phase function, for they
preserve the phase function of the real data without the kind of distortion caused
by the AS. There seems to be many advantages for this direct quadrature approach:
it bypasses HT totally; therefore, it involves no integral interval. Its value is not
inuenced by any neighboring points and the frequency computation is based only
on dierentiation; therefore, it is as local as any method can be. Furthermore,
without any integral transform, it preserves the phase function of any data exactly
for an arbitrary phase function.
Once we have the quadrature, there are two possible ways to compute the phase
from the FM signal: one possibility is to compute the phase angle by simply tak-
ing the arc-cosine of the empiric FM signal as given in Eq. (31) directly. But the
computation is occasionally unstable near the local extrema. To improve the com-
putation stability, we propose a slightly modied approach through computing the
phase angle by
(t) = arc tan
1 F
. (35)
Here F(t) has to be a perfectly normalized IMF after repeated rounds of normal-
ization. This is very critical, for any value of the normalized data that goes beyond
unity will cause the formula given in Eq. (34) to become imaginary, and Eq. (35)
to breakdown.
Although the arccosine and arctangent approaches are mathematically equiva-
lent, they are computationally dierent. The arctangent approach enables us to use
the four-quadrant inverse tangent to uniquely determine the specic quadrant of
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On Instantaneous Frequency 197
the phase function, which is essential for the proper unwrapping (from 2 cycles
to free running). Furthermore, the computational stability in the arctangent is also
much improved, as will be demonstrated later. Using arctangent, we could still
experience unstable results occasionally, when the data contain some irregularities
such as jumps or sharp slope changes. Yet the most serious problem is especially
sparse data points near the extrema. This occurs frequently for the high-frequency
components. Sparse data would also cause diculties in the normalization, for the
maxima might not locate exactly on one of the available data points. Therefore,
using any available point would cause the waveform to deform. The computation
stability could be much improved with a three- or ve-point medium lter, which
will not degrade the answer noticeably, for the derivative had already involved
two points in the computation. A three-point medium covers only a slightly wider
region. In all the subsequent computations, we have used the arctangent approach
and a three-point medium lter as the default operation in the Direct Quadrature
method unless otherwise noted.
The IF computed from the DQ is given in Fig. 9 together with the NHT method
to be discussed later. Here the improvement of the DQ is clearly shown: the ini-
tial negative IF values, from the simple non-normalized AS at the location of an
amplitude minimum region, totally disappeared. These negative frequency values,
near the neighborhood of this minimum amplitude location, are the consequence of
violating the condition stipulated by the Bedrosian theorem.
0 500 1000 1500 2000
Time : second


Data and Instantaneous Frequency
Fig. 9. The IF of the sample data based on various methods: direct quadrature (DQ), HT, and
NHT, with the data plotted at one-tenth scale.
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198 N. E. Huang et al.
By denition, the energy based error index as dened by Nuttall would be zero
identically for the quadrature method. DQ gives the correct phase functions even for
extremely complicated phase functions. In most locations, however, the numerical
dierence between the quadrature and HT is small as shown in Fig. 9.
3.3. Normalized Hilbert transform
As the amplitude of the empirical FM signal is identically unity, the limitation of
the Bedrosian theorem is no longer a concern in computing AS through the HT.
The IF computed from the normalized data is also given in Fig. 9 marked as NHT
case. Here the improvement of the normalization scheme is also clearly seen: the
initial negative IF values, from non-normalized data near the amplitude minimum
locations, were eliminated, for the condition stipulated by the Bedrosian theorem
is satised automatically. The only noticeable dierences between NHT and DQ
all occur near where the waveform suers some distortion. Such distortions are
due to complicated phase function changes, the condition stipulated by the Nuttall
theorem. At such locations NHT can only give an approximate answer anyway.
Next, we can dene a sharper error bound than given by the Nuttall theorem.
The principle is very simple: if the HT indeed produces the quadrature, then the
modulus of AS from the empiric envelope should be unity. Any deviation of the
modulus of AS from unity is the error; thus we have an energy based indicator of
the dierence between the quadrature and the HT, which can be dened simply as
E(t) = [abs(analytic signal (z(t))) 1]
. (36)
This error indicator is a function of time as shown in Fig. 10. It gives a local
measure of the error incurred in the amplitude, but not of the IF computation
Nevertheless, this surrogate measure of error is both logically and prac-
tically superior to the constant error bound established by the Nuttall theorem. If
the quadrature pair and the AS are identical, the error should be zero. They usually
are not identical. Based on our experience, the majority of the error comes from the
following two sources: the rst source is due to data distortion in the normalization
at a location near drastic changes of amplitude, where the envelope spline tting
will not be able to turn sharply enough to cover all, but goes under some data
points. Repeated normalization will remove this imperfection in normalization, but
it would inevitably distort the wave prole, for the original location of the extrema
could be shifted in the process. This diculty is even more severe when the ampli-
tude is also locally small, where any error will be amplied by the smallness of
the amplitude used in the normalization process in Eq. (30). The error index from
this condition is usually extremely large. Some of the errors in this category could
be alleviated by using dierent spline function in the normalization process. For
example, the Hermite cubic spline with the monotonic condition would not cause
overshoot or undershooting. In our implementation, there are occasion that this
approach indeed improves the results considerably. We, however, do not use this
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On Instantaneous Frequency 199
Fig. 10. The energy based error index values for the sample data. Notice the error index is high
whenever the waveform of the data is highly distorted from the regular sinusoidal form.
approach because the Hermite cubic spline is not continuous in slope, which would
give unsmooth IF values. The second source is due to the nonlinear waveform dis-
tortion of the waveform, which will cause a corresponding variation of the phase
function, (t), as stipulated by the Nuttall theorem. As discussed in Hahn
Huang et al.,
when the phase function is not an elementary function, the phase
function from AS and that from the DQ approach would not be the same. This is
the condition stipulated by the Nuttall theorem. The error index from this condition
is usually small.
Based on our experience, both the NHT and the DQ can be used routinely to
give valid IF. The advantage of NHT is that it has a slightly better computational
stability than the DQ method, but DQ certainly gives a more accurate IF, if the
data is dense enough.
3.4. Teager energy operator
The Teager energy operator (TEO; see, e.g., Refs. 37, 38) has been proposed as a
method to compute IF without involving integral transforms; it is totally based on
dierentiations. The idea is based on a signal of the form,
x(t) = a sin t, (37)
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200 N. E. Huang et al.
then, an energy operator is dened as
(x) = x
x x (38)
where the overdots represent rst and second derivatives of x(t) with respect to
time. Physically, if x represents displacement, the operator, (x), is the sum of
kinetic and potential energy, hence the method is designed as TEO. For this simple
oscillator with constant amplitude and frequency, we will have
(x) = a

and ( x) = a

. (39)
By simply manipulating the two terms in Eq. (39), we have

( x)
and a =
( x)
. (40)
Thus one can obtain both the amplitude and frequency with the energy opera-
tor. Kaiser
and Maragos et al.
have proposed to extend the energy operator
approach to the continuous functions of AMFM signals, where both the amplitude
and the frequency are functions of time. In those cases, the energy operator will
oer only an approximation, a rather poor one as will be shown presently. A dis-
tinct advantage of the energy operator is its superb localization property, a property
unsurpassed by any other approach, except DQ. This localization property is the
consequence of the dierentiation based method; therefore, it involves at most ve
neighboring data points to evaluate the frequency at the central point. No integral
transform is needed as in Hilbert or Fourier transforms. The shortcomings of the
method are also obvious: from the very denition of the frequency and amplitude,
we can see that the method only works for monocomponent functions; therefore,
before an eective decomposition method is available, the application of the method
is limited to bandpass data only. Even more fundamentally, the method is based
on a linear model for a single harmonic component only; therefore, the approxi-
mation produced by the energy operator method will deteriorate and even break
down when either the amplitude is a function of time or the wave proles have
any intrawave modulations or harmonic distortions. Mathematically, Eqs. (39) and
(40) could only be true if amplitude and frequency are constant. Therefore, the
existence of either amplitude modulation or harmonics distortion violates the basic
assumptions of TEO. In comparisons, we found the nonlinear waveform distortion
present a more serious problem for TEO than the amplitude uctuations, for the
derivatives from the amplitude uctuations are general mild, while the derivative
values could vary widely from the nonlinear phase deformations. These diculties
put a severe limitation on the application of TEO. In the past, TEO has only been
applied to the Fourier bandpassed signals. As a result, the diculty with the nonlin-
ear distorted waveform was not assessed at all. Having employed EMD to produce
IMF, we are able to test TEO on nonstationary and nonlinear data for the rst
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On Instantaneous Frequency 201
time. These very shortcomings and breakdown caused by nonlinear waveformdistor-
tions, however, make TEO a very nice nonlinearity detector, which will be discussed
3.5. Generalized zero-crossing
Finally, we will present the GZC method. As discussed above, zero-crossing method
is the most fundamental method for computing local frequency, and it has long been
used to compute the mean period or frequency for narrow band signals.
course, this approach is again only meaningful for monocomponent functions, where
the numbers of zero-crossings and extrema must be equal in the data. Unfortunately,
the results are relatively crude, for the frequency so dened would be constant over
the period between zero-crossings. In GZC, we will improve the temporal resolution
to a quarter wave period by taking all zero-crossings and local extrema as the critical
control points.
In the present generalization, the time intervals between all the combinations of
critical control points are considered as a whole or partial wave period. For example,
the period between two consecutive up (or down) zero-crossings or two consecutive
maxima (or minima) can be counted as one whole period. Each given point along
the time axis will have four dierent values from this class of period, designed as
, where j = 1 to 4. Next, the period between consecutive zero-crossings (from
up to the next down zero-crossing, or from down to the next up zero-crossing), or
consecutive extrema (from maximum to the next minimum, or from minimum to
the next maximum) can be counted as a half period. Each given point along the
time axis will have two dierent values from this class of period, designed as T
where j = 1 to 2. Finally, the period between one kind of extrema to the next zero-
crossings, or from one kind of zero-crossings to the next extrema can be counted
as a quarter period. Each given point along the time axis will have only one value
from this class of period, designed as T
. Clearly, the quarter period class, T
, is the
most local, so we give it a weight factor of 4. The half period class, T
, is the less
local, so we give it a weight factor of 2. And nally, the full period class, T
, is the
least local, so we give it a weight factor of 1. In total, at any point along the time
axis, we will have seven dierent period values, each weighted by their properties
of localness. By the same argument, each place will also have seven corresponding
dierent amplitude values. The mean frequency at each point along the time axis
can be computed as


, (41)
and the standard deviation can also be computed accordingly. This approach is
based on the fundamental denition of frequency given in Eq. (6); it is the most
direct, and also gives the most accurate and physically meaningful mean local fre-
quency: it is local down to a quarter period (or wavelength); it is direct and robust
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202 N. E. Huang et al.
and involves no transforms or dierentiations. Furthermore, this approach will also
give a statistic measure of the scattering of the frequency value. The weakness is
its crude localization, only down to a quarter wavelength at most. Another draw-
back is its inability to represent the detailed waveform distortion, for it admits
no harmonics and no intrafrequency modulations. Unless the waveform contains
asymmetries (either up and down, or left and right), the GZC will give it the same
frequency as a sinusoidal wave. With all these advantages and limitations, for most
of the practical applications, however, this mean frequency localized down to a
quarter wave period is already better than the widely used Fourier spectrogram,
say. This method is also extremely easy to implement, once the data is reduced to
a collection of IMFs. As this method physically measures the periods, or part of
them thereof, the values obtained can serve as the most stable local mean frequency
over the time span to which it is applied. In the subsequent comparisons, we will
use the GZC results as the baseline reference. Any method producing a frequency
or amplitude grossly dierent from the GZC result in the mean simply cannot be
correct. Therefore, GZC oers a standard reference in the mean for us to validate
the other methods.
Having presented all these IF or local frequency computing methods, we will
present some intercomparisons of the results in the following sections. In all these
cases, the data will have to be reduced to IMF components. For arbitrary data, we
have used the EMD method
and ensemble EMD (EEMD, Ref. 41) to decompose
the data into the IMF components before applying any of the above methods to
compute the instantaneous frequency.
4. Intercomparisons of Results from Dierent Methods
and Discussions
For the intercomparisons, we will use two examples: one from a model and the other
from a real physical phenomenon, to illustrate the dierence in the IFs produced by
the dierent methods. The rst example is a model function to illustrate details and
the potential problems of the methods; the second example is a real speech signal,
which will give us an illustration of how the various methods perform in practical
applications. The methods used to compute the IF are the TEO, the GZC, the
NHT, the DQ, and sometimes also the simple HT methods.
4.1. Validation
The rst example is the modeled damped Dung wave with chirp frequency. The
explicit expression of the model gives us the truth and enables us to calibrate and
validate the methods quantitatively. The model is given by
x(t) = exp


+ 32
+ 0.3 sin

+ 32
with t = 0 : 1024.
April 3, 2009 18:0 WSPC/244-AADA 00009
On Instantaneous Frequency 203
Fig. 11. The modeled damped chirp Dung waves based on Eq. (42).
Assuming the sampling rate to be 1 Hz, the numeric values of the signal are
plotted in Fig. 11. As the amplitude decays exponentially, we have to normalize the
data using the method described in Eq. (30). From the normalized data, we can
also compute the quadrature. The complex phase graphs of all dierent methods
are given in Fig. 12, each representing the AS from the original un-normalized data
and the normalized empiric envelope, and also from the quadrature. As the HT
is implemented through Gabor
method, the eect of the jump in values at the
beginning and the end is clearly visible from the imaginary part shown in Fig. 13,
where the amplitude of the imaginary part of the data deviates widely from the
data towards the end. The amplitude from the normalized data has corrected the
eect of the jump condition between the beginning and end, and gives a major
improvement of the result.
It is important to point out that, for this Dung model, the quadrature and the
AS are not identical as shown vividly in this complex phase graph. Therefore, we
should anticipate problems for the IF computed from the AS methods. The phase
function of the quadrature is given by a perfect unity circle, for the modulus of the
complex number formed by the data and its quadrature is identically unity. But the
amplitude of AS from the HT deviates from the unity circle systematically. This
deviation results in an energy measure of the error in using the AS as an approx-
imation for the quadrature. In fact, the computed quadrature and the imaginary
part of the AS were shown in Fig. 13. The computed quadrature is exactly the same
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204 N. E. Huang et al.
Fig. 12. The complex phase graph for the damped chirp Dung wave model based on AS from
the original data (dash line), normalized data (dotted line), and directly computed quadrature
(thick solid line). Normalization has certainly improved the phase graph, but the phase graph is
still not a unit circle except for the quadrature.
as the one given by the theoretical expression. This oers a clear validation of the
direct quadrature computation method (DQ).
The amplitudes determined from the various methods are given in Fig. 14. The
empiric envelope determined through spline tting agrees almost exactly with the
theoretic values, except near the beginning, where the end eects have caused the
empiric envelope to dip slightly. Again the empiric envelope is also the only one
agreeing well with the envelope determined from the GZC method over practi-
cally the whole range. The stepped values from the GZC method show the limit
of localization of the method. The amplitude from AS is inuenced strongly by
the complicated phase function as stipulated by the Nuttall theorem. The worse
overall performance among all the methods is the TEO. Whenever the waveform is
distorted, the values of the amplitude drop even to zero, which bear no similarity
to the reality. The amplitude from HT performs poorly near the end of the data
span caused by the jump condition between the beginning and the end. Here the
limitations of both the Bedrosian and Nuttall theorems are visible.
To examine the eect of the Bedrosian theorem in detail, we computed the
Fourier power spectra for both the AM and FM signals as given in Fig. 15. Although
the AM signal is a monotonic, exponentially decaying function, the power spec-
tral density would treat it as a saw-tooth function, and have a wide spectrum.
April 3, 2009 18:0 WSPC/244-AADA 00009
On Instantaneous Frequency 205
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Time : second

Data, AS and Quadrature : Damped Chirp Duffing Model
Fig. 13. Comparison of the imaginary part from AS based on the simple HT, NHT, and DQ.
While the quadrature is identical with the theoretic result, the ASs are visibly dierent from the
theoretic results especially the one without normalization, where the jump condition at the ends
forced the AS to diverge from the data.
Therefore, the spectra of the AM and FM signal are not disjoint at all. Consequently,
the phase function of the AS will be contaminated by the amplitude variations, for
they violate the Bedrosian theorem. As we will see later, the spectra from the AM
and FM signals of an IMF would never be disjoint in general, unless the signals
were separated specically by a bandpass lter. The small but nonzero overlap-
ping indicates that the FM part of the AS generated through the HT is always an
approximation contaminated by the AM variations.
Now, let us examine the IF values given in Fig. 16. Here again, the IF from
the DQ method coincides with the theoretic values with no visible discrepancy in
the gure on this scale. To examine the discrepancy in detail, a selected section is
expanded in Fig. 17. Here, the IF values from DQ show some deviation from the
true theoretic ones near the peaks of each wave toward the end, where the spare
data points become a problem. Nevertheless, the overall performance is still very
good. The HT without normalization performs poorly with many negative values,
especially toward the end, where the jump condition between the beginning and
the end had caused the imaginary to deviate too far from the true value and hence
the poor IF performance. The IF values from either HT (even when it performs
April 3, 2009 18:0 WSPC/244-AADA 00009
206 N. E. Huang et al.
0 200 400 600 800 1000
Time : second

Data and Envelopes : Damped Chirp Duffing Model
Fig. 14. The amplitude determined from various methods: TEO, GZC, and HT, spline tting
used in DQ and NHT. The spline line is identical to the theoretic value; therefore, it is dened as
the envelope in the direct quadrature method.
well) or NHT show insucient modulation than the theoretic values as reported
by Huang et al.
The normalization step indeed has provided more stable, albeit
still insuciently modulated, IF values. The GZC gives a slightly stepped constant
sloped mean value as expected. The result of TEO is again plagued by the nonlinear
distortion of the waveform to the degree that the frequency is totally useless.
A crucial criterion for judging the viability of the dierent methods is to examine
the error from two points of view. First, we will use the energy based criterion as
given in Fig. 18. Based on the energy considerations, we can only compute the errors
from the normalized signals. The errors from the DQ and GZC are negligible, for
the envelope determined from the GZC is nearly perfect. The error is relatively low
for NHT compared to the much larger values from TEO. Second, we will examine
the error by direct comparisons of the ratios of IF values from the various methods
to the truth as the base. The overall results are given in Fig. 19, and the details
are given in Fig. 20. Here the DQ result is almost exactly as computed from the
theoretic expression. The only large discrepancies occur at the beginning due to
the end eect from the spline envelope ttings. Toward the end, the insucient
digitalization rate has caused some small discrepancy as discussed before. At most
of the time, the IF values are identical to the theoretic true values computed from
the model. NHT shows great improvement over HT, because of the removal of the
eects stipulated in the Bedrosian theorem through normalization. The eect of
April 3, 2009 18:0 WSPC/244-AADA 00009
On Instantaneous Frequency 207
Fig. 15. Fourier power spectral density for the normalized carrier (FM, the solid line) and enve-
lope (AM, the dash line). They are overlapping each other indicating that the data violated the
limitation of the Bedrosian theorem; therefore, the contamination of the FM part dened from
AS by the AM variations is to be expected.
the Nuttall theorem is visible from the insucient intrawave frequency modulation.
The ratio from GZC is pretty poor, for it totally missed the intrawave frequency
modulation, but it still is correct in the mean. This result oers a good proof of
the claim by Picinbono
: error of IF cannot be measured by the envelope spectra
alone as given by Nuttall theorem. It should be pointed out, however, that the
TEO still oers the poorest agreement. The IF values could even reach zero at
many locations near the amplitude equal to zero line, and never give reasonable
value almost everywhere except at one point in every wave near the local maximum
or minimum.
Finally, we will give a comparison between the arccosine and arctangent
approaches. The dicult in using arccosine is in the unwrapping, for the typi-
cal arccosine will only give phase function between 0 and . As a result, to have a
proper phase will involve an additional step of ipping the directly computed phase
before the unwrapping. Without such a step, the result will be erroneous. Though
such a step could be implemented, the four-quadrant inverse tangent is much eas-
ier. Figure 21 gives IF values obtained from the arccosine, arctangent, and the
truth. Without proper unwrapping, the result based on direct arccosine approach
contains frequency in the negative range, while the result based on four-quadrant
inverse tangent are in good agreement with the truth. A detailed view shows this
comparison in Fig. 22, in which the improvement of the three-point medium lter
April 3, 2009 18:0 WSPC/244-AADA 00009
208 N. E. Huang et al.
0 200 400 600 800 1000
Time : second


Instantaneous Frequency : Damped Chirp Duffing Model
Fig. 16. The IF computed from the various methods: TEO, GZC, HT, NHT, DQ, and the
theoretic value (truth). IF from HT (without normalization) and TEO perform poorly.
850 900 950
Time : second


Instantaneous Frequency : Damped Chirp Duffing Model
Fig. 17. Details of Fig. 16 near the end, where the slight deviation of DQ from the truth due to
the data rate at this high frequency is visible. Even with this discrepancy, DQ still outperform all
the other methods.
April 3, 2009 18:0 WSPC/244-AADA 00009
On Instantaneous Frequency 209
Fig. 18. The energy based error index of the damped chirp dung model. The error of NHT is
nonzero everywhere as a consequence of Nuttall theorem, but it is consistently smaller than the
TEO method.
0 200 400 600 800 1000
Time : second


Ratio of Various IFs to Truth : Damped Chirp Duffing Model
Fig. 19. Using the ratios of IF values give in Fig. 16 to the truth as a measure of error directly.
Other than at the very beginning, the DQ gives nearly a perfect ratio of one.
April 3, 2009 18:0 WSPC/244-AADA 00009
210 N. E. Huang et al.
850 900 950
Time : second


Ratio of Various IFs to Truth : Damped Chirp Duffing Model
Fig. 20. Details of Fig. 19, where the deviations of the DQ values are barely discernable, where
the discrepancies from all the other method are clearly visible.
0 200 400 600 800 1000
Time : second


Damped Chirp Duffing Model : IF
Fig. 21. Comparison of IF values obtained from the arccosine and arctangent approaches. The
four-quadrant inverse tangent method employed in the DQ gives correct IF values. The diculty in
the unwrapping for the phase function obtained from direct arccosine approach results in erroneous
IF values.
April 3, 2009 18:0 WSPC/244-AADA 00009
On Instantaneous Frequency 211
850 900 950
Time : second


Damped Chirp Duffing Model : IF
Fig. 22. Details of Fig. 21, where the DQ values from the arctangent approach always gives the
correct results, except when the data become sparse.
values (DQ3) over the unltered results (DQ1) can be seen clearly. The eect of
sparse data points near the maxima is also shown as discussed above.
As mentioned above, the energy based index is only sensitive to the envelope
tting by denition. As such, it only serves as a surrogate for the IF values. In
analyzing real data, the true frequency is unknown anyway; therefore, the energy
based error index is the only error measure available. If it is large, there certainly
should be problems. Even if the error index is small, as in the case of GZC, the IF
values still might not be small. Thus, the energy based error index might not be a
foolproof indication of error in the IF values; it thus provides only a guidance and
a necessary condition for small errors.
There are several lessons learned here through this validation exercise: the TEO
is for linear signals, and the GZC can only give a mean value, but not the intrawave
frequency modulation, which is a sure sign of signal from nonlinear processes. This
exercise has clearly validated the NHT method and, more importantly, the superi-
ority of the direct quadrature approach is clearly demonstrated.
4.2. An application
Having examined the dierent methods with the model equation and validated
both DQ and NHT, we will proceed to test the methods on an example of practical
application, an IMF extracted from the voice record of Hello. The original signal
April 3, 2009 18:0 WSPC/244-AADA 00009
212 N. E. Huang et al.
Fig. 23. The intrinsic mode functions (IMF) derived from the data given in Fig. 1 plotted on
the same scale. The second IMF is clearly the most energetic, and is used as sample data for this
of the sound for Hello is given in Fig. 1, with the IMF components extracted from
EMD given in Fig. 23, where the most energetic component, given in Fig. 23, is
selected as the test data, shown in Fig. 24, to make comparisons among the dierent
methods. It should be note that we used only EMD rather than EEMD to accentuate
the potential problems of large amplitude uctuation of amplitude and IF values
caused by mode mixing. Such case is very common in everyday applications. This
signal could be decomposed much more reasonably with EEMD as demonstrated
by Wu and Huang,
in which the mode mixing is totally removed and the large
amplitude uctuation absent.
Now, let us proceed with the comparisons of dierent methods. First, we will
present the dierent envelopes obtained from spline and HT ttings and all the
other methods as in Fig. 25. From this global view, the amplitude from the TEO
tting has already shown serious problems, with the magnitude exceeding the data
by a large margin. All the other methods (HT, spline, and GZC) seem to have
collated in a narrow-band symmetric to the silhouette of the data, indicating all
envelopes having been reasonable.
April 3, 2009 18:0 WSPC/244-AADA 00009
On Instantaneous Frequency 213
Fig. 24. The sample data of the second IMF from Fig. 23.
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Time : second

Hello : Data and Envelopes All Methods
Fig. 25. The envelopes determined from various methods: TEO, GZC, HT (Hilbert), and spline,
together with the data plotted as a reference. As the data is an IMF, it is symmetric; therefore,
any envelope deviation from the symmetric image of the data, such as the one from TEO, could
not be right. All the other methods performed reasonably well.
April 3, 2009 18:0 WSPC/244-AADA 00009
214 N. E. Huang et al.
0.09 0.092 0.094 0.096 0.098 0.1
Time : second

Hello : Data and Envelopes All Methods
Fig. 26. Details of a section with small and highly variable amplitude values near 0.1 s. TEO is
still erroneous; the HT also shows visible variations from the spline, which follows the stepped
GZC closely.
To examine the details, we have selected and enlarged two subsections near 0.1
and 0.2 s given in Figs. 26 and 27. From these gures, we can immediately see
that the envelope from the TEO becomes problematic whenever the waveform is
distorted. This is to be expected from the model functions discussed above. It is a
clear indication that the TEO is based on a stationary and linear model. As the
error occurs most seriously at the location of nonlinear wave form distortion as
discussed above, this shortcoming can be turned into an advantage: to use it as an
indicator for nonlinear wave deformation. Other than the TEO envelope, all the
envelopes are much closer to each other. Indeed, from the performance of TEO
here we can surmise that the speech signal is highly nonlinear with high condence.
The empiric spline envelope is the smoothest one, while the Hilbert envelope shows
some subperiod intrawave uctuations due to the nonlinear waveform distortion.
As the GZC is the most robust, albeit coarsely localized, denition for envelope and
period, it is reassuring to see that the empiric envelope follows the one from GZC
closely almost everywhere. This is especially true when the amplitude variation is
small as in Fig. 27, yet the empiric envelope still retains the smoothness that is
lacking in the GZC envelope.
As before, the mists by the HT method are indicating the limitations stipulated
by the Bedrosian and Nuttall theorems. To examine the condition of the Bedrosian
theorem, we again plot the spectra of the FM (normalized carrier) and AM (the
empiric envelope) signals in Fig. 28. Clearly, they are not disjoint, just as in the case
April 3, 2009 18:0 WSPC/244-AADA 00009
On Instantaneous Frequency 215
0.19 0.192 0.194 0.196 0.198 0.2
Time : second

Hello : Data and Envelopes All Methods
Fig. 27. Details of a section with large and uniform amplitude values near 0.2 s. TEO is
still erroneous; the HT also shows visible variation from the spline, which is almost identical
with GZC.
Fig. 28. Similar to Fig. 15, Fourier power spectral density for the normalized carrier (FM, the
solid line) and envelope (AM the dotted line). They are overlapping each other again, indicating
that the data violated the limitation of the Bedrosian theorem, and thus a problem in IF values
through AS is expected.
April 3, 2009 18:0 WSPC/244-AADA 00009
216 N. E. Huang et al.
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
x 10
Time : Second


IF from various methods and Data
Fig. 29. Similar to Fig. 16, the IF computed from the various methods: TEO, GZC, HT, NHT,
and DQ. No theoretic value is available here for comparison. Again, IF from HT (without nor-
malization) and TEO perform poorly with large uctuations for HT and numerous zero-frequency
values from TEO.
of the Dung model. With this in mind, we should expect the IF derived from the
AS signal to be problematic. An independent way to conrm the limitation imposed
by the Bedrosian theorem, we have used a narrow window to exclude the large
amplitude variation within the window and obtained positive frequency locally.
This window is very dicult to implement. Normalization of the IMF resolves the
problem of amplitude variation; it also drastically reduces the error index.
Now, we will examine the IF, with the global view given in Fig. 29. Two features
become obvious. First, there are numerous instances when the TEO values drop
to zero level, an indication of nonlinear processes. Second, there are also large
uctuations of the HT determined IF values dipping even into the negative range.
These wild uctuations are the consequence mostly of the limitation stipulated by
the Bedrosian theorem. As all the problem areas occur at the locations when the
signal has very small amplitude values and in the neighborhood of large amplitude
uctuations, we can also assume that the IF value calculations are unstable at small
amplitude values. Therefore, the poor performance of HT could be the combination
of both small local amplitude values and the large uctuation of the amplitude in
the neighborhood. The IF values obtained from the NHT, having removed the AM
uctuations, certainly satisfy the Bedrosian theorem and eliminate these anomalies
from the simple AS approach. In fact, the results from the NHT have never dipped
April 3, 2009 18:0 WSPC/244-AADA 00009
On Instantaneous Frequency 217
0.09 0.092 0.094 0.096 0.098 0.1
x 10
Time : Second


IF from various methods and Data
Fig. 30. Details of a section with small and highly variable amplitude values near 0.1 s. TEO
performs well except near the location when amplitude values have a problem. The IF values
hit zero value there as well. HT shows visible deviations from the GZC values, mostly from the
violation of the Bedrosian theorem, an error corrected successfully with normalization. Quadrature
again outperforms all the other methods.
to zero or a negative range. Again, we will use the identical two sections as in the
amplitude study to examine the details of IF shown in Figs. 30 and 31. From Fig. 30,
we can see that the IF values from HT are very unstable whenever the amplitude
values are small or the amplitude of the signal experiences large magnitude changes.
The IF values for TEO are relatively stable with respect to the amplitude changes as
we argued before, but they suer at the locations of waveform distortions. The best
results again come from the DQ and NHT methods, which are closely intertwined
with each other and both matched with the GZC values. DQ values show some
deeper modulations especially at the locations with large waveform distortions as
expected. Although we do not have the truth here to make an absolute comparison,
based on the validation study of the Dung model above we believe that the deep
modulating DQ values oer the best answer.
Finally, let us examine the errors from the various methods. The error indices
of the HT, NHT, and DQ are given in Fig. 32, where HT here stands for the
normalization using the modulus from un-normalized AS. The results indicate that
the error index for NHT is consistently smaller than that from HT except for one
location near 0.4 s. The results of this particular location of large NHT error is
enlarged and examined in Fig. 33. We found that the envelope from NHT had cut
April 3, 2009 18:0 WSPC/244-AADA 00009
218 N. E. Huang et al.
0.19 0.192 0.194 0.196 0.198 0.2
Time : Second


IF from various methods and Data
Fig. 31. Details of a section with large and uniform amplitude values near 0.2 s. TEO is still
erroneous; the HT shows no visible discrepancy from the normalized, the quadrature and GZC,
except DQ shows some deeper modulation especially at the location where wave form distortion
is strong, which is also the locations where the TEO perform the poorest.
through the data near the location of very low amplitude and caused waveform
distortions in poor normalization. If the modulus of AS is used as the base for
normalization, there will not be any case with the envelope below the data. It
is tempting to adopt this alternative for a normalization scheme. But as discuss
above, and from the overall performance of HT and NHT, we believe the empirical
spline envelope based normalization is still the preferred option. All the failures of
NHT are at the locations of low amplitude with negligible energy density; therefore,
even with large error, the impact on energytimefrequency spectral distribution is
insignicant. The overall performance of NHT is far better than HT. By denition,
the energy based error index from DQ is identically zero. As discussed above, this
might not be an indication of zero error in IF, but it is a necessary condition for
small errors.
5. AM and FM Representation of the Data
Until now, the main result of Hilbert spectral analysis has always emphasized the
FM part of the data: the data is decomposed into IMFs rst. The IF and amplitude
of each IMF is then computed through AS to form the Hilbert spectrum with the
frequency calculated from the carriers. Through the empirical AMFM decompos-
ing, we have uniquely separated the AM from the FM part of the data. Though the
April 3, 2009 18:0 WSPC/244-AADA 00009
On Instantaneous Frequency 219
Fig. 32. The energy based error index. Normalization has improved the error drastically.
variations on the AM or envelope variations (FM) are included in the Hilbert spec-
trum, they have not been examined in detail. In the EMD and Hilbert spectral
analysis approach, it is justiable not to put too much attention on the amplitude
variations, for if there is mode mixing, the amplitude variation from such mixed
mode IMF really does not reveal any true underlying physical processes. Mode
mixing can be alleviated through an intermittence test
or by the EEMD.
way, we can obtain IMF sets without mode mixing. Then, the envelope variation
would contain additional information, for example, when there is a beating sig-
nal representing the sum of two co-existing sinusoidal waves. In an earlier paper,
Huang et al.
tried to extract individual components out of the sum of two linear
trigonometric functions such as
x(t) = cos at + cos bt. (43)
Through 3000 repeated siftings, two seemingly separate components were recovered.
But the intrinsic mode functions (IMFs) were not clean trigonometric functions
anymore, and there were obvious aliases in the resulting IMF components and the
residue. The approach proposed then is both unnecessary and unsatisfactory. The
problem, in fact, has a much simpler solution: treating the envelope as an amplitude
April 3, 2009 18:0 WSPC/244-AADA 00009
220 N. E. Huang et al.
0.4 0.401 0.402 0.403 0.404 0.405 0.406 0.407 0.408 0.409
Hello : Error Index HT, NHT and DQ
Time : second

Fig. 33. Detail of Fig. 32, at the location where NHT shows large error. This is caused by the
spline as it went under the peak of an extremely low amplitude wave, located near 0.406 to 0.407 s,
that distorted the normalized prole.
modulation and just processing the envelope data. Thus the function x(t) given in
Eq. (43) can be rewritten as
x(t) = cos at + cos bt = 2 cos
a + b
a b
. (44)
There is no dierence between the sum of the individual components and the mod-
ulating envelope form; they are trigonometric identities. If one can obtain both
the frequency of the carrier wave, (a + b)/2, and the frequency of the envelope,
(a b)/2, then one has indeed extracted all the information in the data. The prob-
lem of whether one could or could not separate two components forming a beating
signal have been studied by Rilling and Flandrin
thoroughly. Their conclusion is
both rigorous and thoughtful. To separate the signal is to conform to the mathe-
matic requirement under the Fourier scheme of reason. In fact, if one would match
ones results with physics and/or perception, to treat the signal as one component
is more reasonable. For example, if one is to make a monotonal sound with slightly
variable amplitude, should we label such a sound as two tone? Most likely and
more reasonably we would not do so. Yet, mathematically, once the amplitude is
uctuating regularly, the signal would be represented as two tones under the strict
stationary and linear Fourier model. For complicated AM, the modulation itself
contains valuable information that is worthy exploring.
April 3, 2009 18:0 WSPC/244-AADA 00009
On Instantaneous Frequency 221
Fig. 34. The intrinsic mode functions for the AM signal of the data (given in Fig. 24), which is
dened as the spline tted envelope (given in Fig. 25).
This discussion gives us the reason to look for a new approach to extract addi-
tional information from the envelope. In the simple example given in Eq. (44), the
envelope becomes a rectied cosine wave; the frequency would be easier to determine
from the simple period counting than from the Hilbert spectral result. For a more
general case, when the amplitudes of the two sinusoidal functions are not equal, the
modulation is no longer so simple. For even more complicated cases, when there
are more than two co-existing sinusoidal components with dierent amplitudes and
frequencies, there is no general expression for the envelope and carrier anymore.
The nal result could be represented as more than one frequency-modulated band
in the Hilbert spectrum. It is, then, impossible to describe the individual compo-
nents under this situation. In these cases, to represent the signal as an FM and AM
variation is more meaningful, for the dual representations of frequency arise from
the dierent denitions of frequency: in the Hilbert view, amplitude and frequency
modulations still render a correct representation of the signal, but this view is very
dierent from that of the Fourier analysis. In such cases, if the process is indeed sta-
tionary and linear, Fourier analysis could be used, as suggested by Huang et al.,
which will give the more familiar results. In this case, the judgment for method
April 3, 2009 18:0 WSPC/244-AADA 00009
222 N. E. Huang et al.
Fig. 35. The Hilbert spectrum for the AM signal (white contours) compared to the FM signal
(given in color contours). The frequency content of the AM signal in general is lower than the FM
selection is not based on which one is correct, for they both are; rather, it is on
which one is more familiar and more revealing.
When we have a more complicated data as in the case of the speech signal, we
can also nd the amplitude variation information by processing the envelope or the
AM part of the data. When the empiric envelope of the data given in Fig. 24 is
decomposed through EMD, we have the IMF given in Fig. 34. Using these IMFs,
we can construct the Hilbert spectrum of the AM part as given in Fig. 35, where
the FM counterpart is also given as a reference. The physical meaning of the AM
spectrum is not as clearly dened in this case as in the FM signal, for obvious
intermittence is still present. The methodology introduced here, however, serves to
indicate the AM contribution to the variability of the local frequency. In speech
analysis, the AM spectrum would give additional information on the pause and the
speech pattern. For most of the problems with AM and FM variations, the total
information of the data is fully represented if we process both the AM and FM
6. Discussions
Having presented all dierent methods for computing the IF, we would like to
emphasize that the IF is a very dierent concept from the frequency content of the
April 3, 2009 18:0 WSPC/244-AADA 00009
On Instantaneous Frequency 223
data derived from Fourier based methods as discussed in great details by Huang
et al.
IF introduced here is based on the instantaneous variation of the phase func-
tion from the direct quadrature or AS through the HT on adaptively decomposed
monocomponent functions, while the traditional Fourier-type frequency content is
an averaged frequency based on integral transform of the data with an a priori
basis. Therefore, when the basis is changed, the frequency content will also change.
Similarly, when we change the decomposition method, the IF will also change. The
IF and the integral transform computed mean frequency do not have the same phys-
ical meaning, and would not have an exact one-to-one correspondent relationship.
Before getting into the discussions of the results from dierent methods presented
here, a few words to dispel some of the common misconceptions (or paradoxes as
given in, e.g., Ref. 13) on IF are necessary.
One of the most prevailing misconceptions of IF is that, for a data with discrete
line spectrum, how can IF be a continuous function? A variation of this miscon-
ception is that IF can give frequency values that are not even one of the discreet
spectral lines. Both of these paradoxes can be resolved easily. In the case of signals
from nonlinear processes, IF methods treat the harmonic distortions as continu-
ous intrawave frequency modulations; on the other hand, Fourier based methods
treat the frequency content as discreet harmonic spectral lines. In case of a two or
more beating waves, IF methods treat the data as AM and FM modulation, while
Fourier based methods treat each constituent wave as a separate discreet spectral
line. Although they appear perplexingly dierent, they are representing the same
data from two dierent viewpoints. The discrete spectral lines are the product of
Fourier analysis based on linear stationary assumption. While frequency dened as
the derivative of phase function is mathematically and physically sound denition.
There should be no mystery.
Another misconception is on the negative IF values from AS. Cohen
contended that, according to Gabors approach,
the AS is computed through
two Fourier transforms: rst transform the data into frequency space, then use an
inverse Fourier transform after discarding all the negative frequency parts (see, e.g.,
Ref. 13). Therefore, because all the negative frequency content has been discarded,
how can there still be negative IF values? This is a total misunderstanding of the
nature of negative IF computed based on AS. The direct cause of negative frequency
in AS is the consequence of multi-extrema between two zero-crossings, which will
cause local loops in the complex phase plane not centered at the origin of the
coordinate system as discussed by Huang et al.
Negative frequency values can also
occur even if there is no multi-extrema but with large amplitude uctuations, which
can also make the AS phase loop miss the origin, a consequence of violating the
Bedrosian theorem as discussed above. At any rate, the negative IF has nothing
to do with Gabors implementation of the AS computation; they are from the
data violating known theoretic limitations, the Bedrosian theorem. The negative
IF values can be successfully removed by the direct quadrature and NHT methods
presented here, or by a window method to be discussed presently.
April 3, 2009 18:0 WSPC/244-AADA 00009
224 N. E. Huang et al.
Next, we have to address a subtler question: how local is the IF, if the HT is
evaluated over the real axis theoretically? Unfortunately, no theoretic value can be
oered here. Empirically, however, the HT indeed gives a very local representation
as discussed in Huang et al.
albeit with some distortion in both amplitude and
frequency values within the integration window. DQ does not involve integration,
so it should be extremely local. The HT is a singular integral with the integrand
decaying as 1/t, a very narrow window. Limiting the amplitude variation implies
that anytime a 1/t decay of a large amplitude wave can overpower the neighboring
low amplitude wave; there would be a violation of the Bedrosian theorem. Indeed we
have tried a windowed approach where short data piecewisely limited the amplitude
variation within the window to a certain preassigned value, and this has improved
the answer. But this is only a patched remedy; it does not oer a true solution.
Normalization is a way to resolve the dicult of amplitude variation. With these
discussions, the common misconceptions could be settled easily.
Now, let us discuss the results obtained above. From these examples, we can
see that most of the methods presented here perform reasonably well. Yet all the
methods that produce IF can only be applied to the IMFs, a necessary condition
not just for HT based methods, but also for all the additional methods discussed
here. The strength and weakness of each method are summarized as follows:
TEO is by far a very local method, for it is totally based on dierentiation
operations. But, as it is based on and derived from a linear assumption; there-
fore, whenever there is pronounced nonlinear (harmonic) waveform distortion, the
TEO result breaks down and gives zero for IF even after the ve-point medium
ltering. In the past, TEO is used in conjunction with band pass ltering of the
signal. As the traditional ltering is based on the linear Fourier analysis, it has thus
destroyed the nonlinear characteristics of the signal. Therefore, the problem of TEO
with nonlinearity was not revealed, and the ltered data will give the impression of
well-behaved IF from the TEO. The examples here, however, clearly indicate the
problems of applying TEO to data from nonlinear processes. It should be empha-
sized that, though TEO involved some nonlinear manipulation of the data, it is not
a nonlinear method as suggested by Quatieri,
for the method is based on a linear
wave model, and can only be applied to data from such processes. The shortcom-
ing of TEO can be turned into a useful tool: to detect nonlinear distortion of the
waveform, as used by Huang et al.
Next, we will examine the GZC method. This method, based on the fundamen-
tal denition of the frequency, is physically the most direct but mathematically
the least elegant. As the method relies only on the intervals of the critical points
consisting of extrema and zero-crossings, it cannot resolve the subtlety of intrawave
frequency modulation from nonlinear waveform distortions. Through dierent com-
binations of the intervals between the critical points, we can get a mean frequency
and the standard deviation from the mean, but all the values are smoothed with
a temporal resolution of a quarter wave period at most. The combination of this
mean and standard deviation, however, oer the most stable and accurate overall
April 3, 2009 18:0 WSPC/244-AADA 00009
On Instantaneous Frequency 225
smoothed mean frequency over a whole or part of the wave. Because of this stable
property, the IF determined from GZC has been used as a standard in the above
comparisons, for no method can oer any IF totally dierent from this method in
the mean and still be correct. For many engineering applications where information
on the detailed waveform distortion is not of critical importance, the GZC should
be the method of choice for its stability, directness, and simplicity.
The HT (based on AS from un-normalized data) is mathematically the most
simple, elegant, and intuitively pleasing one. Yet in detailed examination, we nd
that the AS approach has certain limitations. Mathematically, the only signal that
will give physically meaningful results has to be monocomponent and also obeys
the limitation stipulated in the Bedrosian
and Nuttall
theorems. When the data
violate these conditions, HT will give physically meaningless IF results. The problem
is usually aggravated when the amplitude is locally small. The Bedrosian theorem
also indicates that the HT is not perfectly local, for the frequency is not determined
by the carrier wave only as discussed above. Furthermore, a more fundamental
limitation on the AS approach is given by the Nuttall theorem, which states that
not all analytic pairs from HTs are identical to the quadrature. The consequence
is that the frequency would, in most cases, be only an approximation. Even with
these limitations, our experience indicates that the results provided by the HT are
consistently better than most of the other methods.
If we use the normalized data as in NHT, the results are drastically improved
over the HT whenever the amplitude variation is large. When the amplitude varies
gradually, the dierence between NHT and HT is negligible. But when the ampli-
tude is small and the variation large, NHT consistently gives more stable IF values.
Therefore, NHT should be the preferred method, if AS is used. It satises the lim-
itation set by the Bedrosian theorem, and oers a local measure of error sharper
than the Nuttall theorem. As the normalization procedure is introduced speci-
cally for ameliorating the diculties of obtaining meaningful AS, the smooth spline
tting empirical AMFM decomposing method oers the best results.
Finally, the direct quadrature as implemented here oers an easy and direct
method to compute IF from any IMF. With the quadrature, we can eschew the
HT generated AS; theoretically, all the problems associated with the AS and IF
could be eliminated. Once the IMF is normalized properly, the quadrature can be
computed without any integration or transform; it gives the exact local IF without
any limitations and approximations. The IF is even more local than the TEO,
for DQ depends only on the rst derivative. It should be the method of choice.
The occasional computational instability, however, is an annoying problem, which
prevents the method to give the exact IF. Using a medium value lter could alleviate
the problem, but the problem could not be totally eliminated by lters alone. This
problem is especially severe when the sampling rate is low that leave the high
frequency wave with a few data points per oscillation. Under such condition, local
spline of the data to add additional points could improve the result. Otherwise, the
April 3, 2009 18:0 WSPC/244-AADA 00009
226 N. E. Huang et al.
HT method actually performs better. Until the computation instability problem is
resolved completely, HT is still very useful.
Ever since the introduction of the HMD and Hilbert spectral analysis method by
Huang et al.,
the method has attracted increasing attention. Recently, Flandrin
et al.
and Wu and Huang
have established the EMD as a bank of dyadic lters.
But Flandrin has refrained from using the HT based method to compute the IF. In
our present analysis, we conclude that the caution of not invoking the AS through
the HT is fully justied. The limitations imposed by Bedrosian and Nuttall, on
using AS to compute a physically meaningful IF, certainly have a solid theoretic
foundation. We hope the normalization procedure proposed here, the NHT and the
DQ computations have removed the diculties of computing IF for an adaptive
timefrequency analysis.
Before ending this discussion, a few words have to be added in regard to the
latest development of EMD, the ensemble approach or EEMD.
In EEMD, noises
are introduced to help eliminating mode mixing, which lead to a robust and physi-
cally meaningful decomposition. The resulting IMFs, however, would always contain
contribution from noise. Theoretically, this noise contribution could be reduced to
zero, but that would call for an ensemble of innite many trials, a practical impos-
sibility. As a result, all results from EEMD would contain noise of small but non-
zero noise elements. Under such condition, the normalization scheme induced here
would encounter some diculties, for the small noise could introduce large unde-
sirable overshooting in the spline tting during the normalization processes. Our
preliminary nding at this time is as follows. The best normalization scheme for
EEMD results is to use the analytic signal through regular HT, in which the HT
could eectively control the undesirable overshooting. The next best choices would
be cubic Hermite spline, which also limits the overshooting, or even linear spline.
The resulting IF would be less regular compared to the values produced by the
analytic signal approach. This whole problem of computing IF for EEMD will be
investigated thoroughly and reported in the future.
7. Conclusion
Based on extensive comparisons and detailed theoretic considerations of all the
instantaneous or local frequency computations, it is determined that the DQ and
NHT are the better methods to determine the IF. Depending on the applications,
data characteristics and data analysis goals, one or the other of these methods can
also provide quite satisfactory answers. But the DQ and NHT are clearly the best
overall methods for determining the IF for nonlinear and nonstationary data.
With the introduction of the empirical AMFM decomposition through spline
tted normalization procedure, we have removed one of the major obstacles
for Hilbert spectral analysis and made a true timefrequency analysis feasible.
Together with the establishment of the condence limit
through the varia-
tion of the stoppage criterion and EEMD,
and the statistically signicant test of
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On Instantaneous Frequency 227
the information content for IMF
the EMD and Hilbert spectral analysis has
indeed taken another step toward being a mature timefrequency analysis method.
Thus EMD has provided a solid base for timefrequency analysis empirically if not
This study is instigated by the suggestions of Dr. James F. Kaiser of Duke Uni-
versity, whose insistence on detailed comparisons between Teager energy operator
method with all the others motivated us to examine the Hilbert transform in great
details. Through the comparisons, we found the shortcomings of HT and proposed
the present improvements through normalization and direct quadrature. We would
like to express our most sincere thanks to J.F.K. The authors are beneted from
constructive suggestions from the referees of an earlier version of this manuscript,
and we would like to extend our deepest appreciations to them. This research was
initiated many years ago. During the course, our research was supported in part
by a grant from Oce of Naval Research, N0001403IP20094, a grant from Federal
Highway Administration, DTFH61-08-00028, and a grant from NSC95-2119-M-008-
031-MY3, and nally a grant from NCU 965941 that have made the conclusion of
this study possible. NEH is supported by a TSMC endowed chair at NCU. ZW is
supported by National Science Foundation of USA under grant ATM-0653136 and
ATM-0917743. A patent has been led by NASA on the empirical AMFM decom-
position through spline tted normalization scheme in computing the IF.
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