Logan ZPE Orgone 0
Logan ZPE Orgone 0
Logan ZPE Orgone 0
3. - Place the quartz crystal in each mold, using the metal filings to hold it in position. put the crystal in the center of the mold, and if the crystal has a
good point on it, most folks put the point towards what will be the top of the unit.
4. - Mix enough resin and catalyst to fill each mold level with the metal filings you have placed in the bottom. Pour
enough resin into each mold to come up level with the top of the metal filings. Make sure to mix the resin and catalyst
well (mix for about 1 full minute) before you pour it into the molds. Allow the resin to run down into the metal filings.
Tap the mold lightly or stir carefully to remove bubbles.
5. - Add another inch or so of metal filings to each container, enough to cover the crystal.
6. - Mix and add enough resin to cover the metal filings you have placed in the molds. It will not harm the function
of the device if some metal filings stick out the bottom, but it is a good idea to use enough resin to fully encase the
metal filings. Allow the resin to run down into the metal filings. Tap the mold lightly or stir carefully to remove
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7. - Allow the resin to cure. Keep it warm if possible, cure in a well-ventilated area, and if possible, expose the resin
to sunlight while it is curing. If you have a tone generator or other sonotherapy (healing using sound) device, then you
can expose the resin to that as well while it cures.
8. - Turn the molds upside down, and give them a smack to release the brand new TB you just made. If the mold
sticks, you can either use a thin bladed knife to push in between the mold and the resin, or you can just tear the paper
away. Dropping it on the floor sometimes works, but sometimes it breaks the resin. It will not harm the function of the
device to leave the paper mold on, but it may be more aesthetically appealing to remove it.
Mobius coils and quartz crystals
Many people have also lately begun using devices in conjunction with orgonite or not, which employ a mobius coil and quartz crystal. The coil can
either have its leads simply shorted together, or, more efficiently, be connected to a signal generator circuit or radionics machine. Doing this is like
turbo charging your crystal.
One name this kind of device has become commonly known by as a succor punch, this is the name don Croft gave to it when he made it public
domain. Since then, many variants of this device have been adapted for use in general metaphysics as an intent amplifier or powered wand. There are
several different ways to make a mobius coil, the basic concept is that you want to have magnetic fields canceling each other out by intersecting at 90
degrees. This is accomplished by winding the coil in such a way that the wires cross each other at or close to 90 degrees. Then, when a current is put
through the coil, either by induction of by direct stimulation with a signal generator (a common circuit used for these coils is the Beck or Clark or Croft
style Zapper devices invented for bioelectrification) the magnetic fields created by the wires cross at 90 degrees and cancel each other out. When the
magnetic fields cancel each other out, they are converted into scalar energy. High voltages are not required in order to produce orgone emissions form
the crystal, and could be dangerous. Low voltages are commonly used for this type of device.
The scalar energy then excites the crystal and the crystal produces much more orgone energy output that it would without the coil. The frequency used
to stimulate such a device is often determinative of the exact effects, but any signal put through it will produce orgone energy output form the crystal as
well as RF emissions. This basic device is at the core of a new generation of rife-style devices, since a pulsed orgone/scalar wave is more efficient at
stimulating the human body that either radio waves or ultrasonics. Audio signal will also be translated into orgone/scalar waves when put through this
type of coil, and people who use sound therapy will find that inserting this device into their apparatus markedly increases the effects. On the following
pages, I have included the instructions for making the style of mobius coil that I use most.
With regard to using an audio signal instead of a simple hertzian frequency to drive this kind of coil, it appears that the underlying emotional current of
the audio signal is translated into a pulser orgone / scalar emission. This is quite useful for things like sound therapy and manifestation. However, one
should exercise care in the choice of audio signal used, I would stay with the classical music for example instead of heavy metal hahaha. In contrast to
a TB or HHG, devices like this can do great good or great harm, depending especially on what kind of intent one is projecting into the device (which
intent will be picked up and amplified by the crystal) and what frequencies are used to drive the device. Some frequencies that I know are safe to use
are (in Hz) 15, 32, 741, 5075, 5100, 15000, 32000, and 68635. This device is at the core of the large orgone generators I use to charge and program
orgonite while the resin is curing. There is a lot of information available on the web about the biological effects of different hertzian frequencies,
especially with the Royal Raymond Rife crowd. A device like this will afford a low cost, low tech, but highly functional output for a Rife style treatment
system, without requiring the use of high voltage, plasma tubes, or expensive function generators, since it can be driven by the audio output of a home
pc, substituting software for the function generator generally used to drive Rife machines.
As for the waveforms being used to drive the coils, bear in mind that using a frequency to drive a mobius coil has slightly different requirements than
just using the properties of a sound. There is a reason that most Zapper circuits used to drive these coil employ a square wave.
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When using a frequency for driving scalar producing coils, most of us have generally gotten our minds around the concept that we want to have
magnetic fields canceling each other out, so they can be converted into scalar potentials and scalar waves. Well, another concept which applies is
magnetic flux. The more rapid the magnetic flux, the more scalar energy you are going to coax out of your mobius coil. Magnetic flux is what you call it
when you have a magnetic field that is changing.
Now in a waveform, when you look at that little wavy line, think of it as a line traced by something bobbing up and down, perhaps a pencil if you prefer.
And the magnetic field is changing as the pencil goes up and down, understand? As the wave passes by you, the pencil traces it's path and bobs up
and down in time with the highs and lows of the waves. How high the pencil goes up and how low the pencil goes down is called amplitude. How long
the waves are is called frequency, as in 'how frequently does a wave pass by you' in a given time. The base unit of time used to measure this is the
second, and a Hertz (Hz) means "waves per second".
so... a sine wave, which has a smooth and equal curve... work great for some applications where you are just using the sound. It also works to
generate scalar waves in a mobius coil, but not as efficiently as a square or sawtooth wave. One difference is that a square wave produces more
harmonics in the circuit than a sine wave does. In some cases a sine wave is therefore less efficient in terms of input power to output power, but it is
more pure and produces a more pure tone which is advantageous in some cases. The magnetic flux is not very abrupt with a sine wave.
For driving mobius coils, a square wave works best of the ones I have experimented with. See, in a square wave, the pencil does not go smoothly up
and down (like it does in the sine wave)... it sits still for a little while, and then it jerks up, and then it sits still again for a while and then it jerks down.
And therefore the magnetic field changes very suddenly, that is to say the magnetic flux is much more abrupt in a square wave than in a sine wave. A
sawtooth wave, or a triangle wave... is kind of in the middle. (between square waves and sine waves). A sawtooth wave is far better to use in a mobius
coil than a sine wave, from my testing so far. The sine wave produces energy that is much more mellow. You have to crank the power up quite a bit to
get similar effects to a square wave.
Triangle waves also will work, but a sawtooth wave seems to work a bit better than a triangle wave. Also, if possible, the leading edge of the sawtooth
should not be too spiked. I suppose that phi in relation to the amplitude of the wave would be a good height for the spike at the leading edge of the
sawtooth wave, but I cannot say for sure at this time. I do know that imo judging from the amount of energy they produce when put through the same
device, square waves are best, followed by sawtooth, followed by triangles, followed by sine waves
Tachyon braking, as it applies to scalar wave generation, is basically a fancy way to say that when you are generating scalar waves in a coil, there is
also something else happening. See, there is in the aether an infinite potential of scalar energy which already exists ( as opposed to the scalar energy
you are 'generating' by converting em fields into scalar energy). When you take magnetic energy and convert it to scalar energy, you also tap into that
aether potential and draw on it a little, adding the scalar energy from the aether to the scalar energy you have just produced with your coil.
This in fact is the basic working principle of the majority of the 'free energy' devices out there. That is how you appear to, and in fact do... get more
energy out that you put in, because you are tapping on the aether and drawing on it. The 'tachyons' (little bits of energy, or particles in a high energy
state, depending on the way you want to look at them) are subject to a process called tachyon braking. They 'brake' (slow down) and change state into
something else. From a metaphysics perspective, the energy reduces it's vibratory rate and therefore manifests as another, lower form of energy,
which appears to pop out of nowhere. Rampa, Cayce, and a jillion others refer to this in metaphysics teaching, the slowing down of energy to produce
So then if you are trying to get electricity out of it, you want the tachyons to pop out of nowhere as electrical potential. But, if you are only taking the
process as far as generating scalar waves to excite quartz or orgonite, then the tachyon breaking just makes your mobius coil appear to be more
powerful than it actually is hahaha because the scalar energy produced by tachyon breaking adds to the scalar energy produced by em fields canceling
each other out in the coil.
The more abrupt the magnetic flux is, the more scalar energy you draw from the aether and add to the scalar energy you are generating with your coil.
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How to make a mobius coil
First - Make yourself a "mobius Cable" to wind the coil
from. While you can wind a mobius coil from single
strands of wire, it certainly seems to be a lot more potent
when you use a cable made in the manner described
here to wind the coil from. Take a length of wire, and
double it back on itself twice as shown to the right. Pull a
little slack out at the ends of the wire, this will be the
leads of the coil when it is finished. You should leave
yourself at least 2" for leads, and it is a good idea to give
yourself 6" or so, you can always trim the leads to the
required length when the coil is finished. It is much
easier to use a drill to twist the wires than doing it by
hand. Run the drill in reverse and you will get a
clockwise twist to the cable. I recommend that you wind
the coil itself clockwise also.
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5. - Continue this way, repeating step 4, until you have
used up all of the cable. As shown to the right, stay on
the same side of the previous wrap with each new
The 'knots' will run together.
When you are finished, use a little glue to hold the end of
the cable in place.
The coil should look like this when you are finished.
Hopefully, the pictures will be of more use to you than the words, as it is really quite
simple to do, just a little cumbersome to try and explain in words. Basically, you just keep
wrapping the cable around itself (clockwise) as you go around the circle. With a little
practice, you will find that the windings form a pattern, and if you make a mistake it will
be obvious as it does not fit the pattern. This coil tends to hold its shape better than the
single knot style, and I generally just wind it by itself, not on a core. You should measure
the diameter of the object you wish to place in the coil as a core when it is finished, and
start with a circle a little larger than the diameter of the intended core.
I recommend using a Quartz, 'Moquis Marble', or Kyanite core for mobius coils, as the energy generated by a mobius coil (scalar waves) can be
biologically disruptive when in its raw state. This information is primarily intended for those who wish to use mobius coils as a means of exciting Quartz
crystals or ORgonite, and you are responsible for your own safety. By making this coil you agree not
to hold me responsible for any damages your experiments may cause to persons or property.
Mobius coils generate scalar waves. Scalar waves can interfere with and/or damage electronics
when high voltage is put through them. For the purposes of ORgone research, low voltages are
sufficient to drive mobius coils.
- 29 -
High performance simple construction orgone generator the Ring Generator
The design illustrated here is crude in execution and simple in construction. That's the point. My later versions of this device are more evolved than the
one illustrated here, but I want to emphasize clearly that a device like this will work really well if you put it together right. This was my main generator for
some time. I have posted the design here so that anyone who wants can have heavy-duty orgone generation capability without having to pay for a
professionally built unit. It has been my experiences that the do it yourselfers will buy what they want to buy and build what they want to build anyways.
A professionally built unit has many refinements over this crude design, but if you wanna do it yourself, here is a way to get a kick-ass if unrefined
machine from stuff you probably already have... for about 50 bucks US, not counting the cost of the xtal. Interested?
This is a generator design I have been using for some time now. The design given here is highly adaptable, and can be modified to suit your needs. The
pics here are from the first one that I built, and I used it for about 8 months for various things, with great success. The versions of this design I am using
now are larger and more refined, but the pics shown here are the actual device which I used as my main generator for several months. In fact, the
device is simple enough that it may be somewhat anticlimactic for you when you see how it's made.
The main things that I used this device, and continue to use devices based on this design... for, are as follows:
1- Heavy duty radionics applications, I.E. using the generator to send energy to persons or other entities through the Aether. Have done healing work,
remote influence of persons and events, and in one case used this exact device to cut through the spells of a 'nameless' but well-known metaphysics
practitioner like a hot knife through butter. Do not ask me for further details about who and when and why, because I will not provide them. It is
immaterial. What matters is that the device works. I use the device for some of the radionics undertakings that require a lot of juice but not so much
finesse. Finesse comes with refinement of the design and user skill.
2- Heavy duty orgone generation requirements, I.E. weather manipulation experiments, charging of water or other material, or psionics / intent
amplification. You will have to figure out how to do that yourself, which if you are familiar with metaphysics should not be too difficult for you. The only
input to it from you is by your intent, but you can reach out with your mind and direct the energy from this device same as with any other orgone
generator. The frequency used to drive the device makes a lot of difference, and the use of select frequencies or audio signals to achieve desired results
is a main aspect of using this device.
3- Charging and programming orgonite while the resin is curing, or cleaning, charging and programming quartz crystals. This use is the main reason why
I am posting this design instead of limiting myself to offering much larger and more refined versions of it for sale. In due time I will come out with a
production model of this device, but in the meantime it can radically improve the quality of orgonite made by the home orgone crafter. The production
model of this device will contain much more orgonite that the one shown here. Pulsers can be used to charge resin while it cures as well. This device is
a lot more powerful than a pulser, but less user friendly. Not everyone is going to be making enough orgonite to get their money's worth out of a unit like
this when I decide to start selling the, but most people are definitely going to get their 50 bucks worth of use out of a homebuilt unit like this if they make
much orgonite. Again, Pulsers, Powerwands and SPs are PORTABLE and therein lies one of their main beauties. This device is not portable, but rather
requires both a stationary setup and the input of electrical power, and well as a home computer and an old stereo amplifier to drive it. This device offers
more flexibility as well in that you can easily change out the core xtal for pretty much anything you want. Some materials may not be especially healthy
for you when you expose them to scalar waves, and you are responsible for your own decision to make and use this device. Depending on how much
voltage you put through it you may or may not harm electronics in the area. I have found that relatively low voltages on the RingGen suffice.
Some shots of a Ring
Generator built by a man
named David in New Jersey.
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This is what you need to construct this device:
- 30 feet minimum of 18 to 15 gage copper wire.
- One large quartz crystal. There is a picture to the right of the xtal I used for the device shown. It does not have to be a nice DT like the one I used, but it
should be about that size. In a pinch, you can also use several; smaller xtals together to get about the same amount of xtal mass. I got this xtal from
ZSL, a generous gift on his part. He got it from the crystal man (in Canada). Another good place to get xtals is from revted (in America).
- 6 Plastic binder straps.
- Some aluminum tape.
- Enough stuff to make at least 1 liter of orgonite.
- The rings from 2 mason jar lids.
- A small shelving unit made from metal mesh of some kind. I used an old LP record rack, flipped upside down. You could make one from pieces of
window screen stretched across a frame, or see what you can find in your garage or the second hand store. It should be a shelf that has the individual
shelves made out of a metal GRID or SLATS, so that there is an open mesh, not solid pieces of metal. On the next one I make, I will probably use
copper screens for the mesh. I have not tried using aluminum for the shelves, but I think steel or copper would be better for the shelves. Steel works
well, I can attest to that.
- A large diameter hemispherical piece of metal to use as a reflector. I used the canister lid of an old steam cleaning rental unit I happened to have, you
could use a large wok lid, or a large metal mixing bowl. It does not have to be a perfect parabolic curve, and aluminum will work for the reflector. Again,
on the next one I make I will probably try to use copper. I imagine I will have to form a piece of copper sheet into a reflector. The reflector I am using right
now is about 24" diameter, I would recommend it be at least 18" diameter. The metal should be bare on the inside of the reflector, it can be covered with
paint or enamel on the outside.
- A long section of speaker wire (2 wires) to connect the device to your PC.
- A household stereo, boom box, or any other audio equipment that has an amplifier built into it, and also has a line in or auxiliary input jack so you can
route the signal from your PC's sound card through it. I use an ancient 8-track player that has a 50 watt amplifier in it.
- Adapters to connect you PC sound output to the line in of the amplifier.
- Tone generator software for your PC. You can download it off the web, and there are some links provided on the links page of this site where you can
find it. Roberto Forcen's stuff is amazing, as soon as I can afford it I will be sending him something for his efforts, in the meantime I can at least give him
a plug, his site is called voicesync. He has wonderful donaware for sound generation and analysis. Also, NCH toner is a very adaptable and functional
tone generator for your PC with a range from 1 to about 20,000 Hz with control over the waveform. You can also run multiple copies of the program and
generate multiple tones at the same time.
Building it... Step 1 -
Build yourself a large mobius coil. Make it big enough you can fit a large xtal in the core, about 2.5" to 3"
diameter. It does not have to be a fancy xtal. It can be single point. On the old device shown here I used
a single knot mobius coil, but on my new one I am using the continuous knot style. Secure the coil with
plastic binders to prevent it from losing it's shape. The coil shown here is from 15 gage magnet wire, and
while I recommend using at least 18 gage, it does not have to be magnet wire. magnet wire just works a
little better. It isn't necessary to use magnet wire.
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Step 2 -
Using aluminum tape, connect 2 mason jar lid rings to the coil as shown. Work the tape firmly into
place, and use at least one full wrap of tape all the way around,. This is not only for the effect of a
metal shroud on the coil, it is to keep the orgonite from leaking into the coil. Do your best to line the
rings up evenly with each other, so that the ring on one end is parallel to and plumb with the ring on
the other end. Pull the leads from the coil out through the center, or if you want to be more precise you
can form a little hole in the tape to pass the leads through, and fill the hole with glue so it doesn't leak.
Step 3 -
Find a suitable mold that is cylindrical, and deep enough to come up to the top of the coil assembly
you have just built. It should be at least deep enough that you can cast orgonite up to the top of the
coil assembly, and wide enough that there is at least one inch of orgonite all the way around the
outside of the coil. On the generator I use now there is a lot more orgonite than on the old one shown
here. The old one shown here worked well enough to impress me several times with its effectiveness.
Coat the mold with release agent of some form, regular vegetable oil or WD40 will both work fine. If
you are using orgonite made from polyester autobody filler, you do not have to seal the bottom of the
coil assembly to the mold. If you are using orgonite made from resin, you will have to seal the bottom
of the coil assembly to the mold so resin does not leak under the coil assembly into the cavity at the
center. You want to cast a ring of orgonite with a hollow center where the coil is. A little hot melt glue
works well for this (sealing it), since it will keep the resin from leaking into the hole, and is easily removable. It also sets fast, so you don't have to wait for
it to dry like you would silicone or goop glue.
Step 4 -
Cast it with MHD, HD or XHD orgonite. Allow the orgonite to cure, and remove the coil cast in
orgonite from the mold. You should now have a hollow cylinder of orgonite with a coil in the center of
it. Place the cylinder with the coil in the center of the reflector as shown below. You can fasten it with
a little glue if you want. Then place the reflector on the lowest shelf of the metal shelving unit as
shown. The quartz xtal goes in the hole inside the coil, as I imagine ought to be obvious. You can also
easily remove and change xtals this way. I have a large cluster of kyanite which I use inside the coil
too, gives a great energy. Let your imagination be your guide. Experiment with using different
minerals and other things inside the coil, but be aware that not everything you put in there will work as well as a quartz xtal. A safer way to experiment is
to ADD things in there with the quartz xtal, and see what kind of orgone they produce before you try them alone. Now you're ready to hook it up. If you
want to, you can line the metal shelf up with the compass directions (I.E. so that one side of it faces north) but this is not necessary, it just makes it work
a bit more efficiently). The metal shelves and reflector should be insulated from each other electrically, or at least that is the way I find it works best so
far. The metal rings on the ends of the cylinder do not have to be electrically insulated from the metal of the reflector.
Not only do the metal screens seem to act like an broadcast antenna / amplifier, they also work really slick for making orgonite. Later on, when making
orgonite, fire up the generator and put your molds on them while the resin is curing. The metal in the shelves pulses in rhythm to the scalar energy
coming off the coil, and although I guess I still haven't figured out exactly why, they emit a strong stream of orgone as well. Further refinements to the
design would involve, among other things, the proportions of the metal shelves in relation to the rest of the assembly.
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If you are going to use the device for radionics, then use the metal shelves as your witness well.
You can also use the cavity inside the coil as witness well, but the energy sent to target that way
may not be beneficial unless there is a quartz xtal in the coil along with it. If you just want to
generate a big cloud of healthy orgone, then drop a large TB inside the coil and fire it up. If you
have a wand or orgone beamer of some form, you can put that inside the coil and supercharge it.
This is basically how you hook it up. You want to take the signal from your PC's sound card, route it
through your amplifier, and then run it through the coil in the device. There are several ways you can do
this, and no doubt those of you familiar with electronics will see that there are better ways than the method
I have illustrated. I chose this method for this page because it is simple. Just use the adapter to connect
the sound output from your PC to the line in or aux input of the amplifier. Then take one of the wire pairs
leading to a speaker from the stereo, and cut ONE of the wires leading to the speaker. Leave the other
wire intact. Preferably, use the positive wire. Then, connect the leads of the coil in the device to either end
of the speaker wire which you have cut. This has the downside that you have to listen to the sounds being
generated, but it PROTECTS YOUR AMPLIFIER from blowing. Mobius coils have very low resistance, and
if you connect it directly to the amplifier output without having enough resistance you may damage your
amp. The resistance in the method of connection shown is provided by the speaker. The current comes
from the PC, is amplified by the amp, then goes through the coil. After it leaves the coil it goes through the
speaker and back into the circuit.
Alternately, you could add a resistor to the mobius coil to give it enough resistance so that the amp would
not perceive it as a short. In order to do this, you would need to find out what resistance your speakers
are. Usually the speakers are marked (inside the speaker box on the back of the speaker magnet) with a
little number beside an ohm symbol. This is the resistance. An ohm symbol looks like a little "O" with the
bottom cut off and two little tails (Greek letter omega).
Again, alternately, you could connect the coil directly to
your pc sound card by adding 8 ohm resistance to the
mobius coil, as I gather 8 ohm is the standard resistance
for small speakers like the ones used in PCs. In fact, I may
be offering this (the ability to plug it directly into your PC
sound output) as an option on the Pro Model Pulsers at
some point in the future. For devices the size of the one
shown on this page, I think it is better to have the extra
power provided by the amp. If you use a device like this to
charge your orgonite while it cures, you can increase the
potency of your orgonite significantly. Some suggested
frequencies: 15 Hz, 32 Hz, 5075 Hz. Obviously, one could build a more refined device based on this
general concept, but hey, I can't give away all of my trade secrets ;). Besides, lots of folks won't mind
that it looks hokey as long as it works
- 33 -
Grow yer own crop circle
Confirmation of subtle energy in action
This was kind of an interesting thing that happened in the backyard a while ago...
The same night as the 'meteor impact' of June 03 2004 near Washington state, this formation appeared in some grass in my backyard. It has some of
the earmarks of the much larger and more well-know crop circles, such as bent nodes, grass which continues to grow, and a weaving pattern among the
blades of grass which is complex enough it is difficult to photograph.
The patch of grass
that it appeared in is
a patch of grass
which I let grow
instead of mowing, a
small energy vortex in
my yard. It is a spot
where I had my
chembuster for about
a year, I moved the
chembuster to the
other side of the yard
a few months before
the formation
appeared. This pic
shows the way it
looked when it first
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I think that as the energy intensity in the earth's bioenergy and electromagnetic fields continues to build, more formations like this will be observed, if
indeed they are not being already. Essentially, I think that anytime an orgone field
reaches sufficient strength and excitation, then there is a possibility for that field to
be expressed in the plants DNA adaptation. ;) Or something like that. what do I
know I never even finished high school hahaha. This pic shows some changes that
appeared and some nodes. The nodes in the squared part of the formation
appeared to keep bending over a period of several days. The initial pattern formed
I had planned to post my recollections of the night in question to a different page, but since the two subjects are related in my mind at least, and you may
already think I'm nuts;) I will post them here also.
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It was a dark and stormy night... *chuckle* actually it was dark anyway.... and since sometimes I work
nights, I was up and awake at about 3AM, having what amounts to a lunch break. I felt something
outside, so I went outside and had a walk around the yard. I decided to do a little energy work, a
defensive cleaning action. I had sensed something 'bad' about to happen, thought maybe some idiot was
trying to attack with a radionics machine or something again, or maybe the wolves/coyotes/whatever it
was that had taken a few neighbors pets was on the prowl. So while I was out there I went over to 'the
spot' in my yard where I normally do energy work, it is just a spot in the yard where a few energy lines
from the rest of the yard come together, if you are familiar with earth energy lines. It is a vortex I
suppose, but a small one, and one I have worked with a fair amount in the past. And as I focused my
thoughts and took some of the energy from the spot, I sent it towards the source of my inner warning. I
confronted the energy I was going to repel. I was facing east. And right on cue, the whole sky to the east
lit up red. Lots of other people saw the same light in the sky, and even then I was quite certain that I was
seeing something with my physical eyes and not with the mind's eye. So you know, that kind of startled
me a bit, I have to admit. But I just carried on, I kept up the intent that things would work out ok, and that
whatever threat I was feeling would be done with. Leap of faith. You know, that's what you do when you
are confronting something nasty and perhaps stronger than you. Have faith.
I wandered over to the other side of the yard where the chembuster is, and I was standing there facing
south, and, um, 'having faith'. Then right when I felt the energy change again and some of the 'pressure'
was relieved, again, right on cue, the whole sky to the south lit up, and there was a big boom, very loud.
My memory does admittedly blur up a bit around there, but I do not have missing time. I just spent a few
hours in and out of a semi-meditative state, and at some point I could swear the sky lit up again. I am not
certain on the number of times that lights flashed in the sky that night. I am quite certain that the number
of flashes I saw in the sky does not match the medias account, I seem to remember that sequence of red
in he east and then blue in the south as happening twice, but perhaps that is just a trick the mind plays. I
by that point was very much trancing, and just figured 'well, it held, it's all good, thanks God, I'm off to
So I put the flashes in the sky on a little shelf I keep in the back of my mind, a place where I set things
that I need to put down for a little while after which I will have to go deal with them in some way ;) ... and
went to bed. It took me along time to fall asleep, I was very keyed up. But as I lay in bed, watching the
blue light of early morning, I remember hearing a strong wind blow through.
So the next day I was out wandering around in the yard, and I was standing over in the same spot and
noticed that some of the grass was bent down. I didn't make anything of it until a few minutes later, and
realized that it was bent in a swirl pattern, and from there on in I was all excited. It was a round swirl
pattern at first, and then a squared pattern formed around the round swirl part in the center over a few
days. Then a triangle shape appeared at one corner of the square, and over about a week the triangle
swirled into as circle also. There are some above. I haven't taken any pics of it lately I'm just letting it do it
thing. As the weeks have moved on since, the patterns has continued to grow somewhat. The energy
from it feels good, it feels cool and soothing. I have been mentioning casually to friends and co workers
that I have really small crop circle in my backyard. you should see the looks on their faces.
The air elementals are involved wherever large orgone things are happening. whatever happened that
night, I think I saw something get shot down. It was large enough to affect the orgone fields and the
resultant weather patterns and emotional states in people across the western seaboard. I dunno if it was
a rock or a missile, at first I was leaning toward it having been a rock but now it think it was likely a
missile. Whatever it was, it was not a simple meteor impact. The timing of the lights was all wrong. I think
something was destroyed in the air over the US / CANADA border near Washington state. Something
big changed in the earth's energy field, it took many people time to acclimatize. I think things could have
been worse, so I won't complain. to acclimatize. I think that it was a precursor of larger changes to come.
The earth (and the human race, kicking and screaming) is changing.
I do not think that this formation is a message from extra terrestrials, though that is indeed IMO what
some large crop circles are. I think that whatever happened that night, it moved around enough energy
to leave a pattern in the grass in a spot in my backyard. It appeared in a spot were the energy fields are
already concentrated compared to the rest of the property. If it can happen in my yard, it can happen in
yours. I would not be surprised to learn that the same bent nodes and interweaving associated with crop
circles appear in more subtle ways within nature, along ley lines and in vortices. I also think now that if
you create strong enough orgone energy patterns, there is a good chance you will be able to impress an
outline of them upon a patch of grass, so long as the grass is on a 'high energy' spot and if for some
reason one wanted to. Probably the use of several large orgone devices has something to do with also. I think that during a very intense set of
conditions within the earth's energy fields, an outline of what the energy was doing was 'burnt into' the grass. I use the term 'burnt' loosely because the
grass remains healthy and continues to grow. I will experiment with some of the seeds when they are finished forming. The neighbors must have
thought I was nuts out there with a camera on a pole snapping pics of this thing. Make of it what you will. Feel free to share with me any
impression you get from the pics. And remember... It's really hard to see a formation in the grass when you're on the ground.
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A Functional and simple Radionics Machine
A while ago, I started experimenting with using a simple radionics tuner to drive a mobius coil. I was so impressed with the results that I told some of my
friends about it, and they asked me to produce a diagram for a simple tuner that could be used to make a 'radionically tuned succor punch'. Better late
than never hahaha and here it is. There are many different ways to skin a cat, and there are many refinements to the basic designs shown on this page
which could be done. The designs on this page are simple, easy-to-put together from readily available materials, and well within the range of any tinkers'
skills. Please feel free to copy these pictures to your hard drive if you find them useful. At some point in the near future, I will be offering printed radionics
circuit boards with or without the dials and output in a kit form. But in the meantime, I hope that these schematics will demystify some of the simpler
aspects of a radionics machine for the do-it-yourselfers out there who want to make their own. In simple terms, this kind of radionics machine is basically
a closed loop circuit, which you tune by adjusting the dials. When you put a sample into the witness well, you are introducing interference into that circuit.
when you adjust the dials so that the circuit is resonant to the interference you have introduced, then you are 'tuned in' to that sample. This state of
resonance with the sample produces a change in the way that the EM fields of the machine and your body interact, causing the 'stick' where your fingers
stick to the pad. With a bit of practice, anyone can use a stick pad. Also, you can use a pendulum over the stick pad and dowse to determine when the
dials are adjusted correctly for a given purpose. Pretty simple, huh? Of course there is more to it than that, but that is more than enough to get started
First, a brief word about the 'dials' used to make radionics machines. It is not necessary that they be calibrated dials, any variable resistor will work. They
are also called variable potentiometers. I have successfully used dials ranging in size from tiny little PCB mount tuning pots up to your average volume
dial for a boom box. I have also used slide controls instead of rotary controls, and I like
them just fine.
Any potentiometer will work. A potentiometer is just a variable resistor. They do not have
to be calibrated dials. However, the number combinations that you wind up with (on the
dials) will be unique to your machine. Keep notes on the rates for various samples. They
will always be the same on your machine, but they will not be the same number
combination on two machines, unless the two machines are identical in componentry,
right down to the length of wires used to connect the parts and pieces together.
Many variable potentiometer dials have 3 main terminals. These are the kind I prefer for
radionics tuners. Often, the center lead is the output, and for that reason I have drawn
the circuits here with the center terminal of the dials shown as the output. When you get
your dials, it is a good idea to check and make sure that you know which terminal is the
output, and proceed accordingly. A variable potentiometer of this type works by running a supply current across it (that's what the two outside terminals
do) and allowing a variable amount of that current to pass through it (which comes out the center terminal). I prefer to use linear dials instead of
logarithmic ones, because they are a bit easier to tune. Either will work. (Also included is one of the mini tuners I have been playing with, bottom center.
It works ok, but is somewhat awkward to adjust using a precision screwdriver. I also like a solid vessel for the witness well better than the wire coil
shown here.) The purple colored tuning pots shown at top left are just about perfect, they are
big enough to grasp with your fingers.
So here it is, the stripped-down, bare essentials radionics circuit for driving your SP,
Powerwand, Pulser, or god knows what. I use (among other things) mobius coils with quartz
xtal cores as output devices for radionics circuits. There are many kids of output devices one
can use for radionics machines, and a little later on I will cover the basics in an article. But for
this page, I will concentrate more on the tuning section, since that is after all the core of any
radionics machine, the tuner. The simple circuit shown here does not have a stick pad, so the
person using the device has to be energy sensitive. There are a lot of folks who are more than
energy sensitive enough to feel the changes in the energy produced as the dials are adjusted.
You can always use the face of the quartz xtal as a stick pad ;).... After thinking about it quite
a bit, I have decided not to give specific variable resistor values at this point. I do not see that
it matters. I have used many different resistor values and have found that they all work. I
would say that for this kind of a circuit, it is best that they be under 1 mega Ohm maximum resistance. You shouldn't have too much trouble finding dials,
as they are fairly common, and easily salvaged from old electronics, or bought from an
electronics supply store.
Here is a diagram showing a basic, easy-to-make radionics tuner. This circuit includes
a witness well and a stick pad. In circuits like this I often use a 1/8 2-conductor jack to
connect to whatever I am going to use as an output. you could also connect the output
from this circuit directly to your mobius coil, and leave the jack out. The stick pad is
made from a simple piece of copper flashing, covered by a layer of dielectric plastic.
You gently rub it with the fingers or thumb of one hand while you adjust the dials with
the other hand. When you get the dial 'tuned in' you will feel a sensation in the fingers
which are connected to the stick pad. This is imo because of changing static electric
properties between your fingers and the pad when resonance with the sample placed
in the witness well is achieved. You can use either a simple piece of sheet metal for
the witness well, or a small can, cup or bowl. I like to use brass shot glasses.
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This circuit is a bit more complex, but basically incorporates 3 mobius coils around a common quartz core. One of the circuits is a 'target' circuit. This
decides where to send the energy. It is the one with 3 dials, the uppermost coil on the xtal. Next is a basic zapper circuit, a square wave generator. The
zapper circuit drives the center mobius on the xtal. In
order to prevent the center coil (the one driven by the
zapper) from overpowering the other more subtle
radionics circuits, the coil is covered with a layer of
aluminum which is connected by a wire to a ground
ballast provided in the circuit. The aluminum shroud
is in turn covered by a dielectric. You could also
connect it (the copper pipe) directly to a dry or wet
ground. The ground ballast is simply a cylinder of
orgonite inside of a section of copper pipe. The
radionic circuits are grounded to the orgonite, and
shroud around the electrically driven coil is grounded
to the copper. The Lower coil is connected to the
'trend' tuning circuit. This circuit decides what kind of
energy it is that you are sending. The trend has 6
dials for finer tuning, and the target has 3 which imo
is more than enough for accuracy. There are many
more complex ways you could go about this, but this
circuit is easy to make (relatively) and in my
experience performs well. As time permits I will be
adding more info about how to use a radionics
machine... And the simpler circuit shown above (the
one with only 3 dials, the witness well and stick pad)
is more than enough to get started with, provided you
ate least connect it to an antenna of some sort. Have
fun :)
The following is some info (taken from the user manual I give with the machines i make) which might be helpful if you
decide to make your own machine.
While Radionics Machines have been successfully used for decades in the treatment of various illnesses and the enhancement of
various metaphysical disciplines effects, there are two factors which apply:
A: The fact that I am not a medical doctor and cannot by law give you medical advice, so all such notions put forward by me in this manual or
elsewhere are to be taken as my opinion, this machine is to be viewed as an experimental device, and you are responsible for your own decision to
purchase and use it. If you have a serious health problem, you should consult a medical doctor whether or not you choose an alternative means of
B: The fact that skill on the part of the user is a critical parameter in the use of a machine like this one. Practice is involved in gaining the ability to
use a stick pad accurately, and in determining the correct methodology as regards the application of your radionics machine for a given purpose.
Dials - The dials and/or sliders on your machine should be numbered. Each dial has a number assigned to it, and then a scale of numbers to
indicate the dial position. When setting the dials, you should start at the dial marked 1. The dial closest to the witness well is 1.
Witness Wells - The witness wells should be a small metal receptacle or plate upon which to place a sample. While you can use your machine
without a sample in the well, it is better to have a sample in the well if possible.
Outputs - Your machine may have a permanently affixed output and/or removable or additional outputs. These are the part of the machine which
transmits energy, and if applicable may be positioned so that the output directs the energy to the desired place.
Configuration - Whatever model of machine you have, it is important that when recording the dial setting for a given sample in your log book, you
also make a note of how the machine is configured (as regards power on/off, choice of outputs if applicable, signal fed to drive coil if applicable,
etc). In short, the conditions which exist when you find a setting should reproduced when you subsequently return to that setting. Those conditions
may include more variables than simply the number setting on the dials.
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Radionic Circuits - Whether your machine has one circuit or more, the circuits themselves are much the same. A radionic circuit combined with an
output forms a tunable orgone generator which allows you to tune into and affect (i.e. reproduce, amplify or dampen) orgone energy (bioenergy)
signatures. Using two or more circuits on the same machine allows you to combine effects, like for example using one circuit to generate the
energy signature you want to use (trend) and another to direct the energy where you want it to go (target). If your machine has only one circuit, then
it generally can be thought of as trend and the target is determined by combining two or more samples in the witness well, or by where you point
the output (on small SP models).
Using a Stick Pad
Pay attention to the sensations in your hand while it is touching the pad, or near the pad. You may notice a tingling sensation in the palm of your
hand while it is near the pad, or touching the pad(this for persons more familiar with reiki and other hands on energy work systems than with
radionics machines). If so, you will likely notice that the sensation is most pronounced at a certain dial position. That would be what you are looking
for, and that is the number setting which (if applicable) you should record for that dial in your log book.
Understand that the stick is a subtle sensation. It will be a slight difference in the amount of friction between your hand and the pad. Do not expect
it to suddenly clamp your hand to the pad. Use your fingertips or the side of your thumb, and use a steady and even motion. You can either use a
circular motion or go back and forth across the pad.
You may find that you get a stick when turning the dial, but then you go past it (with the dial) and cannot find it when turning the dial in the opposite
direction. If so, turn the dial all the way to the start position, remove your hand form the pad, and start over. I believe that this phenomenon comes
from a buildup of capacitance in the circuit which discharges when the circuit achieves resonance with a component of the emission spectrum of
the sample in the witness well, but I am not certain at this point. In any case, it is relatively common observation, and easily remedied by simply
starting over.
Use a little less pressure on the pad as you go from one dial to the next. Start out rubbing relatively firmly against the pad while you set the first dial,
and finish by lightly drawing your fingertips across the pad while you set the last dial. Understand that the stick generated by the last dial you set is
still there, therefore the next dial you tune will be a bit more subtle than the one before it, and so on and so on, through the series of dials.
The machines are generally configured so that the user stands opposite the machine from the output, or to the side of the output. If you are
standing in the output, it may be difficult for you to set the dials or use the stick pad.
Do not look at the dials while you are turning them. Look at something neutral or close your eyes.
Do not expect to get a stick at a certain place on the dial, but rather let it be wherever it works out to be. Under different conditions (see notes on
configuration above) the same sample may give a different number setting on the dials.
Setting the Dials
1. Place a sample in the witness well.
2. Turn the power on if applicable.
3. Align the machine with the compass direction if applicable (see following page).S
4. Set all the dials in the circuit you are working with to the start position. This will be the lowest numerical setting on the scale of numbers
for each dial.
Start with the first dial in the circuit. This will generally be marked as dial 1, but if your dials are not individually numbered, then
it will be the dial closest to the witness well for that circuit.
Slowly turn the dial while rubbing the stick pad. When you get a stick, stop turning the dial and wait a second or two before
moving on to the next dial.
Move on to the next dial in the series and repeat the above step. Keep doing this until all the dials in the series are set to the
position that gives the best stick.
Alternately, if you are a dowser, you can simply dowse over the stick pad in order to determine when the dial is set correctly.
Once the dials for the circuit are set, make a note of the number setting and machine configuration in your log book. Then next
time, you can simply put the sample in the witness well and set the dials without having to use the stick pad.
Move on to the next circuit if applicable (for systems with 2 or more circuits). You can set either the trend circuit first or the
target circuit first.
Power Driven Models
On machines with an additional electronic circuit, the function of the electronic circuit is to boost the performance of the radionic circuit(s). These
machines have 2 modes of operation, a passive mode (with the power off) and an active mode (with the power on).
The radionic circuits will work either with or without the electronic circuit powered on, but they may produce different number setting on the dials in
the two different modes. Also, the electronic circuit, while in operation, has an effect on the radionic circuits. For this reason, it is best to turn the
power on if desired, and then set the dials (as opposed to setting the dials and then turning the power on).
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Aligning your machine
It is reasonably important that your radionics machine be lined up with the compass directions, in order to work properly. Although most
tabletop models have a permanent magnet included in the machine to compensate for improper alignment, it is still preferable to line the machine
up with the compass directions if at all possible. Unless clearly marked otherwise on your machine, the side of the machine with the witness wells
should be to the north.
Generally speaking, the radionics machine should be inline with the lines of force in the earths EM field (north/south) and the axis of the output
should be at 90 degrees to the lines of force in the earths magnetic field, especially for remote work.
The exception to this is the wand style of output designed for body work, which can be pointed where ever is expedient, so long as the radionics
machine driving it is aligned correctly.
In the following pages, I give a few examples of minerals suited to various purposes. You could also (if you are familiar with and competent in the
use thereof) expose the witness well to hertzian frequencies commonly used for a given purpose.
When writing paper slips to be used as samples, the emotional (primarily) mental (secondarily) state that you are in is what the paper actually
records. It is best to keep the wording of the samples as short and to the point as possible. It is best to be in a clear and focused state of mind when
you write them. You should, if at all possible, use fresh paper that has not been used for anything before. Once you are finished using the slip of
paper, you should burn it (in a safe and contained manner).
When using a physical sample of a person, it is not necessary that living cells be used, nor is it necessary that the cells contain DNA, since there
will still be a structural link between the person and the sample. i.e. - a snippet of hair without the follicle will work. However, it is preferable to have
living cells if possible, as the structural link between living cells and host organism is stronger that the link between dead cells and former host
organism. Once you are finished using the sample, it should be destroyed, preferably by fire (in a contained and safe manner).
Photographs will also work for a sample, and they do not need to be color photographs, but the aspect of the person captured by a photograph is
what you are tuning into. Bear this in mind when selecting photographs to use as samples. If the only photograph available reflects an aspect of the
sample that you do not want to work with, then attach a note to the photograph clearly stating which aspects you do and do not want to work with.
Another way to obtain a sample is to use fresh, clean water and expose the water to that which you wish to sample. Water records energy
signature rather well. This technique is more suited to capturing samples of subtle energy fields and/or hertzian frequencies and/or sounds, or for
use in manifestation (hold a vial of water while doing your visualization and use that water as sample).
Examples of material for samples -
Photographs - Written words - Tissue samples - Saliva samples - Hair samples
Quartz crystals w/recorded energy patterns - Charged water - Minerals harmonic to a given task
Symbols (reiki, runes, other)
Sound recordings (via water or via direct stimulation of witness well with sound)
(you are responsible for your own safety in handling/choice to handle biological material - determine approved methods and use them - do not
attempt to obtain or use samples of contagious diseases - rather, use a photograph of the infected person or write the name of the disease on a slip
of paper - disinfect machine between uses if using biological samples - contain sample in clear glass vial)
Using Your Machine
Using it to repel an energy attack / remove astral parasite
While experiencing the attack, write the word attack (or parasite if applicable) on a slip of paper.
Place the slip in the trend witness well. Set the dials for the trend circuit. Then, invert the setting.
To do this, adjust the setting each for dial in the trend circuit to its tens compliment ((dials marked
form 1 to 10). i.e. if you initially came up with 1-4-7-3-8-5, then set the dials to 9-6-3-7-2-5).
Lastly, transfer the slip of paper to the target circuit and set the dials for the target circuit (but do not
invert the setting for the target circuit by replacing each dial setting with its tens compliment).
Alternately, you could use either a sample of yourself or a sample of the source of the attack if you know it... for a sample in the target circuit.
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Using it as an intent amplifier
Write your intent on a slip of paper. Make sure that your thoughts are clear and focused while you write the slip of paper. Place the slip of paper in
the trend witness well, and set the dials for the trend circuit.
Place a sample of yourself (or other entity if applicable) in the target witness well and set the dials for the target circuit. Leave the machine to run for
up to 3 days, but no longer. Remove and burn the slip of paper (in a safe and contained manner). Turn all the dials to the off position and turn the
power off. Allow the machine to sit for at least a few hours before repeating the process if necessary. For intent having to do with beginnings, try to
do this on or near the new moon. For intent having to do with endings, try to do this on or near the full moon.
Using it for simple pain relief
Place a sample of the person to be treated in the target witness well, and set the dials for the target circuit.
Starting with the first dial in the trend circuit, adjust the dial by small increments and monitor the pain. If there is a dial setting that reduces the pain,
then move to the next dial and set the dials for the trend circuit. If the first dial does not have a setting that noticeably diminishes the pain, then use
a different method of treatment (following pages). This method works sometimes and does not work sometimes.
Using it to enhance dowsing
Method A:
Place a sample of yourself in the trend witness well, along with a slip of paper with the word clear (or some other word indicating that you wish
your thoughts to be clear and uninfluenced by outside sources) written on it. Set the dials for the trend circuit.
Place your pendulum in the target witness well, and set the dials for the target circuit. Dowse over the output of the machine, or near the output of
the machine.
Method B:
Place a sample of the entity to be examined in the trend witness well, and set the dials for the trend circuit.
Write your question (or the parameters of your analysis) on a slip of paper and place the slip of paper in the target witness well. Set the dials for the
target circuit. Dowse over or near the output of the machine.
Method C:
Place a sample of one of these minerals in the trend witness well and set the dials for the trend circuit.
Smoky Quartz
Place your pendulum along with a sample of yourself in the target witness well and set the dials for the target circuit. Dowse (not necessary to be
near the output of the machine for this method).
Method D:
Place a sample of the entity to be examined in the target witness well and set the dials for the target circuit.
Place your pendulum in the trend witness well and set the dials for the trend circuit. Dowse. (this method for sending energy or remote examination
i.e. map dowsing)
Be sure to reset dial to zero and turn machine off when not dowsing if using methods B or D.
Using it to potentize/charge food or water
Method A:
Place a sample of the energy signature that you want to add to the food or water in the trend witness well. If you are using for example a
homeopathic treatment, then you would use a sample of the treatment in powder or elixir form, and generally a small clear glass vial works well to
contain the sample (place the sample in a glass vial, and then put the sample into the well). Either suspend a vessel (preferably glass, generally not
metal, must be non-reactive non-leeching non-conductive non-toxic) of the food or water over the output of your machine, or immerse the output of
your machine in the food or water, whichever is appropriate to your equipment. Allow an hour or two and turn the machine off, and sample the food
or water.
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Different kinds of food are obviously more suited for different methods of charging, and the foods charged should be raw or at least cold when
charged. Heating or cooking the food after charging will likely undo the charge.
Method B:
If you have an output that is a quartz crystal and mobius coil on the end of a cable, then you can wrap the output in a clear clean plastic bag (seal
with tape around cable) and immerse the whole thing in a vessel for water, this method is often the most convenient.
Authors Note:
You are entirely responsible for the use of this device for self-treatment or the illegal and evil vile nasty healing of friends and neighbors ;)
however, the skill of the user in determining which samples to use and determining when the dials are correctly set are significant factors
between healing and harming. Share your successes more readily than your experiments, but do experiment. I have given information
here based on y own personal experiences with my machines, and from a general metaphysics perspective.
I have tried to cover some of the basic techniques used in operating a radionics machine (in general), techniques which can be conceptually
adapted to many different machines, not just those made / designed by me.
We live in a time of struggle and legal reform, and litigation. It is possible that the improper use of this machine when attempting treatment for
illness can cause either nothing to happen, or the reverse of what is desired to happen. While in my experience such mistakes are generally not
permanently damaging, and are rectified generally by resetting the machine correctly and or aborting the treatment, mistakes do happen in the
process of learning to use the. I maintain that these machines are beneficial when used correctly, acknowledge that they can harm a persons
bioenergy fields if used incorrectly, and assume no responsibility for your decision in this matter, having done my best to advise you of the best
operating procedures I have found, based on my personal experience with my machines in particular and metaphysics in general.
These machines are for experimental purposes. These machines are not intended to be equivalent to a medical doctors services. Any attempt to
use such a machine for healing should be part of a wider picture. This is not a magic wishing machine, it is a device which can record and play
back energy signatures. You are responsible for knowing or learning what energy signatures it is appropriate to do what with at a given time, other
than the specific samples I have given here in terms of minerals etc. -Jon Logan
Using it to promote healing
Method A:
Take a sample of the person to be treated and place it in the trend witness well, wrapped in a slip of paper with the word illness written on it. If the
illness or problem is known, then use the name of the illness or problem on the slip of paper. Set the dials on the trend circuit, tuning the circuit into
the energy signature of the problem.
Then invert the dials as described in the section on repelling an energy attack. Starting with dial 1, reset each dial in the circuit to its tens
Leaving the first sample in the trend witness well, take another sample of the person to be treated and place it in the target witness well. Set the
dials on the target witness well and have the person sit to the south of the machine if possible or applicable. Allow no more than an hour for
treatment and then shut the machine down and allow the person to rest for an hour or two.
Repeat no more that 2 times per week.
Method B:
If the problem is known, and a medicine for it is available though not of sufficient quantity, take a small sample of the medicine and place in the
trend witness well. If a sample of the medicine is not available but the medicine is known, then use a photograph of the medicine if available, or the
name of the medicine written on a slip of paper. The first case employs the machine to reproduce a sample, and the second case employs an
already existing cosmic structural link between the medicine and its name or image. Set the dials on the trend circuit.
Transfer the sample to the target witness well and set the dials on the target circuit. Transfer the sample back to the trend circuit and use the
machine to either treat by proximity as described above, or to charge water with the energy signature of the medicine. Do not expect results quite
as strong as the original medicine, but a useful technique nonetheless.
Method C:
(For person familiar with bioenergy - body work)
Place a sample of the person to be treated in the target circuit and set the dials for the target circuit. Adjust the first dial of the trend circuit and
monitor the effects on the person. See if there is a setting on the dial that shows improvement in the persons bioenergy field characteristic, or a
change in the discernible amount of pain the person feels, if applicable. If you are bale to find a setting on the first dial using this method, then
continue on through the dials. If you do not find a setting on the first dial that shows improvement, use one of the preceding methods instead.
This method is sometimes useful for pain relief when you do it to yourself, but should only be done on others by competent energy healers /
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Well, thats it for this edition but you can check for the latest copy of this document at www.littlemountainsmudge.com
Legal notice:
Introduction to Orgonite
copyright 2003 Jon Logan
Introduction to Orgonite
second edition copyright 2002-2004 Jon Logan
Introduction to Orgonite
third edition copyright 2002-2004 Jon Logan
Introduction to Orgonite
fourth edition copyright 2002-2004 Jon Logan
Introduction to Orgonite
fifth edition An introduction to Orgone Matrix Material copyright 2002-2004 Jon Logan
Introduction to Orgonite
and/or Introduction to Ergonite
are compilations of articles written by Jon Logan, concerning Orgone Matrix Material, its
manufacture and application, much of which has been previously published on www.littlemountainsmudge.com. These compilations will be released in
updated form as time progresses.
is a trademark belonging to Karl Welz, the inventor of orgonite, and is used on littlemountainsmudge.com and in this document for
educational purposes
Wizzer's Workshop
, Ergonite
, Welzite
, Wood Sprite
, Water Baby
, Chocolate Shine
, O-Matrix Material
and all text / images on
littlemountainsmudge.com, unless clearly otherwise stated, are copyright 2003 Jon Logan, all rights reserved.
Limited authorization to reproduce: This material may be reproduced or reprinted freely, in whole or in part, in printed paper or digital format for
educational purposes. Additionally, the trademarks Ergonite
and Welzite
may be used freely by anyone for private or commercial purposes, so long
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Introduction to Orgonite
fifth edition An introduction to Orgone Matrix Material copyright 2002-2004 Jon Logan
How to Beat Problem Energy
2nd Edition copyright 2002-2005 Jon Logan all rights reserved. Published by Wizzers
Workshop PO Box 139, Westbridge BC Canada V0H2B0 250-446-2032
You can check for the latest copy of this document or more information on Bioenergy Technology at
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Bioenergy and Orgone Matrix Material: A Primer
Bioenergy, simply put, is a sea of background energy that is usually found in
higher concentrations within living tissue. It is an energy form which interacts
with its physical environment in subtle but powerful ways and has the capacity
to change the magnetic, optical, thermal, electrical, metabolic and chemical
properties of its environment to varying degree.
Different metaphysical disciplines, alternative
health treatments and ZPE / FE / Quantum research
scientists all work with the same background
energy in various ways, and know it by various
names*. With the advent of the internet and modern
communications & data-processing capabilities,
these related bodies of knowledge are converging
towards a new level of understanding.
*Orgone, Odic Force, Reiki, Prana, Chi, Aether, Etheric Energy,
Bioenergy, Biomagnetism, Bioetheric Energy, Huna, Animal Magnetism,
Soft Electrons / Negative Ion Clouds, Gravity Wave Effects, Cavity
Structures Effect, Dark Matter, Zero Point Energy, Quanta, Bions,
Radiesthesia, Radionics Astral Energy, 4th Dimensional Energy, Emotional Body Energy, Life Force, to name a few.
Throughout this document it is referred to as orgone, bioenergy or radionics.
Orgone Matrix Material is bioenergy-processing material. In simple terms, it both releases bioenergy
when stimulated by conventional forms of energy, and has the capacity to change the bioenergy from
one state to another. This makes it useful in a wide range of applications, including but not limited to
alternative health / plant growth enhancement / radionics / traditional metaphysics.
Applied Bioenergy Science is a rapidly expanding scientific field with significant and largely
untapped potential for more ecologically sound, sustainable technologies and new industrial
Bioenergy fields interact with their environment. Some kinds of materials act to absorb and store
bioenergy. This stored charge of energy manifests in subtle ways such as changes to the
temperature, electromagnetic properties, or chemical composition of the material. Devices can be
built which absorb and hold a high concentration of bioenergy. Other devices can be built which
generate and emit bioenergy, or process bioenergy from one form to another. Devices which absorb
and store this energy can be used to raise the overall energy field strength of land used for farming,
resulting in healthier more robust animals and fuller, hardier, more disease-resistant plants. These
kinds of devices can be simple, safe, user friendly, and have a blanket effect on the area in which
they are positioned. You will learn how to make one kind of such device by the time you finish reading
this book.
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Bioenergy can produce an emotional
response in many living organisms
including humans. The response
varies according to the specimen and
the conditions. Devices which enhance
the circulation of bioenergy and keep it
in a healthy state tend to produce a
favorable emotional response.
Bioenergy fields can also carry
information in the form of wave
patterns. Bioenergy and magnetism are
only slightly different forms of the same
Aether. Aether is a cosmic omnipresent
energy that is successively split down
into a spectrum throughout material existence. Different ranges in the spectrum derived form Aether
are manifest as matter and the electromagnetic spectrum. Bioenergy is part of the Electromagnetic
spectrum. Bioenergy and the magnetic field generated by electrical current are close to each other in
the spectrum and closely mutually influence each other. My research has led me to believe that
Bioenergy is more magnetic than electrical in its nature and may indeed be simply a true form of what
we partially conceive of as magnetism. Magnetic fields can carry information, radio waves are an
example of this. When a wave carries information through a magnetic field it is called a radio
transmission. When a wave carries information through a Bioenergy field it is called radionic data.
Different kinds of materials and life forms are associated with different wave patterns. Devices
which process this energy from one form to another can change the wave pattern. This has an impact
on living organisms within the region. It demonstrates the potential to create an area hospitable to a
specific living organism, or inhospitable to a pest plant, animal or fungus.
Bioenergy wave patterns can have an adverse or beneficial impact on living organisms.
This effect could be developed to produce a microclimate inhospitable to pests and nurturing to
cultivated species, and eliminate the need for many conventional methods of dealing with pest
infestations. Potentially, a virus could be selectively targeted and eradicated in populations of
livestock the same as in acres of plants, with less adverse side effects. Dependency on expensive
and toxic pharmaceuticals can at least be significantly reduced by more cost-effective bioenergy-
based technology.
Devices which both generate bioenergy and emit
bioenergy wave patterns can be thought of as
transmitting antennas, and the wave pattern is the
signal to be transmitted.
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Devices can be constructed to target one wave pattern with another. An example is to use the
wave pattern of a pesticide for the first, and the wave pattern of a pest organism for the second. The
effect produced is usually reported to be similar to exposing the pest to the actual pesticide, while
having less or no impact on other life forms in the treated area compared to conventional methods.
Devices could be built to cover a plot of land with the effects of a fungicide or herbicide, without
having to spray the field.
It is a well-established fact that Bioenergy can alter
the flavor and subtle chemistry of water. This
technology offers the potential to generate some or all
of the effects of a chemical in a chemical process while
reducing or eliminating the need for the chemical itself.
Imagine that the Bioenergy wave pattern
(radionic data) produced by a certain element from the
periodic table is used as a signal and transmitted. To
varying degree, the presence of that element appears
to be simulated in the area covered by the effect. I
theorize that a subtle projected image of an atom is
produced which can, under correct circumstances,
behave at least partially like a real atom in a chemical
process. This application of bioenergy technology already enjoys considerable exposure in the
alternative health > water treatment niche market on the internet. After reading this eBook, you will
have the basic information required to make some simple bioenergy devices of your own without
having to buy them from a vendor, or at least an idea of some intelligent questions to ask the vendor
to determine the quality of the product. With further research into this aetherochemical effect, it is
possible that many industrial dependencies on pharmaceuticals or petrochemicals could be reduced
or eliminated. The potential industrial applications for this technology are virtually unlimited. Every day
around the world a growing ever-growing number of people use radionics + homeopathy +
alternative energy methods for healing and other purposes. With the advent of Orgone Matrix
Material, Radionics machines became much more powerful.
Bioenergy fields are closely linked to weather patterns. They are affected by weather and have
been repeatedly observed to manifest an effect on cloud and wind patterns by several independent
Bioenergy technology also has potential
applications in maintaining a microclimate. This
application offers the potential to attract clouds or
repel storms and has a large area of effect. Devices
can be constructed to alter prevailing wind and
weather patterns within a region. These are
significant capabilities for responsible use, and they
need to be more fully understood.
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In nature, there are provisions for the Earth to clean Bioenergy as it circulates. The friction of
moving water over an irregular surface is one means that the planet uses to maintain its equilibrium
with respect to Bioenergy fields. The discharge of energy during an electrical storm is another natural
event that has the effect of creating a change to the surrounding bioenergy fields. The enhanced
Bioenergy field strength in the air is something many people are able to feel right before it rains.
Here is a simple application of the ability to change bioenergy from
one state to another using Orgone Matrix Material. You can build a
TB. This is a device which effectively cleanses Bioenergy and
causes it to circulate more freely. These devices have a more
natural interface with the Earth than the artists conception of a large
scale Bioenergy weather effect (of a kind documented now for about
70 years running without official recognition) depicted above.
Insofar as their Bioenergy characteristics, TBs are safe for use
by anyone, anywhere - in the opinion of the author. These both
store a charge of Bioenergy and allow the energy to flow through
them. The friction within them caused by metallic and organic
components acts the same as the fiction of water over rock in a
riverbed, and allows the Earths Bioenergy field to clear itself of
accumulated toxicity and harmful wave patterns. If one of these
devices is placed in an area of stagnant Bioenergy (DOR) the initial effects can be quite dramatic,
though by no means is this always the case nor need it be. Sudden changes to the Bioenergy field
conditions can produce sudden changes in weather such as the break of a drought or the cessation
of a flood, unusual and friendly responses in wildlife, immediate cessation of long felt pains from RF
toxicity-related issues, and many other effects have been observed while placing these devices in
heavily congested / polluted areas. Whether the installation (often called gifting) is dramatic or not,
the end result is that the device blends in with the Earths natural system of Bioenergy Fields, and
their behavior is regulated by the natural cycles of the Earths Bioenergy field.
This is why they do not come with a caution regarding responsible use as do
many other more advanced bioenergy tools. You are not the one that controls
this tool (TB / HHG), the earths natural energy field controls the device.
The device changes its Bioenergy throughput in response to systemic conditions. It becomes
part of the Earth Bioenergy circulation system and assists in cleaning the Bioenergy as it passes
through. This effect is currently used by many persons around the world to provide a constant
cleaning effect to the bioenergy fields in and around their homes. This is an important benefit, and
one well within the reach of anyone on a modest income with basic handyman skills (or the desire to
learn them). You do not have to be a Subtle energy experimenter to use TBs or HHGs, or to benefit
from this amazingly simple piece of SOLID STATE QUANTUM FLUX TECHNOLOGY that you can
make in your garage, in a few hours over the weekend.
These things are easily made by anyone with basic handyman skills. A basic TB is a small (3 to
8 ounce volume), usually cylindrical or conical mass of a specific density of Orgone Matrix Material
with a piece of quartz embedded in it. Thats it, in its most basic form.
- 6 -
Right now the Earths system of self-repair is
severely taxed. TBs & similar devices offer a
means of easing the strain placed on the
Biosphere by environmental toxins and man made
EMF pollution. The Bioenergy is constricted by the
friction from the metal particles as it flows through
the organic resin. The friction in the Orgone Matrix
Material acts to substitute for the friction of moving
water over a creek bed, and adds to the self-
regulating capacity of the Earths Bioenergy
System. Thousands of people from around the
world have observed beneficial environmental
changes to the areas where they have been using these devices. The author is most definitely among
them in that respect, though perhaps not on all matters philosophical, political or religious. The fact of
people from diverse backgrounds observing similar effects from these simple devices moves the
concept of a Biological Animative Life-Energy out of the realm of mystery and myth and firmly into
the zone of real and comprehensible natural law.
There are several different names, grades and densities of this material, but they all have one
thing in common. Orgone Matrix Materials are composed of a mixture of metallic particles
suspended in an organic medium. There are a growing number of persons producing this material
using the same basic concept. It is marketed under various trade names including Ergonite (from
Wizzers Workshop http://www.littlemountainsmudge.com ). Ergonite, Orgonite, Orgo-tech,
Orgontech, Orgonlite, Orgone Material, all various trade names / trademarks for the same material.
Orgonite was the first name I heard of for the material, through a man named Karl Welz. He coined
the term Orgonite back in the nineties and got a registered trademark for it recently.
In the interim, the word Orgonite became a defacto generic name for the material, and remains
the most common name for it today regardless of product names used by different manufacturers.
About 3.5 years after I had started working with Orgone Matrix Material I was shown some small blue
ceramic spheres about (19mm) diameter by Ian Lundgold (http://www.mayanmajix.com/) . He got
them from a source dating back to the 30s or 40s and they were reportedly based on the work of
Wilhelm Reich http://www.wilhelmreichmuseum.org/). They were small cylinders of what I would call
XHD (a very high density) Ergonite but the organic was clay instead of organic plastic resin. Even
though I still feel that the stuff we are making now in the high densities is more potent per CC, it
provides yet another confirmation of the theory behind Orgone Matrix Material.
For the most part, Orgonite was first widely publicized by Karl Welz as an enhancement to
Radionics systems, and then more widely publicized by Don Croft as a means of restoring natural
energy & weather patterns and combating atmospheric pollution (see the section on chembusters and
cloudbusters below). In any case, these names refer to an orgone matrix material, as opposed to a
layered orgone accumulator.
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Orgone accumulators were invented by Wilhelm Reich about 70 years ago. Dr. Reich was able
to condense Bioenergy to high levels within a container made of alternate layers of organic and
metallic materials. He is also the man who named it Orgone Energy after becoming interested in it
because of the emotional response and associated physiological changes it invoked in his patients.
Later on, he was able to successfully treat cancer by exposing the subject to high concentrations of
Bioenergy within his Orgone Accumulators (ORACs). They drew in energy from outside and
concentrated it in a box. The box was made from many alternate layers of wood and metal (Organic
and Metallic materials).
To a degree, a piece of Orgone Matrix Material will act as an orgone accumulator in that it will
attract orgone from the area around it, but with an added dimension. The added dimension is
that it will process the orgone energy as it interacts with it, whereas an orgone accumulator more
simply condenses orgone energy. Once it attracts and absorbs enough energy for the matrix to
become active, it begins to release energy again, and the energy leaving draws more energy along
behind it. From that point, whether it flows really fast or really slow, Bioenergy will keep flowing
through the device more or less continually.
One limitation of the ORAC is that it is highly sensitive to its environment, and most reputable
persons using ORACs for therapy purposes take care to have the device located several miles away
from any high levels of EM pollution. 60Hz electricity is known to produce wave patterns in Bioenergy
that can be harmful. Today, some persons are beginning to make use of TB style devices in order to
allow them to maintain a healthy Bioenergy field inside of their ORACs, and it is my hope that this
trend will grow. It would allow for ORACs to be used in the average household without concern,
making the ORAC a more practical means of health benefits, enhancing food or water or dealing with
stress for the average person. Without a healthy local Bioenergy environment, there is the possibility
that an ORAC can become contaminated by DOR. DOR stands for Deadly Orgone Radiation,
Bioenergy that is flat-lined by (often by over-stimulation via electrical power and communications
systems) and has become stagnant.
The HAARP project and other large weaponized EM / Scalar projects of similar nature, as well as
normal side effects from electrical power and communications systems (just go google haarp
http://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&q=haarp&meta= ) have created an environment where your
personal Bioenergy fields and the Earths Bioenergy fields are under a constant onslaught. TBs can
help to restore the balance of the Bioenergy fields in a localized area. One can purchase these
devices from many online sources, but it is often more cost effective to make your own. You can
make them for a cost of 0.50-2.00 CAD each depending on where you live (a/o MAR 2005).
There are many variations on the basic concept of suspending the metal within the organic
resin. Many other substances can be added to the mixture to make it more potent, or to specialize it
for different applications. Most of the people producing it wind up developing their own exact recipes,
I use several different recipes for different applications. At the end of the day, the basic, fundamental
ingredients of orgonite are metal particles and an organic medium to suspend them in, usually
polyester Fiberglass resin.
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Heres a little about how it works: Organic substances attract Bioenergy and soak it up like a
sponge, while metallic substances tend to repel it. Basically, Ergonite pulls in the Bioenergy, and
while the energy is inside the device, The metal particles and organic resin both push and pull on it in
all directions at the same time. This puts friction on the energy. The friction is great enough at many
small points within the matrix to cause the energy to shift upwards in spectrum to Aether, so that it
temporarily ceases to exist as a part of the electromagnetic spectrum. When the energy comes back
out of the device, it collapses back into an organized, defined state and comes into existence as
bioenergy / magnetism.
Quantum physicists have discovered that subatomic particles pop in and out of existence as
the shift state back and forth between the states of matter and Aether. The same effects take place
with waved energies in the electromagnetic spectrum. Different forms of energy appear and
disappear as they shift in spectrum back and forth between Aether and lower spectral forms of
energy. In the case of a TB, because of the density, when the bioenergy appears again, it has lost the
radionic data it was carrying, the wave patterns it was carrying. Those wave patterns are a large part
of what makes the bioenergy healthy or unhealthy for you and other life forms. This same Aetheric
flux within the Ergonite has the effect not only of changing Bioenergy from one form to another, but
also the property of generating Bioenergy when stimulated by other kinds of energy... like light,
sound, physical motion, or electricity.
Ergonite can change DOR (harmful Bioenergy) to OR (Healthy Bioenergy). When energy percolates
through the matrix, it is in effect reduced to its component polarities. It is then recombined and
emitted. The act of being broken down into its positive and negative charges and recombined has the
effect of restoring the orgone to a base state. Unless a specific wave pattern is impressed on it
within the device, it comes out of the Orgone Matrix Material as more or less undifferentiated
Bioenergy. When the energy exits the material, the conditions which 'force' it to exist in an undefined
state no longer exist, and so it collapses back into a defined state, and is 'colored' (impressed with a
Bioenergy wave pattern) to varying degree by the exact composition of the matrix material.
Many devices which employ Orgonite Matrix Material also function as Bioenergy Generators,
But Ergonite does not actually generate Bioenergy, in the truest sense of the word. Ergonite, when
excited with other forms of energy, both converts a portion of the energy used to excite it into
bioenergy, and draws additional energy from the Aether, and releases it as Bioenergy. Having
understood this, for practical intents and purposes, it can be said that Ergonite 'Generates Orgone on
demand when excited by scalar waves, magnetic fields, heat, sound, light, electrical energy, kinetic
energy, and bioenergy.
TBs and HHGs - Devices that help to maintain your energy environment
The HHG ('Holy hand grenade'-name inspired by Monty Python / inventor-Don Croft circa 2000,
public domain) is a medium-sized device which attracts harmful Orgone energy, converts it to healthy
Orgone energy, and emits it again as a flow of healthy orgone energy. This is different from other
techniques and devices used up to until the early 2000s for dealing with inimical Bioenergy. Up until
this point, many Orgone-based devices including the majority of those still reproduced today
according to Wilhelm Reichs specifications had the ability to block or collect harmful energy, but
lacked the ability to convert it to healthy energy.
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Ideally the HHG should be buried under a few inches of soil, or placed in a body of water. The
Ergonite HHG will act to continuously clean the Orgone energy within a surprisingly large radius.
There is a more pronounced effect right near the device, and many persons who consider themselves
insensitive to subtle energy fields are able to sense the increased Bioenergy field density and flow
surrounding the HHG or TB. But the effects are much broader when considered in a cumulative
sense. Even if the strong part of the Bioenergy field from the HHG is only felt right up close to it, the
EFFECTS of the HHG spread through the natural flow patterns of the background the surrounding
The background energy field over most large cities, is analogous to a large closed room with
stagnant and polluted air. In fact, thats not really a metaphor. The air over most large human
population centers IS stagnant and polluted, and so it should be no surprise that so are the Bioenergy
Fields. Im not picking on people who live in cities, my point is this: If you put a fan/filter combination
in the room and wait a while, the air is cleaner than when you started, even though the fan cleans
only a little air at a time. After a while, the effects add up. Every thing above about HHGs applies also
to TBs. A TB (Tower Buster name in reference to HPRF and Cell towers / inventor - Don Croft
circa 2000) does basically the same thing on a little bit smaller scale.
A basic TB is a small (3 to 8 ounce volume, usually cylindrical or conical) mass of MHD
Ergonite with a quartz piece embedded in it. A basic HHG is a little larger (8 to 32 ounce volume,
usually conical or pyramidal) mass of orgonite with one large or several small (min volume ` 5 Cubic
Centimeters) quartz pieces embedded in it. The original design was 5 DT Quartz Xtals, one on the
vertical axis and four on the horizontal axis. The vertical xtal is near one end of the device (the small
end of a cone or pyramid), and the horizontal xtals are arranged radially, near the wide end of the
Think of them as air freshener for your aura.
You can use the same basic device to enhance meditation, reduce stress or assist physical
healing by strengthening and cleaning your bodys bioenergy fields. Hold it between the hands while
meditating, or sit within a few feet of it. Many people now place them under their beds. Another
popular use of them is in the home garden, to increase the overall vitality of plants growing within a
few feet of the device.
Heres how to make them. If you dont want to make your own, there are several online sources listed
at the links page of Wizzers Workshop:
Note: To make the right density of Orgone Matrix Material for basic HHGs and TBs you need to use
metal particles that are between ~1/4 (6mm) x 1/4 (6mm) and (12mm) x (12mm) and have a
bit of curvature. You should still be able to see a fair amount of open space (shoot for 50%) between
the metal shavings when they are shaken together in a container. You can use any metal. Aluminum
is fine. Gold is best. Use what is available to you.
- 10 -
Simple TB Instructions
Quantity per TB:
-Low Quality Clear Quartz Crystal/Chunk, min volume 1 Cubic
- 1
- Polyester Fiberglass Resin & enough MEKP Catalyst to cure it - About 3 Ounces
- Metal particles - About 3 Ounces of metal particles
- Suitable container to use for a mold (small paper cup or old muffin
- 1 (min. volume about 3 ounces)
1 - Line the containers you will use for molds with a light coat of vegetable oil.
This prevents the resin from sticking. Wipe the excess oil off with a brush or
clean cloth. cover the surface of the mold evenly.
2 - Put about 1" of metal particles in the bottom of each mold.
3. - Place the quartz crystal in each mold, using the metal shavings to hold it in
position. put the crystal in the center of the mold, and if the crystal has a good
point on it, most folks put the point towards what will be the top of the unit.
4. - Mix enough resin and catalyst to fill each mold level with the metal shavings
you have placed in the bottom. Pour enough resin into each mold to cover the
shavings. Make sure to mix the resin and catalyst well (mix for about 1 full minute)
before you pour it into the molds. Allow the resin to run down into the metal
shavings. Tap or shake the mold gently to release air bubbles.
5. - Add another inch or so of metal shavings to each container, enough to cover
the crystal.
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6. - Mix and add enough catalyzed resin to cover the metal shavings in the
molds. It will not harm the function of the device if some metal filings stick out the
bottom, but it is a good idea to use enough resin to cover the shavings by about
inch (6mm). Allow the resin to run down into the metal filings. Tap or shake the
mold gently to release air bubbles.
7. - Allow the resin to cure. Keep it warm if possible, cure in a well-ventilated
area, and if possible, expose the resin to sunlight while it is curing.
8. - Remove from the mold. Thats it!
It may seem anticlimactic, but this is a simple, proven and reliable method of making
Bioenergy-based tools to produce a beneficial change in your immediate surroundings. Just because
the physics and metaphysics behind it are complex does not need that the device itself needs to be
The above process can be easily modified to make an
HHG as shown at left. For more detailed information on
Bioenergy technology, Ergonite and Tutorials for making
your own more advanced Bioenergy tools, visit
http://www.littlemountainsmudge.com/ebooks.htm .
Links to more information on Wilhelm Reich and
Orgone Energy:
http://www.wilhelmreichmuseum.org/ http://www.orgone.org/ http://www.orgonelab.org/
To use one of these devices, simply place the device within the area you want to treat and
leave it alone.
If possible, it increases the effectiveness to put them into a body of water or bury them in the
earth. It is not absolutely necessary to bury them or put them in water, but you should take it outside
and let it sit on the ground for the night at least twice a year. Most folks who use them have a few in
their homes, to provide a constant cleaning action for the orgone envelope in their living space. With
the HHGs, it helps a bit to align the device with the magnetic field of the earth, so that one of the xtals
in the base of the unit points north. People who are familiar with natural energy vortices, Curry and
Hartman lines, Ley lines, and so forth have been using these devices to restore many of the earth's
energy centers to healthy state.
- 12 -
Many of us have noticed beneficial changes in the emotional state and general behavior of
people & animals within the effective range of such devices, whether they are aware of the devices
presence or not. They are, in effect- getting the same sort of emotional healing and balancing (and in
some cases the commensurate physical benefits) that one would expect from more traditional
methods of life energy therapy such as reiki or dowsing or treatment with radionics or medical DOR
Busters. For several years I used xtals for basic pain relief, and now most of the tools I use
incorporate Ergonite in some way.
Smaller versions of the TB - style device can be carried on your person in order to afford a
constant cleaning action for your personal energy fields, and provide shielding against various forms
of energy assault, ranging from conscious radionic attack to EM pollution.
I have noticed that suspending water over the top of an HHG changes the flavor and sometimes
the clarity of the water. Treatment time depends on water volume in proportion to available energy.
The easiest way to do this is to make a disk-shaped TB and just set a glass food jar full of water on
top of the TB. For ` 1 Quart / 1 L of water a treatment time of 3 to 4 hours ought to be enough. If you
taste it and the water tastes worse than when you started, let it sit for a while longer and taste it
again. It may get worse in taste temporarily during the first half of the treatment time. Generally I have
been able to soften and sweeten water this way. It should taste sweet and you may experience a
slight flush a few seconds after drinking the water. For this method of charging water with Bioenergy,
you should not use water that was undrinkable before the charging treatment.
The general consensus concerning the effects of these simple devices (Distilled from 3 years of
observations and first-hand reports by 1500+ people from all over the world, communicating by a
grapevine of chat rooms, message boards, and email) is distilled below in point form.
Increases the bodys self-repair capacity in a physical sense
Causes unresolved emotional issues to surface (sometimes in dreams) and be dealt with
Causes an increase in the frequency of lucid dreaming & helps to deal with stress
Increases overall vitality of plants in a small localized region
Tends to stabilize or smooth out violent weather patterns in a larger localized region
Decreases observable smog / chemtrails / whiteout, especially when used in conjunction with
Chembusters and when devices are intelligently dispersed though a reasonably large
geographical area.
Occasional cleansing reactions, a short period wherein the body kicks out toxins, followed by a
upswing in general vigor and energy
Enhances Meditation
- 13 -
There are several folks who find a TB to be useful in Reiki, Reflexology, Massage Therapy,
Healing Hands, and other systems which effect healing by working with the human body's orgone
energy fields.
Unlike orgone accumulators, TBs and HHGs do not have to be carefully protected from EM
pollution and DOR. Rather they convert DOR to a healthy state, so I think it is a good idea for most
everyone to make at least one or two and put them near their homes.
Every day, we all take a bath in more energy pollution than most folks care to
think about.
These devices have been repeatedly shown to have a localized beneficial effect on the life
energy of almost any area. They have also been developed and adapted to many uses beyond the
original purpose for them, which is to restore natural weather patterns to the environment around us
by mitigating or nullifying the effects of harmful large scale electromagnetic technology.
I have seen no evidence that HHGs or TBs will become saturated with DOR from prolonged
exposure, but I have seen that such devices have a processing capacity, and that capacity may be
exceeded. I have been able to deal with that in most cases by simply using more devices. The
capacity of the device is determined by the mass of the device, (larger mass of Ergonite = more
capacity) the way the internal components are assembled, and the composition of the Ergonite itself.
The reason they work better when buried is that then they have a direct connection to the
Bioenergy currents in the Earth and a solid electrical ground. The Bioenergy 'resistance' of air is
higher than the orgone 'resistance' of earth. Therefore, when the energy flows through the HHG or
TB, it can flow a little more quickly if it is buried, because it has a huge potential (the earth or the
body of water) to which it is grounded. Even so, just tossing TBs into a problem area works fine in the
short term. Good thing, because there are many places where burying them is impractical. If possible,
toss them where they will land in water (best) or on earth, as opposed to pavement.
Chembusters and Cloudbusters
There is a lot of controversy on this subject now, and to be honest I consider it important to
distinguish between a
Croft-style Chembuster
and a Reich-style Cloud Buster
(http://www.orgone.org/IOOeng/cb.htm ).
They are indeed different in function.
- 14 -
A Cloud Buster is a device invented by Wilhelm Reich about seventy years ago, and it uses orgone
energy to influence weather patterns. It is basically an array of parallel pipes which are temporarily
connected by means of rubber or other organic hoses to either an ORAC or a body of moving water.
When the device is to be used it is assembled and then it is taken apart again when not in use. You
need to know what you are doing to use a Cloud Buster. It relies on the circulation of orgone energy
within the water bodies of the earth to process the orgone by virtue of the action of moving water over
stone, this action takes place in riverbeds especially.
A Chembuster is a slightly different device, which is based on the Cloud Buster in that it uses a
parallel array of pipes to channel orgone energy, in order to affect the weather patterns in the area
around it. The main difference between a Cloud Buster and a Chembuster are that a Chembuster has
a ballast of Ergonite, while a Cloud Buster is grounded directly from the pipes to the earth, or water.
And since Ergonite processes orgone energy instead of simply collecting it or moving it around, a
Chembuster cleans the orgone as it passes through and tends to be controlled by the Earths natural
Bioenergy fields the same as TBs and HHGs. You do not have to know what you are doing in order to
use a chembuster, despite what some supposedly knowledgeable persons may say.
Cloudbusters and Chembusters generally pull energy down from the atmosphere and channel
it into the Earth. Under some conditions it is possible for both devices to work in the opposite
direction and send orgone form the Earth into the atmosphere. In both cases, it is the changing
orgone fields which affect weather patterns. I do not approve of novices using Reich-style
Cloudbusters, but I do approve of just about anyone using Chembusters. This is because a
Chembuster is a great deal more user-friendly than a Cloud Buster. A Cloud Buster, used carelessly,
can cause tornadoes, imbalances in the earth's orgone fields, and torrential rains or severe droughts.
It is nonetheless a very useful device, but one which requires knowledge both of meteorology and
bioenergy dynamics in order to operate properly. The Chembuster, on the other hand, functions more
like a 'safety release valve' between the earth and atmosphere, so that it becomes more active when
there is a large unbalance in the ambient orgone fields and less active when the energy around it is in
a balanced and healthy state.
It is possible to further enhance the function of a Chembuster by grounding it to the earth.
After experimenting with it for some time, I generally ground the orgonite base of my Chembuster
instead of grounding the pipes, because if you ground the pipes, then the device will appear to work
more rapidly, but what it is actually doing is dumping the excess energy into the ground rather than
processing it. In my opinion, grounding the copper pipes directly is no better than a Reich style cloud
buster. You can either attach a length of copper wire to the Ergonite, or just set the base into the soil
a few inches.
Here are some links websites where you can find out more about using Bioenergy Technology
specifically to help restore the Bioenergy conditions in your area to a healthy state. Bear in mind that
these groups represent a diverse group of people with many differences in opinion / beliefs / state of
mind / politics / etc. Use your own discretion to separate fact from fantasy and be prepared to
encounter some people with sizable egos and questionable sanity, as well as some people with
abundant brilliance and deep compassion for the human race, and everywhere in between.
- 15 -
They are a spectrum of persons ranging from the brightest and best to the most pitiful and
paranoid. But all these people have witnessed some kind of beneficial personal result from using the
technology described here, its one of the only things they mostly agree on.
http://forums.quebecorgone.com/index.php (French Language)
http://chemtrails.erazor-zone.de/links.htm (German Language)
http://www.egelforum.com.ar/forum/ (Spanish Language)
http://www.littlemountainsmudge.com (page of many more links)
http://www.elementals-astrology.co.uk/orgone.html (page of many more links)
MHD - Medium High Density Ergonite
MHD orgonite is imo the most efficient type of Ergonite from which to make TBs, HHGs,
Chembusters and other devices which operate in a passive mode. MHD Ergonite offers just
low enough orgone resistance to operate in a passive mode, but offers high enough orgone
resistance to afford the 'scrubbing' action desired.
Note - "resin" below refers to catalyzed Fiberglass resin. Proportions of ingredients are approximate.
Particle sizes are given as follows :
fine = 0 - 1mm dia.
small = 1 - 5 mm dia.
large = 5 - 15 mm dia..
- 16 -
Basic MHD Ergonite
Amount in
parts by
Process Comments
.01 - .25
Resin &
To fill molds
Mix steel and aluminum
particles together.
Place mixture into
molds. Add xtals / other
internal components as
Mix catalyst and resin.
Add Quartz Powder to
catalyzed resin and stir
Pour resin Over metal
particles and allow to
seep down. Repeat layers
as necessary.
A good fool-proof recipe.
You can find more detailed information on making Ergonite at
If you are familiar with bioenergy and Ergonite already, you may know that exposing the Ergonite to a radionic
wave pattern while the resin cures can increase the potency of the device. With MHD, this is not as important as with
some other densities. For the purpose of simplicity, information on the charging / curing process is not included in this
book, but is available from the link above. The fidelity of radionic data retention is much better with higher densities of
Ergonite, though admittedly it can be also used to enhance the effectiveness of TBs. The reason for this decision is to
underscore the point that one does not have to be a mental adept or alternative scientist to reap the benefits of these
simple tools.
Bioenergy Induced Micro-Crop Circle - Confirmation of subtle energy in action
This was kind of an interesting thing that happened in the backyard a while ago... The same
night as the 'meteor impact' of June 03 2004 near Washington state, this formation appeared in some
grass in my backyard. It has the earmarks of the much larger and more well-know crop circles, such
as bent but not broken nodes, grass which continues to grow, and a weaving pattern among the
blades of grass which is complex enough it is difficult to photograph. The patch of grass that it
appeared in is a patch of grass which I let grow instead of mowing. The pattern formed was a spiral
vortex with the plants bending at the second and third nodes mostly. The spiral was interwoven in
layers in the stalks of grass.
It appeared in a spot where I had my chembuster for about a year, I moved the chembuster to
the other side of the yard a few months before the formation appeared. Large pic shows the way it
looked when it first appeared.
- 17 -
I think that anytime an orgone field reaches sufficient strength and excitation, then there is a
possibility for that field to be expressed in the plants DNA. I think that as the energy intensity in
the earth's bioenergy and electromagnetic fields continues to build, more formations like this will be
observed, if indeed they are not being already. Smaller pic shows some changes that appeared and
some nodes. The nodes in the squared part of the formation appeared to keep bending over a period
of several days. The initial spiral pattern formed overnight.
Did you find this information Useful? You can make a donation by visiting
I hope that you enjoyed this free eBook.Once the
changes to our product line are complete, Wizzers
Workshop will continue offering advanced and highly
functional Bioenergy tools including Radionics
machines, The Orgone Field Pulser, and at least one
economical model of TB or HHG. Wizzers We will also
be offering a series of comprehensive eBooks in PDF
format detailing the theory and construction process
for several pieces of Bioenergy Technology. To
download the other free eBook or find more detailed
information, visit
Legal notice:
Wizzer's Workshop
, Ergonite
, Welzite, and all text / images
on littlemountainsmudge.com, unless clearly otherwise stated, are
copyright 2002-2005 Jon Logan, all rights reserved.
Limited authorization to reproduce: This material may be reproduced
or reprinted
freely, in whole
or in part, in
printed paper or
digital format for
Additionally, the trademarks Ergonite
and Welzite
may be used freely by anyone for private or
commercial purposes, so long as they are specifically used to refer to Orgone Matrix Material, a
mixture of metal particles suspended in organic resin.
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reproduce this material if the material is reproduced inaccurately, or if is sold at a cost in excess of
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is a trademark belonging to Karl Welz and is used on littlemountainsmudge.com and
possibly in this document for educational purposes.
Email wizzer@littlemountainsmudge.com
Phone 250-446-2032
Mail PO Box 139, Westbridge BC V0H2B0
Url www.littlemountainsmudge.com
How to Beat Energy Pollution
second edition copyright 2002-2005 Jon Logan
Modern Orgone
Tourmaline, Natural
Source of Negative
Ions & Far-IR
Scalar Beam
Wilbert Smith
Gravity Control
Herman Meinke
Orgone Devices
TT &
ee B
Radionics theory
Sampling and Recording
Quantum Data Structures
Modern Orgone Electronic Magazine Issue # 5
2005-2008 Wizzers Workshop / Wizzers Desk and contributing authors / photographers all rights reserved
Modern Orgone Electronic Magazine Issue # 5 2005-2008 Wizzers Workshop and contributing authors / artists all rights reserved - Individual
contributed articles may have copyrights which precede their publication in this magazine and where applicable are reprinted with permission and / or in
accordance with fair use by Wizzers Workshop. This is an opt-in research journal and distributes information for the purposes of fostering scholarly and
experimental research. Modern Orgone is independently published by Wizzers Desk / Wizzers Workshop / Jon Logan. The views expressed are the
opinion of the contributing author. All contributed articles/images are the intellectual/artistic property of the contributor. The finished issue or example or
volume of this publication is copyrighted material belonging to Jon Logan / Wizzers Workshop. Wizzers Work shop is not necessarily affiliated with
contributing authors and may or may not share their views. Readers are entirely responsible for their own discretion, discernment, legality and safety in
attempting to reproduce any experiments described in Modern Orgone Electronic Magazine, or in attempting to apply any information of any kind contained
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Better Late Than Never
Tourmaline Gives Off Far-IR Light
Around 1986, it was found in a research station in Japan that, even though tourmaline was broken
down in smaller pieces, a positive and a negative electrode existed on both end of the crystal, and the
electrodes never disappeared unless tourmaline was boiled near 1000C...In addition, when the
positive and the negative electrodes of a tourmaline crystal were connected to each other, it was
proven to show low electricity of 0.06mA.
DNA Phantom Effect
This new phenomenonthe DNA phantom effectwas first observed in Moscow at the Russian
Academy of Sciences as a surprise effect during experiments measuring the vibrational modes of DNA
in solution using a sophisticated and expensive MALVERN laser photon correlation spectrometer
(LPCS) [5]. These effects were analyzed and interpreted by Gariaev and Poponin [6].
The new feature that makes this discovery distinctly different from many other previously undertaken
attempts to measure and identify subtle energy fields [1] is that the field of the DNA phantom has the
ability to be coupled to conventional electromagnetic fields of laser radiation and as a consequence, it
can be reliably detected and positively identified using standard optical techniques.
The Quantum Data Structure
The Quantum Data Structure signal is the organizational data field employed in radionics, and known
by several other names. Since the sciences of radionics, dowsing, homeopathy and psionics do not
enjoy accreditation, most researchers and innovators have created their own names for the forces,
energy forms and relationships involved. By any name, this signal is inherent to all material objects,
events and energy forms perceivable from within a material reality.
Front Cover Art DNA Desktop Copyright 2007 Jon Logan all rights reserved
Rear Cover Photo 1 of 2 Albino Moose photographed near Bevaredell, B.C. Canada in February 2007
In This Issue scroll down or click on title to read articles
Cover Story
(4) The DNA PHANTOM EFFECT: Direct Measurement
of A New Field in the Vacuum Substructure
by Dr. Vladimir Poponin
(7) The DNA-wave Biocomputer
Peter P. Gariaev*, Boris I. Birshtein*, Alexander M.
Iarochenko*, Peter J. Marcer**,
George G. Tertishny*, Katherine A. Leonova*, Uwe
Kaempf ***.
(19) DNA Is Created As A Wave
From Divine Cosmos.com
Forward courtesy Sean Sands
Modern Orgone Technology
(22) Sampling and Recording Quantum Data
By Jon Logan
(37) Low Frequency Function Generator
By Pieter Fourie
Orgone Matrix Material Shop
(40) HHG Tips
By Jon Logan
(46) Scalar Beam Chembuster Modifications
By Jon Logan
Real Deal Radionics
(52) Andrija Puharich: ELF Shield
Courtesy Rex Research
(65) Herman MEINKE Orgone Devices
Courtesy Rex Research
Dowsing & Radiesthesia -
(75) A Preliminary Study of the Life-Energy
associated with Orgonite and Ormus by means of a
Quantitative Dowsing Method
By Roger Taylor , addendum by James Lyons
Got Orgone?
(80) Updates on the VOD project
By Alan D Otterson
Aether & Bioenergy Theory
(57) Wilbert Smith: Gravity Control (and more)
Courtesy Rex Research
Politics of Free Will
(86) Had Enough?
By Lee Iacocca with Catherine Whitney
(89) Internet Doomsday Creeps Closer
by Steve Watson Infowars.net
New Paradigm Consciousness
(92) Chemtrails - Facts, Plagiarism, And Propaganda
By Margareta- Erminia Cassani
Metaphysical Adventures
(107) Book Review By Zuerrnnovahh-Starr Livingstone -
Decoding the Message of the Pulsars, Intelligent
Communication From the Galaxy by Paul A. LaViolette,
(108) The Rise And Fall Of Continents
By Zuerrnnovahh-Starr Livingstone
Bonus Features
(111) Tourmaline - A source of Far Infrared (FIR) and
Negative Ions
By Thomas Aaron
(112) Bio-Magnetic Hydrology: MRET Smirnov
The Effect of a Specially Modified Electromagnetic
Field on the Molecular Structure of Liquid Water
by Dr. Igor V. Smirnov, Ph.D. & M.S
(114) Tourmaline (chemcial / mineral info)
Courtesy Wikipedia
Drawing Board
(118) MRET with Orgone Matrix Material & LED -
Construction Details
Courtesy Thomas Aaron
(121) Simple Random Number Algorithm
By Jon Logan
Open Source Car / Ornithopter / Spiral Paraffin Molecules / Pocket FM Jammer / Lab Ball Lightning / Cheap Desktop Fabber
/ Plastic Strip Recordings / DCA Cancer Trials / Poor NASA / DIY Brain Trust / Giants In America / Google Hell / Treating The
Dead / Vacuum Gap Electronics / New Electron Wave / Hollow Earth Revisited / Silver Particle Clothing / Light, Matter, ZPE
/ Cheap Battery Source / Overunity Water Heater / Sixth Sense Radar / Word Finder / Quotes / Note to Self / 43 Uses for
WD-40 / Farmer Joe / Homeopathy Confirmed Empirically / He Put It Well / Near Disaster / Reader Response to Anomalous
Cooling / The Husband Store
Cover Story part 1 11 1
The DNA PHANTOM EFFECT: Direct Measurement
of A New Field in the Vacuum Substructure
by Dr. Vladimir Poponin
In this contribution I am going to describe some
observations and interpretations of a recently
discovered anomalous phenomenon which we are
calling the DNA Phantom Effect in Vitro or the
DNA Phantom for short. We believe this
discovery has tremendous significance for the
explanation and deeper understandings of the
mechanisms underlying subtle energy
phenomena including many of the observed
alternative healing phenomena [1,2]. This data
also supports the heart intelligence concept and
model developed by Doc Lew Childre [3,4]. (See
also contributions by Rollin McCraty and Glen
Rein in this volume).
(figure 1-
http://www.rialian.com/rnboyd/dnafig1.gif - ed)
This new phenomenonthe DNA phantom
effectwas first observed in Moscow at the
Russian Academy of Sciences as a surprise effect
during experiments measuring the vibrational
modes of DNA in solution using a sophisticated
and expensive MALVERN laser photon
correlation spectrometer (LPCS) [5]. These effects
were analyzed and interpreted by Gariaev and
Poponin [6].
The new feature that makes this discovery distinctly
different from many other previously undertaken
attempts to measure and identify subtle energy
fields [1] is that the field of the DNA phantom has
the ability to be coupled to conventional
electromagnetic fields of laser radiation and as a
consequence, it can be reliably detected and
positively identified using standard optical
Furthermore, it seems very plausible that the DNA
phantom effect is an example of subtle energy
manifestation in which direct human influence is
not involved. These experimental data provide us
not only quantitative data concerning the coupling
constant between the DNA phantom field and the
electromagnetic field of the laser light but also
provides qualitative and quantitative information
about the nonlinear dynamics of the phantom DNA
fields. Note that both types of data are crucial
for the development of a new unified nonlinear
quantum field theory which must include the
physical theory of consciousness and should be
based on a precise quantitative background.
The background leading to the discovery of the
DNA phantom and a description of the
experimental set up and conditions will be helpful.
A block diagram of the laser photon correlation
spectrometer used in these experiments is presented
in Figure 1.
In each set of experimental measurements with
DNA samples, several double control
measurements are performed. These measurements
are performed prior to the DNA being placed in the
scattering chamber. When the scattering chamber of
the LPCS is void of physical DNA, and neither are
there are any phantom DNA fields present, the
autocorrelation function of scattered light looks like
the one shown in Figure 2a. This typical control
plot represents only background random noise
counts of the photomultiplier. Note that the
intensity of the background noise counts is very
small and the distribution of the number of counts
per channel is close to random. Figure 2b
demonstrates a typical time autocorrelation function
when a physical DNA sample is placed in the
scattering chamber, and typically has the shape of
an oscillatory and slowly exponentially decaying
function. When the DNA is removed from the
scattering chamber, one anticipates that the
autocorrelation function will be the same as before
the DNA was placed in the scattering chamber.
Surprisingly and counter-intuitively it turns out that
the autocorrelation function measured just after the
removal of the DNA from the scattering chamber
looks distinctly different from the one obtained
before the DNA was placed in the chamber. Two
examples of the autocorrelation functions measured
just after the removal of the physical DNA are
shown in Figures 2c and d. After duplicating this
many times and checking the equipment in every
conceivable way, we were forced to accept the
working hypothesis that some new field structure is
being excited from the physical vacuum. We
termed this the DNA phantom in order to
emphasize that its origin is related with the physical
DNA. We have not yet observed this effect with
other substances in the chamber. After the
discovery of this effect we began a more rigorous
and continuous study of this phenomena. We have
found that, as long as the space in the scattering
chamber is not disturbed, we are able to measure
this effect for long periods of time. In several cases
we have observed it for up to a month. It is
important to emphasize that two conditions are
necessary in order to observe the DNA phantoms.
The first is the presence of the DNA molecule and
the second is the exposure of the DNA to weak
coherent laser radiation. This last condition has
been shown to work with two different frequencies
of laser radiation.
Perhaps the most important finding of these
experiments is that they provide an opportunity to
study the vacuum substructure on strictly scientific
and quantitative grounds. This is possible due to the
phantom fields intrinsic ability to couple with
conventional electromagnetic fields. The value of
the coupling constant between the DNA phantom
field and the electromagnetic field of the laser
radiation can be estimated from the intensity of
scattered light. The first preliminary set of
experiments carried out in Moscow and Stanford
have allowed us to reliably detect the phantom
effect; however, more measurements of the light
scattering from the DNA phantom fields are
necessary for a more precise determination of the
value of the EMF-DNA phantom field coupling
It is fortunate that the experimental data provides us
with qualitative and quantitative information about
the nonlinear dynamical properties of the phantom
DNA fields. Namely, these experimental data
suggest that localized excitations of DNA phantom
fields are long living and can exist in non-moving
and slowly propagating states. This type of
behavior is distinctly different from the behavior
demonstrated by other well known nonlinear
localized excitations such as solitons which are
currently considered to be the best explanation of
how vibrational energy propagates through the
It is a remarkable and striking coincidence that a
new class of localized solutions to anharmonic
Fermi-Pasta-Ulam lattice (FPU) - nonlinear
localized excitations (NLE), which have been
recently obtained [7], demonstrate very similar
dynamical features to those of the DNA phantom.
Nonlinear localized excitations predicted by the
FPU model also have unusually long life-times.
Furthermore, they can exist in both stationary or
slowly propagating forms. In Figure 3 (image
missing ed.), one example of a NLE is shown
which illustrates three stationary localized
excitations generated by numerical simulation using
the FPU model [7]. It is worthy to note that this
NLE has a surprisingly long life-time. Here, we
present only one of the many possible examples of
the patterns for stationary excitations which are
theoretically predicted. Slowly propagating and
long lived NLE are also predicted by this theory.
Note that the FPU model can successfully explain
the diversity and main features of the DNA
phantom dynamical patterns. This model is
suggested as the basis for a more general nonlinear
quantum theory which may explain many of the
observed subtle energy phenomena and eventually
could provide a physical theory of consciousness.
"Electric power is everywhere
present in unlimited quantities and
can drive the world's machinery
without the need of coal, oil, gas, or
any other of the common fuels."
- Nikola Tesla
"At any point and at any time, one
can freely and inexpensively extract
enormous EM energy flows directly
from the active vacuum itself."
-Tom Bearden
According to our current hypothesis, the DNA
phantom effect may be interpreted as a
manifestation of a new physical vacuum
substructure which has been previously overlooked.
It appears that this substructure can be excited from
the physical vacuum in a range of energies close to
zero energy provided certain specific conditions are
fulfilled which are specified above.
Furthermore, one can suggest that the DNA
phantom effect is a specific example of a more
general category of electromagnetic phantom
effects [8]. This suggests that the electromagnetic
phantom effect is a more fundamental
phenomenon which can be used to explain other
observed phantom effects including the phantom
leaf effect and the phantom limb [9].
Dr. Poponin is a quantum physicist who is
recognized world wide as a leading expert in
quantum biology, including the nonlinear dynamics
of DNA and the interactions of weak
electromagnetic fields with biological systems. He
is the Senior Research Scientist at the Institute of
Biochemical Physics of the Russian Academy of
Sciences and is currently working with the Institute
of HeartMath in a collaborative research project
between IHM and the RAS. He can be contacted at
Institute of HeartMath, Research Division, 14700
West Park Ave. Boulder Creek, CA 95006. Phone
408-338-8700, Fax 408-338-1182.
1. W.A. Tiller. What Are Subtle Energies? Journal of Scientific
Exploration. Vol.7, p.293-304 (1993).
2. G. Rein and R. McCraty. Structural Changes in Water and DNA
Associated with New Physiologically Measured States. Journal of
Scientific Exploration. Vol.8, 3 p.438 (1994).
3. D.L. Childre. Self Empowerment. Boulder Creek: Planetary
Publications, 1992.
4. S. Paddison. The Hidden Power of the Heart. Boulder Creek:
Planetary Publications, 1992.
5. P.P. Gariaev, K.V. Grigorev, A.A. Vasilev, V.P. Poponin and V.A.
Shcheglov. Investigation of the Fluctuation Dynamics of DNA Solutions
by Laser Correlation Spectroscopy. Bulletin of the Lebedev Physics
Institute, n. 11-12, p. 23-30 (1992).
6. P.P. Gariaev and V.P. Poponin. Vacuum DNA phantom effect in vitro
and its possible rational explanation. Nanobiology 1995 (in press).
7. V.P. Poponin. Modeling of NLE dynamics in one dimensional
anharmonic FPU-lattice. Physics Letters A. (in press). 8. V. Tatur. The
secrets of new thinking. Progress Publisher, Moscow, 1990, 200 p.
9. J. K. Chouldhury et al., J. Inst. Eng. (India). 1979, v. 60, Pt EL3, p.
Cover Story part 2 TOC
The DNA-wave Biocomputer
Peter P. Gariaev*, Boris I. Birshtein*, Alexander M. Iarochenko*, Peter
J. Marcer**,
George G. Tertishny*, Katherine A. Leonova*, Uwe Kaempf ***.
Institute Control of Sciences Russian Academy of
Sciences, Moscow, Russia gariaev@aha.ru ,
http://www.aha.ru/~gariaev , and
Wave Genetics Inc. 87 Scollard Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5R
gariaev@wavegenetics.com ,
**53 Old Vicarage Green, Keynsham, Bristol, BS31 2DH, UK,
petermarcer@aikido.freeserve.co.uk ,
http://www.bcs.org.uk/cybergroup.htm. .
*** Institut f. Klinische, Diagnostische und Differentielle Psychologie-
Am Falkenbrunnen - D-01062 Dresden TU, Dresden, Germany,
This paper reports experimental work carried out in
Moscow at the Institute of Control Sciences, Wave
Genetics Inc. and theoretical work from several
sources. This work changes the notion about the
genetic code essentially. It asserts: -
1) That the evolution of biosystems has created
genetic texts, similar to natural context
dependent texts in human languages, shaping
the text of these speech-like patterns.
2) That the chromosome apparatus acts
simultaneously both as a source and receiver of
these genetic texts, respectively decoding and
encoding them, and
3) That the chromosome continuum of
multicellular organisms is analogous to a static-
dynamical multiplex time-space holographic
grating, which comprises the space-time of an
organism in a convoluted form.
That is to say, the DNA action, theory predicts and
which experiment confirms,
i) is that of a gene-sign laser and its solitonic
electro-acoustic fields, such that the gene-
biocomputer reads and understands these
texts in a manner similar to human thinking, but
at its own genomic level of reasoning. It
asserts that natural human texts (irrespectively
of the language used), and genetic texts have
similar mathematical-linguistic and entropic-
statistic characteristics, where these concern the
fractality of the distribution of the character
frequency density in the natural and genetic
texts, and where in case of genetic texts, the
characters are identified with the nucleotides,
and ii) that DNA molecules, conceived as a
gene-sign continuum of any biosystem, are able
to form holographic pre-images of biostructures
and of the organism as a whole as a registry of
dynamical wave copies or matrixes,
succeeding each other. This continuum is the
measuring, calibrating field for constructing its
Keywords: DNA, wave-biocomputer, genetic code,
human language, quantum holography.
1. What Theory Predicts.
1.1 Introduction.
How did this new theory take shape? The principle
problem of the creation of the genetic code, as seen
in all the approaches [Gariaev 1994; Fatmi et al.
1990; Perez 1991: Clement et al. 1993; Marcer,
Schempp 1996; Patel, 2000] was to explain the
mechanism by means of which a third nucleotide in
an encoding triplet, is selected. To understand, what
kind of mechanism resolves this typically linguistic
problem of removing homonym indefiniteness, it is
necessary firstly to postulate a mechanism for the
context-wave orientations of ribosomes in order to
resolve the problem of a precise selection of amino
acid during protein synthesis [Maslow, Gariaev
1994]. This requires that some general
informational intermediator function with a very
small capacity, within the process of convolution
versus development of sign regulative patterns of
the genome-biocomputer endogenous physical
fields. It lead to the conceptualization of the
genomes associative-holographic memory and its
quantum nonlocality. These assumptions produce a
chromosome apparatus and fast wave genetic
information channels connecting the chromosomes
of the separate cells of an organism into a holistic
continuum, working as the biocomputer, where one
of the field types produced by the chromosomes,
are their radiations. This postulated capability of
such laser radiations from chromosomes and
DNA, as will be shown, has already been
demonstrated experimentally in Moscow, by the
Gariaev Group. Thus it seems the accepted notions
about the genetic code must change fundamentally,
and in doing so it will be not only be possible to
create and understand DNA as a wave biocomputer,
but to gain from nature a more fundamental
understanding of what information [Marcer in
press] really is! For the Gariaev Groups
experiments in Moscow and Toronto say that the
current understanding of genomic information i.e.
the genetic code, is only half the story [Marcer this
1.2 What experiment confirms, part one.
These wave approaches all require that the
fundamental property of the chromosome apparatus
is the nonlocality of the genetic information. In
particular, quantum nonlocality/teleportation within
the framework of concepts introduced by Einstein,
Podolsky and Rosen (EPR) [Sudbery 1997;
Bouwmeester et al.1997]. This quantum nonlocality
has now, by the experimental work of the Gariaev
Group, been directly related (i) to laser radiations
from chromosomes, (ii) to the ability of the
chromosome to gyrate the polarization plane of its
own radiated and occluded photons and (iii) to the
suspected ability of chromosomes, to transform
their own genetic-sign laser radiations into
broadband genetic-sign radio waves. In the latter
case, the polarizations of chromosome laser
photons are connected nonlocally and coherently to
polarizations of radio waves. Partially, this was
proved during experiments in vitro, when the DNA
preparations interplaying with a laser beam