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Books To Be Read

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Hi!! , Your chances of doing FANTASTIC in this modern world increase multi-fold; if you adopt the 3R approach.

3R is Running, Reading and Relaxing. Let me start with the last R. If your mind is not relaxed; I mean, if it is always involved in trivial issuesyou will never get a good productivity , out of your day. So, learn to rise above superficial issues in life as people issues, small stuff etc. Running leads to an energy reservoir within you. Moreover, the old saying A healthy body leads to a healthy mind. You need energy for everything in your life. All successful people are / have been energetic. Can you recall the name of even a single successful person who was lazy and less energetic? No..naa !! So, Run and run hard. At least , for half an hour in a day 7 days a week. Reading, builds 1) smartness and 2) perspectives in life. Try doing it youll understand, what I wrote. It is a habit. We are nothing, but creatures of our own habits. The better habits we have, the better we become. Reading will give you that notorious confidence to 1) understand and 2) live life better. Our problem is not that we are poor readers; it is that we are inefficient readers. Smart Reading doesnt take much time to do. I am enlisting the names of a few books below. All are eclectically chosen, keeping you in mind. Almost all the recommendations have been made out of my personal reading experience or from the experiences of some of my very close friends who themselves are very good readers. The intent is bi-fold: 1) exposing your mind to a variegated genre of reading 2) get you addicted into reading as a habit; which in the long run will make you a better human being. Youll not only enjoy reading them; but also be able to build your mental muscles. Be a disparate reader. Be a ravenous reader. More importantly BE A READER... My best wishes, Akash


Akash Gautam Training Solutions - Motivating | Training | Career Mentoring


Who says Elephants cant Dance : Louis Gerstner Who moved my Cheese : Dr. Spencer Johnson Make sure you read every week the case studies of Business World. The seven habits of highly effective people : Stephen R Covey How to win friends & influence people : Dale Carnegie Think & Grow Rich : Napolean Hill (Must read) Winning : Jack Welch The Art of War by Sun Tzu Six Thinking Hats by Edward de Bono Built to Last : Jim Collins Influence: The psychology of persuasion by Robert Cialdini The Wal-Mart effect : Charles Fishman Losing my Virginity : Richard Branson The Culting of Brands: Douglas Atkin Emotional Design ; Donald A Norman The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing : Al Ries, Jack Trout I am right , You are Wrong- Edward de Bono. The GOAL Eliyahu and Goldratt Cox ( A must read). The 80/20 Principle Richard Koch. Small is beautiful- EF Schumacher Maverick- Ricardo semler. Pepsi to apple- John Sculley. Hit and Run- Nancy Griffin and Kim Masters. Emotional Intelligence- Daniel Goleman.

FICTION / LITERATURE /ABSTRUSE READING :Level 1 Who moved my cheese The Monk who sold his Ferrari Any book by Agatha Christie Any book by Sidney Sheldon Any book by Chetan Bhagat Animal Farm (George Orwell) ( Must Must Read) Twilight (Stephanie Meyer)

Akash Gautam Training Solutions - Motivating | Training | Career Mentoring

Level 2Any book by Jeffery Archer Any book by John Grisham (King of the torts, The Rainmaker etc.) (Legal Fiction) Any book by Arthur Hailey (Airport, Hotel) (Service Sector Fiction) The White Tiger ( Arvind Adiga) The Godfather (Mario Puzo) 1984 (George Orwell) Foundation (Isac Asimov) (Astronomy Fiction) Any book by Robert Ludlum Any book by Robin Cook (Medical Fiction) Level 3 Any book by Amitav Ghosh (The Hungry Tide, The Calcutta Chromosome, The sea of poppies) Any book by Jhumpa Lahiri (The namesake, Interpreter of Maladies) Any book by Frederick Forsyth ( the Icon, The Afghan etc.) The God of small things (Arundhati Roy) The Great Expectations or A tale of two cities Charles Dickens. Stories by O.Henry. A book of English Essays (Penguin classics). Black Beauty Anna Sewell. Level 4 Any book by Salman Rushdie (Midnight Children, The Enchantress of Florence, Shalimar the clown) Any book by Orhan Pamuk (Snow, my name is red, Museum of Innocence etc.) Any book by Franz Kafka (The trial, Metamorphosis etc.) The secret pilgrim - Joseph Heller. Beloved Toni Morrison . By the sea Abdulrazak Gurnah. The eighth commandment- Lawrence Sanders. The romantic Manifesto or The virtue of selfishness or Capitalism :the unknown ideal or The Fountainhead Ayn Rand. The dialogues of Plato- (Batnam books) . The third wave or Future shock or Powershift - Alvin Toffler.
Akash Gautam Training Solutions - Motivating | Training | Career Mentoring


The Starfish & the Spider : Brafman & Breckstrom Built to Last : Jim Collins Leading Change : John Kotter The Leadership Dojo : Richard Srozzi The Tipping Point : Malcolm Gladwell Outsmart : Jim Champy Love is the killer App : Tim Sanders The One minute Manager : Kenneth Blanchard True North : Bill George First, Break all the Rules : Buckingham & Coffman The Compassionate Samurai : Brian Klemmer


The greatness of Saturn Robert.E.Svoboda Chariots of God Erich Von Daniken The prophecies of Nostradmus Erika Cheetham.


Genius- James Gleick E=mc2 - David Thomson Genetic engineering Mae wan ho Germs the ultimate weapon- Judith miller. Men from stone age to clone age- John Madeley. 1) The human zoo and 2) The naked ape Desmond Morris. 1) The tao of physics and 2) The turning point or 3) The web of life Fritz o Capra.


Sophies World : Jostein Gaarder ( A must read History + Philosophy book) Taliban- Ahmed Rashid . Long walk to Freedom- Nelson Mandela. The autobiography of an unknown Indian- Nirad C. Chaudhary. Discovery of India Nehru(chacha). Europe since Napoleon- David Thomson. Burma The curse of independence- Shelby Tucker . Memories of Madness: Stories of 1947 Penguin publishers. Indias struggle for independence- Bipan Chandra.
Akash Gautam Training Solutions - Motivating | Training | Career Mentoring


Freakonomics : Levitt & Dubner The black economy in India- Arun Kumar . The price of onions Ashok V. Desai. Hungry for trade John Madeley.(Penguin).


Bhagwat Geeta ; Any Commentary The Power of Intention : Dr.Wayne Dyer My decision to Live : Nader Elguindi Stop Whining, Start Living : Dr. Laura Schlessinger The Last Lecture : Randy Pausch The Power of Positive Thinking : Dr. Norman Vincent Peale The Monk who sold his Ferrari : Robin Sharma Awaken the Giant within : Athony Robbins The Power of Now ; Eckhart Tolle


Autobiography of a Yogi Parmahansa Yogananda Hitler Ian Kershaw. Iacocca Lee Iacoca. Business legends Gita Piramal. The diary of a young girl Anne Frank


An unquiet mind Kay Redfield. Creativity- Mihaly Csikszentmihaly. Them- Jon Ronson. Emotional Alchemy- Tara Bennet. Zen and the art of Motorcycle maintenance. Awaken the giant Alchemist Think and grow rich His call to the nature Doctors The conquest of happiness
Akash Gautam Training Solutions - Motivating | Training | Career Mentoring

Unlimited power The fifth Dicipline See u at the top Who moved my chesse One minute manager

Akash Gautam Training Solutions - Motivating | Training | Career Mentoring

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