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ASTROLOGY, FOR ALL TO WHICH IS ADDED A COMPLETE SYSTEM OF PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY FOR ADVANCED STUDENTS BY ALAN LEO “ Be humble if thou would’st attain to Wisdom, Be humbler still when Wisdom thou hast mastered.” Voice of the Silence, Postisieo at 9, Lyncrort Ganens, West Hampsteap, Lonpox, N.W. 1899 (AU rights reserved L. is. Fowser & Co., % Dormaus Avan, Loveare Onova,LHS HARVARD COLLEGE LIBRARY DEXTER FUND ase Spay. INTRODUCTION : Many attempts have been made to bring the study of Astrology within the reach of all persons endowed with an active mind; but, owing to the magnitude of the subject, and the great amount of time and labour required to reduce a metaphysical science into terms of natural philosophy, the object has hitherto been only partly achieved. In the present work a final attempt is made by the author to reach the multitude of earnest and thinking searchers after truth ; whose numbers are steadily increasing, and especially those who wish to have some practical demonstration of the widespread belief that a wise Ruler is behind all manifestation of life, guiding and influencing humanity towards a perfect ending—the Millennium—in which perfec- n is the goal. The day is past for writing a defence of Astrology, ahd no amount of argument will ever convince the sceptic, who is either too perverse or too indolent to investigate so grand a science as Astrology, a science which explains the law that governs all things. The best test that can be applied to this, as to all other subjects where first hand knowledge is required, is that of experience. Reason, thought, and experience are the basis upon which the system adopted in this work is built. The ripened fruit of many years’ toil and practice are offered to those who are sufficiently thirsty for the knowledge that Astrology brings to mankind, and the main object of the present publication is that of ‘satisfying a demand made by the growing students of Astrology for more light. Astrotocy is the oldest of all sciences. Its history can be traced so far into the past that it becomes a hopeless task to actually dis: cover when and where it had its origin. From Babylonia and the Chaldeans we find a belief in Astrology spreading throughout the whole world. Once the religion of a great and mighty race, it taught its people wisely, lifting their aspirations by faith, hope and rever- ence through the media of the planetary spirits to the supreme One and Universal Spirit, the Logos of the solar system. Since the days of happy Chaldea, whose wise priests by the ex- pansion of their consciousness could reach the shining ones, the star of Astrology appears to have waned, and for the multitude to have entirely disappeared. Its rediscovery is due to the spiritual activity that is again reviving the wisdom religion taught by Pythagoras and his earnest followers, and now once again we hope to see the star of stars slowly rising te again shine in all the splendour ofits beneficent jory. een Berésus, the Chaldean priest, to whom a statue with a gilt tongue was erected at Athens, translated the Illumination of Bel, an early Babylonian work, and introduced Astrology into Greece. The Greeks held the old traditions for a time, but it became more an art than a science with them, and had so far waned that little trace of the original Astrology can be found, and it was left to the Romans to finally destroy the litle life that was left in it as an exoteric study.N iv INTRODUCTION In spite of strong governmental opposition it flourished in the early days of the Roman Empire, but through the pandering of its exponents to political exigencies it became corrupted, and sank into what was known as judicial Astrology, finally becoming nothing more than a form of divination by which horoscopes were cast for the hour. By this time the knowledge of Uranus, the astrologer's star, had entirely disappeared, and substitutes were used in horary Astrology to supply the place of the mystic planet ; the old traditions were also lost, or became so corrupted and distorted, that Astrology could no longer be called a science, but a miserable form of fortune-telling divination. To restore the Astrology of the Chaldeans is the only hope that is left for all who would make Astrology a practical and beneficial study. With all due respect to the modern exponents of the science, we are bound to admit that their study has been mixed with too many terms and definitions belonging to horary Astrology, a system from which no comparisons can be drawn when considering the methods of astrological practice taught by the wise men of the east. The discoveries of Egyptologists prove that the Egyptians had no claim to the invention of Astrology, they were taught by the Chal- dean priests, who believed that “An affinity existed between the stars and the souls of men; that the ethereal essence is Divine; that the souls of men are taken from this reservoir, and return to it at death ; and that the souls of the more eminent of mankind are converted into stars.” With them, “the soul was a spark taken from the stellar essence,” a belief held also by the great Pythagoras. ‘When we come to consider that Astrology was the beginning of most that we hold valuable in art, literature, religion and science, and know that the constellations were our first pictures, also that astronomy, and toa certain extent mathematics, sprang from Chaldean Astrology, we may judge of its value to bunianity, and wonder not at its survival amidst the fall of nations and decline of mighty races. The truth can never be destroyed, and when we recognise in Astrology the law of the Supreme Ruler of our solar system, we need some cotirage (to say nothing of mental ability,) before we commence the task of learning the harmony of that law; and yet, the same energy that is expended in seeking to refute it, if turned in the direc- tion of learning its first principles, would unbar the gate that leads to its understanding. For the first time since the glorious days of wise Chaldea, an attempt is made in the following pages to place before the world the true Chaldean system of Astrology, freed from the limi- tations of bigotry, prejudice and selfish motives. That truth has been preserved in its symbology, and so plain are its symbols that he who runs can read. The time has come to again reveal the hidden meaning concealed so long in circle, cross, and star. We have com- menced the task in these pages, by removing some of the débris that has fallen around the title during the past ages, and one desire alone prompts our writing, the desire to serve humanity, and give to those who possess an eager intellect and a pure love of truth, some of the crumbs that have fallen from the table of those wise occultists whom the author is truly grateful to know as teachers.Astrology for All CHAPTER I. First Steps.—AsrRoNomy. Berore entering upon a study of Astrology it is advisable to have some clear ideas concerning the Solar System, and these may be obtained without going into all the elaborate details connected with Astronomy. A general understanding of its broad outlines is there- fore all that is necessary, and without becoming proficient in mathe- matics anyone of ordinary education may follow quite easily all we shall have to say upon the subject. Astronomy gives a knowledge of the celestial bodies, their magnitudes, motions, distances, periods, eclipses, size, weight, order, etc., and generally takes us beyond the solar system far away in space, amid the fixed stars, which are now, by nearly all astronomers, believed to be central suns of other solar systems. The Universe contains an infinite number of these solar systems, each more or less great than our own, When we realise this the vision must widen, our minds expand, and our hearts be- come filled with wonder and reverence for that Great Supreme and unknowable Power, that is the primary cause of all the glory that fills space, and supports the grand whole. But no amount of specu- lation concerning other solar systems can reveal the true state of things in the broad expanse of the heavens. It, therefore, becomes more profitable to us, at our present stage, to confine our attention to the solar system of which we form a part, leaving the fixed stars, with their immense distances and magnitude, out of our consideration, If we draw a circle and consider it the boundary of all the space within, and place in the centre a single dot, we shall have focussed our attention upon a miniature copy of ourselves in space. If we could now expand our imagination and think of our Sun as being in the centre of an enormous ring, the boundary circle extending millions of miles into space, embracing the whole solar system, we might begin to realise what the circumference of a solar system means. It will be well to ponder over this wonderful system. In the days of Chaldea2 ASTROLOGY FOR ALL the Sun was recognised as the home and source of the primal energy, from which came all life and light, being the prime moving spirit, in fact the centre, or as we would term it for practical purposes, the body of the Logos of the solar system. From this glorious body radiates the light which illuminates the whole system, and there can be no grander conception of God than this idea of the Logos who sustains the whole of His universe through His manifestation. “In Him we live, and move, and have our being,” truly. All narrow and bigoted conceptions of religion must fade into in- significance when we realise that the Sun is the light, and the life, of the whole system. Can we wonder at the Chaldeans’ worship of the Sun when they knew that the Father pours forth His spirit over the whole world; they worshipped that Spirit, seeking to become filled with it by such love and devotion as we now seem to be incapable of ; their civi- lisation was at its height thousands of years ago, for time is past our reckoning when dealing with the stars and evolution. It is now astronomically accepted that the whole solar system was a vast heated nebulous mass which, cooling down, threw off huge portions, finally becoming planets or worlds, forming a complete system of worlds revolving round the Sun. We cannot fully estimate what we owe to Pythagoras, who upheld the belief that the Sun was at rest at the centre of the uni- verse, and that the heavenly bodies all moved round that centre. This knowledge he had gained from the Chaldeans, but it was not generally accepted, and that which is known as the Ptolemaic system later on became firmly established, and so strong a hold had this idea upon the people about the year 1500, that it was first folly, then mad. ness, and finally impious heresy, to assert that the earth was not stationary. About the year 1507 Copernicus began to restore the Pytha- gorean system, completing his work about thirty years later. But Europe was now under the bondage of prejudice and ignorance, and the same fate awaited this genius as that afforded to other great philo- sophers, and the revived system met with nothing but opposition, and later, Galileo, the champion of the Copernican doctrine, through religi- ous bigotry, was made to renounce his belief before the Inquisition. Yet Galileo persevered and wrote his celebrated Dialogues, which had theirASTROLOGY FOR ALL 3 alter effect, but at the time, reawakened the anger of the Inquisitors, and.at seventy years of age Galileo was brought before that dread tribunal and escaped the fatal penalty only to be imprisoned in one of their loathsome dungeons, where, to save his life, at Rome in the Con- vent of Minerva, on June 2and, 1633, he signed a document, in which he professes “ with sincere heart and faith unfeigned to abjure, execrate and detest the error and heresy of believing and teaching that the Sun is the centre of the world and immovable, and that the earth is . not the centre, and moves, a doctrine repugnant to Holy Scripture. But the good work had begun, and the reformation finished it, and in our time we are returning to the truths taught thousands of years ago. Astrology has always been based upon the fact that the Sun is the centre of the solar system. It could not bea solar sys- tem otherwise. Revolving round the Sun, then, we have several planets. The first is yet to be discovered by astronomers, called Vulcan. Then Mercury, who performs a revolution round the Sun in 88 days, 234 hours, which makes the length of his year. The distance of this planet from the Sun is about thirty-six million miles; he is a small planet shining with a pale bluish light, but he is never more than about 30 degrees from the Sun, and is, therefore, rarely visible to thenakedeye. This planet was typically known as Hermes, also as the winged Messenger of the Gods, by the mythologists. The Chaldeans called him Nebo, and he has always been the planet of warning. It is interesting to note that this planet is destined to be- come the future physical home for the majority of our humanity, and he belongs to our chain of worlds. His symbol is made‘thus 3 Vemiis, next in order from the Sun, is nearly sixty-seven million miles distant from the centre, and makes one annual revolution in 224 days, 17 hours; the length of this planet's day is almost similar to our own. She is the bright evening star, often seen about sunset, and when she rises before the Sun she.is the morning star. We learn from those more advanced that she is inhabited, and her humanity has advanced to a very high stage toward perfection : for each planet is a physical world for the purpose of evolution, as we shall learn later. Venus was known as Aphrodite—when the morning star as Lucifer, and at (>) evening Vesper. Her symbol isa circle surmount- ing the cross. Q ‘The Earth is the next in order of the planets and our distance is4 ASTROLOGY FOR ALL about ninety-two million miles from the Sun. The earth moves once round the Sun in what we know in time as one year, and also rotates upon her own axis once in 24 hours; this is important to remember. There is also another motion which arises from the precession of the equinoxes, which is equal to about 50 seconds in a year. There is also the decrease in the obliquity of the ecliptic of about 52 seconds in a century. ‘The earth is surrounded by a substance of mixed gases called the atmosphere, by which light is reflected and dispersed. This atmosphere, from being dense at the surface, becomes more rarefied as distance increases. In this atmosphere, or air, we breathe, and in it arise the phenomena of lightning, thunder, wind and rain. The clouds are the vapours which rise from the earth and these condense, to fall in showers, as their specific gravity is then greater than that of the atmosphere. The earth was known as Rhea, and the symbol is a cross within a circle @. The Moon is a satellite of the earth, making a revolution around us in an elliptical orbit in 29} days, she also appears to revolve from one point in the heavens to the same point again in 27 days, 7 hours, 43 minutes; she is 240,000 miles from the earth. The Moon is an important body in Astrology, and should be very carefully studied astronomically. The Moon may be called the mother of the earth, for all life that once existed there, together with its water and atmosphere, has been drawn off by the earth, the Moon being the physical globe in a past chain of worlds connected with our evolution ; she has been best known as Luna or Isis. Her symbol is the half-circle or the crescent, Next to our earth is the planet Mars, who is about 139 million miles from the Sun, has a year of 687 of our days, and his day is about 45 minutes longer than our own. He has been known as the god of war and hunting, and by the names of Ares and Nimrod; his mission appears to have been 4 to dispel terror and fear. His symbol is the circle under the cross This planet belongs to our chain of worlds. ‘The circles of the Asteroids come next, the principal planets, which are small, being Vesta, Juno, Ceres, and Pallas. The swarm of Asteroids are said to be raw material for another planetary system. Next we come to the largest orb next to the Sun in our solar system, Jupiter, who is about 475 million miles from the centre, andASTROLOGY FOR ALL 5 takes twelve years in going round the Sun; his day consists of about ten hours. Jupiter is the next brightest planet to Venus, and is accompanied by four satellites. It is in course of preparation for its humanity, being at present uninhabited. This planet has been known as Zeus, his symbol is the half circle over the ¥ cross. . Saturn, the next planet in order, is 877 million miles from the centre, and he takes nearly thirty years to revolve round the Sun; the length of his day is over twelve hours, he is surrounded by rings, 5 andnine Moons. Saturn was the son of Uranus, and was known as Chronos. His symbol is the half circle under the cross. Beyond Saturn is Uranus, commonly called Herschel after its re-discoverer. His distance from the Sun is about 1,754 million miles; he revolves round the solar orb once in 84 of our years, being accom- panied by six satellites. He was known as Ouranus. Next to Uranus comes Neptune, the most distant planet as yet discovered, who revolves round the Sun at a distance of about 2,747 millions of miles, and his year is equal to 165 of our years. Beyond Neptune there are two other planets, as yet unknown to physical science. Astronomical TABLE °F stance trou the Length of | Hourly Name of Planet’ gS Diameter. | Rotat Bay. | Orbit? | toons. Mites. Miles. | Days. |Hrs. Mins,| Miles. Mercury - '¥ 35,392,000] 2,900 88 | 24 § |105,000 | 0 Venus” - 9 — 66.131,500/ 7,510 | 225 | 2321 | 77,050 | 0 TheEarth @ — y1.430,200| 7.913 3654/24 0 65.533 Mars = 13) 139.312,200/ 4.920 | 687 | 24 37 | 53,0902 Jupiter - Y' 475,693,100) 88,390 | 4.333 | 9 55 | 28744 + Saturn ©, B721134600| 711900 | 10939 | 1039 | 202at | 9 Uranus - | 1,7531851,000| 33.000 | 30.687 | 9 30 | 14.063 | 4 Neptune - ! 2,746.271.200| 36.000 | 60,127 | —~ | 1958 | 1 The Earth's mean distance from the Moon 238,000 mi The variation of distance of the Moon fron the Earth is 26.000 miles, whilst that of the th from the Sun is 3,500.00 miles. 46 ASTROLOGY FOR ALL CHAPTER II Tue EartH axp THE Zoviac Tue Earth revolves around the Sun, making one complete circuit around that centre m a period of 3653 days, which we term one year. In this revolution round the Sun, the solar orb is seen from the earth through one of the twelve signs of the zodiac. The astronomi- cal and astrological year commences about the 21st of March in each year, at this time the Sun is said to enter the sign Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, and then passes through the whole twelve signs con- tained in the 360 degrees of the ‘cle; this journey of the earth around the Sun which causes that luminary to appear in these signs each month takes a period of a little over 365 days. This marks off one distinct division so far as the zodiac is concerned, and gives us the primary considerations of the signs through which the Sun's ray passes, and by this we judge the internal or individual characteristics of the person born in that particular month ; this gives us twelve kinds of people, twelve types that stand out very clearly and definite, the definiteness being the more marked as the Sun's rays pass through the middle degrees of each sign, a sign consisting of exactly 30 degrees. The earth also revolves once upon her own axis every 24 hours, and this causes each portion of the earth to pass through the whole twelve signs of the zodiac once in each day of 24 hours, a fresh sign rising upon the ascendant at the place of birth every two hours, and one separate degree of the zodiac every four minutes ; by this we have an entirely different individual born every four minutes in time. It should be remembered that time and space are described in terms of minutes and degrees respectively. Every four minutes of time equals 1 degree in space, thus every 15 degrees in space aré equal to one hour in time, and 30 degrees, or one whole sign of the zodiac, equals two hours in time, and from this it will be seen that a given point on the earth will be two hours in passing through one sign of the zodiac, but the Sun takes one month to pass through the sign. It can now be seen that the earth is one day of 24 hours passing through the zodiac containing twelve signs, and the Sun takes one year to pass through the circle. These two separate apparent motions of the earth and Sun must be clearly thought out, and theASTROLOGY FOR ALL 7 astronomical fact of the two revolutions of the earth remembered ; once round the Sun, and once upon her own axis, the former taking a year of twelve months, and the latter a day of 24 hours; “a day is asa year in the sight of the Lord.” There is still another motion through the zodiac which we must consider, making three motions: in all—that is, the motion of the Moon around the earth, once every lunar month of 28 days. The Moon takes 2} days to pass through each sign, making the complete circuit in a mooneth or lunar month, a consideration that we will take up later on. It must be now clearly understood that there are three very im- portant considerations with regard to the signs of the zodiac. First, the position of the Sun each month, caused by the annual revolution of the earth round the Sun, passing through the signs each month, given in detail at the end of this chapter. Secondly, the Moon's place in the zodiac each month; and finally, the earth’s daily revolu- tion upon her own axis. ‘The zodiac is one of the most important factors to become thor- oughly acquainted with, this being the track, or belt, through which all the planets pass ; it is commonly known as the ecliptic, cutting, as it were, the equator at the spot that is called the first point of Aries. The signs of the zodiac should never be confused with the twelve con- stellations of the same name; at certain periods of the world’s evo- lution the signs and the constellations correspond, but this will be thoroughly explained in its proper place. The diagram, the signs of the zodiac, and the paragraph that follows them should now be well studied.8 ASTROLOGY FOR ALL The twelve zodiacal signs and their symbols are :— A. © Aries B. « Libra ¥ Taurus) Northern im Scorpio * ) Southern un Gemini! Signs t Sagittarius | Signs @ Cancer [Spring and vy Capricorn ;Autumn and & Leo ‘Summer = Aquarius | Winter mm Virgo % Pisces N.B.—The Signs are not bodies, but spaces of thirty degrees each, and divide the Ecliptic, or apparent track of the planets round the earth, into twelve equal parts ; and the measurement of both this Circle and the Equator begins when they cross each other as the Sun ascends northward; consequently we measure the distance from that point (called the Vernal Equinox, or first point of Aries) on the Ecliptic, and call it Longitude. Ifa Star be a little North or South of the Ecliptic, or Sun's apparent track, we call the distance from the Ecliptic Latitude. The Longitude of the Stars is measured by signs and degrees, but on the Equator by degrees only, which is called right Ascension; and their distance from the Equator is called Declination. The measurement of this zone or belt extending 224 degrees on each side of the Ecliptic called the zodiac is by seconds, minutes, degrees and signs as follows :— 60 Seconds(") = - 1 Minute (’) 60 Minutes - + 1 Degree (°) 30 Degrees = +1 Sign 60 ” 7 - 1 Sextant go - + 1 Quadrant or Right Angle 3604s - + 1 Circle or Circumference The Sun appears to enter the various signs of the zodiac on the dates given in the following table, which should be committed to memory. Six Sow arrears To ENTER AND Leaves *y Antes, the Ram 5 - March ar April 19) 5 8 Taurus, the Bull : - April 20 May 204 Spring a Gemini, the Twins - May 21 June 21 ens @ Cancer, the Crab + June 21 July 22) « Leo, the Lion ; ; fy eae ae coed ny Virco, the Virgin : - Aug. 23 Sept. 23! “!6ns ~ Lira, the Balance - - Sept. 23 Oct. 23) \veumn m Scorpio, the Scorpion - + Oct. 23 Nov. 22, Agtum $ Sacirrarius, the Archer - Nov. 20 Dec. 21! > ¥3 Capricornus, the Goat = Dec ar fam. 20) wy = Aquarius, the Water-bearer - Jan. 20 Feb. 19 ® Pisces, the Fishes - + Feb, 19 March 21ASTROLOGY FOR ALL 9 CHAPTER IIL. Tue Sun anp THE Zopiac Tue Sun is the centre of all life, force or energy, and represents the Positive and primal fount of all existence. In the Sun are con- tained all the colours of the solar spectrum. Every form of existence manifesting in the solar system is bathed in the solar rays, from which is drawn the life that is at the centre of its existence, all of which may be summed up in the term “ Positive Life.” The Moon represents the Negative influence, her light being that which is borrowed from the Sun, having no light of her own, except that which she collects as a reflector. These two great principles of positive and negative are symbols of the spirit and soul; the father and mother. The former is the constructive, energising, and creative principle, the latter the preserv- ing, moulding, and formative condition. The Sun is the root of all things in manifestation, without the Sun there would be no life, light, heat or motion in the physical world. In occultism the Sun is known as the vehicle or body of the Logos of the solar system, therefore as the highest physical and mental influence that we can know, while using our brain consciousness as a means of cognition. There is but one life, and that the life of the Logos. We, as units, are bathed in that owe life, ‘In Him we live and move, and have our being.” The planetary spirits and the planetary bodies have their own specialised forms of this one life, and, humanity in its turn, holds this life in a separate form while moving in the great whole. The holding of this life, or consciousness, constitutes the individual, who individualises the special ray of the great All-consciousness, and thus knows himself as I, the Ego. It is this specialisation of the rays of consciousness, or solar life, that makes the individuality. This work of building up the individuality, as it is called, has taken vast cycles of time to accomplish, requiring many earth lives and phy- sical embodiments to produce the wonderful results that we are familiar with to-day. Potentially we are sons of God, a spark from the great flame, sent forth from the bosom of the Father to become like unto Him, each to acquire a definite self-consciousness and main- tain a separate centre from which the individual creative powers may become manifest. When this great truth is realised, we shall0 ASTROLOGY FOR ALL understand the meaning of the word sacrifice, and turn our thoughts in adoration and devotion to those Great Ones who have guided us in this grand scheme of evolution to the point of self-consciousness. The Sun may stand to us as a symbol of spirit, and the Moon as matter, the two acting in unison as spirit-matter, or life and form. It we can think of these two factors as positive and negative, we shall find it easier to understand all that follows with regard to planetary influence, as it is called. ‘The one great power and central principle is the Sun, and all other symbols are but representatives of the modifications of this universal principle. Each planetary system will be, so to speak, a modification of the consciousness of the logos. Each isa centre of life and force in the solar system. The zodiac, as explained in the last chapter, is divided into twelve equal parts called signs of ‘the zodiac, each containing thirty degrees of space. It is in reality an imaginary circle passing round the earth in the plane of the equator, the first point being called Aries 0°. These twelve signs are positive and negative alternately, in their nature, and contain a certain specialised influence of their own, each having a lord or ruler from which the nature of its influence is ob- tained. In the following diagram the nature of these signs are indicated. Poatve Sign. Negative Sign. Aris = — Taurus Gemini om Cancer Leo 2 Virgo Libra. % — Scorpio Sagittarius # Capricorn Aquarius = Pisces We now come to a very important part of our study, in which we consider the Sun's apparent passage through the twelve signs ofASTROLOGY FOR ALL qr the zodiac, caused by the earth's rotation round the Sun. From the Sun's position each month we may judge of the character of each individual, and we shall learn that, more or less, each person born during the period in which the sun passes through a particular sign of the zodiac will take on the character- istics as delineated in the following chapter. This will in- dicate the character of the InpiviuaL then born, and by the same rule when the Moon is found in these signs at birth the Person- auity will be described. Later on we shall explain the planetary influence in each sign, and also extend the main features of this chapter into greater detail, fully explaining the above diagram. CHAPTER Iv. ‘Tue INpIVIDUAL AND PERSONAL CHARACTER OF THE SIGN ARIES ~ March 20th to April 20th Tuts sign governs the head and face, hence the consciousness making the character of the Aries individual will always express itself through the head ; this sign is the head of the fiery triplicity, and belongs to the cardinal signs. We find persons born under the rule of this sign always looking forward, they are leaders in ideals and pioneers of advanced thought. They have great mental energy but are inclined to be very headstrong and impulsive. They are always prophetic, and love to predict things that will happen. They can look ahead into the future and foresee things with remarkable clearness of vision. When freed from other influences and not slaves to their personality, they become truly clairvoyant, and are remark- ably gifted in this direction. This sign gives extreme ideality, and those born under it are more ideal than practical. ‘They are always full of new schemes and plans, ever exploring and originating. They are fond of constant change, loving novelty, romance and specula- tion and nearly always live in a world of theory. They are very highly strung, sometimes hyper-sensitive and are remarkable for their perception. They seem to live more in the perceptive region of their brain than the reflective, and they are rarely deceived where perception is concerned. They are extremely sensitive persons, with all the senses fully alivé, excepting one; with them the consciousness being more readily expressed in the head, they have keen sight,12 ASTROLOGY FOR ALL sense, taste and hearing, but from the fact of their being more alive in the head they do not fel, and are therefote less sensitive to touch in other parts of the body. They are very self-willed and often self- opinionated, and it is exceedingly difficult to restrain them, as they are always inclined to act upon impulse without waiting to mature their plans. They are frank and outspoken by choice, but often com- bative and assertive. They are generous from impulse, and are fond ofreason and argument. They can be both sceptical and credulous, but the former mood often swaysthem. They are decidedly lacking in caution, being far too venturesome and often running to great ex- tremes, at times even lacking in discretion, but never in zeal and enthusiasm. They are ambitious persons, who love to engage in great enter- prises. With them the intellect is the main feature, but they always find it difficult to understand their own emotions and feelings. They are too often inclined to fly off at tangents and will rush into danger somewhat recklessly. When not living up to the highest strength of their character, they have a tendency to jealousy, they expect loyalty from others and may be somewhat exacting in this re- spect. When fully individualised, these persons make very grand characters, especially in all pioneer work, their enthusiasm rarely being daunted by obstacles. When their mind is made up they seek to overcome all opposition, more by their dominant will and masterful spirit thamby simple perseverance. ‘They are interested in all matters that are occult and metaphysical, and love to live in‘a world of theory ; always intellectual, they make splendid companions, being affable, genial and witty. They are never at a loss for a word, and make excellent conversationalists; as a host or hostess they are full of little plans for making those around them happy, aud they can always be relied upon to provide plenty of entertainment. ‘They love harmonious surroundings, and, possessing artistic tastes, they generally seek to make their environment as beautiful as possible. It is not easy to deceive those born during the period of this sign’s influences, and were they to cultivate their clairvoyant talent they would be remarkable for their powers of psychometry, or what is generally termed intuition. They sense others in a remarkable way, going straight to the core with those in whom they are interested. ‘Their mental sympathies are always quick to respond to the leastASTROLOGY FOR ALL 13 good which they may find in others. They are sometimes too hopeful with regard to their enterprises, and generally over-estimate. They are good at all work that does not require sustained effort, and where things are required quickly and promptly, they are the people who can do them best, but their mission in life is to inspire and lead, as they are directors and promoters, designers, prophets and teachers. The head being the most sensitive part this will be the first to give out, as it were; therefore, when the health fails in the Aries person, severe headaches result. As Aries governs the face also, the eyes suffer when the system is depleted, and they are liable to suffer from neuralgia. This being the head of the cardinal signs, the stomach and kidneys suffer by reflex action. It is essential for the physical well-being of the Aries character that they have plenty of fresh air, also daily exercise; the best cure for all their physical ailments is peace, quiet, and rest. Amidst harmonious surroundings they can recuperate and recover that which to them is essential— balance. They will do best in life as organisers, leaders, architects, designers, company promoters, phrenologists, character readers, agents, brokers, appraisers, auctioneers, surveyors, salesmen, detectives, guides, and couriers, travelling companions, house and estate agents, inspectors, foremen, managers, lecturers, novelists, writers of short stories, photographers, reformers, elocutionists. The Aries types would marry well with those born in Sagittarius from November zoth to December 20th, provided the planetary in- dications’ on the joint horoscopes were harmonious, but the Aries person would benefit most by union with those born in Leo from July 20th to August 2oth, as the opportunity would then be offered of joining head with heart, The Leo's being more practical than the Aries, a better blend would be obtained from this union. The fiery and airy triplicities being in sympathy, it is out of these the best unions will arise, the Aries person would find those born on earth or water too practical or too emotional to suit his idealistic tenden- cies. The Aries person, really requires to unite with those who can draw out his coxjucatity, which is more latent in this sign than any of the others. We may sum up this sign of the zodiac, which governs all persons14 ASTROLOGY FOR ALL born from March zoth to April 2oth, as belonging to the intellectual trinity. Their aim in life always appears to be to live in the mind and intellect ; this makes of them very independent characters with clear and decided ideas, with a spirit that is dauntless, fearless and aspiring. Their greatest fault when perverting their gifts is deception, and they are often clever enough to deceive successfully; but when strongly individualised, their independence enables them to rise above mean and petty action, and their pathway is always on the road to clear thought, which finally leads to the perfected intuition. CHAPTER V. ‘Tne Inpivipvat AND Personat CHARACTER OF THE SIGN Taurus 8 April 20th to May 20th 8 ‘Tus sign is the first of the earthy triplicity and the first of the fixed signs, and in this sign is concealed will and desire, both of which express themselves, more or less, in the character of the Taureans. This being the sign of solidity it makes those born in it exceedingly solid, practical, and substantial. They are exactly the reverse of all that has been said in the foregoing sign, Aries being all that is ideal- istic, while Taurus is all that is practical. ‘The Taureans are slow, plodding, patient, enduring, persistent, executive and matter-of-fact persons. They are remarkable for their conservatism, and they never seem to waste their forces like the Aries types, who scatter them broadcast. Persons possessing the strongest wills are born under this sign, but when living for themselves exclusively, they become as obstinate as it is possible for them to be. They can be very determined, persistent and dogmatic; they usually speak with a quiet, firm, inflexible and almost authoritative tone. Possessing a considerable amount of physical vitality, the Taureans become very furious and violent when severely angered, but as they are usually slow, careful and cautious, it takes a very great deal to excite them, although when very excited they stand beside themselves with rage. They can do a great amount of good by their steady, building capacity, being capable and able to carry out all plans entrusted to them,ASTROLOGY FOR ALL 15 They have perseverance, are steady, patient and enduring. They can be secretive and very reserved, but inake faithful friends to all whom they give allegiance. They are excellent companions to those possessing ideas, and as co-workers they are reliable, sincere and trustworthy. They always seem to possess a great amount of stored-up energy which makes’ them very tenacious, holding on till something comes to set them free or liberate their stored-up forces. ‘As masseurs and healers they are unequalled. They always benefit persons deficient in vitality, having the power to magnetically heal and soothe those who-are nervous and irritable. Schalater is ari illustration of what we mean. This wonderful person healed thousands of his countrymen and obtained a world- wide reputation. He was born with his Sun in Taurus, and it was said of him that he had only to magnetise a handkerchief, or any- thing that he touched, to enable his magnetism to be felt by others. . The mental and physical vitality of the Taureans is tremendous, and persons possessing the finest physique are often born under this sign. They are fearless and generous, and when the Venus side of the sign is not over active they set no store on wealth excepting to do good with it. When they concentrate their thoughts they have immense power, and witt then has the ascendancy over desire, but when the latter is, most in evidence they become very worldly and. incline to take pleasure in the good things of this life, being fond of feasting and comfort. The Taureans make the best psychic mediums, and they may be contrasted with the Aries types by the fact that.they are more inclined to live in their feelings than in their minds. The true Taurean may be said to be one great, feeling individual, but as the sign belongs to the earthy triplicity, it is more often physical and objective than subjective feeling. Taurus governs the neck, and as this is so constituted as to serve the head which turns upon it, it may be said that they make better servants than masters. Being trust- worthy they make excellent public servants and representatives of governing bodies, and they are often chosen by the public as officials, and those who may be considered the people's servants. Taurus governs the throat, hence this may be said. to be the16 ASTROLOGY FOR ALL most sensitive part of their organism, but as this sign is the first of the fixed group of signs, the heart is often affected by sympathy, and, belonging to the earthy triplicity, they would suffer from dropsy and tumorous afflictions. The throat, however, should always have the first attention, and exhaustion through speech or singing should beavoided. They are more inclined to suffer through too much physical force than too little, and when giving way to what is sometimes their greatest fault, laziness, they nurse many disorders that produce rapid, fatal results. When the Venus side of their nature is in excess, they are liable to apoplexy and sudden death. It would seem as though they were benefited best by those things that would assist the Aries types, and it would be better for them to exchange magnetism with others and seek to obtain a more equal distribution of the life forces. They often pass out of their bodies earlier than it would be expected through a kind of magnetic stagnation, and if they were to energise their minds a little more, and live less in the feelings, they would be greatly benefited in health. All tendencies to become morbid should at once be dissi- pated, as they bring a desponding and melancholic tendency. These persons have the ability to get money for others, and Taurus being the second sign of the zodiac, which governs finance, they are best suited for all professions in which the handling of much money is concerned. They would therefore make good bankers, stockbrokers, treasurers, cashiers and speculators. When living more in the personal element, they are best adapted for mechanical and laborious pursuits, or where they are required to work slowly, steadily and patiently. They are good at all executive work, but when living more in the mind than the body they are excellent singers and sometimes capable actors. They would also succeed well in life as magnetic healers, doctors, and nurses, also in all agri- cultural pursuits, such as farmers, fruit-growers, as gardeners, builders, etc., also bill discounters, financial agents, book-binders, manufacturing chemists, compositors, dressmakers, florists, French polishers, house painters and decorators, japanners, collectors, insur- ance agents, taxidermists, etc. It would be well for these persons to marry those born in any of the other earthy or watery signs, that is, so far as mental or physical marriage is concerned.ASTROLOGY FOR ALL 17 ‘We may say of the Taureans that they possess more vitality than any of the twelve types, and they appear to suffer from an over- abundance of life rather than a depletion of it. The words “to him that hath shall be given,”’seem to be applicable to these persons, and it is quite natural for them to be reserved, conservative and secretive. It would be difficult, without a knowledge of planetary configurations at the time of their birth, to say whether they would be dominated by witt or pesire. Either one or the other would tend to predominate, but in all cases they would lean more to the objective and concrete than the subjective and ideal, and owing to this they often pass through a period of materialistic thought which leaves a strong impression on their future actions. They appear to be born to realise the practical demonstration of the working of the law. CHAPTER VI. ‘Tue Inpivipuat. AND Personat CHARACTER oF THE SiGN GEMINI May 20th to June 20h Tuis is the first sign of the airy triplicity, also the first of the mutable signs. The airy triplicity governs the mental conditions of humanity, hence we find those born in this sign living more in the mind, but, owing to the sign belonging to the mutable group, they are dualistic—this being the main feature of the mutable signs, and from this comes the tendency to express two conditions and an incli- nation at times to be rather easily influenced on one side or the other. Gemini governs the lungs, also the hands and arms, hence it may be seen that one hand may act differently to the other. These persons are rarely content with a single occupation or pursuit, and seem to delight in having two things in hand at the same time. ‘They can very quickly adapt themselves to surroundings or environment and they are remarkable for their versatility, but they are very sensitive and have the ability to reason upon and analyse their sensa- tions. They love change and diversity, and they are always the best persons to rely upon in an emergency, as they can instantly re- spond to the requirements of the moment. They love variety of thought and all mental pursuits, and these they sometimes carry into extremes ; they seem to take an especial delight in leaving their work 318 ASTROLOGY FOR ALL unfinished. They will take up one thing, partly finish it, and then go on to another, which they also feel inclined to leave unfinished ; there- fore their best work is done when co-operating with others, and when working in unity with those who understand their peculiarities they are capable of great attainments in life, but the spirit of diversity often makes them experience two extremes during their life. They can be generous and also somewhat careful and near. They. can present a bold front and assertive attitude, and yet be timid and highly nervous. They are conservative and progressive, and alto- gether quite dualistic subjects, which makes them difficult for others to understand. ‘We have known persons born in this sign who have expressed a desire to be in two places at the same moment, but on the whole they are rather impulsive, and this generally decides the line they shall take. They appear to be unable to stand any worry or anxiety, which quite unnerves them ; yet when left alone to work out their own designs, in accordance with their own peculiar methods, they can doa great amount of useful work. They must, however, first realise that they consist of many compartments, so to speak. ‘When they change their times for working and thinking, and, in fact, live in a life of change, they can succeed very well; they must have diversity ; this may make them appear to their friends very fickle and indecisive, but it is their particular way of working, there- fore perfectly legitimate to them. Throughout the whole of their life they must expect dual impressions and many contradictory states of consciousness, and being very sensitive, nervous, and highly-strung, they should try to analyse the particular mood they happen to be in, and it would be well for them to endeavour not to be swayed by the mental thought-spheres of others, They are somewhat ambitious, but it is more a mental ambition for refinement and better conditions. All those born in this sign possess fine organic quality, and the ability to become very clever.- They are certainly quick-witted and mentally impulsive, and they seem to draw a great deal on what is really an inspirational nature. The chief characteristics of their in- dividuahty are force and motive; when they seek to discover their motives for their actions they may be considered very progressive, but when they live the unbalanced personal life, they become very diffusive, indecisive and unreliable,ASTROLOGY FOR ALL 19 The sign Gemini governs the lungs, arms, hands, and the shoulders, and their disease or ill-health is mostly caused by excess of activity and worry ; this brings nervous disorders, which belong to the airy triplicity, and consumptive tendencies belonging to the mutable signs, therefore their concern should be less activity and excitement, and a freedom from all anxiety and worry. It sometimes becomes necessary for them to study the laws of hygiene with regard to diet, and they require plenty of sleep. These persons succeed best in all work where the hands are employed ; they make excellent book-keepers, clerks and commercial travellers; they love variety of employment or posts where the mind can be engaged in two avocations at the same time. Their best outlet is in the literary world, and as editors, reporters and newspaper men they have splendid facilities. They also have the ability to come in touch with the public mind, they can therefore cater well for the public literary taste. Their professions should be accountants, solicitors, attendants, post office officials, clerks, decorative artists, school-masters, guides, journalists, lecturers, milliners, photogra- phers, postmen, railway employees, secretaries and translators. These persons would do well to marry those born in the airy or fiery triplicities. We may sum up the Gemini type of person born between May 2oth and June 20th as dualistic and restless, intellectual and sensa- tional, nervous and irritable; like the air, to which triplicity they belong, they must ever be moving from place to place or thought to. thought. Forming as they do the last of the intellectual trinity, they seem to be able to express the two foregoing signs in themselves, and if we were to think of Aries as the father and Taurus as the mother, Gemini may be considered as the child of these twain. In- deed, it would seem as if they were ever trying to blend the ideal with the practical, the life with the form. All that is contained in the spirit-matter of the positive and negative union of Aries with Taurus is seeking an expression in the consciousness of Gemini. ‘They are, as it were, piaced between two poles, and are ever being called upon to decide towards which side they shall lean. The ex- perience of their life is obtained from duality, out of which motive is tp be evolved. ‘ yee29 ASTROLOGY FOR ALL CHAPTER VII. Tue Inpivipvat AND Personat CHARACTER OF THE SIGN CANCER & June axst to July 21st. @ ‘Tue sign Cancer begins the maternal trinity. It is the first of the watery triplicity and the second of the cardinal signs. This sign governs the breast and stomach. It isone of the most sensitive signs of the zodiac, and belonging as it does to the maternal trinity, it governs all home and domestic affairs in which the feelings play a prominent part. Persons born in this sign are characterised as being slow but sure. They are best described by the crab, whose tenacity is proverbial ; this creature moves forward by going backward, and it has come to be looked upon as a sign of retrogression. The main feature, however, of this sign is the power of retentive memory. The Cancer individual has the most remarkable memory of any given by the twelve signs, and it is no difficulty for them to recall minute incidents of the past. This makes them somewhat antiquated, as they love to dwell on past events, or to go over in their memory through past occurrences, and through this they often become some- what limited and hindered, particularly where attachment to family is prominent in the life. Their highly sensitive nature makes them feel very keenly everything that affects the other members of the family, and for them domestic affairs become a kind of brake on their own individual progress. They are rather approbative, love to be approved of, and always yearn for the sympathy of others. They are very timid, reserved, and shy, and fear ridicule or disapproval very much, and this makes them somewhat con- ventional, with a great dread and fear of pubiic opinion. This binds them to clan or sect and makes them studious of “Caste.” When attached to the Catholic faith they are very sincere and earnest in all ritualistic observances. They are also fond of banding together into sects, and when moving along the higher lines of conventionality, men become freemasons and members of occult and secret communi- ties, and women are drawn to mystical and occult meetings. When fully individualised these persons are remarkable for their imagination, Lut when running to the personal side of their life they become very fanciful, romantic, superstitious, and fond of the unseen. From sensation they work through feeling to the highest emotional, and itASTROLOGY FOR ALL 2a becomes very dificult to find harmonious persons born in this sign ; on the side of feeling they are truly wonderful people, but this feel- ing may carry them into the worst forms of sensationalism or upward into the plane of the emotions. Being exceedingly sensitive, their feelings are very easily wounded. They possess a psychic gift in their feelings, being able easily to feel the impressions around them. They are economical and very fond of saving, which trait runs into almost all the details of their life, as they ‘are very fond of saving letters, books, and all kinds of curios. They hoard up curios to a remarkable extent, being fond of all that is antique and connected with age and the past. They can become very conservative and certainly respect age andcustom. They are persistent and exceedingly tenacious; they are apt, however, to live more in the personal side of their nature than is good for their well-being and that of those around them, but they possess a certain amount of tact, which assists them considerably. When fully individualised these persons possess a great love of power, and once having gained it they seem to have the ability to hold it. They are not so ambitious as they are lovers of fame and public recognition, and this they desire, as they seek a world-wide approval. ‘They can rake up from the past things that others have long forgotten. When acting along personal lines only they are inactive and inclined to be indolent and somewhat grasping. As this sign governs the stomach, this organ will be a sensitive part of the system, and when the personal element is strong, we shall find these persons suffering from weak digestion and gastric troubles. They require to be careful in diet, there being a tendency to suffer from fermentation in the stomach. Worry and anxiety with them are frequent causes of indigestion, which produces a defective circulation, and brings in its train constipation, congestion, rheumatism and chronic disorders. They are liable to suffer from fancied ailments, and to become hypochondriac. They are always nervous when ailing, and generally fear the worst results of any functional disorders, and in this respect they become so morbid that they actually produce the illness they imagine themselves suffering from. Their cure isa healthy imagination and freedom from all anxiety, especially with regard to domestic affairs. ‘A Cancer person is best adapted in life to those pursuits which22 ASTROLOGY FOR ALL embrace the catering for the masses, and he should be engaged in professions in which the general public are largely concerned. They make splendid historians, being able to write up the past with a com- parative accuracy. As the Aries types would do well as leaders in the military world, as captains, generals, etc., so will the Cancer types do well as naval éaptains and in all professions connected with the sea. They make good nurses, caterers and hotel keepers, barmaids, confectioners, actors and actresses, companions, cooks, laundresses, dealers in second-hand clothing, second-hand booksellers, dress- makers, matrons, midwives, mineral water manufacturers, researchers, stewardesses, and succeed best in all matters of a fluctuating and public nature, in commodities that change hands often, and in matters of small profits and quick returns. In summarising the character of the Cancer portion of humanity, we may best illustrate the character of this type by observing that they are seeking to become perfectly individualised, and for this purpose tenacity is one of their chief characteristics. They are very reserved and sensitive, sympathetic and tenacious, persistent and impatient, impressionable and emotional. It is necessary for them to become at times what the world calls selfish that they may pro- tect their individuality, but when this has been attained they are self-possessed, self-reliant and strong characters, in which power becomes the marked feature. This sign completes the first four signs in the zodiac, in which the four triplicities, fire, earth, air and water, co-mingle, as it were; it is symbolic of the film or auric egg that contains the whole, CHAPTER VIII. Tue Inpivipuat AND-PERSONAL CHARACTER OF THE Sicn Leo S July arst to August 20th SU Lzo is the middle sign of the maternal trinity, the second of the fiery triplicity, and also the second of the fixed signs, therefore it may be said to hold the central point in the zodiac, and when joined with the next sign it certainly contains the essence of the whole twelve signs. Leo governs the heart, therefore it will be from this centre that the character of those born in this sign must be judged. Standing, as this sign does, in the centre, we shall sometimes findASTROLOGY FOR ALL 23 the forces of the heart running upward or downward, but only in those who are fully individualised, or, as it is termed, self-conscious, shall we find the consciousness centred in the heart; generally speaking, the emotions are fully active in the Leo characters. They are forceful and highly magnetic, and possessing an abundance of vitality, they carry with them an aura that is beneficial to all. They are genuinely kind, warm-hearted and loving, but usually like to express their love in action, their emotional nature 1g deep and of the heart. They can be impulsive and diffusive, but it is usually the impulse of a generous nature. They possess a very attractive individuality and are always decided characters. ‘They are usually very practical with regard to their ideals, as they prefer to live them rather than talk of them. While the Aries nature usually spins wonderful ideals in thought and ever seems to be strain- ing after the unattainable, the Leo types are silently and quietly seeking to make them realities. This comes from their wonderful faith, which they inherently possess, and their motto is generally, “ Whatever is, must be best,” but this comes when the Leo nature is awakened and the desire has been sent out to unify the individual will with the Supreme Will. Being the centre of the fiery triplicity they possess a very strong love nature, which makes them very ardent and sincere in their affections. As the second of the fixed signs they have more unity of will and desire, and in contrast with the Taureans, act more on the side of will than that of desire. The Leos love to rule, but it is more from the heart and motive than from the head. They are philanthropic and always obey the impulses of the heart where sympathy is concerned. This sign produces individuals who are more thorough than any of the other signs, and they seem to combine the practical with the philosophical and the ideal with the real. When self-controlled they are wonderful individuals, being able to influence great numbers. They have the power to send their thoughts to any distance, and when conserving their energies, heal through sympathy. They seem to radiate from their centre a beauti- ful warmth like the Sun, which is ruler of their sign. But when turning their forces downward and living to the personal side of life they are very amative, with very strong passions. It is sometimes found that the weakest and the strongest individuals come out of this sign. The weakest are those who are easily led through their feel-24 ASTROLOGY FOR ALL ings, which is often caused by associating with those who take advantage of their Leo nature; they then fall into dissipation and may become dissolute characters, but within, the true spiritual fire is ever burning, and phoenix-like they rise out of the dead ashes of them- selves to greater and nobler things. This sign is known by astro- logers as the house of the Sun, and it is through this sign that the rays of the Sun become more powerful and more fully charged with potent life and energy. When these persons seek to become self- conscious they seem to make more rapid strides in this direction than those born under other signs, and possessing as they do such very sensitive natures, they are able to readily respond to spiritual influences ; their faith then becomes marvellous, and the whole of their life seems to be devoted to doing good to others. Leo governing the heart, causes this part of the system to be the centre, most easily affected when the character is inharmonious and the life running to discord and disorder instead of peace and progress; they then suffer through the circulation, which sets up many troubles of a more or less feverish nature, and this in turn reacts upon the mind, bringing gloom and despondency. It is essential for the well-being and perfect health of all Leo persons that they have a certain time, if only a few minutes each day, when they can be quite alone and at perfect rest. This enables them to start the machinery from the heart at an even and harmonious rate of vibration. Their best medicine is love, peace, and harmony. All Leo persons succeed best where they have authority, or hold some high and responsible position, but in trades or professions they will do best as jewellers or goldsmiths, as writers of love stories or dramatic sketches. They would also make excellent musicians and poets. Although they possess great strength and vitality they are not fond of laborious work, and they can only be really happy in positions of trust and management. We may sum up the Leo person as a firm and self-controlling individual and one who is ever aiming at high and noble things. They are all born with a nobility of character which can only be counter- acted by contradictory planetary influences. They are generous to a fault, faithful, sincere and earnest, and although somewhat ambitious and persevering ‘it is nearly always turned in the direction of self-perfection. This sign gives the in-ASTROLOGY FOR ALL 25 tuitions of the heart; and as the centre of the maternal trinity it holds and binds all the others by the power of love. CHAPTER IX. Tue INDIVIDUAL AND PERSONAL CHARACTER OF THE SIGN VIRGO my August 21st to September 20th my Tus sign Virgo is the second of the earthy triplicity, the second of the mutable signs, and the turning-point from the northern to the southern signs. This sign is specially characterised for its self-con- taining qualities ; it is out of this sign that wisdom is to be born for the majority of individualities. Belonging to the earthy triplicity, we might suppose that too much of the earthy element would come into their make up, but this sign represents the virgin soil, the spirit- matter, as it were, which yields the most readily to the vibrations passing through it from the other signs. The individuals born in this sign are constructive and able to make the most of their condi- tions; they are more generally found in the business world, particu- larly in pursuits which provide for the general welfare of the, whole of the community. As characters they are philosophical, and nearly always seem to blend the ideal with the practical in a marvellous man- ner, this makes them very discriminative, giving them large reasoning powers and very ingenious methods of working. They are the most critical of all individuals, but they usually turn this criticism also upon themselves. They are self-analytical, and seem to be always taking themselves to pieces. They are careful and cautious, and usually act somewhat methodically, or with much apparent fore- thought. They are very industrious, persistent, and tend more toward the practical than the ideal. They are usually precise in de- tails, and can readily put right any errors and defects in their own character, but they are also extremely sensitive, not from a sympa- thetic standpoint, but more from a mental. attitude. They are very introspective, and may be said to know themselves much better than those born under the other signs. They possess that keen intellect which comes from experience more than from education ; they have remarkable tact and ingenuity, but they are usually fully aware of all their attainments, and are inclined to be somewhat proud of them. ‘When running along personal lines, these persons become more selfish than those of the other signs, since they are always alive to their own26 ASTROLOGY FOR ALL interests; they then become rather materialistic, and tend to carry the practical too far into scepticism and doubt, while they expect from others what they are not willing to give ; they then seek to absorb all the good things in life for themselves, and may attain great worldly success, as they possess all the ability to enable them to attain their desired altitude. They may be said to have many faults when running to the personal side of their nature; and they become very domineer- ing, using their good intellectual abilities to the detriment of others, and a certain hardness takes possession of them, which causes them to identify themselves almost exclusively with the external world ; but when living more in their individuality, or becoming what is termed more self-conscious, they are really very splendid characters, becoming discriminative and wise, and often possessing the power to psycho- metrise and sense the psychic conditions from a higher standpoint. They are capable of making wonderful progress in spiritual develop- ment and usually seek to live the most chaste lives, becoming like their symbol, a virgin in purity. This sign acts to the maternal trinity in exactly the same way as Gemini acts to the intellectual, seeking to express in itself the union of Cancer and Leo. Those born in this sign possess great recuperative powers. They are rarely sick or ill, and may attribute much, if not all, of their ill-health to their own habits of life; being natural students of the laws of hygiene, they know how to live properly. They should always avoid drugs of every kind, as, being very sensitive physically, they readily absorb the poisons of drugs into their system, which speedily affect their circulation. They are more sensitive to the vibrations around them than persons of other signs ; they feel the changes in atmospheric conditions almost directly they begin, and their bodies act like barometers, expressing to the sensitive soul within every change that takes place in their surroundings. Their best medicine for all disease is to be alone with Nature and to have around them har- monious conditions. They may do well to study diet and to be par- ticular with regard to foods and the magnetisms surrounding them. The Virgo type may be summed up as retiring, ingenious, discriminative, active and mercurial; they always seem to have their wits about them, and are generally self-possessed ; they seem, however, to be capable of extremes of good and so-called evil, being much smarter than the majority of those around them;ASTROLOGY FOR ALL 27 and when living only for themselves they are capable of outwitting others for the sake of personal gain, but they generally act with a full consciousnessof what they are doing. This arises from their inventive genius, and being alive to all the advantages and disadvantages, they can so readily adapt themselves to the requirements of those around them that they make excellent entertainers and splendid social com- panions, and when they succeed in letting go the personal element they are really very beautiful characters. Persons born in this sign can readily adapt themselves to almost any environment, but they have their best success in life in the business world. All commercial affairs succeed under their ingenious management. They are good providers, and do remarkably well in all matters connected with food stuffs. They are natural chemists, therefore sutceed in all matters connected with chemistry. They have also a fondness for general literature, and have success in literary pursuits from author to printer. They make excellent agents, and in fact are quite ready to follow any avocation in which activity and general mental ability help them to succeed in life; but their great- est success is to be found more in the bysiness than the professional world. They like to handle solid materials, and to deal in mer- chandise’ allows their mental discrimination full scope for all its activities. CHAPTER X. Tue InvivipuvaL aNd Personal Cuaracter of THe SicN Lipra September axst to October 20th x Lipa, the sign of the balance, the equalising sign of the zodiac, is the second of the airy triplicity, and the third of the cardinal signs, The individuality of this sign is expressed in justice, equilibrium, balance, order and dispassionate judgment. Those born in this sign are remarkable for their powers of comparison ; they seem to be able to weigh and balance all things mentally, as though they were in- spired. Extremes may be found in this sign as in all the cardinal signs, but sooner or later opportunities come into the life to take an impartial and impassionate view. It is the aim of the individuality working through this sign to seek equilibrium, and this causes them to love harmony so much, that they feel exceedingly sensitive until the whole of their, organism is in a state of balance. They have28 ASTROLOGY FOR ALL always a kind and amiable disposition, expressing the Venus side of their nature more than any other; this makes them courteous, agree- able and very pleasant persons. They are remarkable for their per- ceptive faculties, and there is a great amount of inspiration in this sign, so that sooner or later the Libra individuals come to realise that there is an unseen as well as a seen world; this makes them remark- ably intuitive, as they are able to draw from both sources. These persons possess the most perfect forms produced by any of the signs, through which their soul is able to express itself better than through any other medium. Each of these signs is best studied by knowing its opposites, and in Libra we get the balance of Aries, which makes the spiritual perceptions the keenest and the most manifest, so that they seem to have the ability of getting occult knowledge through inner perception. Their psychic gifts are obtained from the thought-realms, and not from the emotional planes, and this enables them, when fully individualised, to temperately expound the hidden knowledge con- tained in the one great World-religion. They seem to accept fate in a way that others are not capable of, and realise the justice of all things. When working along personal lines these persons live more to the form-side of life; they then become exceedingly approbative and very sensitive; they are rather impatient and inclined to be somewhat careless, but their personal faults and failings are such as may be easily forgiven, as they are usually very even-tempered and amenable to the good influences that generally surround them. When unbalanced, these persons would suffer from the gom- plaints common to the cardinal signs. The reins and kidneys would be'the most sensitive parts of their organism; their best medicine would be music, harmony and retirement, but they usually possess the intuition exactly how to bring their physical conditions into a state of equilibrium. * ‘These persons would do best in life as overseers or in positions of refinement, where they can quietly and calmly manage affairs through their large perceptives. They make excellent librarians and secretaries. They would also be good stage managers, and musical directors, and successful in any profession where they could preserve harmony or bring it about in others. They would be proficient in all artistic arrangements and would succeed as decorators, arrangers, housekeepers and such like.ASTROLOGY FOR ALL 29 To sum up the individuatity of the Librians we may consider them as inspirational and perceptive characters, always leaning more to the spiritual side of life than the purely physical. They are sensitive so far as the personality is concerned, when not fully self-conscious, but they are always just and generous. ‘They seem to be ever striving tomanifest that which must be attained by all humanity—compassion. ‘These persons possess knowledge which seems to be the cream of all the mental characteristics of the preceding sign, and with them it may be said that the balance of their individuality brings them into real touch with the highest form of mind that we have any concep- tion of, which can only be expressed as a refined mental condition which is not dependent upon the brain for its physical manifestation. ‘ CHAPTER XI. Tue Inpivipuat AND Pgrsonat CHARACTER OF THE SicN Scorpio m October 21st to November 20th m Scorpio is the third of the fixed signs and the second or middle of the watery triplicity. Its symbol is known as the scorpion, whose sting becomes the most prominent feature in evolving through this sign. We may find characters born in this sign from the lowest and most degraded to the highest and most exalted, and in this sign there appears to be more scope for extremes of character than in any other. The Scorpio character is somewhat decided and unmistakable, being rarely, if ever, vacillating or feeble. It would seem as though there were two types, the evil and the good, evolving within this sign. It is the eighth sign of the zodiac and marks the higher octave, as it were, after the balance has been turned. It would seem as though the worst products of Scorpio were the failures from the preceding seven signs, whereas the strongly individualised types would be those who had succeeded in learning the mystery of thissign. The sting of the scorpion must be extracted before real progress onward through the other signs can be successfully accomplished. When living the purely personal life, living only for the self, the Scorpio types of humanity are very uncompromising and exacting beings, and their vindictiveness and fault-finding tendencies can be carried to abnormal degrees. Lust and ignorance mark the character of the undeveloped Scorpio nature.30 ASTROLOGY FOR ALL This sign governs the generative system, and when the life forces are scattered and wasted through excesses of sensuality, these cha- racters become like devils, working mischief far and wide, regardless of the suffering which they cause to others. When evil they are unmistakably evil, and with the thoroughness characteristic of the “fixed signs they plunge into sin with a delight that those born under other signs are incapable of, but when they are regenerate or self-conscious, they may reach a great height of exaltation. The generative force within them may be turned into psychical faculty, the “‘vril” with which they abound is turned into shrewdness and penetration, and they become the true mystics whose awakening vision quickly senses the future possibilities that lie before the soul. They become gifted with what is called second sight, or clairvoyance, and plunge into occultism with a zeal and earnestness that is un- equalled. Those who are individualised in Scorpio are remarkable for their keen judgment ; they can criticise perfectly and impartially, and they are able to give their judgment in a decisive and clear manner. They are very quick in thought, and can at once see the purpose and meaning of the things they are criticising. When awakened there are no better types of humanity than those born in this sign, for they then realise what they may become; but when unawakened they criticise for the sake of criticism, and thus become the most exacting and undesirable persons; when running along the lower levels they are always mixed up in some tragedy or disastrous affair. They can be very jealous, severe, hard and cruel, but when all this force is turned upward and the passions have been conquered and temperance learned, they area benefit to others through the great magnetic power they have for healing. A great deal might be said of Scorpio that would be extremely difficult for the majority to understand, The few that are awakened alone can appreciate the wonderful possibilities of this sign. They have remarkable powers of attachment and seem to contain in themselves the silence of Pisces and the tenacity of Cancer, Scorpio's companion watery signs. They are generally marked for their very dignified manner, and though always affable and courteous, they are ready at'any moment to stand upon their dignity. They can be very abrupt and brusque when they wish, but they are always amenable to approval. They have the power of self-control to a very considerable extent, even to the power of controlling the whole ofASTROLOGY FOR ALL. 3r their sex nature, turning it into the highest spiritual development ; they are then as it were a huge engine with steam up, all ready to start upon a very long journey, but these persons are powerless to move or make any progress until they have overcome their very tiresome and trying personality. The ill-health of the persons born in the sign Scorpio arises out of the nature of the fixed and watery signs, which gives rise to inflamma- tory complaints. They suffer from peculiar and uncommon disorders, which usually affect them in some secret part. They are liable to gout and affections of the heart, but the whole of their disorders may be corrected by conserving their life forces, as they possess unbounded vitality and the power of recuperation to a very marked degree. As magnetic healers and doctors they find their best outlets to gain success, They have a peculiar knowledge of chemicals and succeed as dyers and chemists, or in any business connected with oils. They make good surgeons and dentists, also detectives, and are well fitted for employment where nerve and pluck are required. When living in the personal life they have success as butchers, smiths, and those who work in metals. They possess the dramatic ability common to the fixed signs. ‘We might sum up those persons born in the sign Scorpio as very determined, reserved, tenacious and secretive. They are firm and somewhat proud, and capable of unmistakable traits of character that cause them either to be very much liked or very much disliked. Their somewhat suspicious nature causes them to be distrustful, but amidst all their apparent evil traits of character, they have that grit and backbone which enables them to make higher attainments than those born in the other signs. The wisdom of the serpent lies con- cealed in this sign, and they may become so discreet, wise and prudent as to possess a genius that is extraordinary. It has been said “the greater the animal the greater the man,” and it inay be that in the animal passions there lie the germs of the spiritual force, which, when sent upwards, may achieve great and mighty things. That which seemed latent will and desire in the sign Taurus becomes, in this sign, expressed energy. The Scorpio man’s desires are potent and charged with the power to attain the object of his desires, but when the desires are subservient to the will, there are none more powerful or determined. As stated, more could be said on this 3+ 32 ASTROLOGY FOK ALL sign, but that is reserved for another chapter; in conclusion, it may be said of them that they have reached the point that decides their future progress. CHAPTER XII, Tue Inpivipuat AND PERSONAL CHARACTER OF THE SIGN Sacirrarius t November arst to December 20th Sacirrartus is the sign of the archer, who stands ready to shoot from his bow the arrow which is said to never fail in hitting the mark, which means that they have the power of prophecy for their special feature. There is an idea of freedom conveyed in the symbol of the archer, and of these individuals it may be said that they always aim for the highest. If we can judge of the individualised Scorpio character now standing prepared to shoot from the bow his self- generated thoughts, we can imagine that this sign will fulfil“all the mysticism contained in the preceding sign. Sagittarius is the last of the fiery triplicity and the third of the mutable signs; it therefore represents the union of qualities of the head and heart, nowsent upward "in devotion to the Heart of all things. When fully individualised, those born in this sign are great lovers of law and order. They are very intuitive, very prophetic, and possess the power of sending their thoughts on the wireless telegraph to any distance that they wish. The seer and the prophet are born in this sign, and we find these individuals to be the most self-confident and self-reliant of any of the signs when awakened. They are always looking forward with a bright, hopeful, and happy disposition, which makes them full of hope and full of joy for the future. They know intuitively that the future state is far better than any that have preceded it ; this lends them the power of inspiration, which makes them always enterprising, pro- gressive, and prophetic. They seem to possess one thought at a time and that thought carries them on to the goal they wish to reach. They havea decisive way of expressing themselves which can never be mistaken, for behind itis the intuition that knows. It may be said of those born in this sign that their failings are those that can be easily forgiven; the worst evils have been left for the sign Scorpio to work out. When personal they may be very personal; they are thenASTROLOGY FOR ALL 33 restless and inclined to, be over-active, very highly strung and nervous, with a tendency to become petulant and irritable. The personal Sagittarian is a blunt, brusque, and outspoken character, and be may become very exacting and somewhat domineering. When perverted their nature is exceedingly rebellious, never willing to submit to the least restraint, and when angered they know just where to hurt their victim, which arises from their ability to sense the weakest spots in others; then, with the arrow fully charged with hurt- ful speech, they know just how and where to wound. . There are.very few at our present stage who can express all that lies concealed in this sign. This being the ninth sign of the zodiac, the house of guru or teacher, we may foresee what humanity is to become by a knowledge of this sign. It represents, first, science, then philosophy, and finally the true religion; and we find the Sagittarians leading to one or other of these three attributes. The scientist may remain experimenting in the regions of science, quite unconscious of the philosophy and religion that are ever close to him ; and the philosopher may go on philosophising without attempting to turn his energies into devotion. As the third of the mutable signs, we may at our present stage find many indecisive characters born in this sign, who are quite uninteresting and often very indolent persons. We, may again find a great majority led on by teachers whom they are content to allow to shoot their arrows for them ; but the awakened Sagittarian is the true marksman who shoots his own arrows from his own bow and marks out in thought the ideal that he himself will seek to climb to. The Sagittarians have nearly always clear mental pictures, and they are able to image that which they wish to see. It is the sign of the future, the promise of a coming humanity, whose thoughts will no longer be scattered, but directed to the goal. which all must reach. Sagittarius being a mutable sign, and having sympathy with Gemini, its opposite, the lungs would be the first part of the system to show signs of weakness ; but this would be produced by the over- activity of the Sagittarian, who would scatter his forces and thus deplete the vitality. Walking exercise will always be the best for those born in this sign, they would then be able to recuperate and draw into themselves the vitality needed, but in this they should be34 ASTROLOGY FOR ALL careful not to over-exert themselves. Being naturally fond of sports and all outdoor exercises, they usually live healthy lives, but they are more liable to accidents than the other signs, and more often suffer in this way than from disease. Born in the fiery triplicity, in common with the fiery signs, they make good military men ; we might think of the Aries as the common soldier, Leo as the captain, and Sagittarius as the general or com- mander. The common soldier would rush headlong into the fight with the impulse and impetuosity characteristic of his nature; the Leo captain, with, his determination and decision and practical thoroughness, would be able to lead and direct with perfect control ; while the Sagittarian commander, with his foresight and prevision, could command, knowing just where to direct the energies of his forces. The Sagittarians make good teachers, clergymen, law- yers, astronomers, photographers, designers, inspectors, equestrians, horse-dealers, sportsmen (professional and amateur), and advance- agents, To sum up the character of the Sagittarian individual, we may consider him as an introspective, impressionable, active aad enter- prising person, always frank, honest, generous and sincere; loyal to whomsoever he becomes attached, and generally wisein his love ex- pressions. Although not so demonstrative as the Aries, or as steady and fixed as the Leo, still the Sagittarian is expressive in his feelings. The Sagittarians make splendid characters when allowed perfect freedom. Being lovers of liberty, they can recognise the law of order and harmony ; but when bound or placed under any restraint, they be- come fretful, irritable and rebellious, and it is then difficult to restrain or pacify them. They will never willingly hurt, but when pushed to extremes are inclined to say much more than they mean. They always like to do one thing at a time, and are in this quite different to their opposite sign, which seems to desire to leave things unfinished ; but not so the Sagittarian, who, being of one thought and one mind, likes to accomplish that which is in his mind. The persons born in this sign may reach to a great height of prophecy, and they may make great attainments in the world on spiritual lines,ASTROLOGY FOR ALL 35 CHAPTER XIII. Tue Inpivipuat. AnD Personat CHARACTER OF THE SIGN CAPRICORN ve December 21st to January 20th 9 Capricorn is the last of the cardinal signs, and also the last of the earthy triplicity and the first of what is well termed the serving trinity. This is the tenth sign of the zodiac and the completion of the circuit from Aries to Capricorn. In this sign is contained the perfect number, and all the attributes of the perfect man are to be found con- cealed in this sign, which in a few words is conveyed in the expression “And whosoever will be chief among you let him be your servant.” This sign represents a high mountain on which a goat is seen to be steadily climbing towards the top; but many symbols could be used to pourtray the wonderful power that is concealed in this, the strongest of all the signs. If we were to trace the Sun in his journey from the first point of Aries which starts the spring, until the sign Capricorn was reached, and with it consider the unfolding of the life forces until maturity was reached, we should have in Capricorn a consummation of character that would be well-nigh perfect. The Capricornians, when individualised, are impartial, just and accurate, aiming to be precise, exact and constant, fulfilling all things with a persistent, persever- ing and industrious nature. They are assiduous, arduous and care- ful, zealous and diligent, ever enduring with a calm, earnest patience, and a grave reflective demeanour. They seem to have brought the economy of Cancer to a kind of perfection, and they know how to be frugal and thrifty without being mean; when fully individualised they are very contemplative, re- served, deep and profound. They are always independent characters, possessing a quiet self-reliance and determination, and when living up to their highest ideal are the true servants of humanity; but when not awakened, and living to the personal side of their nature, they pass through the extremes of all these virtues. They are always more or less self-conscious, and seem to know the state of conscious- ness they are in more readily than those born in the other signs. When personal they are melancholic, doubtful and sceptical, and in- clined to be very indifferent and perverse ; and when working on the36 ASTROLOGY FOR ‘ALL lower levels they are constantly repining and expressing a heavy, morose, cold and distant nature, so that their despondency and gloom carry them into an obscurity that is painful to themselves and all who are connected with them. When very backward in their de- velopment they become miserly, avaricious, deceptive and dishonour- able. Capricornian individuals are capable of” attaining great heights, as they possess both ambition and endurance, and with their punctual attention to details, and their thrifty and acquisitive methods, they can build while others are dreaming of the work. ‘They make the most of all their opportunities, and being self-reliant they accomplish their ends. It would seer as though all the ideals conceived of in the pré- ceding sign become beautiful crystals when manifesting in Capricorn, With their practical conception of things, they know how to produce in the concrete the ideal that is in their minds. All their ill-health appears to arise from despondency and melan- cholia, and they may gradually sink into a morbid condition from which spring numerous complaints which would appear to have their seatin the smypatheticdisarrangement of their digestivesystem. Their counteracting medicine is hope and cheerful society, and a change ‘of scenery and surroundings becomes essential when they have given way to their greatest enemy, despondency. Many of those born in the sign Capricorn’ rise in life through their own efforts arid personal merit ; they acquire wealth by a steady and patient industry.’ Great wealth is often found with this sign, and some of the greatest aristocrats have been born’ between the above- mentioned dates, They are successful in all land and building specula- tions, and are best adapted for general and practical work connected with the earth, They are successful in agriculture and’in matters connected with the soil. ‘They have great ambitions and are able to undertake very large contracts with success; and the pursuits tney are best adapted for would be builders, upholsterers, designers and decorators, and all professions of a scientific nature. They make good scientific researchers and writers ; and in any avocation where steady application and iadustry are required, they are the persons to succeed. Large speculations, elaborate enterprises, and huge under- takings, are best conducted by the Capricornians. We inay sum’up the character of the persons born in this signASTROLOGY FOR ALL 37 by considering them as truly Saturnian individuals ; and they range from all that is icy-cold, limited and barren, up to the calm, cool, contemplative meditator on things’ divine. A great number of persons born in this sign favour ‘a concrete or ceremonial religion. " ‘They are always, more or less ambitious, and in some way or other are ever seeking to display their independence. Although some of the strongest characters are born in this sign and are thus able to serve the world to advantage, there are also many who ape humility. In studying Capricorn we may learn much from the nation which is said to be chiefly under its influence—the Indian race. In this country we find great learning, great wealth, great power, and great position ; but we have also great servility and, amongst the lower castes, a cringing humility which is distressing to those who can realise how low the mighty have fallen. In common with the earthy signs, those born under Capricorn can be extremely selfish ; but their virtue lies in patience, contemplation and reflection. CHAPTER XIV. Tue INDIVIDUAL AND PERSONAL CHARACTER OF THE SIGN AQUARIUS = January axst to February 20th = Aquarius is the last of the airy triplicity, also the last of the fixed signs and the centre of the serving trinity. Nothing that could be said of this sign at our present stage of evolution could possibly convey the idea of the state of evolution to be reached when the whole of humanity advances to the condition of this sign, Its symbol is the man commonly known as the water-bearer, and that which the perfected man will bein the concrete or the objective world will also be attained in the subjective world by the Aquarian." If we combine the fixed nature of this sign with the airy triplicity, we have the idea of fixed air, from which we may deduce the fact that the thoughts may become fixed and concentrated, and thus become the real. Aquarian individuals are determined, patient, quiet, unobtrusive and faithful. They have the power of concentrating their thoughts, and are generally philosophic and scientific. They lead toward the uh- conventional, and thus become excellent reformers; they have bright and clear intellects, and persevere patiently with all their pursuits.38 ASTROLOGY FOR ALL They are persons one feels one can depend upon, and they inspire trust by their equable dispositions. They are nearly always kind, humane and retiring. They are exceedingly fond of art, music and literature; but seem to have more ability for scientitic studies, and in this they are helped considerably by their intuitive and penetrat-* ing mature. When fully individualised, they have a great love for all humanitarian undertakings and concerns that produce harmony for the many ; this gives them marked social tendencies, and makes them delight in giving pleasure to others. They possess literary and artistic ability above the average, and are always more or less in- clined toward the occult sciences. They make splendid researchers on scientific lines. When awakened, they are patient in devotion . and careful in their thought, and develop excellent memories for subjective ideas. The main feature of this sign is the remarkable ability that it gives for the study of human nature; the Aquarian individuals are born character-readers, and they are rarely mistaken in their judgment. They seem to contain the essence of the airy triplicity and possess a mentality of the highest and most refined quality, which makes them natural clairvoyants, clear reasoners, and careful students. When living along the purely personal lines, they are somewhat chaotic, diffusive, deceptive, tricky and clever for their own ends, conceited, somewhat egotistical, apt to use their inflexible wills in the direction of selfish mental desires, and inclined to be vacillating and capricious, often boasting of things they cannot perform. There are very few true Aquarians amongst us as yet. ‘Their day is, however, approaching, and we may catch a glimpse of what we may expect, when studying the lives of Dickens, Edison, Ruskin, and George Peabody ; in the clairvoyance of Swedenborg ; and in tne science of Darwin; all of whom were born in this sign. ‘We may thus gain some idea of what the future humanity may be. Defective circulation is the chief cause of the troubles common to the Aquarians, when not living healthy and progressive lives. ‘They have more mental vitality, as it were, than physical, therefore exercise and fresh air is their finest medicine. Beautiful scenery and harmonious surroundings, and the concentration of their thought upon good health and perfect circulation, will do much to benefit them physically. : The Aquarians succeed best in life in all pursuits where steadyASTROLOGY FOR ALL 139 application of the mind and the concentration of thought are necessary ; they make good artists, designers, and musicians. They have inven- tive genius, and are responsible for more inventions for the benefit of humanity than any of the other signs. They would have success in all employments connected with electricity, or as writers, or in con- nection with railways. ‘The Aquarians may be summed up as honest, steady, discrimina- tive, and truly intelligent individuals. They are noted for the integrity and sincerity they possess; the intense and fixed love nature of the fixed signs combined with the refined mental quality of the airy signs, They are faithful in their love until the end, the love generally living in the higher mind. They succeed in life where others would fail, and have clear conceptions of all they undertake, They are studious and thoughtful, and at the same time versatile. They can retain whatever knowledge they acquire, and are dis- criminative enough to turn all their forces in the best direction. ‘They are acquisitive without being miserly, and are inclined to leave their possessions for the benefit of humanity. They seem to readily take to strangers, and rarely consider that others are in any way strange to them, and through their excellent ability to read and judge human character they rarely make mistakes in their estimate of others. They all possess the latent ability to become “ the Man that their sign symbolises, and when they have united their grand mentality with their polar sign Leo, in which is contained all the feelings, love, and emotions of the heart, they are then able, like the water-bearer, to pour out upon the earth the living waters of life which nourish and sustain all around them. Light and life await those who break away’ from the personality and live in the individuality of this sign. CHAPTER XV. Tue INpivipUAL AND PERSONAL CHARACTER OF THE SIGN Pisces February 21st to March 20th Tus is the last sign of the zodiac, the sign of the fishes. It is the last of the watery and mutable signs. Its symbol represents two fishes tied together, one swimming in one direction and the other in the opposite. In some respects this sign represents the failures of40 ASTROLOGY FOR ALL humanity, and for this reascn it is somewhat difficult to express all that is conveyed in the symbol of this sign. There can be no such thing as a real failure; but if we were to think of a progression through all the signs, and then think of the sign Pisces as representing, on the one hand, those who had succeeded in extracting the virtue from each, and, on the other hand, those who had failed to accomplish, we might obtain some idea of what is meant by the term often applied to this sign of “ self-undoing.”* We do get apparent failures in life indicated by this sign ; and these are the persons who may be said to live an entirely personal life, to the total exclusion of the individual, their consciousness, as it were, functioning only on the very lowest levels of manifested life. They are then over-restless and over-anxious, lacking life and energy, apparently undecided how to act, and always waiting for an opportunity. It is exceedingly difficult to interpret this sign with any degree of clearness, for not one in fifty born in it will ever admit his own character. They nearly always pretend to be some- thing different from what they really are, and as they are usually hampered with an over-abundance of self-esteem and approbativeness combined, it becomes very difficult for them to admit their failings. A considerable amount of the personal Pisces character appears to arise from a lack of decision, and being very receptive to all the conditions that are around them, they find it very difficult to become fully individualised, and therefore are usually a bundle of incon- sistencies tied with the cord of discontent. There are more mediums born in this sign than in all the others put together ;- in fact, they are so very mediumistic that they rarely know themselves from other people, and are ever ready to attribute their failings to the conditions that are around them. They are more egsily obsessed than any of the other types, and are so exceedingly psychic and receptive as to draw many, spirits around them, who live quite peacefully in their floating aura. Possessing very strong emotions they become much attached to their friends, quietly accepting’their advice and opinion and endeavouring to act upon it whenever it is convenient. They are very changeable and imaginative, or probably, what is more correct, fanciful; and love to live in a world of romance. They are fond of sensational novels, and greedily devour everything of an exciting nature. Some of the worst types are apt to take toASTROLOGY FOR ALL 4z drink under any severe anxiety and worry, and to give way to the worst forms of temptation. When becoming individualised and more self-controlled, they are very patient, gentle and submissive persons, possessing a quiet’ understanding; as they awaken and unfold, they become deeply interested in occult phenomena. Their character, as it grows, becomes more confiding, more trustful, but rarely self-reliant ; although they are capable of being very honest, amiable, loving and kind, with an abundance of sym- pathy, especially to all dumb animals. They are ever apt to be more timid than bold, and it will usually be found that where self- esteem is lacking, approbativeness will take its place, and vice versa. It is essential that they live pure and clean lives, as they are more magnetic and liable to absorb evil influences than any of the other signs. The dualistic nature of Pisces makes it very difficult to ex- tract the good from that which appears bad; they love roaming about; are sometimes rather fastidious and too fond of detail; but are, however, very hospitable, and seek to do all in their power to make those dependent on them comfortable and happy. As| caterers, hotel proprietors, nurses and those who minister to the welfare of others generally, they find their forte in life. The Pisces individuals seem to-be more liable to consumption than the other mutable signs ; but they seem to cause this themselves, by despondency and melancholia. When worried, their digestive conditions are disordered, and this produces many other troubles. Through being over-anxious and worrying they often weaken their system and suffer from functional disorders. To preserve their health they should be very cleanly in their habits, avoiding all impure magnetisms and infectious diseases. ‘The Piscurians are generally fond of the sea, and they succeed best in life in all pursuits connected with the sea, or water, and as sea- captains or naval men they are in their right vocation, They are good travellers and advance agents; they make good novelists, book- Keepers and accountants; and are successful as painters, and any employment that brings some kind of change, or where attention to details is necessary, and where they may complete the work of others. It would be difficult to find the word that would express the Pisces individual, excepting it be that they are excellent mediums, and are able to receive some of the impressions coming from the pre-42 ASTROLOGY FOR ALL ceding signs. They are emotional and secretive, patient and medita- tive, kind and generous, imitative, receptive, and peaceful when living up to the best of their nature. They seem to possess a pecu- . liar understanding of their own, and love to investigate phenomena. They are nearly all more or less drawn to spiritualism, or the in- vestigation of the unseen. If it be true that they come under the planet Neptune, which is supposed to govern Pisces to a consider- able extent, then it is not to be wondered at that the sign is difficult to express; but as there are extremes in all the signs, we may expect in this, as in the others, some very good, and also some weak characters. In the foregoing chapters the nature pf the Sun’s influence while vitalizing each sign of the Zodiac has been given for each of the twelve months of the year, and the same delineations, when modified, will also give a description of the personality when the Moon is being through either of the signs, as will be explained in the suc- ceeding chapters. A word of explanation with regard to the term Individuality may be necessary to those who have not yet distinguished between the individual part of man’s nature, and that which we recognise as the personality. The Sun represents to us the pure mind, or what is termed in Sanscrit, Manas. It is the human portion, as distinct from the animal. The Personality, as represented by the Moon, is what is known in the Eastern Philosophy as Kama-Manas, or the mind linked with desire, generally known as the Animal-Man.‘ASTROLOGY FOR ALL 43 CHAPTER XVI. an Tue Nature or THe Twetve Sicns of THE Zopiac We may now examine the signs of the zodiac as a whole, also in various divisions, a correct knowledge of the zodiac being essential before proceeding further. The twelve signs of the zodiac play a most important part with regard to the delineation of nativities, and unless the true nature of each sign is thoroughly understood, a correct judgment cannot be given; therefore, it is necessary throughout these lessons to study the twelve signs as exhaustively as possible, It is impossible to understand the twelve signs as one whole, without perfect knowledge; but we may know a great deal of the whole by studying the signs in part. Taken in their entirety, the signs of the zodiac represent: firstly, the desire-nature, composed of the feelings, passions and emotions of the world’s humanity ; secondly, the whole of the personal consciousness that is dependent upon the senses for its experiences, generally spoken of as common-sense. We shall begin to study the parts, separating’ the twelve signs into pairs of positive and negative ; then into four groups, known as triplicities ; finally into three distinct divisions, known as qualities, which we may arrange as follows :Symbol : Sig Triplicity : Quality: Pole: Power: Character : Parts of Body : No. Symbol : Sign: Triplicity : Quality : Pole: Power : Character : Parts of Body : No. Symbol : Sign : Triplicity : No. Symbol : Sign Triplicit; Power: Character : Parts of Body : No. ASTROLOGY FOR ALL Northern Signs vr 8 Aries Taurus Fiery Earthy Cardinal. Fixed Positive Negative Cardinal Succeedent Ram Bull Head Throat L I. S aX Cancer Leo Watery ‘Fiery Cardinal Fixed Negative Positive Cardinal Succeedent Crab Lion Stomach Heart IV. v. Southern Signs . m Libra Scorpio Airy Watery Cardinal Fixed Positive Negative Cardinal Succeedent Balance Scorpion Reins Secrets VIL. VIII. b. = Capricorn Aquarius Earthy Airy Cardinal Fixed Negative Positive Cardinal Succeedent Goat The Man Knees Ankles xX. XI. 0 Gemini Airy Mutable Positive Cadent Twins Lungs ul. © Ving Earthy" Mutable Negative Cadent Virgin Bowels, VI. t Sagittarius Fiery Mutable Positive Cadent Archer Thighs 1x. x Pisces Watery Mutable Negative Cadent ‘The Fishes Feet XIL.ASTROLOGY FOR ALL 45 Examining the signs in groups, we may become better acquainted with their meaning, until we are finally able to expand our know- ledge of each separate sign and ascertain its true value. The grouping of these two divisions will now assist us. 1Groups of Triplicities Quality of Signs Fiery Signs ¥ Q Earthy ,, ¥% m Airy, a Watery = m Cardinal ~ @ = Fixed sums Mutable no m # % KEITH We may now discover the meaning of the triplicities by separat- ing them i > pairs, as follows: Posie | 7 t Fiery and } The ideal and Group” {Aries, Leo, Sagittarius "Ardent | intuitive world Negative {_ m ® _% Watery and)The astral and Group” (Scorpio, Caneer, Pisces Plastic | psychic world. The fiery signs represent energy, force and life, and govern the passions and higher emotions, the highest feelings in which warmth and activity are expressed. They have a tendency to expand, burn up and refine all the dross out of the nature, and expend in force the best part of the emotions, the direction of the energy depending upon the strength of the will behind, as seen by the planetary indications. ‘The watery signs represent the receptive part of the nature which is inactive, unless moved by desire or impulse from without. They govern the personal feelings and sensitive part of the nature, and in undeveloped types sensation is needed to enable those under their influence to realise that they are attached to their personality ; but in the more evolved, the feelings are instinctive, giving rise to intuition, and the psychic nature is more active, The watery signs govern the negative and more dependent side of the desire nature ; they seek affection, while the fiery signs prefer to give it—the latter are the pursuers, the former the receivers. The next pair are composed of airy and earthy signs, and their nature may be learned by comparison. Positive {oon ow = Airy and |The mental and Group ( Gemini, Libra, Aquarius Intellectual) artistic world. Negative; om 8 wy Earthy and) The physical and Group virgo, Taurus, Capricorn Solid j objective world.46 ASTROLOGY FOR ALL This group is composed of the signs that have more to do with the mind than the feelings, particularly the positive signs of the group belonging to the airy triplicity. We may analyse these six signs in the same way as the former group, the airy signs representing the intellectual, educational, mental, artistic or professional charac- teristics, and the earthy the practical, business and political side of life. ‘The former live more in the intellectual world and think out the plans for the future; the latter carry them out in detail by prac- tical, solid, matter-of-fact methods, Our remarks might be extended to great length along these lines, but we have a very simple method of learning the exact value of each sign apart from groups, and this is obtained by studying the qualities, which are Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable, as follows ;'-: . Quality Signs”? Expression Cardinal Y © = vp Intellect, Ambition and Ideality. Fixed 3 § m = Will, ‘Power and Purpose. Mutable m mm f % Emotion, Flexibility and Restlessness. ‘The first four signs of the zodiac, Y ¥ m &, are physical signs. ‘The four middle signs, . m « m, are psychic signs, and the last four signs, t vy = X, are spiritual signs, but until the true nature of each sign is fully understood they must be considered in a general sense only. Examining the signs separately, we find Aries belongs to the positive, cardinal and fiery group. We have thus at once a clue to the nature of the sign Aries. In its positive condition we see that it is an expressive sign; and we gather from its fiery nature that it gives an inclination to act independently and to assert its force; and, from its cardinal nature, we may judge that it is an acute sign, giving prominence to all that it indicates. In making a distinction between the positive and negative signs, we may consider the former as mote directly concerned with the life side of evolution, and the nega- tive signs as being more closely connected with the form side. The energies and life-giving properties are represented by the positive signs, and the media, or form, through which the life works, by the negative signs. We find in the table that the sign Aries governs the head, and that its character is ram-like, and from this we may judge that the activities are more easily expressed through the head. TheASTROLOGY FOR ALL 47 ram butts his way, through obstacles, and those in whom the Aries nature is the leading characteristic are known as pioneers, of daunt- less courage, and fiery enthusiasm. On reference to the graup of triplicities we find that Aries is grouped with those signs governing the positive emotions. Passing now to the table of qualities, we find Aries a cardinal sign, giving ambition, progress and ideality. It does not require much judgment to obtain a final idea regarding Aries. As this sign governs the ‘head, we may easily come to the conclusion that from the Aries nature we shall expect to find the mental emotions the most prominent part of their character. The life forces working through the head will stimulate the higher emo- tions, producing ideality and clear thought. It may be that in un- developed cases, as can be seen by planetary influences, this nature, when perverted, will be passionate, combative and deceptive ; but in any case this sign endows those who come under its influence with the higher aspirations which may be either for internal develop- ment or external welfare. We may now study the second sign of the zodiac, Taurus, the first of the earthy triplicity in the order’ of the signs. This is a negative sign, and we have classed it under the group of Negative- mind,” belonging to those signs concerned with the objective and lower mind. Being earthy in nature it is dependent upon physical objects for expression. Its triplicity and quality give us the idea of fixed earth, and bull-like character. In the body it governs the neck and throat, that part of the physical anatomy upon which the head rests and turns. It would not be difficult to associate either great will-power or obstinacy with this sign, and one or the other is sure to be expressed by the Taurean nature. Slow to move, they, however, move to purpose when aroused; quiet and inoffensive, patient and © enduring, always acting with deliberation and rigid movement, we can easily form the idea of obedience as the main characteristic of this sign. Duty and obedience are the high keynotes of the Taurus nature, but when undeveloped, then obstinacy and a surly, slothful indifference may be expected, yet in any case we may consider that ‘Taurus is the sign of solidarity. ‘ Gemini, the third sign of the zodiac, is the first of the airy tripli- city, and it is mutable in quality. All the mutable signs are generally termed common signs by astrologers, there being notiing definite or48 ASTROLOGY FOR ALL fixed about them. They are each composed of two characters: the twins; the virgin with the eats of corn; the archer, half man, half horse; and the fishes. Some idea of this duality may be gathered from the study of Gemini. This is a positive sign of the airy tri- plicity, and we have placed it with those governing the positive mind or the subjective and higher mind. The Hindoos symbolise this sign by a beautiful woman, amoroys and fond of ornaments, also a man clad in armour, thus indicating the double nature of the sign. The key to its nature is obtained from the knowledge that, although an airy sign, it belongs to the mutable group of signs, all of which belong to change, indecision and mutability. We may connect this sign with education and the higher mental conditions, but still inde- cisive and impermanent. If we may now use comparison to help us in obtaining a clear idea with regard to this sign, we may think of the other airy signs for a moment. Libra is of the cardinal quality, and thus more pronounced and active in expression, and from the following illustration we may at once learn to distinguish between these signs, Gemini and Libra. The Libra type of mind loves colour and expression, and an artist in whom the Libra quality is active would paint in colours, while the Gemini artist would prefer plain line drawing, pen’ and ink sketches, or crayon work. The mind of the Gemini nature is plain, but decidedly more professional than business-like ; the work, however, although refined, would always be mechanical. There are two distinct natures in the Gemini, and it would seem as though the mind had not completely severed itself from the lower senses, and we can endorse one astrological writer’s comment on this sign, that the Gemini persons reason from their sensations. To understand the nature of the sign Gemini, two clear, ideas are necessary : first, that it is a positive, airy sign ; second, that it is also a common or mutable sign, and from these two factors we know. that it is a sign that causes restlessness and a constant desire for change. It gives quickness in movement, and when governing those who are developed, it gives aptitude in abstract things; but when those who are undeveloped come under its influence, it causes irritability, inde- cision, and a highly impressionable nature. We find many literary persons who cater for the public taste, such as newspaper men, re- porters, collectors of news and scrappy details, coming under thisASTROLOGY’ FOR ALL 49 sign. The sign Gemini seems to lack concentration, although there is often motive behind all its actions; but the worst trait of character with which it endows its children is diffusion, They may be subject to many extremes and moods, but they never lack versa- tility, which makes those born under the influence of this sign the best persons to call upon in an emergency. “We'now come to the fourth sign of the zodiac, Cancer, the first of the watery triplicity, and the second of the cardinal signs. This sign we have placed with those concerned with the negative emotions. ‘The sign Cancer is the most receptive and sensitive sign of the zodiac. This sign may be likened to a limpid lake, and its ripples may be caused either by movement from within or injection from without. It is first negative and then acute, nearly always requiring action to come from without to stimulate and awaken its latency. From this we may judge that it is the sign which has precedence in all personal matters. The Moon has her greatest affinity with this sign ; it is, therefore, the most plastic, and all the personal feelings and emotions that spring out of sensation, fancy, and the best imagination arise from the condition of this sign. Like the lake, it reflects and gives back an image of all that is reflected into it, and from this simile we can understand why the Cancer person has a most retentive memory. It is only when the lake is clear and free from disturbance that images can be correctly reflected, and by the same analogy, it is only when the feelings are impersonal and un- biased that they reflect the true conditions of the soul. If not taken in too literal a sense, the three watery signs may be considered as representing the three aspects of the soul, animal, human and spiri- tual. Cancer in a general sense is the negative half of Leo, and represents the sensitive human soul; but this is not to be taken as a hard and fast rule, for the sign is one of form, and represents the film or shell only. -There is one feature about this sign that may be learned from the crab, its physical representative, and that is, ten- acity.. The Cancer persons can hold on, crab-like, and they will suffer extremely before they will let go. When undeveloped, they retain feelings connected with the lower emotions, and are then often peevish, morose and sour-tempered persons ; but when advanced, and receptive to the very best influences, they know how to economise and make excellent providers from their nourishing, succouring and190 ASTROLOGY 70K ALL sustaining condition, which is always at the disposal of those who require their protection. Weakness and strength are combined in this sign, as we can see by the illustration that the crab may be as easily crushed as it is difficult to release one’s-self from the nip of its claw. Cancer gives a love of fame more than ambition. The nega- tive cardinal signs prefer greatness to descend upon them rather than to achieve it. When pure, the Cancer types of humanity are very psychic, and from their receptive condition they become in- tuitive and absorb the conditions of others, readily sensing the psychic atmosphere around them. Their greatest fault when undeveloped is their inactivity, and they need a stimulus from without to move them toaction, The first feeling in the savage is hunger, which awakens the dormant feelings that eventually make the growing ego hungry for food for the mind as well as food for the body ; a centre has to be formed, and the first centre is that which is forméd in the breast, where all the finest feelings reside, to be eventually expressed by the true Cancer nature, which is the motherhood or maternal principle. If sensitive and easily wounded, they are also loyal and conservative in regard to their ties and duties. The fifth sign of the zodiac, Leo, is a fiery, positive sign, ruling the heart. This is the central sign of the fiery triplicity, and from its fixed nature we may judge that the higher emotions are the chief centre of activity. In all the fixed signs we may expect either indif- ference and obstinacy, or firmness and fixity of purpose. - Power and austerity are the marked characteristics of the Leo nature, and the will is usually more internal than external; it isa sign of strength and magnanimity. The passional nature is keen and ardent, all the feelings coming direct from the heart. From its position as centre of the fiery signs, it is more potent and full of meaning than the other fiery signs (this applies to the central sign of each triplicity). Love of power and command are the chief Leo characteristics ; they live in a world of their own creation, and nothing seems too great for their ideality. Being full of faith they accomplish and achieve by persis- tent determination ; to them their will is law. When developed, they carry around them the most harmonious vibrations of the twelve signs, and have the power to soothe and heal. This sign prompts the higher emotions and gives love of honesty and the higher morality. When undeveloped, the characteristics are pride, arrogance and ex- treme passion.ASTROLOGY FOR ALL 51 In dealing with Virgo, the sixth sign of the zodiac, we first note that it is a negative earthy, mutable sigh, governing the objective mind. It is the central sign of the earthy triplicity, and, in common with the earthy signs, it governs the practical and solid side of formative life. It is a sign conferring upon its subjects industry and the ability to follow many different pursuits, and the powers of adaptability to circum- stance and environment. In this sign are provided all the require- meats of the business nature. The mind is full of feeling of the objective type, and the whole nature is very psychic, pliable and instinctive. This completes the general description of the first six signs of the zodiac. The remaining six may be briefly dealt with, a repeti- tion of the method for judgment being unnecessary. Libra is the centre of the airy signs, and cardinal in quality. It denotes balance, justice and equilibrium. It is an ambitious and aspiring sign, refined, harmonious, and expansive in nature, Intel- lectually, it gives wonderful powers of perception and comparison, and when developed, those who are under its influence are compas- sionate and lovers of unity and equality. This sign represents the state of consciousness that is between the higher and the lower emotions ; the dispassionate and equalised state of the intellect, the pure mind, free from the senses: it represents the point in human evolution in which the mind is weighed in the balance, Libra being the central sign of the zodiac. Scorpio is a fixed sign, and the centre of the negative watery signs. It is the sign of reserved force and power. This may be termed a formative sign, Moulded by feelings, the character is of the strongest type, the worst as well as the best characters being formed under the influences of this sign. In the undeveloped we find pride, jealousy, and secretiveness, and the power for evil works in the direction of hatred and vindictiveness. In the developed we find the powers of the magician concealed, Scorpio being the most mystical of signs. Sagittarius is the ninth sign of the zodiac. It is a mutable, fiecy, positive sign. In common with the mutable signs, two natures are often expressed, and those under their influences are impression- able, and very sensitive through the emotions. This sign is half human and half animal, the first half tending to religion and the52 ASTROLOGY FOR ALL higher emotions, and the latter half to matters connected witn sports and external pleasures. In the undeveloped .we find cateléssness, restlessness and-extremes. Capricorn, a cardial, earthy and negative sign, is the tenth sign of. the zodiac. The ambitious nature of this sign is symbolised by the goat, who must reach the highest summit of the mountain. This is the most formative of the earthy signs ; it gives perseverance, industry, prudence, patience and thoughtfulness. The undeveloped are capricioys, crafty, suspicious and- exacting. Aquarius, the eleventh sign of the zodiac, is a fixed, airy, positive sign, of the nature of fixed air; it gives concentration. and firm- ness. The symbol of this sign is the man, thus denoting it to be the most humane of the twelve signs. It gives intuition, faithfulness, and marked artistic tendencies. Pisces is the twelfth and last sign of the Zodiac. It is a watery, mutable, negative sign, It is the most dual of the signs, The emo- tions are deep and silent. A marked feature of this sign isthe love for dumb animals that its natives possess. They are always kind and hospitable ; but often very mediumistic and psychic. In this chapter we have gained a deeper insight into the nature of the zodiac; but there is much more to learn regarding these signs that will require other chapters ; all that has been said should be well studied, as it will save much labour and difficulty in connection with judgment of nativities, We shall again take up these signs in the chapter on decanates and! the rulers of signs. We may now-pass on to a consideration of the Moon in the signs, and the positive and negative centres. It is now essential to memorise the symbols of the signs of the zodiac and their numerical order as follows: Name Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo’ Virgo Symbol _ + sw ou @ a ™ Numerical 7 ‘Onder I ML. mL Iv. v. vi. Name. Libra Scorpio Sagitfaritis Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Symbol 2 t w Ed x Numerical . Order. VII. VII. 1X. x. XI. XII7 ASTROLOGY FOR ALL 53 CHAPTER XVII. Tue Moon ano THE Zopiac Tue Sun rules by day and the Moon rules by night. The Sun represents the positive life-giving principle, and the Moon the negative or receptive. A great portion of humanity at the present time is Preparing to emerge from the illusive fascination of the Moon's influence, but it will be many centuries ere the majority is free from its limitations. We have said in previous chapters that the delinea- tions for the Sun's apparent passage ghrough the signs each month would also indicate the character of the personality when the Moon was posited in that sign at birth, and with certain modifications this istrue, The Sun represents the heart, the higher emotions, the purer part of our nature, and the character which is at the root of our being ; whilst the Moon represents the brain; the senses, and the part of our nature which cognises and gains experiences from the physical and objective world. The distinction between the two Juminaries is very marked and definite, although they represent two halves of one whole. Objectively we see the light from the Moon ‘when she is above the earth and the Sun below, and subjectively we know that when the personality is strong and the individuality weak, the lunar nature is in evidence. Strong personalities are full of desire and self-hood, whilst strong individuals are more expansive, broad, liberal, and magnanimous. The former cling to form, perception, and objecis, the senses are more sensitive, keen, and active ; whilst the latter are not so bound by the senses, living more in the mind and the higher emotions, the subjective world being of more importance than the objective; reflection, thoughtfulness, and will-power are stronger than desire and impulse. Until the student of human nature has learned to distinguish between the character as‘expressed by the heart and the brain, he will find it difficult to discover how much individual character there is apart from the personal, and how much is personal and how much individual; particularly at the present time, when, comparatively speaking, there are so few who know themselves. As a general rule, the Moon placed higher in the heavens than the Sun is an indication that the personality is the stronger. When both Sun and Moon are above the earth, both characters may be strong. In nocturnal54 ASTROLOGY FOR ALL horoscopes, that is, when the birth takes place after sunset, the ‘Moon is more often above the earth; but it will also happen that both luminaries are below, and both may therefore be weak and the life correspondingly unfortunate. All this, however, will be explained in the judgment of horoscopes. We may now proceed to give a few hints as to the nature of the personality when the Moon is passing through the twelve signs. THE MOON IN ARIES This makes the person an,enthusiast in some direction ; impul- sive, aggressive and militant in manner, sometimes irritable and liable to fits of anger. Insists on having his own way; disobedient to superiors; independent and self-reliant. Somewhat volatile or changeable, and dependent upon impulse; disliking conventionality or discipline. He may achieve popularity or notoriety. May be placed in some position in which he exercises authority over a num- ber of people or is head over many. He will be at the head of some undertaking, or will be in some way prominent in his sphere of life. He will go more by intellect than intuition. The mother will play a prominent part in the life in some way, often not a sympathetic or for- tunate one ; and there is likelihood of differences between the native and his parents, or the latter may die early or be separated from him. This position favours military pursuits, independent or original ventures. He will strike out a path for himself or at least attempt to do so; and much that he does, hoth wrong and right, will be unex- pected by his friends and contrary to their advice. Mysticism or occultism of some kind may show in his life; or the tendency may take the form of a necessity for secrecy in some of his affairs; his occupation may sometimes involve secrecy or mystery or be of low class, though this is very contrary to his nature. He may meet with unpopularity or threatened scandal of some kind. THE MOON IN TAURUS The personality is quiet and unimpulsive ; persistent, determined, and not to be thwarted in his aims. Somewhat hopeful, ambitious, and desirous of excelling. Follows established customs, conserva- tive by nature, resists change and outside influences. This lunar position gains friends for the native, and favours the acquisition of money, houses, or land. It favours occupations of the nature of theASTROLOGY FOR ALL 55 earthy element ; dealing in land, houses, heavy goods, old established businesses ; or the native may succeed to the father’s business and gain or inherit from a parent. Sometimes the occupation may be one considered low class, plebeian, or unpopular, involving secrecy or mystery; but it will generally be remunerative, and the native may prosper financially. It is favourable for occupations of water and liquids, and for living near rivers or on the coast; and slightly good for money derived from companies, wholesale trading, associations, societies, etc. The native is somewhat sensuous and material, but sociable and of good disposition. It is slightly favourable for singing, music, painting; for gaining friends and joining societies. THE MOON IN GEMINI This lunar position strengthens the intellect, and makes the native a lover of books, of study, of scientific and literary pursuits ; and inclines him to some occupation of a mercurial nature. He is active in mind and body; likely to change his residence frequently, or bas more than one house ; often goes on short journeys ; travels, or is out and about a good deal ; is often out-doors, walking or riding, etc., or calling on other people. He is skilful and dexterous with his hands and arms. Is able to live by his wits, and may gain money as messenger, traveller, salesman, speaker, clerk, writer, designer, journalist, engraver, artist, sculptor, or by study andliterature. May have more than one occupation, or may change his occupation. The mind is prone to change, and there may be irresolution, or lack of perseverance; in a bad horoscope this may show as underhanded- ness, subtlety, lack of straightforwardness and honesty, especially in matters of the second, third and fourth houses. THE MOON IN CANCER This indicates a personality fond of ease and comfort, homely in his habits, and attached to his family. It attaches him to his mother, whom he may resemble. He is friendly and sociable in manner, is imaginative, emotional and changeable. He is influenced greatly by his surroundings, is sensitive to outside influences, and to some extent falls in readily with the ways and methods of others, adopts their suggestions, sympathises with the joys and sorrows of others, and takes his colouring from outside to some extent.56 ASTROLOGY FOK ALL He is most fortunate when acting under the direction of, or in accordance with, the advice of someone else. But this may be greatly modified if positive signs or planets are prominent in the nativity; under the influence of Mars, or martial signs, especially, he may show much positiveness and independence. There is some ability for acting, mimicking, expressing the thoughts and emotions of others; also for music, painting or poetry. This position relates somewhat to mediumship, psychism, and the astral plane generally. The native is drawn to the watery element; lives near water or travels by water; deals in liquids; and is fortunate with house or land property and shipping. THE MOON IN LEO This lunar position tends to uplift the native, to put him in positions of responsibility or prominence, and to give him authority over others as head, or manager, or director. It gives the favour of those in higher ranks of life than the native. Hes ambitious, desirous of occupying a prominent place, and does not hesitate to come before the public. He is honourable, generous in money matters, high minded, candid, and warm hearted. He is susceptible in affairs of the heart, a favourite with the opposite sex, and a sincere lover. It favours intuition and genius ; it gives love of music, poetry, or painting. It gives some love of luxuries, pleasures, perfumes, jewels, fine clothes, etc. THE MOON IN VIRGO The native has good intellectual powers and is capable of follow- ing some intellectual pursuit ; he has a good memory and learns easily. It covers a great variety of occupations: servant, manager, agent, or subordinate in any capacity ; any occupation connected with grain or food-stuffs, such as farmer, miller, grocer, maltster, con- fectioner; and any connected with drugs or medicine, chemist, druggist, herbalist, analyst, doctor, dispenser, etc. He makes a trustworthy and fortunate servant and himself is fortunate through servants or those under him. This position, taken alone, tends to make him quiet and easy going, somewhat irresolute, not ambitious or pretentious. He has many friends, especially female friends. May belong to some company, firm, society, or association. There is likelihood of many short journeys and work as secretary, messenger, clerk, traveller, schoolmaster, etc.ASTROLOGY FOR ALL 37 THE MOON IN LIBRA ‘This position favours general popularity. It gives fondness for music, poetry, and the fine arts generally, and much ability in this direction. The native is affectionate, good-natured, kind in manner and easily gains friends. ‘The native is fond of company, society and friends. Much of his fate and many events of his life will come about through his association with other people ; he will be greatly swayed and influeaced by other people; generally by some one person. It tends strongly to partnership, not merely in business, but in almost all affairs of life. He works with another person in nearly all under- takings; and, without necessarily being irresolute, depends largely upon someone else, and can get along best in almost all things when associated with someone. The same may be said of the occupation and position in life. THE MOON IN SCORPIO This lunar position makes the native very firm and determined, self-reliant, and assured, and well able to stand alone and fight his own battles. He is abrupt and plain spoken, positive, energetic and capable of hard work, though also fond of the good things of the world and of easy living. He is conservative and averse to change, especially if forced upon him from without ; he is difficult to influence and may be very obstinate; and yet for his own purposes he will sometimes appear very revolutionary and changeable, and will advo- cate or carry out great and revolutionary changes. He is sometimes irritable, angry, and revengeful; this being a very bad position if backed up by other evil influences. It does not favour morality, and may give habits of drinking ; it often causes a coarseness in speech or manner, and threatens some scandal to the native ; it rather tends against fineness of feeling and refined instincts. It inclines to mediumship, psychism and occultism. A death occurs in the native’s family, or in the ranks of their close associates, shortly before or soon after his birth or early in his life; and he has much to do with death, acts as executor, is frequently brought into relation with the dead, or may follow some occupation connected with the dead. It attracts to the opposite sex in any horoscope; favours marriage in a male horoscope, but threatens disharmony in the married state or in the relations with the opposite sex.58 ASTROLOGY FOR ALL. ‘THE MOON IN SAGITTARIUS This position gives a quick, restless and unsettled manner, either to the body or mind ; the native is active in body and fond of physical exercise, sports, athletics, is a quick walker and worker. He is inclined to travel, and changes his abode frequently. His disposition is sincere and honourable, kindly and good-humoured. The native is religious and sincere in his belief even if it be unorthodox. There “is some inclination for mysticism, psychism, and the occult; he is a natural teacher or preacher, and may have something of the prophet in his nature. The intuition is increased and made more active, and there may be some psychic gift, such as clairvoyance. There is a tendency to dreaming and somnambulism. ‘There may be talent or even genius for religion, philosophy, music, poetry, etc. In the lower type of horoscope the animal side of the sign will show rather than the religious, and then occupations and amusements connected with shipping and horses will be prominent in the life. He isa faith- ful worker or servant, and himself benefits by servants or those under him, He may have two occupations or may change his occupation. THE MOON IN CAPRICORN This tends to bring the native before the public for good or evil, popularity or notoriety, hough it usually has some drawback attach- ing to it ; he may achieve relative fame or notoriety, or may move in some sphere that brings him before many people. If well aspected at birth, he may be vety popular as the head of some undertaking, may attract attention as a prominent or responsible person in some way, for something he has done or with which he is associated; but if badly aspected in the nativity, the publicity signified by this position may be of an unpleasant nature. It gives some degree of rulership, generalship, and administrative ability, which is intensified if the sun is in a cardinal sign, or ifa cardinal sign is rising. ‘There is always some drawback or difficulty attaching tothe occupation, to the fame or to the position the native gains; he may raise up enemies, open or secret, or his reputation may suffer, with or without his having deserved it. ‘The native is somewhat fond of show, is rather selfish, careful with money matters, calculating and cautious, and knows how to influence others, but is often cold by nature and thinks too little of the feelings of others. If the horoscopeASTROLOGY FOR ALL 59 is a good one, the more undesirable characteristics of this position may be obviated. If other influences assist, he may attain very considerable fame or prominence. : THE MOON IN AQUARIUS This lunar position gives some inclination for astrology, fortune telling, dreaming, visions, mediumship, mysticism, and the occult generally. Subjects that are unusual, original, eccentric, and novel, attract the native. He may become a freemason, or join some secret or mystical society, association or brotherhood. He is broad and humanitarian in his sympathies ; fraternises readily with those who are congenial to him, is easily drawn into the company of such, and will be found in some club, society, association, or group of those similarly minded. He has an inclination for political, educational, and scientific work, and may join any movement or public body relating to these ; has some inclination for local politics and municipal affairs. He is sociable and sympathetic in manner, and desirous of the good opinion of others, and yet may be very independent, uorthodox, and unconventional at times. It increases the imagination, intuition, and mental sensitiveness generally. It is slightly unfavourable for the constitution, especially the nervous system. If the Moon is afflicted the eyesight may suffer. THE MOON IN PISCES The native is quiet, retiring, and easy-going, is restless and fond of variety, easily changes his mind, is irresolute and not always to be de- pended upon, is rather easily discouraged, and meets with obstacles, mis- fortune and opposition in life. It givesa liking for reading of a romantic or emotional kind, for poetry and music that appeals to the emotions and feelings. As speaker, writer, or composer, the native is fluent, copious, imaginative, and diffuse. He inclines to be religious, but is likely to be more emotional than intellectual; to feel rather than to reason out. He is sometimes wanting in buoyancy and hope, is too serious or too easily depressed, and may lack matter-of-fact common senseand humour. There may be a tendency to intemperance or dis- sipation, laudanum drinking, etc. Mediumship, clear dreaming, and various psychic powers may manifest themselves. It softens the frame and increases the fleshy and glandular structures and is not favourable for robust health. There is danger from secret enemies ;60 ASTROLOGY FOR ALL the native may himself not be quite straightforward; and there is liability to detention in hospital, poor house, prison, etc.; but the worst effects will not follow unless there are accompanying bad as- pects, or other indications in the nativity. We may now definitely establish in our mind the idea that the Sun represents the positive centre, from which the true life is flowing, and that the Moon is representative of the receiver, or the negative and magnetic point. CHAPTER XVIII. Tue Sorar-Lunar ComBinaTions Ir often happens that the birth time is not accurately known any further than the day of the month and year, this rendering it impos- sible to cast the horoscope. When this is the case, the Sun in the signs as delineated in Chapter IV. will give us some indication as to the individual character, but it is often found that these individual characteristics have to be considerably modified. It then becomes hecessary to know what sign the Moon occupied on the day of birth, and to enable those who do not know the time on the day they were born, the Moon’s position is given in the chapters that follow from the year 1850 to 1900. It is quite true that the solar position considerably influences the permanent or moral character of the native, also that the Moon exer- cises a considerable amount of influence, according to the sign she is in, over the personal character or that part of the consciousness that is expressed through the brain, and when the foregoing chapters have been carefully studied so as to know the exact value of these solar and lunar positions, it becomes a simple matter of blending these two influences together to discover the characteristics of those born on certain days. The following blending of the Sun and Moon in the various signs, which may be called solar and lunar combinations, will apply to all persons born on those days irrespective of the other planetary positions, but médified to a considerable extent by the rising sign, which will be dealt with separately in the succeeding chapters. The principle upon which these solar-lunar combinations are based is to make the Sun the positive, primary, and life-giving element, and the Moon the negative or secondary and formative element, and when the nature of the sign is thoroughly understood, it can easily be seenASTROLOGY FOR ALL 6r how far the life side, as represented by the Sun, influences the character, or.how far the form.side, as represented ‘by the Moon, affects the pergonality. And to save much confusion, the student should impress the fact on his mind that the Sun represents the life side, governing the individual, and the Moon the form side, govern- ing the whole of the personal and physical characteristics. These two symbols blended together represent spirit-matter, the one being dependent on the other for expression. The following blend of the life and form principles should now be carefully studied. ‘THE SUN IN ARIES . L* ‘The Sun's apparent passage through the celestial sign Aries has been thoroughly described in Chapter LV., therefore it is only neces- sary to now observe that the primary characteristics of the Sun in this sign are force and energy, and the fundamental’ basis of the character will consist of an ambitious, aspiring, enthusiastic nature ; and during the month that the Sun remains in this sign, the twelve lunar positions will either considerably modify this primary influence or accentuate it, and increase its manifestation. But without the Moon to focus the rays of the Sun and collect the influences that are constantly being distributed, the individual character would always be flying off at a tangent, having no medium through which it could be focussed. But in studying each one of these combinations it will be well to remember that the solar force is the primary influence, the lunar centre always being a negative, secondary, and expressive aspect. THE SUN AND MOON IN ARIES L.-1—(Conjunction) This is equivalent to the Sun and the Moon being in conjunc- tion, or in the first house of the horoscope, and with regard to cha- racter, will act in a similar manner. This position of Sun and Moon will accentuate the consciousness in the brain, giving great activity of thought and quickness of perception, with strong inclinations to excitement, endowing those born under this combination with an intense desire to be at the head of all things; to be intellectual leaders and pioneers in all mental affairs. The Sun will in this case be stronger than the Moon, the sign Aries being of a fiery nature, and2 ASTROLOGY FOR ALL not watery like.the Moon. Over-work, excessive worry, intense ex- citement, and too much activity would tend to produce diseases of the brain, and if persisted in, would finally produce mental derangemeat. This combination increases the self-esteem and love of approbation, and through too much independence brings changes in life and many troubles following on impulsive action and rash conduct. It. will cause those under its influence to gravitate to positions of trust and responsibility, or where responsibility is undertaken. THE SUN. IN ARIES AND MOON IN TAURUS I-11. (Sinister Semi-sextile) The Sun is exalted in the sign Aries, and the Moon in the sign Taurus. This combination strengthens the positive and negative elements, and produces a very strong character. The’ physical side ‘of the nature is practical; but with the force of the Sun in Aries behind it, the character becomes a very determined one, the ideal and practical being very well blended. The disposition is composed of the Martial Venusian elements, and the sensuous nature is called into activity. The intellect and intuitions are very marked, but there is ‘a great tendency to be self-willed and dogmatic. The magnetic forces are very powerful, and all the senses very keen, the Moon in Taurus supplying what the Sun in Aries usually lacks. It is a ‘splendid combination for mental expression, and the nature tends to become harmonious; but there isa great deal of sensitiveness. Those born under this combination may become mental and physical healers, especially along the lines of hygiene. This sign gives an abundance of vitality. It tends to make the life fortunate, the per- sonality being able to carry out the ideals of the Aries individuality. This is a good position for financial success in life, also for posi- tions of trust and authority. THE SUN IN ARIES AND MOON IN GEMINI L-IIL. (Sinister Sextile) This combination gives a considerable amount of mental activity and manual dexterity, and there is apt to be a great deal of restless- ness and over-exertion. The nature is a very changeable one, loving variety and expression ; but there is a lack of determination and tena- city of purpose. This combination gives refinement and artistic ten- dencies, and makes those under its influence good novelists and °ASTROLOGY FOR ALL 63 clever writers of fiction. The dualistic tendencies of the Moon causé much of the qualities of Aries to be wasted, and there is often more said than is done. It. is not a very reliable combination until thought-control has been practised, but it favours mechanical ability. Over-activity and excitement will tend to produce nervous troubles, and rest will often be required to restore harmony to the system. This position is good for travel and all literary undertakings and promises some success in life through mental efforts. THR SUN IN ARIES AND MOON IN CANCER L-IV. (Sinister Square) This is an exceedingly sensitive combination, giving a consider- able amount of ambition and a love of fame ; but the Moon being re- ceptive in the sign Cancer, it adds to all the splendid ideals of the Aries nature. It increases the intuitive and psychic faculties, ex- pands the imagination, improves the memory and strengthens the brain. The sensitiveness of this combination causes those born under it to feel very keenly the surrounding conditions, but they are easily able to reason and arrive at correct conclusions when not too approbative; there is generally a great deal of anxiety, especially in regard to domestic affairs or matters connected with home life. Care in diet is necessary for the successful expression of this com- bination, as the health is often marred by worry and anxiety. It gives success in life through matters connected with horticulture, and gives ability to design and plan, especially in architecture. THE SUN IN ARIES AND MOON IN LEO LV. (Sinister Trine) This combination gives remarkable intuition, a very affectionate and warm heart, but an innate sensitiveness to the surrounding thought sphere. It is a harmonious blend and acts more upon the feelings, stimulating the heart into greater activity, the brain feeding the heart as it were, this causing the intuitions and spiritual aspirations to be very keen. This very harmonious combination gives a tendency to religious thought, clear thinking, and correct mental impressions. The metaphysical is easily encouraged, and there is a certain amount of originality of thought and action. Ex- tremes in affairs of the heart will act injuriously and the health would"64 ASTROLOGY FOR ALL be seriously impaired through disappointments in the love life. This position brings success through ambition and favours all matters connected with music and the drama. THE SUN IN ARIES AND MOON IN VIRGO 1.-VI.—(Sinster inconjunct) This combination stimulates the critical and discriminative tend- ency of the Moon in Virgo. It exalts the practical nature and brings out all the scientific characteristics. The solar position con- siderably improves the lunar characteristics and makes the mind more logical and more accurate in its judgments. It gives a con- siderable amount of ability in all literary pursuits, but also awakens all the exacting tendencies, although it dispels some of the melan- cholic attributes of Virgo. It intensifies the expression of all studies, and gives a considerable amount of musical ability, especially in expression. It strengthens the love of chemistry and hygiene of the Virgo nature and success in hydropathic affairs. It often gives greater ability than there is opportunity to use profitably. Success comes through holding some servile position. THE SUN IN ARIES AND MOON IN LIBRA L-VIL. (Opposition) We have now reached what is practically the opposition of the Sun by the Moon ; therefore all that is contained in the Aries nature may find its expression in the equilibrium and balance of the sign Libra, This is a good position for all those who use comparison, and it tends to bring reflection and perception to a state of balance. It causes a keenly sensitive nature, and one who is very receptive to the surrounding mental atmosphere. It brings out all matters related to music and the fine arts; gives a love of recognition, and benefits the life when it co-operates with others. It makes those born under it good counsellors and advisers, and fits them for the legal profession or all matters where arbitration and judgment are required, usually the judgment is unbiassed and carefully weighed. This position tends to bring out the clairvoyant faculties. It will bring some fame or recognition, and place those under its influence in prominent positions.ASTROLOGY FOR ALL 65 THE SUN IN ARIES AND MOON IN SCORPIO L-VIIL. (Dexter inconjunct) This is not a good combination, the martial element being very strongly marked, increasing the passions and inclining the nature to be rather hard, dogmatic, positive, and even jealous. It causes the life principle of Aries to be expressed on physical lines, giving revolu- tionary tendencies, and making those under its influence easily excited, irritable, angry, and revengeful. In cases where the rising + sign indicates it, and the planetary positions are favourable, it in- clines to mysticism and the occult ; but’ there is a danger of psychic faculties being somewhat abused. Children born under this com- bination should have a good education and be taught to be less combative and forceful, and also to live pure lives. This is not a good position for the health. It favours success by assertion and aggressiveness. THE SUN IN ARIES AND MOON IN SAGITTARIUS L-IX. (Dexter Trine) This is a very good combination, the fiery triplicity being well represented. It gives a very quick, sympathetic and inspirational nature, but a tendency to go to extremes, especially in physical matters. . There is always a certain amount of restlessness and in- clination to do things hastily, especially in speech. It intensifies the religious inclinations. It strengthens the sincerity and straightfor- wardness of the personality, and gives very strong tendencies to prophesy or speak unconsciously, yet accurately, in regard to the future. It gives impulse, some exaggeration, and a tendency to go to excess. This combination gives some skill in musical perform- ance, and fits those under its influence to become good teachers: or preachers. It is good for travelling and exploration. It brings benefit through the Church and religious matters. THE SUN IN ARIES AND MOON IN CAPRICORN L-X. (Deater Square) ‘This combination gives an intense love of fame. The Saturnine qualities of the Moon are accentuated, and the personality made exacting and inclined to fluctuating moods. It gives remarkable imagination and splendid ability in all practical methods concerned with66 ASTROLOGY FOR ALL gaining popularity. This combination increases the inquisitiveness of the personality, and gives a very determined and positive nature Cleverness is much appreciated, and persons in a higher rank of society are sometimes worshipped. This is a very sensitive com- bination, and the brain is a very receptive one, especially to the mental conditions of others. Tact and diplomacy are often over- ridden by impulse and self-assertiveness, It weakens the self-esteem but increases the love of approbation. It causes those under its in- fluence to aim for leadership, and to rule or domineer over others. It favours uncommon pursuits, and brings success through force of character. ‘THE SUN IN ARIES AND MOON IN AQUARIUS I-XL. (Dexter Sestile) This combination gives ability to study human nature. It brings out all the pleasing characteristics of the Moon in Aquarius, making the personality somewhat original and at times eccentric. It inten- sifies the artistic and enterprising characteristics and gives some ability in literary matters, a bright, clear'mind, well able to express itself. The imagination, intuition and mental sensitiveness are much increased, and there is a love of educational and scientific work. It intensifies the independence, but gives the ability to deal with others successfully. Determination and enterprise are combined, the Aries nature is steadied and its influence made very reliable. This is a fortunate influence in all matters connected with associations, public bodies, local governments; it also brings help and assistance from friends and acquaintances. THE SUN IN ARIES AND MOON IN PISCES L-XIL. (Dexter Semi-seatile) This combination is not altogether a harmonious one, the action of the Sun being too strong for the lunar position, which produces a discontented, restless, and often worrying nature, But it tones down considerably the impulsiveness of Aries, and when the two are work- ing harmoniously, it increases the generosity and the spirit of evolu- tion. It givesa love of the occult, the profound and mysterious, but usually much sorrow comes into the life, which causes those born under it to think more deeply than most of the combinations under Aries. In this combination the personality may be very receptive toASTROLOGY FOR ALL 67 all the impressions coming from the higher nature; but the person- ality must be peaceful and harmonious, otherwise the force will be too strong and be inclined to cause the Moon to receive too many evil impressions. It gives success in connection with public institutions, asylums, and some authority in a quiet and unobtrusive manner. It is also favourable for all veterinary work. THE SUN IN TAURUS IL. The Sun in Taurus will make the individual character behind each lunar expression more firm, plodding, enduring and determined, but there will be a tendency to move slower and act more cautiously, quietly and practically than when the Sun was in Aries. We have now the expression of the Sun from the exaltation of the Moon, and each combination will tend to strengthen the personality more than the individuality, which may often lay behind the personal expression. THE SUN IN TAURUS AND MOON IN ARIES IL-1. (Dexter Semi-sextile) This combination gives a very strong personality. There is a tendency to be impulsive, headstrong and rather too dogmatic. The abilities are not under-rated and there is a considerable amount of per- sistency, tenacity and exactitude. There is plenty of reserve power behind all the force that is expended, and when those born under this combination make up their minds to carry out any purpose in life, they nearly always succeed; but they expect a great deal from others and manifest a stubborn desire to make others conform to their requirements—the moral nature is usually very strong. This combination gives success in life through energy and the desire to excel. It favours enterprise, the spirit of daring and all matters where a determined will is required. It gives good con- structive power and the ability to organise. Prosperity is obtained through perseverance. THE SUN IN TAURUS AND MOON IN TAURUS IL-1. (Conjunction) This combination gives a considerable amount of determination, and those born under its influence are not easily thwarted in their68 ASTROLOGY FOR ALL purpose. They possess a great amount of self-control, but are rather too self-contained, too reserved, and often secretive; but they are re- markably strong characters, fearless, persistent and hopeful, possess- ing much feeling and an affectionate nature. They easily attain to great success in the financial world and appear to have a disregard for finance although they cannot help being often very much mixed up with it. This combination is the most practical and solid of the preceding influences, bnt there is a danger of becoming too obstinate. ‘When obedience is observed, they make very fine characters. There is a tendency, however, to become too self-centred, and too reserved or determined. THE SUN IN TAURUS AND MOON IN GEMINI IL-IIL. (Sinister Semi-sextile) The restlessness of Gemini is considerably steadied by the Taurus quality, and owing to this there is less diffusion, and more initiative force; there is, however, an inclination towards despon dency and self-esteem, which is due to some superficial tendencies that have not been eradicated. Those under this combination are inclined to be somewhat selfish and apt to be assertive; but the i tellectual tendencies give them good abilities, giving ability to write and speak, in some ‘cases the powers of language and musical ex- pression are easily developed. It is, however, not a very harmonious combination, and usually the acquisitive tendencies are very large. Nervous disorders will have to be guarded against, and temperance is advisable. THE SUN IN TAURUS AND MOON IN CANCER IL-IV. (Sinister Sextile) This is a rather negative combination, the sensitiveness ot Cancer is accentuated somewhat, and the emotional nature is very easily excited, especially in matters connected with the home life. This combination not only increases the sensitiveness and sometimes the reserve and timidity, but it also produces much economy and some anxiety with regard to the future welfare. The imagination is very keen, and there is some tendency to go to ex- tremes, especially when influenced by others. This combination sometimes gives inactivity, and increases the powers of sensation,ASTROLOGY FOR ALL 69 but it is a lucky of fortunate’ combination, giving gain’ througlt pro- perty and probably inheritance. THE SUN IN TAURUS AND MOON IN LEO IL-V. (Sinister Square) The emotional and sensational nature is much increased under this combination ; there is a great tendency to exaggerate, over. estimate and go to extremes, also to be easily influenced in all matters connected with speculation, probably to gambling and sensa- tional pleasure. The affections are sometimes easily drawn into unfortunate channels, and there is very often a tendency to express keen likes and dislikes. Care will be necessary to avoid over-indul- gence, especially in the appetites, which may become abnormal unless checked. The moral nature may be strengthened considerably towards the close of the life, but the early portion is often one in which either psychic tendencies or sensations play a very prominent part. The affectional nature is ardent and at times passionate ; excesses should be avoided. There is some poetic ability, the imagi- nation being very vivid. THE SUN IN TAURUS AND MOON IN VIRGO IL-VI. (Sinister Trine) The critical faculties are accentuated by the practical Taurean nature which is behind the personality, and this combination gives us some of the very best business types of character. In all busi- ness pursuits they are very persistent, precise, and pronounced in their judgments, This is a very successful combination, being a harmonious blend of the earthy triplicity, which brings out all the practical tendencies, and Virgo being the ruler of the business world, the personality has here the opportunity and facility for expression. ‘The moral nature is firm, giving much conscientiousness to assist the personal character. Behind much apparent pliability there is a fixed determination, which gives great success in life in all business pursuits. THE SUN IN TAURUS AND MOON IN LIBRA IL-VIL. (Sinister Inconjunct) This is an inharmonious combination, and there is usually a con- siderable amount of bias and one-sided judgment in the nature, the blending of an earthy individuality and an airy personality is not7 ASTROLOGY FOR ALL very favourable. , It tends to increase the separative tendencies and usually causes the personality to arrive at faulty decisions, which are often the result of another's influence in the life. It gives a certain amount of determination, but it is usually of a stubborn nature. Those born under this influence are apt to be guided by their feelings rather than by their reason. There is likely to be much individual jealousy and vindictiveness displayed, especially towards strangers and opponents. The personality is apt to be very affable, agreeable and more refined and polished than the individual character, but the determination that is behind the personality will often carry the point where either merit or persuasion has not succeeded. This combina- tion depends very much on the planetary positions. THE SUN IN TAURUS AND MOON IN SCORPIO IL-VIIL. (Opposition.) ‘This position gives a certain amount of vanity, self-esteem, and the feelings are very strong and intense. There is much reserve and often a great deal of secretion and concentrated force. A good edu- cation is very necessary for this combination, otherwise there is a tendency to be far too easily influenced by environment and surround- ing conditions. Pride and jealousy may cause the downfall of those who are born under this combination ; but there is always a con- siderable amount of determination for good or evil, and unless the latter is restrained the nature will become very selfish one. Success in life will come through persistent determination and dagged self- reliance and stubborness. THE SUN IN TAURUS AND MOON IN SAGITTARIUS IL-IX. (Dexter Inconjunct) The determination behind the Sagittarius personality will incline those born under its influence very greatly to go to extremes in all things. It gives a tendency to impulsive action and hasty speech, and when provoked a very great deal more is said than is probably thought or meant, and there may be a tendency to be very unkind and argumentative when put out. This is not a good combination unless planetary positions counteract it, the personality being far too impulsive for the individual nature, but there is aspiration, and a love of science, also a tendency toward philosophy and religion, which improves the nature.ASTROLOGY FOR ALL 7 THE SUN IN TAURUS AND MOON IN CAPRICORN (IL-IX. (Dexter Trine) This is a very practical combination, giving caution and a ten- dency to make very careful and well-laid-out plans and schemes. The whole character is very independent and determined, and the ambitions are keen, but more concerned with conservatism and conven- tionality, having to do with physical objects and personal surround- ings. This is a very successful combination of the earthy triplicity, making those born under it excessively practical and well able to build up a fortune. They are especially adapted for a public life, or where the energies are put to good uses in carving out a prosperous career; they will possess great attainments, aspire to reach great heights, are filled with ambition and are able to exert the personal for tne purpose of achieving physical attainments. This gives ability to deal with big schemes, become successful organisers and to carry out huge plans. THE SUN IN TAURUS AND MOON IN AQUARIUS IL-X1. (Dexter Square) Thisis a practical combination, giving thoroughness, carefulness, prudence and caution, with a considerable amount of reserve. It gives honesty of purpose, sincerity and refinement, and those born under this combination are able to concentrate their thoughts, be- come very industrious, persevering and successful. This combina- tion tends towards eccentricity, and causes those born under it to become very self-centred. THE SUN IN TAURUS AND MOON IN PISCES IL-XII. (Dexter Seatile) This is not quite so unfortunate as the combination of Sun in Aries and Moon in Pisces. It steadies the mind more, gives less inclination to restlessness; but in some respects increases the com- bativeness. Those born under this combination are very hospitable, very receptive to the wants and. requirements of others, kind and pliable and very well disposed. This is a fortunate combination, and success comes easily. It increases the mediumistic tendencies72 ASTROLOGY FOR ALL and gives receptivity to psychic influences. The disposition is easily affected and inclined towards good'living, peace and harmony. THE SUN IN GEMINI Il. ‘The Sun in Gemini as the motive force behind the lunar expres- sions will give a dualistic, restless and irritable tendency, with the desires always running on intellectual lines. The individual character will be more dualistic in its expression, and there is less permanency than in the foregoing solar positions. The will power is strong, there is some pride and love of pedigree. THE SUN IN GEMINI AND MOON IN ARIES IIL.-L. (Sinister Sextile) This will give a very intellectual nature, and make those born under this combination fond of intellectual pursuits, studious, and fond of expressing their thoughts, but there is a danger of the personality going to some extremes and becoming too in- dependent, also somewhat too changeable, But it is a very strong and powerful combination, especially in all intellectual matters. It gives a very ambitious spirit and strengthens the assertiveness. The nature is a very positive one, and somewhat lacking in sympathy and feeling. There is a liability to live too much in the head, this giving danger of brain troubles, and there is also a tendency to be- come erratic, and express a great amount of self-will. THE SUN IN GEMINI AND MOON IN TAURUS IIL-I1, (Sinister Semi-sextile) This combination gives a considerable amount of sensitiveness, much determination and firmness. It is a very sensitive combina- tion, and causes the feelings and ambitions to be strong and powerful, owing to the intellect that is mixed up with the sensational nature. ‘There is apt to be a considerable amount of energy, and perseverance, and determination. The Gemini characteristics are very much strengthened by this combination, and there is not so much change- ability, restlessness, and irritability, but it is not altogether a favour- able combination. It gives gain through relatives and literary pursuits.ASTROLOGY FOR ALL 73 ‘THE SUN IN GEMINI AND MOON IN GEMINI TIL-IIL. (Conjunction) This combination indicates a considerable amount of wilfulness, activity and restlessness, and a tendency to measure all things from an intellectual standpoint. There is a certain amount of self-esteem and independence, and the feelings are not so active as in the other combinations of this polarity. The motive temperament will dominate. There is much dexterity in all matters where the hands are employed. There is an inclination for the Moon to express the Sun very clearly in this combination, giving refinement, artistic tendencies and literary ability. THE SUN IN GEMINI AND MOON IN CANCER IIL-IV. (Semi-sextile) This combination gives a strong inclination towards economy and thrift in the home life, also in all matters concerned with the wel- fare of others, but it is a very sensitive and anxious combination. There is likely to be a great deal of travelling, also much restlessness and a longing for sympathy from others, but the artistic and imagin- ative faculties are well developed. The receptive nature is very easily affected and upset by surrounding conditions. This position gives success in all matters regarding transit and public affairs. THE SUN IN GEMINI AND MOON IN LEO IIL-V, (Seatile) The Leo personality suffers by this combination, as there is not sufficient firmness in the background to support the Leo indications therefore there is likely to be too much impulse, and the affections are very easily moved. The imagination is active, and there is poetical and dramatic ability. This combination gives a kind of weird tendency, and there is at times a liability to hypochondria. The affections are keen, but there is much love of display. There is some literary ability in the direction of fiction, etc. THE SUN IN GEMINI AND MOON IN VIRGO IIL-VI. (Square) This is a very good combination, the Mercurial elements coming out very forcibly, inclining the mind to be studious, critical and analytical. It gives a great love for chemistry, humanitarian views,74 ASTROLOGY FOR ALL and inclines to the study of the laws of hygiene. It is a very sensi- tive combination, however, with regard to the mind; there is apt to be some mistrust and melancholic tendencies, and if worry or anxiety be given way to, the nervous system may suffer considerably. Per- sons born under this combination may obtain great benefit through nursing and serving others, also by their clever criticism, but should avoid irritability, which is apt to mar the finer qualities, It gives a strong will, but some subtlety, and when perverted there is a liability to duplicity and indecision. THE SUN IN GEMINI AND MOON IN LIBRA IIL-VII. (Trine) This isa very good combination, built up on the airy triplicity. It gives much refinement and a sympathetic nature ; it also increases the intuitions, gives a great amount of foresight, sharpness to the perceptive faculties, inclines to study, gives ability for public writing and a great amount of imitativeness. It is necessary for those born under this combination to live purely. ‘The faculty of comparison is well developed and there is some probability of becoming popular. It gives success in artistic pursuits. THE SUN IN GEMINI AND MOON IN SCORPIO TIL-VIIL. (Inconjunct) This is by no means a good combination, there being very little harmony between the common and fixed signs. It accentuates the critical faculties, which are rather hard and severe. There is a ten. dency to combativeness, much determination, and a desire to pull down without rebuilding; it gives argumentivencss, assertiveness, over-sensitiveness, jealously, pride, and self-esteem. THE SUN IN GEMINI AND MOON IN. SAGITTARIUS IIL.-IX. (Opposition) This is not always a good combination, owing to these two signs giving too much activity and restlessness, lack of continuity, too much force, and nervousness. There is apt to be waste of mental energy, much enthusiasm, exceptional force of character and a great deal of excitement ; the personal character appears to be far in excess of the individual, but the higher and lower minds are’ both active, and may benefit each other, the lower aspiring for light, by devotion.ASTROLOGY FOR ALL 5 THE SUN IN GEMINI AND MOON IN CAPRICORN TIL-X. (Inconjunct) This is a very good business combination, and it gives Saturnine ballast and steadiness to the Mercurial tendency. The individuality is quick, but the personality often slow, therefore there may be a lack of harmony, but by labour, perseverance, and patience, a great deal of good work may be done by the personal character for the build- ing up of the individuality. This combination gives mental temper- ament, a love of science, some tact and diplomacy, and often much ingenuity. THR SUN IN GEMINI AND MOON IN_AQUARTUS ML-X1. (Trine) ” This is a very good combination of the airy triplicity. It gives a great deal of mental and physical activity. Those born under this combination are good character readers, also good students of meta- physics; they are able to get along very well with strangers, but should always avoid excitement. The artistic faculty may be culti- vated, Success will come through co-operation with others, also through science and art. THE SUN IN GEMINI AND MOON IN PISCES IIL-XIL. (Square) This intensifies the restlessness and causes a great deal of irrita- bility, but it gives a great desire for knowledge, which often comes psychically. There is frequently a great deal of dissatisfa yearning for the unattainable, discontent and peevishness. This is a psychic combination, producing great receptivity, and an inclination to dip into hidden mysteries ; the mind becomes very receptive to the mysterious and weird; it also gives success in writing strange and uncommon novels, and out-of-the-common pursuits. THE SUN IN CANCER Iv. This is not a strong position for the individuality, therefore the personal characteristics may pull considerably away from the higher qualities, Tenacity, attachment and the clinging desire for objects are very marked, It makes the individual character exceedingly sensitive, impressionable, and highly emotional, often lacking in self-reliance,76 ASTROLOGY FOR ALL and giving a yearning towards feeling. ‘There is power to psycho- metrise and sense the general conditions of others. It gives a very tenacious moral character. The signs of awakening will be shown in activity and power. THE SUN IN CANCER AND MOON IN ARIES IV.-I. (Square) This combination gives a great deal of activity, much persis- tency, aliability to become headstrong and go to extremes, a love of fame, ambition, and a desire to lead and be at the head of things. The parents may affect the life very considerably. There is a great deal of impulse in the personal character, which will bring many sorrows into the life. Success will come through public affairs and fame will be sought. ‘THE SUN IN CANCER AND MOON IN TAURUS IVI. (Sestile) This gives a considerable amount of sensitiveness, but all the higher jaculties are stimulated. There are some morbid tendencies in this combination, and self-control must be practised before success can be obtained. This gives a very psychic nature, keen intuitions, and great receptivity. The nature is imaginative, impressionable, and very easily affected by others. Good company should always be chosen. This combination makes good mediums and gives the ability to psychometrise. There is a certain amount of fortune attached to this combination. It favours the sympathetic tempera- ment. THE SUN IN CANCER AND MOON IN GEMINI 1V.-I1]. (Semi-sextile) This gives a personality very susceptible of education, and makes the brain exceedingly sensitive and receptive to the higher part of the nature. There isa great love of knowledge and a great deal of activity and energy, especially in literary matters and travel. Artistic ten- dencies in the home life may be displayed. Success will come through the help and assistance of relatives. THE SUN IN CANCER AND MOON IN CANCER IV.-1V. (Conjunction) Fancy and imagination will be manifest in this combination,ASTROLOGY FOR ALL 7 and there is a great liability to go toextremes. It gives independence and conservatism, or a clinging to ancient customs and habits; there is also much changeability. Inertia will produce laziness, but when other planetary influences allow, the tenacity and motive power will be great. THE SUN IN CANCER AND MOON IN LEO 1V.-V. (Semi-sextile) This combination gives very keen and sensitive feelings. It awakens the animal side of the nature, and there is a liability to gd to extremes; restlessness, especially where love is concerned. It gives great love of the drama, and sometimes a love of sensation and ardent feelings; the affectional nature is very strong and loves romance. THE SUN IN CANCER AND MOON IN. VIRGO IV.-VI. (Sextile) This gives a very sensitive and passive nature, with a certain amount of discrimination in all matters where the feelings and emotions are concerned. There is a liability to go to extremes and to worry, especially where business matters are concerned. The nature is receptive, and mediumistic; at times there is a liability to obsession, the nature being very receptive to psychic influences. THE SUN IN CANCER AND MOON IN LIBRA IV.-VIL (Square) This gives more balance to the sensitive and emotional nature of Cancer, and increases the perception and affections, particularly in matters connected with the home life; it stimulates the ideality, giving harmony and balance to the internal feelings. It also gives ability for writing, and a love of coming before the public for fame or recognition. THE SUN IN CANCER AND MOON IN SCORPIO IV.-VIIL. (Trine) This combination enables the personality to have a solidifying pon the sensitive nature of Cancer, making it harder and sometimes selfish; there is apt to be much vindictiveness and jealousy and pride, especially in matters connected with the feelings. It gives a love of display and attracts towards the opposite sex ; the8 ASTROLOGY FOR ALL magnetism is easily stimulated towards sensation. It gives success in magical and psychic affairs. THE SUN IN CANCER AND MOON IN SAGITTARIUS IV.-IX. (Jnconjunct) This is a very inharmonious combination, the personality being far too active for the individuality, but it stimulates the emotional and devotional nature. It gives too much activity with regard to speech, a Testless nature and a constant yearning for the unattain- able. This combination gives some psychic gifts and the ability to prophesy and bring through into the brain dreams, etc. It may lead to inspirational speaking. It will bring success from foreign affairs and religious matters. : THE SUN IN CANCER AND MOON IN CAPRICORN IV.-X. (Opposition) ‘This makes the individual character more practical, more am- bitious, and gives aptitude for business and practical pursuits. But it gives an inability to express the internal feelings. Many obstacles will come into the life, but the ambitions will be keen and there will be a great love of fame and a desire to lead and govern. THE SUN IN CANCER AND MOON IN AQUARIUS IV.-XI. (Inconjunct) This ig not a very harmonious combination, but it gives ability in all matters connected with associations and some degree of success in public life. Persons bora under this combination are apt to be very tactful, careful and diplomatic; it fits the life more for externalities than for the interior, It gives ability for painting and some artistic faculties. The eyesight may need protection. ‘THE SUN IN CANCER AND MOON IN PISCES 1V-XIL. (Trine) This is a very harmonious combination of the watery triplicity, awakening the emotional nature, and making the mind very receptive it gives mediumistic tendencies, a liability to hysteria, much fancy, and a desire to obtain knowledge. Psychic faculties may be developed and there will be an interior knowledge of the public mind and its requirements, It gives success in life.ASTROLOGY FOR ALL . 79 ‘THE SUN IN LEO v. The Sun in Leo gives a good moral nature; it makes the indi- viduality very sincere and ardent in all matters of affection, firm, self-reliant, sincere, magnanimous, noble-minded, austere, and de- termined. All combinations from this solar centre will be strengthened by the individuality. Many of the experiences of the life will be in connection with love affairs, and matters of the heart and inner feelings. THE SUN IN LEO AND MOON IN ARIES V.-I. (Trine) This is a harmonious combination of the fiery triplicity, and with the Moon ninth sign from the Solar Centre there is a love of philosophy and a tendency towards religious thought, much ideality, determina- tion, and love of being leaders and at the head of things. It gives a very persistent, dominant, enthusiastic, and industrious nature, with much combativeness, though the combativeness of Aries is subdued by the Leo influence. There is a necessity for restraint where feeling isconcerned. It gives success in life. THE SUN IN LEO AND MOON IN TAURUS V.-IL. (Square) ‘This gives a very determined nature, with an inclination to put the heart iato physical things. It strengthens the business intuitions, gives fortune in finance, and makes good bankers and stockbrokers ; it also gives a love of hygiene, and a strongly vitalised constitution. There is much strength in this combination ; the character becomes very firm and at times obstinate. ‘THE SUN IN LEO AND MOON IN GEMINI V.-IIL, (Sextile) This gives great activity to the personal nature, with much de- termination behind it, urging the lunar tendencies to greater activity, and some restraint will be needed. It inclines towards music and the drama, gives ability for writing and poetry, the hands being ever ready to express the heart. This combination makes gifted and clever persons.80 ASTROLOGY FOR ALL ‘THE SUN IN LEO AND MOON IN CANCER V.-IV. (Inconjunct) This causes much sensitiveness and much sorrow in the love affairs, It also gives a tendency to go to extremes and restraint will be necessary in sexual affairs. This is a rather good combination for the mind, the brain being receptive to influences from the heart ; it' stimulates the love emotions and makes the feelings very keen and sensitive, and rather too ardent and attached to the object of affec- tion. It gives success in life financially. THE SUN IN LEO AND MOON IN LEO V.-V. (Conjunction) ‘This gives a very independent nature, and makes those born under it rather self-centred, somewhat proud, but very kind-hearted and generous; they are capable of holding their own under many diffi culties, but there is a tendency to go to extremes. It often gives too much reserve and a great desire for affection from others. This com- bination gives much intuition, and ability as teachers or work in con- nection with schools, concerts, pleasure parties and amusements of various kinds. THE SUN IN LEO AND MOON IN VIRGO V.-VI. (Semi-sextile) The Moon is in the first house from the Sun. This gives good business instincts, chastity, ideality, but a tendency to be very critical, restless and anxious. This combination gives ability for music, literature, chemistry, hygiene, and many subjects where the ideal and practical are blended. It also fits those under its influence to hold responsible subordinate posts as head servants either in public or private life. It is a successful combination. THE SUN IN LEO AND MOON IN LIBRA V.-VIL. (Sextile) This gives much intuition, spiritual inclinations, a love of class- ifying and harmonising, with ability to foresee the future by the strong intuitional impressions which come from the individuality. It Strengthens the affections, gives compassion and a desire to do some public good. This is a very harmonious and successful combination.ASTROLOGY FOR ALL 81 THE SUN IN LEO AND MOON IN SCORPIO V.-VIII. (Square) ‘This combination gives much love of show, austerity, an inclina- tion to be rather hard and at times proud and arrogant. But persons born under this influence have very often their internal nature hidden under a hard exterior. “There is danger of going to excesses in love affairs, or where sensation is concerned, and a reckless or careless life will injure or disease the heart, ‘THE SUN IN LEO AND MOON IN SAGITTARIUS V.-IX. (Trine) This is a very good combination, belonging tothe fiery triplicity, but it gives much restlessness, great inclination to go to extremes, especially in religious matters, or matters of the heart. The Moon is in the fourth house from the Solar Centre, therefore in perfect har- mony with it. There is a great love of pleasure, much hope and joy in the nature, this being a hopeful and successful combination. THE SUN IN LEO AND MOON IN CAPRICORN V.-X. (Inconjunct.) This tends to harden the interior nature, giving much ambition and exactitude. The personality is inclined to be rather grasping, selfish, and too practical externally, but inside the heart is always pulling away from externals. This being the fifth house from the Sun the circulation is apt to suffer. It gives great love of power and leadership, and ‘ability to organise, govern and rule others. The ambitions are very keen and determined. THE SUN IN LEO AND MOON IN AQUARIUS V.-XI. (Opposition) This combination is equal to the Moon being in opposition to the Sun, It acts as a seventh house influence, causing the personality to go out to many indiscriminately; it gives intuition and ability to judge human nature quickly, and some very marked occult tendencies. It gives refinement and much determination and will-power. THE SUN IN LEO AND MOON IN PISCES V.-XIL. (Inconjunct) There is very little harmony in this combination, as the brain82 ASTROLOGY FOK ALL is often negative to the internal feelings, therefore there is often dis- content and dissatisfaction. There is some tendency to occultism, mediumship and inspirational speaking, poetry and strange writ- ing. The nature is inclined to become dreamy, and at times too passive. THE SUN IN VIRGO vi. ‘This gives a practical individuality and a discriminative nature. It tends to lead the whole of the lunar expressions more into practical methods, where the discriminative faculties can be called out as fully as possible ; it also connects the personality with maternal and family affairs, the home instincts being strongly marked. THE SUN IN VIRGO AND MOON IN ARIES . VL-[. (Luconjunct) This gives very keen mental abilities, and tends to fit one totake lead in any business affairs. The personality is mirthful, witty, active, sharp, impulsive and quick to foresee, but the solid nature of the solar influence behind it enables the whole combination to work harmoniously. ‘There is a tendency to live too much in the head, and the nature may be somewhat lacking in sympathy, and selfishness will express itself when the will is thwarted; this works out in sarcasm. THE SUN IN VIRGO AND MOON IN TAURUS VL-UL (Trine) This combination in the earthy triplicity brings out all the intui- tive faculties and strengthens the scientific or practical ability, giving keen perceptions and fitting those under its influence to be very competent in the business world. It gives nich receptivity to the surrounding thought-sphere, and some poetic instinct. This com- bination will give some reserve and secretion, and there will be a tendency to be over-cautious. THE SUN IN VIRGO AND MOON IN GRMINI VIL-II. (Square) ‘This quickens the spetch and intellect, giving ability for and bringing into activity all the mental expressions, but belonging to the common group, there is often loss of opportunity in the life, arisingASTROLOGY FOR ALL 83 from some irresolution. It will, however, bring those born under this combination into eminent position, which may or may not be held. Friendship and hospitality are marked features in this com- bination. THE SUN IN VIRGO AND MOON IN CANCER VIL-IV. (Sextile) This quickens the sensitive nature of the Moon in Cancer, but it also awakens the anxious side of the nature; it stimulates the activities on domestic lines. ‘This is a very receptive combination and somewhat over-sensitive. It gives an economical, persevering and industrious nature, with very strong leanings to everything per- taining to the home life and family affairs, with some tendency: to- wards conservatism or sectarianism. This combination increases the economical tendencies of Cancer. THE SUN IN VIRGO AND MOON IN LEO VIL-V. (Semi-sextile) This stimulates the affectional and emotional nature of the Moon in Leo, but behind the personality there is not much fixity ; therefore there is anxiety for fresh loves and there will be many love episodes in the life. This combination softens the critical side of the Virgo nature, and stimulates the psychic side of the solar position. Excess of feel- ing in religious matters is very harmful from this combination, the imagination being very keen and vivid. THE SUN IN VIRGO AND MOON IN VIRGO VI.-VI. (Conjunction) This quickens all the Virgo nature, giving great love of every- thing of a maternal nature, where kindred and the home life is con- cerned. This combination increases the impressional nature, dis- crimination, independence, self-reliance, and foresight, but there is a tendency to be self-contained and somewhat self-centred. It is a somewhat harmonious blend, but both luminaries being in a common sign, there is a tendency to be methodical, although refined and polished. All melancholic tendencies should be avoided, and the combination may produce a depressing influence.84 ASTROLOGY FOR ALL THE SUN IN VIRGO AND MOON IN LIBRA VIL-VIL. (Semi-seatile) This combination gives independence of thought, ability for writing, philosophic and scientific. It quickens all the perceptive faculties of Libra, and gives great ability in all matters where fine judgment and perception is required. It strengthens the intuition, imagination, ambition, but gives a very clear mentality, etc. ‘THE SUN IN VIRGO AND MOON IN SCORPIO VIL-VIII. (Sestile) This is a rather selfish combination, inclining one to be hard and somewhat careless as to the feelings of others, excepting those of their own family or those who minister to their personal com- fort. The sympathies are not very keen, and jealousy is liable to be easily aroused, and-there is a tendency to be rather unforgiving and severe with wrong-doers. Criticism and judgment are very keen, This combination is good for all matters connected with industry, persistency of character, and self-reliance strengthens the Virgo nature in this respect. ‘THE SUN IN VIRGO AND MOON IN SAGITTARIUS VIL-IX. (Square) The Moon in Sagittarius tends to make the personality inclined towards philosophy, very intuitive, with a strong desire to teach others; but there is a tendency to be too impulsive and apt to make hasty judgment ; it is a successful combination, especially where the acquisition of wealth is concerned. Dual tendencies are often found in this sign, such as religious instincts and commercial enter- prise, philosophy and love of power, etc., etc. THE SUN IN VIRGO AND MOON IN CAPRICORN VIX. (Trine) This is the most practical of all combinations, and while there is much independence and a tendency to lean towards ‘materialistic and selfish lines of thought, ‘there is splendid ability and a desire to accumulate wealth either in the professional or business world ‘This combination acts similarly to the conjunction of Mercury and Saturn in nativities, giving shrewdness and a calculating mind.ASTROLOGY FOR ALL 85 THE SUN IN VIRGO AND MOON IN AQUARIUS VIL-XI. (Inconjunct.) This intensifies the intuitive faculties, quickens the psychic im- pressions, but often acts along practical lines and gives ability for business pursuits, especially in trading with large companies, asso- ciations and huge concerns. The discriminative faculties are well developed, and there is much ability to judge human nature. This combination also gives reserve and some scientific ability, and an in- clination to investigate psychic matters. ‘The higher side of the Virgo nature is quickened. THE SUN IN VIRGO AND MOON IN PISCES ‘ VL-XIL. (Opposition) This makes the personality mediumistic and receptive to the requirements of the individuality, but it gives restlessness and a great love of change and novelty. There is apt to be much dissatisfaction, also irritability. ‘This combination is not favourable for the health ; it also gives a lack of self-reliance, and there is a danger of being somewhat superficial, although there is always a hospitable nature displayed. THE SUN IN LIBRA Vil. This gives a very harmonious individuality, with a tendency to act through perception more than through reflection. The spiritual qualities of the sign are called out, and the higher mind seeks to equalise all the various combinations of the Moon. There is a keen love of justice and great power of comparison, but there is also a cer- tain sensitiveness in this sign, and very ambitious desires, especially on intellectual lines of thought and action. ‘THE SUN IN LIBRA AND MOON IN ARIES VIL-1. (Opposition) Reason and perception are well blended in this combination, and there should be a great amount of mental refinement and much ability in all mental pursuits. The personality is active, and the in- dividuality quiet. The will power is fairly strong, but there is liable to be some head troubles. ‘This combination is likely to produce an inharmonious marriage, few being able to respond to the ideals of86 ASTROLOGY FOR ALL this combination. There is much power in this blend, and those possessing it can obtain much influence over others. Physically this combination is very good for all who love athletics. It brings success in all gymnastic affairs, the spine and muscular system being very supple. THR SUN IN LIBRA AND MOON IN TAURUS VIL-LL. (Enconjunct) The Venus nature is well harmonised in this sign. Persever- ance, endurance, patience and caution may be manifested ; there is also some psychic power and inventive ability, but the personality is apt to be somewhat receptive to physical surroundings and condi- tions; it fits those under its influence to undertake huge building schemes. The combination gives gain through partners or through marriage. THE SUN IN LIBRA AND MOON IN GEMINI VIL-IIL. (Trine) This is a harmonious combination of the airy triplicity, giving re- finement, artistic tastes and musical ability. It gives a great love of knowledge, intensifies the oratorical and intellectual aspirations, but also gives a liability to go to extremes, especially in mental pursuit: Some indecision may be displayed, and a want of stability, but this may easily be overcome ; thought and feeling are blended in this com- bination, which gives great influence over others, especially in matters of speech. : THE SUN IN LIBRA AND MOON IN CANCER VIL.-IV. (Square) This combination on the cardinal group intensifies the sensitive- ness and the emotional nature; it gives anxiety, especially with re- gard to home affairs. It also gives some changeability, but inclines to progress; there is some psychic ability and inspiration, which may be latent owing to the ambitious tendencies of the cardinal signs. THE SUN IN LIBRA AND MOON IN LEO VIL-V. (Sestile) This is a very good combination with regard to the feelings of the personality, as it intensifies the spiritual and refining influences. It tends to balance the individual and personal nature and bringASTROLOGY FOR ALL 87 harmony. It gives a strong inclination to spiritual things, and some- times makes the nature rather too idealistic. ‘There is poetic and musical ability, and either the artistic or moral nature will have many opportunities for development. THE SUN IN LIBRA AND MOON IN VIRGO VIL-VI. (Semi-sextile) This combination gives a critical personality, which is softened considerably by the powers of comparison. It gives much receptivity and intuition; it tends to lead the mind into physical, practical matters and gives intuition in business affairs. It is a refined com- bination and produces an attractive personality. ‘THE SUN IN LIBRA AND MOON IN LIBRA VIL-VIL. (Conjunction) Although this gives a very clear perception, it is not a very'good combination, and there is apt to be too much reliance upon others or inability to move forward on their own initiative, This combination brings dreams and the power to see visions. It is good for the disposi- tion, making it affable, courteous, obliging and well-disposed. There is much foresight and mental sensitiveness, as well as humani- tarian views and a desire to do good, but this combination is very often spoilt by a self-centring inclination which makes the idealism of the dreamy order, and fails to accomplish that which it regards as the ideal. Much depends upon the planetary influences as to how this combination will act. THE SUN IN LIBRA AND MOON IN SCORPIO. VIL-VILL. | (Semi-sextile) This gives a love of approbation, an ambitious nature, and makes the native fully aware of his own abilities, inclined to be somewhat combative, although not as courageous as would seem, owing to the individuality seeking to harmonise and soften the hard positiveness of Scorpio. When the personality has the greatest power there will be a display of energy, industry, and ambitious tendencies. THE SUN IN LIBRA AND MOON IN SAGITTARIUS VIL-IX. (Sextile) This is a very good combination, although the personality is88 ASTROLOGY FOR ALL inclined to be rather too reckless and careless, over-active and ex- citable. It intensifies the activity of the brain and also increases the rapidity of speech. This combination gives prophetic talents, ability for preaching and public speaking, and in many pursuits brings suc- cess in life. THE SUN IN LIBRA AND MOON IN CAPRICORN VIL-X. (Square) This gives some musical ability. This is a good combination, but the mind is apt to be too practical for the solar influence, leading it into the external world. It is a good combination for popularity and public recognition. THE SUN IN LIBRA AND MOON IN AQUARIUS VIL-XI. (Trine) This is a very harmonious combination of the airy triplicity. It gives power to psychometrise, and splendid foresight, especially in all matters connected with humanitarian principles, large businesses, associations, and public companies. It gives ability to judge human nature and enables the mind to concentrate. The disposition is kind, gentle and humane, THE SUN IN LIBRA AND MOON IN PISCES VIL-XIL. (Sextile) This gives a great deal of restlessness, together with industry and perseverance, but there is apt to be much tendency to dream rather than tobe practical. It inclines towards mediumship, which is always dangerous with this combination; when the mind is occupied in practical and physical occupations the nature is improved. THE SUN IN SCORPIO The Sun in the sign Scorpio gives a very firm, determined, and reserved individuality, with inclination tobe very dignified, secretive, and full of desire. It gives pride to the individuality. Its tendency is to give much self-control to each of the lunar indications; the individuality may be very well disposed or very selfish, according to progress. Scorpio is a sign of strength, independence, and industry.ASTROLOGY FOR ALL 89 THE SUN IN SCORPIO AND MOON IN ARIES VIIL-L. (Inconjunct) This gives stubbornness and a liability to go to extremes of anger ; also much jealousy, impulse, and positiveness. It makes strong characters who are rather dogmatic, self-assertive, and full of very keen likes and dislikes. The passional nature is often very strong, and there is a liability to become'rather tyrannical, and too forceful. THE SUN IN SCORPIO AND MOON IN TAURUS VIIL-IL. (Opposition) This is by no means a good combination, although the lunar tendencies will be to reduce some of the positiveness of the Scorpio nature, It makes good medical men, and gives remarkable intuition or instinct with regard to disease. It increases the approbativeness and love of display of the Scorpio nature, without which the com- bination would not be so good. It gives success in business pursuits, and a very firm and determined nature. THE SUN IN SCORPIO AND MOON IN GEMINI VILL-LIL. (Inconjunct.) This is by no means a good combination, as the personality is inclined to great extremes and is easily drawn into reckless habits. It gives a love of cleverness, smartness, and shrewdness; it makes very good critical writers, reviewers, and literary critics, It is not a good combination for the health. THE SUN IN SCORPIO AND MOON IN CANCER VIIL.-IV. ‘This is a harmonious combination of the watery triplicity, but there is a great liability to be easily drawn into mistakes through the feelings and sensations, and those under this combination are very easily led by others into acts of folly. Early marriage could be recommended for this combination, the powers of attachment being very strong, and the life may thus be influenced for good. THE SUN IN SCORPIO AND MOON IN LEO VIIL-V. This is an inharmonious combination, inclining the mind to romance and love affairs of an unhealthy nature, increasing all thego ASTROLOGY FOR ALL passions and desires, and making the feelings very intense and very acute. It gives pride, some arrogance, and much love of power. ‘The emotions are very keen and active. THE SUN IN SCORPIO AND MOON IN VIRGO VIIL-VI. (Sextile) This is the most critical of all the twelve signs. It gives literary ability, a great deal of pride, much passion, and liability to become very sarcastic and bitter in speech. It is a good combination for a doctor or chemist, or one who is inclined toward scientific discoveries. Females make good nurses. Those under this combination may be- come too practical. THE SUN IN SCORPIO AND MOON IN LIBRA VIIL-VIL. (Semi-sextile) This gives a tendency to second sight, inclinations towards the occult and mystical, the love of all that is psychic, romantic and won- derful, and leanings towards metaphysics, mystical brotherhoods, and higher thought. A great deal depends upon planetary influences as to the working of this combination;; in some cases there will be no occult ability, but business foresight instead. THE SUN IN SCORPIO AND MOON IN SCORPIO VIIL-VIII. (Conjunction) This combination gives much self-reliance and independence, in- clinations towards materialism, ability to govern others, but always a tendency to over-ride, domineer and master. It gives much pride and a great amount of reserve. There is a tendency to be inquisitive and search into hidden secrets. Those under this combination are well able to assume responsibility. THE SUN IN SCORPIO AND MOON IN SAGITTARIUS VILIL-IX. (Semi-sextile) This combination gives much combativeness, sarcasm, explosive and indiscreet speech. There is strong impulse, and an inclination towards rash conduct. When angry they are terrifying. There is a tendency to combine occultism and religion,ASTROLOGY FOR ALL or THE SUN IN SCORPIO AND MOON IN CAPRICORN VIIL-X. (Seatile) This intensifies the pride of Scorpio; gives strong inclinations towards self-indulgence, but a great amount of patience, perseverance and endurance. It inclines towards ambition with determination behind it, and high attainments may be reached. The tendency of this combination is toward materialistic thought. It makes capital dramatic critics. . THE SUN IN SCORPIO AND MOON IN AQUARIUS VIIL-XI. (Square) This gives ability for Government employments; a tendency to mix in large concerns; much conservatism, pride, a keen desire- nature ; a love of external appearances, wealth and grandeur ; there is also some love of the occult and mysterious. ‘THE SUN IN SCORPIO AND MOON IN PISCES VIIL-XIL. (Trine) This combination gives a very restless and anxious nature, in- clined to mathematics. It makes mediumship easy, but in many re- spects it is rather a weak combination for the morals., There is a tendency toward deception and duplicity. ‘THE SUN IN SAGITTARIUS Ix, The Sun in the sign Sagittarius inclines the individual towards science, philosophy and religion. It gives much activity, and a rest- less spirit, but also one who is frank, honest, sincere, loyal, and a lover of liberty. It gives a tendency to prophecy through any of the twelve signs that the Moon may be placed in. In undeveloped egos there will be a rebellious and dominative spirit, but in the advanced souls a love of law and order. THE SUN IN SAGITTARIUS AND MOON IN ARIES IX.1. (Trine) This is a combination of the fiery triplicity. It intensifies the activity, but inclines the mind to be always rushing out impulsively ; this is apt to give exactitude, and discontent ; much restraint is needed, otherwise excitability will be expressed and too much mental energy.92 ASTROLOGY FOR ALL There will: be great desire to excel, and sometimes over-reach ; the passional nature is often active, and the personality is very strong and tends to over-ride restraint. THE SUN IN SAGITTARIUS AND MOON IN TAURUS IX.-IL. (Inconjunct) This is a sympathetic combination and the reserve of Taurus, etc., lessens the impulsiveness of Sagittarius, expands the sympathies and also gives more stability to the foresight which is nearly always reliable. It is a fortunate combination for worldly success, the fore- sight of Sagittarius being used for practical ends. THE SUN IN SAGITTARIUS AND MOON IN GEMINI IX.-ILL. (Opposition) This combination quickens the activities of Sagittarius. It gives a liability to become hasty in speech, over excited, and tooactive. It gives a love of education, but there are many obstacles in the life to overcome. It inclines to a highly nervous condition which may induce nervous disorders or consumptive tendencies. It favours the motive temperament and gives a love of travel. THE SUN IN SAGITTARIUS AND MOON IN CANCER IX.-IV. (Inconjunct) This is by no means a harmonious combination, fire and water not being agreeable combinations, and many mistakes are apt to be made in life through the sympathetic impulsiveness of the individu- ality which is easily expressed through the personal, emotional, psychic and imaginative characteristics of Cancer. It gives intuition and confers the gift of prophecy and true dreaming, but inclines toward sensation. THE SUN IN SAGITTARIUS AND MOON IN LEO IX.-V. (Trine) This is a splendid combination of the fiery triplicity ; it awakens either the passional or the spiritual side of the nature, the latter giving great ability to foresee the future and to prophecy. It tends to make the mind very proud, quick and alert, with the ability to sense other minds. This is the most affectional combination of this group, the heart being very active. The love nature can go out to many, but there is apt to be much confusion in this combination.ASTROLOGY FOR ALL 93 ‘THE SUN IN SAGITTARIUS AND MOON IN VIRGO IX.-VI. (Square) ‘This gives excellent discriminative powers ; intuition ; language; refinement ; love of harmony, abiljty to intellectually foresee with regard to material things. The higher mind is active and tends to make the personality critical, but bright and clear in thought and speech. ‘THE SUN IN SAGITTARIUS AND MOON IN LIBRA IX.-VII. ° (Sextile) In this combination the personal characteristics tend to equalize and modify the impulse of Sagittarius. This combination awakens the ambitions and gives a fairly strong personality. It gives very quick and accurate perception and powers of comparison and equilibrium. It also gives some refinement, artistic and musical ability. ‘THE SUN IN SAGITTARIUS AND MOON IN SCORPIO 1X.-VIIL, (Semi-Sextile) This is a good combination, the martial Jupiterian influence pre- dominating. There is apt to be much sarcasm in speech; pride, much temper, combativeness, impetuosity ; but where the mind is led into the occult great attainments may be made. It gives much perseverance and persistence, plenty of energy and a desire for in- dependence. THE SUN IN SAGITTARIUS AND MOON IN SAGITTARIUS IX.-IX. (Conjunction) This combination gives too much independence, too much free- dom, and a tendency to become reckless and rebellious, while at the same time there are some conservative tendencies. It quickens the mental and physical powers. Sagittarius tis well expressed by this combination, bringing out the love of travel, science, philosophy, and religion. ‘THE SUN IN SAGITTARIUS AND MOON IN CAPRICORN IX.-X, (Semi-Seatile) ‘The personal characteristics steady the individuality and give musical ability ; it awakens the personal nature into greater activity, giving ambition in matters of higher thought, etc. There is some94. ASTROLOGY FOR ALL liability to changeableness, but the mind is industrious and practical, though often very sensual, This combination gives influence in religious matters. ‘THE SUN IN SAGITTARIUS AND MOON IN AQUARIUS IX.-XI. (Seatile) This quickens the intuitions, gives ability to deal with the multi- tude, associations and public bodies, but there is a liability to over- exertion. It is a good combination for commercial life, or where the personality comes prominently before others. ‘THR SUN IN SAGITTARIUS AND MOON IN PISCES IX.-XIL. (Square) This combination gives too much anxiety, restlessness and inclin- ation to worry, but causes the prophetic nature to come through the personality when it is restful and mediumistically inclined. It gives a religious tendency and an inclination to be charitable, but there is a lack of initiative, and work is best carried out when under the direction of others. It is not a good combination for the health. THE SUN IN CAPRICORN . x. This gives a very ambitious individuality, possessing much inde- pendence, much strength of character, keen love of justice and a desire to attain to the highest position possible. There is much self-reliance and determination expressed through this sign, which considerably strengthens the various personalities attached to it. THE SUN IN CAPRICORN AND MOON IN ARIES XI. (Square) This gives much ambition, a desire to be at-the head of every- thing, much determination, independence, and self-assertion, with egotistical tendencies. It quickens all the Aries vibrations, giving an intense love of music. It brings the native into prominence, especially in governmental affairs or where great responsibility is required. ‘THE SUN IN CAPRICORN AND MOON IN TAURUS XL. (Trine) ‘This gives a very persistent mind, much firmness and self-control,ASTROLOGY FOR ALL 95 fa desire to elevate and improve others, with a certain amount of con- servatism. It is the most practical of this set of combinations, giving ability to acquire wealth and the power to do good with it. THR SUN IN CAPRICORN AND MOON IN GEMINI XIE. (Inconjunct) The steady carefulness behind the activity of Gemini causes this combination to be studious, and very much inclined to give expression to the thoughts behind the personality. ‘This combination is good for ambassadors, scientific writers, and speakers. ‘THR SUN IN CAPRICORN AND MOON IN CANCER XIV. (Opposition) This increases the sensitiveness of Cancer, gives a strong inclina- tion towards economy, thrift, and prudence, but alsoa certain amount of selfishness. There is a love of change and a desire for high attain- ments in the physical world. It gives a love of economy, much tenacity, and the desire to travel. THE SUN IN CAPRICORN AND MOON IN LEO XV. (Enconjunct) This is not a very harmonious combination, the personal tenden- cies being towards affection, against the internal ambitious instincts, But conjugality could be well expressed by this combination. There is a love of ostentation and display; the ideals are very high with re- gard to the surroundings. THE SUN IN CAPRICORN AND MOON IN VIRGO XVI. (Trine) ‘This is an excellent combination of the earthy triplicity, the critical and analytical tendencies of Virgo being considerably softened by the meditative and contemplative Capricorn nature. It gives splendid ability to judge and criticise, and intensifies the discrimina- tive faculties, giving ability for literary employments. THE SUN IN CAPRICORN AND MOON IN LIBRA X.-VIL. (Square) ‘The well-balanced brain of the personal indications of Libra will have behind it the careful thoughtfulness of Capricorn, which will give splendid intuition, comparison, careful foresight and a love of96 ASTROLOGY FOR ALL the metaphysical. This combination gives a love of popularity and desire for fame. THE SUN IN CAPRICORN AND: MOON IN SCORPIO X.-VII. (Sestile) This is by no means a good combination, giving much secrecy, tact, and diplomacy. It intensifies the selfishness and hardness of the Scorpio nature, It is the combination that would make a good surgeon, soldier or military leader; it tends towards materialistic thought, increases the anger and gives some revolutionary feelings. THE SUN IN CAPRICORN AND MOON IN SAGITTARIUS XIX, (Semi-sestile) This is not a harmonious combination, but the practical nature of Capricorn will steady down the recklessness and impulsiveness of Sagittarius and will make the execution better. It is a good combina- tion for explorers and it gives much religious ambition. THE SUN IN CAPRICORN AND MOON IN CAPRICORN X.-X. (Conjunction) This gives a very thoughtful character, with some inclination to despondency. There is apt to be too much independence at times, isolation, with a desire to live a life of loneliness. The feelings are not expansive, and there is a tendency to retire inward far more than is good for the character. It gives good business ability, and makes the nature acquisitive and somewhat self-centred. THE SUN IN CAPRICORN AND MOON IN AQUARIUS X.-XI. > (Semi-sextile) This gives splendid organising ability, with success in huge and gigantic undertakings, public companies, etc. It quickens the per- ceptions, gives intuition and the ability to read character accurately. Much progress is made in life through careful forethought. THE SUN IN CAPRICORN AND MOON IN PISCES X.-XIL, (Sextile) This is rather an unhappy combination and gives much anxiety, with desires toward economy and frugality. In some natures it gives perseverance and industry, and a great desire for knowledge, but with others the personality is indolent, easy-going and careless.ASTROLOGY FOR ALL or THE SUN IN AQUARIUS The Sun in Aquarius gives a very refined individuality, loving everything of a humanitarian nature, very faithful, sincere, humane and just, with very broad sympathies and a desire to embrace the whole of humanity. The individuality will be active in awakened souls, but in the younger members of the race it will not be manifest, and the personality will act as though no individuality were behind it. THE SUN IN AQUARIUS AND MOON IN ARIES XL-L. (Sextile) This gives a very firm character, quiet, and not very expressive, but with real perceptive ability, capable of judging human character, persevering in nature, but liable at times to go to extremes in action, THE SUN IN AQUARIUS AND MOON IN TAURUS XIII. (Square) This makes an excellent character reader, human nature being well developed. It inclines to be practical in all its manifestations faithful, sincere, firm, just and reliable. THE SUN IN AQUARIUS AND MOON IN GEMINI XI-IIL (Trine) This combination belongs to the airy triplicity. It intensifies all the intellectual qualities, giving oratorical power, a studious mind, well adapted for all literary pursuits. This combination gives industry, neatness, and perfection in regard to details. THE SUN IN AQUARIUS AND MOON IN CANCER XL-IV. (Inconjunct) ‘This is not a very harmonious combination. It intensifies the economical tendencies of Cancer, and gives firmness with regard to all matters of a domestic nature, It awakens the sensitiveness of Cancer and gives intuition with regard to persons with whom there is much attachment. THE SUN IN AQUARIUS AND MOON IN LEO XI-V. (Opposition) This intensifies the love nature and gives a strong desire to become devoted to one; there is an inclination to worship those98 ASTROLOGY FOR ALL. who are loved. This is rather a peculiar combination, giving psychic ability and the power to psychometrise. THE SUN IN AQUARIUS AND MOON IN VIRGO XL-VI. (Inconjunct) ‘This considerably improves the characteristics, intensifying the love of hygiene, giving neatness, precision, carefulness, and awaken- ing all the critical faculties. It gives prudence, practicality, business ability, love of science and intellectual pursuits. THE SUN IN AQUARIUS AND MOON IN LIBRA XL-VIL. (Trine) This is a very fine combination of the airy triplicity. It gives splendid powers of judgment, remarkable perception, a very intuitive nature and much foresight. It awakens the spiritual side of the nature, giving balance and equilibrium to the internal perceptions. Sucéess in marriage is indicated in this combination. ‘THE SUN IN AQUARIUS AND MOON IN SCORPIO. XL-VIIL. (Square) This is by no means a good combination, the Scorpio nature not being in harmony with the Aquarian. It inclines to make the nature rather hard and revengeful, somewhat over-grasping, too self-reliant, and somewhat worldly selfish. THE SUN IN AQUARIUS AND MOON IN SAGITTARIUS XI-IX. This combination makes the personality rather too quick for the slow, steady individuality, but it adds a little more concentrativeness to the impulsive nature of Sagittarius. There is apt to be much im- pulse in speech and inclination to be rather abrupt. It gives religious or psychic tendencies. THE SUN IN AQUARIUS AND MOON IN CAPRICORN XIX. (Semi-sextile) This combination makes the personality very shrewd, tactful, ambitious and eager to attain to great heights, which are often reached through favouritism and the help of friends. There is much solidity of thought and ability for political matters.ASTROLOGY FOR ALL 99 THE SUN IN AQUARIUS AND MOON IN AQUARIUS XI-XI. (Conjunction) This combination is good for the individuality, giving much re- finement, a great deal of discretion, discrimination, and careful thought. It intensifies the clearness and brightness of the Aquarian intellect, and tones down the self-centring of the luminaries in the same sign. THE SUN IN AQUARIUS AND MOON IN PISCES XI.-XIL This 1s not so bad a combination as the other Pisces natures, as it gives much perseverance, carefulness, and awakens the studious side of the Pisces nature, but much will depend upon planetary influences with regard to this combination. THE SUN IN PISCES XII. The Sun in the sign Pisces tends to make the individual nature emotional and receptive, meditative and imitative. This is not the strongest of the twelve signs, but it gives a very deep internal nature, with strong inclinations towards occult development. There are two types of individuals under the sign Pisces, the developed and unde- veloped. THE SUN IN PISCES AND MOON IN ARIES XIL-1, (Semi-sextile) This combination considerably strengthens the individual char- acter, adds more force and energy to the Pisces sign, and gives more self-reliance, but at the same time wilfulness anda tendency to be more easily led than driven. THE SUN IN PISCRS AND MOON IN TAURUS (Sextite) ‘This intensifies the negative nature of this combination ; it gives aconsiderable amount of sensitiveness, and a great love of the occult. The firmness of Taurus strengthens the vacillation of Pisces, and makes a kind, quiet and pleasant nature. There isa love of money indicated, .100 ASTROLOGY FOK ALL THE SUN IN PISCES AND MOON IN GEMINI XIL-IL. (Square) ‘This combination gives vacillation, a tendency to worry and lack of continuity or fixity of purpose; a great deal of indeci inclination to restless, over-active mentality. It becomes rather fanciful, easily affected by the moods of others. yn and an THE SUN IN PISCES AND MOON IN CANCER XIL-IV. (Trine) ‘This intensifies the imaginative and sensitive nature of Cancer, increases the economy, also the receptivity. It is one of the psychical combinations, awakening the psychic faculties. The emotional nature is very keen, but not lacking in reflection, ‘THE SUN IN PISCES AND MOON IN LEO XIL-V. (Inconjunct) This is an inharmonious combination, so far as the physical world is concerned, as it gives a continual yearning for the unattain- able, or for something that seeins far beyond physical realisation. It inclines very much to the occult and metaphysical, giving a love of everything that is romantic, weird and mysterious. It is an unfor- tunate combination, often placing those under its influence in posi- tions they cannot maintain, making them erratic and liable to varying moods. THE SUN IN PISCES AND MOON IN VIRGO XIL-VI. (Opposition) Pisces is considerably improved by this combination, The in- tuition is active, and the critical nature of Virgo has behind it much inspiration. Much may be done ina quiet way. It is a combination giving a steady and useful disposition. THE SUN IN PISCES AND MOON IN LIBRA XIL.-VIL. This gives an equable tendency to the personality, and in- lines one to all inspirational and spiritual things, giving the ability to weigh up and balance the internal sense of things of Pisces. It strengthens the pereeptions of the Pisces nature.ASTROLOGY FOR ALL ror THE SUN IN PISCES AND MOON IN SCORPIO XIL-VIIL. (Trine) This is by no means a good combination, although belonging to the watery triplicity. The Scorpio nature is rather too hard and sel- fish. It brings misfortunes into the life, and it makes those under its influence inclined to be more jealous, as in this respect it is a com- bination more easily affected by others. There are apt to be some morbid inclinations and many acts of indiscretion. In some horo- copies it indicates treachery. THE SUN IN PISCES AND MOON IN SAGITTARIUS XIL-IX. (Square) This is an excitable and irritable combination, belonging to the common signs. It gives over-activity to the personality, but reduces the impulsiveness of Sagittarius, although it gives very talkative pro- pensities. There is much sympathy in the nature, strong feelings of charity and religious sentiment. THE SUN IN PISCES AND MOON IN CAPRICORN XIL-X. (Seatile) The personality is apt to lead the individuality captive to the materialistic desires of the Capricorn nature, which is ever seeking to be practical more than dreamy. An active life is best for those under this combination, and they should be placed in positions of re- sponsibility where they can take the lead. THE SUN IN PISCES AND MOON IN AQUARIUS XIL-XI. (Semi-sextile) This gives intuition, ability for business, and pursuits on a large scale where intuition may be used. It gives a quiet, retiring, and harmless disposition ; in many respects it is a good combination. THE SUN IN PISCES AND MOON IN PISCES XIL-XIL. (Conjunction) This combination gives a hospitable nature, but there is an in- n to be over-anxious and somewhat too restless. It gives much responsibility, and an inclination towards spiritualistic pheno- mena. The imagination is very keen, and thereis a tendency to give way to melancholia.102 ASTROLOGY FOR ALL CHAPTER XIX. Tue Lunar Posttions FROM 1850 To 1900 Wit this chapter we shall conclude the first part of “ Astro- logy for All,” and in the second part we shall take up the more com- plicated details with regard to the planets, casting the horoscope, etc. To these who are not sure of the hour of their birth, reference to the following tables will enable them to gain some general and fairly accurate idea as to their character, etc., and further study will assist them in obtaining more knowledge of themselves, as indicated by the solar and lunar positions. We may now illustrate the method of obtaining knowledge of the character. Example: We will suppose A. B. to have been born January 1st, 1850. Reference to Chapter XIII., p. 35, will show us the individual character of persons born between December 21st and January 2oth of any year, described by the Sun in the sign Capricorn. After noting all these characteristics we turn to the table giving the place of the Moon for 1850, and we find the Moon is in the sign . (Leo), and in Chapter VIII. p. 22, we have an outline of the personal characteristics in general; a more detailed description showing the tendency of the life will be found on p. 56 under the heading of “The Moon in Leo” ; then, if we would blend these two influences, we may refer to the solar lunar combinations on p. 95, under the heading of “ The Sun in Capricorn and Moon in Leo.” In the tables “The Place of the Moon” the degrees of the Moon's place are given for noon of each day. There are 30° in each sign; by simple addition or subtraction the Moon's place may be found for any hour in the day, ¢g., on the 16th of January, 1850, the Moon is in the 29° of =z (Aquarius) at noon ; therefore at 2 p.m. the Moon has changed her sign into 3 (Pisces). Roughly, the p (Moon) moves 1° in two hours. It should always be remembered that the rising sign at birth and the planetary positions will often greatly mitigate or alter the influence of the Sun and Moon, and although the luminaries symbolise the consciousness and its expression, fate and the environment will form a prominent feature in many lives, but the main feature of each life will be the individual, permanent mood or character, as represented by the Sun, which “rules by day,” and the personal, changeable and sensitive mood or disposition by the Moon, which “rules by night.”ASTROLOGY FOR ALL 103 To make our meaning clear, we will look up the individual and per- sonal character and its combination of the Duke of York, who was born June 3rd, 1865. Reference to the table of the place of the Moon, 1865, shows that on June 3rd, 1865, the Moon was in = (Libra). ‘The following is an extract from Chapter VI., representing : THE INDIVIDUAL AND PERGONAL CHARACTER OF THE SIGN GEMINI a May 20th to June 20th 1 This is the first sign of the airy triplicity, also the first of the mutable signs. The airy triplicity governs the mental conditions of humanity, hence we find, those born in this sign living more in the mind, but, owing to the sign belonging to the mutable group, they are dualistic—this being the main feature of the mutable signs, and from this comes the tendency to express two conditions and an incli- nation at times to be rather easily influenced on one side or the other. * Gemini governs the lungs, also the hands and arms, hence it may be seen that one hand may act differently to the other. These persons are rarely content with a single occupation or pursuit, and seem to delight in having two things in hand at the same time. They can very quickly adapt themselves to surroundings or environment and they are remarkable for their versatility, but they are very sensitive and have the ability to) reason upon and analyse their sensa- tions. They love change and diversity, and they are always the best persons to rely upon in an emergency, as they can instantly re- spond to the requirements of the moment. They love variety of thought and all mental pursuits, and these they sometimes carry into extremes; they seem to take an especial delight in leaving their work unfinished. They will take up one thing, partly finish it, and then go on to another, which they also feel inclined to leave unfinished ; there- fore their best work is done when co-operating with others, and when working in unity with those who understand their peculiarities they are capable of great attainments in life, but the spirit of diversity often makes them experience two extremes during their life. They can be generous and also somewhat careful and near. They can present a bold front and assertive attitude, and yet be timid and highly nervous. They are conservative and progressive, and alto- gether quite dualistic subjects, which makes them difficult for others to understand, etc., etc., etc.104 ASTROLOGY FOR ALL ‘We may then read what has been said about the Moon in the Zodiac, Chapter XVII. and refer to page 57 and the paragraph describing the personal characteristics as follows: THE MOON IN LIBRA This position favours general popularity. It gives fondness for music, poetry, and the fine arts generally, and much ability in this direction, The native is affectionate, good-natured, kind in manner and easily gains friends. The native is fond of company, society and friends. Much of his fate and many events of his life will come about through his association with other people; he will be greatly swayed and influenced by other people; generally by some one person. It tends strongly to partnership, not merely in business, but in almost all affairs of life. He works with another person in nearly all under- takings; and, without necessarily being irresolute, depends largely upon someone else, and can get along best in almost all things when associated with someone, The same may be said of the occupation and position in life. By combining these two influences we obtain the polarity as described by THE SUN IN GEMINI AND MOON IN LIBRA This is a very good combination, built up on the airy triplicity. It gives much refinement and a sympathetic nature ; it also increases the intuitions, gives a great amount of foresight, sharpness to the perceptive faculties, inclines to study, gives ability for public writing and a great amount of imitativeness. It is necessary for those born under this combination to live purely. The faculty of comparison is well developed and there is some probability of his becoming popular. It gives success in artistic pursuits. It is now necessary to know the environment into which the subject was born to judge as to the future. Much information may be gathered from a study of Chapter XVI., which describes “« The nature of the twelve signs of the zodiac.” Reference to this chapter and page 45, shows us that the Duke of York was born in the positive group of the Airy triplicity, in cardinal and mutable signs. The last paragraph describes the Airy signs, etc., etc. A careful study of this chapter will reveal a great deal of the character without knowing the actual birthtime, and without any elaborate system of mathematics ; in fact, without any figures whatever. If we would know more we must study Part IL., which explains the rising sign, planets, etc.THE PLACE OF THE MOON FOR THE YEARS 1850-1851 Daj Jan. | Feb.’ | march | aprit | May | june | july | August] sept. | oct. | Nov. | Dee. x] arags | 11058 | t9s49 | 6426) 81040 | 22mr7 | 24x52 | 12415 | 323) 120 9) 52 7| zmI5 2] 6m'8] 25 tr] 3m8| 18 44 | 20 32| 4x13 | 7736 | 25 45| 17 49 | 26 39/19 9 | 25 27 3] 20° 2] 750/15 3| of47| 2m2r] 10 21/20 1| omgr| 2031 | 11m1q| 3mo| 8726 4] 3830 | 20 27 | 28 36] 12 40 | xq a2] 28 46] 3usr| 2g “2/17 24/25 48/16 37 | 21 10 5] i 33| 2439] 10752 | 24 30/26 8 | i133 | 16 48| Sa45| 2m22| 10015! 29 36 | 31038 6] 29 15] xq 38] 22 53] O=20) 8x17] 24 46] oss | 23 45| 17 16 | 24 29 | 12455 | 15 53 & 9 Timgo | 26 3x | 440 | 18 16 | 20 42| 8¥a7| 15 25| Base | ta58| 8maz. 25 33 | 27 53 23 51| 8'520| 16 34| 0x24} 3129 | 22 35| owt | 24 3/16 2x | 2x 53) 7955| o=47 5253 | 20 8/28 24/12 47/16 4o| 706/15 23| 9m 3| omao| 52-0) 20 1 | 21 35 10]17°49| 2 0| tomig| 25 27| ovs6| 21 54| 0034 | 23 43 | 13 52| 17 43| 155 | 3x22 ar] 29. 40] 13 57 | 22 22| B48 | 14 tq | mst | 15 30| 8a 5 | 26 58| ons | 13 44 | 15 15 ta] rego | 20 °2 | “4yea7 | at a8 | 28 ar | ar 47 | omgo | 257 | 9440/12 12| 25 32 | 27 10 13] 23. 20| 8x16] 17 3| 5¥a7| 13m 1| 6036 | 15 | 5mag| 22 “t| 24 6 7x25 | 9733 1g] 5m41 | 20” 4x | 29 49| 19. 20| 27. 37| 21 ¥0| 29 10| 1826 | 4 7| s=55 | 19 28 | 22 10 a5]x7 7 | 3nt7| r2rg8| 323 | rir | 5m27 | 12053 | te 5/10) 17 43) Ur47 | guar 16] 29 8] 16" 7/26 1 | 37 33 | 26 39| 19" 24 | 26 14 | 13° 26/27 50| 29 36) 14 25 | 18 37 wz] stay] 29 18] oway | tongs | toms? | got | omis| 25 33 | 9=37 | 11038 | 27 a4 | amg x8] 23°38 | t2w32 | 23° 5 | 15 57 | 2502 | 10.21 | at 53 | 70929 | 21 28| 23” 53 | rou 4s | 16 43 19| 6rt3 | 26 10] 6153| oa 5| 8m35| 29 25| 4718/19 20| 3x25| O22 | 24 24) Tm15 20] 19° 7| tom 5 | 20 st] 14 10| 22°35 | 12mi3| 10 31| t= 8|15 31/19 9] Smat | 15. 56 ar] 2¥25| 24 17 | 4056/28 9 | 6a-4| 24 49 | 28 34 | 12 56| 27 48) 2013 | 22 30) ongr 22] 16 3| 845 | 19 8) t2m 3) 19 21| 7714 | 101929 | 24 47 | 10718| 15 31] 6x46 | 15 24 23| om 8| 43. 24| 3024 | 25 51 | 226 | 19 28 | 22 20| Oxaq| 23" 0| 29 2 | 21 | 29 58 24 ]rq 38| Baro] 17 43| 9020| 15 19] 133] 4= 8/18 48| 5¥55 | t2m44| 5220 | tymi8 25] 29 28) 22 56| 2m ij) 22 57| 28 1/13 30/15 56) rrr) 19 2| 26 34) 19 32 | 28 22 26 | 1qm32 | 735 | 16 14 | Gm¥2| r0F30| 25 21 | 27 46/13. 25| 2123 | 10m29| 3m38 | I2aTt 27] 29. 42 | 22 0| oa1g| 19 12! 22 47| 72-9] oxat| 26 3/15 55/24 20/17 38 25 44 28) gags | 6a 6| 14 10| 4257) 49953| 18 57 | 21 43] 8¥54| 29 40) 8233| Tazo: omit 29 [29 41 274414 25| x6 49| 0x47 | 3956] 22 (3 | 13m38| 22 40/15 14 22 4 30| tgmi2 toms | 26 38| 28 40 | 12 44 | 10. 23| 530 | 27 48 | Om50| 28 50) 4754 31 | 28 19 23 52 to=27 29 9| 19 17 2059 7 30THE PLACE OF THE MOON FOR THE YEARS 1852-1853 Apri | May | june | july August | Sept oct. | Nov. | Dec 2 fe +fPe fe +fe+[e.|e. 382.9] 6043 | 0436] 7152 | 26= 5 | r195 | 13044 | 28026 | 2048 Yamsy [ar $1) 15 to) at gt | 8x40 | a3 at | a5 54 | tomao | 15 ar 28" 6) 7m 2| 29 26| 4mgt [ar 1) 5u13| 7026 | 23. 7 | 28 51 13426 | 22” 7 | 13920 | 17 53 | 3010/17. 3/19 25 | 5a53 | t2m22 28 47| 6256 | 26 50| 0x35 | 13. 9] 28 56) 1@36| 19 3 | 2614 1ym55 | 21.21 | 9=55 | 13. 0| 27 3 | 10m36| 14 3| 2m38 | 10027 28 43 | sist8 | 22 39| 25 11 | 8u55|23 9 | 26 s2| 16 4x |25 0 134 4) 18 48) 5% 3) 7712] 20 51| 5m40/ 100 7| raIr | gm4s 26 54| 150/17 13]19 7 | 2054-18 34| 23 51 | 16 5 | 24 45 1017/14 30] 29 13| ty 015 9) 1a54) Bm 6) tmI5| OF42 23 13] 26 51 [rr | 12 56] 27 43| 15 42| 22 48| 16 31 | 24 32 g=48 | 8x57 | 22 59/25 “0 | 1om37 | 29 50| 7052) 1443 | 91 7 18 '6| 20 55 | aoe | 7m35 | 23-54 | 14m38 | 23-9 | 16 Gr | 23 20 oxs3| 247/16 55| 19 45| 7035 | 29 35] Bma6] r16| 7= 8 1210] 14 3829 6 | 2m32| 21 39| 14039 | 23 33 | 15 25 | 20. 3 24 4) 20 31 | 1127/15 37) 6m i) 29 go] Sear} 29 6) 3x28 Srss) Svat | ag i) ap 11 | 207 a5 | tama | az, 45 | t2mz0 | x8 17 47| 20 31 | 6049 | 12042 | 5215 642 | 25 10 | 28 22 29 40| amg | 19 50 | 26-37 | 19 $2) gern 20 12| 7x41 | 10726 rru37 [15 "2 | 30°6 | tom43 | qmaz | 20 58| gmt9| 19 55 | 22 a0 2338/27 31 | 16. 34 | 24 57 | 18 40 | tomas | 16 6| 19739 | 4ur2 545 | romtz | omio| gory | 2743 23/33/28 36/13 55 | 16 2 18 "1/23" 6| 14” 9| 23.30 | 16 31 | O=aq | 10x33 | 23 47 | 2755, oway| Gary | 28 12] 7m43| on 5 19 3/23. 1 | 7837 | O35 13) 7| 19.39 | 2025 | 2450 13°25, Iuat| 572/19 29 | 22. 4 26 5 | 3m22| 26 44| 5751 | 26 32/13 49/16 59| 1024 | 4on2q ‘oaag | ty 2g | trmiy| 1s 43 | omay (ag ‘| 28 g2| 1324 | 18 36. 238} 143 | 25 30| 39924 | 22 12) 84 4| 10643 | 25 30 | 20 41 7mx6 | 16 17 | 9247] 10 55] 4x45 20 1/22 34| 7045 | 12039 ar go| rma2| 23 56] omiz|17 8 ru54| 4n26| 20 10| 25 50 15°51 13/16 | 29 ar 1623 ‘omitsTHE PLACE OF THE MOON FOR THE YEARS 1854-1855 DM] Jan. | Feb. | March | April | May | June | July | August| Sept. | Oct. | Nov. | Dec. r2e13 | aris | tor 5| 264 9) 28mr1| 120 9 | 5m2q| 3m 6] 24256 | 4= 9 | 26x58] a0 26 40/15 25| 23 13| 8116 | tom 1 | 24 12/27 55| 6 54 | 90817 | 18 32 | 10737 | 10 16 10x39 | 28 8 | $58 | 20 12] 21 51 | Om27 | tomag| oF 45 | 23 53| 2x55 | 24. 4 | 28 55 2410 | 1030 | 1B 21 | 2m 2| 3045 |.18 59 | 23. 5414 59 | 8239 | 17-13 | 7¥x5 | 1120 7013 | 22 34 | om28| 13 5t) 15 48 | 152) 7m28 | 29 36| 23 29] 1122/20 12/23 35 195 | qma8 | 1224 | 25 45 | 28 ‘5 | 15 8 | 2129 | ten3t | Sxiy | a5 tg | 2m52 | 5eeqt 2uto | 16 15 | 24 13| 7049 | tome | 28 51 | 5750 | 29. 38| 22 40 | 28 48 | 15 18] 17 40 1% 13/28 2) 6m 1/20 7/23 37| 13m 0| 20 46) 14m48) 6758 | 126 1] 27 30] 29 33 26 7| 9m53 | 17 6058 | 27 34| 51054 | 29 49| 20 46/24 52 om32 | 024 754 | 21-51 | 29 57 | 15” 39 | 20 43 | 2427 | 2t to | r4x32| 44 6 | 7u24 | 237 | 23 10 19 41| ga-0| 12042 | 28 57| 4ms2| 27. 33| 6e25 | 28 51/27 2/39 40| 3019] 5m13 1m29 | 16 20 | 2443 | 12035 | 1922 | 12mg | ar ay | tant | 29 34) tmq2 | ts 91 | 17 19 13 22| 28 54| 7m31 | 26 31| 4¢ 3 | 27 46| 6x 7| 26 t| s1m49| 13, 37| 27 10| 29 38 25 22 r1m4t | 20 36 | romg2| 18 52| 128235 | 20 21 | 8¥54| 23 50/25 28| oma2o| 12416 7a30| 24 30 | 3057 | 25 | 3nqz| a7 3| 4m 5 | ax 25| 5@43| 7022] 2 44/25 17 19 47 | 7249) 17 32 | of25| 18 ag | arm 7) 17 21) 3037/17 33] 19 21 | ga27| B43 ‘amis | at to| tmi7| 23. 49| 2=54| 24 45 | outa | 15 36/29 25 | m32| 17 31 | 22 36 14 54) amar} 15 9] 89 9] 17 8] 7758) 12 41 | 27 27 | 16023 | 13 5; oms9 | 6457 27 45| 18 23|29 8|22 23] 1% 3| 20 50|24 53| 9x6] 23 30| 26 38/14 49| 21 40 toast | 2¢16| 13411 | Ge2Bl) 14 4o| 3423) O54 2r 6] 5m49| 9437] 28 59) 61539 2% 12/16 20| 27 16/20 24/27 58/15 42/18 40| 30 0| 18 20| 22 52 | 13224 | 2145, 7mso | 01335 | 1124 | 4x 9| tor59| 27 49| om35| 15 0) ra 5| 6m26| 28 0| 6m48 at 48| 14 59 | 25 32| 17 42| 23 45 | 9m48| 12 24| 27 9| 14 3| 20 13 | 121839 | 21 40 64 '5| 29 29| om40| ir 2| Gury | at gx | ay t4| 9ma8| 27 12) gz1t|27 15 | 6x12 2039] 4= 0/23 44| 14 8| 18 37| 3m3r| 6a g| 2t 56 | rom33 | 18 16 | 11243 | 20. 22 51927 | 28 25 | pxqt | a7 | omg7| 13 ar| 38 8| ga34| 24. 4| 2927/25 50| 47 8 20 23 | 12%38 | 21 27] 9439/12 49| 27 11| omsq| 17 23| 7446| 16 40| 10x 0] 17 30 S19 | 26 33) 4759/22 4/24 44) 9 4| 12 29] Omag| 21 38) om53 | 23 45 | 0832 2 5 18 4] 4016 | 6m35 | ar 2| 24 52/13 38| 540/15 3) 7715/33 17 4X34 ryit|16 18/18 24) 3m 8| 7228] 27 ~7| 19 51| 29 9|20 39/25 47 838 1349 oats 20 19| 10753, 13x 8 an 5 DM Jan. | Feb. | March] April | May | June | July | August| Sept. | Oct. | Nov. | Dec. 2omts | 5a 1 | 13847 | 28m33) 2m23 | 22¢ 1 | om2z 2425 15853 | 20147! 68 6) 7m48 am@ig | 254 | 23 42 | tra 0 | 15 34 | 6823 | 15 19 | Srgs| 29-13 / ges | 28 4 | 19 58 23 2 3] 1418 | 28 49 | 7ma2| 23-38] 29 “| 20 52| oxto | rami9 | 35 47 | 29. 57| rest 4] 26 12 | 10m47 | 19 49 | Gm28 | 12442) 5225 \ 14 46) 6439/24 45 | 27 55 | 1tm48 | 13° 33. 5] 88 5| 22 so) 2~ 2/19 31] 26 35] 19 54/29 3) 19 53| 7@ 4) 952) 23 41/25 47 8] 1957 520/14 24| 2746] 10m37 | guts | 370 | am48| 19 32 | 21 45 | 5042 | Smt7 7] tm50 | 17 19 | 26 56| 16 t4 | 24 40 1825 | 26 37 | 15 25| tart | 3m35 | 37 52| 20 7 8] 33 47 | 29 sr) om38| 29 55| 8x59) 2023 | ous | 27 49/13 5| 15 28| omts| 4237 9] 25 52 | tam4o | 22 35 | 131950 | 23 14 | 16. 7 | 22 56 | tom a | 24 57| 27 24 | 12 52 [17 48 ro} Ba°8| a5 50) 5248 | 27 57| 7x20] 29 38) 5m43| 227 | Omad| 9227 | 25 44 | 1137 11] 20. 39| 9725 | 19. 19 | t2i6 | 21 55 B18 | ga 7 [18 40] 2 38| 8250 | 15 39 12] 3m32 | 23. 26 | 3112 | 26 42| 59738 | 26-1 | 0@43 | 16 2| 0036] gm59| 22 11 | 29 52 13] 16 "49 | 70955 | 17 25] 11x13 | 19 32 | 8055 | 12 17] 27 54] 12 36| 10 30| 51045 | 49 fes8 | a5 42 | guts | ar 36/25 (8 | omas | 24 43| 29 14/19 30 | 28. 26 35] tq 49) 7258 | 16 47 | 1075 | 10 43 | 4m G6 72 9| 21 36! Omg | t2zz1 | 3=25 | 12039 16] 29. 32| 25 16| 1%44| 24.13 | 29 59) 10 25/19 3| 3020 | 19 20 | 25 23 | 17 27 | 26 47 17 | 14036 | 8x30 | 16 qt | Bu 8 | 12058 | 28 34| omso | 13 28| at 9 | Bist | 1x36 | 104d 18] 29 "55 | 23 29| 129 | 2 gr | 25 gr wag | a7 36 | 15 at | az 36 | a5, 50 | gf 2 5 19] t5=15| 89 5| 16 0] 4m53| Bwi| 22 28 | 24 38! gmsz | 28 34 | om38 | or 6] Su26 20 0x27 | 22/12] ow 7| 17 43| 20 23| 4m20| 6235 | 22 36 | 12423 | 20 57 | 14 21 2 arfas 18] sv49 | 13 48| omits | 2027 | 10 13 | 8 42 | 5738) 26 35| 5X29 | 28 33| sn30 22] 25 44/3857 | 27 “3 [12 30| 14 25 | 28 rt} rm'3 | 19. 5 | amit | 20 9 | 12037 | 18 46 23 | tgrgo | mgt | gms2 | 24 33| 26 16 | tomar | 13 45| 332/26 5 | 4753/2631 | 130 24)27 "7 | 14 15 | 22 21 | 6n29| Smro| 22 45 | 20 51 [17 28 | axxat | 19. 34 | tomo | 14 40 25] tou 9| 26 13 | 4m33 | 18 22| 20 11 | 3mjo| tor25| seg | 26 19) 4¥ 4/23 31 | 27 16 26} az 48| 8m12 | 16 34| omi7| azz | 18 39) 2g 28 | 17 29| rrr1g| 18 16 | 6034 | 9038 27) smix| 20 4/28 28/12 17| 14 48 | 2tig| on o| 2x48 | 26 2| 2mrr| 19 18| 21 47 28/17 20| 1055 | toasg | 24 27 | 27 33/16 16) 23 56 | 18 “5 | r0¥23| 15 4r| taae| amas | 22 13 | ast | 10m38 | ong2| om 7] 37 9 | 24 18] 28 47/13 55/15 36 ‘amr | 19 29 | 246 | 15 27 | 24 22 | 17 52 | 745 | rrmgr | 25 55 | 27) 25 31} 23° 9) ae 7 7854 ox3r| 246 2356 gery |THE PLACE OF THE MOON FOR THE YEARS 1856-1857 March | pM Fe. | April | May | June: | July | August | Sept. | Oct. 1] ara16| 6448 | 28225 | to=3t | 28x17 | 21 ¥28 | 28m35 | 16031 | 1229 | 3m47 | 197 4 | 2415816 2] smaoi| 20 "3 | rai 4! 4xtg| 137 4 | 5mr42 | trm59 | 28 53/13 17 | 15 38) 1033! 725 5] 26" 0] ginso | 26 13, 19-14) 27 53 | 19 42/25. 8 | um 3 | 25 2 | 27 35/14 15, 20.47 4] 28 s4| 18-6 | toga | qrraa| 12038 | 3026 | 7aso| 23. 1 |, mso) 9442 | 27 13 | 4x23 $]t2423 | 2mq7 | ze 48! 19 29] 27 11 | 20 49 | 2033 | 452 |'18 43 | 22 2 | 10m30: 1813 8] 25" 59| 17 46 [11-0 4ua7| 11026 | 29 50| 2mso| 10 39| o¢47| 4439 | 24 7) 2017 7] ton’ | 2x54 | 26-16 | 19. 6 | 25, 39 | 12030 | x4 54 | 28 27 | 13° 17/17 37 | 8x 6116 35 BY 24°38 | 8°70 | tx-ra6 | 323 | Ber47 | 24 52 | 26 40 | tomer | 25 46 | Om59 | 22 27 tu 6 9] ‘919 | 2054 | 26-19 | 17. 13 | ar 50 | 6mg8| B8ag7 | 2226) B%49/ 14 47 | 777115 45 10] 24. 3 | 17. 30| oust | om30| ago | 18 53 | 20 26| 4747 | 22 20|29 2/22 2| om27 1] Bxeg6 | ‘Tu4g | 24. 56 | 13 34 | 20 52 | ogg) amar | i729 | 6218 | 13x40| 785115 3 r2]23t7| 15. 36| 8m35 | 26 tt | 28 57 | 12 32| 14 26) 0136 | 20 43 | 28 3922 8/29 at 13] 7135 | 29 "5 | 21 50 | 8229 | roms2 | 24 26| 26 48 | 14 10| 5x31 | 39749 | 70 1 | 13@39 14 | 2¢_ 30 | r2mag | 4mq2 | 20 34 | 22, 41 | Omg0| 9730 | 28 10 | 20 34| 20.3 | 21 37: 27. 23 1] “sur | 25 8| 17 26) 2may | gogo | 18 48 | 22. 33 | 12=33 | 5143 | tqux0 | 5m48 | 10042 18] 851 | 7047 | 29 35 | 14719 | 16 22 | 1¢22| 6m 0| 27 1| 20 49| 29. 1) 19. 32/23. 35 v7] an'8| 2014 | 11043 | 26 8 | 28 a1 | a4 14| 19 49 | 12x 5| 5¥43 | 13030 | 2048 | Om's 15] 15°12 | “2030 | 2342 | 7257 | tomgt | 27 25 | 3x57 | 26-57 | 20. 19 | 27. 33 | 15 37 | 28 17 to] 28 6 | 24. 90 | smas | 29 oe | a2 nas | tongs | 28 29 | tras | gitga | tem 8 | 28 4) ony 20 | tomgo | 20 41 | 17 26 | mst | 5229 | 24 37) 2x45 | 26.17 | 18 24 | 24 16 | toms3 | 124 ar | 23. 22.| 8m36 | 29 15 | 13. 59| 18 19 | S=32 | 17 13| 10436 | rmst| 7a t| 22” 9/23 50 22 | ‘3a4q| 20728 | 110 4 | 20 t9| 1324 | 22 34| 1738 | 24-38 | 14 56 | 19 26| 3058 | 5mgo 23| 17 36| 2216 | 22 5| 8249 | 14 42 | Oxgt | 15 55 | Suzx | 27 42| tm36 15 44 | 17 37 24 | 29 50] 14 | amss | 21 33/28 13| 20 50| ow'2| 21 48| toate | 1334 | 27 3! 29 45 25 | 11ms4 | 25 50| 17-0 | 473t | a1=55| 49756 | 14 0| 4mso | 22 28| 25 25 | omzy | 127-7 26]23 44| 7m54| 29 16/17 46/25 48] 19 6] 27 47/17 55| gmaq| 7ox2 | 21 25 | 24 44 ay] se3t | 20 3| 1446) f=i7| oxsr| guar | rtmaq | on37 | 10 32 | 18 59 | 3436) 7138 ab) x7 ax | 2728 | 24 33/15 7 | 24 2 | 27 12 | 24 50) 13-8 | 28 24 | omas | 15. 59 | 20. 46 29] 29 18| 15 14) 7142 | 29 15] S20] tm 8| bug | 25 27 | toms2| 12 4r | 28 32 | 4m 7 go | urmaz af 't3 | 13939 | a2 43 | 14. 57| at 6 | 7m36| 21 59 | 24 90 | 11038 | 1739 38] 2355 s=10 787 3056 | 19 36 6s47 j bas Daf Jan. | Feb. | March| April | May | June | July | August | Sept. | Oct. | Nov. | Dee. rf asx 7| 86 6 | 18x45 | romse | sonst | 247 | gmse | 18250) gee] oxqa| ru24 | oms6 2]29° t| 22 10| 2ms8| 24 16 | 29 30 | 14 41 | 16 43) 10/18 1| 23 54| 16 30| 25 15 3] 13 1] 6m 9| 16 55| 7018 | r1m50 | 26 30| 28 37] 13 42| 1x39 | B25 | rm52| tomar 4] 27" 7| 20 1| om38 | 20 | 23 57 | 8mi8 | 10738 | 26 31/15" 36| 23 12 | 17 0/25. 3 5] 11w17 | 3@45| 14 5 | 2m30| 5e34 | 20 8| 22 50) om37| 29 48| 8¥ 6| tm52| 9ar7 8] 25-31 | 17 29/27 17 [a4 45 [27 45] 22 4| 5113 | 22 58| tgrio| 23. 0| 16 19/23 0 2] 9096] oagr| roars | 26 5r| 29 34[ 24 7| 17 49) 6x33| 28 37| 7046| oa20| bmr3 8] 23 56| 13° 50] 23, 0 | 8.50 | rrmaz | 26 18 | o=37 | 20 38/130 4 | 22 17 (13 54/19 9] 759 | 2 43 | 5m33 | 20 43 | 23 14 | 8138| 13 36) 4413 | 27 28| 6m30| 27 “2| 1228 ro] 2t 47 | om20 [17 55| 2m34| 57 9| 21. 9 | 26 48/18 15 | 11144 | 20, 23| 9m49 | 13 38 i] saty| at 42 | o=°3| 14 23| 17 9| 3=50| tonto) ‘avar | 25 51| sass | 22 t7| 25 38 12] 18 30| 3051 {12 | 26 13 | 29 18 | 38 43 | 2343 | 16 31 | 9mas| 177 | aa32| 73K 13] rig | 15 48 | 23 58| 82-7 | 171035 | 29 50] 7ra8| omg3| 23 28 | om 4 | 16 37| 19 22 14] 13749 | 27 39] sm48| 20 5 | 24 4 | sguita | 2f 24 | x 55 | Om57 | 12 44 | 28 36] rea 13] 26 “r| 9maz|17"37| 2118] €x48| 20 50| 5032 | 29 3 | 20 12 | 25 12| tomgo| 13° 4 ro] 820] ar 18/29 28] 14 43| 19 48 | tongs | 19 50| 130 6| 3m13| 7o29| 22 22/25 0 w}ag st| 3416] 11426 | 27 24] 3x°8| 25" 4| quiz | 270/16 | 19 38| 4713 | 7 18] m3 | 15° 27 | 23. 35 | tomz7 | 105 Ou37 | 18 48| romgr | 28 35| tmyo| 1 5] 19 8 to] 13°29] a7 55| Go| 23-54 | 0158 | 24 24| 3017 | 24-7 | tom37 | 13 35| 27 59 | tm22 20] 25 27 | 1094 | 18 46] 7x47 15 28| oms8| 17 38) 7mx0| 23 7/25 28) 9957/13 44 21] 7239 | 23 57| 1=55| 22. 6| Ouro | 2q tr| tags | 20 7| sm S| 7¢18| 22. 2| 26 18 a2] 20 “7 | 7235 15 30 | 6149 | 15 24) Bes4| ts 33) 2040 (17 2| 19 9| 4=36] 9% 4 23| 255 | 21 35 | 29 3r| ar 31 | om35 | 23.19 | 28 38/14 58| 28 53| 19 4/16 43| 22 8 m4 | 183 | 5x54 | 1057] 74] 15 42) 7aa0| rams | 27 3 | rora| 13 8 | 29 47) sirat 25] 29 31 | 20 27 | 28 43 | 22 17 | 034 | 20 54 | 24 4t | Sm59 | 22 go | 25. 20 | 12x33 | 19 18 a) 1316 | sr 613742 | 7022/15 4] 4m1| 7% 3) 20 51| 444] 7250) 26 4| 3429 27} 2714 | 19 46/28 45| 22 8/29 6/10 42/19 9! 2443/17 2| 20 40) wor 3 [18 3 2] rxat | quar | 13044 | 6m30| 12039 | 29 “4| 1m5| 14 39/29 38| 3x55 | 26 30| 2m57 29 | 25.33, 28-32 | 20.24 | 25 44 | 110 9| 12 57 | 26 46 | 12=35 | 17-37 | 9023 | 184 29 | 2533 Jrgn°r | 3050 | Bm23 | 23 4/24 48] om7 | 25 50 948 | 24 35] 3013 ar [a3 58 ler 9 20°43 6245 | 2t 44 1635 BoyTHE PLACE OF THE MOON FOR THE YEARS 1858-1859 Feb. March Jan. April | May | June | July | August | Sept. | Oct. | Nov. | Dec.’ 1] 2mso | zzmis | om 4 | ismso| 18210] 2m3q | 6x2 | 24757 | 17023 | 26045 | 18m36 | 24236 2] a7 39) sazq | 12 59 | 27 55 | 04 3| 34 38 | 18 47| Bu35| teqt | tongs | reg | mio 3] tm 917 st | 25 33] 9¢53| 11 55] 26 54) rr39| 22 32| 16 “6 | 24 46) 14 55 | 19 34 [4 31] omg | 7m53| ax 40 | 2350] 9X25 | 14 53| 649] ong2| Bm35| 27 48| 1750 5) 27 26/12 14] 20 “o| 339] sm54| 22 16] 28 3r| ar 24 14 57 | 22 15 | tom30| 13 58 8) Soag7| ag (9 | Bosh | 15736 | 08 So) “sess | t2ds | “owto| 29 4 | “goat | 3" 0 | 23,38 7] a2 a1| 62 [13°51 | 27 41 | omas | 19 17| 27. 6| ar 3 | t3m19| 18 56| 5419 | 79953 8] “amex | 17° 54 | 25 45 | tom"0| 13°38) 3u3r | rms8 | sasy| 27” 8] xm35| 17 27 | 19 42 9] 6 4| 29 5| 7143 | 22 37] 27 0 | 8-13 | 27 5 | 20 35 | 10-39 | 1438 | 29 26| Tm30 10 | 27 54 | 111957 | 1950 | 5235 | too | 3m10 | r2m18 | 4m39 | 23 49 | 27 5 | HIB | 13 19 11] 9745 | 24.14 | 2x40 | 1858 | 25. 8 | 8 33 | 27 25 [19 t| Om38| 9219/23” 6] 25 13 ta] at go| 6=45 [14 47 | 2745 | oust | gust | t2ar8| 2038] 19 9| at at | gms6| 7436 33 | “3192 | 1929 [27 42 | 16 37 | ag. 52 [19 1 | 26-48 | 15 51 | “425 | 31nt5 | x6 51 | 19 35, 1g} 15 52 | 2028 | 10057 | 1¥27 ) tom 2 | gage | tomsz | 28 4x | 13, 28 | 15 6 | 28 58] ants rg | 28 In| 15 42 | 2q 34 | 6 10 | ag. x0 [18 16 | 24 28 | axmér | 25 23 | 20 59 | 11932 | 1520 16 | toxqo | 29 “6 | S23 | omso | tom 7 | 2mi3| 7037 | 23 24| 7016 | 8x57 | 24 7 | 28 54 17 | 23, 39 | 12443 | 22 29 | 15.45 | 24. 44 | 35 42 | 2023 | 5227 | 19 10 | a1 8| “7or28| t2¥59 15] "6x °8 | 26" 50 | 6x44 | omat | Basy | 28 46| 2mqg | a7 22) r=10| 3x34 | 20.58 | 27 32 19] 19" 9 | 10436 | ar 5 | 14 43 | 22. 46 | 11429 | 15 F | 29 tg | 13 20| 18 at | su 6 | tam30 20 223 | 24.30 | 5026 | 28 47| 6mto| 23 54 | 27 2[ 18 8| 25 44 | 29 31 | 19. 38 | 27 43, at fas’ | 8ugr | 19. 44 | 12033 | 19 14 | Om 7 | 8757 | 23” 6| Bx24 | 137 4|. 4029 | 140 7 22] 29 36 | 22°56) 3@37| 26 1| to59| 18 10 | 20°49 | seta | ar 22 | 27 0| 19. 30] 28 12 33] 13036 | "pets | 18°70] “omes | x4" 30 or 8 | “ange | 17 28 | “gaz | thw | 4mgo | ig 8 24) 27.53 | 21 27 | 1asq| az 10 | 26 50/32. 2| 14 37| 29 55| 18 9) 25 42 | 19 21 | 27 40 25 | r2maq | 5036 | 15 37 | 4055 | 9m | 23 54 | 20 36 | 12x35 | 1¥56| 1omt6 | 3a56 | 11ma7 2627 4| 19 35 | 29 9 | 17 a8 | ar | suay | Bega | 25 28 | 15. 54 | 24. 50 | 18 20 | a5 37 27 | tieeg8 | 3maz | t2m28 | 29 52] 37 4/37 41 | 20 55| 8434 | om t| omi7| 2m 4| B49 28 | 26-28 | 1651 | 25-34 | t2m'7 | 14 59| 29 39) 3xt8 | 21 54 | x4 321 23. 35 | 15 37 | ar 38 29| tons ‘Bevay | 2g 15 | 20. 52 | tra | 15 51 | 5ua8 | 28 24 | 7ago| 28 51 | 4mi6 30 [25 5 a7 | 6715 | 8144 | 23.52 | 28 37 | 19 14] 12036 | 24 91 | 1150 | 16 39 3t| bms2 ‘3m34 2 7 rr39 | ‘amg ‘smt0 28 52THE PLACE OF THE MOON FOR THE YEARS 1860-1861 16 20 DM] Jan, | Feb. | March | April | May | June | July |August| Sept. | Oct. | Nov. r2ms4| 19744] 6247 | 21%29 | agprr | rong! 15045 | 26 51 | 2146| 18 54| 3920| 6y14| 22 53| 20 > tor 34| 15 33| 0x34] 15 92/18 22 50045 | 242 23°39 | 28 "6 | 12 49/27 8| om39| 18 49 | 262 71-4 | o%24| 24 40| gu10| 13, 7| 20-9 | 10m25 1) 50| 22, 3t| Grgo| 21 21 | 25 49/15 47, 24 3% 18 | 4x29 | 18 24] 346 | Bem48| 29 44 | Baar 14 29| 1621 | ovag| 10 27| 22-7) 1¢m0 | 23. 11 26 30| 28 12/12 35] 29 29] 5As0| 28 35 737 8x22 | ro 6 | 25 "2 | 12@56 | 19 38 | 13023 | 227 2013/22 7| 7m48| 26 50| am3r| 28 17) 6218 2m | 4¥20| 20 57| trait | 19 26| 13mr0 | 20. 2 1g 7| 16 49] 4031 | 25 57) 4035|27 5x | 44 5 26 21) 29 39] 18 32 | 11m 3/19 49 | 12733 | 17 _ 28 8u49 | 1250 2058 | 26 20| 4m57| 26 11 | o=30 erie e7]|[s6mes||7meas|||rr= 36) |e ieee Motsas test 4144 | 10m24 | 2m46 | 26 42] 4216 | 22 47 | 25 34 28] 6746 | 23. 9] 13 sal 27_53| owat | 18 t0| 2g at | 1752 | axma7| x8 14 | 5x27 | 742 to] t9 24| 52 4| 25 go] 9756/13 19| 10553| gntg] 2%54| 25 46| 11942] 17 47 | 19 40 20} 149] 16 54) 727/22 9] 26 13] 15 51/23 56/47 44| 9237] t4 42] 29 53 133 arfry 3| 28 42/19 17| 4¥35| om2z| oa o| 8mqo| zmis | 2258 | 27 18) trx48 | 13 35 22} 26 9| 10x30] trig | 17 12/22 44 | 14 16 | 23 19| 16 22| 5154 | 9=35| 23 39 | 25 21 23] 8= 6| 22 20/13 /16| on o| 6wts| 28 34| 7249| of 5| 18 26| a1 38| 5r30| 7u26 2g} to 58| qrtq| 25 27/13 1/20 1 | r2ms2| 22 6/13 25] o=46 | 3x32 | 17 26 | 19. 44 25] 1146 | 16 14] 7448 | 26 2] 3053| 27 7| 6m6| 26 23| 12 50] 13 22| 29 29| 286 26] 13°33 | 28 23| 20 t9| 9m35| 47 51 | tras7| 19 49] 9% 3| 24 47] 27 12| 11042 | 15 6 27] 25 22 | 1ow43| 3m 2/23 11| 1m35| 25 20| 3216| 21 28| 6x30] 97 5| 24 (7 | 28 12 28) F9i7 | 23 18| 15 59| Oa5o| 16" 5 | omsz| 10 26| gmqr| 18 30) 21. 3| Srr4q | 12m 35 29 [19 21 | Omir | 29 t2| ar t| oa18 | 22 56 | 29 20/15 46] ovat | 3¥ 8| 19 52] 25. 13 30] 1038 ¥am43 | 5m17| 14 33| 6227 | 12 1 | 27 44 | 12 14/15 21 | 20833] 98 3 at] 4 13 26 34 8 2% 29| 9x38 |= 3 233 DM| Feb. | April ‘August | Sept. Dec, 1] 7m10| omyo amar) 724 | 22x47 | 24745 | 8139 | 24031 ors7 2]ar ar|14 47|25 11 15 33/19 56, 443 | 6439) 20 50] 7058 162 3| 5033 | 28 30 | (97.6) 28 27 | ax | 16 35/18 30) 3035 | 21 52 ons 4] 10°44 | 12286 | 22 39 | tomse |g ta | 28 27 | omar | 10 32 | Om 8 15 26 S| 3ms2 | 25°38) sis49 | 238 26 10) 1ow22 | 12 57 | 29 49 | 20” 44 29 32 6] 17°55 | Bigs | 8 gr | 5151 Br 2! 22 23 | 25 26 | 13027 | 5232 Bet Z| 1950) 21 4x) retg! 17 14) 19 53) sm3r | Ber | 27 24 20 23 26 23 8] 15°36) yeas! 13 45/29 9! 1046) 16 50| 2x 10] trm35| smo oxat 9] 29 to] 16 57/26 “t| arr tl a3. 41 | 29 18| 426 | 25 35 | 19 43 at 39 » ro] 121931 | 29 19| 8x 9) 22 53/25 42| trms9| 17 56 | tonat| qr i ‘375t ar ]25 36 | 11x31! 20 11 | 4446! 7m49, 24 51 | tm30| 24 45/18 1 35 52 32 | B=26 | 23 34| 279/16 41, 20-3 | 7257 | 15 34| 9ma4| 1843 27 46 aro} Seat] sq) 2/28 39 | amae| at tz |a9 37] 23 05 | 15 7 98 36 ra | 3x20] 17 23 | 25 54] 10043 | 15) x 4msa | tg40 | 7t17 | 28 17 216 15 13 28 | 29 15 | 7¥40| 22 56/27 50| 18 43| 28 (0 | ar 7 | rm1y 3m29 x6 27 2711 8| 19 go) s@2x | 10057 | 2948 | ramrs | 4%47 | 2357 15 38 17] 920/23 9| rn40| 18 93/24 23/17 "6 | 26-30) 18 15 | 6x3r 7 a8] arta] gmat |13 49) 1&5 | Smio| fm36| 10440 | r=3r | 1855 3039 19] 38-7] 17 50) 26 13| 14 33/22 21 | 16 t2| 24 44 | 14 36] TIO a3 20] 15/11 | om39 | 8057/28 27| 6453| of48| 8157 | 27 28| 1317 4840 2x |27_27 | 13. §3| 22. 4, 12m30 | 21 43/15 20| 22 19 | 10K 7 | 25 10 1739 22} 10m 0 | 27 35) 5239/27 38: 6m43! 29 39] 544 | 22 34| 748 9] O31) 25 1 | Om33 33 | 22.54 | 11943 | 19 43 | 12045, ar 43131043 | 18 34 | 4748 | 18 59 | a1 25 | 7036 | 33 32 24 | 6@°9 | 26 17-| 4m10| 28 93 | 6739/27 20) rx40| 16 53| om4a| 3@28 | 20 29| 27 29 25] 09 a8 | rm 9 | 504 | ramao | at 8 | tomar | og ta [28 49 [ra a2 |g aa | 3mqa | thas 26] 3047 | 26 13! 429 | 2B 25! 51934 | 23 46/26 42| towgr | 24 44 | 28 13] 17 ar | 25 34 az) 18 "5 | 1117 19 49) 134 9) 10 24! 6x25| 8x49 | 22 33| 7@ 0/110 6| ta25| OMT 2B) 2ma5 | 26013 mg | 27 2g | 2m48 | 18 46/20 48 | 428/19 34/24 25/15 53] 24 39 2g}i7 12> | 702 | 112) 15 47) oT54 | 2842 16 33 | 2833] 8m13| om43| oF 25 30] 1249 | 4737 [24 31/28 25/12 52/14 35 | 28 52| 15 39| 22 3t | 15 47 | 24 10 cH | 343 | toxar 26 32 | 1130 7036 angTHE PLACE OF THE MOON FOR THE YEARS 1862-1863 pM March | April | May | June | July | Angust| Sept. | Oct. | Nov. x 20x15 | 5457 81117 | 2249 | 270 4 | 16057 | 44x | 181348 | 10x23 | 15747 2 2759/17 54/20 4| 4050| 9mss| om43| 23 49] 2=41| 23 18) 28 10 3 13 a8 | 29 45° tage [17 24 | 23” 2 | 14 42 | 70958 | 16 36 Ov 9| tov2r ; 27_42| ge | 13 47 | Om 3 | O27 | 28 50| 22 7 | ox 1| 18 47 | 22.23, 5 ‘9845 | 23.20. 25 52/13" 7| 20 81 |13¢10| Garg | 13 26| T¥I3| 4mB é ar 38 | ‘sw1q; Barz | 26 33| 4mts | 27 38| 20 13| 26 39/13 29 [16 8 7 3m27 | 17 19 | 20 s2| 10024 | 18 38| 1299] 4x 3) 938 | 25 34 | 27 57 8 13 16| 29 40! 3m56| 24 40! 3417) 26 41] 17 39| 22 23| 7030) o@44 9 27 11 | r2aa2 17 28| gmig| 18. 7 | m= 6 | ongs | 4us3| to. at | 2034 10 er8 | 25 31 taa8| aq t7| 392 [25 18/14 0 [17 9| tm 8] 3029 ar qt| om 7,15. 36| 9425 | 17 55| 9x43 | 26 41 | 29. 12| 12-5515. 3 " 4s | 23 ta! Oma7 | 24. 35| 2237 | 22 40| u's | arm 6| 24 90/27 45 4 17 34) 7e43 15 54 | 937 | 37 “a | gers6 | ar 13 | 22 54 | Ga4s | romtg 4 Im 8 | a2 33! ¥e°7| 24 24| 15/18 44] 309] gmat | x8 38 | 23. 2 15 15 7) 7m3q. 16 17| Seq8l ry 42) r¥t0| 14 59| 16 32] 1m29| bar12 16 29 a5| 22 36 risxy | 2247 | 27, 53/13 19 26 47 | 28 33/14 23/19 48 "7 13050] 7431 15 52] 6x39 | ror 39 | 25 16 | Bm39| ton4g| 27 43| 3m5r 3b 2 39| 22/12 o=°6| 19 26| 23. | 70 6| 20.41 | 23. 24 | 1030 | 1820 19 r3mi8 | 633 13 55| 297-9] 5¥24| 18 54 | 2ng7 | Omaz| 25 45 | azar 2 27 5t| 20.34 27 19[ 14 33| 17 30 | 0046 | 15 31 | 19 46 | tomag | 1818 a 1atia| gets toxzo| 26 42| 29 o| 12 46 | 28 27 | 3036 | 25 10 | 31033, 2 26-19 17 33, 23. 2 | 8e4o| toma | 24 58 | trmgq | 17 49 | 10224 | 18 4g 35 rowiz| 0x36 5128 | 20 30 | 22 37) 7025 | 25 23) 2mz0| 25 30| 3=44 Po 23 st [1324 17 4 | 2mi8| qm3z| 20 9| 9019 | 17 2 | 101528 | 18 24 25 7217/25 58 29 44/314 §| 16 36) 3m10/ 23 29] 1749/25 9) 2%37 2» 20 3f| Spaz 11u39 | 25 56 | 28 51 | 16 27 | 7m46| 16 52| gmat | 16 35 27 333 | 20°35 23. 30| est | traio| 29 59| 22. 6| 15 °6| 23 29 | 29 42 Bs 1625 | 2u40 5138 | 1. 34| 24 0| 13042 | 6725 | 15 26| 7% 4 | 12955 29 29 3|14 37 17 5| 20 6| Omsq | 27 35 | 20. 40| 29 32| 20 17| 25 7 4 11933 | 26 29 28 55/14 29/20 2 | 11m33| 4048 | 13521 | grit | 7u22 3 23. 50 rom4s 3423 | 2530 26 55 19 4 DMJ Jan | Feb. March April May June July |Angust| Sept. | Oct. | Nov. | Dee. 1] rmxz | xsm17 23m32 8m34 13 1 3749 121813| 6x 3 | 26047| 146 | 15013 | 16.053 2]3)6| 27 15 $235 2132 28 4918 41 2727 | 20-39 | tow 2 | 1314/27 7 | 28 40 3] 24 53| gaat 17 51 4048 roms7 3nqo s2m34| 499 | 22 50) 25 25 | B59 | 1om46 4| Gwg2 | ar 38 omz0 18 22 25 19 18 39 27 25/18 28| 516 | 7m25 | 20 53| 22 57 5] 38 33] gms 130 5 2mio 9452) 3ma8 31x53) 1439/17 25| 19 37) am55| 5023 8] ongo| 10 44 26 § 16 9 24 28 18 2 25 54) 14 24 | 29 22| 1a 8\ 15 9] 18 10 Z| 12 33|29 33 9015 of15 ge 2. 2%17 9727 | 26 48| 11@13/ 13 2| 27 38| tmI9 5] 24 45 | 12035 | 22,39 14 25 23-30 16 9 2234 | 856 | 23,2 | 25 4 | 10026 | 14. 54 9] 7m 7 | 25 49 6mi2 28 36 7m 4729 40 s¥I9| 20 52/ 4nsq] 7mI6 | 23 34 | 28 53 zo} 19 42| omi6 19 53 12146. 21 52 12750 17 45| 2043| 16 52] 19 42) 7mt| 13215 rr] zor] az 58) 3243 26 55 5443, 25 41 29 56] 14 3 | 2B 58] 2e22 | 20 47 | 27. 54 w2]15 38] 6756.17 gt mre 0 19 19° B16 11057 | 26 21 | r1miqg| 15 17| 4449 | 12144 13] 29 “4 | ar to fq6 | 24 50 2g 20.38 23-51 | Baty | 23 41 | 28 27/19 2 | 27 96 1g] rams2 | 51038 15058 8x52 615 47-249 542 | 20 12| Garg | trmsi | 39523 | 1223 13] 27" 3| 20 18 Omts 2235 2B 40 14 51 17 31 | 2mi8| 19 8 | 25 25 | 17 46 | 26. 58 16] 11236] 523/14 34 697 5 try20 26 48 29 20| 14 31| 2m8| gr10| a= 8 | 11036 wg] 26 26] bah Se ty at 2346, Seedy Hass | 26. $3 | 1g" 20| 23 4 | 16 a4 | 25 as 18] t1g30 | 4x23 13003. 223 OM'r | 20-29 23 10 9435 | 28 43| 70 4| 0%33| 8733 19] 2637 | 18 42 27 0 15. 7 18 6 2ax8 $m13| 22 8| 12¢20) 21 11 | tq 32 | a2 13 20] r1=39| 2938 torgr 27 35 08 3 14 10 17 24 | 3m6| 26 10| 5=22| 28 21] su17 ar] 26 25/167 24 1, 9099/11 55,26 8 29 46 [18 19| tots | 19 35 | 11757 | 1B 5 z2| tox49| 29 11 6u59' 21 51 23 44 Bmrg. 1292 | 145 | 24 34| 3x49 | 25 21 | OMGE 23] 24 46] 1¥50 19 36 3046 5234 20 33 25 35/15 44¢| 9m 4] 17 50| Burl 13 6 2q | Seri3 | 24° °8 155 15 34 17 30 329 Bm29| 29 58/23 gt | 292 at 29/25 a2 agfar12| 6m10 13 59. 27 25 29 36 16 $22 6| 14933| Bx | 15 54) 4013 | 7029 26) 347 | 18 2/25 53( oat |1xm57 29 25) 6¢ 9| 29 24| 22 51 | 29 31/16 43] 19 31 27 | 10 "2| 29 50 pega 21 28 24” 36 | 13mit 20.37 | 14=25| 74 9 | 12¥52 29 “2 | 1037 28) 28 2 | 1138 19 32 3m501 7437.27 24 “528/29 27| 21 9 4g 33/110 9/13, 19 29) 9053 1228 16 32) 21 3 I2F¢ 3/20 36] 14x20] 4445 136) 23 8] 25 10 30}2r go | 33 3¢| 29 35| 4 55) 27 4) 551/28 55/17 57) 21 2) 5X2) 7m 3 31| 3027 1 t! a 3|ar3 3013 wt {35 36THE PLACE OF THE MOON FOR THE YEARS 1864-1865 i { Dec Nov. | | July | August | Sept. | Oct. , waren | pet | tay | Jon July) Angust | Deo On a —| ’ oo, oF oF ° ons eorpe rfe rf i agw 9 | tt 14039 | 0# 56 A soras| amar /xax 6) 4v28 | roma6 | are 9| srmsg | aap BB | ely jo| 2625 | 19. 56 | 23 28 | x 4 choad est oval | Toit Bow jot | Bap | ane i 3 | oe 24 48) 14 13, ¥ aa atlas 5 7 Be | Toll | bebe |G ah he | 2] 2938 get pas8 | 37, 2a | 9035, jae | Tom’ | 2 “ah | outs | “maa | arse on | eg |g a | locks | a3 a S| te 10 | a8 dy | gas *zmas | 20°18 | 27 23 | 2039 | 29. 25 “mas | af ge | ‘teay |S 3 59 | sae | timae | 58 he 15 | 101 13 5428 0 x 26 “8/19 39 | 27 voei8 [5036 388 |onss Ha'3)Ee'9 oxse! gus | eae 1 6m 2| 807/21 4) ! o| 25 53 | 18 22 al ‘tage | 18 1 | 20 3! ge “bd | ‘cg | rorse | 22g | 7027 oniz| 1 i 2s a | 3 3p | as 6 | 1552 | 28 ae 635! “Bay | ange tose | 29 30 | ute xmas 16 25! B= 24 30] 12031 smd bsecel meeiallicheotetenaa nomeallerw alice 29 28 Ba 9 | 24 390 801g | 25 I Beg arg ek eR ahr el bot fais | “Buds oo 8 | amas | ato, om 9 24 18 16 qr) 19 40) 2r Yl 25 | 8 3 | 6nqt 35 13 Sita tssol eames] em orb ees eye *m36 | 254 | 29 34 | 207 S16 | 7u44| 2 1 | 29 x3 ai a 15 %eo ag esalliaemaal|aatesite Be [208 | Boe |e ag at ess | ta Bats | nai bt 11¥840 | 5x18 147t 13| 5m29|19 19| 21 57 ee ear Mea) CieiaelMinesinaes Fends | Zaid | Bei | Sele erwcellfezmta] (ariel oot ess a IT m2! 124 | 10) re 2 2) 3 2 zi 17 4r a4 2 | Tag) 26 53 mak 33 | Bald | Tale 7139 | 24 15 | 8s: |a3°a| 9739) 16° 6 oR tae aed "ae 200s | baig |207E | 3 | 9738 | 78S “page | 27 48 | Orsh | ay a2, 2043 [18 | 239 B13 | [x4 53 Be || Age S| P| aN eu n'a! icm3| | T oct. | Nov. | Dec. 7 july | August | Sept. March Apst| Mtay Jone | ty! Angst | ons once oe epee se |e te 2om37 | 137 7 | 21435 Stig 387 yes ey gets ain 7 | apy seg | 20g | one fee tami cmtem eel ee meoe yam27 19 56 | 33 s22 23) 6atg| 8m 3} 5 2 | 28 32 | 5045 Spaallcnss/ ence teeing ional kana: tence Meouie||tssnaall ome 8 $8) g°a) wu oa) 15% | fang | 25"te “suas | 27 50 3 & 2 B23 | 18 32 | 248 1 28 22 | remeo | 1 Be Tame aah i ag 822 / ASg | dee yn | at $035 | tnd 19.16 | “Baas | remy 4834/1932 at a7 Ges7| srnad| ax 8) 26 as pa7g | tem 49 wo ag | Bean! amas 19, 45 29! 2925|25 42. 3m HH 13 10 15 52, 2%49| 9229 16 28 | 3m29 | 5249 dowd U8 Soi ePM) Shar | Bah ok es | Sas eesal | Mensofarce ates 255 | sah) beat tak lat th |a5 32 Fines lcopealiissmetdlacess| (reel liasas 61 24 3t | gare | trans or | "aa | “Bisay | aF ae | “ozo | 25 28 2p dato| ate [as ae we) a Hoar Hats [aT | Bae) Salh, “tnde| at's | 232 “osh | 28 fe | "Degd teas | “aude sou eee eoe al |naaeyifirisy Spee moma tomat heal time icon gmge ‘12 20/26 40 | o1°p yaks | an ge | “oxedy | ag a3 | amas | 29 as 2737 4 7 | “Be47 | 1233 eae Geis ag gh tute | ae 28) sac o3r| 5mss| ar 3| 25 34 16 45 20 7128 3822 to| 29 46/18 tz Bee athtemee| eameoll Memes ee mea| amastles essiibemsetlsetal (Money 7) ft (se 8 | as ae 26°55 [8g ab S| ao as Fonte teres] |Romertheecel tele 3X57 uae) 4m 8) ony | m4 sa] bmse 38844 | 28 50) sis a5 8 [B'S ay te | he | 2058 | “Sad 2040 | 8nd | 25 26 | “3430 Toxi8 | “guise tim34 | oa30 8755 | “ome [ag 48054 | Sas 73 0: : A 143 42 ° 1, 269/23 3] 1 Roecall Wares lmoneetiee Waa] sie] cia mse 15 33 | 7719 | 18g aswell (eMac (ees sese| fron cl tea sme teoihes| (a iessil nouns aoe emacs ie tessa lesa cota ‘Buse! tox55 | use| ag 8 10844 MRT | “za8b| “amo | 18, 38 “bas6 | thas 23 38 3518) 4 40 18 7 as s7| 126 Sai5 |." ostTHE PLACE OF THE MOON FOR THE YEARS 1866-1867 Oct. | Nov. | Dec. pe ee ees eer eae red ered eee foe 43.0546 | amar | rom47 | 25255 | 28m20 | 131037 | 831 | 858) 2m 5 | rrm1q| 1m54| 6034 27 42/15" 1| 23-13} 7m46 | tor13| 26 2| rx35| 22 51/16 16] 25 2/14 39| 18 43 11a16 | 27 23| 5027/19 35| 22 11 8x39 | 14 50| 6¥52| omzz| Ba34| 27 10] oms3 2427 | 9e3r/ 17 30| 1225) ghr7| 2x 29| 28 9/21 “2/14 22 | a 50| 9028 | 12 37 Ferg | at 28 | 29 24 [13 18| x6 39| 4x35 | tan 3| smx8 | 28 2 | 4ms2 | 2t 37 | 24 28 x9 39 | 3mrz;11m1q | 25 20/29 “2/18 0/26 3/19 37] 11a50| 17 39| 3m3q| 6410 40481506) 230 2] 7032) rrmq8) 1446] to¥19| 3057 | 25 16 | omt4| 15 36] 18 rr | 13 43 | 26 58) 4755/20 1/24 55/35 54/24 49| 18 13| 827) 12 38| 27 29| on 6 25 32| 8250/16 55; 2=50| 8x24| 0423] 9m29| 2a19| 2x 22| 24 51) o¢20|/ 12. 3 7m3o | 21 15) 29 "9/16 2/22 19/15 11 | 29 14 [16 11 | go 2| Oms6| 21 it | 24 8 1911 | 3349 | 1141 | 29 4x| 6r4o| oms2| Bm56| 29 45 | x6 27 | 18 53| 33 4| Om16 1712/16 44 | 24 35 | 13%46 | 21 24/15 17 | 23 26) 12m58 | 28 39 | 0746/15 | 18 35 13°26) om 1 | 7=53 | 28 16| 6v29| omi7| 7039 | 25 st | 1omgo| 12 36/27 6| 1 7 25 56| 13 39 | 2t 37/137 7| 21 39/15 3| at 29| Ba24| 22 34 | 24 27| 9=22| 13 55 Bys43 | 27 37| 5x45 | 28 12! 653 | 29 25| 4msq| 20 40| 4425 | Grzq | at 54] 27 “4 an 48 | 1xq8 | 2013 | 13822 | ar $7 | 13020 | 17°53 | 2m4q | 16,18 | 18 30 | 4X47 | 10734 g=10 | 26 10| 4757 | 28 27° 6042 | 20 47| 0229| 14 39 | 28°16| omg | 18 3 | 24 3 1B 45 | 10135 | 19 48 13019 | art | gm4o| 12 46 | 20 30 | ro%a5 | 13 28 | rr4B| gu 3 2x3t | 24 59| 4439/27 5t| 4asz| 22 at | aq 49] 8423 | 22 49| 26 28/16 “1 | 2354 16 25| 9¥i9| 19 23) 1159 | 18 14 4036| 6m43 | 20 22| 5=32| ox54| ov4z| om 3 ov23| 23 32| 3m54| 25 42| 1m 9/16 37/18 33] 2132/18 36] 23 47/35 45 | 24 at 14 25| 7036/18 9 | 859 | 13 42 | 28 30 o724| 14 56| 2x 3| 80-6| 10°3| 9m57 28 29/21 30| 2m 6/21 54/25 57| tomig|12 22| 27 36| 15 52/22 47/16 24 | 24 39 12834 | 5@13 | 15 43| 4mag, 7250| 22 8| 24 28|10%35| or 2| 7¥45| 1036| oaiB 2640 | 18 45 | 29 “2/16 49/19 53| 44 1| 61246 | 23 52/14 27| 22 51 | 16. 30| 23. 2B rou4s | 205 | 120 4| 28 57| 1mg2| ro 1/19 18| 7x26| 29 3| 7m55| ono] 7m 8 24 48) 15 13 | 24 51 | 10057 | 13. 30| 28 11 | 2m q| 2k t4| 1343 | 22 4B | 14 58 | 20 38 Baoqq | 28 7) 7m2q: 22 50/25 20| 10%30/ 15 3] s7t4 | 28 21 | 723 | 28 28| 30 3 1945) 4mgo! 7454/23 0| 28 15| 19. 23 | sama | 2t 36 | trm3x | 15 27 a4 1456 | 16 30/19 14 | 5=40 | 11%39| 3436 | 27 10] 5025/24 11 | 27 35 19 22| 3 59/ Tat 25 14/17 50 18 50 | ‘om3zTHE PLACE OF THE MOON FOR THE YEARS 1868-1869 DM] Jan. | Feb Aprit | May | June | July | August| Sept. | Oct. | Nov. | Dec. 1] arxer7 | 8¥45| 2mr9 | 24mso| gm 8| 25247 | 1739 | 17042 | 2x 1| 449 | 2xu59 | 28m 2] "3039 | a2 ta| 16 3) oats | 18” 8 | om'o | ry at | a9 35 | 13 55 | 17 4 | silat | rawr 3] 36°23 | “6n'7 | ‘owr0| 23 35| 20 1| a2 2] 26 31 | 1135 | 25 54 | 29 45 | 18. 55 | 26. 55 4] 29 3] 20 27 | 14 32| 757 | 15 48| 4¢52| 8:42 | 23 13| Br] r2¥31| 2038 | tra to 3] 338 8| 5@9|29 8|22 16| 29 24|17 29! 20 43| 5x 1|20 18| 25 31 | 16 28| 25 22 8] 27 15| 20. 9| 13054 | G29 | ramao| 29 53| 2238 | 16 52| 2448| 842 | on25| omar 7| timst | ‘sary | 2843 | 20. 29 | 25 58 | t210 5 | 14 27 | 28 30 | 15 51 | a2 7 | 1g 26 | 23°33 8] 26" $0 | 20.29 | r3m28 | amiq| 8252 | 24 6 | 26 14 | ro7rg6 | 28 30 | sm4q | 28 34) 730 9| 120°5 | smag | 28-3 | x7 40| ar 20 | smo | 8x 2] 23. 35 | trm47 | 19. 35 | ramqt | av at 10] 27-25 | 20" 12 | rz020| 0445 | 3150 \ 17 48 | 19 55| ssi | 25 24| 3040 | 26 53| 5m 3 ar] t2a38 | gaat | 26 16 | 13° 39] 15 37 | 29 56 | P58 | 18-47 | gwar | a7. 57 | tro 5 | 18 36 ta] ar 3s | i824 | Comer] 2554 | 27 33 | tecaB | uy 4g | a 8 | 29° 40 | “hwag | a5 03 | 2 2 38 x3] am 9| rmgg| 22 54| B13) 9=43/ 25 30/26 49| 15 so] Bax6]s7 1 gmr3.15 6 14] 26°16 | 14°49 | 5437 | 20. 0| ar 32| 047| 9u47| ow 1| 23 8| 1240/23. 0) 27 59 1] 9256 | 27 26/18 “o| rasr| 3x25 | 18 24| 23 12| 14 35| 8m 7] 16 14| 6431 | 101937 16] 23 t0| 9245) 0% 8/13 40] 15 28| ru25| 70 5| 29 29| 23” 6| om37 | 19 42 | 22 59 17] 6m2|2r so] 12 4/25 33| 27 45 af 53 | 21 25 | 14236) 7256) 14 43 | 2032) se 7 1B] 1835 | "31098 | 23. s4| 7x35 | rose | 28 47 | 6m 8| 29 47 | 22 30| 28 7 [15 2] 07 4 ig} o754| 15 36| 5=42| 19 49| 23 20/130 7| 21 9 | 14m53| Omar | i746] 27 15| 28 54 20/13. | 27 24 | 17 34 | 20%) 6443 | 27.46 | 6ar7 | 29. 44 | 2027 | 24 ar | 9=14 | tomat a | x5" 10 | 20° 50] tm38 | ar aq | tqats| 3¢45| 7013 | 21 5 | 22 30 2 28 19] 436 | 27 33 | mat | 2820 16 37 | 19 26 | 2052 4727 23 11¥46| 18 57] 12023 | 21 | rms8| 29 8] rm2s| 14 42| 16 36 4 25. 30| 3@28| 27, 2| srg | as it | trm20| 13 16| 26 40| 29 3 35 9m25| 18 o| t1m26 [19 14| 82 0] 23 1825 3| Srsr| muse % 23 30| 2n29| 2531 | amg | 20° 29| 52 9| 6x33 | 21 18| 25. 5 27 7@38 | 16 50| 9018 | 15 53| 2142 | 10 56/18 50| 4u 6| Siraq 2 af 4g| tm'o|22 46128 43| 15 43 | 28 45 | 037 | 17 14/22, 40 29 ‘5058 | 14 50 | smso | 1x¢%5 | 26 36| 10x58 | 13,19) om4s | 707 30 205 | 28 46) 18 36 | 25.34) 8x25 | 22 38 | 23 5614 30. ar a3 Ef 3042 | 2012 3 ¥50 6235 Sel re ee eee ed ed ee ed oe nia 7! agary | age 8) 13790 | 7044| 2000) yay 16e 7 ge 4] trate | gare) sym 2 5m43 | 28 26) 7m3q! 26 50) o= 9| 14 2/15 43' omgt| 18 43| 25 41| 19 13| 27 4t 8 | ramrr| at 33 933 | 12 17 | 25 52 27 47 13 35 2049| 10mag| gmat] 127 9 joa0 3g | “gr )3 at 58 | ag 13 | “pegs | toug 38 Sel a ar | ag a6 | apa | 2609 16 8437/18 6 “4x't| 6x 2| 19 49, 22.39! 10m35 smtq! 10053 | af 6) 1019 7 m7 | 21.20) 047 5 $5 (17 50] 2 4| 533° 24 41 17 23°26 10| 18 26 | 23 30 23 | 3849 [338 27 43/29 42 | 14 35 | 18 49, 9A10) 2037 I1mtg| 218 | O=a8 2 35110 4/25 15 gxgo| tgs | 27 22) 203523 54 17 44; 2559/15 41 119 11233 28 10) 7x12 ar 18| 23 50| rom27) 16 21 | B8m47| 2m36| 10715 | 28 37| 1X22 1S tne 9) 19 2 3rtz| Ovtr 23 48) on3z!23 41! 17 9 24 1) Tre 9] 13 26 Gigo 22 €| 0x49 15 13| 18 46 | 724, 14 54 S229. 12131 7818 | 23 23| 25 21 tt "3x49 | 1237 27 23) 1m3q| at tl 29 25 23/4) 14 53| 209) 3x24 | 7713 Tear | 15 37/24 26 gv43|t4 35| 50-7 t3msz! gmat | 2b 0) 2m38 | a7 a7 | 29. 5 13 22/27 26| G20 22 13/27 47) 19 10) 28 18, 21 19/1057 14 51/29 7| Fu 3 15) 9718 | 18 19 454 | tr@I0 | 3mI7, 12437) 4755/23 28! 26 51 | 10758 | 13 10 De 3 | 216! wae | a7 7 | ag ag | p27 | 26046812 | Seas Suge | a | 2829 1B 50: gu2qit2 42, 0053) 8028 | 1238 | comg3' t¥s11| 17 52 | 20 35) 4457] Bm 1 073915 4625 “9 14 42| 22 a2] 15 48 24 27 1354 | 29 $0| 2726/17 8 | 20, 47 35) 28 35 7m50| 27 48) 6m27| 29 56] 7458 | 26 23 | 11x44 | 14 18 | 29 28 | 30548 M448 | frag | aoas | stage | 20 ar | sams | af By | Begs | 25°96 | 8 a5 | Sem | a's 785 | 24. 50! 405] 25 $2 | 54 aut | 20 50| $027, 8¥17| 24 40| O02 19 48 | bmqo' 17 44°' tom 20 | 1930 6 2K52 | 17 19 | 20.25 | Jost | 14 6 2056 | 2258. 1aa7 | 25” 2| 3ms6|25 0/29 41 14 48/29 34. 2m40| 2033 | 27 54 16031 "740 | 1613! 9053) Way | Baus, wae'3 26 fol nurs 15.15 | 347 | temas 0m33 | 22 42| tm 0 24 44| 2425 | 21. 4 2g 1g 8730/23 °19 27 4017 15 | 25 5t ©, 7756] 16 3] 9mz9| 316 16) 3m40, 6x16 20 22| 5135; t0m28| oms9 | 1005 29 48! ay in| rary | 2357 | 29 46 [10 0! a8 a1 uty | 1B 3 | 23 32 | 14 38 | 2413 Tango Bar8 | 16 22) 844 | 12053 [28 7) ov 2! 14 20| owgd | Gags | 29 12 | Smad 29 55 rmx8 2144) 25 38] 10% 4/11 53 2634) 13 53 | 20 Yo! 13448 | 22 42 T4m50 [a5 53. 457 | B= 3] 21 56/23 48! om 3| 27 23) 4m48| 28 20 Grist 2346 nt 20 13 Bust at se 9 20° 51ta = = —-D Sept. Oct. | Nov. | Dec. : 9832 | 053 | 24m33 310 | 22250 | 26%59 aa 52/15 6| 8243 10 46| 528| on 8 6m25 | 29 21 | 22 38 of 3/17 52) ar 7 ao"'1t | 13m35| 6ni9 13. 3| or's| aut 4% 9/27 46/19 47 25 49 12 10) 14 52 wBoiy|arese| ge 2, 8x23] 24 9 | 20.42 2m35|25\50| 16 6| 20 48) Ow 4| 8m35 16 38 | 9139/28 58| 37 4/17 36/20 31 1924 | 23 18 | 11x39. 15 12 | 29 47 | 2033 15 47| Om45| 24 9 27 13| 11037| 14 42 n4| 19 6928 gu 9/23 31| 27 ‘0 14 9) 256/18 37 21 0} 5@29| 9029 2759/15 40| 037 2m49|17 36 | 22 13 tiegt | 28 “8/12 3114 30] 29 56 | smry 24 42 | 10723 | 24 21 26 34 | 1232 | 1835 7x34 | 22.27 | e012 8038 | 25 30 | 2016 208 | 4¥2q| 18 8 20 36| Sms2 | 16 19 225 [16 10| omsg 3034 | 22 42] omas aq 3t| 28 g| 42 36 16 37| 70.1 | 15 27 2 28/100 7| 25 19 om7| at 45| 0723 Buar| 22 17| 8026 14” 8| 6mso| 15. 23 20 15| 4mqi| 22 1 28 39| 22. 5| om19 2mry | 17 24| 6m 4 13435 | 7228 | 15 4 14 3| on30| 20 33 28 45 | 22 27 | 29 29 26 45/13 59| 5821 14m 3) 7014 | 13=31 gmaz|27 51 | 20 21 29 15| 21 36| 27 6 2a 17|tam2| 5maz 14711 | 5230 | rox 16 3831 | 26 29 | 2016 28 46 | 18 36 | 23 2 19 1] are 3] 4454 12854] 157 | 5728 am47| 25 40/19 13 26 36/14 37] 37 38 16 45 | 1omtr 9=54 29 37THE PLACE OF THE MOON FOR THE YEARS 1872-1873 Sept. wf Jan, | Feb. | march | aprt | may | june | Jaty | Augen oat. 1] r2m 1 | omag | 24028 17116 | 26226 1734 | a2¥4x) oosx | 22art | 25m16 2] 24°35 | 13 59| 8214) 125 | 10x18 ov29 4m34| 19 40| 4mig; 7252 3) 7627 | 27 47) 22 13) 15 30/23 59 13 9 16 58) taj0/ 36 28 20 4x 4] 20. 40 | 11256 | 6125 | 29 45) 7728. 25 37 28 54 [13 21) 28 49 3maz 5 | 4mt7 | 26.23 | 20-47 | 13x49 | 2044, 71153 ; towgy | 25 18 | traz0. 1 55 8] big | tene'8 | "getd | a7 44 | “gue 20°90 2236 | “Fmtg| ag 1 on 8 7) 2243] 26. 4! 19 52| 47a6 116 33 1m59 4026.19 28| 6ms4 13, 53 8] a7 34] r= 3) 4x24] 24 52) 29 6 13 52-16 17 1246] 20 0] 27 38 9} 2139 | 25 57 | 18 46| 7859 | 1xm25 +25 42-28 32! 24 84 | 3420 | 11034 10] 1752 | 1036 | 2ng2 | 20 47| 23 32 7031: tomr3 | 26 56 | 10 57 | 25 42 wr] 3=°3| 24 54! 16 37| 3016 | 5m30 19 23 22 24! 9m54| 0952! 9257 12] 3] Bras) 29 57115 29/17 at tma2 gegy | ag tz | 15. 6 24 20 13] 2%42 | 22° 7 | 12053 | 27 30/29 tri 4g 31 17 26) 6252 | 29 38 8x46 14] 16 55| 5¥ 3| 25 27| 9023 110 2 25 55! Om26 20 36| 14=23 23 11 a5] ogy | 07 34) 7ugt| 2x 12 | 23° 1° B37 13 49 ( 5925} 29 15) 7427 16] 13 55/29 46/19 43 30 4) Smsx ar 43 27 39/20 14) 14x 6 at 3 17] 26 44 | rxm4g | 1033) 150 2117 37 5smi3 11755" se19| 28 48 5417) xB] guts | 23.34 [13 22 | 27 13) 0024/19 11 26 36:20 Sr | t3yi2 1B gt tg] 2t 22 | 3m20 | 25 12 | gmgo! 13 33° 3233/1138 | 5x39 | 27 13 1044 20 '3m20/ 17 9| 72.9! 22 36.27 6 18 18 26 3220 33/1047 14 26 arfx5 rol 29 2/19 17/ 532) 11m3 3418 129! 517 4) 23 54 26 50 22] 26 57| 11a 5| Xm4o| 18 5925 21: 18 26 27 17,19. 7| 637 _8m38 23] B44 | 23 29/14 49) amaqs 9455 yaar tax 8! au4t| 18 59°20 56 24| 20 34) 5m43 | 27 14116 45 25 40 18 26 2633, 15 46) 1m 6 2048 35] 2azo | 18 23 to025) of58| on27 3x 3 ror3t| 28 26/13 2 14 40 26 | 1432 | 1013 | 23 50113 17/24 11 1737 23.59 1046! 24 53 28 56 27] 26 44/14 15) 7m27|29 39) B46. IT 6 78 0/22 50! 0243, Bm4r 2B] om 5] 87 29) 21 13 | 131959| 23 6 14 31 19 38) gm45| 18 38 20 58 ag] 21 36| 10ms3| 5¢ 6 28 15. 7x10 27 32! 1058, 16 34| omgo 3230 30] 4220 19 5|12=25 20 56 tovis 14 4/28 23/12 52 16 19 ary 17 349 | 4933 26 0 | ron16 29 25 pM] Jan. | Feb. | March | Aprit | May | June Sept. | Oct. | Nov. | Dec 1] 2225] s4q2 rg 3| 3m4q| 7018! 21043 23m32 | 8m 3 | 25228 | 2m31 | 25x52) guy 2] 27 at] 19 52. 28 24] 36 45] 19 40’ 3m37 5227 | 20 35! ont 16 57 | 10737 18 3] 12 2] 3432 12us5 | 29 23) tagg| 15 30:17 30) 3729/2325) 1x46) 25 23) anu 4] 26-22 | 16 96! 25. 37 | atmq3 | 13 48! 27 27° 29 47 | 10 50| Be | 16 49 | Ov 2 | 16» §| tomrg | 29 36 8m32| 23 48 25 42, 9033. 12m2z| ongo| 23. 9| 1759/24 26, 08 5 623 52| 120 6 21 4| 5245| 7m35'21 51 25 20/15 0! 8x27'17 6| Bn3r!13 19 7| 7474| 24 22: 3m20| 17 37| 1932) 4m26. Br 42/29 46) 23 40| tu59| 22 14 | 26 Bagh) Seid 3°23) | ayy (fo aa! | abo | “bob |S | “Sead | Bak | 2036 | 18 27 27 18) 11mas | 13 53| 0736 Gi45| ox 3 | 23 49/ oMgo/ 18 27 | ars rofas | onat gato| 2326 | 26 33,14 13 21 20; 15 15) B¥i7, 14 20| Taf | gmt i] a7 17/2 ry att | 3436) om 7/28 10 Ge 9! ois | az 16| 27 33/13 18! 15 7 12] owas | 2g 6 amsq | 17 56 | 22 8 t2m22 arg 14 54) 548 tow23| 25 24 | 26 5 13] at 27| moj x4 st | omae | 5725 | 5X56 | 29 10] 18 54/22 52) 7mI5 | B29 | 32 | 17 55 | 26 33/13 8 | 18 57 2037! 134 0! 1639) 525, | 19 6 20 45 | Iss 18 | 29 35) 9 2 | 26 2 | nyt $7 2/26 25/14 5/17 7 | O57) ams 16] 27 10| 122.0 a1 18| 9f¢ 9] 16 37 10x 6 19 7, 9029/26 19/29 1/12 53| 15 15 wy] om 2 | 24 1g! gmaz | 22 ag | onal | 2g ax 2ush | 22 ig | Saze | toms2 | 2438 | 27 18] 20 57) m38 | 16 18| 6 2/14 51 | Bras 16 20) gm45) 20 18) 22 43) 7mI3 | rors: 19] 2057 | 19 17 29 6119 50| 29 "5/22 16 29 30117 4 | amir) 4230/19 42 | 24 10 20]15 6| 2417, 12210] 3x51 | 13x19) 5¥55 1225129 14| 14° 2/16 35| 2424 | 74 2127 29| 15 4025 32| 18 5 | 27 32, 19 22° 25 By) rrary | 25 54 | 28 gt | 1g a8 at ae 22] tomit | 29.49. “Smity | 'ancat | tego | “ange “peqo| 23 15 7o4y | tomds | 28 33 | “5h 23] 2316 | 13146 23 19/47 2/25 gt tg 38 20.12 | 5m 9/19 43/23 19 | 110938 | 200 25 | 6248 | 28 29 7245, 19736) 9433: 28 28 2n15!17 0) ings | 5754) 25 35] 4xts 25 20. 49 | 13234, 22 29 [16.6 | 23 tz! are 5.1 at | 28 50) 13 55 | 18 42 | gmaq | 18 26) swig | 28 50° 7x26) ov25! 637,23 31 26 20; 10441 | 26 15| 145/23 21!) 2439 27 | 20 14 | 148 22 27 | 14. 29| 1946) 545 BmI3! 22 36| 8249/15 4) 7X47) 16 4 28) s=27| 29°16 “7r2e | 28 13 2038 17 G0 20” 4) 4M38 | 21 go | 28 40) 21 38 | ‘ove 29| 20 48 223 | 1130 | 1s 14! 2947 1954 | 10 52 | 40953 | tame | 554 | ag 30] 6x4 6x23 | 24037 37 35) 1H 13 48 | 29 32 | 1B a9 | 26 45 | 20. as | 28 Ty afar 20°17 9843 23 jg! tasi2 109 | ara‘THE PLACE OF THE MOON FOR THE YEARS 1874-1875 Feb. March _ Jan. April | May | June | July | August} Sept. | Oct. | Nov. | Dec. 1] 2smzq | r2043 | 2rag3| 6229| omo| 257 r| omsy | 23x 5 | 16433 | 24139 | 13051 | r7m22
27 1/13 33| 3mgr|ize18 | 5223r | 13-2 9a 7| 26 32/17 33/26 32 [19 28 | 26 © at 23| on44| 1232 | 10%42| 3% 9) 97. 3m5i| 23 10/15 35| 24 46 | 16 36 16 33) 6m48| 29 42| 8=43 | 20 49 29 30| 20 40| 13152 | 22 33 | 12748 12046 | 4¢44| 28 3| 6x16 | 25 34 26 a [19 “1 |12213| 19 49| By 8 romx6 | 3127 | 26 20| 3710] 20 30) 2432 (18 0| 10x18| 16 19 | 2m47! 94 5| 2=36/ 24 5/29 13] 14 43 2353/17. 8| 7736 |11¥52| 26 37 Bigg | 1x30 | 20 48| 24 16| 80025 | 2 3 4) 3237 | 26-15 | 21 22/13 35, 5] 17 22 | 10229| siz | 26 57 6 tm26 | 24 48 | 19. 20| 10x 7 7]35 46] 907) ger} 23 7 SB] oz2r | 23 24 | 16 54] 3055, ofits 6] 7=35| ona7| 18 3 to} 29 55| 21 34/13 50| ov'ss rr] rqigo | 5x18 | 2658/13 7 ta} 29 14 | 18 43) 9752 | 75,70 33] 3=31 | 48 | 22 29] 7m 3 1%] 27 26| 14 33] 4usr | 18 52 15 | 10x57 | 26 59/17. 0 | om39 16] 2g “3| 9% 9| 28 57| 12 30 17] 6x47 | 21. 8 tongs | 24 29 2B] 19 10] 2msg| 22 36| 6a42 19] 118 | 14 48 | 4028 | 19 14 20|13° 15| 26 4x | 16 28] 2mr0 afr 8] Sear 28 43 [us 3a | at Sy | 15) 8/23 47 | 15 36] gv40| Smzs| 20 12 22| 61156 | 20 36| mra17| 29 25| 6m38| onz0| B=37| 29 21 | 16 12| 18 24/ 20 0 23] 18 48 | 3.026 | 24 13 | 13043 | 2138 | 15 27 | 23. 12 | 12743 | 28 27 | owrg| 13° 55 24 | 0m47 | x6 15 | 7m34 | 28 23| 6249 | omaz| 7x27 | 25 41 | ronas| 12 1/26 oF 25] 12 56 | 29 24 | at 20| r3mx8 | 22 1 | 14 57| 21 16| 8ut7 | 22 20| 23 50| Sm23 26] 2517 | r2ms3 | 5aa7| 28 38! 7 3 | 29 4739 4@8| 5a4s| ar 5 2034 27] past | 26-37 | 19. 52 | 13715 | at 49 | 2x52 | 17 36 | 2036 | 15 58/17 53 | 4222 | 2B] 20 41 | 10035 | 4m26| 28 1 | 6x13 | 26 '9| owrr| 14 28/27 55| omig| 17 56 29] 3m45 | 24 42| 19 4| 12930 | 20 13] of 3| 12 26/26 16| 1003) 13, 6] rm48 xe] 3 3237 | 26 39| 3x48| 21 35| 24 28| 80 5| 22 28| 26 17] 16 15 | ° 9254 | 3x] om33 2 170 61120 | 20 May Feb. | March | April 1] agar | 16x54 | 24x50 | 13848 | 659 | 10 3) 3m20| 192 9 5| 16 9 af o=a8 | am’4 | Srs7 | 26 36! 29 “7/12 53 ag” ar| tms3 | ar 48| omaz 324 18! 14 4522 ar) om 4g) re 4) 29 46, 27 34] 14 56) 51953] 14 49 4] 8x44) 27 58] su57 | 21 14) 2255, Om47 | 100 1 | 28 23 | 20 20 | 29 26 5] 22.43! towag | 28-48! 3m13; gagg! too 22 47| 12785 | 52 7| 4x 8 6] owtg 23° °8| rots! 15 4. 16 38) 1030. 5m56| 26 32] 20 7| 28 47 7) 191106 3mxq | 13024 | 26 5328 goo tq at 19 30 | rts | gxra | 13015 S{ au 0117 925 at! Sage! toms: 27 95, 3732 | 26 18 | 20 13| 27 27 [ts 23) 28 57) pero) 20 46 23 27 t1mI5 17. 59 | 132 | 4459 | 11H IE x0] 26 31 | romgg | 1857 | 3.0, O19: 25 20 21950 | 26 48) 1922 | 24 4r ar] 829 | 22 32| on48 13 29! 19 33) 9247! 17 56 11m55| 3¥x8| 7O4I 12] 20 20 | 4a25| 12 46| 28 16! 3mio.24 31 yefo| 26 43) 10 45 | 20 19 33] 2m 8| 16 26| 24 $4 | traaa| 17 6, 926: 18 20| 110s | 29 45 | 2038 14] 13 55 | 28 37 | 7miG | 24 45, 1220 24 24 359 | 24 58 | r2m20| 14 42 15 | 25 43 | toms7 | 19 52) Seq 15 46, 9210 17 56 | Svar | 2436 | 26 37 36] 7038 | 23°28 | 2aqr| 22 14 | 0418/23 6 2-9 | ar 17| 6038 | 8228 17] 19 37| Oar | 15 44] 6714! 14 51 BXIQ: 15 54 | 3150 | 18. 32 | 20. 20 18] Im4q | 19 4| 28 59; 20 20| 29 20/22 21, 29 Ia |36 4 | onar| amt7 19] 14° (0 | 2mro| ramaz | gia, e476 t tay 7/28 6 [a2 an | tq 24 20] 26 27 | 15 30| 26. 0| 18 38 | 27 52:19 21} 24 4¥ | 950) 24 6 | 20 42 ar] 9-8 | 29 “4| o¢4g| 248! 1149 2¥a2, 7m ol 21 48 | Om 7| 9014 ni] at 5 iarse | 23.37 | 16 56/25, 34115) 6 09. 8 | 3037) 1817/22 0 23] smat | 27° "t| 7939! 1x00! 90 4 27 35, te 4/15 28| om37| gmt a4 | 1858 | 100024 | 2449 14 59! 22 20, 9m153 ‘1256/27 23/13 8 | 18 15 25] 2259, 26. 2| 6m 6| 28 49) g¥az, 22 0,24 46| 9maq| 25 49 | Tea 26] 17. 22 | tomqB| 20. 28 | 12029 | 1B to, 4m 0! 6036 | 21 32| Bmar | 15 to ay | 2% 7 | 25 37| 4x50 | 25 50! ot4s (15 55 | 18 27| ge48| 21 45| 29 5 2b] 17 7 10x20) 19 8! 967/13 7) 27 40! omar | 16 13 | 57 -0| 138 0 ag | 2215 3015/22 115 17| 9033, 12 19/28 49| 18 28/27 3 30] 17 22) 17 | 4038 | 7919) 2125! 24 25 | emy8 | avs | rere Br | eas 839 | p93 | beat | 24 42 2525THE PLACE OF THE MOON FOR THE YEARS 1882-1883 Jan. | Feb. | March | Aprit | May | June | July | August| Sept. | Oct. | Nov. | Dec. 1] 7127 | 2329 | 2028 | 16m48 | 19230 | 6424 | 12045 | 6x 4 | 20744 | 6138 | 2gm@16 | 26054 2/19 59| 5027/14 20| 28 48| 1m57| 19 55| 27 12| 21 3|13¥57| 20 -7| 6043, 8m55 3] 2mar| 17 21| 26 12 | 10056 | 14 38 | 342 | tteso| sar48 | 2744 | 3a10| 18 54 | 2048 4 [4 34] 29 14] 8m 5/23 tr | a7 32) 17 42/26 30/20 13! 195 | 15 51 | oms4| 2039 5] 26 40] 11m 6| 20 1| 5m25|roz39| ras2l ix 7) gu1d 24 4 | 28 14) 12 46/14 3 6] 830/23 0] 220/18 10| 24 “0/16 “7 | 25 35) 17 57| 643 | 10023 | 24 37 | 26 20 7| 20 34] 4257/14 4] 0456| 7133 | 0x25! ov4o| m7) 19 7 | 22 23| n28! Bm58 B| ‘amas ] 170 | 26 15] 23° 35 | af 19 | 14 at | 2348 | 14 18 | 1a20| gmrz| x8 ag | aro 9}4 17] 29 13| 8m35]27 8] sexs | 28 53) 7u3r) 27 4/13 25/16 8) om28| 3238 xo} 26 12] 1mgo| ar 6 | 1om30| 19 22 | 129758 | at “o| 9037 | 25 23| 27 59| 12 40) 16 35 Bary | 24 25| 3453 | 24 27| 3%37| 26 56] 4ut4| 22 0! 7m17| 9051/25 4/29 46 20 27| 7232 | 16 58] 8=34| 17 57 | 10%43| 17 16) garg) 19 9] 2 48| 7230 | 13013 a 15] “amsz | ar 77 | “omsas | 22 36 | 2020 | 24, 20 | dm'6 | 26a | ‘ta 0 | "3mag| 20-27 | 20. 54 t] 1548 | “50030 | x4 17 | 79637 | 16 40 | putag | x2 45 | 28 22 | 12 5t | 15 38 | 31029 | tomo 35] 25 “s| 39 42 | 28 35 | 22 24 | ovgs | 20-95 | 25 t2| tomiy | ay 95 | 28 16 | 16 a4 | 24 45 16] 12249 | ‘ago | ig=i6| “rit | 14 59 | 3m32| paso | 22” 8| dma3| tor4s | o=t3 | Ox50 17 | 27. *2 | 19 54 | 2816 | a 54 | 2b 48 | x8 95 | 19 38 | 358 | 18 "50 | 2g 28 | 13 50 | 2238 TB] Hasat | '3c88 | fancay | “6u8$ | tarde | op 23] "Bngo | 3°58 | tg | Bay | a3 53 | py 19] 26 41 | 20 33] 28 38] 20 31] 25 32 / 11018) 13 33 | 27 43513 44| 19 46] 12% 3 | 2t 15 20| 11253 | “sq | 13738 | “4mze | Beay a3 23 | 25 24 | gma7, 20 40/3527 | 26-24 |. sat ar | 27 6| 20 tt | a8 to | 17-36 | 210) sma0| pats. a2 4 ton'0| 17 29| 10154 | 19.24 22] 12x 9| qurg | 12¥34| 0@32] 3219/17 13/19 1, 4740/23 47) 1X54| 25 27! 3120 2695 | 17 57 | 26-20 | 13-7 | 1325 | 29 8! tmt6 | 17 49 B=] 16 3] 9u59.17. 8 13 36| 195.22 45| 19733] 24 24, omg 2 15/15 1° 7x48|16 33) 803614 5 ‘9#18 | 29 27 23 °3| 1¥30|22 3227 9 6m 6) 9n56 wrx | 107] 938 | 25 25 | 27 23! re 4! 25 12| 13 53| 22 30| 7229| 9mr7' 23 12) Byeqr| 26 19] seo] 19 25| 21 11) 534, ar 46) 831/17 14] rmi5) 3ar0| 18 15 | 22 49/1419 S120) 16 15 7 28) “pud2 | 20°33] 29 15 | ga | 1g 18 | “t218 | “6x47 | 29 29 | 2327 | omat | 19. 19 | a2 36 zo|x7 2 taro] 25 9] 27 39| 14 44 | 2r_t2| tgxa7! Bur7 | 14 43| 20.9 4mao 3e| 29.19 23° 1 | “pory| tomtoyi 28 34 | ‘s=59| on 2 | 22 af | 28 19 | 14 40) 10 a2 3r| 1027 3953 a3 it 20 59| 15. 4 nes [28 35 Oct. Nov. ! Dee July | August | Sept. 737 | 10244 | 24m58 | 287 0 ros2s | 2gmro| 2722 | 19921 | 26=11 | 9713 | 28y 9! 19838 Bui [29 8 | "5s | ese | “Oud | 39 38 | Sao Fg) tio G07 ar 33 | 2 2] 2216 | 6735 | 14 44| 2=51 | toxa2 | 3¥50 | t2llz, 2ag0 | 19 37 22 36 | 6250 | 101827 3] “amtg | to 22 | 27 27 | 16-49 | 24 54 | 8 ge | 26.38 | 165 | 205 | amaq | 18 go | 22 51 4] x6°'24 | 20035 | 200936 | ‘rxe%4 | “og | 'smit | tomay 28 54/14 3 18 10 | 0750 | 5234 3] 28 st] x6 6 | 24 04 | 16 3 | 2g 43 | xp az | ag tt | trma8 | 25 54 27 58/13 35 | 18 at 8] sr 437 | “omay | Beat | “an 9 | [Sued fees? | Fase 23 46 | mai 9050/25 48) ca Z| 24.42 |e 8 | 232 | ror 3 | 20 ag | as ag | aoa soso [29748 at S| Bago | as 8 9 2212 | 14x34 | 23 “1 | x6 35 | 23 49! 12035 15 44, 29.33/13 21/16 4o| 5x30 Gs2z | 29 26 | S13 | 1mi5 | 7m47 | 25 20| 27 52: 11mat | 25 38! 29 36/19 32 27 37 ar} 20 43] 47 9| 23 16] 15 32/21 19) 7m45| 9248 23 14° B14 12=57 | 3459, 1220 ra] 5x9 | 28 36| 8x 4! 29 22| 4a2g! 1g 34! ar 38/5417, 2 15 26 46/18 48 | 27 5x 83] 19, 35 | 12046 | 22 30 | r2mq6 17) 8 te50/ 3ma7 [17 35 | gag) te 2 | 3u52 | 213 14] 3735 | 26.36 | 6133 | 25 46 | 29 3133, 41 15 20, 0114 | 18 38/25 4319 4/277 15] 18 °6 | rong | 20 11} Baas | trm39 | 25 29 | 27 23/13 15| 2x50 | 1043 | 4uT5 | 11m47 x6] 2y 8/23 27| 3m28| 20 47/23 35° Jai 9439/26 4i | 17 40/25 54/19 14, 26 5 17] 15 59 | 6m30| 16 24 | 2m35| 5025 |19 20 | 22. 13 | t0x30| 2734 try 6 3053) 9058 18] 29 40/19 :20| 29 5/14 34| 17 131 1430| 51.6 24 40/17 33,26. 9/18 7 | 23 23 1of 30% | 2a-0| magi | 26 47/29 3/33. 53/18 20/ Ox 5) 2028 t0n57| 1m53_ 6m20 20] 26 32| 14 29 | 23. 46| 8036. 1oms7 | 26 32) r=52 23 39/17 12/25 23/15 10 13 53 at] omq3 | 26 49 | 5m53 | 20 25 | 22 58) 926/15 go! Bris” mgt, 9@23/ 28 2 107 22] 22 43) 8m59| 17 53| 2mis| 57°9 22 36; 29 41 22 47.15 50:22 58 | toms 13 6 23] ast) ax | 29 47/14 3/07 at smo! sgu4o 7uiH 29 39 $a 9/22 43 24, 56 ‘aaqa om 186 | “2096 | 11237 | 26 8| ons) 10 34 28 at zy! gm 9 | 18 58 | 23 25| 8716/12 53) 3x20 | 12714 51124 26 21! 1m28| 16 32 18 29 25| om28| 14 96} 26] 12°38 | 26 33 | Smzq| 20 34) 25 5417 14/26 24 19 12, M16 13 44/28 19 0722 27 | 24 37| 8maz| 17 6| 30 4| OHIO] Im10: tow3t 2047) 21 56 25 48 rom 5, 12 23 2B] 6229 | 20 16/29 4/15 gt | 22 at t5 24 | 24 33 16 10| 4maq Fagg | 2x 54 24 30 29] 18 17 11413) 28 57 | 6x27 | 29 36| 8M3t | 29 20) 16 4o/ 19 35) 3749 75 0 3e] om 7 23.35 | 12=23| 20 29| 13¥52| 22 22 | 12018 | 28 46) 1m22/ 15 50 19 38 audi 2 60317 [args | 6esla5 4 113 10 2238THE PLACE OF THE eon FOR THE YEARS 186471865 Jan. 128 1329 2% 9 gma 2241 6239 a5 51056 at 4 ‘6x19 21 30 6x28 a4 $914 B57 aug 59 2745 ron 7 2 19 4022 1621 28 16 Ton 9 354 13 50 27 50 9859 2 4ms3 March 10235 2413 816 2244 733 2237 ard 22 54 7746 2215 6ur6 19 49 2054 15 35 2757 row 4 21 3253 3 as) 2738 936 ar 40 3953 16 ig 28 46 1rm28 24 22 7429 20. 51 4030 1827 amqr 1710 1x5t 16 37 par 15 55 ovT3 1% 10 27 42 10150 23 36 bu 2 18 13 oniz m6 23. 59 554 17 55 on 2 29 54 733 20 36 4713 7 43 124 15 17 29 19 13829 27 46 428 | 1756 mmr 4 13 Ca 9035 ar 36 405 6 5 2 0 oms2 ar 47 3049 3 2B 34 ums 24 39 8738 2219 nar 1” 620 20 43 5x18 19 42 37°50 7 41 1¥16 Jay |r 1036 23.18 5049 #75 onze 1335, 24 omit wy 29 58 138 9 6m37 19°27 2048 16°35 on37 51 be 9 515 Oxao 15.16 29,55! ria as tes 24 46) 71139! "77 | 58 I August 27@ 9 gar a 8 amt 14 52 26 42 8435 20 34 2m43 59 27 54 un 14 44 81054 23 32 8233 23 48 9x 7 ag 8 ‘a "tal oh rr | 1725 an38 7 37 2yi6 1628 ont 329 2 at 8053 9 3A13 9 2 m52 20 44 2039 14039 26 45 ‘om at 24 att 16 53 on 3 13 32 2723 11536 26 10% 56 25 53 rorst 25 41 1016 | 24 30 | S119 | i a 42 4m4r 17 18 29 36 1ragr 2357 529 7 19 29 13 rat 23 22 Nov. on 56 1353 27 °3 1027 4S 7236 a 59 6x15 2039 sv 8 8/19 39 aus 1822 224 68 29 30 12@31 25 tr 7833 19 40 137 1329 25 20 7915 19 19 134 4s 26 53 9759 232 ons 2047 ye 2x58 77 rr 15 22 29 25 13022 27 xn 100150 24 16 7927 20 21 2859 15 20 27 28 omas, a1 16 345 4 59 27 3 ‘omar 97 a5 758 2n2 6 6 0=25 14 53 Feb. March April August | aang 5 6845 | 20°27 3051 16 59 29 54 12037 25 10 7933 19 46 Im5r 349 25 4 7929 19317 ims 37 35 20 ots 20 4 408 1759 WoT 2xar 17 2% 2935, 7 4 20% 16-30, omzr 1349 | 26 55 oma? | 22 14) 4834 16 43 28 45 tomar 2233 402 ear Bor 9m56 21 50 4etq 1645 2937 13952 2635 1045 25 21 10% 18 25 29 10743 35 Sr 108 44 | 25 14 | ont 22157 6m 9 18 59 1229 | 13°43 25 46 maz 1932 13, 10 23 2 oms9 193 1417 13°42 26 21 oni7 2232 = 8 2 426 0s 3058 1859 3459 B49 31133 7 34 14 40 27035 roa 8 2223 1618 3B 7 955 a 47 345 15 52 28 "9 10439 23.31 ont7 19 27 | ame 16 31 0x25 14 32 2 58 139723 20 | 12438 |a7 12 | 11134 | 25.30 | 9a523, 2 44 542 B17 | om gmzs | 28m 7 10234 23 2 135 2013 4215 a3 38 \ 17 47 2925 | 16 57 ru? 15 25 Bn0 2 28 9043 | 22 45 5835 12 oms7 12 50 24 53 6246 8 35 omar Rg 245 141839 28 20 r2=27 26 59 1148 26 48 urs 26 qr nyar 2542 91143 23 23 Omag 19 40 2233 155 2726 936 a 37 3031 15 2 a7 ‘Bms4 20 44 2440 4 48 27 1 9154 “teil 5825 out 19 16 3m 5 16 a 29 29 20 8 24° 3 6m4o 1839 on32 12 20 47 5m55 7 6 29 4t m8 44 23. 58 nay 197 229 15 33 29 22 pas 21435 630 at 16 545 19 50 3229 16 4t 29 26 tim49 2355 5249 17 37 29 23 rm3 2310 3417 7 37 on'9 12-55 2554 o= 4 22 25 5X57 19 38 3730 17 33 rw47 16 "9 on38 158 29 32THE PLACE OF THE MOON FOR THE YEARS 1866-1867 May | June | July | August| Sept. | Oct. | Nov. | Dec. Feb. | March | April Seer ets Roam OO roma7 | 25255 | 28m20 | 131037 | x8=31 | ars | am 5) 014/154] a4 23715 | “7mge | torts | 28-2 | “x35 | 22 gt | x6 x6 | ag 2 | 14°39 | 1B 4s ‘Seay | 19 "45 | 22 12 | S39 | 14 g0| 6u52| ome2| Bazy| ay to] omes 17 30) 825. 4ht7 | 21 a9 | 28 39 | ar 2 | rg az | ar go | goa8 | 12 7 2924 13 18) x6 33 | gxas| ian 3] smx8 | a8 12] 4msa jar 7| 24 28 aimt4 | 23 20| 29 218 0/26 3] 19 37] 1050/17 39| 3m30| 6419 15 623 2) 7532 | 11=48| 1746 | 10NTg | 3057/25 16) om14| 15 36] 18 tT 2 58 | “4455/20, 1 | 24 55 | 15 54 | 24 49 | 1813 | Bma7 | 12 38 | 27 29 | on 6 8459 | 16 35 | ams0| 8x24 | ov2s| gma9| 219 | 2x as | 24 51 | 942039. 3 a1 33 | 39. "9 | 16 "2 | 2229 | 15 38 | 24.24 [16 38 | go a | Omg6| ar as[ay 8 349 11H4t! 29 41) 6740} O12 | 8w50/ 29 45/16 27/18 53| 34 4] Om16 wea | 4 a5 | tgcas | at ay | ag 47 | ag 36 | tamg8 | 2899 | 'oz4e | 15” | 183s ‘om't | “7x33 | 28 16 | 6v29 | wy | 7039 | 25 31 | tomgo | 12 36 | 27 6| ‘1X77 35 39 | af 37339 7 | 20-395 3 | af 39 | Bady | 2254 | 24 27| 922 | 13 55 27 37| 5x45 28 1a! 653 | 29 25 | 4msq| 20 40) 4225 | Grzz4 | at 54 | 27 1148 | 2013 j 13822 | ar 57 | 13020) 17 53| 2m4q| 16,18 | 18 30) 4% 47 | 1073; 757 | 28.27) Owge | 20-47 | O09 | 14.39 | 28°16 | omrgg | 18 “3 | 24 96 for35 | 19 48) 13019 | art | gmqo| 12 46 | 26 30 | tomas | 13 28 | 1448 | ou 3 24 59| 4v39| 27 sr! gage | 22 ar] aq 49| 8223 | 22 49/26 28| 16 “2 | 23 54 9419 | 1.23 | 1159 | 18 14 | g236| Omaa | 20 22| 32 | 9x54 | ov42 | om 3 faa 3z| gmse | a5 42 | tm o| x6 37/833) aga | xB 96 | 23 47 | 15,45 | 24 at 736 | 89 | Bade 13742 2835] "or 2k | 4°56 | axe | Br '8| t's | Say | 02750 | ‘au 8) ar oh] 0a. o7| tomiy| ue as | ap 95| sp 50 | 20 47 | 16099 | a 5m13 | 15 43| 4m2g) 7059 | 22° 8) 2g 28| r0m35| on'z| 7¥45| 1@36| oniB 143/29 “2/10 49 | 19.53) 44 | 61045 | 23.52 | 14 27 | 22 51 | 16. 30| 23. 2B 20's | 120 4| 28 37| 1mgz| 10 1/19 %8| 726 | 29 -3| 7035 | 0as9| 7m 8 1513 | 24. 51 | toms7 | 13 30 | 28-11 | 2m 4 | at rg | 1gu43 | a2 48 | 14 58 | 20 18 28 7) 7maq| 2230) 25 20| 1030/15 3| svtq| 28 at | 7m23| 28 28| 30 3 1945 | amgo| 7414) 23. 0 28 15 | 19 2 | ramg2 | a4 36 | Im3r | 13 27 Piage | 28%30 | 1914 | Sago | cap | '3u38 | 27 to] Ugadg | ag | 27 3h 3 59 April | 1] arm2q | 51925 | 131926 | 28232 | 397 1 | 24¥24| 3016 | 26044 | 16237 | 20m23, 4157| 647 2] 3413 | 17 31 | 25 36 | 12x35 | 16 57 | om3z| 18 33| 1m 7 | 20 44| 2449/16 49 | 18 36 3415 4/29 47) 7=50| 25 -1| twig] 24 48) 3039/25” 4| 12m2g its 1. 28 38| 0x33 4] 2 59 | 1215 | 20.36 | Siz | 16 2 | row 0 | 18 26 | Boas | a4 55/27 2 tomyo| 12 ar 5] 859 | 24 53) 331/22 53) 057! 24 59) 2m47/ 21 go! 746] 8¥55 22 30/25 7 far 6) 744 | 16 42] 7ut4 | 15 57 4mzz 19 7/20 47 4x43 | 7756 7| 3=20| 20 46| o9 8) 21 45) owst 1645) tat | 2mq2 17 1321 T2 8] 15 42) 47 0| 13 49] 6mt8 | 15 33 28 55/12 53/14 44 07 6] 4us8 +9] 28 13/37 27/27 41 | 20 49| 29 56 10754 | 24 48/26 58.13 25 | 19 14 2248! 6=50| 9x28 27 9| 3155 10x55! T¥ 5| 16u42| 5—13 | 13058 4440 [19 1/22 17 11y18) 2350/14 50| 25 50/19 25 27 38 12] pr 1| 29 “0| rou 2| 3024 | 1oms8 16 33 | 124) 51727 25 47 13] 20" 30 | 13115 | 24.14/17 9 | 240 28 31 / 1g 1/18 57: 10029 | 19 a4 14] 4¥t9 | 27 40] 8@26 | omgo| 6248 1om35 | 26 53 | 2845125 17 | 4042 15] 18-29 | t2@-9| 22. 34 | 13, 58| 19 22 22 48| tor o| 16 48 | row 1/18 gr x6 anso| 26 39| 6a3¢| 27 3| 147 23 aj rm 1! 24 36| 3m7 rw] 47 46| 1102] 20 30| 9056] 14 2 17 42| 6456/15 20: 8a55|17 0 xB] 2043 | 25015 | 4mi3 | 22 37 | 26 1 926 | 20 42 | 29 40' 22 59| 0099 130 24) 41138 | 13@57 , Om45 | 13 38 2% 37| 18 43 | 28 “7/20 15| 26 30 17 42] gmto|17 44) 5m 7] 8413 n 12a10| 3a3t| om,7 2033 |22 46| 120/17 27|20 9 at|r7 7 | 6a‘o| 4 0| 29 37| 205 tou 3| 2053 | 2a | tmry | 18 52 | 26 44 | 18238 | 03. 54 23.49/17 8 | 26.4! 18 34 | 2035 23] 5” 2 | 1mas| omg | 23. 34 | 25_ 47 7u50 tA24| 9m49, 29 26| 3749 24 | 28 18 | x3 4t | at 28 | 5126 | 7244 ary | 15°39 | 2g 24 12m 8 | 13 57 2g | tet | 23 45 | 343337 19/19 50 6m96 | 29 49) beso | 24 39 | 27 58 26 | 23 30| 7240 | 15 30) 29 17 | 20-9 aris |tgmsz | 204) 77 0| 91954 27 | 5mst | 19.33 | 27 23 | t=24 | 14 48 556 | 27743 | 3m 6! 19 12+] a1 45 28 20 34 | Mato | 15 54) TWI4| 35534 wy st) tina7 | giar7 | 2340 | 2746 29 44 at 16 | 6x27 | 1113 235! 3226 | 19 31/35 9 23°37 3 50! ous sm 2| 24 39/28 28'13 0 g| 15 22 1g 15| 7mqo/'t0t49! 24 59| 27 13 Be a2 58 9x9THE PLACE OF THE MOON FOR THE YEARS 1888-1889 April | May | June | July | August| Sept. | Oct. | Nov. | Dec. 6847 | 2m13 | 22235 | 167 5 | 23¥14 | 10%56 | 13746 | 27035 | 1144 | 152 5) 4034 | 12 M27 20 16) r2032| 7miB | onto] O34 | 23 16) 25 45 | mat! 24 17 | 28 27) 39 19) 27 39 3m56| 26 srt 48/13 49| 19 29! 5023! 7u38| ar 34] 7032 | r2ms6 | 4maz | x2 457 1746 11m 6| 6 2|27 4| 2% 4) 17 20/19 31] 3@49| 20 29| 26 33| 19 39| 28 9 1244/25 14] 19 58| om59| 24 23) 29 13| rm25|16 18| gm 8|trair|) 4754] 130 6 x5, 50| 9213| 336/22 37/2 30/1ru 4] 13 26] 29 3/18 9/26 5/19 57| 27_40 an2 | 23 3/16 57) 5x 2| 8029] 22 57/25 34/120 6) 2n27|/11m5| 442 | rx=47 2 | ‘o=°2 | 1716 | 20 24 | 4055 | 7034 | 25 26| 16 56/26" 0/19 "x | 25 20 28 35/20 8|12 53| 29 23| 2¥16|16 54/20 24| 9m2| rtm29|10¢44| 2=55| 8x39 12449 | 3823/25 33| 1192q| 14 8|29 -2| 30 8| 22 52| 16 1|a5 10/16 23 | 21 29 26° 59| 10 24| Bx t| 23 20| 26 | tt@x8| 16" 5| 6a52| of25| gn16 | 29 29| 37759 10953 | 29 tf | 20 2r| 3u%q| 7056| 23 44| 29 10| 21 0 14 39] 23 2| 2x16 | x0 4 24 33| 11m45| 2031 {17 5| 19 55| 6n2t | 12m40| smrz3| 28 4x | 6=28| 24 47 | 28 18 7256 | 24 6/14 35| 28 57| 1059/19 12/26 17| 19 27| 1229/19 36| 77 6| r0uK4 aio | 6vs6 | 26 32 | tom51 | 4 13| amx8 | 10a 8| 3740/26 5) 2x30| 19 16| 22 6 gas | 1817 | 8035 | 29 30 | 26 37 | a5" 42 | 24 a2 | 07 49 | 9ma8 [a5 12 | Twi9 | “mse 1612] ovr | 20 16| 49857 | gai7| 29 26| 8m26| 1353/22 40! 27 43|13 16| x5 47 28 2g) 32. 3) 2m 9/27 17 | 22 15 | 1303t | 22 48| 15 49) 3x40 | 1075 | 25 9] 27 40 rowas | 2357/14 7/29 55| 5m37/ a7 54) 7215 | 29 36/18 29/22 18| 70 0| 9m38 7 | 26 x4! r2.054| x9 23 | t2m3q | at gg | t3mi2 | 1 7| 423] 18 50] 2x 42 4v12| 18 8] 8q36 | 2620) 3437 | 27 25| 61-7 | 26 35/13. 32| 16 22| omar | 3.054 16-7 | 034 | 21 18 tomts | 18 15 | 12420 | 20 21 | 9x43 | 25 47/28 15] 12 36| 16 16 23] 28 9) 13 at | 4azq| 24 40| gmzg | 27 9| 4=22 | 22 35| 7452 | tom 5| 24 37 | 28 52 24] roma | 26 31/17 57) 9031 | x8 26 | 11046 | 18 4) srt2| 19 49/2154] 6a50 | 2x43 as}22 51 | 100 5| tm58| 24 42| 3440/26 | 127/17 34] rm4o| 3045] 19 17] 24 52 26] 537 | 24 4/16 28] 10m 2| 18 45| oms8! 14 29| 29 44/13 30/15 45] 2m3| Bazz 27 | 18-42 | Bmaq | azo | a5 21 | 31833 | 2327 | 2712 | 1043 |25 23 | 27 54 15 13 | 2276 28] 2a°7 | 23” 1] 16. 27 | toz27 | 17 50] 0x32 | 9137 | 23 37 | 7023 | ond | 2B 50 | 6m32 29] 35 49| 7247] 1m39| 2510] test | 19 t4 | at 48| 5029/19 37/23. 13 | 2956 | 2x8 30] 29 47 16"43 | 9127 | 15 18| ‘Tray | 3¥48| 17 24| 2aio| Om3e|27 30| 67 0 3 | 13m 56 1836 28 18 15 42/29 27 217 ar Sept. | Oct. | Nov ] Dec April May | June | July | August ele [ele +fe |e pele fe+[e-]|eo 6m 3) 27233 | 5x53) 23752 | a7y 2| m@15| 140 6) 1018] 22m 8) 13 5) = 3) 1733 20 55 | 11x20/19 25| 6y20| 8159] 23 4|26 18) 14 25| 6¢ 3|15 11| 745] 14 36 5232/24 44| 21739| 18 35| 20 49) 4059) 8mqz| 27 4820 7/29 16| 21 16/27 24 19 46 | 7040 | 15 36) o38 | 2036 17 3! at 22 | rr ma8 | 41320 | 13=19 | 4736 | 9¥59 3x35 | 20 26/28 ty [12 32/14 23/29 21! gaat | 25 25) 18 39/27 18) 17 44] 22 21 16°57) 2u47: 10u35 24 21; 26 10 t1m57, 17 41) 9739) 323 | ITKI2| O39] 40133 29 55| 14 53.22 41, 69 Ba18 24 55) 1m2q 24 8,17 27| 24 57/13 20/16 37 12730 | 20 48! gm37 | 18 2120 35) Baig 15 31) 8449! 1x47/ 8129) 25 48| 28 32 24 47 | 8038 | 16 27. of 5) 3miz 22 10| oF 0! 23 37115 57] 21 46| Bn 3] t0m23 6u5t | 20 28 28 16) 12 24 10 13! 6m2q) 14 49| B=25 | 29 51| 4446/20 6] a2 10 18 45 | 2@22| tow1o| 25 3! 29 43 21 12/29 50:23 6) 1372617 29! 201] 3058 | 2 3 4 5 é 7 $ 9 10 1a] ous ty a5 | 22 14) Bm 71 ra0qi 6214 | 14857) 7x33! 26 39] 29 53) 13 49] 15 48 13] 12 25 | 26 go) 4033! ar 37/28 6 | ar 26/ om o| 21 39| 9u29| 12m 3| 25 36/27 46 4 5 1% 1% 8 19 20 24 17| garo|17 11 | 533 | 12msq| 6138/14 50) 5722| 21 59|24 0, 7225| omss wi6 | 21 56 | Omio) 19. 52 | 27 "55 | 21 42 | 29 22/18 39| 4utt | s@50| 19 23 | a2 20 x8 a3 | gmag | usar | 4mag | 13972 | “owas | t3uag | rua [x6 10/17 38 | tm34| go 6 on4o | 1818 | 27 14119 16/28 5| 20 stl 27 9! 1g 1/28 0] 29 28/14 3 | 18 15 33) '8| rasr|riatg) gf 4| tansy | 4X49 | 10722 | 26 12| ow48 | tra27 | 26 54 rmsz 25 49/15 36/25 27 | a8 46 | 27 27 | 18 22 | 2 tr | Bat | 21. 49| 23 40! toast | 15 56 8m43 | 29 30| 9m48| 31916 | 11=36| 1730! 5¥39\ 20 1| 3038| Omir) 23 55| 0726 ae] ach 3t | tamar | ag Ute x7 gt | a5 4) 1g 16 | x7 30 | teayl op ao| ag” 4] Sma) as 7 22] “gata | 2736 | 8230 | tm30, 8x50 | 26 44) 29 49/1338 | 28 15 | 2020 | 2235 | 01023 a3] 1B 48 | ahe4g | 22" 44 lag ta! ar 56 | Su 58) rm4o | 25 33| m0 | 15 58 | 7421 | 15 35 24] am38 | 2553/6150, 28 39 | 4745 | 21 0] 2327) 7038! 24” 4/29 57| 22 15| omae 25 | x6 42 | tom'2 | 20.47 | t1x52 17 t9| 2ltsq| 3015 | 19 35| 726 | tqmts | 718 | 15 37 20] 058 24 9 | 4235/24 52/29 40/14 44; 17 5 2m25| 21 3) 28 37 | 21 54] onrT 27 | 1525 | Serz | a8 34; grgo|ttuge [26 St] 29 2] ag to | amse| tga) 6m26 | 14 22 28] 29 58! 22 8| 1x45 20 16 23 54| B@I9| 11K 7\ 28 9/18 50| 27 33/20 41| 28 7 29 | 141333 | 15°51 au42| 51130 9/23 22) 1reaa| 2453 | 11053 | 4x37 | aay 30129 5) ab 1314 37 tp at | 204! grmghl ay 46) 16 39! 26-7 | 18 84 | 24 24 Br] t3=27 | tie 2 38 18°26. Sma Vox0 | 72THE PLACE OF THE MOON FOR THE YEARS 1890-1891 Jan, | Feb. | march | Apri wey | 192g! gao12 | 12039 | 16.2027 | agmer8 | r7max | 24713 | r7=51 | rer | r7¥21 | 3@56| 6a t 133! 15 59| 24 20) Smq2| 12014 | 1728/9146) 3x 4/25 28| omgr| 16 tx] 37 56 13°38, 2) 47) Gary arin | 25-29 | 15 53/24 10/18 4) outs | 13 35/28 14/29 48 25 26) g9a40| 18 14) 3057 9m-4| on3r| 9=16| arqo| 22 32| 26 6/108 8 | 11mg 7e16 , 21 38 | omaa| 10 58 | 22 55 15 85 | 24 15 | 1650 B19 | 22 0 | 23 40 wna gmag [12740 omig | 74°02 59) 8x59 | 0v30| 17 51 | 20 20| 35s | so49 0052) 1559/25 113 43 | at 13 | 1436 a3 23/13 43) ow 2 | 2ar2| 13 53 | 18 13 12°43 | 28 241 Sosal ap St | ‘sngt 2s 2) gras | a8 Satie | as 2 | 28 3 | ‘omse 24 39| 110-0 | 20 47| 112 9| 19 50} 13x13 | 20 58| 8m50 | 23 52] 25 54 | 1om27| 14 0 oma2 | 23 48| 3ms2| 25 3| am 7/27 7| 4utol ar 2) 5agr| 7m52| 23 6 | 27 25 1855! Omsz|17--9| 9% 3| 18 19: 10T44 | 17 2| 3012 1° 38| 6m2|u712 rei | 20 12| 0437) 23_ B| 2xas | 24 “4 | 29 36) 15. 6 Bais | 19 15 | 2519 ry | 3450 | 14 37 | 7x8 | 16-23 | pu 8! rrm36 | 26 56 14 44) 2443 | 9140 2761417 51 | 28 10] at 30| oniz | 19 57! 24 5 | 8.2045 2735) 16. 24 | 24 10 romgr | 2mtr | 121936 | 5x43 | 1349 | 2032 | Om 6 | 20. 36 roms | ont7| B44 ag 21/16 50/26 36/19 53| 27 1514 56/18 | 2m29 2322/14 17 | 23.16 8437 | 144 | r= 6) 3956 | 1026 27 “8! a9 52| 14 27 6238 | 28 23| 7x40 23.1716 45/25 42/17. 48 | 23.22 gwsa | t1A42 | 26 3 zo. 4 | 1233 | 2t 54 1x44 | TOXT9 | 1824 | 6m 4 21 9/23. 32 | 8243 342 | 26 45) 5154 16 33/24 49 14 43/18 30) 30 0) 5m24| 21 4 17_3t | 10x55 | 19. 40 Baqi! 13) 996! 27 41| omgs | 14 50/17 22| 3m38. 23 6| t=33| 25 3/ 3¥T2 1g 8! 23° 3| tomz0| 12 47 | 26 40 | 29 27| 10 27) Ons2| 15 45| 97 5| 16 30 28 44| 630 | 22 gx |zq 41; 8m35 | 11043 | 29 35 20 58| 0% 7/23 0/29 35 srus2| 19 44) 4m47| 6031! 20 39/24 T4| 137 5 1435 | Ov 4g | 12027 24 34| 2m28 | 16 43/18 22’ 2055| 7m 4/26 58:20 5/29 4/20 16| 25 7 20, 30] Sm54| 24 52/28 34] omt7 i rg a9 | 20. 20,| taaiz | gues8 | tah | 332 | 796 Sua: | 1839 | 26 38 |romay fis at a8 23 | ‘32 54"| 25, 39 aoa (283s | de 36 "9 | om52| 853 ( 22 19 | 24 4o| rxmga | 17 59 | tre T | 4044 | 18838 | 29 16| 202 28 27 20 42| 4m23 | 7216 | 2527 | 21930 | 26 13/19 19| 25 15 | 11044 | 14 2 1omm3t 2agt| 10 42/20 14| 9238/17 24| 11x25 | 3433 | 8m30| 23 58| 2557 224 435 336 2034 | 26 28 a3] 748 June | July | August | Sept. | Oct. | Nov. | Dec. 2 Dee. 9tt0 tag7 | 16 57 15.23 | 23. 57| 17.39 | 25. 43| 14.32 17 55} 21 58 13 43/29 50| 8450/29 18| 8x20| tu47| 90 6|27 1] 12 a2| 14 59° oFi2| 507 26 “3134/9 | 22, 1 | 13=36| 22 51/15 96/22 17| 9020/24 15| 26 53 12 go} 28 17 Sgr | 26 96 | 5i38| 28 tg | per | 29 35 | gan5 | at gr | Ga 5| Bmpr 25, 20 | rage at 42 118T3 | 19 43! 13x 8/22 3! 1309/18 t| 3m34| 17 55 | 20 55 84513 [15 26 59°9 25 57 4e10 28 10| 6y30, 26 28) ony | 15 30) 29 47| 34 8 2 22/29 18 2 We 3/19 12) 1711 | 20 44) 9@30| 12 55 | 27 22! 11m45 [15 34) 449! 13KI9 322 26 at) 4x26] 28 1 | qmgo| 22 35/25 4| gett | 23 52 | 28 16 18 34127 28 1B" 3) 11x39 | 19. 45 | 2u3z| 18 | 4agz) 75 | 21 3| OFt3 | try 2x37! 143 2=59 26 48 | 4759 | 26 39| 127 | 10 58/19 0| smo] 18 53] 24 42 16 58/26 2 1957 | tot | 14-17 | 29 “4 | omsr| ty" 7) 1390| Ba32- 1934 | towz2 3% 1 [25 58) 431 | 23 32 | 26 48 | toms8| 12 44 | 27 30/15 27] 22 48) 16 20 | 24 39 17 48 | gust | 18 35| Omar | oa°3| a2 st | 2g 44 | 10713 | 29 28| 7x29! 18 9| 8m40 arty | 23 17| ato | 18 49| 21 6| qag6| Omsq | 23. 22 | t3=57 | 22 28 | 15 54 | 22 48 16 24: 618/15 17| tat| 3m2/16 46| 19 20| 6159 | 28 52| 7737| 0129 | 6m32 ov 8 18 58/28 (olay | xy 55) a8 $8 | 24 6) 216 | t4x°s | 20 48 | 14 40 | 19. 37 13031) rear | 10@23 | 24 55 | 26 30 | r1maq | 15 17| 540 | 29 25| 7¥50! 28 gr | 303 2 33 32 [22 32 | Gma7 | Bodo | aq 9 | a8 55 | 20.36 | tanat | a2 35 | amar | 15 ad ‘9120 | 25 35} ga3t | 18 4o| aro | 7#13| 12955 | 3x43 | 29 42| 6m55 25 18] 28 15 2153! 7032 | 10 25| 0238| 3m22| 20 39| 27 19 | 20 57| guar | 20 48 8A 2 | 10m26 4@t5 | 19 26/28 16] 12 g2| 15 57) 42g | t2= 0] Gr 2, 28 33| gary 20 26) 22 25 x6 28 | tm1g| tom 8 | 24 56 | 28 49 | 38 26/26 51 | 20 49| s2mtz|17 14) 2m35| 4017 28 3413012 | az 3 | 7mig| r1755| 2mq2 | 11x42 | 5415! 25 34¢| 29 53) 14 33 [10 7 1oa3s 25 6 | 42 i [19 53| 25° 37 | 17 (6 | 26 96 | 10 48 | Boa8 | real 26 25 | 28 O az 3) Jaa. 16 5| 2439) 8153] 1x32 | 10757 | 2mst) 2x 3 [24 19! Bers | tom gmzq| 19 3/28 10/15. 37 | 22 41 [15 57/25 10/16 4| 3022 | 6mrz | 20 &| 22 14 16-16 | rmat | roms | 28 49| 6=39| ots | ov 4| 28 59/15 30/18 9| 2m7) 4443 BB 23 2 | 12nt4| 20 45! 14 24! 22 40| 11037 | 27 30| 29 59/14 16 [17 31 toa 5243 | 25 53) 4x56 28 22 5059| 24 2 | 9mag|trag0| 26 36 0139 2 5| 11837 19 11) 119 73 | bas 23 46 1146THE PLACE OF THE MOON FOR THE YEARS 1892-1893 March | Aprit | May | June | July | August | Sept. | Oct. | Nov. rgrts| 70 9| 13040] 1m 3] 3032| 17m 0] 1120] 5=17| 25x23 320 29. {at ar| 27 1/1322] 15 27/28 55 | 14 4) 18 50/107 5, 18 10 13¥36| 4m48| 9058 | 25 26| 27 16] ire -2| 27 13| 2x50| a5. 6| 3n27 27 47| 182 | 22 34| paar | om 5 | 23.24 | 1048 | 17 17| rows | 1B 35 11037 | 0a55| 4ms2|19 10| 21 0| 69 6| 29 48| 27 5| 25 32 3029 25 7/13, 29| 16 56] oms8| 37 4| 19 10| 9x 9| 17 8| wom39, x3 6 Barb | 22 go | 28 32 | 12 ho] io af | "Seze| a3 48] Zerg | 25 38 | 2arz ar 13| 7m39 | 10042 | 24 48/27 54| 16 22| B32] 17 15| 9m55| 16 0 3055 | 19 59] 22 30| 6456 | r01M44| ox25| 23 18) 20 5/23 55) 29 14 x6 25 | 1054] gmig| 19 36 | 23 52/14 39| 7458/16 36] 7028 | 12m 2 28 45/13 44| 10 12| 149 | 7216 | 29 "0| a2 27| om48 | 20 35 | 25 27 roms6 | 25 33| 28 10 | 14 36 | 20 54 | t3722| 6m42| 14 36| 3miB) Gnas 22 59| 7ma2|10f17| 27 36| 4x42! 27 4x| 20 4r| 28 1/15 43| 18 31 4255 | 19 13| 22. 23 | tomso | 18 30 | t1¥5¢| 4024) 110 6/27 52| omg x6 a7| re10| $0 1/24 17] 2rqr| 260/17 st | 23 52| ga51 x2" 5 28 35 [13.14/17 42| 7556 | 36 47] oms8| ta4| 6m23| 21 42/23 52 rom23 | 25 29| om38| 21 48| ovs4 | 23 47/14 3/18 at] am30| 5245 a2 t4| 7ns6| 13 52] srr] a5 3 | 728) 26 49| oo49| 15 16117 44 ‘atta | 20. 46| 27 24 | 20. 4| 29 12| 20 58| oma3 a2 48|27 5! 29 35 x6) ax | 3x56 | 4x15 | 427 | 13088 | 418 | 2143 | 24 4x] 8457 F273 28 48| 17 30| 25 26] 18 55| 27 21 | 17 25 | 356] Gmgo| 20 54 | 24 43, 11336 | 1x30 | 9155 | 3026 | tress | omi8 | 15 57| 18 t7| 300) 725 2g 49/15 55 | 24 38] 17 53| 24 50/12 57/27 5t| of 4 [15 14/20 18 S31] ong2 | ov30| 2o12| 8028 | 25 21 | gm3g| x1 54 | 27 40) 324 aa 42/15. 45| 24.24 | 16 47/21 40| 7a3t| 2125 | 23 50 | tomar | 10 43 7x20 | 0¥53| omiz| oa 3| 4m33| 19 30| 3212 3456|23 18 | oni7 2219 | 16-3 | 23. 47| 13.27] 27-7 | rmar| 15 6/18 16] Ox34 | 14 7 7r3t| rm o| 83| 26 28|29 24] 13 .9| 27 10| oms4|20 12/28 13 22.45/15 38/21 55| om 7| 1928/24 57| owar| 13 52/ 40i2 | 2H 34 ‘ust | 29 52| sa22| 21 a7 | 23 22| 67st | 22 32 | 27 16| 18 36| 27 30 ana 1B 24 ‘smzo | 18. 57 11x 6 055 - . | March | Aprit | May | June | July | August | Sept. | Oct. | Nov. | Dec. x] 261143 | 180 9 | 26056 | 14013 | 17m 3] 11528 | 4256 | 22x56 | rg 14 | 231127 | 16024 | 23m 9 2| ta26 | "rmeqg | tom's | 26025 | 28 54 | 13 28 | x7 23| Orig | 28 18 | pag | 29" 55) 5256 325 57/14 57/23 5) 8m27 | 10444] 25 34] ov 1 | 19 43 | 12m27| 21 47 | 13m 918 25 4 | 10077 | 27 47 | 34g | 20 22 | 22°34] 7=50| 12 5r| 3¥20| 26 39| sa43| 20. 7, omge $| 23 52) 10037 | 18-8 | 2713 | 4128 | 20 18] 25 55) 17 22 | 10@54| 19 28| Bast | 12 49 6| “pmiz | 22 30| omrz| rq 2/16 29| 3x 1] ont0| ¥u33| 25 7| gm 1| ar 22 | 24 50 7| 207 4) 4mag | r2 10 | 25 54] 28 39] 16” 2 | 22 56| 15. 55| oars | 16 20| 3ma3| OF 40 8] (2033. 16 19 | 24 7 | 752| r= 4 | 29 24| 6v56| omad | 23 14 | 29 26] 15 34 | 18 39 of 4 44/28 7) 3¢56| 20 3| 23 47| wr10| ar t7l 15) 5| 7m | 12018 | 27 38] ovz0 ro] 26 at) o4s8| 17 47| 2e30| x32 | 27 a1| sus7 | 29 40| 20 at| a4 55] 9456 | 12 22 rr | 8m3o | ar 57 | 25. 47| 15 16 | 20 a1 | rr¥57 | 20 30| 1ga 6 | 3=43| 7m20| 21 49) 24 15 12] 20 16! 4% 9| 11558 | 28 27 | 4y17| 26 52] 550/28 17/16 36| 19 32) 31430| Omre 13| 27.616 36| 24 27) 12x 3| 18 39| amt | 20 48| 12m 8/29 Tr! 1235/15 30/18 15 rg[ 14° 2| a9 a2| 217 26” 5| 3¥as | a7 15| $033 | 25 34| 18m30| 13. 30| 27 25| 0028 15| 26 9| 12228 | 20. 29 | rorgo | 1827 | 222 | 19 39| 8237 | 23 35| 25 21 | 927) 12 54 28 “Bysz0| 25 st | aX 3 | 25 3| 3u4| 27 t3| 3meo | ar iy | 732 | gona | ar ar | a5 38 ay far 5; oxgr| 18 2/10¥-9| 18 sr | xra4qo| 17 3 | 3m37| 17 24/19 9] 4xt! Beas 25 “gush | 28 "23| 2016] 25, 8| geez | en 59 | Seas [rs aa [aa te | eas] ay a] a2 ae 19 | 16 57 | 7725 | 16 44| 10m 2| 18 3¢| om 8| x3 35! 27 39| 114 | 13 32] OTI9| Gwro 20 oxty at 3 | r¥t7 | 24 45] 2a52| 22 10| 25 35) 9730/23 21| 26 8/14 2| 20. 50 ar }13" 39) 5¥30| 45. 52] omit | 16 43| 4248 | 7m39| 21 22] 5=42| 9x 6/28 14) 5146 2227 35/19 48| omza| 23 16| omy | 17 6| 19 34 | 3819/18 19 | 22 28 | 12053 22 0 23] to58 | 3036/14 44| 720/13” 6/29 10| 1223/15 25| 1x10| 6ri4| 27 52| 6aa3 24 | 24.50.18 | 28 $4| 20 22| 25 44 | rrm 4 | 13 13/27 43] 14 33/20 24/133 | 21 42 25| Su50j 2m 2| 1252] gmz5| 8a 5 [22 54] 25 7 | romts| 28 9| 4453/28 16| 6n46 26] 22-57 | 15 59/26. 35| 16 10| 20 13) 4742| 7% 8| 23 2| 127 2| 19 37 | t3@2r) 21 26 27| pair! 29 48| 1006 | 28 4x | amir | 16 33| 19 18) 6x 4/26 8| 427/28 9| 5m37 28] 2130 | 13038 | 23. 22 | 10459 | 14 4 | 28 28| r=30| 19 20| 10¥24] 19 15 | 12033 | 10 7 29] 5m5r ‘omag | 238 | 25 54 | 10729 | 14 12| 2749 | 24 46| 30050 | 26 31 | 2a29 jo] 20 8! 1 13| 5m8| 7743 | 22 38| 26 55| 16 29| om 8| 18 23| 10m 2/15 16 Br] 4ar6 | T2949 194 9x50} 0817 2933 27 42THE PLACE OF THE MOON FOR THE YEARS 1894-1895 Jan. Feb. | March| April | May | June | July | August} Sept. | Oct. | Nov. | Dec. 9mss | 2217/2130 | s6m22 | ont | 7¥27|s4mgr | 8a56] rag] ymur | 2325 | asnssr a1 54 61 8 | 14 22| 28 42] anro| 21 46) 29 57| 24 5 | 15 37| 20 22) siss0| 7=43 3248/18. 2/26 19| 11xt7/ 15.33 | 6m29| 15@i4 | S50 29 14] 3213/17 52/19 32 1539 o= 3) S=2q| 24 t1| 29 19| 21 28| on30| 23 24 | 12m20| 15. 44 | 29 46 | 1xar 27291 12 10 20. 39| 723 13427) 6m34 | 15 36 7aag| 25 tq] a7 39 HHm37| 13 17 Sinaz | ay 26 | "3x77 | 2053 | 27 55 | a1 37 | amar | 20°58 | 7243 | 10m 1 | 2320) 2524 at 17 | 6x51 | 1g 48 | qu39 | 2n3t | 6m27| 14 42| gms | 19 56| at 96) 5x28 | 7748 3510 | 19 26 | 28 42 | 18 39 27 14 | 20 59) 28 34| 16 49 | 11957] 3m48 | 17 38| 20 34 15 20| arr irng4g| amgo | trms4| gm 8| 120 0| 29 14/13 52 [15 4r| on 5 | 3646 27 3 ( 15) 8 25 9/17 4 | 26-26 | 18 54/25 3 | 42625 44 | 27 4t 12 st] 1726 x5 | 28 20, Bu4r| tw22 | omag | 2017 | 7m45 | 23.27 | 7=37| 9xst | 26 "o| 134 aa” a1 | ny 46 | 2235] 15 38| 24 46 | 15 21 | 20-41 | 5%22 | 19 34 [22 13) 983r | 16 5 gro! as 3 | mig | 29 go | bmg | 28 8 | avas | a7 ta) taa9| ast 23 m4 | oma 1B" 9) “933 | 20° 22 | 13056 | 22” 2 | romg2 | rg 30| 29-7 | 13. 52] 17 46 | 7034 | 15. 48 1833 | 23 54° 4034) 27 33/ 5217/23 4| 20 29| 11m 1| 26 16] ov58| 21 50| on43 15 22 | Bag, 18 52 | trmgo | 18 18 5218) Bai | 22 59) 8133 | 14 25 | 6024 | 15 29 29 36/23/13. 3013 | 25 t7| 1m7] 17 25| 20 16| 5x 2| at gi | 28 7/20 52| 29 59 s[tgmts | “Bag ' x7 32 | Bagi | x3 45| 29. 26| 2= 9/17 12| 4043 | 39 | 5015 | t4mi0 1]25013. 2248, fmaz | ae 52) 28 33 | 3122 | 14 2/29 31/17 59 [26 1 | 19. 29| 28 | F2eoa5 i “pty | 15°32 | amgo | “Beat | 23 5 | 26 s7| tert | 1029 | tom 7! mae | tray 29 37 | 21 32/29 43] 17 33/20 40/ 5=7| 7438/24 44] a5 12] 24 17. 17 24/| 24 “50 t|tgagt | “5020 | g2t7 | O2°3| 2mq2| 16 59] 20 °6| 7¥43| 29 10| Saab) te 5) 752 s]29. 26/18 4g | 26032] x2 20] 1g 38] 28 55 | 225) at “1 | 13m20| 22 38) 14 35| 20 48 i] s3m4s xmas) oma7| ag 26 | 26 30] 10%50| 14 59/ 439] 27 4x] 6m45 | 27 54] 3419 i]27°35 | 1g 9 | 224 | Onzq| Saaz | 23 14 | 27 51| 18 39 | t2ato| 20 47 | 11m 3/15 47 3] i055 | 26 37 | g224| 18 28 | 20 18| 5440] ity 7| 3@ 0/26 42| 4aqz 2g 1 [28 "5 1] 23-49) 8242/10 32| omtr| 2x22 | 18 40 | 24 49| 17 39 | 11miz | 8 27) 6447 | tons 3] “Gm2o | 20°38 | 28 30/12 8| 14 39| 2u-0| 858 | 2032 | 25°35] 2mo| 19 at | 22 17 > ‘ 1833! 1024 | 24 14| 27 14 | 15 48 | 23-33 | 17 30 | 9445] 15 19) tage | get 0734! a2 37] 6x34 | tovst | on 6 | Bm30| 2m25| 23 38 | 28 a f13 51/16 2 1227) 4515 2335 234/379 ut 6 27 49THE PLACE OF THE MOON FOR THE YEARS 1896-1897 Jan. | Feb. ees [Rees May | June | July |August| Sept. | Oct. | Nov. De rom 5] srm3s| so 8l a8m 3 | 4n7 | 20058 | 23% 4) 6u39 | atm30 | 25048 | 3233 | 26 23/20 9) 12¢12|17 34) 3x10) 4757/18 40| 417! 9017 17 46 wat! 4ms3| 25 52) omaq| 13 9/16 48; omss| x7 28) 23 14 Zmto | 2523/19 %5) 94 | 12 52/27 | 28 4rl 13 25 | faq| 7mab 16 31 9m29| 3412) 21 51] 25 “2| Br49| t0%43 | 26 15/15 7 | 22 28 oag6 | 23 13 | 1843, 4236 | 8x58 | 20 41 | 22°57 | mab | 29 33 | 7096 1433 | 8444 | 29 "$0 | 26 25 | 1848 | au 4o| gm26 | 23 2 | tamig| 22 33, ab tl 19° $8 | t2n36 | 28 a2 | ‘onds | 14 99/18 12 bas8 29 8 amo Tamgo | 230 | 25 4 | roxas | 12 24 | ay tr | tery | a1 33 | teat | 23 12 268 | x5 °5t | geead | a0'59 | 24 08 | gm47 | 4440 | amar | ad 19 | 9454 9445 | 27 39| 19 22 | 347 | 6¥20 | 22°98] 28 19 2017 | tgmig | 29 23° 4F | Tomte | “Terg | 13 37 | 18 32 | sez | tanre | 4056 28 30 | 5050 13] 61 3| 22 24] 13 10) 27 32| omsg | 18 58| 26 14 | 19 30 | 12434 | 19 15, 4] 18 52) 4X23 | 2g 58 9¥33| 13 27 | 2826) tom2q | 3m56 | 26 15) a= o ih reay | 1616 | Grgo | at 42 [20 12/16 4 a4 37 | 18 to 933) 4 43 16| 13/43) 28 5 | 18.36) 4 0| 9@7|29 51) Ba52| a¢9|22 31/27 ‘0 17] 25 57, 9752| 0429, 16 28| 22 15 | 13m47| 23 5/15 52) 5x12) 9x 6| 1B] 7x55! 21 42] 12 29 29 9 | 5035/27 5r| 7m15| 29 20/17 39) 21 3 19] 19 46 | 3436 | 24 37| 120 5| 19 9 | 1203) ar 20| 12133 | 29 55 | 2057) 17 23 | 20 a 20] 1434/15 40] 6056. 25 17| 2ms8 | 26 20| 5417) 25 gt | 12x 2 | 14 48/29 27 | 306 aifir3 22/27 58) 19 31) Bago | 17 3| romeo! 19 4| Bats! 2g 2/26 39) trm37 | 35 x 22] 25 16 | 1035 | 2024 | 22 43| 1423| 24 59) 24%40| 20 47\ 5157| 8432123 55 | 28 a 23] Fu2r | 23 34/15 40, 6m59/ 15 56| 9413| 16 21 3x 7/17 $0 | 20 28) Omar) 11st 25] 2m24 | 20 49 | 13026 | 6029! 15. 24) 79 3) 59 | 27 19 | ys | 14 35) Ta4s | Bm 2615 29! 52.7) 27 57121 33) of 3| 20 3 3a| ontg. 2327/26 sol tq 47 | 22 18 | 19 49 | 12m50 | 6m39| 14 30) 3=38 4m49 | 27 59, 21 36 | 28 37 | 16 25) 19 2) 2456 19 58] 13215 | 6415 | 12920 | 28 52| ir 1 | 14 50 20° 30| 25° 37 | 11x 4 | 12 53] 26 50 8u28 24 44) 9m2 6x54 | 21 6! 5m28| omits) 28 6 | 6-15 17 39| 2 55| 1xm43 | 20. 22 ow 3] 453! 25 42 | ami 1244) 18 1g] t0x°2 | 19 10 acal ata ! Oct. | Nov. | Dec. May | June | July | August x] seer] 8x45 | 1750] 4ra6! var | 22m x | 25036 | 4m 8 15249 | 8m 0 | 13x58 2] 20332] ar 55| 0x38| 16 30/19 13] 4m 5| B8ai2| 27 46 ‘013 | 21 20, 26 40 3) 16 39 | aad | tg i4| 28 ap) en 3 | x6 re | ar o| ease 1a 8| axzz | o's 4] 0827 | 1725/25, 39| rovag| 12 58] 28 37 | 4m 3) 25 36/09 x | 27 at | 177 | 2s 5] 33 53| 29 47| 7753 | 22 16! 24 55] 1209/17 20| omg] 3013| 11% 7| 29 40! 3423 6] 26 57 | x56 | 19 58) 4m 7| 657 | 23 57) om53| 23 58/17 6) 24 19 | 20 2/35 21 7] 9%39 | 23 55| rws6| 16 0} 19 9] 7m 3| 4 44] 8215] o=s0| 7x9 | 24 16] 27 15 8] 22 “2| 549] 13 49) 28 0 ta3q| 20 30/28 5t| 22 33| 14 23/20 7| Ov22| on 6 9 25 41 | rowso | xq 17 | 422 | r3mt3| 6198 | 27 44 | 2745 | 18 22) 20 56 10 | 7m35 | 22 35 | 27 at | 28 37/27 47 | 2058] 0x54) 15 13) om | 2m4s 1 } 19 36| 520 | romsz | mtg | 12429 | 4e57 | 23 50/27 31/12 8) xg 42 2 1w48 | 18 29 | 24" 51/18 9] 27 11/18 43| 6133 | 9830) 23 57/26 42 13 x4 18] am 7/ gat8| 3434/1148 | 2x4) 19 -2| at 39) 5m47| S249 4 27 8| 16 14 | 24 1x] 18 20/26 32/15 26] rux8) 333/17 40] 2 8 5 100.23 | 0250) gmaz| 3i17| tom18 | 28 20/13 23] 15 23] 29 41 | 3mqr "7 Bosh | "Eml3 | 9058 | Bei | “Freas | ay 37 | Faia | Ge 5 | ag al a9 8 a 45| rat | a5 1 | 16020 23 su25 | 19. 3 | ar 7 | 7mal) 3038 19 rex | x23t| 9%4r| 29 22] 34 1/17 23| oms8| 3023 | 2042 | 27 34 20 22 33| 16 25 | 23 54 | 12x18 | 15 ar | 29 16] 13-3] 15 59| 4033 | 12m 0 Bs 7m33| 0154! 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