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Chapter 2

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Related Literature Text messaging: Overview Text messaging is a quick way to stay in touch with people for personal or business purposes. With text messaging, you can chat with a partner by typing on the keyboard or keypad and reading what they write to you on the screen. Text messaging was first developed in 1991 for GSM digital mobile phones, almost by accident (Baron, Patterson, and Harris, 2006). SMS was the triumph of the consumer - every generation needs a technology that it can adopt as its own to communicate with - and the text generation took up SMS. The fact that the entry barriers to learning the service were so high were an advantage because it meant that parents and teachers and other adult authority figures were unlikely, unable and unwilling to use the service. SMS is one of the few services in consumer history that has grown very fast without corresponding decreases in pricing. Although SMS suffers a limitation from the 160 character text-only format, innovations such as the ability to send barcodes improve opportunities for coupons, point-of-sale redemption, and ticket purchases (Trappey III & Woodside, 2005) have opened opportunities for marketing via mobile phone.

Few people use cell phones strictly for talking or texting, and some teachers are beginning to incorporate the wider range of technologies built into the cell phone for learning activities. While the topic is beyond the scope of this article, it is interesting to note that scholars like Kolb (2008) assert that cell phones can and should be used as learning tools as they bring student culture into the classroom, connect everyday digital culture with classroom culture, provide for innovative learning, and help students learn digital etiquette needed in the future. Her book Toys to Tools provides a rationale and lesson plans for using cell phones for podcasting, conferencing, creating multimedia projects, and as management tools for research projects and personal organization. As cell phones continue to evolve, the capabilities will continue to increase, and it is imperative that new and veteran teachers alike recognize the potential of these devices for learning. Although schools still seem to resist mobile devices in the classroom, parents may more supportive. According to a poll by SpeakUp (2011) of over 42,000 parents, 63-70% would be willing to purchase a mobile device and 51-58% would purchase a data plan with Internet access if the mobile devises would be used effectively in the classroom, and a majority of parents believe that mobile devices can help extend learning beyond the school day (p. 12). With reduced budgets for schools, the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) may be a feasible solution for schools attempting to provide one-to-one computing and mobile-based experiences (Schachter, 2009).

Related Studies

Davis (1989) uses Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) measure perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and user acceptance of information technology. Davis et al (1989) compared Theory of Reasoned (TRA) and TAM in terms of user acceptance of computer technology. Both of the studies were conducted in an organizational context. Nevertheless, Yan et al. (2006) used TAM to measure user acceptance of short message service (SMS) in Hong Kong and China and recommended that in order to formulate a successful business strategy for a specific service in a specific market, a mobile operator has to conduct a comprehensive study and identify the key external factors that will affect the perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and subjective norms towards acceptance of that particular service in a specific market. Baron et al. (2006) indicated the need of further research into the importance of text messaging as a social and cultural practice in everyday lives, with emphases on addictive behaviours, learning and the development of repertoires of communication skills by increasingly sophisticated consumers, and feelings of exclusion by non-participants through qualitative research approach that reflect upon consumer text message (short message service SMS) behaviour. Nysveen et al. (2005) combine various theoretical fields (Information system research, Uses and gratification research; and Domestication research) and indicated that marketing managers should be aware of motivational variables, such as perceived expressiveness, perceived enjoyment, perceived usefulness, and perceived ease of use, in addition to consumers attitude toward use , normative pressure, and behavioral control for future research.

A study of older Japanese texters meanwhile found texting used more with those in extended social and even professional circles in order to preserve respect for the receiver by not risking interrupting their affairs (Rivire and Licoppe 2005). In studying Kuwaiti texters, Haggan (2007) notes the transcription of Arabic texts into English and a tendency towards formality and eloquence which, she argues, may arise from their value more generally. Spagnolli and Gamberini (2007) meanwhile comment on the way that some Italians send lengthy, elaborate refusals to invitations, which, the authors argue, again reflects particular local norms. Of course, in all these cases, it is not clear how generalizable findings are to the rest of the country. Related to this point, and although there are steps in the right direction (e.g. Nickerson, Isaac and Mak 2008; also see below: Bieswanger, 2008; Plester et al. 2009a; Spilioti, 2009), we were unable to find anyone pulling together a large multinational comparative study which might offer a more systematic perspective on these types of linguacultural differences.

According to Palash Ghosh, a recent report indicated that almost one-third (31 percent) of Americans prefer texting their friends and family to calling them on their mobile phones. The Pew Research Centers Internet & American Life Project survey also revealed that 83 percent of American adults own mobile phones, and almost three-quarters of that group send and receive text messages. In any case, text messages are far superior to actual voice transmissions for a number of reasons one has to get to the point quickly and write concisely. Too many people ramble on endlessly and fail to express themselves clearly and logically when they speak. When one is forced to write a message, they lose that luxury of abusing the English language and of

pointless meandering. If you cant state your message in fifty words or less, then dont bother texting. But there is of course a darker side to this texting craze.

According to the Pew study, young adults (those between the ages of 18 and 24) exchange an average of 109.5 messages per day. This translates into more than 3,200 texts per month! Or, assuming one is awake for sixteen hours a day, then the average youth is sending/receiving about 6.8 texts every hour or more than once every ten minutes.

Interestingly, another report suggests that texting activity may actually be leveling off. A survey by Pew Internet indicated that American mobile phone owners (presumably of all age groups, including older folk who dont text too much) sent an average of 41.5 text messages per day last spring -- a small rise from the 39.1 sent last year. It makes sense that texting may be peaking how much can it possibly increase? After all, there are only 24 hours per day.

At some point, there will likely be a backlash against mobile communications. Yet, mobile phones are extremely useful and convenient devices to have. But I wish people wouldnt use them so often.

According to the International Telecommunications Union (2009), a United Nations agency, there are currently around 4.6 billion mobile phone subscribers across the globe, which is more than 50% of the world's population. Between 72 and 84% of the approximately 41,000,000 American teenagers have their own cell phones, and the percentage increases with age; 38% of those teens send text messages daily (Lenhart, 2009). Recognizing this, it seems that schools are playing ostrich, with their heads in the sand, by not harnessing the power of this medium for purposes of education.

Faulkner and Culwins (2005) content analysis of 337 messages of college seniors in the United Kingdom classified messages into fifteen categories they added advertisements and jokes, and divided some of Thurlows categories. A German study of more than 1,000 messages of adolescents and young adults found similar results, with 54% of messages dealing with maintaining and expressing relationships. Of that 54%, approximately 20% were about appointments, 17% were greetings, 9% initiated other forms of media contact, 4% were quotations or cute sayings, 3% dealt with relationship maintenance, and 1% were supportive messages (Doering, 2002).

As text messaging has become more pervasive, some changes in the way young adults are using it has occurred. For the first time, Pew Research Centers Internet and American Life Project reports that Among all teens, their frequency of use of texting has now overtaken the frequency of every other common form of interaction with their friends (Lenhart, 2010, p. 2), including face-to-face interactions. Although Battestini, Setlus and Sohn (2010) used thirteen very different category labels, their more recent study of 75 undergraduate and graduate American college students found that planning is still the most common content of text messages (31.7%) with relationships, chatting, talking about school/jobs making up the rest of the majority (almost 40%). However, two new categories have emerged. Young people are now using text messages much like social media and texting status updates. In addition, there seems to be a blending of media, as conversations flow from online, to text, to voice. The text messages help coordinate communication as it shifts between media.

E-mail is the preferred mode of communication for school or work, but when teenagers want something that is fast, immediate, and can be done anywhere texting is preferred (LevRam, 2006). For teenagers, the cell phone is almost always with the person, so it is constantly accessible. Being small and silent, the cell phone is easily transported and used furtively under the supervision of authority, as compared to e- mail, which requires a computer (Thurlow, 2003). Many teenagers have reported that they share a computer with family members or that it is in a common area of the home so instant messaging and e- mail can be observed (Faulkner & Culwin, 2005). In addition, because the phone displays both text and sender, the user can choose when and if to respond to a message and has time to compose an appropriate response. Girls, in particular, often invite others to help them compose their responses (Faulkner & Culwin, 2005). Reid and Reid (2004) have also theorized that another part of the attractiveness of texting is the visual anonymity it seems to afford, especially for socially anxious people, as the texter does not need to see/hear the recipient. In addition, it provides almost perpetual contact for those who are lonely. Lohnes Watulak (2010), drawing on the work of Thurlow (2003) and Clark (2005), sites the desire for constant contact as a significant reason for undergraduate students to text during class, even if they acknowledge that that texting is rude and the content is trivial.

Cross-cultural contexts Speaking of variation, cross-cultural research on texting typically focuses on linguacultural (Agar 1994) and gendered differences. A small handful of studies consider age

differences. Perhaps not surprisingly, young people and older people have been found to use texting in different ways (Kim, et al. 2007). Teenagers and young adults are typically the most avid texters in a range of cross-cultural settings which is not to say that it is exclusive to, or has relevance only for, young people. In reviewing the literature briefly, we find very little research that focuses on adult texters; the vast majority attends to children and young people. As with popular media coverage, therefore, the broader demographics of texters in largely overlooked. In terms of gendered differences in texting, research has again been done in a number of countries. In Norway, for example, female teenagers and young adults text most frequently, with more than 40% of young women texting daily. Compared with young Norwegian men, these young women also send a greater number of longer and more syntactically complex messages, with 52% containing complex sentence structures compared with 15% of boys messages. They also use capitalization and punctuation more prescriptively, are more adroit at innovating new forms, prefer to coordinate events in the immediate future (as opposed to the middle future as do boys), and are more likely to use texting for managing emotionally loaded communication (Ling 2005). These broad difference between girls/women and boys/men are commonly reported. In Finland meanwhile, Kasesniemi found that teenage girls are heavy texters, often placing greater emphasis on providing emotional exchanges, contemplating reasons behind interpersonal incidents, and discussing how incidents have affected them. Finnish boys, however, typically place greater emphasis on speed; their messages tend to be brief, informative, practical, often single-word or question-answer texts in a single sentence, and are about the facts of events. That gender differences emerge in young peoples preferred communication styl es is hardly surprising (Thurlow 2001); these findings do however reiterate the variability that exists between texters and the messages they send.

Interactional contexts The use of texting in building and maintaining relationships has been a key aspect of research, which goes a long way to confirming the essentially social function of the technology. For example, texting can assist in establishing new relationships or, as in Japan, in maintaining and reinforcing existing ones. Young Japanese people also rated their relationships as more intimate when texting was an aspect of the relationship. Scholars have also remarked on the ritualistic role of texting in defining social boundaries through shared linguistic codes, and demonstrated how speech styles constitute different types of social relationships, with style shifting providing a contextual cue for relationship maintenance and conflict management. The role of texting in maintaining an absent presence in Japanese relationships is highlighted by Ito and Okabe (2005) as a key interactional function of texting what they call ambient virtual copresence. French texters have been found to use texting for maintaining an absent presence among close friends. This research demonstrates nicely the deeply embedded nature of texting in peoples lives and its key role in relational escalation and maintenance. Privacy considerations in texting have also been explored; for example, Weilenmann and Larsson (2002) found that texting may be a collective, public practice, with young Swedes sometimes reading and composing aloud with co-present friends. French texters, however, have been found to appreciate the ability to engage in private communications in public places, as texting permits senders to freely express emotion absent inhibitions and modesties. The privacy afforded by texting also enables young people to communicate more freely (e.g. without adults surveillance), which shores up young peoples communities. Conversely, in China, the traditional social order as governed by the State is perceived to be under threat where texting facilitates a more or less Habermasian public sphere (Latham

2007). Whether approved of or not, texting is clearly aiding sociality in interesting and, to some extent, novel ways. Another area of research that speaks to the interactional contexts of texting and that has received considerable scholarly attention is the thematic content or functional orientation of peoples text messages. For example, classified Nigerian texters messages into three categories: economic (business and commerce), social (religion, politics, education, and other social concerns) and personal (greetings, feelings, prayers, etc.), and found that 60% of text messages fell into this last category. Other researchers have similarly found the overall purpose of texting to be primarily phatic, and socio-coordinative. The socio-coordinative function might entail, for example, the sending of gifts or a good-night message, managing a romantic relationship, or the exchange of jokes and other word-play games. Content is also sometimes created together with co-present friends and because texting is most often used to fill gaps in the day when texters are without direct, face-to-face interpersonal contact, it invariably takes on a chatty tone (Ito and Okabe 2005). This body of research further illuminates the range of different social functions texting plays in peoples lives.

Pragmalinguistic contexts Without a doubt, a favorite topic of interest in writing about texting, both lay and scholarly, has been its lexical and stylistic features. Thankfully, an increasing amount of empirical research has begun to provide more measured, discursively situated perspectives on popular stereotypes about the features most popularly attributed to texting, including use of abbreviations (e.g. txt), letter- number homophones (e.g. gr8), and non-standard spelling (e.g. luv) some of the most popularly cited examples of texting.

A brief review of the texting literature such as ours here immediately reveals how the linguistics of texting is again marked by a number of cross-cultural similarities and differences. For example, research on Swedish texters finds that they alter their spelling from the standard by spelling phonetically, splitting compounds, omitting vowels, using conventional and unconventional abbreviations, writing in either all caps or all lower case and exchanging longer words for shorter . In Norway, meanwhile, teenagers do not use as many spelling alterations as do Swedish texters, with only 6% of participants in one study using abbreviations, acronyms or emoticons, and girls largely responsible for abbreviations and innovative spellings. German texters commonly use reduction techniques, while French texters use phonetic reductions, syllabograms or rebus writing and logograms which are symbols, acronyms, and unilateral abbreviations and reduce spoken forms to writing. In the US, unambiguous abbreviations (e.g. u for you; r for are), vowel deletions and lexical shortenings (e.g. Sun for Sunday) are common. Nigerian English texters employ spelling manipulations, abbreviations and phonetic spellings, while British texters are also linguistically creative (Tag forthcoming). In one of only two African studies on texting to our knowledge, South Africa provides an interesting case where texters are found to use abbreviations, paralinguistic restitutions and non- standard spellings when texting in English, but not at all when texting in isiXhosa. Capitalization, punctuation and blank spaces are often omitted in Swedish text messages, apostrophes and sentence-final punctuation are omitted about two-thirds of the time in the US. Emoticons, e.g. smiley faces, are rare but used in the US and in Sweden. Once again, what is striking about this international research is how much variation there is. In addition to examining the lexical or

orthographic features of texting, research has also attended to a range of syntactical and textual features (i.e. looking at the composition, organization and coherence of messages). In this regard, message length has received some of the greatest attention; for example, found that, at 14.77 words per message, Swedish text messages are typically longer than German messages at 13 words per message. It is possible that cross-language comparisons are complicated by variably morphemic structures. Ling and Baron (2007) meanwhile found that text messages in the US averaged only 7.7 words each, making them closer in length to those in Norway, which average 6.95 words per message for girls and even fewer, at 5.54 words per message, for boys (Ling 2005). In an extensive comparison of English and German syntax in texts, Bieswanger (2008) found that English texts contain on average 91 characters per message while German texts contain 95. As noted above, Norwegian teenage girls messages contain far greater complexity (52%) than their male counterparts (15%). Similar results were found in Finland, where boys prefer to send one-sentence text messages while girls prefer longer and more complex messages (Kasesniemi 2003). These findings are consistent in the US, with Ling and Barons (2007) finding that 60% of their female university students text messages contained more than one sentence. Along these lines, the omission of auxiliary verbs, personal pronouns, and function words are common in Germany and Sweden, where omission of the subject pronoun is also the most common syntactical reduction. In the UK, analyses of article use and texting language usage more generally are foci of Tags work. A common thread across these studies is the syntactic variation in both gendered and other cross-cultural contexts. In thinking about more specifically pragmatic research, studies show that, for example, openings and closings are frequently dropped by Italian, Japanese and German text messagers. Drscheid (2002) views this as a function of the conversational frame of texting, as texting is

often used as a conversation channel and indeed adheres more to conversational norms rather than a more prescriptive form of written communication. Kasesniemi too has remarked on the increasingly dialogical nature of texting among young Finns. Other research suggests that turn-taking conventions may be even stricter in texting than in speech, although this varies by cultural context and topic content (or communicative intent), and adheres to some highly standardized exchange. Texters in Italy and Japan expect reciprocity, and Japanese texters are highly sensitive to the amount of time that passes between turns, sending a text message prompt for recipients who take too long to reply. Working with Danish data, Laursen found expectations of reciprocity and immediacy, while Harper argued that in the US, messages did not necessitate a reply and certainly not immediately. Some research on code switching has also been done in multilingual cultures, predominantly, though not exclusively, investigating the use of English in combination with another national language. In Kuwait, Haggan found that texters use a mixture of Arabic and English in their text messages, while Finnish teenagers mix Finnish with a medley of foreign language words and expressions, drawing suitable expressions from any language mastered by the writer, and South African texters blend English with isiXhosa by writing English nouns with isiXhosa prefixes. In contrast, Nigerian texters completely avoid any Nigerians in their succinct messages, preferring standard (British) English and, even in their personal texts, avoiding Nigerian English and other indigenous languages. In her study, Spilioti (2009) provides an account of graphemic representations in Greek texters alphabet- choice and code-switches. While these and other studies certainly attest to some important cultural variability, it is telling we think that so much research still covers English and other dominant/national European languages and, to some

extent, languages like Japanese and Arabic. This imbalance no doubt mirrors patterns of wealth distribution as well as the symbolic marketplace of academia.

Metalinguistic contexts In spite of the growing body of scholarly research on texting, public and policy-level discourse about texting continues to fixate on its deleterious impact on literacy and standard language use especially that of young people. No review of the literature on texting would be complete, however, without briefly considering this broader metalinguistic framework. In this regard, research addresses two closely related types of public commentary: first, the general influence of texting on the standard languages and on popular notions of good communication; second, concerns about the specific influence of text messaging language on conventional literacy. Invariably, these metalinguistic - or language ideological - debates prioritize the belief that text messaging language has a negative impact. These are issues addressed by researchers writing/working in various languages. While a few scholars insist that texting has a negative influence on standard writing, spelling and grammar (Siraj and Ullah 2007), most empirical studies focused on this issue maintain that texting does not pose a threat to Standard English teaching and learning. These scholars usually argue that, although there may be some diffusion of texting style into formal writing (e.g. school work), texters almost always recognize that language is context specific (Drscheid 2002; Chiluwa 2008), though they do not necessarily view computer-mediated communication as writing. By the same token, other scholars challenge the idea that the influence of texting on standard language practices is necessarily a bad thing. Androutsopoulos

and Schmidt (2002), for example, propose that the loosening of prescriptive norms for texting may be made understandable. They note the following features and their implications: 1) orthographic negligence reflects the reduction of cognitive resources allocated to spelling; 2) transgression of orthography implies deliberate discrepancies; 3) neography is an alternative orthography. Other research (Shortis 2007) suggests that the linguistic creativity of texting poses little threat to standard spelling. Some of the most explicit (and conclusive) research on the issue of standard literacies comes from Plester and her colleagues, which reveals a positive relation between texting and literacy. One instant messaging study also suggests that new media language does not interfere with standard literacy. What Plesters research confirms is that, not surprisingly, young people (like older texters, no doubt) are inherently aware of key pragmatic considerations such as context, relationship and communicative intent. The pragmatics of texting: A case study One early example of empirical research published on texting was our own study (Thurlow 2003). Note 3 Based on a corpus of actual text messages, this study presented a direct challenge to the kinds of largely unfounded claims being made in the media; it also offered a more properly discourse analytic perspective on texting.

Linguistic form and language play While much is made (in the media and elsewhere) about the technologically imposed need for brevity in texting, texters seldom seem to use the space available. As others have also

found, the average word length of text-messages in our own study was approximately 14 and the average character length of messages was only 65, although with quite a lot of variation (SD = 45). (Recall that the standardized limit on text messages in 160 characters.) As such, the length and abbreviated linguistic forms of texts would seem to be more a function of the need for speed, ease of typing and, perhaps, other symbolic and pragmatic concerns such as a preference for more dialogic exchanges. In this sense, therefore, texting immediately takes on the character of interactive written discourse as in other new media genres like instant messaging. Texters are able from the outset to infuse an ostensibly asynchronous technology with a certain degree of synchronicity or dialogicality. The technology is thereby co-opted and exploited to serve peoples underlying needs for intimacy and sociability. Elsewhere, we have called this the communication imperative, a fundamental human drive which usually prevails over the mechanical limitations of technologies. There are other technological constraints in texting which are similarly leveraged by users for interpersonal gain; this is especially evident in the linguistic and typographic form of text messages. Just as message length may easily be accounted for in pragmatic terms, so too are most of the supposedly distinctive, novel and/or unorthodox linguistic forms, such as shortenings (i.e. missing end letters), contractions (i.e. missing middle letters) and G-clippings and other clippings (i.e. dropping final letter), acronyms and initialisms, letter/number homophones, misspellings and typos, non-conventional spellings, and accent stylizations. What was most noticeable about the non-standard items in our own study was how so few of them were especially new or especially incomprehensible. (The media and other commentators often like to play up the hieroglyphic unintelligibility of young peoples texting. In practice, very few of text messages we looked at were semantically unrecoverable, even in isolation from their

original, discursive context and even to outsiders such as ourselves. Much of what texters type in their messages would not be out of place on a scribbled note left on the fridge door, the diningroom table or next to the telephone where the same brevity- speed imperative would apply. In this sense, therefore, claims (both academic and lay) for the impenetrability and exclusivity of texting language are greatly exaggerated and belie the discursive significance of situated language use. Like the fridge-door note-maker, texters surely recognize the obvious need also for intelligibility in Grecian terms, for example, quantity and manner. One of the best examples of this, in terms of abbreviation, is the use of consonant clusters (e.g. THX), which rely on the premise that consonants in English usually have more semantic detail/value than vowels. In addition, many of the non- conventional spellings found in texting are widespread and pre-date the mobile phone, in any case. Examples of this include the use of z as in girlz, the k in skool, as well as phonological approximations such as Americanized forms like gonna, bin, and coz, as well as g-clippings like jumpin, havin. Our own corpus did demand one important caveat regarding the issue of non-standard orthography. The text-messages we looked at revealed only about three abbreviations per message, which meant that this supposedly defining feature of texting style accounted for less than 20% of the overall message content. This initial finding certainly appears to run counter to popular ideas about the unintelligible, highly abbreviated code of texting. In the same vein, relatively few typographic (as opposed to alphabetic) symbols were found throughout the entire corpus, almost all of which were simply kisses or

were noticeable by their absence. Moreover, in spite of their notoriety in media reports and despite the title of Crystals (2008) book about texting, relatively few examples of letter-number homophones (e.g. Gr8) were found. Like many of the paralinguistic and prosodic cues found in

older CMC technologies such as, a more frequent type of language play were accent stylizations and phonological approximations, such as the regiolectal spelling novern for northern. In addition, we found a range of onomatopoeic, exclamatory spellings (e.g. haha!, arrrgh!, WOOHOO!, rahh, ahhh) and a handful of other typographical-cum-linguistic devices for adding prosodic impact (e.g. quick quick, wakey wakey and yawn) and, therefore, communicative immediacy. Indeed, as researchers like Shortis have shown, the non-standard orthography of texting almost always expresses the generally creative, playful and friendly tone intended by texters. And herein lies the crux of texting.

Communicative intent: Maximizing sociality Relationship-building and social intercourse are both central to, and strongly facilitated by, technologies for communication, even though popular opinion still feeds on the once-popular scholarly idea that computer-mediated communication is necessarily asocial and/or antisocial. Perhaps even more so than the landline telephone, the mobile phone and texting are clearly technologies of sociability. For anything other than analytical convenience, it is practically impossible to separate relational intent neatly from transactional intent or, to put it another way, doing sociability from information exchange. However, the text messages we collected were overwhelmingly and, for the most part, quite apparently relational in their orientation,

ranging from sending friendly salutations, to making social arrangements, to substantial friendship maintenance. Explicitly transactional messaging accounted for only 15% of all the messages analyzed. Even these ostensible information exchanges (e.g. hyper-coordinated, practical arrangements) invariably served more social concerns, such as finding a friend during a night out or courteously letting someone know that the texter was running late. The predominantly solidary, often phatic function of texting was expressed also in the persistent use of humor and the gifting of chain messages (e.g. stock sentiments or saucy jokes). In this sense, it is clear that much texting epitomizes small-talk which is not to say that it is peripheral or unimportant. On the contrary; as J. Coupland (2000) reminds us, small talk is, interactionally speaking, big talk regardless of its brevity, informality or apparent topical superficiality. For example, as Androutsopoulos (2000) has demonstrated in the case of fanzines, non-standard orthography can be a powerful but also playful means for texters (and young texters especially) to affirm their social identities by deviating from conventional forms; in doing so, they differentiate themselves (from adults, for example) and align themselves with each other. To this, we would add the opportunity to personalize and informalize their messages. Accordingly, most of what happens in/with everyday texting can and should be explained in the context of texters self-evident drive to connect with one another and to maximize sociality. In these terms, texting presents itself in the broadest terms as a social technology par excellence. One technologically afforded pragmatic phenomenon in our 2003 data was the openly sexual tone of many messages. Texting facilitates an interesting mix of intimacy and social distance, not unlike various other genres of CMC (e.g. instant messaging and, to some extent, email); this also complicates traditional boundaries between private.

The technical rapidity and ephemerality (it is seldom stored or recorded) of texting seem to bring with them a relative anonymity, even though the sender and receiver are invariably known to each other and/or revealed to each other through caller/number display. This kind of recognized anonymity might explain the relative licentiousness or flame-tendencies of some. The face-saving capacity of this type of anonymity likewise accounts for texters who send messages to say something they would ordinarily avoid having to say face-to-face, such as breaking up with a romantic partner or, in the case of our own study, discussing an unexpected pregnancy. Related to this sense of recognized anonymity, and as another example of how textmessagers capitalize on technological affordances, our corpus revealed instances where the sender and receiver were apparently within viewing distance of each other. Texting nicely facilitates co-present exchange, allowing texters to interact covertly in an immediate and potentially very intimate form of communication what some have referred to as the culture of concealed use. Texting evidently enhances communication in ways which allow for multiple or even parallel communicative exchanges (including face-to-face interaction), offering an attractive combination of mobility, discretion, intimacy and play. This combination of immediacy and intimacy drives the underlying need for sociality and, for the most part, explains the linguistic form or style of texting.

The maxims of text message style Assumptions especially in the media about the ubiquity, consistency and homogeneity of texting style are, in practice, always confronted with a great deal of linguacultural, social and personal variation. This is apparent from the variable findings of the

studies we reviewed above which show noticeable national, gender and, to some extent, age differences. The fact is that no two texters necessarily text in the same way, although friends and peer groups no doubt establish their own local stylistic norms. Nor, of course, does the same texter necessarily make the same stylist choices for all messages. This is not, however, to imply that texting is without its stylist curiosities; indeed, the language of text-messaging is simultaneously remarkable and unremarkable in its relative unconventionality. Based on our own corpus of real text messages and some of the research findings reviewed above, it is possible to think of the typographic/orthographic practices of texting being underpinned by three key pragmatic maxims all serving a general principle of sociality. Accounting for almost all of the language play we see in texting, the maxims are: (1) brevity and speed; (2) paralinguistic restitution; and, (3) phonological approximation. The first of these maxims, the two-fold maxim of brevity and speed, is manifested most commonly in (a) the abbreviation of lexical items (including letter-number homophones) and (b) the relatively minimal use of capitalization and standard, grammatical punctuation (e.g. commas and spaces between words). Importantly, and as we have already suggested, the need for both brevity and speed appears to be motivated less by technological constraints, but rather by pragmatic demands such as ease of turn-taking (i.e. backand-forth exchanges) and overall fluidity of social interaction. There is some variation in texters expectations of reciprocity and response time.) In terms of the second and third maxims, paralinguistic restitution understandably seeks to redress the apparent loss of such socio-emotional or prosodic features as stress and intonation, while phonological approximation (e.g. accent stylization) adds to paralinguistic restitution and engenders the kind of playful, informal register appropriate to the relational orientation of texting. On occasion, the second and third maxims appear to override the brevity-speed maxim,

but in most cases all principles are served simultaneously and equally. Thus, for the sake of paralinguistic restitution, capitalization (e.g. FUCK) and multiple punctuation (what???!!!) may be more desirable for texters. Lexical items such as ello (hello), goin (going), and bin (been), meanwhile, serve both the need for abbreviation and phonological approximation. Even though many linguistic puritans (Thurlow 2006) nowadays like to exaggerate the death of punctuation, the use of question marks (?) and full-stops (.) can be surprisingly persistent especially given the additional effort and time it takes to punctuate (again, cf Spilioti 2009). In fact, with the loss of typographic contrastivity (e.g. italics, bolding, underlining), the use of capitalization and punctuation can become more useful, with ostensibly grammatical marks being co-opted for other less standardized effects (e.g. LATE, wow!!!! or No wait). Another example of paralinguistic restitution in graphical form is the famous emoticon a direct borrowing from older new media genres such as IRC and a feature which appears to be similarly unpopular and, therefore, relatively infrequent in spite of its exaggerated depiction in the media. The notion of standardness in written language is itself a convention and always an abstraction from spoken language. In this sense, therefore, like the fridge-door note and the phonetic transcriptions of expert linguists, many of the typographic practices of texting offer more correct, more authentic representations of speech to begin with. As Jaffe (2000) puts it: The use of non-standard orthography is a powerful expressive resource. [which] can graphically capture some the immediacy, the authenticity and flavor of the spoken word in all its diversity. [And] has the potential to challenge linguistic hierarchies In their messages texters write it as if saying it to establish a more informal register, which in turn helps to do the kind of small-talk and solidary bonding they desire for maximizing

sociality. The language texters use is, therefore, invariably appropriate to the context of interaction. Sometimes there is also evidence of texters reflexive (often playful) use of language and their inherent metapragmatic awareness (Verschuren, 2004), as in this second example with its stylized performance of drunkenness and its tongue-in- cheek misanthropy: Example message hey babe.T.Drunk.Hate all luv.Have all men.Fuck them.how r u?Were ou utery drunk.im changing. Now.Ruth.xxx. Hate every1 This same metapragmatic awareness may also account for texters (admittedly variable) use of such apparently clichd forms as letter-number homophones and emoticons, which can be used with ironic effect and/or self-consciously to enact or playfully perform text messaging. In other words, in a Hallidayan sense (Halliday 1969/1997), texting always fulfills both an interpersonal and textual function as people send messages not only for the kinds of communicative functions outlined above (e.g. relational bonding and social coordination) but also to be seen to be texting. Texting (and mobile phones) carries cultural capital in and of itself as a lifestyle accessory and a ludic resource. Irrespective of message content, the act of texting itself has cachet (to follow the clich, the medium is also a message) and necessarily communicates something about the sender/user. And part of buying into the cachet of texting means drawing on or rejecting altogether symbolic resources such as ringtones, keypad covers, and popularized linguistic markers like initialisms, clippings and letter-number homophones. It is precisely this

kind of metapragmatic awareness and (life-) stylistic variation which is typically overlooked in the print medias own metapragmatic commentary (or rather complaint) about texting.

Texting as a distinctive genre? In her well-known paper on the language of email, Baron (1998) grappled with the idea that email might herald a new linguistic genre; her conclusion was ultimately that email language instead represented a creolizing blend of written and spoken discourse. Like email, and indeed most new media discourse, text-messages have much the same hybrid quality about them both in terms of the speech-writing blend and in terms of their mixing of old and new linguistic varieties. As Rssler and Hflich (2002) put it, texting is email on the move. In its transience and immediacy, however, texting is as much like instant messaging as it is like email and, for that matter, speech. In keeping with Herrings (2001) proposals, therefore, we are more inclined to view texting in its own terms; whatever formal similarities it may bear to other CMC genres or modes, the linguistic and communicative practices of text-messages emerge from a particular combination of technological affordances, contextual variables and interactional priorities. The kinds of orthographic (or typographic) choices that texters make in their messages are motivated primarily by pragmatic and communicative concerns. Once again, this is not to say that textmessages are without character or distinction. Example message Safe Hi babe! Angie + Lucy had words last nite-stood there arguing 4 ages,loads of people outside cobarna.Bit obvious theywerent gonna fight tho cos they were there 4 so

long! I was a bit pissed (woh!) Good nite tho! Spk 2u lata xxBeckyxx

Removed from its original technical context (i.e., transferring it from the small screen of the mobile phone), the extract above is somehow clearly a text message. How is this? Does this not imply a particular language of texting? Yes and no. While so much research focuses on the linguistic (and orthographic) form of texting (see our review above), the defining feature of textmessages is ultimately their sociable function. Text-messages are thus communicative events (i.e. genres) only superficially recognizable from their look; their real significance (in both semantic and social terms) lies primarily in their discursive content and communicative intent. So, for example, while a text-messages may well appear informational or content-focused, it will more often than not be serving a relational purpose so much so, that this solidary function is a far more useful genre-defining feature of texting than, say, its length or the use of abbreviations, letter-number homophones, etc.. The golden rule of pragmatics is, of course, that form and function are mutually dependent. If the distinctive (albeit not necessarily unique) nature of texting is to be pin-pointed in any way, it must hinge on a combination of the following broadly defined but typical discursive features: (a) the comparatively short length of text-messages; (b) the relative concentration of nonstandard typographic markers; and (c) their predominantly small-talk content and solidary orientation. Key qualifications here are combination, comparatively, relative and predominantly; none of these generic and stylistic features is sufficient individually to characterize texting. Compared with a formal letter or an academic essay they are most likely shorter (constrained in part by the

mechanical affordance of a 160 character limit), contain more language play and are more chatty. This obvious distinction starts to fall away, however, when compared with greeting card messages, fridge-door notes, and so on. Increasingly, with the convergence of new (and old) media, the technological boundaries and generic distinctiveness of instant messaging, texting, emailing are becoming blurred. Notable examples of this are to be found in micro-blogging (e.g. Twitter and status updates on Facebook see, C. Lee, forthcoming) as well as the multifunctionality of smart-phones (e.g. BlackBerry) and, to some extent, Apples iPhone. These changes serve to remind us that, like language in general, the language of text messaging is constantly changing. No sooner have scholars had the chance to pin-point (and publish about) the character of new media language than the media change again. What remains unchanged, however, is peoples determination and capacity to rework technologies (both mechanical and linguistic) for maximizing sociality in other words, for communication.

SUMMARY AND SYNTHESIS The history of the development of so-called new communication technologies has been marked by periods of excessive hype and hysteria about the kinds of cultural, social and psychological impacts each new technology is likely to have. This is not to deny that few people, professional, could have predicted the extraordinary rise in popularity of the cell phone and its sister technology texting. Not surprisingly, public discourse about texting (example in the media) encodes any number of comments about the nature of both texting and language, which are interesting in themselves. If, as Mey (2001: 5) suggests, the field of pragmatics is interested in

the process of using language and its producers, not just its end-product, language, then the kind of everyday, comments about texting is decidedly a- pragmatic since, for the most part, it fixates on the structures, forms and grammars of language or the perceived lack thereof. For example, both media discourse and other popular commentary prioritize and exaggerate the look of text messaging language its supposedly distinctive lexical and typographic style. Notwithstanding this, everyday talk about texting does offer important insights into peoples beliefs and concerns about language (and technology) which, as Pennycook (2004) notes, perfomatively establishes what language itself means. It is for this reason that the study of texting continued research interest especially from discourse analysts and other language and communication scholars. Specifically and briefly this research would do well to focus on situated (or ethnographic) analyses (i.e., the real, everyday contexts of texting; to address the use of texting; to explore different practices of transcultural style- and code-switching. As the technologies of texting are constantly changing, so too are the practices and meanings of texting changing.

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