Oven Cleaner - 232
Oven Cleaner - 232
Oven Cleaner - 232
Compound Wt % Function
Water 84.5 Diluent
Vanzan 0.5 Thickener, foam stabilizer
NaOH #1 5.0 Saponifier
Kasil #1 5.0 Corrosion Inhibition
Colonial 1240 3.0 Foaming Agent
TKPP 2.0 Antir redepositon
TOTAL 100.00
Disperse the Vanzan (Xantham gum from RT Vanderbilt) in water then add the other
ingredients as shown.
225 Colonial Drive South Pittsburg, TN 37380 Ph: 423-837-8800 Fax: 423-837-3888