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Use of A Conceptual Sizing Tool For Conceptual Design of Tactical Missiles (U)

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Use of a Conceptual Sizing Tool for Conceptual Design of Tactical Missiles (U)
Andrew P. Frits, Eugene L. Fleeman, and Dimitri N. Mavris Aerospace Systems Design Laboratory School of Aerospace Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, GA 30332-0150 ABSTRACT This paper illustrates the use of a conceptual sizing tool for the design of tactical missiles. The sizing tool, called the Tactical Missile Design (TMD) spreadsheet, was developed to allow the user to quickly generate estimates of a missile configurations performance and other measures of merit such as lethality. This capability allows the user to get a first order estimate of a missiles ability to meet a set of requirements and allows for fast trade-studies to quickly identify the performance drivers of a system. In order to generate reasonable estimates for missile range and speed, a sizing tool must have analysis methods for aerodynamics, propulsion, weight, and trajectory. In order for the sizing tool to remain useful for conceptual tradeoffs, these analyses must be robust enough to handle a wide range of inputs, yet simple enough to be executed quickly. The analysis methods were constructed with these requirements in mind. The aerodynamics analysis is based upon several physicsderived analytical expressions as outlined in the text Tactical Missile Design by Eugene Fleeman. Propulsion uses a simplified cycle analysis to relate engine parameters (maximum inlet temperature, fuel heating value, expansion ratio) to overall specific impulse (Isp). The propulsion analysis can handle either air-breathing and solid-rocket systems, or a combination thereof. For trajectory, a constant flight path is assumed, with a boost, cruise, and coast phase. These straightforward analysis methods combine to produce a very powerful, yet robust, conceptual missile design tool. The paper first lays out the analysis methods, assumptions, and limitations in the Tactical Missile Design spreadsheet. Next, a comparison is made between the results of the TMD spreadsheet and the performance of historical missile systems. In addition, the paper explores some example trade studies to identify the drivers of a rocket and a ramjet missile system. Finally, the TMD spreadsheet is used to show how easily a tactical missile can be optimized at the conceptual level. INTRODUCTION In early stages of conceptual design, sizing tools are needed that allow for quick tradeoffs among design parameters. For greatest effectiveness, these sizing tools must meet three requirements, they must accept wide variations in the first order parameters of components, they must accurately show the effects of parameter variation, and they must be capable of rapid, economical analysis1. Rapid analysis is required in conceptual design because the multi-dimensional nature of the design problem often results in a need to examine literally thousands of potential system configurations. In the case of missile design, a tool is needed that can analyze a missile with a set of geometry, structural, and propulsion parameters and calculate the missile performance. In this case, the performance of the system may be summarized by the missile range, maximum velocity, and time-to-target. In many cases, these performance characteristics can be calculated from first-order, physics-based analyses. Often, these analyses can be represented in terms of straightforward analytical expressions that allow for easy calculation. The elegance of this approach is that with the linking of reasonably simple analytical expressions from multiple disciplines, a very powerful, yet useable tool can be developed that gives very fast and reasonably good estimates of missile system performance. A spreadsheet developed in Microsoft Excel was used as the framework for this conceptual sizing tool. Microsoft Excel was chosen because of its wide availability and familiarity among both engineers and managers. Furthermore, Excel has all the functionality needed to handle the required calculations. Excel also

Graduate Research Assistant, Aerospace Systems Design Laboratory Missile Systems Technical Lead, Aerospace Systems Design Laboratory Director, Aerospace Systems Design Laboratory, Boeing Prof. Copyright 2002 by Dimitri Mavris. Published by the Defense Technical Information Center, with permission. Presented at 2002 Missile Sciences Conference, Monterey, CA. DISTRUBUTION STATEMENT: UNCLASSIFIED; Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited

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UNCLASSIFIED allows for the easy visualization of both interim and final numbers, thus increasing the overall tractability of the solution. This paper first illustrates the Tactical Missile Design (TMD) spreadsheet, explaining the overall layout and governing equations. Later the paper looks at potential uses of the TMD tool, exploring single and then multiple dimension case studies. Finally, the paper explores missile optimization using the Tactical Missile Design spreadsheet. TACTICAL MISSILE DESIGN SPREADSHEET The Tactical Missile Design spreadsheet includes analyses for many disciplines. These disciplines are: aerodynamics, propulsion, trajectory, structure, warhead, radar, and dynamics. These disciplines include all the required disciplines for a complete conceptual design process. This process is illustrated in Figure 1. The spreadsheet is constructed so that each discipline is handled on an individual worksheet. This breakdown allows the user to focus on each discipline individually. Linking of the individual disciplines/worksheets is done through two master worksheets, one worksheet that is designed to handle user-inputs and one worksheet that holds results from the disciplinary worksheets. Part of the user-input worksheet is given in Figure 2. An additional output
Description Missile Body Input Missile Length Missile Boby Major Diameter Missile Body Minor Diameter Nose Length Nose Bluntness (0 = sharp nose, 1 = hemispherical nose) Missile Wing/Canard Input Number of wings (0,1,2) Wing Area Wing LE Thickness Angle Wing Airfoil Thickness to Cord, max Wing Incident Angle Wing Aspect Ratio Station of Wing leading edge Wing taper ratio Missile Tail Input Number of Tail Wings Mach Number for Tail Sizing AOA for Tail Sizing Tail Aspect Ratio Tail Taper Ratio Station of Tail LE Tail Thickness-to-Chord, max Tail LE Thickness Angle Variable Name
l 2a 2b LN

worksheet also includes key figures and charts illustrating the current designs performance. Baseline inputs are included in the TMD spreadsheet for two missiles, a rocket system and an air-breather. These missiles give the user baseline systems from which to perform trade studies. The rocket is based on the Sparrow Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile (MRAAM) while the air-breathing baseline is based upon the ramjet powered ASALM, or Advanced Strategic AirLaunched Missile.
Define Mission Requirements Establish Baseline Aerodynamics Propulsion Weight Trajectory Meet Performance? Yes No Alt Config / Subsystems / Tech No Resize

Measures of Merit and Constraints Yes

Figure 1: Process for Conceptual Missile Sizing and Synthesis2

Default Value 171.00 20.38 0.00 23.50 5% 0 0.0 0 0.00% 0.0 0.00 0 0 2 1.5 0 1.64 0.7 150.33 4.0% 9.1 integer inches 2 deg % deg inches
2 panels per wing N=1 is a straight wing N=2 is a cruiciform wing

Value 125.29 8.74 0.00 20.83 10% 2 396.430906 10 4.40% 0.0 2.82 60.8 0.175 2 1.5 0.0 2.59 0 125.4 2.7% 6.2

Default Value 143.90 8.00 0.00 19.20 10% 2 367.2 10 4.40% 0.0 2.82 60.8 0.175 2 1.5 0 2.59 0 125.4 2.7% 6.2

Units inches inches inches inches

Additonal Information

Zero defaults to circular cross-section

N SW t/c,max Waoa War Wle Wtr


integer deg


Mtail Taoa Tar Ttr Tle t/c,max

inches deg

Figure 2: Example Input for Tactical Missile Design Spreadsheet

Aerodynamics The aerodynamics discipline requires inputs that define the missile geometry. These include nose fineness, length, diameter, number of wings, wing aspect ratio, taper ratio, wing area, etc. From these inputs, the aerodynamics discipline calculates the lift, drag, and center-of-pressure for the vehicle for various Mach numbers. Drag is calculated by doing a build-up of the

individual drag components: body friction, body wave, wing and tail friction, wing and tail wave, and base drag. These drag components are then added together to calculate the full drag coefficient of the vehicle. The drag calculations are based upon approaches given in references 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. Linear wing theory, slender wing theory, and Newtonian impact theory are used for the calculations of the normal force on the wing and

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UNCLASSIFIED tail. Slender body theory and crossflow theory are used in the calculations of the normal force on the body3. In addition to calculations of lift and drag, the aerodynamics section also includes tail sizing. Inputs such as tail aspect ratio, taper ratio, and distance from the nose are used to calculate the required tail area for neutral static stability at a user-specified Mach number. The contributions to drag and lift from the tail are then included in the total vehicle drag and lift calculations. An outline of the rocket baseline missile, with the given wing geometry and appropriately sized tail, is also provided to the user (see Figure 3).
30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 -10.0 -20.0 -30.0 0.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 100.0 120.0 140.0 160.0

Missile Outline (figure NOT to scale)

flight-path is consistent with that of guided missile systems. The trajectory is broken into three phases: boost, sustain, and coast. The spreadsheet includes the option for the missile to decrease its empty weight between the boost and sustain motors. This decrease models the discarding of a boost motor or nozzle. To calculate the trajectory of the missile, the rocket equation is used to estimate the speed to which the rocket/boost motor accelerates the vehicle. This equation assumes a constant thrust and Isp (provided by the propulsion discipline). In addition, an average drag over the boost stage is calculated by first calculating the drag at the initial flight condition, estimating the final boost velocity, and then calculating the drag at this new flight condition. The drag at the launch and burnout conditions are averaged together to obtain a drag estimate for Equation 1.
V = -g Isp (1-D/T)*ln (1 - WP / WL) EQ 1

Figure 3: Missile Outline with Appropriately Sized Tail

Propulsion The propulsion discipline is designed to handle a dualthrust level missile. It has the capability of analyzing both rockets and air-breathing systems. The first thrust level is assumed to be a rocket-based boost motor. For the rocket, the user inputs the propellant-type, combustion chamber pressure, burn time, and expansion ratio. From this data, simple rocket relations are used to calculate the throat area, exit area, thrust, and specific impulse. The spreadsheet warns the user whenever the exit area is greater than the maximum diameter of the missile. For the sustain thrust levels, the user selects between an air-breather and a rocket system. Rocket-based sustain motors are handled identically to the boost motor. For the air-breather, the user selects between several potential options: turbofan, turbojet, ramjet, or scramjet. For the turbofan, turbojet, and scramjet systems, a lookup table for Isp versus Mach number is used. However, for the ramjet, the thrust and Isp are explicitly calculated using a simple cycle analysis. This analysis takes the fuel type, fuel-to-air ratio, atmospheric and flight conditions, and an estimated pressure recovery to calculate the ramjet thrust and Isp. Once the thrust and Isp of the entire vehicle is known, along with the aerodynamics data, the vehicle trajectory can be calculated. Trajectory The trajectory discipline begins by assuming that the missile flies a constant flight path angle. This type of

The sustain motors portion of the trajectory is handled separately depending on whether the system is rocketbased or air-breathing. For a rocket-based system, the sustain motor is handled identically to the boost motor, via Equation 1, with a similar estimate made for the average drag. For the air-breathing system, the velocity is assumed to remain constant throughout the cruiseportion of the flight. The lift-to-drag ratio for this condition is calculated by the aerodynamics discipline, which determines the required angle-of-attack for the missile. With the Isp from propulsion and the lift-todrag ratio determined by the aerodynamics, the cruise range of the missile is found using the Breguet Range Equation (Equation 2).
R = ( L / D ) Isp V In [ WL / ( WL WP )] , Breguet Range Equation EQ 2

There are two options in the modeling of the coast portion of flight. The first option is to continue assuming a constant flight path angle for the entire coast phase. This option uses a simple 1-DOF model, with an average drag value, to estimate the time and distance that the vehicle coasts. It assumes that the missile will coast down to a threshold Mach number set by the user. The 1-DOF equations used for the coast calculations are shown in Equation 3 and Equation 4.
VEC / VBC = 1 / { 1 + tcoast / [ 2 WBO / ( g SRef CD0 VBC )]} EQ 3 Rcoast / [ 2 WBO / ( g SRef CD0 )] = ln {1 + tcoast / [ 2 W / ( g SRef CD0 VBC )]} EQ 4

The second option for the coast portion of flight is to assume that the vehicle maintains zero angle-of-attack and falls ballistically to a specified altitude. Again,

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UNCLASSIFIED simple analytical expressions are developed for the ballistic trajectory which give the time and distance to impact, along with the impact velocity.
Downrange (nmi)

120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Flight Time (sec) Boost Cruise Co-Alt Coast Ballistic Coast

Plots, as generated by the Tactical Missile Design spreadsheet, are given in Figure 4 through Figure 7. These plots show the time-history of two missiles, the baseline rocket and baseline ramjet, and include both a co-altitude coast and the ballistic coast trajectory patterns for each system. In addition, Figure 8 shows the effects of launch altitude on the baseline rockets range for a co-attitude flight.

Figure 7: Missile Range vs. Flight Time for the Baseline Ramjet at 40,000 feet
70 Flight Range (nmi) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 10 20 30 Altitude (kft) 40 50 60

14 12 Downrange (nmi) 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 10 20 30 Flight Time (sec) 40 50 60 Boost Cruise Co-Alt Coast Ballistic Coast

Figure 8: Missile Range vs. Launch Altitude for Baseline Rocket

Figure 4: Missile Range vs. Flight Time for the Baseline Rocket at 20,000 feet
3000 2500 Boost
Velocity (ft/sec)

2000 1500 1000 500 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Flight Time (sec)

Cruise Co-Altitude Coast Ballistic Coast

Figure 5: Missile Velocity vs. Flight Time for the Baseline Rocket at 20,000 feet
3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Flight Time (sec)

Other Disciplines The remaining disciplines are not intrinsically linked with the remainder of the Tactical Missile Design spreadsheet, i.e., there is no feedback from these disciplines into the missile sizing and synthesis, which basically consists of aerodynamics, propulsion, and trajectory fully coupled together. For example, the structures discipline does not calculate an empty weight that is used by the trajectory module. Instead, the structural worksheet exists as a stand-alone tool and can be used to estimate the required motor case dimensions and weight and the skin temperature of the missile. The analysis uses the expected loads on the missile, material properties, and the maximum Mach number from the trajectory discipline to calculate these values. The warhead discipline is also an independent section. It takes into account the warhead dimensions, material, explosive weight, and impact velocity to determine the penetration depth of a hard target and the effective overpressure of the explosion. The worksheet can be used to simulate a variety of warheads, including a simple high-explosive warhead, a hit-to-kill warhead, or a combined penetrator/blast-frag warhead. The radar discipline uses the radar range equation to calculate the 3-dB beam-width of the system and estimates the detection range of various targets. The dynamics section is used to calculate the expected miss distance of a target in addition to dynamic considerations such

Velocity (ft/sec)

Boost Cruise Co-Alt Coast Ballistic Coast

Figure 6: Missile Velocity vs. Flight Time for the Baseline Ramjet at 40,000 feet

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UNCLASSIFIED as horizontal turn radius. Miss distance is calculated by first estimating the total missile time constant and then accounting for flight time, target maneuverability, and initial heading error. The methods for these calculations are laid out in References 2, 3, 7, and 8. VALIDATION Verification and validation of the Tactical Missile Design spreadsheet was accomplished through comparisons with computer analysis codes and actual test data. For the baseline rocket case, the MRAAM missile was compared to wind tunnel data and a computer analysis program: Advanced Design of Aerodynamics Missiles (ADAM). The results of this comparison for one example are shown below, where for fixed launched conditions, it was desirable to see how quickly the rocket could travel 6.7 nautical miles at a flight altitude of 20,000 feet. As Table I shows, the calculated flight time of the missile and zero-lift drag coefficient compares well with the computer simulation (ADAM)9, although there is some discrepancy with the wind tunnel data due to the much higher zero-lift drag coefficient estimated from the wind tunnel data.
Table I: Comparison of Missile Flight Time and CD0 for 6.7 nmi Flyout
ADAM Wind Tunnel TMD spreadsheet Flight Time (sec) Coast Cdo 18 0.53 21 1.05 17.9 0.59

varied from the original value of 20.38 inches to a minimum of 14 inches and a maximum of 24 inches. The total volume of the missile was held constant, so the length increased as the diameter decreased. Naturally, this type of length to diameter relationship would be contingent upon the subsystems being packageable into a smaller diameter missile and the missile maintaining launcher compatibility; but the relationship is sufficient for this level of analysis. A few key response parameters that were tracked are listed in Table III.
Table III: Case Study with Varying Missile Diameter
Missile Diameter (in) Burnout Mach Flight Range (nmi) Flight Time (sec) Horizontal Turn Rad (ft) 14 2.78 257.7 601 14956 16 2.77 195.4 459 15471 18 2.74 148.2 351 15556 20 2.71 113.5 272 15296 Baseline 20.38 2.71 108.0 259 15215 22 2.67 88.2 214 14783 24 2.63 69.7 172 14105

The results from the quick study can be represented graphically, as seen in Figure 9 and Figure 10. From these figures it is readily apparent that decreasing the diameter greatly enhances the maximum range of the missile. In addition, the user can see that the turn radius is benefited by either a large or small diameter, but for diameters near the baseline the turn radius performs poorly. These type of simple trade-offs can be readily made in the Tactical Missile Design spreadsheet environment.
300 Flight Range (nmi) 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Missile Diameter (in)

Table II shows a comparison of a calculated trajectory from the Tactical Missile Design spreadsheet and MRAAM test data10. Note that the burnout velocity calculated by the TMD spreadsheet is higher than the actual data, and hence the ranges are higher, but overall the results compare favorably. Further TMD comparisons are planned against complete MRAAM and other missile wind tunnel data.
Table II: Comparison of TMD Predicted Missile Flight Time with Test Data
Burnout Vel (ft/sec) 2147 2488 Burnout Range (nmi) 4.5 5.04 Total Range (nmi) 9 11.6

Figure 9: Variation of Flight Range with Missile Diameter

16000 Turn Radius (ft) 15600 15200 14800 14400 14000 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Missile Diameter (in)

Test Data TMD spreadsheet

ONE DIMENSION CASE STUDY The Tactical Missile Design spreadsheet allows for the user to easily perform trade-studies. By changing input cells manually and tracking the results, the user can quickly do one-dimensional trade studies, searching for the optimal setting of any variable. The TMD spreadsheet was explicitly designed to give the user this type of capability. A quick example of this type of onedimensional case study is given below. From the ramjet baseline system, the missile outer diameter was

Figure 10: Variation of Missile Turn Radius with Diameter

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UNCLASSIFIED MULTI-DIMENSIONAL CASE STUDY The next study was accomplished by parametrically varying multiple design parameters. Seven design variables were chosen for this exploration, they are listed in Table IV. The ranges of the variables used in the study are also shown in the table. In order to study the effects of these variations, a full factorial Design of Experiments was used. A Design of Experiments, used here, is a statistical mechanism that identifies which experimental runs should be made to capture the most response behavior for the fewest number of total experimental runs11. For this application, an experimental run consists of a single setting of each of the design variables in the spreadsheet. In the study, 129 full-factorial runs were made, along with 21 random runs which were made by randomly setting each design variable. The results of these variations were tracked for 10 design outputs. The outputs tracked are given in Table V, along with the results from the rocket baseline and the minimum and maximum parameter values achieved in the study. Note that by no means did this study use a comprehensive set of design variables or outputs. Several other variables, such as propellant weight, could also have been used. These variables were simply chosen to be illustrative of the techniques and capabilities of the TMD spreadsheet.
Table IV: Ranges of Design Parameters in Parametric Study
Launch Weight (lbm) Rocket Baseline Minimum Maximum 500 400 500 Diameter (in) 8 8 12 Nose Length (in) 19.2 19 25 Wing Area (in2) 367.2 367.2 400 Sustain Boost Expansion Chamber Chamber Pressure Pressure Ratio (psi) (psi) 6 1769 300 6 1769 300 15 2500 1000

was able to generate pareto charts for each response. These pareto charts show the relative impact of each design variable on the response. For instance, Figure 11 shows which variables contributed the most to the variation in maximum velocity. The design variables listed in the figure are shown in descending order, i.e., the design variable on top had the greatest contribution to the variation in maximum velocity. Thus, perturbing this variable would effect the greatest change upon maximum velocity. The impact of each variable is shown graphically in a bar chart, with the cumulative response shown with a line. Figure 11 indicates that of the seven design parameters, only three parameters, launch weight, missile diameter, and expansion ratio, contributed to over 90% of the variability in the maximum velocity performance metric. This information is very useful, since the user now knows that to have any appreciable effect on the missile velocity, the weight, diameter, or expansion ratio must be changed. Conversely, the decision-maker also knows that the other design variables may be changed without a significant impact on the missile velocity.
Impact on Maximum Velocity from Each Individual Design Variable

Term Weight Diameter Expand Ratio Nose Length Boost Pc Wing Area Sustain Pc

Orthog Estimate -179.6298 -60.8560 45.5208 12.4052 4.4196 -1.7946 -0.7492




80% 100%

Design Variables in Order of Greatest Effect to Smallest Effect on the Variability of Maximum Velocity

Cumulate Effect on the Variability of Maximum Velocity

Table V: Minimum and Maximum Responses from Case Study

Final Maximum Burnout Weight Velocity Range (lbm) (ft/sec) (nmi) Rocket Baseline Smallest Response Largest Response 367 267 367 2537.7 2235 2878 5.22 4.11 6.18 Final Range (nmi) 12.06 1.89 14.62 Final Time (sec) 35.24 3.28 40.90 Coast Cd0 0.607 0.488 0.761 Boost Isp (sec) 270.5 271 286 Sustain Isp (sec) 252 237 276 Horiz Turn Radius (ft) 4181 3160 4218

Figure 11: Pareto Chart Showing the Key Parameters Contributing to the Variability of Maximum Velocity

One advantage of running a multi-dimensional study is that the primary drivers for each system level response, or performance metric, can be calculated. This concept is commonly referred to as the Pareto Principle, which states that 80% of the response of the system is driven by only 20% of the variables. In general, this principle holds for most system responses, indicating that in general, only a few of the design variables tend to drive most of the variation in any one metric12. A statistical software package, JMP, was used to analyze the data from the 150 cases in this study. This software

Another pareto chart, Figure 12, shows the key drivers in missile range. This chart also indicates that only three design variables contribute to the variation in missile range. Similar to the maximum velocity, these design variables, missile diameter, nose length (and hence nose fineness), and launch weight, account for nearly 90% of the total variability in missile range. Therefore, to affect the range, the decision-maker will need to alter one of these three key variables. Similar pareto charts can be constructed for all the performance metrics.

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Term Diameter Nose Length Weight Expand Ratio Wing Area Sustain Pc Boost Pc

Orthog Estimate -3.641770 0.771380 0.704911 0.292267 -0.135487 0.133014 -0.026752

Min and Max Ranges of Response

Response Value from the Current Design Variable Settings

Trendlines Showing How Design Variables Relate to Each System Reponse

14.62 8.896093 1.887 40.9

Trendline Show that Increasing Diameter will Decrease Flight Range

Final Time

Final Range

Figure 12: Pareto Chart Showing the Key Parameters Contributing to the Variability of Missile Range

25.80575 3.2774

Another powerful tool provided by the JMP statistical software package is the prediction profile. The prediction profile is a tool that shows how the design variables affect the overall system responses. A segment of the prediction profile is shown in Figure 13. This portion of the prediction profile relates three design variables, launch weight, missile outer diameter, and nose length to the final flight time and range. The center values along the x-axis indicate the current settings of the design variables, around these values are the minimum and maximum ranges of the design variables. In the JMP software package, these settings can be altered through the dynamical GUI. The center values on the y-axis show the system performance or system metrics resulting from the current design variable settings. With the illustrated settings of a 450 lbm of weight, a 10 inch diameter, and a 22 inch nose length, the missile will travel approximately 8.9 nautical miles in about 26 seconds. Another beauty of this tool is that it shows the partial derivatives, or trendlines, of each of the design variables. These trendlines make the interactions between each design variable and performance characteristics clear. For instance, it is apparent from the figure that by increasing the missile diameter, both the range and time of flight of the missile are decreased. Similarly, by increasing the nose length, thereby increasing the nose fineness ratio, the user will increase both the flight range and time; however, this effect is much less pronounced than the effect of changing the outer diameter. Again, in the JMP software, the system is dynamic, so changing the value of a variable will immediately result in the user seeing the effects on the system response and on the individual trendlines.






System Responses or Metrics

450 Weight



Diameter Design Variable Ranges

Nose Length

Design Variables

Current Design Variable Setting

Figure 13: Prediction Profile Comparing Design Variables (x-axis) to the Flight Time and Range

These prediction profiles can be used in two ways. First, they provide insight into the behavior of the system. The user can examine the trendlines to determine if the system behaves as predicted, i.e., one would expect that for an underexpanded rocket plume, increasing the expansion ratio would have a dramatic effect on Isp, and hence velocity. This expected trend can be verified by observing whether the trendlines in the prediction profile indicate this effect. The user can therefore use the prediction profile as a diagnostic tool to ensure that the appropriate trends are being captured in the analysis program. A prediction profile for the entire missile conceptual design case study is shown in Figure 14. From this figure the user can see that the system behaves as predicted and can readily identify key drivers to the system. A second use of the prediction profile is for optimization. Since the prediction profile is set in a dynamical GUI environment, the user can use the computer mouse to alter the variable settings until an optimum is reached. In addition, the JMP software comes with an option that will allow for the automated optimization of the missile design variables. Thus, the combination of the Tactical Missile Design spreadsheet with the JMP statistical package greatly enhances the ability of the conceptual designer to make fast, accurate decisions about the missile design.

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4218 3730.217 3160.4 286.1 Boost Isp Sustain Isp Maximum Velocity Final Range Final Time 279.9922 270.5 277.1 268.4673 237.12 2878 2539.112 2234.5 14.62 8.896093 1.887 40.9 25.80575 3.2774

Horiz Turn Radius




450 Weight

10 Diameter




2100 Boost Pc


Nose Length

Wing Area

Expand Ratio

Sustain Pc

Figure 14: Prediction Profile for the Missile Showing the Linkages between Design Variables and System Responses

MONTE CARLO STUDY Another application that can be combined with the Tactical Missile Design spreadsheet is called Crystal Ball. Crystal Ball is an add-in for Microsoft Excel. It can be used to run a Monte Carlo simulation over various cells, or inputs, and track the response of the output cells. These Monte Carlo studies are useful in conceptual design because they can illustrate for the user what type of performance can be achieved with the system13. Continuing with the previous example, a Monte Carlo simulation was run by altering the seven design variables that were used for the multi-dimensional case study given in Table IV. These variables were varied within the ranges shown in the table. A random value of each design variable was taken for each Monte Carlo trial, with 10,000 separate trials made over the variable ranges. The same outputs as the previous study, those listed in Table V, were also tracked in this study.

Figure 15 is the probability density function (PDF) for one of the missile outputs, the maximum Mach number; it shows how many of the 10,000 random cases resulted in a given Mach number. The figure shows that there were very few cases that had Mach numbers near 2.2 and very few cases that had Mach numbers near 2.7, but there was a flat distribution of Mach numbers between 2.3 and 2.6. The user can gleam from this information that only a few combinations of design variables result in Mach numbers near 2.2 and 2.7, but there is a wide range of design variables that can be chosen to generate a maximum Mach number anywhere within the range of 2.3 to 2.6. Therefore, using these design variables, a decision-maker would expect to have difficulty designing a missile to have a Mach number matching these extreme values but relatively little difficulty designing a system to meet one of the intermediate Mach numbers.

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Number of responses out of 10,000 trials Flat distribution of Mach numbers

250 200 150 100 50 0 2.19
100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 3210

Turn Radius < 4000 constraint













Turn Radius (Feet)

Mach Number
Few combinations of design variables led to extreme Mach numbers

Approximately 90% of all possible designs meet this turn radius constraint

Figure 17: CDF Showing the Response for Turn Radius with a 4,000 ft Maximum Constraint

Figure 15: PDF Showing the Number of Responses for each Mach Number

Perhaps more useful than the PDF is the cumulative distribution function (CDF) shown in Figure 16 for the missile Mach number. The CDF shows what percent of the design space meets a given value or constraint14. For the example shown, approximately 30% of the designs, or 30% of the total design space, satisfies a hypothetical constraint for maximum Mach number greater than 2.5. By using this Monte Carlo technique in conjunction with the Tactical Missile Design spreadsheet, even with large numbers of variables (1030 or more), the user can get a feel for what type of performance is possible for the system and the difficulty in meeting constraints.
Mach > 2.5 constraint
100% 90% 80% 70%

Another important piece of information provided by Monte Carlo runs is when there are no feasible designs that satisfy a constraint. For instance, in Figure 17, if there was a design constraint of a turn radius less than 3,000 feet, then the designer immediately knows that this constraint is not feasible. The Monte Carlo results will have shown that not a single possible design variable combination satisfies this constraint. The designer can then go about solving the problem by relaxing the constraint, increasing the variable ranges, like increasing the maximum wing area, adding new design variables such as propellant weight or fuel fraction, or possibly infusing new technologies into the system such as thrust vector control. MISSILE OPTIMIZATION A design problem was posed to illustrate how the Tactical Missile Design spreadsheet can be used to optimize missile designs for particular missions. For the example design problem, the previous design variables and ranges (Table IV) were used, except for the missile weight, which was fixed at 500 lbm, i.e., it was assumed that the user did not have control over empty weight. The objective of the optimization was to minimize the flight time of the missile subject to two constraints, a turn radius less than 4,000 feet and a flight range of at least 10 nautical miles. Two separate optimizers were used for the optimization. The first optimizer was the automated solver that JMP uses in the prediction profile. This solver was able to minimize the flight time while meeting the two constraints. The other optimizer was the built-in solver function in Microsoft Excel. This solver is surprisingly powerful and, being a native feature of Excel, is fully integrated with the TMD spreadsheet. The results of the two solvers are shown in Table VI and Table VII. These results are compared against the baseline MRAAM rocket. Table VI shows the missile


60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 2.19 2.29 2.40 2.51 2.62 2.72

Feasible Design Space

Mach Number

Approximately 30% of all possible designs meet this Mach > 2.5 constraint

Figure 16: CDF Showing the Portion of the Design Space that exceeds each Mach Number Value

Another example of a Monte Carlo response is given in Figure 17. This figure shows the response for turn radius. If a hypothetical constraint was given to the missile designer that required a turn radius less than 4,000 feet, then the Monte Carlo information informs the designer that over 90% of all possible design combinations satisfy this constraint. The designer then knows that this constraint is not going to be difficult to meet, unlike the Mach number constraint, where only 30% of potential designs satisfy the constraint.

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UNCLASSIFIED design variables selected by the two solvers. The values of the design variables are similar for both solutions, and the two missile designs had nearly identical performance. In fact, the difference in flight time was only 0.2 seconds between the two optimizers!
Table VI: Optimized Settings for Design Variables
Launch Weight (lbm) - fixed Diameter (in) Nose Length (in) 2 Wing Area (in ) Expansion Ratio Boost Chamber Pressure (psi) Sustain Chamber Pressure (psi) Min Allowed Rocket Max Allowed JMP Value Baseline Value Solution 500 500 500 500 8 12 9.2 8 19.2 25 19.0 19 367.2 367.2 400 400 6 15 11.3 6 1769 2500 2043 1769 300 1000 742 300 Excel Solution 500 9.6 19.6 400 15.0 1769 1000

nature of missile design. Through the use of these statistical packages with the TMD environment, tradeoffs can be made in multiple dimensions and optimal settings of design variables for a specific mission can be found. In lieu of using additional software, the builtin optimizer in Excel is extremely powerful and can quickly generate fully optimized solutions.

Hiroshige, K., Davis, J.L., Severson, R.L., Missile Synthesis Program, General Dynamics, Pomona Division, Pomona, CA. Fleeman, E.L., Professional Development Short Course on Tactical Missile Design, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, October 2002. Fleeman, E.L., Tactical Missile Design, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Education Series, Reston, VA, 2001. Pitts, W.C., Nielsen, J.N., and Kaattari, G.E., Lift and Center of Pressure of Wing-Body-Tail Combinations at Subsonic, Transonic, and Supersonic Speeds, NACA Report 1307, 1957. Jorgensen, L.H., Prediction of Static Aerodynamic Characteristics for Space-Shuttle-Like, and Other Bodies at Angles of Attack From 0 to 180, NASA TND 6996, January 1973.

Table VII: Optimized Missile Performance Metrics

Final Time (sec) Final Range (nmi) Horiz Turn Radius (ft) Boost Isp (sec) Sustain Isp (sec) Maximum Velocity (ft/sec) Rocket Baseline 35.2 12.06 4181 270.5 252.0 2538 JMP Solution 29.4 10.05 3991 281.7 271.1 2385 Excel Solution 29.2 10.00 4000 283.3 276.1 2443

One advantage of the prediction profile discussed earlier (shown in Figure 14) is that it helps illustrate the decisions made by the optimizers. For instance, if the user was curious as to why both optimizers chose the largest allowable wing area, a cursory glance at the trendlines in the prediction profile shows that increasing wing area has a dramatic effect on decreasing turn radius. The user could easily predict from this fact that increasing the maximum allowable wing area would lead to an even more optimal solution. Similarly, with the prediction profile the user can see that while decreasing the missile diameter improves the flight time, it also hurts the turn radius. Thus the user can understand the logic behind the optimizers choice of a diameter near 9.4 inches; it is the smallest diameter that meets the turn rate requirement! The prediction profile provides invaluable assistance in visualizing the logic behind the muti-dimensional design optimization. CONCLUSION The use of simple, physics-based analyses can provide large amounts of design knowledge in the conceptual stages of design. The Tactical Missile Design spreadsheet can be used to quickly examine the performance of individual missile configurations. It can be used manually to perform trade-off studies through which an optimal parameter setting can be found. In addition, coupling the Tactical Missile Design spreadsheet with more powerful statistical packages allows great freedom in understanding the trade-offs and trends that exist simultaneously in multiple dimensions and drive the multi-disciplinary

Jerger, J.J., Systems Preliminary Design Principles of Guided Missile Design, Principles of Guided Missile Design, D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc., Princeton, New Jersey, 1960.

Donatelli, G.A., et al, Methodology for Predicting Miss Distance for Air Launched Missiles, AIAA-82-0364, January 1982. Bennett, R.R., et al, Analytical Determination of Miss Distances for Linear Homing Navigation, Hughes Memo 260, March 1952. Hindes, J.W., Advanced Design of Aerodynamic Missiles (ADAM ), October 1993.

10 Bithell, R.A., and Stoner, R.C., Rapid Approach for Missile Synthesis, AFWAL TR 81-3022, Vol. I, March 1982.

Neter, J., Kutner, M., et. al., Applied Linear Statistical Models, 4th Ed, McGraw-Hill, Boston, MA, 1996. DeLaurentis, D.A., Mavris, D.N., Schrage, D.P., "System Synthesis in Preliminary Aircraft Design Using Statistical Methods," Presented at the 20th International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS) Congress, Sorrento, Italy, September 8-13, 1996.


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Mavris, D.N., Mantis, G., Kirby, M.R. Demonstration of a Probabilistic Technique for the Determination of Economic Viability," Presented at the 2nd World Aviation Congress and Exposition, Anaheim, CA, October 13-16, 1997. Mavris, D.N., Kirby, M.R., Qiu, S., "Technology Impact Forecasting for a High Speed Civil Transport," Presented at the 3rd World Aviation Congress and Exposition, Anaheim, CA, September 28-30, 1998.


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