Geology 435 Laboratory Exercise #3: Due Sept. 24
Geology 435 Laboratory Exercise #3: Due Sept. 24
Geology 435 Laboratory Exercise #3: Due Sept. 24
Due Sept. 24
Non-Clastic Sediments and Rocks (Hand Samples, Binocular Microscope, and Hand Lens) References: Fichter and Poche, p57-63; Nichols, Ch3, p.25-36 Follow the instructions in your lab text starting on p. 60 for analysis of the following unconsolidated sediments (Part I) and the rock samples from cores (Part II). If they are not Carbonate Rocks/sediments; (i.e. orthochemical samples) bail out to the Chemical and Biochemical Rock Identification Key on p. 65. If they are carbonate sediments or rocks fill in Carbonate Data Sheets for each sample (p. 64). Some of the unconsolidated carbonate sediments are partially consolidated; you are looking at stuck-together (not lithified) sediment. There is no spar! You should also name each rock or unconsolidated sediment using the Dunham Classification scheme (see attached sheet) described and shown on p. 27-29 of Nichols. Also, apply a Folk Textural Classification name (see Fichter and Poche, p. 59) to samples for which this is useful and informative; describe why. I prefer the Dunham classification; you should be familiar with all of them. Another useful www site for Carbonate classification is:
I. Unconsolidated Carbonate sediments 1. Long Key, Florida Recent 2. Sugarloaf Key, Recent 3. Bimini Island, Bahamas, Recent BB-1 4. Florida Bay, Recent 5. Andros Platform, Bahamas, Recent
Follow the instructions, as above, for at least seven samples from the core material available to you. You should choose as varied a selection of samples as possible from the cores that are available (at least one each of limestone, dolostone, evaporite, and chert.