International Transcript Request - Filled
International Transcript Request - Filled
International Transcript Request - Filled
Note to Applicant: It is the responsibility of individual applicants to have their academic records forwarded to WES. Please complete the top part of this form and submit it to the registrar/controller of examinations/or other authorized official at the academic institution where you obtained your credential(s). Print additional copies of this form if necessary. Please note that some institutions may charge a fee for this service.
WES Ref # (if applicable) Last/Family Name First/Given Name
Previous Name (if applicable)
Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy) E-mail
Institution Name
Damascus University
Degree Name (if applicable)
Dates Attended 09/1996 11/2004 From_____________________ To ____________________ (mm/yyyy) (mm/yyyy) Year of Award (if applicable) Major
I hereby authorize the release of my academic records to World Education Services. Applicants Signature: Date:
Note to Authorized Official: The above-named person seeks to have his/her credentials evaluated and requests that a transcript of his/her academic records/statement of marks - showing all subjects completed and all grades/marks awarded for all years of study - be released to World Education Services. Please complete this form, place the form and academic record in an envelope, sign and seal the envelope across the back flap, and send it directly to World Education Services at one of the addresses below.
Name of Official Completing Form (Please type or print) Title
Postal Code
date awarded (month/yr)