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Tweet Book: Nospicedham'S

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Tweet Book
By noSPicedhAM.


Fast Show's Jesse, an unwashed yokel, saw the future when exiting
the privy - announcing: This week, I 'ave been mostly ...


All content © noSPicedhAM. All rights reserved.



Wednesday, 4th of February.

17:34:16 Tinytweet test.

Thursday, 5th of February.

21:40:56 Twitlet test.

Friday, 6th of February.

09:38:30 Twitlet posts display as "from web".

Saturday, 7th of February.

04:16:24 http://twitpic.com/1d7x2 - TwitPic test.
17:23:42 Tests mostly complete. Twitter account now active.
17:31:43 Awoke, to painkillers
17:35:52 Bathroom, water heaters on. Defrost for an hour. Winter life's mundanities.
18:10:07 An Indian model wants to give me $500000
18:11:27 If I loan her $150000
18:13:46 She way be a slumdog, but I'm no millionnaire.
18:15:51 Though my English is as poor: may, not way!
18:16:59 Time to apply toothpaste & soap.
18:44:40 And for later, warzoning with Winslet & Dicaprio or The Punisher?
22:20:27 Rats, it's going to be the Titanic couple. Thanks to MS Net Framework still compiling.
22:26:47 Half a gig of download across 2 desktops, and a further pc & laptop to attend to - before Critical
Patch Tuesday, next week.
23:31:35 Crikey, no one's feeling revolutionary tonight. 12 of us in a 212 person theatre.
23:34:18 "Driver, no one gets off the bus!".

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Sunday, 8th of February.

01:14:41 Deeply unpleasant. Proof that there's no entertainment value in domestic dysfunction & conflict.
04:54:00 "To sleep, perchance to dream?" - both most distant.
05:02:26 Though did see the Watchmen trailer on a big screen earlier. Much more visiually impressive
than on a monitor.
05:04:44 A number of the costumes provoked audience sniggering however.
13:53:33 Installed Google Maps Latitude to WinMob Pda. Runs quickly on 3G/Hsdpa connection.
Displays well.
13:57:28 Installed newer version Skyfire browser too. Chunkier graphics than Opera, but runs slightly
faster. Plus displays (the holy grail) of Flash
13:59:38 So iPlayer is working (though obviously it sucks the battery dry).
16:28:10 Laptop up & running. Except for mscorsvw.exe still compiling; and, naturally, Vista SP1 STILL
failing to install.
19:28:08 Neighbour being a noise nuisance. I'm watching the Baftas online with Claudia Winkleman.
Mscorsvw.exe is still compiling.
20:15:28 And now with Jonathan Ross. Slumdog's won 2 so far.
20:16:46 Freida Pinto has superb [facial] bone structure.
23:36:40 Terry Gilliam Vt sequence wrecked with scene duplication.
23:51:04 He hasn't changed that much, at least superficially, since I last saw him - in Perugia in the early

Monday, 9th of February.

10:18:53 Oof. Managed to struggle back to consciousness, an hour ago.
10:59:51 Continuing life-taking blazes in Australia, and country-paralysing snows in United Kingdom; and
it's rather chilly here.
11:03:20 None of which explains why it feels as if a baseball bat has been taken to my head & shoulders
- from the inside.
12:59:38 @richardpbacon Dear Mr Bacon (Wed Show), since you invited, and if it's not too
self-referential, are the new social networks only hobbyist?
13:11:11 @richardpbacon Ie, are the web social networks formally-recognised means of information
exchange; or are we today's radio hams?
13:21:18 @richardpbacon Oh dear, having re-read last post, please allow me to clarify: "radio ham"
referred to the 50s amateur narrowcast enthusiasts
14:44:25 Is about to be asleep.
18:31:42 Has had eyes opened. I rather wish that was a metaphor.
19:19:28 @AB9RF The fifties communicator ham may be a dreadfully out-dated perception. Hopefully I
haven't perpetuated it.
19:26:12 @ThatsTwit An engaging article - thanks for the link. I wanted to convey the notion of chatter at
a remove.
19:32:37 The cb-er comparison wouldn't entirely fit, due to the popular association with truckers - who
actually do come into physical contact.

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19:41:14 Leaving aside those perceptions though, the technically-accessible small communities of citizen
band radio does better equate with the ...
20:05:39 ... twitterati. And that should have read "do" not "does". Bad enough contributing to ignorance,
never mind illiteracy.
20:27:11 Arrgh, second day of not being able to get out anywhere.
22:49:03 How can Uk Gov, two-thirds owner of RBS, permit the bank to siphon off £1bn of (essentially)
public money?
23:03:20 Especially as RBS will only issue loans to the "motor of the employment" (small business) at
survival-ending rates.
23:08:56 Perfectly comfortable though, losing a further £1bn of savers & public investment to their own
23:12:08 Time for some retroactive govt action on bank employee contractual obligations.
23:16:17 Other industries in the Uk & across the globe are cutting working hours, and hence salary. Yet
people directly associated with ...
23:21:57 ... with banking collapse still wish to milk the voters' teat. Poor behaviour doesn't amend if it's
rewarded - see's no need.
23:22:50 Woah, I'm a little dizzy having stood on that soapbox.
23:44:21 And finally for today, a ritual tweet to the Twitter Guru ...
23:49:45 @stephenfry Dear Mr Fry, please don't trouble yourself with a response - this being a
"fan-tweet" - but my mother regularly remarks what a
23:58:13 @stephenfry ... kindly fellow you seem; particularly following episodes of "Kingdom". So your
endeavours are quietly appreciated.

Tuesday, 10th of February.

07:32:57 Is going to be counting sheep, chasing sleep without further ado.
09:02:13 Well, I'm trying to chase it, but it's proving faster than Ben Johnson tooled up on steroids.
12:12:37 @dabr If you don't mind it said, this really is a splendid interface. I wish there was a Firefox
addon so full-featured
12:28:33 @flowersmeller Commiserations on the canning. Happened to 3 other of us too over the last
quarter; spread over diff sectors/rank/location.
17:19:40 Awake, to a hint of daylight. For the past week, without the aid of a 24hr clock, I couldn't have
told whether the sun was setting or rising
17:54:14 @flowersmeller Excellent plan (read it before following). Corporates will either give you an ulcer
or haemorrhoids.
17:56:19 Damn it. My re-warming coffee has just exploded during microwaving.
18:08:37 @flowersmeller It's a great liberation, for anyone with the talent & persuasion, to be in the
absence of the politics of commerce.
18:11:30 Shocking just how much time & effort spent amongst even the most senior of staff, in protecting
their position - rather than doing the work.
18:13:50 Okay, off to deal with everyday tasks.

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Wednesday, 11th of February.

02:09:43 Phew, new desktop powered up correctly. Except the monitor didn't recognise graphics card.
The screen full of noise was peristalsis-invoking
02:14:58 Then 10mins of agitation, fingers crossed that Dell had installed XP Pro properly - with
requested component configuration.
02:19:33 "O oh, what's wrong with the resolution?" ... Nvidia has had newer optimisation app installed.
Set myself as SysAdmin, and shut down.
02:24:46 It took "The Punisher" to slough off the tension. Turned out to be "Batman & Robin" meets
"Hostel", with a splash of "Shoot 'Em Up".
02:28:24 Definite visual stylisation, but more comic book than graphic novel; and hero had too great an
ongoing crisis-of-conscience for a vigilante.
02:55:17 @holymolydotcom RT @holymolydotcom: "Is Andi Peters obsessed with pineapple because it
perfumes his ejaculate do you think?". Oh no, onan.
03:01:46 @holymolydotcom Now I'm stuck with an image of @xxandip with his chap in hand/trousers
round ankles/sniffing bodily fluid. I'm nauseated.
03:09:11 No disrespect meant to @xxandip. I don't doubt he's most convivial company, based on his
03:11:53 Still, I won't be able to drink pineapple juice for quite some time.
03:18:20 Is going offline, though not off-grid.
08:08:29 @dabr Touch Blue the most legible colour scheme on 640x480 WinMob. Tabs display very well.
08:54:25 Is still thinking of pineapple. Not sure I'm in with the joke. Guess you had to be in the information
flow at the time. Like @schofe's hedge
15:31:08 Is partially awake, and fully comatose.
16:49:47 is contemplating he's eaten lately, for his colon to hate him so much. Yesterday's nausea was
clearly nothing to do with @holymolydotcom
18:28:33 is dropping off. A quiet day.
21:47:50 Thrown out of slumber from an exploding crowded stadium, in which I was an upper-midranked
f1 driver.
21:54:04 I was appearing in the pre-race show as Wild Bill Hickok. The audience delayed whilst my asst
fitted me into a barely-tailored costume.
21:58:57 Hurrying through the bowels of the arena, my asst scrabbled to stitch my jacket cuffs, when I
inhaled the stench of flammable paint.
22:06:50 Diving for rocky cover, literally on the edge of a precipice, in the stadium's foundation; we were
flung by the blast's firestorm.
22:10:20 Not how one would choose to be blown from sleep.
22:13:22 Which reminds me, I think there's a Girls Aload "documentary" showing on the tv somewhere.
22:22:13 "Aloud"! Darn t9.
23:28:56 @BBCClick Perhaps take that shirt to your mother's. She'll perform that technological & physical
wizardry known as "doing the ironing".
23:33:46 @BBCClick Unless you were being rhetorical over the shirt, and simply expressing frustation.
23:36:08 @BBCClick Or metaphorical. Were you alluding to MS Vista?

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Thursday, 12th of February.

00:31:14 @richardpbacon www.anchorsquirtymoments.co.uk . From the back of the brandy-flavoured
squirty cream in my fridge - left over from Xmas.
00:44:02 is wondering, as does Anchor, "what does your squirt say about you?". And we're back to
@holymolydotcom & @xxandip.
07:15:56 Hitting the sheets.
13:14:09 Cripes, I'm freezing! That me out of the running for the British Antartic Survey team, then.
13:18:35 "That's"
13:29:32 @richardpbacon There's a full colour ad for "Vicky Barcelona" on rear of current UGC Cinema
mag. No mention of Woody Allen - box office ...
13:31:11 @richardpbacon ... poison?
13:34:32 @lilyroseallen dear LRA, if you don't mind being asked, are you off to buy that beach now?
14:17:09 is dogsitting a Westie, whilst the little thing is under the weather.
14:23:16 Mind you it's probably thinking, "This was unpleasant to start with. Now I have to look after this
big two-legged, socially-inept,
14:26:23 blind/deaf/dumb dog. Having to do all the work round here is stressing me out.
14:30:50 How long do I have to stare at you, then at the fire, before you turn it on?".
14:32:25 Westies. Just about the only thing I have in common with Michael Schumacher.
19:20:02 http://twitpic.com/1g3to Grassing You Up ...
19:55:09 Had to uninstall Mcafee Enterprise on an older desktop, as it had been refusing to update dats
for 10days.
19:57:51 As temporary measure, installed the free versions of ZoneAlarm firewall & Avg Av. Now takes
10 whole minutes to start/restart!
20:00:47 It's the multiple Avg processes at startup that are responsible. Relieved didn't install the latest
version, which interferes with
20:01:42 ... network connection proxy + crashes if too many browser windows open also.
20:21:54 @holymolydotcom http://tinyurl.com/rs6gh , your copromanic last tweet.
20:24:00 @holymolydotcom Synopsis: "India may have a booming economy, but it still employs tens of
thousands of people to unblock sewers by hand."
21:00:53 @Whatleydude dear JW, just watched your qikvid. Is LdnTwestival being held outside, in a
21:16:27 @AllisterF By all means, tweet. Plus rest assured, I don't use ANY Apple products. Prefer a
more utilitarian interface.
21:20:29 @holymolydotcom Well, that would explain why life can really stink sometimes.
21:28:15 @Whatleydude Ah, that explains it. London wine into Twestival charity water. Anyway, keep up
the good MIR work.
21:33:57 @AllisterF Now that's a witty reply.
21:40:57 @empiremagazine No, I'm Spartacus [boom. boom]! You must have seen such a response
22:20:06 @Wossy RT @Wossy: Major Matt mason !!! . Dear JR, it's taken me 2wks to recall the name of
the green-headed alien, Callisto.Thnx 4 the mem.

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22:52:48 It's taken Avg Free 3hrs 43mins 5secs to run virus scan on 10Gb data. Not a great

Friday, 13th of February.

00:27:24 @Wossy Most social of you to reply. Also Captain Lazer. Only saw him once. A classmate
brought it into primary. The nuns took it from him.
00:34:06 @Wossy I vaguely recollect him standing on a bench outside the dining hall, demonstrating
Lazer to the surrounding cluster of kids.
00:38:59 @Wossy So it was confiscated, as a "disruptive element " I think. Strange for it to be such a
vivid memory, decades on.
01:45:31 http://twitpic.com/1gijp - Callisto. Should have checked Wiki earlier.
02:00:25 Good Grief, just counted 12 films that still have to see at the cinema. Real life has passed by,
during my wrestles with technology this mth
06:47:30 Pulling the covers over my head. Feeling utterly paraskavedekatriaphobic.
07:01:12 @kevinrose dear KR, I think "fox fire" is some kind of forest fungus. Perhaps your Mother has
that in mind. Mine calls it "Modzilla".
12:26:10 @wittertainment Is there a video feed for today's show? (Will watch online if so, otherwise it's
mw 909)
12:42:05 @bengoldacre If it smells like cheese, don't risk it. Unless you want to liquify your intestines
(sorry to be graphic, and for interject ...
12:56:01 @bengoldacre re flouride (poss). My dog hardly drank from it's household bowl for 5yrs.
Preferred rainwater. Soon as began filtering tap ...
13:02:10 @bengoldacre ... water, it drank like a wino who's won the lottery.
16:30:51 Brain-fried.
16:53:36 @LJRICH Thanks for the LdnTwestival Bbc report. Showing the handset displays made the
service tangible. Even for my silver-surfer mother.
16:57:42 @LJRICH ... As in, "Oo, Twitter. I've heard of that.". Although she questioned why everyone
was typing, instead of chatting to one another.

Saturday, 14th of February.

01:27:28 @ginx Could you posssibly dm me a code?
01:50:12 @OCThrasher RT @OCThrasher: http://amazashow.com/Thrasher . Listening to "Ray Banz"
right now. Nice work, like a laidback Bodycount.
03:02:17 Grrh. Another day spent. Nothing calamitous appeared. Sleeping in 3hr bursts. Dreamt of wife -
not mine [let's keep that between just us!].
03:07:33 @DailyGirlsAloud You shocked me with Sarah's "first baby". Until I clicked the link.
03:31:35 @jupitusphillip dear JP, please not "Hudson Hawk" - it's torturous! I saw it on first release. "You
weren't there, man. You can't know."
03:42:27 Phone confessions: http://tinyurl.com/d9qk7y . Via http://tinyurl.com/aph3un .
14:13:59 has surfaced.
14:37:00 @Mr_Splendid Nice to meet you. I have every confidence it could be the start of something
glorious. And, naturally, splendid.

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14:53:17 @AllisterF Did you find Skyfire 0.9 any improvement on 0.8x? Haven't got round to installing it
16:04:21 The government must love me. They've written to me on the Valentine's Day.
16:07:02 Time to get spruced up (and shred the paperwork).
20:12:17 Just updated 2 desktops with Java 6.12/MS WinUp Feb 09/MS OffProf Feb 09.
21:01:22 Time to get moving. An evening of multidimensional slashfest gore awaits: "Fri 13th 3D" & "My
Bloody Valentine 3D". Romance is dead.
21:02:23 Or, at least, will be killed repeatedly in technicolour.
21:08:44 @wittertainment dear SM, if a solitary erroneous apostrophe is the only iPhone mistype you
make, I congratulate your dextrous fingerwork.
22:03:27 @AllisterF The usp of Skyfire, for me, is it's display of Flash video. Otherwise Opera Mini still
works best for my purposes.
22:11:01 @badmovieclub #badmovieclub "Wicker Man" '06. We'll burn to death.
22:21:28 Disturbing coincidence: other half has just smsed, to ask where we last bought the Manuka
Honey from. #badmovieclub
22:43:10 Snogging with the Bbc. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/7890517.stm
22:43:53 By open mouth kissing, men "might be trying to pick up traces of a woman's oestrogen cycle, to
figure out the degree of her fertility."
22:45:21 Excuse me, while I test this.
23:04:12 Right, gave it the requisite 15min assessment. May have picked up something, but it wasn't
23:14:27 Off to wear dark glasses in the cinema.

Sunday, 15th of February.

03:19:12 "Fri 13" - tedious.
03:27:30 Roll on My Bloody Valentine (the movie, not the activity).
03:43:16 Not an invitation either. I'm not that sociable. Oh, pointy thing coming out of screen.
14:41:36 Harumph. Skyfire/Tinytwitter cabs don't install on Qtek smartphone. Twibble doesn't tweet.
Twitlet doesn't return to main screen.
14:45:34 Gmail app username entry isn't possible. Tinytwitter java displays mainscreen incredibly well.
Gmaps Latitude cab runs surprisingly quickly.
15:01:53 is going back to bed (well, sleeping bag).
16:34:21 Well, that was a waste of time. Shivers, cramps, migraine - all manners of foul affliction. I
believe myself to be sickened by VDay love.
17:00:46 is astonished at how quickly new Latitude is running over a gprs connection.
17:36:43 http://twitpic.com/1i9su - My 1st smartphone
17:37:43 http://twitpic.com/1i9tx - And the 2nd
17:44:42 http://twitpic.com/1i9zj - And the 3rd
17:50:13 And that's enough about mobtech for 1 day, I think.
17:59:35 @AllisterF Pardon my ignorance, but they named a beer after the Sex Pistols song?

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23:28:05 Pink Panther 2: Instantly disposable, evenst during watching. Steve Martin's French accent is a
thing of joy, though.
23:31:20 I'm sure the rest of the audience of 9 would agree. Ash Rai has utterly blimped, incidentally.
What happened between now and Devdas?

Monday, 16th of February.

17:20:23 has risen.
17:34:56 seems pain-free today; which is an almighty shock, as it is only in it's absence that I realise the
extent of it's presence.

Tuesday, 17th of February.

00:14:17 has spent most of the day with Hypnos. 11hrs. So outlook is considerably improved, having now
replenished a hefty portion of sleep reserve.
00:32:16 @richardpbacon shh-ing here.
00:36:22 test ginx post.
00:51:11 @ginx Account activated - thanks.
01:06:34 @bengoldacre For the record, you presented yourself in a most fresh-faced & sensible manner
on WDog. Concur on the eroticism of Julia B too.
01:17:40 @bengoldacre Wonder if manufacturers of "Kymatika K-Test" device also produce the "Word
Association" shock pads of "Sunday Night Project"?
05:20:34 That's a couple of hours frittered away, searching for the web footprint of an old flame. Not that I
make myself any more contactable.
05:28:56 May have to fall on the old 20th century standby of writing (on paper!) to her parents. What is
the cyberworld coming to?
05:36:17 @DanLane Yeah, WAKE UP, Lane!
06:20:21 @CHRISDJMOYLES Greg's handling it. Or do the R1 overlords fine djs for tardiness?
06:33:12 @CHRISDJMOYLES Are you sure you are the studio, as your intro theme is going on a bit!
06:50:05 @CHRISDJMOYLES Shame her into it. Scandalous girl [AD].
07:43:21 I knew it. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/7893890.stm
07:46:09 That said, there are some people who really should have their civil liberties restricted.
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/7892702.stm .
07:49:32 Okay, off to sweep up some God Particles.
07:59:48 @xxandip sorry AP, I have to ask; as it's been puzzling me for days. The pineapple updating, is
it a "that's my hedge" twitterati in-joke?
08:25:10 http://twitpic.com/1j90q - the Westie I mind, and [what is now] HER handbag.
08:32:25 @xxandip Thank you for the response. I didn't doubt you do consume daily for health.The
prominence & repetion led me to see it as a ...
08:39:03 @xxandip ... form of morning greeting between you & your followers. Far be it from me to come
between a man & his fruit. Aids digestion too.
17:58:36 wakens, "sorer than a bear with a sore head".

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18:36:31 I know bigger names have commented, but what on (the other side of) is going on in New
18:44:44 Giving entertainers authority to disconnect NZers from the internet. May as well make arson
legal in Australia too.
18:48:56 I'll fetch the matches, you fetch the carpetbaggers.
19:28:32 @DowningStreet fwiw Approve of share issue for bonuses. Linking personal performance to
group may encourage self-regulation.
20:29:10 @wittertainment re Anvil Q: Did they cry when watching "The Wrestler"? All the best for their
documentary success too.

Wednesday, 18th of February.

02:43:42 Yawn ... did I really wake an hour ago? Who stole the daylight?
04:15:01 is taking a mental break, to ponder his decisionmaking in viewing "Che 1" and not "Doubt" &
04:20:58 "Che" was remarkable only in being uninvolving. Buy the t-shirt, buy the poster if you must; just
spare yourself the filmic monotony.
04:41:35 http://twitpic.com/1jqvv - Oh, and my 1st pda. Still works too.
05:03:35 RT @TheWordMagazine: M. Ellen: "Where The Tweets Have No Shame" . Snigger - perfect
indictment of the medium.
05:07:52 @wittertainment SM, would you mind posting interview times for DC & Anvil somewhere?
05:46:31 Birds chirping, rain showering. A refreshing start to an urban day.
05:50:56 @skinnermike dear MS, with respect, shouldn't you be sleeping off some music industry
debauchery somewhere?
07:01:46 @skinnermike Brits - of course. Slipped my mind. Better arrange an afternoon nap, or
something more energising, given (our separate) ear ...
07:03:42 ... early starts. Not "ear".
09:11:37 @wittertainment Thanks v much for today's interview times. Just saw Anvil's Lips on Bbc Bfast
News. Seemed a humbled chap.
10:10:43 @hardeepdeepdeep dear HS, one is never alone on the web. Always someone/thing peering
over one's shoulder.
10:28:05 @wittertainment: RT @wittertainment: @raspberry That'll be Dr Andrew Collins. The fresh-faced
schoolboy to MK's truculent old master.
12:02:09 @CollingsA RT @Herring1967: Andrew Collings has cracked and joined Twitter. Go pester him.
CollingsA. . AC, consider yourself pestered.
12:27:21 @skinnermike "Baker St" still has a unique sound. Hadn't realised Rafferty did "Stuck In The
Middle With You" too.
17:42:21 @Schofe dear PS, just for reference: hair always down, heels always too high, dress always
backless. As for straps, depends on fallout risk.
18:11:02 Ouch. Sandpaper eyeballs.
21:22:33 What's so so popular that I have to spend so long in this queue?
23:52:56 No ... No ... Notorious was full. Women pretty (& available), men indistinguishable.

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Thursday, 19th of February.

02:38:04 Peace and quiet at last. Well, quiet, anyway.
03:26:07 is listening to "The Brits" on iPlayer. Opens with Facebook data-mugging news story. Opening
act is unintroduced, singing about their shoes.
03:29:19 Hang on, it'sU2. Good Grief, is this really a song? Or just asequence of random notes. I suspect
they've just made their "St Anger".
04:07:03 And my 100th following is ... @darthvader. Excelsior!
07:13:45 can't deactivate avatars in tt cab, unlike java app
07:24:23 Thought bricked new pda, in installing Ptwit & Ttwit cabs. Instead Twitter was down for
07:41:27 Oh, Pocketwit is better than I hoped. Backlight is killing battery though - more than the hsdpa
connection, actually.
08:31:47 @CollingsA AC, awestruck at the constitution of your gut this breakfast. Do have the same
tomorrow, with garlic, especially for SMayo.
08:35:13 @CollingsA Why give him an easy ride in the film reviews? Dr K doesn't. Will be listening (that's
not meant ominously, incidentally).
08:47:04 Oof. Really must sleep ...
08:52:57 Wow that was fast; and no setup required.
09:17:49 @holymolydotcom RT @holymolydotcom: Twitter is the modern day equivalent of the drunken
answerphone message :( Only EVERYONE gets to hea ...
09:19:34 @holymolydotcom ... r, not just your incensed boss/ex etc.
09:27:30 @heatworld Alleged Pinto hubby not the most handsome fellow either, if photo to be believed.
Quite a mismatch.
20:41:10 Catching up with Girls Aloud. Indisputable that they were singing live at The Brits - too many flat
20:44:25 Oh, and thanks to T-Mobile. Haven't been able to login to my online account for a week. 1st call
to Cust Serv cut off after 3.5mins in queue
20:45:54 Second got through. "We'll ring you back, after checking if this a general problem". 4hrs and
waiting ...
20:48:44 How poor is the service going to be when they transfer offshore to the Philippines [or is that my
21:06:36 Off again. Too much latency on isp connection.

Friday, 20th of February.

00:57:31 Sheesh, it's taking Open Office forever to install.
01:08:04 Didn't see show. Who mimed, apart from TT? #brits
01:34:14 @DrJeffersnBoggs JB, hope you don't feel low re non-RT of TMob ad. Everyone I know has
seen it. Tho I didn't RT as have issues with the Co.
03:30:23 That's it. Finished for the day.
08:10:12 Finally - eyes shutting.

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12:57:32 @GeoffLloyd RT @GeoffLloyd: Don't know why I just dragged Heather Mills into this debacle,
either. That was cheap. In fact, you don't h ...
12:59:39 @GeoffLloyd ... have a leg to stand on (boom, boom)
15:29:28 @wossy RT @Wossy: "My wife is layng next to me, twittering ! What's to become of us ? I will
DM her and ask ... http://shortxt.com/cjnlt56
15:35:56 @wittertainment Darn it, late to the show. Missed Cullum & the 1st half of the young lad's film
15:58:46 @wittertainment My Goodness, I never thought to hear The Enid mentioned on public radio
again. Plus I was at that Kiss gig too - at ice rink
17:28:58 Overly tired. Need nap. Actually, need about 20hrs of sleep.
17:56:30 @StephenMangan Sir, we'll assume that not just some random child you've set upon.
19:44:40 @StephenMangan SM, worry not. It's going to be watched. Is this the episode where u abuse a
kid with fast food & supermarket nursery rhymes?

Saturday, 21st of February.

06:13:39 Yawn. 7hrs shuteye. Dark outside. 4.30pm, but it could be 4.30am.
07:39:55 Oh, it was am. Sun's coming up. Going to change all clocks' displays to 24hr, avoid future
embarassment. Goo ... http://shortxt.com/ehqycmd
07:47:31 @flowersmeller RT: @flowersmeller: 2Microwaving bubble wrap... http://eweri.com/6VG Need to
get out more ofte ... http://shortxt.com/9wycvz
07:49:35 @flowersmeller Though I may have misheard that - or mistyped.
07:54:20 @domisatwit No spring in my air, DB; though there is a rather strange odour.
09:37:53 @BBCClick I'd settle for decent battery life. Remember when mobiles would last a week before
10:25:42 @andij Thanks for the Bbc Newswatch link. Not my usual viewing, so would have missed
10:28:59 @AllisterF You'll have noticed the Bbc getting blamed for the recession in that Newswatch prog.
By reporting that there's a recession.
11:52:11 @leeboardman dear LB, since you liked "Chopper", I'd recommend "Bronson". Saw a trailer for
it last week, which was a great watch in itself
11:54:20 @leeboardman www.bronsonthemovie.com
17:48:17 i can haz mor shleep pleez? No - get up, get washed, get dressed, get out. (there's an Alesha
Dixon lyric, I think)
17:56:30 But the real question of the day: are tweeps stalkers, narcissists, or taking to themselves?
(courtesy Andrew Collins, defunct @CollingsA
17:59:14 argh ... talking, not t9 "taking"
18:11:25 I may be getting dragged to "Confessions Of A Shopaholic". Perhaps I should respond with
"He's Just Not That Into You".
18:14:09 ... bitch! (sorry, my inner rapper coming out there)
18:18:01 @richardpbacon RPB, that shoe looks a bit porn star. Presumably your wife doesn't.
18:33:57 @Schofe a No32 please, PS.
18:38:28 @Schofe ... and my steak & chips, Phil.

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18:44:49 @sevendotzero If you don't mind the interject, you're the only other person I know who is an
iTunes refusenik.
18:58:21 Robert Webb is FUNNY.
21:37:05 has bitten the bullet, and begun to setup his new pc.
21:43:06 definitely needs more ram on his current pc.
22:02:05 Answers on a postcard, please: Why I detest applications that never uninstall fully & leave user
manually hunting through Registry.
22:04:31 Currently nominating: Adobe Air & Reader, Google Desktop, Google Earth 5, McAfee Total
23:11:51 Done for the day. Looks like it's going to be "Push", based on permitting the misapprehension
that the film is about childbirth.

Sunday, 22nd of February.

03:04:24 "Push" not tosh shock. Colours of Tony Scott, mainly atypical casting, alien landscape. Weak
lead actor, with a fractured character arc tho.
03:10:39 is off to the realworld.
10:08:23 Phew, recovering from 40mins of hiccups. Have had more pleasant awakenings. For some
reason I always think, "is this the bout that won't end
10:11:16 How can something so small result in such discomfort (as the actress said to the archbishop)?
10:16:31 Leading me to note that I don't consider Kate "Normal" Winslet oscar-worthy. Even bearing in
mind the Deneuve VF photoshoot.
12:15:11 This week's Sunday lunch cook rang. "Did you know Mrs Beeton caught syphilis on her
honeymoon?". "Nothing to do with me!" I replied drowsily
12:19:16 In retrospect I see the connection. It does explain why she spent so much time writing about the
kitchen, rather than romances for example.
12:23:40 @sevendotzero My girl used to play field hockey. They were tough! I was the one who got the
hard stares, when people saw her bruised legs.
12:27:51 Never thought I could agree with Piers Morgan: "Emily Maitlis...she's...aesthetically pleasing."
12:41:05 @rustyrockets RB, Edinburgh is where you'll be; but where have u been? Tweeps need to
know, otherwise how can we "stalk" a la Andrew Collins
23:28:20 Ummm ... Pinto #oscars
23:40:46 I have absolutely no idea who Ryan Seacrest is. #oscars

Monday, 23rd of February.

07:17:39 dozed off at the red carpet - missed the entire thing. #oscars
07:28:09 Susannah Reed from Bbc Bfast looking mightily effervescent, but Winslet deaf to her for the 1st
4 interview requests. #oscars
07:47:06 mickey rouke - denied. hollywood is overly sympathetic to cause movies. still, i think mr's rebirth
was Sin City not wrestler. #oscars
08:01:52 @BBCEntsTeam Did Dev Patel cry, as you tweeted he predicted?
08:17:42 that's it, enthusiasm exhausted. time to start the week - by sleeping.

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13:48:46 @tweetygirl29 B een nominated & winning for 70years. #oscars http://tinyurl.com/c5c53n
14:01:43 TMob have fixed my online access; and it only took them 11 days [which is stupendously fast, in
servive provider terms].
15:12:55 @Whatleydude Darn it, JW. There I am thinking, "well if Whately recommends the N86, I'll risk it
on upgrade". Then you blow it with Deadpool
15:16:25 @Whatelydude Next time, for those of sensitive disposition, mark the info "Spoiler"; as now
viewing XO:W through gritted teeth.
15:23:08 @Whatleydude Nothing wrong re N86. Wouldn't have stayed with N95 8GB for so long, if not for
MIR view that hadn't been bettered.
15:28:14 @Whatleydude But when it comes to a bloke's comic books, do tread carefully. Ease painful
info into the twitterstream. Gr8 MWC coverage btw
15:38:44 is off, back to the menial.
19:33:30 @holymolydotcom What Prompted the K Lemon diatribe [not that I disagree with your
19:42:52 Swine. Portable Firefox corrupted. Required completely fresh install - just as I had it as I wished.
20:02:45 @jd Just signed petition [under business name, should show as "anonymous"]. Have had own
troubles with provider over the years.
20:08:30 RT @jd: have started campaign to get TMob diversion charges droppedto use
HulloMail/Spinvox, see here for more dets http://bit.ly/U4U8k
20:10:31 @jd Have RTed, plus will mention to the other users on the Bus Acct.
20:27:02 Pffh. Thought I'd wangled out of it over the weekend; but in an hour, I'll be handbag-deep in "Not
That Into You". Payback for "Push".
23:54:07 http://twitpic.com/1noyu - What has a girl in her cotton smalls got to do with horror?

Tuesday, 24th of February.

00:46:43 have to go to city solicitors later. i can see it costing thousands. devilry.
12:33:07 is having a Vanilla Sky day, in that it flipping hurts waking up.
12:37:38 I'd like to think it a result of the intellectual beating taken in seeing HJNTIY yesterday. Yet the
film was ... actually alright.
12:46:42 Like a hetero SITC; sans crudity, acidity, fashion obsession, and wrinkles. Not worth the
migraine I have now, though.
12:59:05 is not looking forward to entering a city not visited since its bombing. Of course, that was in the
days when a terrorist was more a cri ...
13:00:26 ... criminal than a threat to civilisation.
13:09:12 @ComedyBint Your tweets make me grin, which I do appreciate. I'm rather too
committment-phobic & busy to apply for the position of stalker,
13:11:40 @ComedyBint you do engage such attention as I attach to Twitter. Oh, and no pancakes yet.
13:14:23 @edent I (over)hear that! #hateEbay
13:29:46 Gmail's out to lunch. I am not. Relieved not to have implemented for work, as would have had
an earful by now.
13:38:06 is off to get budget-raped by lawyers.

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16:27:15 http://twitpic.com/1o1rn - Better turn it up then.

21:23:51 Hell & Damnation, the new pc has BSOD twice on restarts following program installs;
necessitating hard resets. I feel a sense of foreboding.
21:26:22 On the upside, a well-known e-tailer has offered me a Motorola Aura for a mere £1270. Or a
Nokia 8800 Arte Gold for £1300. Bargain!
21:44:38 is processing just how cheesed off one person can be with Law/Traffic/Parking Wardens/Utility
& Service Providers/Computers/the human race.
21:47:23 This I ascribe to not having consumed any pancakes today. To think that used to eat at Pancake
House a couple of times a week.
21:58:25 Decent interview with Martin Brundle today. Now am all revved up for the F1 season start with
the multi-platformed Bbc.
22:55:27 Stuff it - I'm going home.

Wednesday, 25th of February.

07:32:46 is melancholy, and/or sleep deprived. Can't decide which. Plus cannot find his bookmark for
removing 2 pesky Avg registry entries that a ...
07:33:40 ... all other methods leave behind.
07:40:15 always thinking, "oh, can't possibly forget how to do that". Then, BOOM - it's gone.
07:48:06 Yes, yesterday's lawyers say outlook bleak. Thanks fellas, though you didn't appear starving.
Could I pay your bill in sour grapes, then?
07:52:07 Only midworking week, and am already more embittered than a Post Office pensioner.
Apologies to Twitter for poisoning the stream.
07:59:34 has remembered it's Ash Wednesday, and may give up ... (period).
08:03:18 trying to lighten his mood, is wondering how often handsets get recharged. #stinkybatterylife
08:11:17 @leeboardman Your relatives find out about your illegitimate children, during the reading of your
08:15:30 @leeboardman Generally, that is - not specifically you. I wouldn't be so libellous.
08:17:52 @holymolydotcom The Watchmen won't save you (think they mentioned that in the trailer).
08:45:20 @leeboardman dear LB, sorry I thought you were being facetious earlier. If you're having an
existential crisis, I'm not sure the 140char ...
08:46:47 @leeboardman of Twitter can provide an answer.
09:00:07 @richardpbacon Bankers have certainly wreaked more global destruction in pursuit of their own
aims, than terrorists.
09:13:23 @leeboardman Conjoined at tv birth "talent".
09:15:14 Is televisual appeal actually a talent, or simply an aspect?
09:17:34 RT @heatworld: "Simon confirms Dannii will stay on X Factor" . My question has just been
12:02:33 @boydhilton Perhaps evolve, rather than reinvent; but neither is as crucial as actually writing
memorable songs.
12:09:03 @TheWordMagazine Is it only the audience that expects a rock band not to pass off sequences
of notes as melody?
12:11:12 @boydhilton I bow to your wisdom.

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12:26:46 @alexanderhorre thanks for noting the flight audio links. Extraordinary.
12:37:24 @rustyrockets Models, as in women; or as in Airfix?
12:39:56 @wittertainment oh, you two.
13:01:17 is unplugging.
13:11:11 @HolyMolyNews hope the prefix "dis" was meant to be in the headline. cancer=bad, but she's
hardly a loss to the genepool.
19:51:22 Neck feels as if been rinsed with formaldehyde, from the inside-out; and have grit for eyeballs.
19:53:11 On the positive side, have seemingly managed to successfully strip Avg from an old pc,
replacing it with Avast. Already 33% faster startup.
19:58:29 @f1fanatic_co_uk dear KC, I've just taken a look at your blog. Nice clean layout - I'll certainly be
following it throughout the forthcoming
20:02:55 @f1fanatic_co_uk ... season. Particularly as I'll be focussed on Bbc online output.
20:36:36 Dear Sirs, Re: Bbc/F1/MobileBroadband I was pleased to note your forthcoming multiplatform
coverage of t ... http://shortxt.com/aw2ekdy
22:45:46 Bone-tired [literally], and logging off.

Thursday, 26th of February.

13:23:12 Technology's time-saving: 12hrs for the "trivial" tasks of uninstalling Avg, and installing &
running Avast o ... http://shortxt.com/cr7osp
13:25:31 It used to be that the only ways to get hold of me were to phone 9-5 weekdays, or write a letter.
13:29:24 Regardless of whether you were a stranger, colleague, relative, or date. I'd turn up when I
turned up; and i ... http://shortxt.com/2es63ug
13:32:26 As a result, I had masses of time. So much that didn't even have to manage it; and could simply
fritter the excess away like a C21 banker.
14:22:15 @boydhilton Listening to Al Murray trying to divorce himself frrom The Pub Landlord on 5live
15:08:35 RT: @f1fanatic_co_uk: ' "Why F1 should race on ovals" hits the top 10 most-commented posts
on F1Fanatic in j ... http://shortxt.com/vto2zf5
15:22:33 @bensmithuk "Inertia" ties/has tied me to providers too - and they damn well know it. Eg,
yesterday: 3 mins ... http://shortxt.com/hrymmd4
15:25:31 @boydhilton You like the U2 album? Have you lost your mind? Don't be too polite with Mayo.
15:27:27 @ComedyBint Wh's the isp you're leaving for another?
15:35:00 @bensmithuk Well, I can certainly see that my quality of life would be better if I weren't
perpetually seething with frustation.
15:41:54 @ComedyBint Zen used to have a decent service. I actually switched my parents' line from Sky
to Bt yesterday ... http://shortxt.com/mpfaf1i
15:44:25 @richardpbacon Watch out for the punch [that won't make sense yet].
15:56:56 @ComedyBint If the guy was lovely, ask him for a date perhaps; but don't pay [the isp] for the
service[ing]. ... http://shortxt.com/rxyw1gl
16:00:39 @f1fanatic_co_uk Doubt we'll get to enjoy more innovative racing until Ecclestone & Mosely
have passed from [our sporting life].

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16:05:02 I frequently have the [possibly unwarranted] suspicion that their self-interests are to the
detriment of the Formulae.
16:13:00 @lancehenrikson Welcome. And, no, I shan't be buyiing that album. Felt they were splendid
between Unforgettable F & Zooropa. Otherwise ...
16:27:07 @ComedyBint Disturbs me that the 20 years I've spent with my mobile provider are 16 more
than any actual interpersonal relationship have had
16:34:16 @ComedyBint I'd never ask a guy for a date either, though that's an issue of sexuality, rather
than shyness. ... http://shortxt.com/bnx45ar
16:53:41 @boydhilton In my defence, RT @lancehenrikson "no, I shan't be buyiing that album. Felt they
were splendid be ... http://shortxt.com/lmhy04
16:59:30 @edent Didn't Guns N Roses sue Dr Pepper over this sort of offer? Have signed up, though.
Nowhere near that beer however.
17:08:21 @edent Thank you. At some future event, I may hit you up for a "Duff".
17:18:22 @boydhilton Also the performances remain excellent. Popular musical creativity seems oft a
limited font. Eg ... http://shortxt.com/qxdauvi
17:34:33 @BBCClick Re Pollen stain. Thought we'd established in The Great Creased Shirt Crisis that
such answers are always to be found from mothers
20:10:53 "Dear Uk Taxpayers, kindly bugger off! I'm keeping the £650k/yr swiped from your wallets."
20:13:19 "It's not as if my venture made the single largest loss in British corporate history."
20:56:46 is off.

Friday, 27th of February.

09:05:04 It's been a flesh-shredding, bone-crushing, migraineous week from hell. Just need to make it
through the next 12hrs ...
09:53:17 http://twitpic.com/1q0wl - Watching world go by whilst you slept
11:06:32 Show me your monster (darkly dreaming D).
11:23:53 Unregulated capitalism: one banker gets almost £2k/day for sitting on his rear for the rest of his
11:26:25 A Post Office worker gets to slog another 15yrs, to find his pension sucked into a black hole.
11:30:28 Which would you give a knighthood to, for services to industry? Or the illusion of service.
19:33:42 That was a far too intense 6hrs of coding. Working day now done.
19:36:02 Having been entirely offline, I have no explanation of why Bono is caressing a pregnant belly [in
a good quality Bbc vid].
19:39:04 @AlanCarr RT@AlanCarr: "Alan Wan-Carr". Now that's a nicely-observed quip, AC.
19:40:50 @BBCEntsTeam I'm nowhere near a "Red Button". Rooftop mini-concert available online?
20:00:15 @treznor Just listening to Bono explain that songs aren't like your children, but parents; in that
they tell the writer how they should ...
20:01:56 @treznor ... written, recorded, performed. Which is similar to your insight, TR.
21:15:57 @BBCEntsTeam dear Team, thanks for the response. Most impressed with the multiplatform
coverage. the Beeb is hauling GB into the digital age

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21:19:08 And now I'm getting hauled to a cinema, to see some film about shopping. The things one does
to avoid accusations of inattentiveness.

Saturday, 28th of February.

01:20:57 Whilst I approached it with trepidation, the film was actually (youthful) fun. Mainly because Isla F
had an engaging comic screen presence.
01:40:18 Made it ... bed. No, after you, madam.
09:05:38 No, I cannot be tempted. My resolution is firm: I am staying in bed.
09:35:27 something sulphurous this way comes, burning its path through the bedsheets.
19:14:59 Yawn ... busy day. General bits & bobs, and nothing I can think of to show for it.
19:33:59 On a semi-positive note, managed to find an audiostream recording app that actually works with
the Vista laptop which won't install SP1.
19:36:15 So that's one acquaintance that is slightly less embittered by the o/s' covert drm-ing of the
sound driver.
19:55:25 Just checking a bank account. Have been paid interest of £0.01 . How shall I spend it?
20:59:56 @sevendotzero Perhaps I shall. If it's one thing I've learnt over the years, it's how to spend a
22:17:46 Given my brain seems to have turned to mush since Wednesday, I'm off to rest it. Or pickle it.

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Sunday, 1st of March.

08:34:42 Umph, which made not the slightest difference.
08:39:47 Oh no, I'm missing a day. Thought is was Feb 28th.
08:48:18 Almighty pain in the neck. The week hasn't started yet, and am already behind.
09:04:58 day of rest, my backside. there's no way anyone relaxes on Sunday. Creationism, my rear.
09:21:06 Ouch, a 1k credit card bill. Still, it'll up my credit rating. Or perhaps the govt would like to buy a
majority stake in my debt.
09:25:21 So I can be bonussed & retire decades early with a hefty pension.
15:35:31 Beautifully sunny afternoon - which I have celebrated by catching up on "work".
15:38:52 Slooowly catching up, since O2 Bband has a national outage, "due to network upgrades".
Getting 0.3meg speed [ie equiv of sub-3g].
15:39:52 When is [our] lovely 16meg d/l returning?
15:45:12 And BSOD on the month-old desktop. Thanks Dell.
19:52:38 Bband up again 90mins ago. User not up. 3 networked pcs busily trying to talk to one another.
19:54:25 "Just when I think I'm out, they pull me back in". Well, whatever the quotation is.
20:33:51 Right, I think I'm sufficiently disorientated to view "Franklyn" now.
20:36:46 Ah ... Eva Green.
23:59:18 Crikey, I'd be dreadfully embarrassed if I were the only audience member to struggle to find
coherent narrative outside of the main thread.

Monday, 2nd of March.

00:01:34 Burton, Burton, Burton - bugger, what's Lynch doing here?
00:06:50 Meanwhile (city) I'm getting something bland to eat.
00:08:07 Feeling pretty white bread, I guess.
11:58:41 has surfaced. Decks cleared & swabbed, mutinous systems keelhauled, flunkies lashed. Air is
chill & crisp, horizon clear.
12:01:17 Savouring the transient moment of smooth sailing, before some brigand sinks the ship.
12:12:08 Spent that penny of bank interest earnt; along with ninety-nine thousand, nine hundred, and
ninety-nine others. Filled Visa's boots.
12:59:58 Woah, just had a momentary TMob bband spike of 4Mbps. Considering the usual is 1meg, I
must be the only user in the cell area.
13:01:53 And now it's back to 1.4
17:38:49 Strange dream. Well, usual enough, but mystifying in that involved Jessica Lange.
17:43:04 From what depth did my psyche dredge her? This being the "King Kong" version of her too.
17:49:11 And why wasps she so clearly delighted with the experience?

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17:54:13 I had the sense that even whilst unconscious, I'm capable of sustaining a relationship - not just
17:58:25 Awoke smiling, anyway. It was rather pleasant to sleep through a relationship. Though there
were no wasps - that was t9.

Tuesday, 3rd of March.

06:11:33 and the dreaming continues ...
06:29:14 Damn it. Twitter has lost 5 of my posts from yesterday.
06:32:58 They should be the ones rising in darkness, for first thing blood tests today. My veins are still
10:59:48 Harumph - Dial2Do can't distinguish between "phone" and "broom", or "dogsit" and "dogfood".
11:10:18 Up & at 'em. Lives to change, in small ways.
13:05:46 Watching "Working Lunch". Nokia Uk Md getting a kicking. Hitwise rep presenting Co as
innocuous research org.
16:05:07 How on earth did it get to be so late? Last time I looked at the clock it was midday. I suspect a
Robbie Williams-stylee alien abduction.
16:47:36 It used to be said of rock bands coming to town, "lock up your daughters".
16:49:46 "Jackson to announce London dates" http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/7921687.stm . In
this instance, OH "lock up your sons".
16:53:31 @jimmycarr dear JC, nice to have you microblogging now - not that your tour updates weren't of
immense interest, of course.
17:13:19 @wossy dear JR, just caught up with your review of "Franklyn" on iPlayer. Much relieved not to
be alone in perplexity.
20:25:09 @f1fanatic_co_uk KC, do you know @MartinBrundle is legitimate ? [Your reply to his Gridwalk
Q tweet displayed in my stream]
20:31:59 Off to watch Clint.

Wednesday, 4th of March.

07:01:33 So much for stating no personal need for sms now. o2 mob data down o'night, so straight back
to txting.
07:15:52 @f1fanatic_co_uk Well, asked on the offchance; but short of seeing how high he hitches his
trousers, the account could be anyone.
07:21:26 @simonp820 You could be right. It would have been informative to have Brundle's direct insight.
07:30:38 Not man enough for Eastwood yesterday, incidentally; but faced down Owen without complaint.
The Guggenheim backdrop was innovative.
07:58:12 My "investments" are officially worth 8.5 percent less than a year ago, so far.
08:00:55 Yet again, I'm worth more dead than alive. If only I could take it with me.
13:20:56 Darn it, just managed to Heston Blumenthal my coffee in the microwave again (explode).
13:32:40 "Everything I know is about to change", but probably not.
18:38:38 Has finally escaped the roads.

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18:47:04 @boydhilton Lesbian snacks? There has to be a quip somewhere in there - I'm just too "right on
" to make it ["finger food", perhaps?].
18:53:22 @ruskin147 dear RCJ, the fridge screen thingy?
20:18:39 @BrentSpiner dear BS, re RFID - see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RFID
20:31:30 @Wossy Yes, Hot Gossip were glorious.
22:12:14 Becoming rather enthused with "Watchmen", having d/led the trailers from the official site.
22:24:29 is off.

Thursday, 5th of March.

06:34:38 test skyfire, old pda (htc universal)
07:34:13 @ruskin147 RCJ, is this the press-embargoed item? As the Calendar has been advertised in O2
retail store sales catalogue since March 1st.
15:07:28 is birdwatching. I am a bird watchman (for this afternoon at least). It is am an alternative world.
15:25:14 It is not a world "grim with misogyny", but is a world of preening beauties and barefoot mothers.
15:30:42 Don't think I'll be able to eat Peking Duck for a while. Or swan.
15:46:02 @HolyMolyNews Surely "raspberry Nipple" flavour, if ice cream sponsor.
16:06:28 Am appalled that people continue to afford Michael Jackson attention. A bankrupt talent of,
some may say, degenerate individuality.
16:13:14 @Schofe She fooled me with the committment of detail, eg describing sitting up with her
daughter overnight. I applaud your neighbourli ...
16:15:42 @Schofe ... neighbourliness in alerting the community (if that's not too grandiouse a term for
16:17:50 Thanks t9 for adding a U to "grandiose".
16:26:24 @ComedyBint I rather think in tweeting me said MJ info, you've let that monster out from under
the bed.
16:31:31 @ComedyBint It would never occur to me, or American Court prosecutors, that you had.
16:43:46 @ComedyBint One tries to cut carbon footprint/eat organic/buy Fairtrade. These days, with
Jackson, a Q is: am I funding something distas ...
16:44:43 @ComedyBint ... Distasteful?
16:52:19 @ComedyBint How very libertarian of you. Still it's the variety of your stream that's attractive:
from politics to pop, curves to cake,
16:54:48 @ComedyBint and laughter to lingerie. Let's end on the latter though.
17:03:24 @ComedyBint Will get back to you on Karma, just not instantly. My mother taught me to read.
17:06:07 @ComedyBint Agent Provocateur, I found about myself - thankfully not by myself.
17:07:08 Is really offline now.
17:22:27 @WatchmenUK twitpics, pleeze.
21:57:45 Back. Security updates completed: FFoxs, Operas, offschedule o/s'. In "hate tech" mode.
22:02:16 hating Vista for file transfer times: 5min for 2 mp3s totalling 230MB to player. No wonder
haven't used since January.
22:04:13 So to heck with it. Was watching corrupt Northern coppers. Switching to gay Irish bloke. Cheer

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me up Graham.
22:18:09 @ComedyBint For the sake of conversation completion, although AP is designed to be
insubstantial, you could buy bigger. And wispier.
22:29:07 @ComedyBint As it should be.
22:38:10 Gotta go .... it's DEXTER!

Friday, 6th of March.

01:30:32 "This it it, and see you in July". No you won't!
10:34:58 Everything aches now - moving round like a battered, wizened crone. Nor can I see the strings.
10:46:10 @DavinaMcCall your tweets are so much more entertaining now you've gone public.
11:04:18 @WatchmenUK Splendid - just what I was after. Impressive multimedia comm campaign btw.
11:08:53 @jimmycarr JC, could you comment on the Manchester Imax environment?
11:15:09 Seem to recall a plague of students in Central Manchester.
15:39:27 O2 can really be quite useless. Requested a network unlocking code 28 days ago. Have I got it:
15:43:53 "Because the payg No supplied with the handset wasn't the No used with it".
15:47:29 Doesn't matter that I've had 2 Nos with them for almost a decade, or that I'm the actual
purchaser of the phone.
15:49:57 Nor do they bother informing me that there's a "problem" with the order.
15:52:19 I cannot recommend O2 Customer Services. It's taken a month for them to do absolutely
15:56:15 Plus Dr K has urinated on the Watchmen.
16:02:46 And everything still aches - especially my ire.
16:08:26 How, in this age when joyriders are not pursued if they drive too quickly, can a middle-aged
comedian be banned for driving at 40mph?
18:53:19 @DanLane It could be worse, DL. "Emo" didn't exist when I was younger [apart from Philips].
We just about knew of "Straight-Edge".
19:03:24 @sevendotzero I feel your pain on this, JJ. Younger brother has had 3, O2, T-Mobile sink his
ports of the same No over the years.
19:05:44 @sevendotzero Inert sims, voicemail box not setup, mms not set up, data services not set,
video calling not passed over from previous netwk
19:59:00 Right, am off to have rear numbed during the 158 mins of W'men.

Saturday, 7th of March.

09:17:31 @jupitusphillip Guns N Rose Byrne
09:23:52 @jupitusphillip U2 McGregor
09:40:38 Screening wasn't as busy as for "Gladiator"; but entirely epic, all the same.
09:42:58 Managed to switch off during viewing, which is uncommon these days. Aided, perhaps, by only
having read the graphic novel once,
09:43:54 ... back when it was originally published.

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09:48:12 Anyway, the sun is out & I'm not.

10:34:25 @jupitusphillip Sly And The Family Stallone (ludicrously pleased with this one), or The Jimi
Broadbent Experience.
16:23:13 is attempting to claw back to life, and do what needs to be done.
16:38:47 @jupitusphillip Buster Keane-ton
16:43:38 @StuAllan Wish I'd thought of that. Cypress Benny Hill - inspired!
20:15:11 At Mother's, to show her how to use new pc. Sidetracked into showing how she had taken
mobile vids instead of the photos she intended.
20:16:43 It's going to be a long haul. Mind you, I can't sew or knit or cook a chicken. She doesn't even
break a sweat.
21:07:44 Time for "Unborn". I wonder if it's pro-life?

Sunday, 8th of March.

00:09:43 It was. And the Highways Agency is pro-congestion. Return journey 3 times longer, thanks to
diversion signs leading nowhere.
00:14:36 Why city roadworks on the busiest night of the week? God certainly isn't in the details of town
00:17:33 Instead there is a tempest of displeasure blowing - Old Testament style.
10:08:10 Wire brush up left nostril, down back of throat, forced through side of neck. That's how sinus
feels this morning.
10:12:45 I shall struggle on manfully, suffering in (verbal) silence; yet with a pained expression, so thou
knowest my sacrifice.
10:13:34 is wincing, bravely.
10:16:01 Oh, and before I forget & fwiw, "Jumby wants to be born now".
14:39:43 Does paracetomol actually work? I could be swallowing chunks of chalk for all the effect I note.
14:42:11 Perhaps, like me, my ailments are tough; and don't respond easily to intervention.
14:46:12 Nothing short of general anaesthesia knocks me down; and even then it's, "I'm still counting,
keep that scalpel away!".
14:47:27 So, dammit, I may have to get up.
15:07:47 @DominicTravers Just for reference, DT, Tmob Business Support informed me that turning off
3g on their personal G1s is standard practice.
15:10:27 I certainly get approx 40 percent longer battery life with gprs (not sure about edge).
15:23:36 Dog running out to bark at the hailstones.
18:57:54 O2 Bband Llu down again. Just like last Sunday. D/l rate=40kbps. Should be 2mbps. Network
has turned to mush since started adding customers.
19:01:29 Engineers can give no resolution time, but "are aware of the issue".
19:02:41 Well so are thousands of users. Tell us where the problem is, and one of us will nip over & plug
the cable back in!
19:28:44 @jimmycarr dear JC, I can't decide whether you look convict or warder in that photo.
19:36:16 @Whatleydude JW, give your fingers a rest! You're clogging my twitstream.

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19:44:30 Apparently it'll be 48hrs before O2 pull their finger out. It really would be quicker to drive over &
fix it myself!
19:52:54 @empiremagazine Have recommended it. Engaged by the moral torpitude, ponderous dialogue,
& deconstructed heroism.
20:06:10 @Whatleydude Certainly when using java apps for small screen handsets [eg
Tinytwitter/Twibble]. Your info is too valuable to unfollow though
20:11:25 @empiremagazine Gosh, didn't expect a reply. Assumed you to be taking quick straw poll. No,
though - Stephen Fry is not my alter ego.
20:24:56 @empiremagazine One could posit the question is Stephen Fry the Dr Manhattan, or
Ozymandias, of Twitter? Certainly a towering presence.
21:30:16 O2 getting even slooooooooowwwwwwwwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrr ...
21:32:39 Classic title: The Brawn Supremacy http://tinyurl.com/d7jyes
21:34:17 Off to see Eastwood [finally!].

Monday, 9th of March.

00:13:28 @treznor Have you considered covering "Making Plans For Nigel" by XTC? The song may
benefit from a more oppressive sensibility.
00:35:26 With GT, Clint has certainly rewritten the mythology that's grown around Dirty Harry. More
poignant & funnier than expected.
00:38:09 ... we'd pile your corpses five high, and use 'em as sandbags.
12:12:14 For goodness' sake, O2, fix the fibre break! If you invested in cables instead of shoestrings,
maybe your bband wouldn't grind to a halt.
12:14:12 It's only one incident, yet your entire network is bjorked - day 2.
13:08:23 @heatworld Clearly a woman that needs Pampering. Surely she could do the downstairs
exercises, or pay for some surgical tightening?
13:25:27 has just spilt juice down the washer; and whilst that's not a euphemism, perhaps I could be the
new face of something too.
18:36:28 is being brought the head of Philip K Dick. Bbc iPlayer had it all along.
19:40:50 @ruskin147 RT @ruskin147 "And now Joanna Gosling and Ben Brown on the News Channel.
Ben has just joined Fac ... http://shortxt.com/6fm1a2s
19:51:41 @ruskin147 RCJ, just in case you didn't see this story: http://tinyurl.com/9laen5
20:08:12 Bradbury, how I've missed your shiny, bald head. #gadgetshow
20:15:25 Dammit man, you're a week too late. Just returned to BT. #gadgetshow
20:21:07 I've still got my WalkmanII. #gadgetshow
20:24:08 @colbyrne I'm up for it if you are. #gadgetshow
20:34:24 Are Suzi P's legs getting longer? #gadgetshow
20:38:01 I'll supply "Robert Downey Jnr" as the answer, if someone will supply the pound. #gadgetshow
20:58:52 @JasonBradbury Re Ep1 Loss to Suzi P: You took it like a man - well done! #gadgetshow
21:02:01 And, all too soon, it's over. #gadgetshow
23:16:38 and off.

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Tuesday, 10th of March.

08:52:52 The daylight is literally hurting my brain.
09:12:52 Window Cleaner is here. He has homes to go to.
10:52:56 @wittertainment If the film is as bad as the strapline, I'll be more concerned about what happens
when the lav paper runs out.
10:57:53 has greeted the remainder of the morning by hurling his stomach content. Migraines are a
fearsome foe.
11:01:16 No blood this time, which is nice.
11:14:33 @Magpie_Guy Returning the Following courtesy, particularly as we have a couple of bio details
in common (tech toys/f1/marital stat).
11:39:38 mother/tech update: yesterday evening saw her first unsupervised use of her new pc.
Everything looks different when not using 2001 equipment
11:42:56 Her old Crt monitor weighs more than the entire replacement desktop system.
11:50:46 I think she's mainly pleased, so far, with how much easier it is to print home shopping orders.
Lexmark used to crash pc 45 percent time.
11:57:28 Small things, but many aren't power users. Though I still need to show how to remove digicam
sd card, insert into tower, transfer jpgs, view
12:07:17 is off, running (well, a slow stumble) late.
12:14:22 @flowersmeller "mellowing": that may be one of the best - or worst - puns I've read for a long
15:15:10 @lancehenrikson Well observed, sir.
15:22:13 @Herring1967 Your satire was unappreciated in banking circles, then? They'll have security
teams scrutinising your standup/threatening i ...
15:35:50 ok, time to degauss myself & brave the sunlight. Aviators on.
15:50:17 @BBCEntsTeam Richard Burton also, if War Of World qualifies as prog; though this is hardly
18:40:08 mother/tech update: "how do I save an email attachment?". Oh no, not again! Off to get pen &
paper, draw filesys tree.
18:42:44 "no, it matters because if you save that doc amongst eg sysfiles, you'll never find it again.
Copernic doesn't monitor in there.
18:43:59 Good Lord, how many 'Untitled Documents' do you have?".
18:47:37 @Marvel I'd be a Hydra goon, as AIMs seem to die as soon as they're drawn on the page.
19:01:46 "Raashee" roughly translates as "star sign", right?
19:18:02 @AlanCarr It's taken me all this time to get your Britney/genitalia reference. Who knew you'd be
so in touch with female nether regions.
19:38:24 @stephenfry Just read the Bbc R4 transcript of your chat with Kenan Malik ("Analysis:
Clever.com"). Most interesting - thank you.
20:03:08 Darn, allergic reaction. Where has that turned up from?
21:23:23 Off to observe "Surveillance" - watching the watchers that watch the watchers? Oh, and Twitter
speeded up again. Unusable thru opera earlier

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Wednesday, 11th of March.

00:53:51 At best I hoped for a Rob Zombie A movie. At worst an unhinged, incoherent wallpaper of a film
- like the director's father makes.
00:55:50 However it was really very good indeed; with thoroughly convincing performances, particularly
from Julia Ormond.
01:01:19 She managed, in the arc of her character, to change her movement/speech pattern/facial set.
Shameful that only 4 of us saw "Surveillance".
01:02:01 So, virtually a private screening.
18:48:16 Has the complete hump again with Vista. MS Update now reports SP1 successfully installing,
instead of refusing to download or install.
18:49:13 However, there the update is again in "available updates".
18:53:08 Then, after defs update, Adaware service began to chew 50% cpu - so had to uninstall. Plus Mal
Soft Rem Tool refused to download.
18:54:07 Definitely hate computers today; and it was all going so well ...
18:58:20 @Marvel Wolverine [on the page] certainly - never needs combing, it appears. #marvelasks
19:08:21 On film, though he looks far too rockabilly. #marvelasks
19:29:17 @r4today Only just seen viral [been offline]. Hilarious, particularly astronaut. Doesn't damage
cred, since running along Bbc RedNose o/put
21:48:11 @alysistrata Saying "hi", as @Marvel suggested. Hope work was problem-free. #TFOOM
22:11:11 @stephenfry SF, Presumably you've also tried http://m.dabr.co.uk ?
22:21:43 @f1fanatic_co_uk Had the first snigger of the day over Techeblog's f1 iPhone storm. Thanks, as
the rest of Wed has been a real stinker.

Thursday, 12th of March.

00:37:34 @hardeepdeepdeep I'll just get out of the line of fire then, if you don't mind.
11:47:25 Dreamt of searching for a concert e-ticket that "had been put somewhere safe"; then repeating
stabbing a lout with a kitchen tile.
11:49:46 Typically, even though gouged out chunks of his torso, it didn't deter him.
11:50:47 Pffh, my dreams barely need interpretation.
12:00:18 RT @Magpie_Guy: I want to organise tickets for my son's 11 bday for either a monster truck or
pro karting event in N or M England. Anyon ...
12:09:28 @DavinaMcCall Btw you are so much more entertaining, now you've unleashed yourself from
the McCall persona.
12:25:17 hey, waddayakno, salt's good for me. always suspected that, because it tastes sooo good.
12:31:07 Plus Google wants to compete with govts in transcribing voice calls. I can't tell who wears the
white hats anymore. It's all gotten so stasi
12:57:18 @richardpbacon van msg: "sshh", perhaps.
19:16:59 @Magpie_Guy I've been offline for most of the day. Did you receive any useful info re child
19:18:35 Don't bother rushing any replies, I'm off to spend money on petrol & B Button.

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Friday, 13th of March.

01:22:09 @Magpie_Guy That's disappointing. Wonder if there are enough "ordinary" users [ie outside the
original techie/media core tweeters] yet?
01:30:02 @Magpie_Guy Ie, representative enough of gen pop to come across info you were after. Can't
all be soft Southern PR/IT types. Pffah, jessies.
01:39:42 @MIReview AFK for most of day, and MIR disappears. Congrats on your public service to date,
& on earning a future living.
01:40:36 @MIReview Someone's taxes have to pay for the unemployed ...
01:42:49 @dabr DC, any impact on Dabr service with MIR going private?
01:46:43 @ComedyBint Hadn't even realised it's Fri 13th until your tweet. Explains why youngest sibling
arriving later ... harbinger of doom.
01:54:23 @ComedyBint Nov 13th is a Fri too, unless my calendar has deceived me.
02:02:51 @ComedyBint I'm far too sleepy perform statistical analysis. So I googled, on average happens
once every 7 yrs. Though not since '98.
02:03:34 Must not retype "too sleepy to perform" ...
02:08:25 @Martin696 You know I was just thinking that
02:14:38 @Martin696 Very civilised. Some form of ticketing system possibly. After you, sir ...
02:15:55 @ComedyBint Is this an example of the renowned "sluttiness" of which I've read?
02:33:15 @ComedyBint Actually, that you're affable online is rather pleasant. Becoming a little
conversational hub. Unsure if Twtr geared to group
02:35:46 @ComedyBint ... chat though, outside of specialist tweetchat rooms. Which reads entirely more
Max Mosely than I intended.
02:43:45 @ComedyBint Must be a "news balls" joke in there. Thank goodness I'm [clearly] not a
comedienne, so don't have to create one.
02:45:35 Match suspended, due to player about to leave court.
02:52:48 @ComedyBint You still highly strung? Anyway Umpire Sleep is telling me to womble off.
You've been delightful. Till next time ...
08:57:53 @dabr Splendid - enjoying your work.
09:05:37 Hell's Bells, woken by hiccups again. 40 mins & counting.
15:59:07 Still afk, and 3rd bout of hiccups. Big Baby colic.
16:01:18 http://twitpic.com/2236s - Test dabr upload
17:52:06 Flip. 2.5hrs spent just hiccuping today. Had to tell callers that going over speedbumps.
Beginning to suspect last might's reduced price ...
17:55:03 ... petrol station sandwiches. Or a reaction to Brad Pitt's Forrest Gimp impression.
19:09:28 Good Lord, not one of The Saturdays' thighs is thinner than my waist. I may stay in & watch
Comic Relief after all.
19:11:04 Jack Dee looks almost as miserable as me.
21:23:50 Glenister nailed it.
21:36:42 Smithy!!
21:46:55 They've had less inspirational management in the past. #rednoseday

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21:52:37 Barlow looks knackered. #comicrelief

21:54:39 @ComedyBint interjecting: not showing in my tweetstream either.
22:02:33 Brydon is pancake-flat. Surprising, since he can sing. #comicrelief
22:08:07 F Ferdinand are tight, really very well-rehearsed. #comicrelief
22:11:41 Is it awful to switch over to Free Agents during the documentary sections? There's simply no
more sentimentality left to milk. #comicrelief
22:16:30 @imsimon They didn't say #comicrelief
22:18:50 I'd completely frgotten about Theopolos P Wildebeest. #comicrelief
22:20:30 Take That: Beatles' "Two Of Us"? #comicrelief
22:22:17 Now they've gone Sgt Pepper's Yellow Submarine. #comicrelief
22:24:04 U2 battering us into buying their new album again. #comicrelief
22:31:20 @doubleshiny Hey, like your wallpaper; and I didn't know Reaper been cancelled. Shame -
22:32:24 Top 10 slutting it up #rnd #comicrelief
22:36:07 Ah, the No 1 should pay for Pete's surgeries. They're singing about a form of relief other than
Comic, though. #rnd
22:40:12 @doubleshiny I see. The 3 male leads work too well together to be replaced, imho.
22:42:28 @toadmeister Site appears working. It's asking for my quid.
23:03:49 Who got sacked? #rnd #comicrelief
23:07:38 @GirltaristHan Thanks. Was on call, so thought missed who got shown up the most. #rnd
#rednoseday #comicrelief
23:10:34 @_cric_ Thanks.Who would you have sacked? #rnd #comicrelief
23:11:42 @chrisdocstrange Dragging it out a bit, then #comicrelief #rnd
23:14:50 @GirltaristHan That's sweet of you. Don't exhaust youself. #comicrelief
23:18:34 @_cric_ Actually, Ross. As he talked eveyone into that toy/tool belt. #rnd #comicrelief
23:26:18 @toadmeister Easily, RG has been mining that comic vein for too long. #rnd #comicrelief
23:34:38 @toadmeister Is it the one from the Ryvita ad? #comicrelief #rnd
23:37:16 @GirltaristHan The horrible thing of it is there really are families who live like this. Too realistic
for me. #rnd #comicrelief
23:43:02 Found a tv. Tell me Lloyd is spoofing? #rnd #comicrelief
23:48:11 Betraying my ignorance, didn't realise Com Rlf covered domestic abuse. Thought it primarily
African children. #rnd #comicrelief
23:51:08 @_cric_ Crikey, the photo they showed in the vid clip was distressing enough. #rnd
23:56:02 @GirltaristHan I'm clearly mightily uninformed. Thiis is the first time I've followed a Night in
years. #rnd #comicrelief
23:57:13 What's a "scud" film? #rnd #comicrelief

Saturday, 14th of March.

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00:05:29 @bensaffer Oh God, that's disgusting! I appreciate you being sociable in replying, but I wish I
hadn't asked now. #rnd #comicrelief
00:08:53 @aaronbassett Ah, "Scud" I remember from Desert Storm I. No wonder the film reference made
no sense when googling it, #rnd #comicrelief
00:11:00 @GirltaristHan Cheers, I'll get near a set. Follow the crowd.
00:15:14 I think Alan said his special talent is pulling off the rest of his team. Smutty! #rnd #comicrelief
00:18:21 @GirltaristHan Can see your point about Ratner. He should have known about injection mould
costing. #rnd #comicrelief
00:33:51 I've never known anyone to escape those cages of anor/bul nervosa. #rnd #comicrelief
00:35:38 Nervosas literally have their addictions shoved down their throats for the rest of their lives. #rnd
00:37:21 Stat! #rnd #rednoseday #comicrelief
01:17:47 @rnnbrwn He's been big for years. #comicrelief
01:22:08 @ComedyBint I know I'm going to regret typing this but: I'd love to see some of your stuff online,
if you don't mind giving it away for free
01:36:59 Woah, Kate Moss got wrinkly & fat and grew a chest [by the supermodel scale]. #rnd
01:45:53 @Jason_Manford As always, you were funny. Common man reflections - I related. #comicrelief
01:55:24 Yawn ... unplugging.
13:32:27 Blecch! Think visual cortex bleached by toxic tv overload yesterday. Dark glasses, codeine, and
no sudden movements until sunset.
23:04:38 http://twitpic.com/23sap - Prompted by @ComedyBint @stanandollie discussion of "Netta".
23:16:00 @stanandollie Saw your chat about "Netta" yesterday. Prompted me to scan an autograph of S
& O's, to http://tumblr.com/xix1fienl
23:17:29 Anyway, it's been a generally offline day. Now off to see "Bronson.

Sunday, 15th of March.

10:42:49 "The sun has got his hat on", as many have noted. The dog's pleased too, as it was clipped
yesterday; and looked altogether chilled.
10:46:40 "Bronson" turned out to be a quite extraordinary film; unhinged, in a "Clockwork Orange" way.
10:48:27 Left the audience in no doubt of the injustice of his punishment.
10:51:04 Equally, though, that he should remain incarcerated - for the safety of every one else he should
come into contact with.
11:00:23 Tom Hardy gave an astonishing performance; but, to all actors everywhere, enough todger!
Whether charcoal black, blue, or uncircumcised.
11:08:41 @stanandollie Certainly will visit forum. It's been a long time since used to watch their b/w
shorts on school holiday mornings.
12:09:43 is glad not to be in Los Angeles, where even the police want to be on tv.
12:12:18 Quick, hold a press conference: We have to arrest someone, don't know why, don't know when -
not looking for.
12:15:19 If I want such wittering, I'll look here - not News 24. Ps Lohan, turn yourself in. Bad actress!

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12:29:49 only just noticed that Skyfire displays users' names, not twitter handles.
12:44:00 http://twitpic.com/24dj7 - Haz kolde
12:51:51 http://twitpic.com/24do0 - Bt:this is how we do it
12:55:17 I believe the below to be the new Home Hub.
18:10:42 I appear to have spent Sunday's sun asleep. This feels like a good thing.
18:26:00 @AllisterF Sms for Mothers = little telegrams to people you'd rather not speak to. Mine
immediately saw the concept & benefit.
18:27:42 @AllisterF Though, strangely, I haven't received a call from her since ...
18:32:08 Actually & coincidentally, she did spend 80p trying to send sms on Fri. On checking her phone
record, saw all blank & none delivered.
18:36:07 Mainstream andsets aren't built for slow-to-focus eyes and fingertips desensitised with age.
19:15:14 Rethinking, sms is for people you can't speak to/don't want to speak to/don't want to be
overheard speaking to.
19:39:12 Heston B says in medieval England, owning a bird above your status could result in having your
hands chopped off.
19:40:50 JW Bobbitt would probably argue that society hasn't progressed much.
19:49:27 Blumenthal is a hero. Even at a remove, it's great to have the enthusiastic company of those
who can do that which I cannot.
19:56:32 Hey Tassimo - in cold weather your chocolate pods are congealed too much for the hot water jet
to effectively dissolve. Where my freebies?

Monday, 16th of March.

01:03:27 good night to the sweet baby jesus. you were more fun to spend time with than tired jack
01:05:32 preferred your lowest common denominator entertainment. certainly to the company of family on
a sunday evening.
01:06:46 roll on, f1. until then, "shake & bake"!
09:59:30 @JasonBradbury #GadgetShowMeet says it fullest, of the 3. (if I'd been online earlier, would
have suggested GadgetShowTwitMeet ).
10:01:28 @JasonBradbury #GadgetShowMob, then.
10:16:06 @AllisterF re new hashtag: mein3 as a permanent bio descrip, or mein3 at this moment?
10:25:11 @Magpie_Guy RT '@Magpie_Guy: @pfspleen: "I always smell my wee, don't you?" ... lol'.
Interjecting: No, but I do tnink mine shouldn't ...
10:27:39 @Magpie_Guy ... be almost orange in colour. First draft of the morning. Happy to share (the
info, that is).
10:36:56 @JasonBradbury Fwiw, I'll find this interesting. Curious to learn how far outside the core group
of media/techie/marketing users Twtr xtends
10:41:59 I can say that it's the first network I've bothered with. Least setup/admin hassle, most open,
most immediate response.
10:46:54 RT @JasonBradbury: #GadgetShowMob Friday 1pm for 1hr at Somerset House in London nr
Trafalgar Sq. Join me for a HUGE Twitter meet..

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12:12:19 Dehydrated Dessiccated Denigrated #mein3

12:13:34 Haz e10 katpoo #mydogin3
12:18:46 @f1fanatic_co_uk KC, have you come across any hashtags for future race weekend
discussions? Eg #f1australia
12:26:42 @AllisterF Btw, hasn't Lewis Hamilton patented that one? To the extent I want to punch him
every time he says it.
13:47:43 Curtains Pillow Sleep #mein3
19:51:09 Vista Business, you are so good to me. If you didn't bsod following startup, I'd actually have to
do some work.
21:05:58 Just seen Bbc2's trailer: "Formula 1 - The World's Greatest Car Chase". Black & yellow
sweetness. A daylight version of Stallone's "Driver"?
21:06:57 Driven.
23:25:44 Saw "Buying The Cow" on release. Of course, the woman I can't forget WAS perfect. I also
remember Ryan Reynolds is stupendously funny.
23:26:25 Especially when trying to gay-ducate himself.
23:29:11 what the heck? Twitter has lost 10 of my tweets tonight!
23:33:33 @bigplateofchips That's happened to mine too.
23:38:21 @eddieizzard Dear Mr I, Twitter seems to be malfunctioning tonight. People reporting
lost/missing tweets/unable to change profile picture.
23:40:32 @eddieizzard Perhaps that's your issue. Not confidence-building for you if so. Check the
"search now" box to verify info.

Tuesday, 17th of March.

00:17:55 @ComedyBint Everything posted on my account since approx 8pm GMT seems to be
00:27:25 @twitter Sirs, what's going on with all my tweets that have gone missing for the past 5hrs?
00:48:24 Twitter has eaten virtually everything from the past 11hrs. 20+ tweets. No point continuing.
Hope you all have better luck. Logging out.
01:56:40 Photo: Just so you know I’m not the sole affected, will post some screenshots of others.
Naturally, no... http://tumblr.com/xix1fvea6
02:16:52 http://twitpic.com/266rn - Twitter: See how many more tweets you can lose for me!
02:21:04 Audio: So right now, Twitter sounds like this to me. http://tumblr.com/xix1fvj32
02:53:50 @eddieizzard EI, I assume the terms "following"/"followers" derive from the concept of this
social network a ... http://shortxt.com/otenmy1
03:00:34 Replying on the subject of the Tweetstream [in case Twitter loses the post]. - I assume the
terms... http://tumblr.com/xix1fvr77
03:26:35 Lost Already! - Good Lord, Twitter you HAVE lost that tweet ALREADY. Check your calendar:
April 1st isn’t for... http://tumblr.com/xix1fvw4s
10:46:13 @twitter Sirs, you misplaced 35 of my tweets in a 6hr period yesterday. May I have them back
please? #missingtweets
10:50:42 #missingtweets If anyone has a brighter idea of how to obtain them, other than searching on
own user name/sc ... http://shortxt.com/rbczdhm

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10:54:49 http://twitpic.com/26fi6 - Missing tweets Pg1

10:55:50 http://twitpic.com/26fis - Missing tweets Pg2
10:56:22 http://twitpic.com/26fjb - Missing tweets Pg3
10:57:10 http://twitpic.com/26fjr - Missing Tweets Pg4
10:57:49 http://twitpic.com/26fk0 - Missing Tweets Pg5
11:43:30 Begorrah, top of the morning, tis a fine thing, oh would you look at that etc. St Paddy drove the
snakes from the Emerald Isle - good times.
11:44:33 Some have crept back recently - bad times.
11:50:21 And to the family across the water: stay catholic in your imbibition. *hiccup*
12:42:52 "My T-Mobile" - gosh you're being kind to me also. For the 2nd time in a month, your secure
login is borked. Will it be another 2wks to fix?
12:53:58 "i wll come back from heaven to look after my boys": Who writes this tosh? OK, I know [boom
boom]. Fatuous & presumptuous.
13:06:56 Rather offensive too, during Lent, in ascribing resurrective powers to J Goody. Jade, The
Second Coming: I'm back & this time it's personal
13:26:54 I've come to believe that sentimentality is detrimentral in living with loss. Sitting graveside, using
it as ... http://shortxt.com/1rku2p
13:39:04 The gravestone gives something to hang onto when that ocean of grief smashes down again.
13:41:52 Good God, that's maudlin! Note: don't write any greeting cards today.
17:19:23 Oh, you've returned my tweets - thanks. Except now there are a bucketload of duplicates from
where I've worked around.
17:25:25 And still no note on the status page of the outage. Although I note that Twtr ppl were at an NBA
game yesterday.

Wednesday, 18th of March.

00:59:16 New To Town: leading roles played by tightly-fitted business suit, high heels, & a pudding. Small
town convincingly uncharming.
01:03:02 Young Victoria, on the other hand, charmed the petticoats off. Every character comes alive with
fullness & screen presence.
01:17:34 Either I'm well ahead of the curve on this, or it's a flipping long curve! #missingtweets
08:33:08 @twitter There's no point having a timeline if you can't see it. You've lost another 3 tweets. Care
to tell us what's going on? #missin ...
09:18:32 Twitter Timeline: now you see it, now you don't - All silent on the information front, as Twitter
continues... http://tumblr.com/xix1g3zli
09:41:58 Twitter: Where cutting edge becomes bleeding edge. (Thanks to El Reg for the concept).
09:51:54 http://twitpic.com/27lm9 - A room with a view ... of mortality.
10:08:27 If I'd known I'd be here today, I'd have brought my Filipino phrasebook, to communicate with the
nursing staff.
10:09:49 And Hindi, to speak to the doctors.
10:17:36 translate "Bend over please. You may find this a tad uncomfortable"? Ah, sometimes it's hard to
tell the diff between work & pleasure.

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10:34:31 Note to self: MRSA kills ... hospital romance. There are places one does not wish to wipe down
with antibacterial gel.
16:38:35 Ginx has my timeline. You still don't.
17:08:23 @Magpie_Guy I tried that last month. Tweet never arrived, & mob co charged 20p for the
17:16:53 @Magpie_Guy Not nr a pc, so can't check which network was. Either the works Tmob, or the
personal O2. Hopefully your charging is different.
17:26:26 Just heard an ice cream van. Didn't know they existed anymore. Perhaps it was a community
police car, then.

Thursday, 19th of March.

00:26:02 Marley & Me: one to avoid if your're not a dog lover, as the canine is the sole attraction - and
that's only towards the end.
00:29:57 Also avoid if you ARE a dog lover; as the film is cruelly manipulative of it's audience. Eg big
closeup on final closing of dog's eyes.
00:34:19 You could hear people sobbing - not sniffling or crying - as they built the film to the pet's death.
00:37:15 Nothing uplifting, such as life well-lived, just sadness. Hollywood displaying it's rancid amorality.
00:47:28 I'll be damned. I go to the cinema, and Twitter finally comes clean on it's Status, in my absence.
00:49:00 Plus they've closed my missing timeline case.
00:53:34 All you had to do was admit it, fellas. I understand you're a free service; but with the proper
timely info, I could have worked round prob.
00:55:40 And you wouldn't have had to track so many users' "what's going on" tweets. #missingtweets
01:14:38 @Wossy could you possibly explain to @eddieizzard how to re-tweet?
01:22:38 Natasha Richardson, passed on at 45. That's no age to go, these days. She seemed the
brightest of the sisters.
01:24:44 And hospitals are no place to die. #natasha
01:28:27 @mosesmonster The Parent Trap? Lindsay Lohan played twins. Dennis Quaid also.
01:55:47 @mosesmonster No reason you should remember that one. For her acting, maybe Handmaid's
Tale/White Countess/Asylum.
01:57:19 @mosesmonster Anyway, didn't mean to impose. Just happened to see your tweet in the
02:25:40 Logging off, because Twitter is losing my tweets again.
02:34:34 @twitter "updates flowing freely" - then why are you still losing new tweets?
09:21:59 http://twitpic.com/28o4v - Missing Tweet 7, Day 4
09:22:28 http://twitpic.com/28o50 - Missing Tweet 8
09:23:49 http://twitpic.com/28o5i - Missing Tweet 9
09:24:25 http://twitpic.com/28o62 - Missing Tweet 10
09:24:50 http://twitpic.com/28o68 - Missing Tweet 11
09:42:50 Video: i nose doggkatchur neer http://tumblr.com/xix1garg0
10:04:34 How about bailing out my fueltank, Mr Brown? http://tinyurl.com/d3zvyo

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11:11:23 @wittertainment Frost/Nixon. Kenneth Williams.

11:57:54 @sevendotzero Read your MIR Porting piece. Your TMobMvno>Vod case is as my O2>TMob.
Only mine occurred 2.5yr ... http://shortxt.com/69ytyj2
11:59:57 @sevendotzero Oops, didn't intend for the tweet to be THAT long.
12:07:34 Still, am far from entirely critical of O2. Their Mms service has greater capacity than T-Mobile's.
Midnight ... http://shortxt.com/c2h6dhe
12:19:17 @sevendotzero Well that's why only one of us is a writer, and one can't manage to im/microblog
13:40:10 http://twitpic.com/28sgz - More Missing Tweets, Pg6
14:14:48 This is a test tweet by dial2do. Transcription of voice. See if they get it right. Croaky.
14:33:56 @Magpie_Guy Continuing on that subject of avoiding mobile data charge, have you considered
www.dial2do.com? ... http://shortxt.com/2l8wtlz
14:39:54 @Magpie_Guy Heck, don't trouble yourself. No point making additional work - your days seem
busy enough already.
14:44:38 @sevendotzero And my T-Mob billing has been offline all week too. They've shut off https, so
no login. Same for 2wks last mth. Pnuts/monkeys
14:51:42 @Magpie_Guy Whereas I'm still at the stage of bolting at household responsibilties, other than
paying the bills - and I gripe then too.
15:03:48 The ride's going offline. Things to attend to. Nothing exciting new. http://dial2do.com/1c5wu38
15:08:35 Aha, Dial2do is back to computer transcription. Should have read: "RIGHT, going offline. Things
to attend to. Nothing exciting THOUGH".
15:27:29 @totalfilm Is the misspelling on the site intentional?
15:40:27 @totalfilm No, it was the title I referred. Wasn't sure if post-modern/post-ironic humour, or just
website designer illiteracy.
15:47:45 Video: Inglorious Bast*rds Did you think it a reference to Twitter again?
19:08:20 My timeline has returned for a visit.
21:02:16 Loved the write up of Species 2. "Impregnating women with deadly (feed?)".
21:11:57 Deadly SEED!
23:58:44 @ukfilm Colleague stung following an Asda order. Still getting scam mail from Hyderabad with
very specific personal detail.

Friday, 20th of March.

00:03:43 @ukfilm I'm relieved to have switched my users' network from Symantec in January. Not that I'd
be fired - there's no one left who knows ...
11:45:11 Had a dream about an old flame. Wasn't that flexible in real life.
11:49:02 Neither am I this morning. Want to slice my musclature into tiny pieces, liquidise it, and
injection-mold back to some normal human form.
16:10:15 Tinytwitter last updated hrs ago: 973!
16:14:08 @trent_reznor it means you are using microsoft, and possibly dell!

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16:21:04 RT @trent_reznor: http://www.ninja2009.com/ is now live! Go get some free new music.
17:27:53 RT @ninhotline: NIN Remix of The Day: Burn (You Stupid B1tch) -
18:19:20 Print. I think I'm going industrial for the rest of the day. It might be the only thing that wakes me
up. http://dial2do.com/1daencz
18:24:35 Lesbian vampire killers has got some such poor reviews universally so that I just have to go and
see it. http://dial2do.com/1cdlaao
18:24:55 @f1fanatic_co_uk so close to season start? I'm truly weary of the irresponsibility of a sport
being managed as a personal fiefdom.
18:33:05 @londonjourno even fewer would buy cds if audio files were of comparable quality, not drmed,
and not price-matched to cds.
18:36:53 @ComedyBint Hey, you can't use foul language with the bbc - bad bint.
18:43:01 Off to get cleaned up. I feel the need to cleanse myself. http://dial2do.com/1dd3sna
23:28:37 Lesbians, vampires, killers: I'm on my way!

Saturday, 21st of March.

03:44:19 Horne & Corden have yet to establish any entertainment value beyond their gavin & Stacey
personas. Lsv fails as spoof, homage, or comedy.
03:53:32 film begins with a visual style predicated on 300 and pushup bra-ed breasts. fan of these, one
may be; but not to sustain 85mins of interest
03:54:52 Conclusion: once bitten, twice shy.
04:15:51 Or even dawn. Time to sleep.
16:24:10 Arising
22:17:41 @robheydon dear RH, fwiw there's an errant comma at the end of your Twitter profile web
23:33:43 Photo: The popo were flying tonight. http://tumblr.com/xix1gqymv

Sunday, 22nd of March.

09:40:25 is considering going straight back to sleep. Sorry, Mother!
19:12:53 Video: some Nine Inch Nails, because I’m feeling tough. http://tumblr.com/xix1gvace
20:06:16 streaming Jane's Addiction. Never paid them attention originally, as find whiney vocals painful.
20:06:46 A police car drove past, siren blaring. Thought it part of the song!
20:12:49 "Family and friends would like privacy at last", unless you're going to pay us again.
20:24:45 Aha, Mother & Westie here. Filial duty to attend to ...
20:53:06 Been Caught Stealing: dog's ears pricked up at the barking on the track.
21:03:21 Off to "Duplicity".And on the subject of which, the youngest sibling has finally slung his hook
back to London.

Monday, 23rd of March.

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00:38:38 Nice, taut start. Sharp dialogue. Satisfying end. But saggy in the middle, as Owen repetiously
gets it in the neck from Roberts.
00:44:14 Reminds of Out Of Sight, with not quite the pace or sex. And for corporate employees . If there
are any left.
00:46:50 @ComedyBint well, perhaps they switch on, rather than come to life. Night.
09:11:46 FIAsco : my favourite new word.
09:16:13 Turned on the car radio. Station playing exactly the same track as when turned off radio 13hrs
09:20:05 Automated pre-programming leaves so much to be desired. No spontaneity. Djs fan their cults
of personality, rather than share love of music.
09:51:00 Good Lord. It's windy today and that's just inside the car. http://dial2do.com/1dzka9w
10:11:16 @holymolydotcom And every time he looks up at the night stars, he'll know one is Jade, and so
can bask in her heavenly glow. *snigger*
10:26:07 RT @JustBlameMe: @NancyPelosi Accidentally packed 1 of your broomsticks when moving.
Do I mail it or does it just fly back on it's own l ...
10:30:31 RT @thatsmyfault: Your late period. My fault.
19:22:46 Oh dear, still feeling all industrial; via last.fm this time.
19:36:58 ... and now it's all gone wrong - Ministry's "Scarecrow" was a track too far.
20:08:26 6 mins into The Gadget Show and already the first adbreak.
20:15:36 Gives them enough time to rename @TheGadgetShow "The Apple Show". Not that interested in
@JasonBradbury's fruitiness.

Tuesday, 24th of March.

01:20:07 Link: Online Conversion amr > mp3 Files, before I forget http://tumblr.com/xix1h467v
01:32:33 Audio: a sound I have learnt to detest http://tumblr.com/xix1h48su
03:49:51 Video: Thinking of seeing “Hush” later today, before it leaves the cinema screens; although the
thought is... http://tumblr.com/xix1h50lv
03:59:27 @stephenfry Island sms has reached Twitter.
04:07:41 http://twitpic.com/2ebio - Everyone shares their bed with a cow or two eventually.
10:43:46 is wondering where spring has hidden.
16:10:38 A slow, sleepy day so far; which began full of beans for an hour or so, then collapsed to a hill of
16:13:34 With the grace of God, and a fair wind behind me, the remainder of the day will amount to more.
21:19:42 Cinema time. Not worth going into further detail, as don't have the time to wait for Twitter to

Wednesday, 25th of March.

00:38:14 Hush inhabits the urban wasteland where the clear & present dangers to the citizen are
criminality & antisociability.
00:43:09 Where terror is derived from law unobserved & unenforced; as opposed to the more distant

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misuse of religion.
00:47:22 Hush presents no surprises or delights; but anyone who has read a local newspaper will find the
film's territory familiar.
00:50:16 So it's in considering the very mundanity of everyday life, where evil is locked in your
neighbour's cellar, that disturbs.
00:58:21 If you're in bed, get up to check all doors & windows are locked. They don't mind breaking in
whilst you slumber.
00:59:53 Sleep well then - if you still can.
08:53:32 awakes to find govt speaking of monitoring soc med sites for improbable concerns, rather than
walking the beat to protect us from
08:54:57 ... everyday, ever-present criminal acts that ruin our lives.
09:46:44 am gearing up for Fri's practice#1. Even if I have to listen to Fleetwood Mac until Autumn. #f1
10:23:27 emailed halfmeg audio file post to Tumblr. it lost it. cheers.
10:25:46 and twibble opened to find itself having lost my settings. #technohatedays
11:47:14 Note to self don't order the extra red onions with kebabs again late at night. Otherwise you won't
be popular. http://dial2do.com/1cblskq
22:58:19 Audio: that happiest of sounds … http://tumblr.com/xix1hhhf0

Thursday, 26th of March.

00:28:00 Unbelievable: unable to login to My T-Mobile AGAIN. There have only been 2 occasions this
month when the requisite https functioned!
00:54:46 watching Alain Prost's commiseration for Nigel Mansell, Aus GP '86. His clear sincerity shames
modern participants. #f1 #formula1
02:52:39 Video: How on earth did Salman Rushdie ever land this? There’s only so much physical appeal
literary... http://tumblr.com/xix1hivdg
03:10:30 @marcmalkin Dear MM, Have now watched the Pad Lak commercial you were enthusing over. I
heartily agree with your vid commentary. Kudos.
03:35:09 Damn it. I can't sleep. I'm busy thinking of racing cars. I'm gonna be so stooped to drive by the
end of the s... http://dial2do.com/1dhvqkb
13:02:49 Eurrgh! Feel the need to retch - must be morning. If not for that & spitting headaches, I may
have to invest in an alarm clock.
13:08:18 @DEfusion not near a pc to poll, but I'll be watching online via Bbc, & listening to Sports Extra
online. "See" you there.
13:10:14 @DEfusion as for "planning to get up?", it'll be more planning to stay awake!
13:18:33 @RealBillBailey Ignorance of American history aside, Mr Bill, it wasn't until I watched "John
Adams" that I realised the significance of ...
13:20:55 @RealBillBailey ... the coiled snake symbol on the Black album. Nor that "don't tread on me"
was a revolutionary slogan.
18:08:19 @DEfusion Sorry for the delayed response, been afk. Then Twitter ground to halt. I've assumed
the 5Live Sports Extra is via iPlayer radio.
18:11:37 @DEfusion Don't know if the vid feed will include commentary. Am very curious to view the
"multiple live video streaming".

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18:28:16 good grief, twitter speed is crippled. can someone get out of the vehicle & push, please?
20:56:06 Phew, sitting down to Flash Of Genius but rather distracted by my companion's flash of leg. No
people in audience: 3.
20:59:56 @f1fanatic_co_uk Yep, will be watching over-excitedly.

Friday, 27th of March.

01:07:13 Which hashtag are we using for the Melbourne Grand Prix? #f1 or #formula1 ? Or something
completely different?
01:09:03 @f1fanatic_co_uk Well done, that's prestigious!
01:15:16 @iMorpheus Will do, thanks. #f1
01:17:35 @F1Wolf ... following you for the race weekend - appreciate the up close & personal detail.
01:33:49 @DEfusion Morning. Can answer that question now: 5Live Sports Extra audio feed is providing
the commentary for the online vid feed.
01:35:35 @rustyrockets Shush, Russell. We're watching the Melbourne Grand Prix.
01:43:45 Holly Samos wearing tight lyrca shorts? We demand photos. #f1
01:46:36 @DEfusion I'll nip down to check that out. Need to be at keyboards for the big screens covering
official live timing/blogging/tweets #f1
02:04:23 @F1Wolf F1W, could you possibly add a hashtag to your tweets? eg #f1
02:12:16 Brawn GP livery is looking really fresh & modern. #f1
02:40:05 Whose car was just picnicing on the grass? #f1 #melbourne #formula1
02:56:44 Did Croft just compare a car to a beautiful woman? Anyone remember Swiss Tony? It's all going
horribly chauvinist! #f1 #formula1
03:05:22 @F1_Girl Interjecting - HK 5th: 1.27.453, LH 16th: 1.29.042
03:22:23 "Flash Of Genius", incidentally, unfolded simply in service of its recounting of corporate
automotive intellectual property theft.
03:26:21 Greg Kinnear in a nuanced, credible portrayal of a man being crushed by Detroit robber barons;
and gradually, through stubborness, succeeds.
03:27:01 And now, bed beckons.
05:06:23 @amyfulton ... following you for the race weekend. enjoying your birdseye view.
05:14:24 @sdryden Your Nelson tweet's just shown up. Thanks for the update.
12:35:07 @F1_Girl Is red button showing replay of Practice 2? I missed it, and am nowhere near a
screen to check.
12:38:59 @F1_Girl oops - never mind. just checked your tweetstream. you posted an answer an hour
ago. didn't scroll down phone screen before.
12:54:32 @F1_Girl Cheers, I'll catch it later. Still irritated that dozed off & missed. Was watching Aus 86
replay yesterday, colleague passed by ...
12:59:49 @F1_Girl ... and asked, "who's winning?". Straight-faced, I replied Prost. His response? "Where
did Hamilton come?".
13:12:23 @F1_Girl A banker & Porsche driver. Yes, they still exist, and haven't changed much.
13:14:35 AFK (Sheldon).

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23:25:46 Decided to give Mall Cop a chance. I still feel hoodwinked. It's a variation on Home Alone, and
plays to a child audience.
23:28:48 The premise of a fat man doing ungainly things is a traditional mine of humour, but the lead has
just no comic content to work with.
23:32:01 The sole vaguely amusing scene is where the First Blood arm-stitching is sent up; and that only
caused a raise of eyebrow rather than laugh.

Saturday, 28th of March.

02:37:29 Just back from seeing two lovers. Still contemplating the worth.
02:39:24 Flip, that should have read Two Lovers. An entirely different meaning.
02:42:52 Not online for Prac 3, and perhaps Quali also. Haven't fully thought through the new regs &
designs. So am concentrating on tv screen.
02:51:04 @Kathrynelle "loves comics, movies, music, f1" - you may well be perfect. Nice to "meet" you.
02:55:18 Afk to fully listen to final practice. Being of single mind. #f1
02:58:54 Though I'd swear I've had a sandwich with Branson & Brawn on it. Oh wait, that was Branston!
13:13:01 Soaked from rain, but finally up to date with viewing. JB on pole: diffuser that good? Need to
check timings
18:44:54 I look forward to seeing how much you can bugger up (?) GP. http://dial2do.com/1dg3ln2
18:47:01 Well, perhaps that's a tad harsh. It's not you, is it, Richard? It's just the services you put your
name to. http://dial2do.com/1chdbeb
18:48:02 dear Mr Bransen would you like to explain why when i email your customer services i get a
email back 48hrs lat... http://dial2do.com/1cnp24c
22:26:45 Branson, not Bransen [audio transcrition failure]
22:44:32 Video: there are plenty of doughnuts in F1 … [lo quality vid] http://tumblr.com/xix1i15n3
22:46:26 Video: which might explain Bmw’s pit crew selection protocol … http://tumblr.com/xix1i163d
23:07:40 Two Lovers, btw, was a "serious" acted drama. One could tell because Gwyneth Paltrow bared
her left breast [unsure if script demanded tho].
23:11:39 It's an imperfect comparison, however the film had the feel of a semitic Tennessee Williams
piece. Well-acted, but unengaged with characters
23:14:29 It was refreshing, actually, to watch something unencumbered by the use of onscreen narration
or dialogue to explain characters' internal ..
23:15:58 ... state. Two nicely symbolic scenes: item of clothing in the sea, and the one stare to camera.
23:17:17 Anyway, off to view "Knowing"; then back to view Melbourne Gp in all multimedia glory. #f1
#formula1 #melbourne

Sunday, 29th of March.

02:46:46 Knowing is the movie the 2nd X-Files feature film should have been.
02:47:13 Alarm set for 5:50AM. See you later. http://dial2do.com/1c5uvwx
04:34:01 Pah, didn't need the alarm call after all #f1 #formula1

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04:41:07 AF, you've made some great additions to the viewing experience. Cheers! #f1 #formula1
04:56:49 @jeloz Have I understood this correctly: each driver had their own fire engine? #f1
05:01:29 @lenteaberta Transmission just starting in the UK. The opening parades/entertainments we
haven't seen. #f1
05:05:36 @lenteaberta We're seeing a summary of events/news so far this race weekend. Bbc radio
coverage now just transmitting. #f1
05:07:41 @lenteaberta Also try logging into http://tweetchat.com , and enter hashtag when asked for
chatroom to enter [eg formula1] #f1
05:15:11 @JeromeGotangco Wing apparently flexing too much. #f1
05:23:27 Dannii Minogue, Richard Branson, Miss Poland wandering round paddock [according to Bbc
Radio 5Live] #f1
05:27:02 @kearneykd More likely she's only "the breakfast of champions"! #f1
05:33:25 @N_A_B EJ: "starting from rear will make a man of him". That and dating a Pussycat Doll. #f1
05:36:12 is EJ angling for a job with Virgin? Serious brown-nosing. #f1
05:42:36 @hellojp what a "character" #f1
05:46:59 @hellojp "by crossing the line first" Boom, boom! #f1
05:51:04 @hellojp Yeah, JB's grin is going to be massive if he does win & LH scores zero points #f1
05:51:48 who sang the Aus national anthem? #f1
06:00:25 warm up lap #f1
06:18:42 Give everyone a kicking, RB #f1
07:04:49 Jonathan Legard's voice is sending me to sleep. Not quite monotone, but getting there. #f1
07:32:17 oh you MUPPETS! #f1
07:34:55 How has Hamilton ended up in podium position? #f1
07:39:00 @Jamesallenonf1 why?
07:40:30 another driver's dad tarting himself up in interview [button]. #f1
07:43:31 Thankx for the company, all. Obviously it wuz us wot wun it! #f1
07:46:33 RT @FulSpeed What can you say? Ross Brawn pisses greatness #F1
07:52:44 Nick Fry could finally answer a question without any disingenuity. #f1
07:54:20 Ant N Decs' cousin is back. #f1
10:12:13 Phew, my adrenal glands feel like tiny, shrivelled raisins. Going to lie down with a cold
compress. #f1
10:13:49 @kearneykd I think it does. Talk about lucking into something ... #f1
11:20:34 @F1_Girl Out of curiosity, why no sound?
12:28:01 @F1_Girl Ah - so near, so far. Not that it'll make you feel any better, but it was quite an eventful
race & after-race.
12:30:28 @Kathrynelle I'm rather embarassed to admit I'm re-watching too. Can't help feeling my
enthusiasm will dwindle later in year, if Fia mess up
12:59:50 @F1_Girl Nelson Piquet's "crazy brakes"
13:02:56 @Kathrynelle I found myself jaded last year, with the variable steward decisions, and the
political machinations. Still, that's the past.

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13:58:23 Mathematics can be dramatically utilised, as the Scott Bros' tv series "Numbers" has
demonstrated, however " ... http://shortxt.com/6m9t5qv
14:02:50 @F1_Girl Wonder if he would have been awarded points if he hade made it across finishing

Monday, 30th of March.

04:17:33 Photo: She http://tumblr.com/xix1i8zge
04:27:59 Waddaya mean "race weekend is over"? Why am I awake now, then?
17:28:19 Raynaud's Disease & Herbalism http://post.ly/CXI
17:56:31 @DEfusion Always felt the other 3 treated him badly. Rock groups, eh? The only ones who want
to be in one, aren't.
18:01:29 @Kathrynelle I remember being bought that in it's various cd single versions. For the life of me, I
cannot remember where I've put them.
19:56:56 @Kathrynelle Gosh, I can't bring to mind any of their recent work.
20:03:52 Make that Twitter & Tumblr being slooow.
20:12:50 Giving up - pages not loading.
22:41:07 I've just filled my tank with petrol. Don't forget fuel duty goes up £.02 a liter on April 1st. Thank
you Chan... http://dial2do.com/1db7tyy
22:42:35 Of course now he is Prime Minister as well. http://dial2do.com/1ck3sfg

Tuesday, 31st of March.

01:11:58 Back from Haunting Connecticut. Another "based on true story". I'd rather never know if the
supernatural exists.
01:14:58 The horror that man inflicts upon his brethren is indisputable, and this film's only value is in
describing that.
01:16:51 Otherwise it's just one more haunted house flick, undifferentiated from any other you may have
01:22:51 @Jamesallenonf1 I suspect we all realise it's yet another task added to your workload
01:26:08 @Jamesallenonf1 ... but appreciate the spontaneous bursts of unstructured info, insights, &
10:56:00 Daylight ... not used to it yet this year.
11:48:11 @Magpie_Guy It's a sleeping bag and inflatable pillows & mattress at my house! And Aldi
Easter Eggs, if they're lucky!
22:07:08 On the past 2 months of cinema ... - Largely inspired by @100films twittered account of his
commendable... http://tumblr.com/xix1il2h9

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Wednesday, 1st of April.

04:12:50 "Heroes" Ep 131 http://post.ly/D0F
04:55:17 @Jamesallenonf1 Better tell the drivers to climb down before they hurt themseves.
04:59:42 @Jamesallenonf1 Just type "#f1" [without quotation marks] anywhere in tweet. It adds a
category/topic to tweet, which can be searched for.
05:18:37 Photo: PhotoshopDisasters: Pabo: Fat Is A Frequently Missed Issue “If you’re going to edit your
models to... http://tumblr.com/xix1inrsp
15:37:01 Up till well after dawn, working on some websites. Naturally, awoke earlier with migraine.
15:39:12 Body now deciding whether to throw up, run a temperature, lock into cramps, or a combination
of the 3.
15:43:56 O'oh, it's the retching. Excuse me, must dash.
15:47:06 @O2UKOfficial Would you have time to provide a link to the O2 Calendar service that's
supposed to launch today?
15:58:24 @O2UKOfficial Thanks, appreciated. Receiving an sms cal reminder will be simpler than having
Google Cal email me, then O2 push mms
16:04:14 @O2UKOfficial ie GCal emails Gmail, which forwards to O2 email, which pushes mms via
Email2Mobile. So 3 copies of reminder, instead of 1.
19:07:43 Photo: Why we should love Uk banks … http://tumblr.com/xix1irij6

Thursday, 2nd of April.

08:10:48 @_cric_ Morning, it's been a while, but I'd be curious to hear what prompted the heels tweet.
08:14:12 @DEfusion Wouldn't it be delightful to actually know the race results when the finish line is
crossed. #f1
08:19:46 @wittertainment btw Knowing = XFiles not Twilight Zone. And RT still read.
08:30:10 Saw Traitor last night. Tread a similar path to Body Of Lies, but instead of focussing on techno-
08:36:45 ... & "look at me, I'm acting", it dealt with character/plot/dialogue. Intelligent & exciting, with
thoroughly well-acted performances.
08:40:43 It all appeared entirely authentic. War On Terror Obama-style, rather than Bush.
08:45:15 @empiremagazine Fox should have known Wolverine can't be caged.
09:08:29 @Jamesallenonf1 if the stewards muck around with post-race results any more, YOU may end
up on podium. #f1
09:14:29 #f1 formula one tagging itself with another hash. Bets on who'll have won Melbourne by
11:41:29 RT @dankf1: @saltire_ beginning to wonder why I actually bothered to get up at 6am last
weekend!!! - Stuff getting up at 3am tomorrow to ...
11:55:58 time for teams to up the disinformation in their radio transmissions. #f1

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Friday, 3rd of April.

01:52:38 @Pitstopbunny f1, tick. dog, tick. so thought i'd follow you a while - see what develops.
08:45:43 @Pitstopbunny Morning (I've only just surfaced). Was going to catch up with the 2 practices on
red button. But it'll be the pc, now you tell
08:47:41 @Pitstopbunny ... of press conferences. Thanks very much, most socialable of you.
09:34:00 http://twitpic.com/2r97t - chin hits floor whn say "need to use pc"
09:40:01 http://twitpic.com/2r9bj - Bribery is required, to resolve offence
14:25:24 Photo: T-Mobile: Goodbye Paper Billing, Goodbye Online Billing too … I spoke to their Business
Technical... http://tumblr.com/xix1j4ada
14:56:55 @_cric_ And how many Glaswegian stumblers did you have to fling aside today, on the path of
your career?
15:06:51 Listening to Brundle taking a strong line regarding Hamilton, clearly stating that LH has had his
Sporting Director guillotined ...
15:08:45 ... to avoid his own responsibility. "Living the dream" eh, Lewis: where there's always someone
else to be the fallguy. Not even Schumacher
15:10:03 ... did that, and he was no saint [or should that read "competitive"].
15:44:14 Audio: #f1 Martin Whitmarsh comparing Lewis Hamilton to a little lost lamb shepherded by the
big bad Sporting... http://tumblr.com/xix1j4pco
16:04:41 Twitter webpage is just refusing to load properly. I wouldn't pay for this service.
19:04:23 Video: The dog is more interesting than I am … seriously. http://tumblr.com/xix1j5som
19:14:34 @Pitstopbunny I know - am running out of toothpaste & mouthwash .
20:02:02 "I just wanted to tell my story and see what happened". = I just wanted to spin a tall tale and see
if I could get away with it. #f1
20:25:50 #f1 Blub, Blub, Blub http://post.ly/Dxv
20:29:10 #f1 Yay, got away with it! http://post.ly/Dxz
20:43:05 from a leftover Xmas cracker just pulled ... - "Which is the faster - hot or cold?" "Hot - you can
catch... http://tumblr.com/xix1j6a8k
22:05:31 Great, Twitter has finally sped up enough to be useable - too damn late in the day.
22:25:52 @Sofia Practice: 0655-0805, BBC Red Button/online & BBC Radio 5 Xtr; Qualifying:
0900-1130, BBC 1/online & BBC Radio 5 Xtr

Saturday, 4th of April.

08:43:27 Conscious, barely. In the process of prising eyelids open for Kuala quali. Keen not to let Jensen
down. #f1
09:17:20 17 mms in 30 mins, coming through to clog my inbox. Leave me alone till midday - yes I am
12:13:37 @Jamesallenonf1 the spectator stands did appear just about empty on bbc tv #f1
17:56:28 is terribly sleepy. stay in or go out?
18:08:14 the gurgle of my innards has just spoken - it is to be a purgative evening in.

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Sunday, 5th of April.

04:14:31 had no idea that Japan has Patriot missiles
04:22:11 @Magpie_Guy I'm afraid I didn't remember the group either, but I do recall "Where's Captain
Kirk?". Mind full of trivia ...
04:29:12 @100films Did you happen to see Tears Of The Black Tiger that premiered on Bbc2 today? It
seemed just as original now as on its theatric ...
04:34:38 @100films ... release. If you didn't, don't worry, I'm not suggesting you should (no doubt that
happens all the time). It's worth a punt ...
04:54:33 @virtualmalaysia #f1 would be interested in your experience as a spectator. the stands haven't
appeared to busy (on tv) so far this weekend.
04:55:30 too (typo)
05:06:52 going back to sleep for a few hours. the world won't stop turning if we're not there to
commentate on it.
06:47:44 RT @virtualmalaysia: #f1 it's raining cats n dogs at sic! we rushed to the grand stand n couldn't
spend much time at the teams merchandi ...
19:49:29 It's been a psychotically busy day. Rain/sleep/document destruction/gp red button replay/email
tidying/website clearing - all a blur.
19:50:14 Next, The Boat That Rocked ["are you feeling naughty?"].
23:00:14 The film that sank. http://dial2do.com/1chfz2h

Monday, 6th of April.

00:06:43 The Boat That Rocked left me entirely unmoved. Bill Nighy did his default louche turn, and Philip
Seymour Hoffman retained acting dignity
16:22:15 has nothing to say, since only awoke half an hour ago.

Tuesday, 7th of April.

04:47:20 Insomnia ....
05:00:09 Saw The Damned United last night. If the gloss & cash thrown at The Boat That Rocked failed
to be evocative of an era, the absolute opposite
05:09:50 ... is true here. TDU summons the period in minute detail. The script is well-plotted, with credible
dialogue. It's a successful character
05:12:57 ... study, of the "beautiful game" and of the men involved. Michael Sheen is mesmerisingly
charismatic as Brian Clough - a real joy to watch
05:23:53 In case you couldn't surmise from my earlier comment, The Boat That Rocked was a plastic &
empty entertainmen ... http://shortxt.com/485coz
05:26:11 And Twitter continues not to display tweets in my timeline...
05:50:15 Photo: The Damned United summons the 1970s period in minute detail. The script is
well-plotted, with credible... http://tumblr.com/xix1jsvgg
05:57:56 Video: See for yourself ... http://tumblr.com/xix1jsvpz

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06:09:57 Around The World '08 http://post.ly/FJc

07:09:56 No way Kylie looks like this anymore ... http://post.ly/FKF
08:02:25 RT @virtualmalaysia: @noSPicedhAM Check out my observations as a first timer at
http://tinyurl.com/cyqtdo #f1 malaysian grand prix
08:32:17 @AllisterF Hope it wasn't an iron injection - that hurts like buggery [boom, boom].

Wednesday, 8th of April.

04:02:57 Twitter still not displaying tweets. I'll certainly be jumping ship when the next big thing comes
along. This flaw has been unresolved f ...
04:26:57 has read that Rick of Adblock Plus Easylist has died. Most sad, as his work makes my daily
browsing better.
12:01:42 @heatworld I can live with stonewash, but the jacket is too Ming The Merciless.
12:43:57 Hasn't taken Tony Blair long out of office to start considering himself God again. Now he's
issuing his dictates to the Pope.
12:47:26 Changes to the articles of faith are (theoretically) to be the result of divine revelation to the
12:52:29 except for such revelation, faith is argued immutable - not subject to the will of people. since
when has TB been concerned with that will.
12:54:41 politicians: think anything is worth compromising - apart from their power base.
13:01:53 @totalfilm Was watching the STrek trailer in cinema a few days ago. Overheard: Was that
Sylar? / Don't be stupid! / Blimey, it is! .
13:03:26 Beggars the question, why all this "yoofing up"?
13:05:35 Star Trek, Dr Who, Jake Humphreys. Not one of them looks like they're used to wearing long
17:33:06 http://twitpic.com/30at1 - Another missing tweet ...
17:33:09 http://twitpic.com/30at5 - And the other [current] missing tweets ...
18:13:51 test moby audio 3, by email - http://mobypicture.com/?lrjdq0
18:19:51 test moby video 2 upload, by email - http://mobypicture.com/?70x88y
18:38:07 From another leftover Xmas cracker ... - Which players in an orchestra can't you trust? ... The
fiddlers! http://tumblr.com/xix1k3x09
19:46:39 think I'll potter around some shops.

Thursday, 9th of April.

07:13:39 is tired - literally, and of clearing up others' messes.
07:30:21 stomach cramps ...
10:24:06 dear god, what have i eaten? place smells like a sulphur mine. daren't light a match - the
methane explosion might blow out the windows.
10:44:01 Preferably gastroenterological ... - http://mobypicture.com/?pbiso9
10:59:09 Fast And Furious: not just a film opening tomorrow, but a description of peristalsis.
11:10:23 is still putting the flat into lent. not funny any more.

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11:20:02 http://twitpic.com/31k2c - Gif test x2

11:24:01 http://twitpic.com/31k5r - NRA Easter

Friday, 10th of April.

01:11:26 This isn't an interview, it's a funeral! http://post.ly/GWX
15:45:18 @Kathrynelle Yeah, that host revealed himself as intelligent, in establishing the case for
mentioning Angelina Jolie's ex-husband's oth ...
15:49:53 @Kathrynelle ... other works. He stood his ground in an entirely polite, unaggressive manner. I
can't recall when I last saw someone do ...
15:52:21 is feeling much better than yesterday, having only been awake 90mins.
15:55:19 @DEfusion One of my brothers is a proper cyclist (thousands spent on bikes). He lent me one.
15:57:00 @DEfusion I pedalled to the end of the road, and was too out of breath to get back.
15:58:29 My Raleigh Chopper was never so hard!
16:02:17 that had speedo, mileometer, horn, lights, gears. though didn't go as far as handlebar tassles.
16:14:43 Just catching up: it's "grandS prix" - in French & English! No such term in American, as they
don't have this nuance.
16:16:09 Or a grand prix. Let alone grands prix.
16:19:44 @F1_Girl *nods* And yet their nation was born of true intellectuals.

Saturday, 11th of April.

01:38:53 watching a very late screening of Let The Right One In.
02:22:34 Planet Of The Dead = Pitch Black in the sunshine. #drwho
08:28:19 Sun streaming through the windows after only 3hrs sleep isn't welcome. just want to crawl into a
dark cave, roll a boulder across the
08:29:31 ... entrance, and sleep for 24hrs.
08:47:07 @Captain_Razzle since you ask: concentating this evening, twittering during Monday's repeat
(Bbc 1, 5pm). #drwho
08:50:22 @edent thought the same, though initially (being half asleep) tried to recall seeing that episode!
08:52:53 @Orchidflower plus Bbc Radio 2 10am-1pm, sitting in for Jonathan Ross. #drwho
09:29:28 @Captain_Razzle *grins* that's a bet we'd surely lose! #drwho
09:31:50 @Captain_Razzle Ps. RUN! #drwho
09:37:57 @gerrymoth happened to notice your conversation. I'm assuming you do know that 3uk & TMob
are (in the process) of network sharing.
09:40:31 @gerrymoth so if they've already done your area, you're stuffed. *grimaces*
09:52:46 @mattimago Morning, am going back to sleep just now, but look forward to your views in the
usual twitter social exchanges.
11:47:23 recommending The Machinist on Uk C4 1250-0240am. Slightly uncomfortable viewing for me
personally, but an excellent portrayal ...

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11:51:01 ... Christian Bale. One of his first "tortured" roles, with all-too-authentic physicality. He made
Batman straight after this.
16:49:17 RT @mattimago: Just an hour to go. Surely someone out there wants to see some original
#DrWho artwork and music? http://mattimago.com P ...
17:15:38 @jessfaith noticed your tweet. saw this at midnight yesterday. it's had rave reviews for a year,
and i can't disagree.
17:18:22 @jessfaith ... guess you'll be seeing for yourself shortly.
21:54:33 Still not sure how to summarise the film of 24hrs ago, so off to clear my aching skull with the
mindless fun of Fast & Furious. *Vroom*
22:00:27 @jessfaith Although didn't know it prior, Wiki says title from Morrissey song "Let the Right One
Slip In" [you'll have realised, of course].
22:01:55 @jessfaith ... Plus that the original book, whilst being more explanatory, is rather more
22:02:48 Anyway, off to grin at Vin Diesel.

Sunday, 12th of April.

00:54:00 That was enormous fun. http://dial2do.com/1ckrack
01:01:00 You wouldn't believe the number of drivers inspired to beat us to the car park after the film.
11:05:25 Christ is risen, and have I; but only one of us will be taking a nap later.
11:10:28 Mulling over that in a Vin Diesel world: petrol would be free/cars stolen/lesbians would be
lipstick (& their 2 best friends)/
11:15:14 ... and your pal's younger sister would always be up for some rumpy pumpy.
11:16:53 ... plus (it should go without saying) chests would be beaten at every available opportunity.
11:45:13 Grrh. Twitter losing posts again. So my tweetstream makes even less sense than usual.
19:21:15 Yawn. Wakes up. http://dial2do.com/1dcgfwd
19:37:06 This is ridiculous. http://dial2do.com/1dfsrnr
19:37:41 I have just realized I have seen every film showing on British television today.
19:41:01 Except 3. http://dial2do.com/1cm6ut2
19:41:12 Under dog. http://dial2do.com/1dzdgfq
19:42:15 The librarian the curse of the Judas chalice. http://dial2do.com/1cwo3l9
19:42:25 And camp rock. http://dial2do.com/1dk7mdq
19:43:28 I doubt I'm going to watch those free anyway, simply for the sake of completeness.
19:52:09 It's better tomorrow low there are 5 I haven't seen. http://dial2do.com/1cgw2v8

Monday, 13th of April.

06:55:10 @sevendotzero I loved that load of old schloss.
07:12:46 @SarahAnnGreen @F1_Girl @markastevenson "Hit Me With Your Rhythm Stick" for #f1panto

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07:14:05 ... obviously for Max's theme song. #f1panto
07:19:42 Or Tina Turner's "Private Dancer" for Lewis Hamilton's LiarGate interlude? #f1musical
15:13:13 uncracking my spine ...
19:50:20 Mobypicture doesn't support wmv files.
20:13:38 NIN Lights 08 http://post.ly/Hzt
23:04:23 Back from Genova (the movie, not place, alas). Can't draw any conclusion over it ...
23:09:21 ... as it's a film lacking a conclusion. There's no ending - it just stops. No point made.
23:11:30 Director, where is the rest of Genova? And why did you allow Colin Firth to sleep-act thru it?

Tuesday, 14th of April.

04:02:23 insomnia rampant.
06:27:20 Cranial Spaghetti - A decade of insomnia is twisting the synapses and degrading the wiring.
Rolling with its... http://tumblr.com/xix1l5xx3
06:35:28 Humph. Tumblr is useless for multimedia posts by email; and Posterous similarly poor for direct
14:17:29 Tumblr wouldn't post photo & text [except subject line] via email earlier. However using Moby
Picture will allow publishing of full content.
16:42:44 Damn it, couldn't get the NIN tickets. Online store says "no".
16:44:28 Still, visiting the site reminded me to re-download "The Slip" in wave format. Connection
currently sucking down 1.5GB via torrent.
16:47:42 Embarassingly, it's only in the past few weeks that have realised that Opera can be used for
such. So no need for pesky specialist apps.

Wednesday, 15th of April.

15:40:08 @jearle Noticed your tweet. O2 have a long history of not enabling mms on tariffs that aren't
setup to be billed for it.
15:43:01 @jearle When mms was introduced, all contract O2 users had to switch to new tariffs to have
the service.
15:46:57 @jearle A few customers got away with being enabled (never quite explained how), but not the
15:49:32 @jearle PS. For your successful mms sending, could your phone be making a web/wap/wifi
connection, rather than mms?
15:52:15 @jearle I've seen this happen on other handsets which have a secondary connection
configured. Then get charged for kb data. Anywy, good luck
16:16:36 "Only a person of supreme arrogance would think he is right when so many of his esteemed
colleagues would disagree". #f1
16:21:40 Galileo, Darwin: both wrong, by Ferrari lawyer's argument. #f1
16:25:29 Plus, like critism of the Bbc, it would have more weight if the critics weren't going to
commercially benefit from a successful prosecution.
16:36:41 "double decker diffusers" are the new sexy. Why should only Jordan enjoy sporting double-d's?

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(the "model", not EJ) #f1

16:40:12 Not clear yet, why Fia didn't like 'em on Renault. #f1
16:57:23 Btw Mr Earle, I did actually prefer the meerkat, but that says more about me than you. Plus,
immobile.me : a site for car clampers?

Thursday, 16th of April.

07:15:12 @totalfilm Will look forward to the live review. I doubt the filmmakers intend for a much more
considered scrutiny.
07:22:33 @LeeMcK LH, Dennis going? The prosecution of McLaren over the past 2 seasons has every
appearance of vindictiveness. England is cold.
18:34:33 Four Police, Four Drunks - in four video clips http://post.ly/JEx
20:11:45 Audio: The last genre of music that truly held interest for me was drum ‘n’ bass. That was
preceded by... http://tumblr.com/xix1lpeol

Friday, 17th of April.

03:28:51 Catching up with the news. Ron Dennis gone. Desperately disappointing, even though
expected. The rotten Hamiltons: not a shred of ... #f1
03:32:29 of loyalty or sportsmanship in them. Ending 40 yrs of gifted contribution to #f1, for the sake of
continuing to make money out of the LH ...
03:34:26 .. brand [or "reputation", as those 2 attempt to characterise it]. #f1
03:47:25 @leonardodm Have been thinking the same thing. It's the new McLaren diffuser, Mosely! #f1
03:52:16 @leonardodm *Ouch* I'd forgotten about that. MM must been quivering with delight at having
thrashed RD out of racing. #f1

Saturday, 18th of April.

05:23:59 I think I'd prefer having slept later on, but enjoying Mike Gascoyne's professional Shanghai
insights now. #f1
05:31:51 @N_A_B It's a joy to hear factual info on this technical sport, rather than the easier soft focus on
personality and emotion. #f1
05:44:31 Felipe still looking like a little boy [that's not a criticism]. Plus ice creams & cokes for Kimi. #f1
05:50:12 "Do anything", LH? Like stabbing Ron Dennis in the back? #f1
05:54:37 I maintain that Jonathan Legard belongs in a zombie movie. #f1
06:12:28 Legard: "down amongst the dead men". Sounds like my weekend so far too. #f1
06:34:46 Hamilton Sn chewing on RDen's bones there. #f1
06:44:02 The Red Bulls in Q2 - wow! #f1
07:04:02 If Brawn GP make bad race starts again, guess their story wil be over. #f1
07:22:36 @DEfusion I noticed they didn't show any shots of his feet during transmission.
07:52:17 Off now, to do some things less interesting.
08:11:14 It's wrong to look, I know ... http://post.ly/JzG

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22:12:50 Was going to see Crank:High Voltage, but considering that should see some
intensity/speed/firepower at the Shanghai GP in 9hrs ...
22:15:09 .. will attempt to stimulate brain with the midnight showing of @AIannucci's In The Loop.
Otherwise my tweets will read like EJordan's later

Sunday, 19th of April.

06:01:27 Made it ...but eyes look like they've been punched a few times by Mike Tyson. #f1
06:15:31 Sebastian - you can't talk about your "package" on the Bbc. #f1
06:27:56 One thing I prefer about Jensen's character is his wry self-depreciation, as opposed to a
managed emphasis on a sellable image. #f1
06:29:13 Btw, is Mike Gasgoyne shorter this morning? Shrunk in the rain perhaps? #f1
06:36:14 @toraharris Envious of that rig. I'm flat out in sleeping bag, with 15" laptop & 17" portable tv. #f1
06:36:38 He is shrinking! #f1
07:02:21 Bet this spray is reminding D Coulthard of being rear-ended by Schumacher. #f1
07:07:25 Video: In The Loop With all splendidly aimed satires, one is left with the haunting doubt that the
content is... http://tumblr.com/xix1m6ra2
07:12:11 @toraharris Well, maybe I over-emphasized the deprivation. Am actually enjoying the open air,
in the back garden with the dog.
07:14:00 Well done, Fernando says go! #f1
07:29:06 I'm finding Legard's presentation too descriptive [as if still pitching to radio]. Prefer more
Brundlian analysis - but JL won't shut up #f1
07:42:28 Kubica has just given Trulli a new haircut! #f1
07:52:04 A Davidson says probably hydaulic problem with Massa stopping - no upshifting. #f1
08:07:12 @f1fanatic_co_uk *snigger*
08:14:31 @anorexias_real Poll: Skeletal, Imprisoned, Dehumanised, Distracted, Haunted, & Hunted.
08:16:21 @rustyrockets Thnx for reminder. Is this your first show on TSport [don't normally listen to
08:37:21 @anorexias_real Poll: Trappped #anorexia
08:41:24 Nelson, a Fomula 1 race car is not a gardening tool. #f1
08:42:59 How long before Hamilton tells team to order Heikki to move over [or he's not seeing out the 5yr
contract]? #f1
08:49:35 @anorexias_real Well, hope you can find some use for it.
09:02:48 @F1_Girl I don't mind repeating: Legard, shut uppppppppppppppppppppppppppp! My ears
09:08:42 @F1_Girl In full agreement, tweeted the same a couple of hours ago.
09:10:38 Is the Bbc #f1 red button forum available online?
09:35:53 Never mind, didn't realise the Live Interactive Forum is an option in the Live Bbc Video online
feed. #f1
09:38:05 Expected it to be like Motorsport 606 Forum, not the "Match Of The Day" discussion show that it
is. 3 races it's taken to find it. Doh! #f1

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09:41:42 @scarborough Phew, that makes me feel less of an absolute dummy.

09:55:29 @100films Will look forward to that review. Couldn't make State of Play 11am preview, as
conflicted with the motor racing.
09:59:08 @100films Incidentally, my dog goes beserk if it sees pigeons on the neighbour's roof. I have to
go out with ... http://shortxt.com/u78mnta
10:00:39 @Kathrynelle I don't even have to follow your tweestream to know you're speaking of Picquet.
10:09:39 @Kathrynelle ... Rocket Science. Well that + the fact that Rosberg managed to mostly stay on
track today.
10:56:09 Dog is now snoozing in the sun. I believe I will join her.

Monday, 20th of April.

04:22:57 Incidentally, as of 6hrs ago, am officially CRANKED!
12:55:20 T-Mobile's broadband service to devalue it's worth, with the loss of most of it's Uk wifi hotspots.
O2 now the only with decent wifi.
12:57:20 In addition to T-Mob halving it's max data allowance, but continuing to charge the same.
13:12:16 @iGalway *hah* Still plenty of time for people to lose their points +/- monies later in the season.
Fia still due to eviscerate McLaren. #f1
14:11:33 Crank 2: Neither defies or requires analysis. Like gin, let us say, it has no appreciable taste but
is vaguely intoxicating all the same.
14:14:45 High Voltage does have that hint of Indian tonic water, and twist of lemon, in being just that little
bit funnier & more stylish than expect
14:21:08 The director & editor mainly conceal their filmic intelligence, to suit the audience, but it leaks
through in parts; eg in knowing cameos.
14:34:02 @jearle Yep - the afternoon following the night before, am left with surface impressions of
nipples/equine genitalia/charred Statham ...
14:35:40 ... and that sense of having been entertained, though not quite sure why.
14:39:00 @jearle @seaneeboy Since we seem to be on a subject, can I assume you've both seen Shoot
'em Up (Clive Owen, a few years ago)?
14:51:39 @jearle Well, check Imdb before you take my word for it. Imho it has the best bullets & (pardon
language) bonking scene.
14:56:22 @seaneeboy Oh, it certainly has all that - and death by carrot. Plus Monica Bellucci & Paul
Giamatti - one being sexy, and the other clever.
14:58:47 @seaneeboy ... and - thankfully - of the two, it's not Giamatti who wears the corset.

Tuesday, 21st of April.

03:11:24 @iGalway I prefer "re-imagining". "Re-engineer" assumes some technical competence.
03:16:37 @seaneeboy hadn't heard of 2012, except in the Olympian context. Have since done as trailer
asks & googled it. I'm now ready for apocalypse.
03:26:00 ... and if anyone's List does contain the aforementioned, could I suggest Smokin' Aces (from
2007)? I recall it being a dementedly fast film
03:30:47 @100films RT @AIannucci: Small Loop release this weekend. If people go, then it'll go wider

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next week. Or shut down if they don't. Yikes!

03:32:44 ... "this weekend" being that of Apr 17th.
03:58:49 Twitter Worm Madness, from The Register: http://bit.ly/lOkT9
04:11:21 Also noted (sort of), Mike Gasgoyne ahead of the #f1 game again: http://bit.ly/OcVaq
04:18:40 #f1 The FIA submit that, while there may be spaces between different surfaces, the surfaces
themselves do not have holes.
04:26:48 #f1 Eg there is a huge empty space between Max Mosely's ears, but it's the latter that have
04:30:19 #f1 Well, ears and the area of his body that he has caned.
09:06:09 Mobypicture has gone bananas with my 2 posts!

Wednesday, 22nd of April.

00:42:04 50 Dead Men Walking - http://mobypicture.com/?tfve2k
07:16:16 Hang on to your wallets - it's Darling's Tax Day.
10:04:29 Small Screen, Smaller Audience http://post.ly/M0U
10:15:52 @Pitstopbunny They're always stealthily inventive, in analysis/proposal/presentation. I expect
snake oil, pickpocketing, and smoke & mir ...
10:16:45 ... mirrors.
10:22:00 @empiremagazine Mr Potatohead is just not an action hero sleuth.
10:24:22 @BBCClick #bbctwit 1No
13:32:36 @BBCClick #bbctwit 2No
16:50:38 @BBCClick #bbctwit 3No
16:54:00 @BBCClick #bbctwit health, weather, tech, ents, f1
20:06:39 Tidying Up Twitpic and Mobypicture ... Evolving Beyond Twitter http://post.ly/MEz
20:34:55 Teh Doggi Kollekshun http://post.ly/MFj
20:42:07 And a series of miscellaneous images ... http://post.ly/MFv
22:00:39 Mopping Up, Sweeping The Popcorn ... - Having applied a little spring cleaning to my Twitpic,
Mobypicture,... http://tumblr.com/xix1mysxs
22:44:22 Video: 50 Dead Men Walking For every Hollywood blockbuster that purports to be an involving
thriller [I’m... http://tumblr.com/xix1mz4nr
23:43:37 Audio: Amanda Blank: Might Like You Better … I promise. [courtesy XLR8R].
23:52:25 Papercuts: Ruby Sun remix http://post.ly/MJn

Thursday, 23rd of April.

00:14:44 Link: Audio: link to subtractiveLAD: Through the Trees http://tumblr.com/xix1mzthw
00:25:18 @100films Or even, "Fitz". We also had "Columbone", "Charlie's Angles", "Cannun", & "The
Rockport Files" [though that's going back a bit].
00:42:40 Gosh, I'm all blogged out now - and almost up to date [famous last words again ... ]

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00:52:21 @100films Dare I ask - is he German?

07:35:52 RT @starsnostars: is on a tram. a tram. yeah, a tram. what? i can't hear you, i'm on a tram.
07:44:45 RT @callanb: http://twitpic.com/3ti6r - Got bored, so whipped this up.. Go the mighty Brawn ;)
#f1 #brawngp *a perfect mashup*
11:16:40 @totalfilm No one suggest Vols 1 & 2. Bring a cushion instead.
11:48:23 @100films I noticed the Tuesday 2230 screening. Will that make it a 6 day opening weekend?
12:00:49 @100films Film accountants are sneaky beggars. And corporate accountants. And auditors.
And the Exchequer. All clawing their way through ...
12:03:08 I'm off to check my wallet. See if any retroactive receipts have been slipped in.
12:09:05 No, no further bills; but no percentage of the gross either.
12:11:23 There was one accountant who caught my eye, but even her perfume was Poison.
12:32:56 @CollingsA Dah-di-dah-dah Dit Di-Di-dit
12:35:59 And, prompted by the subject, out to synthesize some vit D in the sunlight.
23:52:13 I Love You, Man ... no, I really do. We so spent a pleasant time in one another's company. Be
my bestest friend. Call me!

Friday, 24th of April.

00:39:13 http://twitpic.com/3v4eg - #F1A's MM grinning - does he know the Bahraini Gp result already?
05:15:49 Hope slucing with Pepsi Max counts as brushing my teeth, as am out of toothpaste.
09:46:57 @jearle eau dear.
10:01:16 Smells like the swimming baths every time run cold water taps here. Dog won't drink it because
of high chlorine additive.
10:03:17 It will drink filtered water, or even puddled. Definitely not tap.
10:15:30 @jearle God balancing the deep-fried Mars Bars out, as with sand & oil.
10:20:21 Bought a new filter machine yesterday, actually. Size of a small stainless steel bin, with a blue
backlight that illuminates whole room.
10:24:38 @Kathrynelle Oh, you sweet woman. That's my 1st #followfriday mention. I will drink some
green tea in your honour.
10:26:35 ... when I find someone more healthy living to borrow from.
14:38:25 Disturbed that easier to stay in the Uk on a student visa, even if a suspected terrorist, than if a
14:42:27 ... gurkha.

Saturday, 25th of April.

02:08:03 @100films Am humbled by your generosity of spirit, in nominating me for #followfriday.
02:12:33 Observe And Report: having just completed the former, the latter is that this is one more slack,
downbeat, "loser" movie from Seth Rogen.
02:17:08 Every single character, bar a solitary coffee shop girl, is thoroughly unlikeable. I laughed once,
and that was out of politeness.

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02:23:30 There must be a section of the population whose seratonin production has been so damaged by
prolonged recreational drug use, that this fare
02:24:48 ... Is all that their insensateness can respond to.
10:44:06 http://twitpic.com/3ye7a - Happy Birthday Claire [whoever you may be].
11:03:52 t-mobile broadband cutting out after 5.5mb uploading - and this is supposedly the "best value"
service in the country. Digital Britain.
11:13:46 So reduced to listening to Qualifying on 5LiveSX, whilst work on spreadsheets. #f1
11:19:48 Failing rather miserably at multitasking.
11:39:16 So much "paperwork" to catch up on - all held up because of having had the bright idea of
working in the local park, instead of the office.
11:42:10 Stlil, the dog is enjoying the open air. I'd like to post a vid, but Vimeo refuses to convert file
format today.
11:45:04 Good afternoon too, to @incrociate & @LoudSilenceProd. Please accept apology for currently
being such an absolute moaner.
12:02:10 Trulli & Glock? Blimey, will have to watch on red button re-run later. #f1
12:56:09 Photo: Mine glows in the dark - feel free to swallow … http://tumblr.com/xix1nj0g6
13:30:58 The No1 Ladies Detective Agency http://post.ly/Nbs
13:39:41 Lord, these social media sites are being difficult today. Now Posterous would not embed video
html by email. Have just had to manually edit
13:41:37 And earlier, Tumblr would post photo by email, but not the associated text.
13:50:31 @100films @Bodzy85 Did you see the original Man On Fire, ft Scott Glenn? Not too bad -
based in Italy, during the Red Brigade troubles.
13:53:09 Plus also featured Joe Pesci, Danny Aiello, Jonathan Pryce.
13:55:27 Now Mobypicture won't upload audio either. Am giving up!
14:25:15 http://twitpic.com/3ynrx - @Kathrynelle Have let you down .This is the closest have come to a
green tea ...
15:01:32 Where will you be at 2230 BST 28.04.09 ? http://post.ly/NeI
15:11:40 And in case you need a clue ... http://post.ly/Neh
15:32:42 Sleep, sleep, sleep.

Sunday, 26th of April.

11:38:53 Holy Layla Kashmir - Robert Plant & eric Clapton. #f1
12:05:10 Button stuffed his start again. #f1
12:15:11 Trying the Cbbc stream. Some Northern girl is talking re Hamilton, over Pussycat Dolls' "Don't
You ... Girlfriend Hot" background music #f1
12:21:58 This Cbbc is surprisingly informative. Just had "Jim Kers" as a character, explaining how he
works; talking slowly as his charge expires #f1
12:36:34 No messing with my feeds today - using landline. Streaming onboard driver view, live + 5live
commentary, live timing. #f1
12:49:14 @Sims_Galore Would you have a link for that calendar? #f1
12:57:36 @Sims_Galore Thanks v much. saves me manually entering dates into Google Calendar.

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13:30:27 A Davidson saying this is the best drive of Button's career. #f1
13:36:46 Intent on not repeating yesterday's #f1 viewing debacle ... http://post.ly/OAN
14:06:56 @F1_Girl Had me rather lost too, but the bbc chatters are on now. #f1
14:43:37 Trulli: "I didn't lose the race". Clearly his sports psychologist has taught him to believe he's a
winner, as he actually finished 3rd.
14:46:41 @incrociate I didn't think to record it. the vid was the standard tv stream, with at least 3 Cbbc
presenter audio commentators overlaid.
14:49:45 @incrociate I listened to Cbbc in spurts during the race. It wasn't infantile, as one might have
expected. Treated the viewer as intelligent
14:51:57 Well, for example, more intelligent & mature than Uk Tv treats audiences on a Saturday evening
[cbbc #f1 programming, that is].
14:55:55 @Pitstopbunny Good Grief, listen to him hugely "bigging himself up" on the Bbc #f1 forum prog.
Then noting every "fault" on the car.
14:57:34 The flippin' Nazis had a less well-oiled message for the propanda machine than LHamilton. #f1
15:27:22 @posterous Have since retested emailing the embed code to blog. Posted correctly when use
plain text email format.
15:42:43 Link: The No. 1 Ladies' Favourite Radio Show - "Just Rocks" - The fictional radio offshoot of the
bbc tv... http://tumblr.com/xix1nqemc
15:55:19 @Magpie_Guy Wouldn't care to think how @dave_turner views Harry Potter and Prof
Dumbledore, then.
17:09:37 Just joined a twibe. Visit http://twibes.com/Formula1 to join
17:13:07 Just joined a twibe. Visit http://twibes.com/Marvel to join
17:22:33 I just created the f1 Twibe: http://twibes.com/f1
17:29:00 And only registered/created http://twibes.com/f1 as know more tweeps who use the hashtag
#f1 than #formula1 .
18:35:07 Audio: Kate Simko - God Particle For the Higgs boson physicists … [courtesy xlr8r]
19:06:21 Link: Audio - DNAe Beats : There's A Wormhole In My Bathroom - … concluding the science
continuum. [courtesy... http://tumblr.com/xix1nrgle
19:46:12 Logging off, as have used 5Gb of data today. Darn that #f1. Dragging myself away by

Monday, 27th of April.

18:11:00 @Pitstopbunny "Being lazy & can't be bothered to make a proper tea, cheated &" went to visit
Mother. There is a huge joint of organic beef.
18:11:58 ... The dog & I will be fighting over it in half an hour.
18:18:09 @thefilmobserver @microfilmreview If you have no objection, I'll be following your tweets/blogs
for a while.
18:19:59 Am always engaged to hear others' pov on your "specialist subject" of film; plus am quite in awe
of those who can sustain their writing.
18:21:27 RT @Marvel: Free Comic Book Day is Saturday, May 2! http://bit.ly/iZf6n Read the original
Wolverine "Weapon X" story for free for a time!

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18:45:40 The Divine Comedy brightened my life http://post.ly/Okt

19:01:45 Outwitted by "man's best friend" http://post.ly/OlC
19:22:18 Watching Us http://post.ly/Oli
20:55:52 Video: Outlander In some respects, these clips are more enjoyable than the film itself. The
premise of... http://tumblr.com/xix1o031k
21:08:42 @_cric_ That's an extraordinary revision. Similarly whilst watching Haunting In Connecticut
recently, I noticed it was only the ...
21:10:04 @_cric_ ... soundtrack that was responsible for any scariness, rather than the
21:32:26 @Pitstopbunny For my sins, yes.
21:51:26 Audio: Lily Allen - The Fear [Doc Fritz Fearchestral Remix] [courtesy of
http://www.lilyallenremixed.com ] http://tumblr.com/xix1o0frn

Tuesday, 28th of April.

20:33:54 listening to "the hand that feeds (photek straight mix) - nine inch nails" ♫ http://blip.fm/~55ope
21:08:19 Photo: Monsters Vs Aliens 3D Clearly I left viewing this until late in it’s theatre run, as frankly I
just... http://tumblr.com/xix1o8qmf
21:13:04 Out of time. Off to see X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

Wednesday, 29th of April.

17:37:54 Audio: Harking back to Shriekback - All lined Up. Introduced to me in a long lost 12” mixtape, by
a long lost... http://tumblr.com/xix1og2qd
17:54:04 Grolsch & Carlsberg were never our Nemesis http://post.ly/Pl8
20:05:59 Photo: Essaying X-Men Origins: Wolverine When one is familiar with the source material upon
which a film may... http://tumblr.com/xix1ogz6d
21:37:52 listening to "Ni Ten Ichi Ryu (TeeBee Remix) - Photek" ♫ http://blip.fm/~58cpp

Thursday, 30th of April.

19:10:58 And fast streaming Highlander:The Source on Bbc iPlayer; and thinking this, by the grace of
Thor, is how Wolverine could have turned out.
19:11:34 Favourite quote so far: "... this is against the laws of celestial mechanics!".
20:57:03 listening to "I Don't Wanna Live 9 To 5 [Fear Factory vs. Lady Sovereign] - DJ Morgoth" ♫

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Friday, 1st of May.

08:11:52 Ashes To Ashes; series 2, episode 2 - audio clips http://post.ly/QZL
08:27:43 listening to "New Forms (Krust's Wide Screen Version) - Roni Size Reprazent (formalhaut)" ♫
08:36:07 listening to "Fun For Me - Portishead
08:43:18 listening to "#1 crush (nelle hopper version) - Garbage" ♫ http://blip.fm/~5c0ww
08:55:37 listening to "White Lines - Duran Duran" ♫ http://blip.fm/~5c19i
08:57:18 Still listening ... and saying nothing.
09:12:40 listening to "Supermassive Black Hole (Team 9 Remix) - Muse" ♫ http://blip.fm/~5c1r9
09:17:35 The previous tweet links to quite a decent collaborative mashup.
10:48:43 Link: Prince Pbs Interview, 27.04.09 - Below is a clip of it, but the full 20+ min video is linked to
above.... http://tumblr.com/xix1ouz8c
11:09:13 Power Co wanted my meter reading. I want a price cut; and unit billing that isn't obfuscatory by
12:16:31 Garner & McConaughey - past it? http://post.ly/QcK
12:39:02 @DEfusion That's a coincidence [not necessarily an unlikely one], was only listening to Muse a
few hours ago; at http://blip.fm/~5c1so .
12:54:36 listening to "Halo (Goldfrapp Remix ) - Depeche Mode" ♫ http://blip.fm/~5c9hq
12:59:20 @Magpie_Guy I'm afraid that April is at my office, underneath a stack of paperwork.
13:50:59 Wow, finally gotten Mark Kermode video webcast to stream - for the first time ever.
17:52:31 Princely http://post.ly/Qlp
18:07:37 Santa Claws http://post.ly/QmL

Saturday, 2nd of May.

15:26:52 listening to "Crazy Times - team9 vs gnarls barkley vs prince" ♫ http://blip.fm/~5f3gn
15:39:13 @Magpie_Guy Thanks for the #followfriday - mighty white of you [if people still say that].
15:58:17 If only Tin Machine had collaborated so well. ♫ http://blip.fm/~5f5hd
16:08:39 The uncommon incidence of all the nuclear family being within spitting distance of one another
occurred earlier this afternoon.
16:17:40 It was as warm, loving, and tender as one might have expected. Will pick wildflowers later, as I
skip into the sunset.
16:42:57 Audio: Faunts - Feel Love Think … though I prefer not to. [courtesy xlr8r]
17:00:18 No, forget the flowers. Given today's aforementioned, The Uninvited will prove most appropriate
- or Shifty.

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Sunday, 3rd of May.

16:10:47 It didn't take long for a broken-jointed, flesh-decayed ghoul to pop out in oppositionn to a serial
killer stepmother.
16:19:27 Nothing abnormal there, in anyone's family; and we've all been haunted by the ghosts of
slaughtered children, of course.
16:24:08 Hands up too, who hasn't stood alone in a life where everyone is either unpleasant towards, or
deliberately out to get, you.
16:28:27 Yet The Uninvited is here to tell you that no matter how twisted it gets, it will all make sense in
the end.
16:39:08 As for my own Uninvited, if it was his birthday, the only cake he'd deserve would be urinal.
19:10:10 Major props (yes, I am learning to use blip.fm) to DrJg, if you're reading this for the 1st time. You
may be the closest to a city financier
19:15:48 ... here. Though it won't take a Phd in Quantative Analysis to follow what is clearly derivative on
19:21:11 @wittertainment With that, you just may have the beginning of a drinking game.

Monday, 4th of May.

11:32:34 looked Shifty last night; and ain't apologising for it, rudeboy.
12:20:43 Can someone let me know when Uk.gov have Mastered The Internet? Then maybe they'll have
time to speak to Dell,
12:22:23 ... about how a citizen can get Vista Sp1 to successfully install.
20:05:22 is waiting for ER girl to get her kit off. at least I think that's the programme concept.
20:07:51 @JasonBradbury Very entertaining to see the result of your tweetup. #gadgetshowmob
20:21:59 Winston: don't you dare get your dirty ol' fella out!
20:27:33 Why Ray, why? We alreabex know you're the daddy.
20:29:14 ... bex? dy.

Tuesday, 5th of May.

11:09:24 Cold, wet, and nasty. Female weather today.
11:55:08 4.65m watched RW flop on top of PN for 2 hrs last night. That'll account for a lot of Zantac sales
11:58:42 And Manone, thanks for mucking about with AdB. I wondered why that Noscript filter had
popped up.
11:59:45 ... Maone.
12:04:41 @enterf1 Certainly Donnington, just for the novelty of a new track. #f1
23:23:07 Ashes To Ashes; series 2, episode 3 - audio clips http://post.ly/Svf
23:54:11 Alexander Armstrong, wryly, on Sunday evening Uk television viewing http://post.ly/SxP

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Wednesday, 6th of May.

00:25:30 Imagine this blasting through the walls of your flat. ♫ http://blip.fm/~5o4r2
00:33:28 listening to "Bela Lugosi's Dead - Bauhaus" ♫ http://blip.fm/~5o5ch
00:43:04 Is Anybody There? Well, as many elderly fine actors as I can recall ever appearing ensemble; in
roles which must have been trying, given the
00:48:11 ... film's theme of encrouching mortality. Nor can I recall Michael Caine surpassing his
performance herein.
12:21:33 *yelps into motion* (which currently consists of raising eyelids.
12:32:41 @jearle You had to bring up bottled water again! As for Graze, I like my fruit & nut enwrapped in
12:36:02 Graze falls into the "more money than sense" category.
12:38:10 Besides, I wouldn't be able too distinguish it from the sacks of birdfood that gets delivered.
12:38:43 ... to.
19:03:06 Considering seeing Wolverine again, before Star Trek goes boldly to kick it off the big screens
19:13:04 Any hard info on whether Mosley Jnr suspected recreational drugs overdose was suicide or
accident? #f1
19:38:53 @jupitusphillip Paypal Bill The Hobo Pickpocket #hobonames
20:04:54 Link: Big Up to Big B Blog - I briefly insinuated yesterday [at http://post.ly/SxP ] that blogging is
a... http://tumblr.com/xix1q3236

Thursday, 7th of May.

05:13:43 RT @Marvel: "Deadpool movie confirmed!". Noooo, the horror of more Ryan Reynolds'
05:21:47 RT @Sugababes_Real: Q & A tomorrow from 8PM UK time! With Me(keisha) Heidi & Mel :-)
Please remember that if you send questions in to ea ...
05:26:02 XMen seemed to have run its course, incidentally; as only 12 of us "drinkin to remember".
05:34:32 @100films Having seen the trailers, I think Sylar is going to steal the show. The Kirk actor
doesn't seem admirable or sympathetic enough.
05:40:06 More petty & truculent - juvenile delinquent rather than leader of men/inspirer of geeks.
14:52:01 @100films Baby Kirk = "rebel without a cause" - wish I'd phrased it like that. ZQuinto? I'm
expecting him to be more Spock than Spock.
14:55:01 Which reminds me, must look at some Trekkie sites before view film. Purposely avoided all but
trailers to date
14:55:34 ... in case spontaneously combust with excitement.
14:59:52 @100films Ps It was pointless [in fact both post-film scenes were]; and I wasn't endeared to
cinema management by being the only person to
15:01:22 ... stay to see the StrykerWalking/LoganJapan clips, staff having already locked up.
15:07:34 listening to "the great destroyer (saint furious mix version murder everything) - Nine Inch Nails"
♫ http://blip.fm/~5s619
15:13:00 There's such a wealth of NIN remixes available. Am utterly spoilt for choice. ♫

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15:21:50 Don't let the artist's name be off-putting. ♫ http://blip.fm/~5s795
15:43:30 Pardon the unnecessarily graphic allusion, but I've had bowel movements slower than Twitter is
running now! And on that note ...
16:15:41 @shawnking RT @jearle "Could you please wish SK a happy birthday? You don't have to know
him". I fall into that category - Happy Birthday!
17:26:57 "We come in peace, shoot to kill" ... http://post.ly/TwR
18:10:15 listening to "Taste In Men (Alpinestars Kamikaze Skimix) - Placebo" ♫ http://blip.fm/~5sljd
18:19:08 @seaneeboy You're supposed to tweet, "I ... AM ... ON THE ... TRAIN. NO, ON THE TRAIN! ...
18:20:45 listening to "If You Tolerate This... (Massive Attack Remix) - Manic Street Preachers" ♫
20:07:22 Video: Joanna Lumley For Prime Minister! This may very well be the most glorious press
conference of the... http://tumblr.com/xix1qc3jq
20:18:43 @seaneeboy *grins* Much better!
20:19:55 @jearle Like the way you're thinking.
20:56:55 Don't normally watch this, but it is stupendously funny this week; especially John Barrowman.

Friday, 8th of May.

16:09:08 *ouch ouch ouch* Awakening in this state explains why some believe they're attacked by
poltergeists whilst slumbering.
16:12:30 How can one amass so many new bruises in the space of 90mins - whilst cocooned in an
18:27:10 You may wish to avoid http://www.7digital.com . It's music tracks are downloading at sub-gprs
speeds, on a 20Mb synched/16Mb dload connctn.
18:52:01 @jearle That sounds most unpleasant, particularly the hallucinatory aspect. I alternate between
being punched out of Rem by over-produced
18:57:05 ... adrenalin, still locked in position; or else waking immediately after Rem, thrashing about at a
speed faster than when fully conscious.
18:59:41 The latter, incidentally, is not something one should admit to on a first date.
19:05:47 For my very first #followfriday, I commend 3 particular tweeps to the massed Twitterati; all of
whom are particularly social.
19:07:31 @Magpie_Guy WBoys supported U2 on either Unforgettable Fire or Joshua Tree tour. Perhaps
the association dated that far back.
19:07:55 ... dates
19:16:06 1st #followfriday: @100films An Exeter film buff, who is convivially responsive; and will
enthusiastically exchange observations.
19:24:25 2nd #followfriday: @Magpie_Guy Raising 3 children in Leeds, working from home, and
microbloggin a LOT. Cannot always respond, as many follow
19:39:32 3rd & final #followfriday: @Kathrynelle You will assuredly be impressed by this multi-lingual,
gently-chatty, sporty "Nordicess".

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19:43:46 @Magpie_Guy Wouldn't concur on "classic", & v long, but Claire Forlani is at her most
vunerable - anyone would gather her into their arms.
20:13:04 Audio: To heck with it, I’ll cast caution aside to rock out & see Star Trek: The Future Begins
knowing... http://tumblr.com/xix1qlu7k

Saturday, 9th of May.

12:19:19 Haz ben stair trucked.
12:28:07 And is thinking that, like Spock, he's fallen into an alternative reality - where Ferrari are lost in
time. #f1
12:30:04 Well, losing time in Spain. #f1
12:37:18 @100films @Magpie_Guy @Kathrynelle Re folfri - You are all entirely deserving of
12:40:05 Ooh, Massa going downhill. Sorry, that's: down the hill. #f1
12:53:48 @CurtPouncey I think that's the vehicle Ron Dennis has been left working on: the McLaren
Pram. #f1
13:06:49 #f1 yooz bean butund!
13:33:59 @jearle if/when you see Star Trek, watch out for the enemy vessel. Tell me it doesn't look
shadowly familiar.
13:39:19 @KrissyHefford 21! Happy Bday DC's girl.
22:31:49 Thinking who is more irritating at the moment: Justin Lee Collins or the new Kirk? #startrek
22:42:28 @planetf1 Actually it's a pretty decent talking shop. Format is similar to Match Of The Day - all
the heads get together & discuss the e ...
22:46:17 @planetf1 ... events. Not truly viewer interactive so far - unless count JH checking his
Blackberry for viewer email at prog end.
23:06:15 @GirltaristHan Hello again! Had forgotten the latter was in Just My Luck & Princess Diaries 2
[gosh, I see some cheesy films].
23:13:54 @GirltaristHan But he'll always be Baby Kirk to me now [tho Wiki says almost 30]. More
impressed by Spocks' leadership. #startrek
23:24:10 @GirltaristHan Ashamed to say can't recall when. As for Euro: may just watch, as it's definitely
an event to spawn some funny tweets.

Sunday, 10th of May.

07:31:30 @F1_Girl there's something about a girl in uniform ... (sorry, had to add that!)
07:43:54 @F1_Girl ah, I misread. It's the warehousers who sport the go-faster reflective stripes.
11:43:20 Woken late. Speaking Bengali with Kareena Kapoor, but she undertood we were really speaking
the language of love.
11:48:33 Then she asked me to "fill her up". I snapped out of my drowse immediately - clearly my id was
reminding me to watch Force India in #f1
11:54:00 On a lazy Sunday afternoon, beautiful women lose to fast cars. Of course, beautiful cars always
lose to fast women . #f1
12:02:52 RT @steveboswell: #F1 RT @jimthomlinson: As a result of budget caps, new team introduced

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for 2010: Aldi F1. *hah*

12:12:50 @calmbanana It's the place to go to avoid JLegard droning you to death! #f1
12:14:39 RT @thegirlsilver: #F1 Wonder what they talk about in safety car? "Yep, it was Trulli again..."
17:34:15 @planetf1 Re Bbc #F1 Forum Show: I've let you down so badly with my recommendation. EJ
picked this week to s ... http://shortxt.com/8fqr78e
17:39:04 @wittertainment The GI Joe trailer was running prior to my Fri night's Star Trek. A substantial
section of the 300+ audience belly-laughed.
17:45:32 Tall drivers all looked fairly facially-emaciated after the Barcelona #F1 - unathetically
underweight. The Curse Of Kers - even when unused.
17:50:31 ... unathletically.
17:56:56 listening to "When Doves Cry (djⒸruMbs ☠ Flown The Coop Remix) - Prince" ♫
18:00:08 Oh, this is a better mix than I thought.
18:02:48 This track is from the album that accompanied the Batman movie. ♫ http://blip.fm/~5zqp8
18:10:15 Instructed to wear "peach & black" on this tour. ♫ http://blip.fm/~5zr4f
18:21:28 listening to "kiss 2005 (white label mix) - prince" ♫ http://blip.fm/~5zrsq
18:28:47 Last one - enough monarchy for a Sunday evening. ♫ http://blip.fm/~5zs7s
18:48:10 Darn, blipping when could have been streaming Spanish Gp highlights programme.
18:57:40 #f1 LHamilton trying to talk himself out of the McLaren contract, in claiming "I drove the socks off
the car, as usual. just a shame I've ..
19:00:27 ... not been given a car to defend the world championship with". Aah, poor baby - why don't the
#f1a just GIVE you the championship instead.
19:41:39 The highly commanding Intergalactic Reviewers [#startrek] http://post.ly/Va2
23:14:21 The state of play is have finally caught up with State Of Play.

Tuesday, 12th of May.

03:44:11 the whole of yesterday #idontcare
09:20:12 RT @sevendotzero: Calling 0800 numbers for free from mobiles http://tinyurl.com/qre5ea
18:44:19 Ashes To Ashes; series 2, episode 4 - audio clips http://post.ly/Wba
18:59:07 Link: Lady Sovereign - I Got You Dancin' [jack beats remix] - Innit. [hosted on Mobypicture, as
exceeds... http://tumblr.com/xix1rlzxi
19:09:59 @RealBillBailey No William, we saw it. Twas quite ... remarkable.
19:22:27 Ah, wondered why so much tweeting about #eurovision tonight. Unused to having more than
one opportunity to snigger. Unfortunately Belarus ..
19:28:43 Even Armenia's entry is catchy. I think Jade is going to get flushed. #eurovision
19:36:20 This cannot prevent leaving to view Ghosts Of Girlfriend Past. I anticipate ghoulishness.

Wednesday, 13th of May.

08:54:03 @Pitstopbunny (belated reply) Whenever I hear the Uk entry, it's a struggle to decipher the

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melody. #Eurovision
09:34:38 - @singitback82 Thanks for highlighting this. I have been one of the 2% who clicked "in reply to"
to follow a conversation.
09:40:00 This little world has just gotten quieter. #replies
09:48:09 - @Magpie_Guy I call that meal "chips", or occasionally "kebab". (in reply to tweet id
1782685046) #fixreplies
10:04:45 -@jearle Just to doublecheck, as feeling dense, is this the "visible to all" reply protocol
advocated? (tweet id 1782773368)
14:55:57 @BBCEntsTeam Blondie, Eat To The Beat tour. I was too likkle to know the year. #1stconcert
15:18:34 Patch Tuesday - stop stalling!
18:42:27 Must have lost my mind - am rerunning #Eurovision Semi-final 1 on Bbc iPlayer.
18:53:47 @ricksmith1138 [noticed your "1st concert" tweet] You would have loved the preceding Parade
tour. At his most musical & least complacent.
20:06:49 Photo: Star Trek: The Future Begins … or why I detest Capt Kirk. http://tumblr.com/xix1rwmbe
22:16:06 @Kathrynelle #Eurovision has been held in low regard here - at least since the Uk stopped
winning! Male competitors wearing caped catsuits
22:16:43 @Kathrynelle ... don't help improve its standing either.
22:21:54 @100films Thanks - enjoyed that article. Find my own opinions tedious; as by the time they're
expressed, I'm overly-familiar with them.
22:28:41 @100films And another Star Trek commentary that's enjoyable [noted by @_cric_]
22:52:34 @GirltaristHan Ps. Ms World still running. Current holder is featuring in the vidlinks between
#Eurovision acts. http://tinyurl.com/p6terb
22:58:17 @GirltaristHan I wouldn't have been either - except for your prompt of a few days ago!
23:00:36 Classic, and so true #f1: http://bit.ly/15T2cV
23:11:24 @badblokebob RN, you've got this whole other Twitter life. Is @100films your superhero
23:12:07 @Magpie_Guy Oops.

Thursday, 14th of May.

07:47:51 -@F1_Girl Be more worrying if the replies were from, rather than about, God.
07:55:06 @F1_Girl Tell me that when he's had an archangel knock you up!
08:10:12 @F1_Girl Funny pregnant girl. *grins*
08:26:29 @jearle Fwiw, have tried the -@ a handful of times now. No real use for me, as
09:06:39 So Twitter is no longer "talk amongst yourselves", it's "talk behind my back". #fixreplies
09:16:03 What's the point of belonging to a social network that isn't open to networking? #fixreplies
09:19:39 In which you have to be part of the gang before you can join in the chat. #fixreplies
09:24:15 And even then it's a whisper, so no one else can hear. If I needed conversations on the
downlow, I'd DM. #fixreplies
09:54:59 RT @jearle: "you say nice about @ASOS, you get followed by ASOS babes"; but shop at

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Matalan, get followed by store detectives!

11:52:19 Oh dear - the morning after the chilli beans night before. 'Nuff said.
12:15:28 RT @Astro_Mike: "From orbit: Rendezvous and grapple were great, getting ready for our first
spacewalk". Wow!
12:29:49 From beans: have rendezvoused with stomach and grappled with intestines - getting ready for
1st swim.
18:37:40 Mobile Roaming http://post.ly/Xsy
18:58:02 @seaneeboy is entirely familiar with this, although it happened to him on last.fm ♫
19:04:03 And you can see the reason The Planet is Lonely too ... http://post.ly/Xty
19:12:39 @Kathrynelle reminded me of this. Oh Lord[i]. ♫ http://blip.fm/~6a299
19:44:05 Just tuned in to see Denmark's Ronan Keating, but missed those earlier. So who's good so far?
20:06:56 @soph77 I'll make sure I catch up with it on iPlayer - thanks. Btw did Twitter die for you too, for
the past 15mins?
20:13:29 @ewanspence Ah, relieved it's not just my rig. #eurovision
20:15:42 I'm not sure what I expected of this, but it definitely wasn't a Ukrainian woman sitting on a
gladiator's face! #eurovision
20:22:16 Holland: who ate all the funny pies? #eurovision
20:45:35 @ewanspence Comic recap of Semi-final1 female entrants, & comparing with Jade.
20:56:17 @ewanspence Mainly consisting of the Bbc's Paddy O'Connell making derogatory comments &
reading derogatory emails over song video clips.
21:01:52 Hard to believe that the lips of the Russian Brooke Shields look-a-like presenter couldn't revive
her magic button. #eurovision
22:24:08 Because you can't escape the horror of the Caped Catsuit! #eurovision -
22:27:05 Or the effects of munchies in Amsterdam. #eurovision - http://mobypicture.com/?r71y81
22:31:46 But if she doesn't win, well, there's just no Valhalla! #eurovision -
22:52:51 @ScreenlinePK In the Uk, Wolverine had a 6 day opening weekend; in contrast to Star Trek's 4.

Friday, 15th of May.

14:00:24 @seaneeboy re: #followfriday Well, thank you. Can't imagine why I'm so deserving. I shall now
hum "... In My Pants".
14:40:25 Dr K being absolutely vociferous about Angels & Demons now. At http://tinyurl.com/cb7eo3 .
14:43:05 LeftRightLeftRightLeft - #Coldplay - http://mobypicture.com/?13d6c1
14:43:34 LRLRL - #Coldplay track listing - http://mobypicture.com/?stuy6k
16:18:40 Audio: To postulate - everyone likes a bad girl, but no one wants a bad girlfriend. Consequently
write a... http://tumblr.com/xix1sfnls
17:11:07 Link: Malena Emman - La Voix #eurovision - Continuing the unintended focus on music today,
and pressing on in... http://tumblr.com/xix1sg3bx

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17:34:01 Slave To The Grind, Slave To Delusion ... http://post.ly/YUf

18:47:48 @soph77 Having now seen, I'm not too keen on Poland's entry - suffering from ballad
poisoning; but Norway's Johnnie Depp song is fun.
18:50:05 @Magpie_Guy Must be doing something slightly right, or hilariously wrong, for a 2nd
#followfriday from you. Cheers!
18:54:15 @calmbanana If you don't mind me asking, is that really your car? It looks like it's been
dive-bombed by the entire Uk pigeon population.
19:39:55 Video: “Just when I thought I was out… they pull me back in” I had hoped to rid myself of the
peculiar... http://tumblr.com/xix1sh6l4
20:37:53 @Magpie_Guy Do it! Astound us all with your poor musical taste. *smirks*
20:50:58 listening to "Runnin' With The Devil (Air Jared Remix) - Van Halen" ♫ http://blip.fm/~6cvvx
20:57:58 Tinny sound, but an unexpected fan sound clash. ♫ http://blip.fm/~6cwhe
21:03:47 @Magpie_Guy I, as currently demonstrable, feel no such contraint. The benefit of a nom de
21:12:06 Soul doesn't get much whiter than this mix. It has a more authentic sound than Bowie managed
to achieve on his... ♫ http://blip.fm/~6cxpx
21:16:21 @Magpie_Guy Aha - knew it, Skippy! My own social network is more [I believe the word to be]
"select". Though we both know that means "small"
21:22:21 Nor has DB really ventured into "ethnic" sound. This, though, has a jolly rhythm. ♫
23:29:12 i haz chainz me bakgrund

Saturday, 16th of May.

15:49:12 @ewanspence A plain white flag may serve better, when the Uk gets hoist on its own petard.
15:55:51 @GirltaristHan RT @AlanCarr: "am on R2 6pm. will be discussing Eurovision parties. anyone
going to one?"
16:00:35 @GirltaristHan "Virtual" acquaintances have their place. Real friends are more fulfilling. Party
on. *tweeting from my mobile too*
16:14:30 @ewanspence ah, #twumpet being @badmovieclub's big brother.
16:32:07 @juliebee Oh madam, not "too geeky" at all. If you can't enthuse over multimedia platforms,
you're just not the right Bbc stuff.
16:40:28 @bbceurovision Here's hoping a half hour of Jade's Story isn't a quarter hour longer than her
fame. #eurovision #twumpet
16:58:09 RT @AzBishcp: "We Are Definitely Not Going To Come Last. We Will Get Lots Of Points From
A Lot Of Countries." *grins* #eurovision #twumpet
20:11:30 @GirltaristHan A few of these #eurovision performances reek too. Russia - thinking of you!
20:16:49 RT @bbc#eurovision "Brace yourselves, gentlemen - burlesque performer Dita Von Teese is
about to strip off to support Germany!". Hurrah!
20:19:48 I KNEW that #eurovision is an exercise in sadomasochism. Thanks Dita. #twumpet
20:28:28 @Pitstopbunny I'm told that my great-grandmother's waist size was naturally that tiny [dita] all
her life. #eurovision
20:34:32 Ukraine: Never been to a strip/lapdancing club, but I imagine it's something like this. #twumpet

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20:36:52 @Pitstopbunny Nonsense, I'm sure you're delightfully dimensioned.
20:38:44 Querying Romania: has she sung that her priest makes her "boobies" glow all night? #twumpet
20:42:04 @Pitstopbunny That's even worse! I'm definitely suffering with my grammar school level
language skills now.
20:43:23 Jade: Ok, I think Europe has got it. It's your time! And it's just ended. #twumpet #eurovision
20:44:11 RT @twumpet RT @davidschneider: Well, at least we've got the best-looking pianist #twumpet
20:45:49 Finland: Kimi Raikonnen will be handing out the ice-creams later. Mashing up #f1 #twumpet
20:50:49 Spain: Haven't Apple banned the "take & shake" app? #twumpet #eurovision
20:54:49 @BostinBloke I know, insane connectivity. #eurovision #twumpet
21:11:41 #Eurovision interval act reminding of the Olympics opening ceremony. I'd like to be snide, but
this is quite phenomenal. #twumpet
21:14:19 RT @CampbellX @demiwood "Whip and costume were impressive. Germany get a Goddess
but UK get a dwarf! lol!" #eurovision #twumpet
21:21:46 8 points go to Russia. Please don't bomb or invade us; or cut off our oil and gas. #eurovision
21:23:14 German Vote: I can haz ein hamburger? #eurovision #twumpet
21:24:45 @demiwood You are quite welcome. You were having some most entertaining exchanges.
21:26:37 Mamma Mia, even the Swedish voting judge is a great singer. #eurovision #twumpet
21:47:35 The Bosnian/Herzegovinian judge's nose appears to have been partying rather too hard.
#eurovision #twumpet
21:51:00 @bofranklin Don't worry, it's not that you care, it's that you're infected with Euro Flu. #twumpet
21:52:53 The Cyprian presenter speaks better English than I do. *embarassed* #eurovision #twumpet
21:59:55 @simplypaul And respect to the Portuguese Tourist Board for lobbying for Uk. #eurovision
22:12:26 #Eurovision -aries, you swine! And you wonder why we're happy living on our own little island.
I'm off to vote v early for UkIp. #twumpet
22:56:28 Computers & Women. - http://mobypicture.com/?g2jlrj
23:09:15 Video: Carbon Footprinting “Everything in yellow is an aircraft. It is a 24 hour observation of all
of the... http://tumblr.com/xix1srjwq
23:16:16 @GirltaristHan No tension - my broken heart will mend. Was/is it a good party?
23:17:39 @badblokebob Although I'll swear to having sat through a few Bollywood films that never did!
23:21:22 @BigDaveSB Boom Boom! Welcome to the new economic hilarity. And hello too.
23:28:33 @badblokebob There's the occasional night when I decide I really must "man up" & see one.
There's the occasional genuine cinematic artwork.
23:30:55 Most seem to be lowest common denominator mass market entertainment. One long song &
dance [a comment you'll understand if you see one].
23:40:52 @GirltaristHan Dita Von Teese is not so divisive when ... - http://mobypicture.com/?hfaupi

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Sunday, 17th of May.

11:09:55 has got #eurovision tinnitus this morning. Would go back to bed, except hasn't left it yet.
11:16:36 Oh those Russians. http://dial2do.com/1r4j7rk
16:20:42 @BigDaveSB #lowfive Rain not going to impede my progress to cinema (i haz u/card 2), though
Dan Brown may effect my egress.
16:24:48 @badblokebob Could you possibly DM a link for that? Save me looking. *willing to let others do
the hard work*
16:27:14 @demiwood Ssh, that supposed to be a secret. *wink*
16:33:24 @BigDaveSB Ps and this is a suggestion, not a sales pitch, have you tried m.dabr.co.uk for
your phone browser tweets?
16:37:07 Dabr is faster, more cleanly presented, and better optioned than Twitter's own mobile web page.
16:48:38 @demiwood *winces* Perhaps I should admit defeat. Women, not talk about something? How
could I have been so foolish?
19:06:38 In searching for a group whose name only vaguely recall, came across this. None too shabby.
Am assuming not abo... ♫ http://blip.fm/~6h7l6
19:17:49 This isn't the group either, but you can see how I linked to it. It sounds as if this track version
has been ri... ♫ http://blip.fm/~6h8g4
19:37:38 If the last track was somewhat "pink", this is definitely the reverse. Having only previously heard
the Jay-Z v... ♫ http://blip.fm/~6h9yf
19:43:46 And this version isn't that much cleaner. Anyone heard of misogyny? Apparently the devil does
have the best tunes. ♫ http://blip.fm/~6haf1
20:14:55 Okay, it's Sunday evening. Time to worship at the altar of Dan Brown. #AngelsAndDemons
23:34:26 Home. In time to hear Bbc Radio 3's German jazz noodlings playing on the hifi. So this is what
the dog gets up to in my absence.

Monday, 18th of May.

00:14:36 Now watching C'mon India. Even this is better acted, more layered, & dramatically tense than
this evening's earlier movie.
00:15:33 ... and it's still only 20 mins in.
16:17:44 @_cric_ No, you were right the first time. Being able to buy an O2 Juggler sounds more
19:28:16 Treading in something Brown and odorous ... once #DaVinciCode http://post.ly/aLf
20:09:34 Courtesy of @demiwood & @TheNextWeb: A possibly well-herbed, & echo-ey Wyclef Jean
performing for Twitter. http://bit.ly/CZ5KF
20:16:46 @demiwood @demiwood Okay Ayse, that's dresses & lingerie [un]covered now. What about
perfume, lipstick, and shoes?
20:37:07 @demiwood Reminds me, I really must phone mine. She must want to tell me off about
something. Hair, perhaps [there's another for your list]?
21:03:31 @demiwood Mustn't say: knitting, kittens, and pink candyfloss. Should say: fast cars and
base-jumping. Will say: nothing. [see, am learning]

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21:41:49 Meh Tweet Book: A Quarterly Report [all gratitude to @vsr ] http://post.ly/aPO
21:55:34 @demiwood May have imbibed too many fizzy drinks. Hope haven't transgressed social media
boundaries with u. Offensiveness would horrify me.
22:41:06 @demiwood Hmm. Actually have been told on occasion that, any humour I'm not bereft of, is
essentially dry. ... http://shortxt.com/ks56jkr8
23:00:38 Audio: Yesterday I heard Ice T’s original version of 99 Problems, on http://blip.fm. I fear I may
be... http://tumblr.com/xix1tazvj
23:21:29 This is particularly for @demiwood ... - http://mobypicture.com/?65c00d
23:41:55 Link: Redeeming myself with James Pants - Cosmic Rap - The Egyptian Lover remix, obviously.
Note the correct... http://tumblr.com/xix1tbcgm

Tuesday, 19th of May.

10:12:18 @DEfusion *spluttering* What's the point? *shakes head sadly* Would you recommend listening
to that prog, or should the rest of us not b ...
10:13:15 ... bother.
10:18:06 @totalfilm Hard to believe that director took the "Bobby Ewing" option.
10:33:53 @f1fanatic_co_uk kc, hadn't realised you featured on the r4 prog. now will certainly iplayer
catchup. enjoy monaco. #f1
11:10:10 Dangermouse & Sparklehorse's Dark Night Of The Soul. I say no more than the artists; but
those that know, know what I'm saying.
11:15:08 @DEfusion Thanks. That's 30 mins of life I can waste elsewhere. I can't recall a recent tv/radio
documentary that hasn't been info-lite.
11:26:32 @Kathrynelle You're the 2nd person "here" I've noted succumbing to post-prandial slumber; and
now my eyelids are drooping too.
15:10:27 Michelle Pfieffer, ma Cheri, anoint thyself; for I should not withhold my presence from you an
evening longer.
16:04:45 RT @BreakingNews: "Florida-based radio station KissFM reports that Patrick Swayze has
reportedly died". May be trash journo, considering ...
16:06:24 ... source. They'll hardly as credible as Bbc or Cnn.
16:35:00 If this Swayze trend turns out to originate from some wino panhandling a radio station coffeeboy
on a lazy news day ... #twitterfail
16:40:21 @jimmycarr As you ask, random Twitter "facts": 1/ Patrick Swayze alive, 2/ Patrick Swayze

Wednesday, 20th of May.

00:39:04 Been #Fighting - like every Jean Claude Van Damme film ever made; but for girls, instead of big
girls' blouses.
00:41:41 Still, not out of the count though, as the leads play the downtroddeness of their characters' plight
00:48:36 @empiremagazine A fair number of people laughed every time he showed up in State Of Play.
Forever branded, methinks.
01:03:36 @empiremagazine If anyone can stop him looking like product placement, you chaps no doubt

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can. #BrownNotOrange
10:39:25 Zombie Twitter - dead tweets resurrected at http://tweleted.com . #tweleted
14:24:35 Springtime For Hitler? Inglourious #Basterds
15:04:06 @TheNextWeb Coincidentally enough, am in bed now, gripping the latter tightly with my right
15:18:42 How will #f1 distinguish itself from the other series that now exist, without the cache of global
15:26:58 As a better #f1 tweeter [whose name unfortunately escapes me] than I pointed out: I look
forward to next year's Formula Aldi!
15:43:33 Perhaps the media Cos are handcuffed to their #f1 coverage contracts, so Hinge & Bracket will
continue ...
15:52:50 ... to comfortably bathe their wrinkly egos in the revenue stream - whilst p*ss*ng all over the
carcass of #f1.
15:59:17 Oh, and Good Afternoon to @f1_fans. Sorry our introduction commenced biliously. My fault -
should have cast Ecclestone & Mosely from mind.
16:18:36 RT @tonyt787: " #maxout #bernieout " #f1 'Nuff said.
16:26:00 @microfilmreview I'll dm you 2 daft scenes to watch out for. They're tiny spoilers, so don't read
22:17:19 RT @petersagal: "Biking home. I always wear a helmet to protect my brain: not for me, but for
the nation." *laughing*
22:23:32 Then again, the programme that currently makes me genuinely laugh hardest is The Big Bang

Thursday, 21st of May.

08:50:21 @microfilmreview When banging on tunnel door, waiting for Vat Pol to open, to inform that
certain priest targetted.
09:10:47 Nina's Angel Delights #filmfoodeating
09:44:38 @RichardMadeley Hope you're joking about quitting. You're one of the most consistently funny
tweeters I "know".
09:49:21 @RichardMadeley ... and your material is original, not just quick quips.
10:19:20 @RichardMadeley the more I think about it, the more I realise that without your comic creation,
all we'd be left with is Chinese spam.
10:32:13 @RichardMadeley ... and is evident from my chosen handle, I detest spam. Dick is a delight,
though. #smut
10:51:15 @RichardMadeley Huzzah! The fingering of waxed tips continues. #loveyoumadeley
14:48:15 After so much rain, finally a blue sky. Now I can do some thinking.
17:33:21 @tonyt787 You know, you may have something there. Oh, and here's an official hello: HELLO!
17:37:52 @Deangelomurillo Hello DM. Great movie lines: 1/Freedom! 2/At my command, unleash hell. 3/
17:47:28 @BigDaveSB Photos, man, photos. You can't expect us to have the imagination to picture your
18:05:40 Whose bl**dy bright idea was it to accept a Vista Business- equipped laptop? ... Oh yes, mine -

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fool! #bsod x 2.
18:22:20 @BostinBloke That link is some sort of porn site. Is that what displayed for you?
18:46:23 @BostinBloke This is what is displaying [to me]: http://bit.ly/ATGE5
19:05:30 Clever little flash-based jukebox [promoting alternave Indian music enterprise :
19:25:24 @BostinBloke Of course, not your fault. All the tinyurls for that user appear hijacked by that porn
19:31:38 listening to "Very Ape (bluetooth mix) - Nirvana" ♫ http://blip.fm/~6rijy
19:36:36 Rick Astley stop rolling and hits puberty ... ♫ http://blip.fm/~6rj0a
19:43:46 " ... the saddest of all keys." ♫ http://blip.fm/~6rjn3
19:58:08 listening to "All Is Full Of Love(In Love With Funkstorung Remix) - Bjork" ♫ http://blip.fm/~6rkxx
22:51:56 #bsod again, on restart. hate vista, it hates me back.
23:55:08 "Now available with added food" ... http://post.ly/cTx

Friday, 22nd of May.

00:27:25 Not your usual Country & Western subject matter ... #smut - http://mobypicture.com/?vzxfss
01:21:51 Ashes To Ashes; series 2 episode 5 http://post.ly/cWH
11:24:45 @badblokebob An era is passing. I shall shed tears for you.
11:32:44 @RichardMadeley How the heck did you know where I am today? It accounts for my low
HappyTweet score, though.
11:47:54 @100films Belated btw, an acquaintance of mine loves WAlpha. Used it to predict my life
expectancy. The swine!
14:25:35 @100films Better make that 2nd chance fast, otherwise I may not be around to see it!
14:44:46 RT @Delicatesa via @Rivrob : "RivieraRadio #f1 podcast http://bit.ly/Wo9aT " [click link to
d'load]. Mainland Europe has radio too.
14:48:12 Of course, it's all hidden away in attics ["don't mention the war ..."].
14:51:20 @Kathrynelle Only if you're a pubescent girl in the throws of her first crush. I was embarassed
enough simply being dragged to see that film
14:57:55 @Rivrob Afternoon. Your audience has increased by 1, as following for the #f1 weekend. A
case of quantity over quality as regards myself.
15:33:48 @Rivrob *smiles* Certainly. I'm afraid to say that beefing up my corny content will prove all too
15:38:17 @Rivrob Not a political comment, rather borne from light-hearted resentment over the thrashing
Uk received in #Eurovision Song Contest.
15:47:40 @Rivrob Not to be sycophantic, quite enjoying http://www.rivieraradio.mc/ ; & as Mr Mosely may
have said, "feel free to kick my *rse"!
15:53:30 @Rivrob Was keen on Swedish entry, but admittedly not entirely due to the song; and
fortunately failed to see the appeal of Norwegian chap.
16:00:05 @Rivrob ... Happy to set that joke up for you. Don't mind you scoring ahead of me - in the
banter context, that is.
16:02:17 @Rivrob Anyway, pleasant chatting with you. Go & grab those z's. I'll hold the fort.

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16:14:04 listening to "Nothing But (Ricky L Remix) - Skin" ♫ http://blip.fm/~6tl4k

18:52:44 Audio: Treading in something Brown and odorous … twice... http://tumblr.com/xix1uf6if
19:43:22 The Omega Laser http://post.ly/d0m
19:54:56 Ps. Don't bother with The Omega Laser. It's currently failing to fire on Posterous.
20:02:45 Doh! And now Omega is being converted from Pdf to Scribd's Ipaper at the speed of light.
Temporary congestion, or a hosting issue?
20:05:38 Just as I had re-emailed the blogpost, & in process of mailing Posterous' Help. Still, enjoy enjoy
the sight of geeks deciphering/destroying
20:06:42 ... Dan Brown's universe. This is what true science & engineering looks like.
20:44:56 As I shuffle off to spend a Night At The Museum, may I direct attention to a splendid review of
#Terminator Salvation, http://tiny.cc/Xgczy
20:48:38 It's writing just at my level, if I stand on tippy-toes. There are spoilers, such as Christian Bales' ”I
22:08:17 Watching the Bale trailer at cinema now. He really does shout, except when he's growling. "You
think you're human?".

Saturday, 23rd of May.

09:24:04 wanting to press Bbc1's red button for #f1 prac3, but being distracted by Melanie Sykes' perfect
skin & bone structure.
17:06:07 You know of whom I type ... ♫ http://blip.fm/~6vyda
17:11:41 Rather too Ibiza for me, but more than appropriate for @BBCRedButton ... ♫
17:19:28 Darn it, this sunny Bank Holiday is warping my listening. Actually wanting to listen to upbeat
tracks. ♫ http://blip.fm/~6vz7r
17:32:59 Ahhh, normal disservice resumed. Revving up, before catching up, with Monaco #f1 Qualifying.
This track designe... ♫ http://blip.fm/~6w03p
18:25:19 Del The Funky Homo Sapien - Funk Man [the (free & legal) stimulus package] -
19:06:25 http://twitpic.com/5sba6 - "...And my Dad's paid for this new Inertial Dampener button, Martin."
#f1 #startrek crossover
21:14:46 Too much Metamucil in your Twitter timeline? Flutter instead. http://post.ly/dbo

Sunday, 24th of May.

00:03:11 http://twitpic.com/5t5nn - Take down these Xmas, it's summer!
00:05:23 ... decorations, that is.
00:15:37 @Rivrob Indeed - the lure of the bright lights. Now hit the sack. Someone has to fill those
spectator stands in the morning.
11:56:49 A blaze of sunshine, the blaze from the barbecue, the blast of #f1 - perfick.

Monday, 25th of May.

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09:08:09 #f1 RT @Rivrob: http://bit.ly/9rfXv GP Weekend podcast now up

10:17:15 #3wordsaftersex "Marry me, beautiful". True, but only funny later - when she evaded explaining
circumstances of proposal to her parents.
10:58:00 #3wordsduringsex "Who you tweeting?". C'mon, must be happening to someone, somewhere.
17:02:19 #burnley I don't mind tweeting about the town, as long as I don't have to go there again.
17:11:48 @BostinBloke Not this century. Which century is #Burnley in now, since we already know which
20:11:13 @N_A_B Can see that you're not averse to camping it up [in the Isle Of Wight?].
20:15:58 @BostinBloke *apologetically late, as been afk* #Burnley may like horse & cart stickers. Any
colour should do, as soon coloured in grime!
20:43:15 Off to see Tormented - "there's simply no reasoning with a dead geek on a mission". ♫
22:05:24 Not off; and yet, like Mark Henning, ... ♫ http://blip.fm/~70tex
22:49:06 @Rivrob quick audience-member feedback: Currently listening to Riv Rad Nights, which haven't
heard before. Really rather enjoying it.
23:40:48 @ReallyMobile Finally checking in to see what you all are up to, after MIR. Well done! Clear
mission/uncluttered pages/quality vids.

Tuesday, 26th of May.

00:58:13 Audio: Paper Planes - DFA (remix) [courtesy of Muskurahat] http://tumblr.com/xix1v9zxx
01:59:09 Spick and Span http://post.ly/eg1
21:25:12 24 hours late, watching Tormented. It's actually working, primarily because of it's (filmic) atypical
English middle class school setting.
21:28:01 Childline should have co-produced it: supernatural revenge of the bullied.
23:12:47 An unexpectedly satisfying film.

Wednesday, 27th of May.

10:48:34 @jonwri Audience of 33 in 123 seater 10pm yesterday. The realism with which the bullying was
pitched drew the most engaged responses.
10:57:44 @calvindean2009 Hope you get more lines next time! Still the way you portrayed the paralysis
of the bullied (eg in slapping scene) had a ...
11:01:29 @calvindean2009 ... had audience supporting Mullet later on, when the gore tap was turned on.
Collective "yes!" on pool divebombing, inc ...
11:06:46 @calvindean2009 *laughs* An actor's life. Anyway, you're excused (being dead n all).
11:18:09 @TormentedBlog The "excuse from gym" & 3 goths' "nothing in common" scenes got laughs,
railing/head got ouchs.
11:23:23 @TormentedBlog Plus, even if it wasn't your primary focus, there were plenty of "it's just like
that" comments on bullying scenes & scho ...
11:26:40 ... response. Personally, I'm now resolved to stay away from pencils; and have lost my taste for
13:16:21 @badblokebob Argh - the horror. That popped through my letterbox too. Couldn't keep my

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breakfast brioche down.

23:12:21 Filing under "things had forgotten ever existed", Sliders. An episode of which have found on a
vhs cassette about to be recycled.
23:40:51 ... and now ST:DS9. Whose tape was this? Or which year (as Mark Lamarr has a crop-cut,
instead of quiff, in an ad)?

Thursday, 28th of May.

05:48:15 RT @TheMiddayMiss: #liesgirlstell I'll be ready in five minutes
05:59:47 RT @GRLOFTYR: #liesboystell we're just friends.
06:21:43 @MovieMoron The de-Whedonised original Buffy movie was disposably forgettable. The reboot
couldn't be worse (?).
06:35:30 #liesgirlstell "I'm not the jealous type."
06:42:21 #liesboystell "You look much better with short hair."
06:46:43 Ps. The past 4 lies - all true, really were said.
19:19:13 haz nu kamra. One more device to never have with me when it's needed.
19:49:26 Time to size up The Pack in Awaydays.
20:00:34 Audio: Jatun - Ghost And Grey A track that sounds as if it’s never seen the inside of a recording
studio.... http://tumblr.com/xix1w51n0
23:31:03 Oh yes, I did get a haircut earlier; and, oh no, you don't have to lie that it looks better now it's

Friday, 29th of May.

15:36:49 @planetf1 Sounds like we're in very similar environments this afternoon.
15:46:51 Can't afford to walk away from office yet, anyway; as half a grand down from today's optician's,
yesterday's barber, & tomorrow's dog clip.
15:50:40 #followfriday @OneHandedWriter - who is to be applauded for trying to expand twittering, with
his 120-140 chars memoir installments.
15:51:25 One can live without the onanism though - always a sticky subject.
16:22:09 @GirltaristHan Thanks for the alert. I won't expect to hear from you again any time soon!
16:24:39 Link: William Orbit - Neutron Star A - Continuing with the musical theme, and easing into the
weekend …... http://tumblr.com/xix1wem4h
16:43:58 Noticing that the Bbc iPlayer stream is available in HD quality, finally producing television-quality
visuals on the pc monitors.
18:42:59 Love turbo-raiding the remixed fun bags #smut http://post.ly/h6M
20:06:20 Strapped on a pair of six-guns, as leaving to view 12 Rounds. Previews read like Saw with cops.
22:48:28 To the claimed 7m Uk illegal downloaders: don't waste your bandwidth on the aforementioned
movie. 1 audience member actually was sick.
22:51:50 ... that event was more interesting than anything happening onscreen - and stank less!

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Saturday, 30th of May.

12:45:09 #twialogues *delayed because* Dude, where's my tweet?
12:49:12 @planetf1 thank you for the #ff. most kind.
12:51:06 @Rivrob coincidentally enough, my indulgences are somewhat similar - just not in that order!
12:54:02 Tues, Richard Wiseman & New Scientist conduct a mass participation expt on twitter. join in,
follow @richardwiseman
18:49:31 In case you're watching English tv tonight: Red Eye - less painful than it sounds, Basic Instinct 2
- don't risk it, Kissing Jessica Stein -
18:58:05 ... part your lips and laugh.
19:12:30 @Pitstopbunny You nipped in ahead of me! Laughing now, and and during KJS.
19:18:08 @Kathrynelle #bgt ?
19:23:33 @Kathrynelle Ps that was how to be semi-sarcastic in Twitter, but your's did translate correctly
too. Finny girl!
23:41:48 @badblokebob 1 wrong vowel, and the story is completely different: loan not lone!
23:46:10 @Kathrynelle I've yet to crack any joke in another language, so congratulations for trying.

Sunday, 31st of May.

13:42:24 @Kathrynelle fwiw If I've learnt anything about shoes, it's that Lovely always triumphs over
13:45:40 ... As for handbags: small & sparkly.
13:47:28 Small, so when you pass it to me to hold, I can hide it under my jacket.
13:49:33 Sparkly, so when you've left it behind somewhere, it's easy for me to spot.
18:24:56 Not so grim up North this afternoon ... http://post.ly/i8P
18:52:59 Dog Day Afternoon http://post.ly/i97
19:04:10 "I know Good from Bad, so I'm off to Church." - http://mobypicture.com/?eowobx
19:25:36 Meanwhile I'm watching the paint dry ... - http://mobypicture.com/?2j659p
20:10:49 Photo: #Awaydays The photo is the best summary of this film I can think of. however if you
require more:... http://tumblr.com/xix1wzq43
20:14:13 By way of explanation for today's splurge of visuals: I believe I mentioned Eye haz nu kamra.

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Monday, 1st of June.

07:58:35 Goodbye Birdsong Radio. Like half a million others, I enjoyed the tranquility of your 20yr old
08:10:50 @100films Now picturing you & @midnightmovies nakedly fighting in a bathhouse over this
08:19:35 currently Remote Viewing ... a breakfast McMuffin? That can't be right.
08:23:36 RT @RichardWiseman: First scientific experiment on twitter to explore psychic ability. Join in
@RichardWiseman http://bit.ly/MoAir
15:07:39 In the house. In the bath. Recreating the Eastern Ashes with Hunt vs Jaws wrestling.
15:13:37 Don't get involved, Rubber Duck. This tub's not big enough for a Convoy.
15:18:23 Heat must be getting to me. I'll be leaving this water in 60 secs flat.
19:35:51 Audio: SA-RA Creative Partners - Bitch Baby Finally, a rapper whose voice sounds as if his
testicles have... http://tumblr.com/xix1xaebd
19:45:44 Off to view #Obsessed . It appears predicated on the notion that Caucasian females want to
steal the male partners of Afro-American women.
19:48:01 ... talk about paranoid dated racial stereotyping!
22:05:57 Amendment: "white" women are crazy.
22:10:05 The subtext of this film is beyond offensive, unless you subscribe to a "plantation mentality".
Still, at least it ends in a bitch-fight.

Tuesday, 2nd of June.

18:36:17 I'm assuming it's as hot where you are, as it is here! ♫ http://blip.fm/~7i6uj
18:40:37 No remix necessary of this track. ♫ http://blip.fm/~7i76c
19:07:30 Last track on the theme of heat ... ♫ http://blip.fm/~7i986
19:23:29 Fireflies In The Garden at the cinema.

Wednesday, 3rd of June.

07:36:02 @GirltaristHan Fwiw, though not an Appler myself, I'd stick with iPhone & O2. iP3 handset
supposed to be everything original should hve been
07:53:24 Fireflies - harrowing stuff, and all too realistic. Willem Dafoe entirely convincingly sadistic.
08:11:09 @holymolydotcom Yoghurt - but that's enough about last night's date.
10:11:12 Audio: It’s #Salvation Day - “what don’t you understand”, #Terminator? DJ Revolucian - Bale
Out! In which... http://tumblr.com/xix1xtow6
11:27:18 Link: Still salivating about #Terminator #Salvation ? Here's an extension ... DJ Revolucian - Bale
Out... http://tumblr.com/xix1xttbt

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11:32:08 But there really is no #Salvation from Christian Bale's expletives, even when beeped out.
#Terminator http://post.ly/jo1

Thursday, 4th of June.

14:07:20 RT @StoopidAlien: David Carradine has been found dead in a hotel in Bangkok. GODDAMNIT!!
KUNG FU IS DEAD!! (my thoughts exactly)
14:29:09 @microfilmreview bbc is reporting it too. doubt they'd risk getting it wrong.
14:35:12 @microfilmreview Think I understand. Too many warm memories of Kwai Chang Caine.
14:42:04 #davidcarradine Darn it, man, "rope around neck & genitals" - what were you thinking?
15:05:05 @RichardMadeley You like the shorties, then? You're usually more urbane than urban.
19:06:31 Salvation, one DP at a time. http://post.ly/keR
19:52:57 @_cric_ Just on my way now.
19:56:12 Btw - after doing 12 rounds, but before being obsessed, was Dragged To Hell.
20:08:54 @microfilmreview Was thinking similarly of myself [only 11 in May]. Not helped by only 2
opening tomorrow [Terminator, Harvey]. Tsk, tsk.
20:17:05 @demiwood Hi, been a while. Not near tv. When all over, could you recommend a contestant to
watch out for? 2 criteria: pleasant/pretty.
20:23:22 @Magpie_Guy Usually not on Twitter at that time of day, but I did note the 3 changes in Bbc
website report that you refer to.
20:25:39 @Magpie_Guy *laughs & winces* It's only that level of info that suggests not suicide - though
can't imagine the sexual stimulation of rope.
20:28:43 @demiwood Heck, that only leaves pretty; which is a superficiality I usually only apply to Twitter.
20:33:43 @Magpie_Guy I bow to your clearly greater-informed sexuality.
20:48:50 @Magpie_Guy A "Gasper". Some days, as now, I feel the world has just passed me by.
20:53:23 @Magpie_Guy Be honest - did you just add that to Wiki?
21:16:09 @_cric_ Not sure what you're refering to, but I've had a couple of dates like that!

Friday, 5th of June.

00:17:22 Wallpapering, Terminator style http://post.ly/ko9
00:31:01 Video: #BigBrother #bb10 Online Video Stream … well, for as long as the transmission & tech
lasts! [courtesy... http://tumblr.com/xix1ycpgc
01:00:55 Boycotting the circus? #bb10 #BigBrother http://post.ly/kpR
01:45:09 http://twitpic.com/6n5a5 - CarParking 1: nightlife in car parks
16:46:55 http://twitpic.com/6ogxu - The dog's, ahem, b****cks.
16:49:56 http://twitpic.com/6oh8p - There was a bloke in a gorilla suit playing these, but I missed him -
16:55:57 http://twitpic.com/6ohr2 - There ain't no cure for the British Summertime Blues ...
16:57:44 http://twitpic.com/6ohw7 - Carparking 2: doing it in the wet.
17:05:50 Trafficking in the wet ... - http://mobypicture.com/?2sk0k0

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17:15:42 If you're paruretic, try watching this. - http://mobypicture.com/?9tt0oy

17:26:59 Typical - I post some Twitpics, and the service goes down [& not in a good way]! #twitpicfail
17:30:33 @Magpie_Guy Thanks very much, once again, for the #followfriday. Whenever I see rope, I'll
think of you.
17:47:08 T-Mobile Uk price hike EU roaming rates - thanks, chaps! http://post.ly/lFK
19:56:30 Calming down, after long busy roads in a summer storm - http://mobypicture.com/?ddeher
20:05:52 Audio: Sage Francis- Strange Fame I know nothing of this artist, though obviously the original
track is... http://tumblr.com/xix1ym2iu
21:23:08 Eva Longoria gets it right, where #DavidCarradine did not - http://mobypicture.com/?9k9f52
21:25:02 And yet it feels so wrong ... - http://mobypicture.com/?gxxhgr
22:47:55 @100films Cheers for the #followfriday - just when I thought I couldn't think any more highly of
your excellent taste.
23:05:20 @Ltjgrice @badblokebob #followfriday -ed you. Normally he doesn't know what he's typing
about *snigger* ; but in your case, he may be right.
23:13:34 @frizfrizzle Before I slump into a #bb10 coma, greetings to you who have been #ff -ed by
@badblokebob .
23:16:43 @frizfrizzle A position I would be honoured to have you hold. Though the ranking will drop of
course, when I block my spammers & get-richers
23:22:24 @frizfrizzle She's just turned up here. Thought I blocked yesterday; but she still has lips & hand
wrapped around an uncircumcised phallus.
23:25:31 Hitting the sack. That's in no way a reference to my previous tweet, incidentally.

Saturday, 6th of June.

15:49:47 @Ltjgrice Kudos on the correct use of "hullo". It not often used, outside of Enid Blyton stories,
16:20:08 feeling unwashed, washed out, and all washed-up.
16:23:01 Some distant neighbour has been having guitar/bass/drum band practice for 6hrs now. I never
want to hear Rush again.
16:30:17 Now that the reign of the rain seems to have faltered, I shall force myself up & out.
16:33:57 ... and whilst the grass (well, weeds) may now be greener on the other side of my door, it
saddens me that am too sleep-deprived to make
16:40:21 ... cheap innuendo from all the wetness that surrounds me. Still: in, out, and off.
16:47:31 Continuing to hear the distant sound of drums. Now they've found a vocalist. Or it could be a
missing neighbourhood cat being strangled.
16:58:08 Out. Hey Sebastien, my car is light on fuel too! #f1
17:11:45 @Ltjgrice Hearing the sound of banging too. From the car engine, it appears.
17:16:47 @Pitstopbunny I'm definitely not moving - from the petrol station car park, until checked under
the bonnet for leaks (yay, innuendo).
23:42:15 Decided that if Skynet is going to roll out the big guns, the big battleground of a traditional big
screen Saturday night at the movies ...
23:49:04 ... would be the best setting, though not the best seating; but certainly #Terminator #Salvation

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proved the best videogame I've seen since

23:52:42 ... Matrix 2. Who'd have thought Sandisk, Sony, & Chrysler would survive Judgement Day?
They're barely surviving the Credit Crunch!

Sunday, 7th of June.

00:01:04 Darn it, even repeatedly typing "big" & "best" isn't hypnotising an ecstatic opinion out of me. I
shall consider my position.
00:17:35 @dzc9r4 #ff is a contraction of #followfriday . Often used in thanking a follower for
recommending that you be followed by other members ...
00:23:07 @dzc9r4 ... of his/her following. It's one social protocol tweeters use to link & share their
individual groups.
00:27:59 @dzc9r4 ... It's no more than saying every Friday, "I've a pal, you should look them up!".
Anyway, salutations to you, daughter, & dog.
00:35:20 @LO5TinSOUND I'd be happy to follow Phd (Md?) music-makrs; but you don't seem to be
posting much of late.
00:58:33 @Pitstopbunny Okay, if you insist - but I have already hoovered.
01:02:35 @Kathrynelle I assume it was marriage that was proposed? If it was that you pay for a ticket, he
was probably the bus conductor ...
01:05:46 @Kathrynelle ... not a "stranger" as such. Should @PitstopBunny & I buy new bonnets for your
01:16:59 @Pitstopbunny Ah, if this is your shopping list, not random product recommendation, have you
tried Puffed Jerky for Bosun?
14:43:18 You know you're too old when you fall asleep in front of a full-volume tv set blasting the roar of
#f1 engines ...
14:47:25 ... on the startup lap, and wake up muttering, "who's the kid?", on seeing Jake Humphreys
giving a post-race summation.
14:53:52 So, having missed the #f1 main course, I'll be looking in the Bbc's fridge for some Turkey
leftovers in a little while.
14:57:41 Wondr if it's not age, but genetic predisposition? My mother's proudest cinema tale is when she
took my siblings & I to see Stars Wars ...
14:59:19 ... at the local fleapit, and she slept through the entire film.
17:57:54 Belatedly, but in time for the Bbc's 7pm slices of best Turkey #f1 cuts, I have temporarily
changed my avatar. #maxout #terminator crossover
18:16:21 http://twitpic.com/6udnl - Connor - forget Skynet. Here's the real threat to the future. #f1
#maxout #terminator
18:18:41 http://twitpic.com/6udwi - Look on in horror as his true nature is further displayed. #maxout
18:21:29 @Kathrynelle Why, thank you. Obviously, am still under a certain cinematic blockbuster
influence; which will fade - when my hearing returns.
18:55:05 @SarahAnnGreen Purely for the delight of your "Save F1, Max Out" viralism, you have 1 more
19:02:37 @LStacey A fellow member of the Twitter, Posterous, & Blip networks? Greeting - you're
happily followed back.
19:08:16 Arrgh, could only stand looking at the #maxout avatar for an hour. Have reverted to former.

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19:11:03 @Ltjgrice "They're lesbians! Will she expect me to sleep with her?".
19:35:11 @Ltjgrice I must look on Amazon for that handbook ...
20:12:54 Photo: @Pitstopbunny - Webbox Puffed Jerky, it’s doggie crack! Apologies for taking so long to
reply on this... http://tumblr.com/xix1z6m21
20:29:38 @SarahAnnGreen Following with a view to being socialably communicative - you're not just a
number, Ms Green.
21:00:50 @SarahAnnGreen Oops, that's rather a Rubenesque start on my part. Am most contrite for
inadvertantly denigrating husband Chris.
21:24:43 #bb10 I've never heard biscuit-dunking explained at such scientific length. Horribly, I feel a
craving to join in the task.
21:49:16 This mix indicates my vote for who should currently become a #bb10 housemate. No cash for
Endemol, though, unti... ♫ http://blip.fm/~7tbyu
22:49:44 @AndrewBarber How "effed" & average is my life, as didn't even know of these sites until you
mentioned them! I owe you some laughs.

Monday, 8th of June.

00:10:23 RT @dankargo : Sign the petition for the #BigBrother #bb10 #livefeed !
http://www.petitiononline.com/BB10/petition.html [I'm No1812!].
00:22:47 @frizfrizzle *chuckling* You devil! Didn't actually realise that am part of the apathetic electorate,
until your contrast.
15:09:08 @TheFifthDriver Saw it a few mins ago on C4 Uk. LHamilton's progress unexpectedly halted by
a big dog. Was it called "Jenson", by any chance
15:20:00 Long since considered politicians to be a bunch of pirates. Well done the Swedish Mep who's
actually admitted it.
15:21:53 Protest voting is the only civilised democratic recourse that won't get you a police record.
21:57:24 @_cric_ Refering to the high-pitched giggling in DR?
21:57:44 "I didn't see that coming ... " http://post.ly/n26
22:11:06 @BigDaveSB The last snap made me wince a little, though presumably not as much as the
Chinese wrestler on/owning the receiving end.
22:54:38 Audio: Pilchard - Broken Toilet Donut This track is music in stalk of a horror film. Click the links
below... http://tumblr.com/xix1zk7ol
23:17:12 Link: Basement Jaxx & Twelves - “A special rave drops mini mix”, for any non-Uk listener
disturbed by some of... http://tumblr.com/xix1zkfw3

Tuesday, 9th of June.

01:03:27 Video: 3 Complex Superhero Movies in 3 minutes flat ... http://tumblr.com/xix1zlm4w
18:06:56 http://twitpic.com/6zi4f - "More Cuddle, Less Cash": Used to be that you'd only see such
advertising in grubby public telephone boxes.
18:43:20 In helping to generate that 90% of Twitter content: my "Mobile Data Thieves" Award goes to
118800, & "Isp Data Thieves" Award goes to Phorm.
23:29:26 http://twitpic.com/70ala - Carparking 3: the back of beyond.

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Wednesday, 10th of June.

14:03:06 @Rivrob I rather assumed you were exaggerating injury for comic effect. "Dressing" leads me to
think otherwise. Photo?
14:10:43 @100films How about those, such as myself, whose dvd collection can be counted on the
fingers of one hand?
14:17:27 What in unbelievably careless jackass. I should flush cash down the toilet - it'd be cheaper!
14:20:19 ... "an". Photos, by way of explanation, when can. #drivingfail
14:30:20 @100films Ah, understand better now. Though, of course, personal responsibility is an alien
concept in our litigious era.
19:45:54 Kudos to Play.com for delivering in 48hrs ... - http://mobypicture.com/?sb6f0h
21:08:15 I am never going to criticise an #F1 driver again - ever! #drivingfail http://post.ly/oJu
21:36:25 @gracedent "Bile Goblin" - Ms Dent, your turn of phrase is delightful + appreciated your earlier
tweet of enjoying the blonde weight gain.
21:46:47 And the pain continues, with 13 patches from Microsoft. Slightly balanced by liberating 50Gb of
disk space, through deleting some podcasts.

Thursday, 11th of June.

00:59:20 In the Doghouse - http://mobypicture.com/?lvjglg
01:31:49 Video: Mobypicture - Shoot & Share In truth, just as there’s a myriad of television channels but
very little... http://tumblr.com/xix20buh1
01:39:03 RT @LStacey : #geekpickuplines "I'm a particle physicist. Tell me that doesn't excite you."//Now
that's a line worthy of The Big Bang Theory
17:11:29 @GirltaristHan Sorry Han, Sky is working at my parents'; and the sky is sunny too.
17:19:27 Still think very highly of Mick Karn's bass playing & sound, though this song sounds very
80s.Blame my listenin... ♫ http://blip.fm/~81mlr
17:34:37 As said, the sun is now out in this concrete jungle. ♫ http://blip.fm/~81nre
18:00:42 listening to "Dalis Car - Dalis Car" ♫ http://blip.fm/~81psy
18:07:48 ... continuing to ascribe this diversion into the eighties on Gene Hunt. ♫ http://blip.fm/~81qbr
18:19:16 listening to "Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence (v.3) - Ryuichi Sakamoto" ♫ http://blip.fm/~81r8n
18:31:19 Oh, and why so much playing of free music today? Because my wallet is empty! Yesterday's
vehicle damage is going to cost £500! New door.
18:35:05 @planetf1 We had to change our business billing from Cpw a few years ago. Overcharged
every month. Wouldn't fix fault, insisted we claim ...
18:38:52 @planetf1 ... back the following mth. Had to prove their mistake every mth to a new Csa, and a
supervisor would claim to make a system note.
18:51:20 Audio: Mick Karn - Bestial Cluster [live] Wonder what happened to him [yes, I know there’s the
Wikipedia... http://tumblr.com/xix20kq80
19:06:36 In the battle for survival ... http://post.ly/orZ
19:29:05 Anyone else noticing that Flash isn't working with Bbc iPlayer?
19:31:48 Or with the Bbc News website.

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19:53:56 @Pitstopbunny My viscera dragging along pavement. Had last minute opportunity to attend, but
now need funds for bills.
20:09:47 Not much of a drinker, so in 10mins expecting The Hangover.

Friday, 12th of June.

00:30:34 @BigDaveSB Not arrived yet, think it's waiting around to collapse on me in morning. It began as
00:32:55 @BigDaveSB ... cinema bar game to tie in with a film release.
00:39:47 The #Hangover , whilst static in places has some genuinely funny scenes & lines. Biggest
laughs were at Carlos five-knuckle-shuffling at ...
00:43:35 ... breakfast; and the line, "she's grossed out by ...". It's one to see in a crowd, to catch the mood
of silliness.
00:46:35 Ps I wish now twitpics were as comic as the snaps in #Hangover
00:48:04 "my", not "now". tipsy t9.
00:55:33 @Pitstopbunny Have just re-read my reply to you. I meant I need MY funds, not your's! It reads
like I was begging.
11:07:38 #unfollowfriday Have culled those unsociable types who transmit, rather than interact.
11:11:28 If you only wanted a one-way relationship, you should have made your output more interesting.
11:15:51 ... which reads a bit girl's blousey. *flouncing off*
17:58:36 @N_A_B I personally consider Grace Park the sole reason mankind is not extinct.
21:28:34 #VistaFail What a 3hr nightmare, trying to patch this particular laptop has been; and it still won't
insta ... http://shortxt.com/0kyz7d0u5
21:44:29 @Ltjgrice I'm not following #bb10 that intently [yet?], but having just watched tonight's highlights
show ... http://shortxt.com/i0gwsde2e
22:04:12 @Ltjgrice Watching Sophia's #bb10 interview: even when she seemed to be listening, she was
just catching her breath, beforre ranting again.
22:13:39 @anneblake23 Well, you're not yet the only one that reads your tweets.
22:15:46 @calvindean2009 Ah, what a loving couple. Almost didn't recognise you wthout the "corpse"
22:20:21 Just on a final #bb10 note for tonight. Have you noticed have that, since the hair dye, Freddie
increasingly resembles Edward Norton?
22:26:05 @calvindean2009 Good thing for an actor not to be typecast, I'd assume; so if you're not
synonymous with #Tormented, that must be positive.
22:27:37 @Ltjgrice Derren Brown - I didn't see that until reading your tweet. You're absolutely right!

Saturday, 13th of June.

00:27:43 @badblokebob Thank you, I try. Oh, and thanks to @100films once more, for the #ff - as
always, I am appreciative.
16:46:05 @N_A_B Short shrift, and a drubbing from you. Nicely done, sir.
16:59:56 @seaneeboy It's like you've never been away. Hols photo of you with hankie on head & trousers
rolled up?

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17:11:20 @100films You bugger. You had to remind me of The Fountain, which I still have no idea if I
was engaged by.
21:15:24 @100films The all-time peak of movie perplexity for me came during Mulholland Drive. 8 yrs
later, still don't understand it.
22:03:42 @BB10_UK "sweater-bombs": never heard the term before; but it's a perfect metaphor.
22:15:34 ... in the process of leaving this house for The Last House On The Left.
22:18:34 Ancient Ghostliness http://post.ly/q63
22:25:50 Audio: Anti-Pop Consortium - Capricorn One Nothing like the film! [courtesy xlr8r]

Sunday, 14th of June.

15:55:47 Sunday Afternoon Nap completed. Prior to reading of so many others on Twitter indulging in
similar practice, I felt isolatedly deviant.
16:06:32 Which reminds me, on returning home this morning, I found a filled dirty nappy slung into the
garden. Filthy breeders!
16:08:09 I'll spare you the twitpic.
19:37:34 Video: The Last House On The Left [careful of your bandwith, as videos autoplay on page
load] ... http://tumblr.com/xix21jonu
19:41:05 My name may not be Harvey, but I recognise my Last Chance when I see it.
22:48:33 LCH turned out to be a gently romantic tale of autumnal disappointment & mature affection.
Well-observed, quietly realistic, rather touching
23:39:43 The last Last House On The Left http://post.ly/qcD

Monday, 15th of June.

16:56:58 #musicmonday mixing milk with garbage ... http://post.ly/qyQ
17:24:23 Audio: #musicmonday Genaside II - Mr Maniac A should-have-been title song for a horror film
that was never... http://tumblr.com/xix21uztj
17:36:34 Link: #musicmonday Genaside II - Mr Maniac [zinc dnb extended mix] - Feel that ice-pick
piercing your cranium... http://tumblr.com/xix21v4vs
18:50:29 Jamie Oliver has a lot to answer for! - http://mobypicture.com/?q3nigs
21:39:43 I spend far too much time in cities ... - http://mobypicture.com/?pusw5e
22:37:15 @frizfrizzle "Low" is to "moo", as "bark" is to "woof". Probably not a scholarly distinction
anymore - "might oppress kids' creativity".

Wednesday, 17th of June.

16:25:44 Coffee and codamol - the snack of champions.
17:02:33 RT @RobertSanDiego: #nicerfilmtitles "The Catch and Release of Red October". oh, this is a
clever one.
20:43:16 http://twitpic.com/7nfp7 - Waiting for the Zombirds ...

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Thursday, 18th of June.

00:51:42 http://twitpic.com/7o6jo - Carparking 4: no barriers to me
01:25:55 Hang[ar]ing around since World War II - http://mobypicture.com/?2fshk0
02:10:17 Link: Doghouse [which is where this movie belongs] - On such basis as the above, we were
optimistic of... http://tumblr.com/xix22r82s
03:23:15 Dawn is breaking - thus the zombie pursuit comes to rest. ♫ http://blip.fm/~8fb0n

Friday, 19th of June.

01:09:19 Shadows crept across the curtain. I started, turning to look behind me. A moment passed,
before realising the shape was outside the window.
01:14:23 A mere backlit tree, swaying in the wind and rain. You'd think I'd know better, having seen a glut
of horror movies. No, like some doomed
01:15:52 ... Heroine, my first response was irrational.
01:41:17 #maxout looking forward to north american #fota racing in 2010, and a courtroom tuSsle that will
outlast ecclestone's and mosley's versi ...
01:48:31 ... version of motor racing. Cheesed off with high prices and empty stands.
01:52:22 This bonfire of old men's selfish vanities has consumed any sport that was surviving in #f1.
01:56:53 So if the fia doesn't pull itself out of the fire, i look forward to silverstone having a race next year
after all. #fota
15:08:17 http://twitpic.com/7sy5k - #maxout : I am the law! We intend to spank #fota for their violations of
the law & #f1 [screenshot of this af ...
15:17:53 @SarahAnnGreen Thinking similarly: no hospitality, '09 car, no practice runs, 2 slow laps in
quali, retire after 1 race lap - ice cream time
16:12:51 The Red Bulletin's Pop Quiz: DC vs MW http://post.ly/tRC
16:35:48 My 2000th tweet! Unsure if I deserve a pat on the back, or a kick in the rump. ♫
19:03:30 Loonies & Fantasists: #f1 's Jake Humphrey gives #Maxout a platform for his #fia propaganda
19:50:26 Thinking that there's already been a slut of coverage of the Silverstone #f1 weekend -
20:15:51 http://twitpic.com/7tx8k - CarParking 5: or is it the 2010 #f1 grid, after a certain supermarket has
helped #maxout with cost-cutting.
20:29:16 Photo: Repeat after us: in case of emergency, do not use Twitter! [courtesy John Piercy...
20:34:36 ... which may be why the #maxout campaign has, thus far, to yield a positive result [though it
must have released much pent-up frustration].
21:01:10 listening to "Nu-di-ty (BASS ILL EURO Remix) - Kylie Minogue" ♫ http://blip.fm/~8j24q
21:27:46 music so excellent i just bothered to download it: http://shundak.bandcamp.com/
21:41:45 @OfficialBB Thank Goodness! A #bb10 resounding result. Knew that couldn't be only one failing
to have much of a problem with Freddie.

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Saturday, 20th of June.

18:30:53 is catching up on #f1 quali; as up all night [don't ask], hence slept through. Anyway, Sterling
Moss - what a gent; but #maxout - what a ...
18:39:00 Photo: You always remember your first … Though it’s not always legally acceptable to lock them
in a cupboard... http://tumblr.com/xix23on9d
18:44:55 Photo: Still being Analogue in a Digital world … and still getting a signal with my second phone
[not with... http://tumblr.com/xix23oovh
19:51:08 @caronmlindsay Just been reading your current F1 blog posts - quite agree with
sentiments/perspective expressed.
20:02:02 @F1_Girl Well done for representing with your banner! I'm going to use it as my phone
20:26:45 A sibling is staying over http://post.ly/u7G
20:28:45 @caronlindsayf1 Indeed - particularly with the coordinated t-shirts. @sebmatthews noted "all
broadcasters ha ... http://shortxt.com/73qph8
20:35:08 @McLaren_Fan "Axe Max" - gloriously succinct. Wish I'd thought of it myself.
20:38:25 @F1_Girl Ah. Still, I wish photos I take would focus so clearly. Hope you're having a great time.
I'm only with iPlayer, at end of Q2.
21:33:16 Audio: Lusine - Two Dots I shall not pretend to comprehend what on earth is being sung of, but I
know what I... http://tumblr.com/xix23pzdf
21:50:42 Darn you, Megan Fox - I should be immune to your cold-eyed appeal. Off to view Transformers:
Revenge Of The Fallen.

Sunday, 21st of June.

01:22:27 http://twitpic.com/7yowt - The govt had to pass a law for their Stop & Search. The Ents Industry
have no such restriction.
01:27:03 http://twitpic.com/7ypel - And why single out Transformers 2? Not a frame of it is worthy of
01:32:14 ... Well, perhaps those frames lavished on Meg Fox's lavish frame.
01:37:52 Before, that is, Michael Bay decides the robots are sexier (and better actors).
18:39:29 Well done T-Mobile. Your data network is down again. So much for being the most reliable
phone network.
19:15:12 @SarahAnnGreen Appreciative of the contribution you're making to the #f1 atmosphere this
weekend [for those of us stuck in front of a tv].
19:39:14 #TopGear 's dirty secret is Michael Schumacher? Ach, nein! [My dirty secret is I've still to watch
today's #f1 gp - been behind all weekend]
20:49:52 "If I don't move, maybe Oliver won't see me." - http://mobypicture.com/?ng7g03
21:27:47 @frizfrizzle Ouch. Not that it helps you at all, but today's #F1 on iPlayer is currently sucking
down 2.5Mbps of bandwidth with my isp.
21:54:14 Ich bin der Stig! http://post.ly/unc
22:39:03 Audio: Would you like to bet against me being The Stig? http://tumblr.com/xix241t91

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Monday, 22nd of June.

11:26:58 #tmobfail T-Mobile Uk now does not allow audio sent by mms to email addresses. No such
restriction with O2.
11:30:29 @Tmobile_UK wish I'd come across your tweets before - would have avoide a lengthy 150
queue on the data issue.
19:52:52 @MovieMoron That's sacrilege. Consider the careful craft - or crafty care - with which that
teenage college girl's white briefs are disp ...
19:55:19 @MovieMoron ... displayed. Thought has gone into that, so it certainly can't said to be dumb.
20:29:59 http://twitpic.com/84mow - #F1 #looniesin #maxout "campaign" free TwitLogo test

Tuesday, 23rd of June.

19:21:35 Twitter running too slowly for my use today. Still, temporarily changed page background. Time
to Look[ing] For Eric.

Wednesday, 24th of June.

09:02:42 I'm a big fan of happy endings (*snigger*), but am still in shock that received one from Ken
Loach last night.
09:08:26 An experience for grownups, certainly, with genuine laughter to be had; but "I'm not taking my
trousers down!".
09:14:53 @100films Definitely, considering my mother's library consists of 1 dvd - Sherlock Bones:
Undercover Police Dog.
09:18:07 @100films ... and that was only purchased last night. Tesco £1 - every little helps!
09:33:07 http://twitpic.com/89ooa - Say "cheese" for mother, Mr Bones
09:42:33 @100films something for her to chew over, anyway.
10:47:26 @DEfusion Probably right - he'd be the only one doing any investigating. The rest would be
handing out speeding tickets.
17:29:46 @frizfrizzle how were your grades?
17:36:21 #maxisout ? I'll believe that when I see it. If he even intended to stand for re-election in the 1st
17:41:27 #maxisout only when I see Ron Dennis back in #f1
17:47:48 @frizfrizzle Well done! I don't have to imagine the sense of relief, and sheer thrill.
17:52:23 RT @erections: #maxisout ? I'll believe that when I see it. If he even intended to stand for
re-erection in the 1st instance. (via @noSP ...
18:00:58 My #f1 tweet has been sexed-up [see prior]; and worse, it reads better now! For today
#maxbendsover for @erections
23:43:34 has been having a lesson in Mandarin & historical Chinese battle formations at the Red Cliff.
23:50:53 Old soldiers never die http://post.ly/xCd

Thursday, 25th of June.

01:02:50 http://twitpic.com/8byu8 - Carparking 6: virgin bling.

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01:14:19 Video: The English Summer continues … in the mid-afternoon but one.
01:21:21 Searching for #Transformers 1 - http://mobypicture.com/?hwqghc
01:23:50 Searching for #Transformers 2 - http://mobypicture.com/?tvq4pb
01:30:36 @aaroncorby It's not your question that's daft at all - rather the photos. I just happened to notice
that I seem to spend an inordinate ...
01:34:51 ... amount of time stuck in car parks of late, given they're utterly professionally unrelated; and
decided to pass the time mundanely ...
01:36:57 ... documenting the tedium. It's reached the point where the dog is more excitedly expectant of a
walk round a carpark than an actual park!
02:05:37 "Illegal" film http://post.ly/xGE
04:35:07 Note to Ed Gorman of The Times: Re " #maxout forced by old friend" article - finally journalism.
You hero!
11:01:55 A bounder should always be thrashed, but it's hardly punishment if he quivers with anticipation
at the prospect. #f1
11:13:43 Pepsi sales will rise now that #maxisout , for I'll be able to place a certain drink to my lips again
without gagging.
11:23:18 wondering if for this new dawn, the #fia will use Photoshop instead of Gimp?
11:26:37 ... and my final comment on #maxisout, RT @mahonyWeb: Auf Wiedersehen, Spanky! #f1
15:38:14 Life of an urban pooch [as mentioned to @aaroncorby ] - http://mobypicture.com/?4x2bpp
15:43:26 Oh no, the guilt! Whilst I'm uploading a video of the Westie, I leave the home office to find I've
locked her outside in the sweltering sun.
15:47:38 Can't recall when someone last looked at me so balefully; ie [anthropomorphosizing] "how could
you do this to me?/can I trust you again?".
16:27:50 is listening to the stream of Bjork's new album Voltaic, at http://tinyurl.com/l4wzxr .
17:35:13 Link: Glasser - Apply [lemonade remix] - With the sun beating down today, mixing a glass of
fresh lemonade... http://tumblr.com/xix25ge30
17:51:01 Audio: The sleep deprivation of this morning, and the blaunching sun of this afternoon, are just
sufficiently... http://tumblr.com/xix25gjgt
20:44:51 The song of Red Cliff http://post.ly/xpS
20:45:21 The battle of Red Cliff http://post.ly/xs0
21:20:15 @f1fanatic_co_uk I feared that #maxisout would be too good to be true. Presumably he can't
bear the perceived wisdom regarding his" legacy"
21:24:04 @f1fanatic_co_uk ...and would prefer to risk pulling the entire house of cards down rather than
not be presented as the saviour of #f1 sport
21:27:35 And it's barely 10hrs since I thought I'd made my final pronouncement on #maxout; but he just
won't flush away.
21:37:11 Plus I'll have to take that Farrah Fawcett poster off the wall now. RIP to a Californian golden girl.

Friday, 26th of June.

01:16:58 Bbc 24 allowing in-studio interviewee to baldly state that MJackson more popular than ever

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01:19:27 Though, equally, they allowed another to state that MJ "touched his fans in many unusual
01:32:36 Carpet, brush, under. 'Nuff said.
23:00:39 Imported from Tumblr ... http://post.ly/yst
23:02:07 "Imported" from Twitpic, Mobypicture, & my original Posterous http://post.ly/yt2
23:19:38 Centralised ... http://post.ly/ytU

Saturday, 27th of June.

00:37:53 The #MichaelJackson 911 Call - http://mobypicture.com/?zcvlfa
16:47:30 ... bugger, now it's my mobile battery that's dying.
23:26:13 Year One. One waste of time.

Sunday, 28th of June.

19:12:34 @frizfrizzle Truly horrified that your life was unenriched the charms of #FarrahFawcett until her
passing. http://mobypicture.com/?2wr8tm
19:18:14 @f1_fans I found [and find] myself thinking similarly when the Bbc was interviewing him during
the Silverstone weekend.
19:35:01 Audio post: Typical Voicemail 1 http://post.ly/10HJ
19:35:14 Audio post: Typical Voicemail 2 http://post.ly/zEY
20:23:07 A to B http://post.ly/10J5
23:15:23 Audio: Thunderheist - Nothing 2 Step 2 [idiot-proof remix] Feeling somewhat lively, after being
entertained... http://tumblr.com/xix26jkxf
23:20:48 Blood, The Last Vampire; Buffy-san, The Vampire Slayer. Immense popcorn fun for a warm
sunny evening, almost up to the end.

Monday, 29th of June.

00:48:35 Blood: The Last Vampire [wallpapers + production note] http://post.ly/10Sm
01:00:30 Video: Watching the blood flow … The official trailer of Blood: The Last Vampire, and a selection
of Japanese... http://tumblr.com/xix26khbp
16:20:30 @seaneeboy err, actually my dog did that as a pup; ie "eww - she's been eating cat maltesers
16:24:31 ... Vet rightly predicted that the poopy-mouth behaviour would fade. Which was nice.
16:48:04 http://twitpic.com/8rmlb - @pitstopbunny A very little birthday wish (t-mobile shrank the image
90%). I do hope you have better

Tuesday, 30th of June.

03:17:42 The T-mobile data network is down again. Ever reliable. No wonder they're looking to get sold.
03:35:08 Sunshine Cleaning: little lives trying to make ends meet, with the promise of a glimmer of hope.

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03:36:48 Ps It's NOT a comedy.

14:52:46 #MichaelJackson kiddie palaver gets weirder: tmz says he had no biological children, nor did
21:18:12 The Open University - http://mobypicture.com/?122kmd
21:19:16 ... is closed! - http://mobypicture.com/?nz5gui
21:59:05 T-Mobile smtp server down, so email stuffed. Lord Carter should be placed in the Tower for
treason against Digital Britain. #tmobfail
22:28:36 Water, water everywhere - and not a drop to drink http://post.ly/12BO
23:30:58 Summer Storms Again - front … … and rear Posted via web from noSPicedhAM reflux
23:35:16 Home Office http://post.ly/12Dy
23:45:20 Audio: God Help The Girl - Come Monday Night This is quite lovely. [courtesy spinner]
23:59:09 God helps girls that help themselves http://post.ly/12F2

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Wednesday, 1st of July.

00:20:09 "Tell a tale of unbelievabe untruth, Child, of convincing detail full." http://post.ly/12G2
03:02:25 Whilst Megan Fox just puts the girls to work http://post.ly/12Mt
10:14:25 T-Mobile email sending STILL down. Apparently there's a power outage at a Switch. #tmobfail
10:18:21 ... that's the current explanation offered by T-Mobile Customer Services for no smtp server being
recognised. #fail
10:23:06 ... so business email once again is useless on T-Mobile, and having to swop to my personal O2
data service. #tmobfail
10:26:34 How borked are they going to be if/when Vodafone take over billing - which is currently still
decent with Teabag.
10:40:47 @ellao Power outage at one of their Switches (that switch comms between networks). Of
course, there are probs which pre-date the current ...
10:42:39 Anyway, that's enough of them making miserable a gloriously sunny day.
11:17:45 @ellao Gosh, no - just a plebian customer. But "our" business account is geographically
spread/has users/has different handsets enough t ...
11:24:55 @ellao ... that it's easier not to get fobbed off with Cust Serv script. So sometimes you actually
get an answer. Plus they have a histo ...
11:29:07 @ellao ... history of switch/shunt probs. You'll probably know more, given your bio/posts.
12:15:15 @edent Been a while. I was under impression that London Met were allowed to bar photos
under Prev Of Terr.
12:19:56 @seaneeboy The yoke's on you! [been forever since could use that old standby]
12:30:54 @edent your blog post [pol/cam/act] seems well-informed though.
13:11:25 @badblokebob 5 mins to Bbc R4 new Torchwoods.
19:24:20 @edent Thanks v much, as I'd probably bottle out of not deleting. Actually when re-read your
blog, instead of quickly scanning, noted the ..
19:24:54 @edent ... the PhotoRec recommendation.
20:00:04 T-Mobile voicemail on current network outage. http://post.ly/135z
20:32:46 Now on hold with a #T-Mobile Engineer. 33 mins+, and counting ...
20:48:22 2 cells down in my area tonight, apparently. So all users over-contended. Overheating, I'll bet
[users & transmitters!]
21:27:28 Back to using Skweezer, just as in the days of dialup internet. #T-Mobile Broadband is too
flakey & slow to suck. Thank God it's only backup
22:35:24 Putting day behind, by watching the Quo at Glastonbury on my "portable media player".
Surprisingly good resolution.

Thursday, 2nd of July.

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18:35:20 Amazing Holes ... *snigger* http://post.ly/142T

19:12:08 @aaroncorby I can beat that ... http://bit.ly/dPUkW
19:29:09 listening to "When I Grow Up (Wideboys Club Remix) - Pussycat Dolls" ♫ http://blip.fm/~99pcu
19:35:05 Thanks to today's temperatures, can confidently state that am no longer half-baked. Too hot to
do anything active, other than listen.
19:38:26 listening to "The Bathroom Wall (Live) - Faster Pussycat" ♫ http://blip.fm/~99pzu
19:42:22 listening to "Faster Kill Pussycat (Featuring Brittany Murphy) - Paul Oakenfold" ♫
19:47:47 listening to "Don't Cha Take A Robot Around South Of Heaven (Daft Punk vs. Slayer vs.
Pussycat Dolls vs. Limp B... ♫ http://blip.fm/~99qnx
22:53:55 Link: There's A Party In My Head ... - At least it feels that way - noisy neighbours but one! Miss
Kitten &... http://tumblr.com/xix280wqg
23:29:32 Side-swiping Companionship http://post.ly/14ID

Friday, 3rd of July.

00:17:21 Audio: The Tour De France begins this weekend. My thighs are already chafing at the prospect!
Bike for Three!... http://tumblr.com/xix281pb0
00:39:14 @Pitstopbunny Haven't noticed you for a while, then your "most evil" note-to-self popped up.
And your twitter background looks so sweet ...
10:39:05 Thank goodness for this morning's rain. It's hardly a monsoon, but it has broken the back of
yesterday's heat.
13:03:24 @Ltjgrice I do appreciate your #ff . Haven't been tweeting regularly because of spectacular
landline & mobile broadband probs recently.
20:28:22 Photoset: Firefox vs IceWeasel The Firefox logo always makes me grin; as if Mozilla has
brought home their... http://tumblr.com/xix28cf8f
20:34:06 Firefox: detailing art design http://post.ly/15At
21:07:53 Looking forward to Sree's eviction interview. His sentence structure is disordered at best. So he
should be entirely incoherent soon. #bb10
21:34:08 "Truth? You can't handle the truth, Big Brother!", but Marcus can. #bb10
21:38:47 Yes - S'ree out! "YOU go to prison & eat dogfood!" #bb10
21:45:18 Now MY coffee's gone cold. Endemol - you sods! [via Marcus] #bb10
21:48:30 S'ree's first eviction interview answer must surely be a memorised monologue; and now he's
reciting his cv! #bb10
21:57:04 Well done Davina, for skewering this week's evictee over his abuse of the challenged.Now I can
happily leave my own house to celebrate #bb10
22:01:23 One last thing - everyone has "impeccable manners" compared to the Osbournes. So Kelly O's
summation of evictee doesn't say much. #bb10

Saturday, 4th of July.

10:07:45 is unfollowing another collection of unresponsive tweeters.
10:20:40 @planetf1 thanks for the #ff , Nige. Have a good weekend!

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10:26:18 Oh yes, and to complete the tale: bband is back up, but synching 4Mb lower; and email working,
for no good reason.
10:34:57 happy birthday, drjulesg!
18:37:39 #T-Mobile web n walk/internet down again. That's most days this week now, and I'm locked into
a contract. Swine.
18:52:17 RT @darthvader: I'm finding it hard to get behind a holiday where a bunch of scrappy rebels
defeated a vast empire for independence.
18:55:52 ... and on that note, time for a cup of (untaxed) tea. *give me liberty, or give me darjeeling*
19:04:01 @mugpie_guy Hullo, fancy bumping into you again. We've been out of touch long enough for a
vowel change.

Sunday, 5th of July.

02:32:12 @ayesiobhan Noticed your tweet in the public stream. You could try http://m.dabr.co.uk .
02:36:00 @ayesiobhan It lets you block/unfollow etc from the mobile web. Been using it 5mths, find it fast
& secure.
13:31:28 @Kathrynelle Are you still alive & kicking?
13:44:20 RT @N_A_B: Blimey, now there's a good idea: http://www.parkatmyhouse.com/
16:26:18 @F1_Girl Perhaps you'll actually gain followers, mein Fuhrer? Though we'll have to disagree
over him achieving his objectives; eg ...
16:30:41 @F1_Girl he said his administration would last 1000 years, and would reign the world. It lasted
a handful, and left the country bankrupt.
16:32:15 @F1_Girl Hang on - I'm beginning to see the correlation with #F1! *grins*
16:37:00 @F1_Girl Ja, WE'D be tweeting in German if he had. Nein, danke!
16:39:21 @F1_Girl Besides, and I know this is terribly shallow of me, I'm been following your iPhone 3GS
escapades with greater interest.
16:51:17 @F1_Girl Not really the Hitler/Bernie episode [they both belong on the History Channel these
days], more that I'm not keen on Apple[s] ...
16:53:31 @F1_Girl ... but still occasionally find myself checking whether they're to my taste yet; and
personal testimonials from users are helpful.
17:04:11 @F1_Girl I think there's a dating metaphor in there somewhere.
17:05:56 @mugpie_guy A description & cctv? More likely a Youtube clip of the 2nd stage of the Tour De
France, and a pic of Lance Armstrong!
17:19:09 @mugpie_guy Had car broken into a few years ago. All that was stolen was an umbrella &
sandwich. It was raining, & presumably thief hungry.
17:21:38 @mugpie_guy ... point being that there must be a sub-class of people who simply take to fulfil
immediate needs.
17:41:38 Photoset: Calling #F1  Inspired [or at least distracted] by a twitter exchange with @F1_Girl
regarding Bernie... http://tumblr.com/xix28xejp
17:54:56 Audio: … and mobiles & Formula One (unlike Steve Jobs’ liver) go on. Casino Music - The Beat
Goes On... http://tumblr.com/xix28xikg
18:47:12 http://twitpic.com/9ezuh - Lyric Theatre Shaftesbury Avenue, London: clearly some consider it
Michael Jackson's spiritual resting place. ...

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noSPicedhAM's twitter book.

Created from tweetbook.in

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