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School Crisis Communications and ICS

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The key takeaways are that the Incident Command System (ICS) is a standardized approach to emergency management that can help address challenges during both planned and unplanned events in schools.

Three purposes of ICS are to coordinate response efforts, manage resources, and communicate effectively during an incident.

Potential barriers to including school personnel in the Unified Command include lack of training, qualifications, or understanding of ICS. Involving and communicating with school leaders can help overcome these barriers.

Communications Review

Introduction to the
Incident Command System
for Schools
Presented by
SchoolSAFE Communications

in association with
School Safety Partners
Instructions: Working as a team, develop a brief
description after reading the statement below.

Briefly describe two examples

where ICS could be used to
manage planned events in
your school.

Communications Review
Knowledge Review
Instructions: Decide if the statement is TRUE or

The study of previous

incident responses found
that failures likely
resulted from a lack of

Communications Review
Activity: Management Challenges (1 of 2)
1. Working as a team, review the scenario
presented on the next visual.
2. Identify the top three challenges for school
personnel to manage this incident. Write these
challenges on chart paper.
3. Using what you have learned so far, describe
how ICS could be used to address these
4. Select a spokesperson. Be prepared to
present in 5 minutes.
Communications Review
Activity: Management Challenges (2 of 2)
Scenario: A second-grade class is on a science field trip to a
State park. Although the day started out bright and sunny,
severe weather is now threatening. The lead teacher decides
to end the trip a little early to avoid getting caught in a storm.
Students are organized and loaded onto the bus. The final
count reveals that one student is missing. Other students and
teachers report that they last saw the missing student at a spot
near where the river and dense wooded area meet. While the
students wait on the bus, a few teachers and park personnel
search the area but fail to find the missing child.
What are the priorities?
What are the incident management challenges?

Communications Review
Summary (1 of 2)
Instructions: Answer the questions below.
 What are three purposes of ICS?
 What are the requirements to use ICS?

Communications Review
Summary (2 of 2)
ICS . . .
 Is a standardized management tool for meeting
the demands of small or large emergency or
nonemergency situations.
 Represents "best practices," and has become
the standard for emergency management
across the country.
 May be used for planned events, natural
disasters, and acts of terrorism.
 Is a key feature of NIMS.

Communications Review
Use of Plain English
 Communications should be in plain English or
clear text.
 Do not use codes, agency-specific codes, or
Even if you use codes
on a daily basis, why
should you use plain
English during an
incident response?

Communications Review
Several minutes ago, a tornado
struck the school without
warning. You were not injured
but are isolated in a damaged
part of the building with students
and no other school personnel.
You have taken command of the

What is the first

action that you
would take?

Communications Review
Incident Objectives
Incident objectives are established based on the
following priorities:
#1: Life Safety
#2: Incident Stabilization
#3: Property Preservation

What additional
priorities are
critical for
managing school
Communications Review
Elements of an Incident Action Plan
Every IAP must have four elements:
 What do we want to do?
 Who is responsible for doing it?
 How do we communicate with each
 What is the procedure if someone
is injured?

Communications Review
Activity: Incident Action Plan
 Working as a team, identify four items you
would include in an IAP.
 Write these items on chart paper.
 Select a spokesperson. Be prepared to present
in 5 minutes.

Communications Review
ICS Management: Span of Control
ICS span of control for any supervisor:
 Is between 3 and 7 subordinates.
 Optimally does not exceed 5 subordinates.

Communications Review
Knowledge Review
Instructions: Determine if the span of control is
consistent with ICS guidelines.

Situation: Heavy rains have caused flash flooding. The

East Middle School is isolated and students cannot leave.
Resources are provided for student accountability and
site security.
Incident Command

Resource Resource Resource Resource

Resource Resource Resource Resource

Communications Review
Incident Facility Map Symbols
Incident Staging Base Camp,
Command Area Helibase,
Post and Helispot

On a map, On a map, the On a map, the

the ICP Staging Area Base appears
location appears as a as a circle
appears as a circle with an with a B in it.
blue and S in it.
white square.

Communications Review
ICS Facilities and Schools: Summary
 A single Incident Command
Post should be established
on all incidents—even small
 School incidents may
require additional facilities
(e.g., Student-Parent
Reunification Area).

Communications Review
Knowledge Review (1 of 3)
Instructions: Review the following scenario and answer the
question that follows.

Scenario: Community search and rescue teams have been

dispatched to respond to the collapse of a school
gymnasium. As teams arrive, they are being held at this
location until they receive their assignments.

Which type of incident facility is being described in the

scenario above?

Communications Review
Knowledge Review (2 of 3)
Instructions: Review the following scenario and select the
optimal strategy.
Scenario: Initially in the gymnasium collapse incident, school
personnel took command and established an Incident Command
Post in the Assistant Principal’s office. When the local
responders arrived, they established an Incident Command Post
in a mobile command van near the operation.
Select the optimal strategy.
A. Both Incident Command Posts should continue to operate
because the personnel in each are managing different aspects of
the incident.
B. The Incident Command Posts should be combined to ensure that
school personnel and first responders are coordinating their
management of the incident.

Communications Review
Knowledge Review (3 of 3)
Instructions: Review the following scenario and select the correct
Situation: Severe weather has created a need to shelter students
at the school. You have set up an area with cots and blankets to
allow the students to rest.
Which statement is correct?
A. Because there is no standard ICS facility defined for sheltering
students, ICS prohibits one from being established.
B. This area is part of the response operation but is not considered
an ICS facility because it houses students rather than
C. The standard ICS facility, referred to as a camp, should be used
to shelter the students during this incident.

Communications Review
Integrated Communications
Incident communications are facilitated through:
 The development and use of a common
communications plan.
 The interoperability of communications
equipment, procedures, and systems.

Before an incident, it is critical to

develop an integrated voice and data
communications system (equipment,
systems, and protocols).

Communications Review
Information & Intelligence Management
Information and intelligence are critical to incident

What are some

examples of information
and intelligence used to
manage an incident?

Communications Review
Activity: Incident Management
Instructions: Read the scenario below and identify lessons
learned from the scenario that you would apply to managing
incident information and intelligence.
Scenario: At the Columbine school shooting incident,
police and emergency response crews arrived within
minutes of 911 calls. One of the first functions of a SWAT
incident is to acquire intelligence. The SWAT team
commander found some students, who quickly sketched a
layout of the school. As the situation evolved, officers
received a lot of false information including: there were as
many as eight gunmen; snipers were on the roof; killers
were hiding in ceilings or in heating ducts or trying to
mingle with escaping students. The lack of reliable
information hampered the operation.

Communications Review
When Command Is Transferred
A thorough briefing occurs when command is
transferred. Command is transferred when:
 A jurisdiction or agency is legally required to take
 A more qualified Incident Commander arrives.
 Incident complexity changes.
 The current Incident Commander needs to rest.

What would you

include in a
transfer of
command briefing?
Communications Review
Summary (1 of 4)
Instructions: Answer the questions below.
 Why is it important to use common
 Who is responsible for the
establishment and expansion
of the ICS modular organization?
 What 4 items must be included
in an IAP?

Communications Review
Summary (2 of 4)
Instructions: Answer the questions below.
 What is unity of command?
 What is the recommended ratio of supervisors
to reporting elements?
 Why are incident facilities
 What must happen in a
transfer of command?

Communications Review
Summary (3 of 4)
 Utilizes management features including the use
of common terminology and a modular
organizational structure.
 Emphasizes effective planning through the use
of management by objectives and Incident
Action Plans.
 Supports responders by providing data they
need through effective information and
intelligence management.

Communications Review
Summary (4 of 4)
 Utilizes the principles of chain of command,
unity of command, and transfer of command.
 Ensures full utilization of incident resources by
maintaining a manageable span of control,
establishing predesignated incident facilities,
implementing resource management practices,
and ensuring integrated communications.

Communications Review
Management Function Descriptions (1 of 2)
Sets the incident objectives,
Incident Command strategies, and priorities and has
overall responsibility for the incident.

Conducts operations to reach

Operations incident objectives. Establish the
tactics and directs all operational

Supports the incident action planning

Planning process by tracking resources,
collecting/analyzing information, and
maintaining documentation.

Communications Review
Management Function Descriptions (2 of 2)
Provides resources and needed
Logistics services to support the achievement
of the incident objectives.

Finance & Monitors costs related to the

Administration incident. Provides accounting,
procurement, time recording, and
cost analysis.

Communications Review
Establishing Command

Why is it critical to
establish command from
the beginning of an
incident in a school?

Communications Review
Knowledge Review (1 of 2)

Who has overall

responsibility at an

Communications Review
Knowledge Review (2 of 2)

The Deputy Incident

Commander is assuming
control for the next
operational period. What
needs to occur before he
or she can do so?

Communications Review
Expanding the Organization

Public Information
Officer Command Staff:
The Command Staff
Incident Safety provide information,
Command Officer safety, and liaison
services for the entire
Liaison organization.
General Staff:
The General Staff are
assigned functional
Operations Planning Logistics Finance/Admin authority for Operations,
Section Section Section Section Planning, Logistics, and

Communications Review
Command Staff Qualifications
Provide information, liaison,
and safety services for the Incident
entire organization. Public Information


In a school Safety
incident, what are
the unique
Command Staff

Communications Review
Activity: Command Staff Roles (1 of 2)
2. Working as a team, review the scenario presented
on the next visual.
3. Identify which Command Staff positions would be
4. Next, if you were the Incident Commander, what
specific activities would you delegate to each
Command Staff member?
5. Select a spokesperson. Be prepared to present in
10 minutes.

Communications Review
Activity: Command Staff Roles (2 of 2)
Scenario: An unexpected flash flood has struck a small
community. As a result:
 Homes, schools, and the business district are being
 Critical infrastructure has been damaged including
contamination of the water supply, downed power lines,
and damaged roads.
 Perimeter control and security in the business district
are needed.
 Mutual aid is arriving from several surrounding
 Media representatives are arriving at the scene.

Communications Review
Are you now able to:
 Identify the five major ICS management functions?
 Identify the position titles associated with the
Command Staff?
 Describe the role and function of the Incident
 Describe the selection and transfer of Incident
 Describe the role and function of the Command

Communications Review
Sample “Strike” Teams
Section Chief

Search & Rescue First Aid Facilities & Security

Team Team Response Team

Evacuation/ Crisis Intervention Student Release

Shelter/Care Team Team Team

Typically, what other

types of teams do
you use during a
school response?

Communications Review
Scenario: Heavy rains have caused flash flooding.
East High School is isolated and students cannot
leave. Help may not arrive for several hours.
Assignment: In your table groups:
 Develop an organizational chart depicting how
the Operations Section could be organized into
 List the responsibilities of each team.
 Be prepared to present in 15 minutes.

Communications Review
Activity: What Is the Correct Title? (1 of 3)
Instructions: Read each scenario and question. Mark
the answer in your Student Manual.

Scenario: As incident objectives and resources

expand, the Operations Section Chief begins
organizing resources into functional areas. What title
is the correct addition to the organizational chart?

 Unit Supervisor Operations

Section Chief
 Team Supervisor
 Group Supervisor Emergency Student Care
Services ? Services ?

Communications Review
Activity: What Is the Correct Title? (2 of 3)
Scenario: The incident has isolated part of the school
campus. Given this isolation, the Operations Section
Chief has decided to organize resources by
geographical areas. What title is the correct addition
to the organizational chart?

 Task Force Supervisor Operations

Section Chief
 Division Supervisor
 Sector Supervisor North Campus South Campus
? ?

Communications Review
Activity: What Is the Correct Title? (3 of 3)
Scenario: As the incident expands even further, the
Operations Section Chief determines that there is a
need to add another level of supervisor to manage the
Groups. What title is the correct addition to the
organizational chart?

 Branch Director Operations

Section Chief
 Department Director
 Field Director Emergency
Services ?

Search & Rescue First Aid

Group Supervisor Group Supervisor

Communications Review
Knowledge Review (1 of 3)
Planning Section

Resources Demobilization Which Unit would maintain

Unit Unit
a record of actions taken
Situation Documentation
during a school incident?
Unit Unit

Communications Review
Knowledge Review (2 of 3)
Planning Section

If you needed a
Resources Demobilization
Unit Unit map of the incident area,
which Unit
Unit would you go to?

Communications Review
Knowledge Review (3 of 3)
Planning Section

If you needed to check in

Resources Demobilization
Unit Unit at an incident,
which Unit
Unit would you go to?

Communications Review
Activity: Which Section?
Instructions: Read the following statements and identify the
correct Section Chief. Write your answers in your Student
 My Section is working on getting 50 buses for an
immediate evacuation of the school in advance of
 When SWAT responders appeared on the scene of a hostile
intruder incident, we provided school floor plans and
attendance counts for the day.
 Teams within my Section are providing triage, treatment,
and psychological first aid services to injured students.
 We oversee the documenting and processing of claims for
accidents and injuries occurring at the incident.

Communications Review
Training and Qualifying General Staff

Who is
qualified to
General Staff

Communications Review
Activity: ICS Assignments: Considerations
Instructions: Read the following scenario and
answer the questions that follow.
Scenario: An explosion and fire have just occurred
in a middle school science lab. First responders
have not yet arrived.
 Which ICS positions would be activated? In your
school, who is likely to assume these positions?
 What procedures would you use to account for
students during the evacuation?
 When first responders arrive, what needs to

Communications Review
General Staff Functions: Case Study (1 of 7)
Instructions: Read the scenario below and then answer the

The Scenario: On a chilly autumn morning at Midtown

Middle School, a school bus driver suffers a heart attack,
loses control of his bus, and hits the bus ahead of him at
the unloading zone. Several students are injured and others
run from the scene, and five are later reported as missing.
The Assistant Principal, who was greeting the students
upon their arrival, establishes the initial ICS organization.
 In the ICS organization described
above, the Assistant Principal has
(Assistant Principal)
assumed which role?

Communications Review
General Staff Functions: Case Study (2 of 7)
The Scenario Continues:
The Assistant Principal tells the school secretary to call
911 for assistance and to notify the school district of the
incident. Shortly afterwards, a Police Chief arrives at the
scene along with an Emergency Medical Technician and
other resources.
 What must happen before the Police Chief
assumes the Incident Commander role?
 Who is the Emergency Medical
Technician in the ICS organization?

Communications Review
General Staff Functions: Case Study (3 of 7)
The Scenario Continues:

A transfer of command occurs and the Police Chief assumes the

Incident Commander role. The Command and General Staff positions
are filled as shown on the chart.
 Does the Incident Commander
have a manageable span of Commander
 What is the title of the person ?
in charge of the Search Group? Officer
 The Evacuation/Shelter/Care Team Officer
is composed of 3 teachers Officer
providing student accountability
services and reporting to a
Emergency Search Evacuation/Shelter/
Leader. Medical Technician Group Care Team
 What is the correct ICS title
for this team?

Communications Review
General Staff Functions: Case Study (4 of 7)
The Scenario Continues:

To maintain span of control as Operations

the incident expands, the Incident
Commander establishes an Staging
Operations Section.

Health Search Investigation

 What is the role of the Group Group Group
Operations Section?
 What is the ICS title of the Canine
person in charge of the Team

Operations Section?

Communications Review
General Staff Functions: Case Study (5 of 7)
The Scenario Continues: Incident

After the first hour, the Incident Public Information

Commander establishes a Safety
second Section that will Liaison
develop the Incident Action
Plan and track the status of Operations ?
Section Section
resources on the scene.

 What is the correct title of

this Section?

Communications Review
General Staff Functions: Case Study (6 of 7)
The Scenario Continues:

Later, more than 100 personnel are on

the scene searching for the missing
students. Given the number of
personnel on the scene, there is a
need to provide meals, food, first aid,
and rest areas for responders.

 Which Section is responsible for

providing these support

Communications Review
General Staff Functions: Case Study (7 of 7)
The Scenario Continues:

Just before noon the students are found.

 Which resources would you demobilize first?


Communications Review
Are you able to describe the roles and functions of the:
 Operations Section?
 Planning Section?
 Logistics Section?
 Finance/Administration Section?

Communications Review
Activity: Optimal Strategy
Instructions: Read the scenario below and select the
optimal strategy in your Student Manual.
Scenario: A high school football team is returning
home from a State tournament in two buses. The first
bus is involved in an accident on State Highway 1 right
at the county line. Most of the bus is in Franklin
County. However, the front part of the bus is in Revere
County (the team’s home county). First responders
from both counties and the State have arrived on the
scene. The Athletic Director was on the second bus
and assumed command until first responders arrived.

Communications Review
Overcoming Barriers to Unified Command

What are the

potential barriers to
school personnel being
included in the Unified
How can you
overcome these

Communications Review
Applied Exercise:
School Bus Accident

Communications Review
Applied Exercise (1 of 2)
2. Working as a team, review the scenario and
scenario map located in your Student Manual.
3. Answer the following questions:
 Which agencies/organization should be
included in the Unified Command structure?
 Which ICS positions/Sections will be

Communications Review
Applied Exercise (2 of 2)
Continue answering the following questions:
 How many Operations Section Chiefs will be
assigned representing each of the
 What is one example of an incident
objective that the Unified Command group
might establish?
2. Select a spokesperson and be prepared to
present your work in 20 minutes.

Communications Review
Are you now able to:
 Define Unified Command?
 List the advantages of Unified Command?
 Identify the primary features of Unified
 Describe the roles
and reporting relationships
between school personnel
and emergency responders
under a Unified Command?

Communications Review
Discussion Question

What’s the issue with

having personnel arrive at
an incident without being
requested or dispatched?

Communications Review
Knowledge Review
Situation: Rosa is in the teacher’s lounge when
she hears that the gymnasium roof has collapsed.
Rosa has her advanced first aid certification.

What should
Rosa do?

Communications Review
Check Plans, Policies, and Regulations
Do your school’s
preparedness plans, policies,
and regulations:
 Comply with NIMS,
including ICS?
 Cover all hazards?
 Include delegations of
authority (as appropriate)?
 Include up-to-date

Communications Review
Training, Credentialing, and Exercising
 Do you have sufficient qualified personnel to
assume ICS Command and key General Staff
 Can you verify that personnel meet established
professional standards for:
 Training?
 Experience?
 Performance?

 When was the last tabletop or functional exercise

that practiced ICS? Do you use ICS during planned
events (e.g., graduation, field trips)?

Communications Review

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