4math Lesson 10 3
4math Lesson 10 3
4math Lesson 10 3
Name: Darrik Johnson Lesson Title: Properties of Reflections Grade level(s)/Course: 4 Date taught: 4/30/13 GENERAL CONTEXT Textbook or Instructional Program referenced to guide your instruction (if any) Title: Everyday Mathematics: Volume 2 Publisher: Wrigth Group/McGraw-Hill Date of Publication: 2007 District, school or cooperating teacher requirement or expectations that might influence your planning or delivery of instruction. Topic chosen by teacher, SMART slides created by another teacher, worksheets from Study Link packet and Everyday Mathematics book Amount of time devoted each day or week in your classroom to the content or topic of your instruction. 1.5 hours each day Describe how ability grouping or tracking (if any) affects your planning and teaching of this content. None List any other special features of your school or classroom that will affect the teaching of this lesson. SMART Board INFORMATION ABOUT STUDENTS AND THEIR LEARNING NEEDS Total students___26____ Males___13__ __ Females___13_____ Students with Special Number of Accommodations and/or pertinent IEP Objectives Needs: Category Students Students work with special education teacher in the classroom Students with IEPs 3 while the lesson is taught English Language 0 Learners Gifted 504 Students with autism or other special needs Students with Behavioral Disorders 0 0 3 Students work with special education teacher in the classroom while the lesson is taught
INFORMATION ABOUT THE LESSON Content Strand found within the Wisconsin Academic Content Standards or Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards CCSS.Math.Content.4.G.A.3 Recognize a line of symmetry for a two-dimensional figure as a line across the figure such that the figure can be folded along the line into matching parts. Identify line-symmetric figures and draw lines of symmetry. Enduring Understanding and/or Essential Question What are the basic properties of reflections? GLE(s) or EOC and Symbolic Notation DOK
Outcome(s) Students will be able to list the basic properties of reflections. Students will be able to draw reflections of images using transparent mirrors. Students will be able to draw reflections using a grid. Academic Language related to the lesson Line of Reflection Congruent Spatial Visualization Prior Learning/Prior Thinking Students have encountered reflections in daily life (mirrors, reflections in everyday objects, etc.) Students have had two prior lessons on reflections.
LESSON IMPLEMENTATION Anticipatory Set/Elicit Prior Knowledge Students will be asked to use a transparent mirror to copy a picture of a dog. Students will then be asked to list the similarities and differences in the two pictures. Focus/Purpose Statement The basic properties of reflections are that the images are identical in size and shape but reversed in direction. Procedures 1. Students will be asked to get out their white boards, markers, and erasers for the review activity. 2. Students will rewrite the given numbers from the SMART Board on their white boards in standard notation. 3. Students will quietly choose a partner from their group. If the group has an odd number, the teacher will assign one of the students a partner from another group with an odd number. 2|Page
Pre-assessment that may be used Students list properties of reflections on back of dog picture. During the lesson Informal Formative Assessment Students participate in all class activities Formal Formative Assessment
At the end of the lesson Formative Study Link 10.3 Math Boxes 10.3 Summative Unit Test after completion of unit Assessment Rubric
Does the plan logically lay out what you will say and do? Did you include specific questions you will ask to invite, guide, and develop students thinking throughout the lesson? What strategies will you use? Have you included how you will set expectations for student behavior before and during the lesson (picking up materials; collaborative work time; listening behaviors, moving from one place to the next, etc.)? If students work in groups, have you included how you will group them and why that approach is appropriate to their learning needs? Have you specified how you will ensure students understand the academic language needed to succeed during this lesson? What content-specific vocabulary will you introduce and how will you introduce it?
Link your ideas to your methods class content and readings, using appropriate and accurate quotes from text or theorists as you analyze and evaluate your work.