Complete Case Interview Preparation by Marc P. Cosentino
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Complete Case Interview Preparation
“With humor and insight, Marc gets students thinking about how to use
the case interview as a showcase of their talents
See RE eee ua
Tene tes
Assistant Director, Office of Career Services, Harvard UniversityAMAZON REVIEWS
Jokkik Secret to success — Consulting Case Interviews. In graduate school | browsed many
books on consulting case interview preparation. This was the only book | read. The clear, consis-
tent way of thinking through how to manage case interviews made sense. Rather than focusing
‘on formulas, frameworks (e.g., Porters Five Forces), or just examples, Cosentino classifies cases
into sensible categories and coaches the student through how to think about answering,
Additionally, he gives valuable tips on how to get comfortable in the interview.
‘The true proof however was that | interviewed with the two top strategy consulting firms and
received offers from both. | would highly recommend this book to anyone considering inter-
viewing with top strategy consulting firms.
eek Outstanding prep for case interviews, Case in Point isin my view the best book of its,
type on the market. The top firms vary their cases from interviewer to interviewer — Cosentino's
book provides a good system for tackling any case that you're presented. This book got me
extremely well-prepared for my interviews. | just received a summer associate offer from what's
arguably the top consulting firm, despite my non-business background,
‘tit This is excellent. This is probably the best consulting book on the market for under-
grads looking to get a job in a top consulting firm after college. | own the Vault Guide to the
Case Interview and felt this was MUCH better because it gives you a system to follow, not just a
bunch of random structures and cases. Cosentino does a great job of putting all these pieces
‘together in a very useful book.
+tokcktek Great book for consulting preparation. Cosentino’s compilation of cases is a superb
‘way to prepare for management consulting case interviews. Not only does he provide a wide
variety of cases (from market sizing to acquisition opportunity to dipping profits) he also offers
several helpful frameworks for approaching consulting cases in general. | would highly recom=
‘mend this book to anyone planning to do consulting interviews (and they're tough!)
ook Having a job interview? Use this book: it's a must. | used this book as a tool to prepare
for interviews; and it really helped me. In this tough period, | followed the Ivy Case Method pro-
posed, and it didn’t fail. The book presents in a very readable way what to expect in an inter-
view and how to create your best strategy. I'm usually very skeptical about these kinds of books,
but | must say that Cosentino is able to attract the reader and through anecdotes and concrete
examples, to keep the reader's interest tll the last page. Definitely a must.
4ekk-k Got me a consulting jobt, | was VERY nervous about getting a good job after school. |
compared several interview guides and found some to be incomplete and others to be too long
& confusing. Cosentino’s Case in Point was easier to understand and covered the key tech-
niques/frameworks behind case interviews. | practiced the sample cases and | eventually got a
job in strategy consulting,Aso by Mar Cosentino
‘The Harvard College Guide to Consulting Case Questions
‘The Harvard College Guide to Consulting
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