Earmark Request
Earmark Request
Earmark Request
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... March 27, ZOO,) ''''' ~ ".". ,.~
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fundwe ror Ilh~ v1:i ryv ,lIc. Ak,,~. BluulIl C"~IIly Communic;llllm~
.s}"\~I ' 111I fi,~~ 1 y<: "r 20 10, Thcc nli lY hi r<x:eive run di n:; fm Ih ', ["oW r! j , l h~ Gly ,.f
local L'<I :11 .tl14 WCST Iho"d"" y AH""""' ..\ ,1", yv i1I ~. TCT1nc .s~t 37S0 1 47 10. The fund ine. \\'(1 111d
]oe il:;.cd I() illl (}\\, p uhli c s~ I'c! y ~ nrt I'lI hllr work , (k lllJft lm" 1T 8 to C'u- I'ullc'l;,m " " llil.' . (1100 n~iW()'"
an. I 1> ••,,1(1 "l Si) al lul\' 1]«" ..." 0<" pal'l"",111.1O ~ummllni.;alC diI'Co ly m an "mNI,I)'lry ..... ,11 . C" '"
,lnoJlhcr Wil hO)ullnh'rft"'n~" lrom ,)lh," "Si"~, I I:c 'l ir) Ih'lllhi~ l'roj<.:<:1 dl,,", S nl'l hil\'C ~ (\irc~1
1O",llu,('~,'\:ubk cfk,'[ '-''' Ihi: J"""uni~ry imcrcsis Ilf nIC or my ~JXH''''_-
Con~ISICI1lwilh Ihe Republtcan l .e:.r!t:rshlf'·' pnhr~ ,m ('.11 "Ul! ~s , I 1t.:Il'lI)' .·L11iry Ihal IV
lilt: hr..~[ "I my ~no", loo!,,,, 1I,i~ Icqu.·.l ( I J b nOI di n:cloo 10 an enlll y or pr.lgram lh;u " ,' I1 II('
nanleu .. rt;,·r a SIU IIlS Mcmhcr ,If C/ln£rr.~,. (7J ,~ '1<.>1 ,ulc'noJc..l tv be u.:;oo by an enluy 10 ~"'"C
I"","I~ te" "Ito" .. '-'''Iilic~< u"k,;.;s the u:.e or fundIng IS con~'~lcnl ""Ih Ih(' sp""j to,XI 11lI! jlUloC "f Ill<,!
tarmdl'k: and (.1] m"els nr r:x""",,b ~II Si<lh'IO!,), I1':<juu",ml:nh fvr m~lching fund~ where
"pplil:"hk, 1 fmlliCI .cfli(v (hal should Th,s ''C\1U1:'1 lx' l~c lurlrxl i(\ II,,, bill. 1 "ill plao.'c il
SI:tlcmcnl III Ih r. (.', IIIg l<' \ .\';OI " , i II """,<1 (i~sc'db i 1l!l Ituw !he funds wi I] Ix: , penl ;11111 ,lIl_tlt)'< Il l: Ik
" sc " I )<:1.kr~] l ~ ~p,,-v~r fund.l .
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