Sixth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, June-July 2009: Mechatronics and Microprocessor
Sixth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, June-July 2009: Mechatronics and Microprocessor
Sixth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, June-July 2009: Mechatronics and Microprocessor
Max. Marks:100
PART - A 1 a. Define mechatronics. State the major differences between conventional and mechatronic product design approach. ( 08 Marks) b. What is sequential controller and explain with a block diagram the working of an domestic
washing machine. ( 12 Marks)
a. b. c.
Explain how sensing is achieved by an incremental optical encoder. Explain the following performance terminologies of transducers : i) Accuracy ii) Repeatability iii) Drift iv) Speed of response Explain the principle of operation of Hall effect sensor.
a. b. c.
Differentiate between a diode, thyristor and transistor. (06 Marks) Explain the working principle of a permanent magnet D.C. motor. How it is used for positive control drives. ( 08 Marks) Sketch and explain the working of an stepper motor . (06 Marks) What is the significance of operational amplifier? How it is used in an inverting amplifier
circuit? ( 10 Marks) What is multiplexer and de multiplexer? Where they are used? ( 06 Marks) Write a note on digital signal processing. ( 04 Marks)
a. b. c.
a. b.
With the help of a block diagram, explain briefly the general form of a microprocessor system. ( 08 Marks) What are logic gates? Discuss AND and OR gates with their truth tables for two inputs.
(08 Marks) Write a note on representation of real numbers. ( 04 Marks)
a. b.
Explain in detail with a block diagram, the architecture of Intel 8085A microprocessor.
(10 Marks) What are micro controllers? Explain the general form of a micro controller. ( 10 Marks)
a. b. a. b.
Explain the classification of instructions for the Intel's 8085 microprocessor. ( 10 Marks) With a neat flow chart, discuss the programming process. ( 10 Marks) Distinguish between instruction cycle, machine cycle and T-state. ( 10 Marks) Draw and explain the timing diagram for Opcode fetch operation. ( 10 Marks)