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SAHAJAYOGA i n t e r n a t i o n a l

Liver Diet


Shri Mataji has said that the liver is the seat of the Atten- stressful job and even things like planning complex holi-
tion, and that a “bad” liver can therefore result in a frag- days can add to the work the liver has to do. The key is in
menting of the Attention. This can manifest in a lack of recognizing the signs and taking remedial action so that
focus and concentration of the Attention, and inevitably our meditations do not suffer and we stay in balance over-
this will prevent the sufferer from going deeper. One of the all.
first signs of a problematic liver will probably be difficul-
A very good test if you feel that your meditations are not
ties with the meditation, too many thoughts.
all that they might be, is to meditate one day with an ice
Shri Mataji has also said that the liver nourishes the Joy pack placed over the liver location. If the meditation is
which comes from the Spirit (Atma) that resides in the improved, this an indication that the source of the problem
Heart, and that if it is damaged it is very difficult for some- may be the liver. If the problem persists or becomes more
one to develop this feeling of Joy within themselves, or severe, then is the time to consider using the diet to cor-
feel it for more than a few moments at a time. These are rect things. Try it for seven or ten days, at the end of that
among the reasons why Shri Mataji has paid particular time you should be able to notice a marked difference in
attention to this physical problem and has given us a your meditations and overall state of balance.
special diet to follow which brings about a very quick re-
A very good test if you feel that your meditations are not
all that they might be, is to meditate one day with an ice
Those suffering with liver problems are usually catching pack placed over the liver location. If the meditation is
on both the right Swadisthan and Nabhi chakras (which improved, this is an indication that the source of the prob-
are responsible for the liver organ in the body). They may lem may be the liver. If the problem persists or becomes
experience a feeling of heat (or even pain in extreme cases) more severe, then is the time to consider using the diet to
in the region of the liver itself - on the right hand side of correct things. Try it for seven to ten days, at the end of
the body, some 7 inches below the right armpit. They that time you should be able to notice a marked difference
may also experience a lack of appetite or nausea. in your meditations and overall state of balance.

As well as giving us a prescribed diet, Shri Mataji has The diet is not so much a regime of food intake, as a list of
explained that one of the most effective ways to remedy things which are cooling for the liver, and things which
this problem is to direct vibrations to it directly with the should be avoided if possible whilst we are undergoing the
left hand. We can simply sit as we would for meditation remedy.
(or at the start of the meditation itself) in front of the photo
The Diet
and candle, and place the left hand directly on the loca-
tion of the liver whilst holding the right hand out on our lap Cooling for the liver, and recommended for in-
as usual. If we do this for few minutes each day, or each take.
time we meditate, the problem can soon be overcome.
Sugar. Shri Mataji has said that sugar is the food
It should be noted that having a liver which is in need of of the liver. This is cane sugar, not beet. Tate &
treatment does not necessarily indicate wrong doing. We Lyle and Sainsbury’s sugar is cane, the others
are all constantly bombarded with an environment which are almost always beet. There is also a type of
may cause the liver to go out of balance. Fast food, a

i n t e r n a t i o n a l
Liver Diet
sugar known as sugar candy or rock sugar, which Fried foods.
is available from most Indian shops - its use is
Fatty or oily foods.
described under Black Kokum below.
Heavy (e.g. red) meat.
White Rice. White rice is very cooling for the
liver. Butter and cream/ice cream.

Yoghurt. This is probably the most effective cool- Very spicy foods.
ant. However it must not be eaten in a cold cli-
mate or time of year such as winter/spring.
Ginger. Ginger in almost any form is good for
the liver. In particular we can take some in the White bread.

morning in a spoon mixed with sugar and fol- Non China teas.
lowed by a glass of water! Crystallized ginger is
Coffee (especially if strong).
also very good. This mixture should not, how-
ever, be taken in hot climates or hot times of the Not advisable.
year such as summer.
Fruit. Generally most fruit is good for the Nabhi
Most dairy products.
chakra. In particular grapes are good, and grape
juice in its pure form is also very beneficial. Too much milk.

Vegetables & Salads etc. All are good in gen- Too much salt.
eral. Radished in particular (and their leaves) can
Ok in small amounts.
be taken and boiled with sugar candy and drunk
as a beverage, very good for the liver. Chicken.

Chana. Known also as chick peas. Can be made A typical mean using this special liver diet then could be a
into dhall or soup. These chick peas are very simple chicken and white rice dish (without any rich sauces
good for the whole Nabhi chakra. or spices), with salad and fruit or yoghurt to follow. In gen-
eral it is simply advisable to cut out all the harmful foods
Black Kokum. This is a type of fruit which can
during the diet period and try and eat the beneficial foods
be bought from most Indian stores. They look
whilst paying special attention to our liver in our medita-
like prunes but be warned, they are not sweet!
The best way to use them is to make a drink our
of them by pouring boiling water over a small
handful in a jug, with about the same quantity of
sugar candy. The mixture should then be left over-
night and drunk the next day as a normal bever-
age in place of tea or coffee.

Harmful for a suffering liver and to be avoided.



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