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SS 402 Sea Fox

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START OF REEL JOB NO... san lls te f= OPERATOR ~~ DATE _¢-7¢-7s— THIS MICROFILM IS THE PROPERTY OF THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT S MICROFILMED BY NPPSO—NAVAL DISTRICT WASHINGTON MICROFILM SECTION 88)02/A16-3 U.S.8. SBA FOX ($5102) Care of Fleet Fost Office Serial (11) Sen Francisco, Californ: > one Se DECLASSIFIED-ART. 045, oPRaviNSuSgHoNt Sa Olt’ a. 2 Sishe The Conmending Officer. ‘The Commander-in-Chief, United States Zleet. (1) The Commander Submarine Division 1.0 31 (2) ‘The Coumander Subnarine Squadron T. “TY (3) ‘The Commander Submarine rt U.S.S. SEA FO (SS402) ~ Report of war F Snelosure: (A) Subject Report. ‘Track Chart (For CanSubsac). oe Enclosure (A) covering the first war patrol of this ves sel, conducted in the DUKEAS D: 4, October 1944 to 24 lovenber 194i, is forwerd Subject f Yar Patrol iunber One. (a) Fozocus ‘The U.S,S. SEA FOX was coumissioned 13 June 1944 at U.S, Navy Yerd, Portsuouth, New Harpshire. Preliminery training was conducted in Forts nouth — New London area. 10 August to 11 September 194i, enroute ilew Lon Gon, Connecticut to Peerl Harbor, TH. 12 Septeuber to 3 Cctober 1944, made voyage repairs end conducted intensive treining under dircetion of Cormander Training Cocmand, Submarine Force, Pacific Fleet. (®) WARLIZIVE. AL THE (1) unless otherwise noted. 1, October 1944 (Vii) 1500 Departed Subaerine Bese, F5. Gn decordance with CouSubsPac Opord. 340-44 in coi boerd. 4 ~ 7 October Bnroute 1 10iY conducting section dives, subxers approaches on the LiTCl 8 October’ ogo (x) arrived LID.;%. Commander Subnerire Foree, Pacific perked, Sffected minor voyage repairs and topped off with fu 1530 Departed 110.5 for patrol arca. 10 October 0200 (ii) Crossed 180th meridian, Dropped 9 October frou 21 = 15 October Frococdi Kold deily dives, bettle,probl euergency Good wether ell the wey. 16 October Sntered northeast corner of BOtii! ISLAD patrol 0500 Bove to reconnoiter the northern islands. Surfeced. Picked up redar on ‘on two frequenc besed sots on CEICKI JE i. COuPIDEET TAL 17 October coo. 1045 Fatrolling on surface tonty to thirty Sighted two anti-subnerine vissels bea: obviously on an anti-submarine sicop. Dove and closed CHICHI JD. Last sight of anti-subuarino vosscls. Surfaced. Dove. Surfaced. Lifoguard cuty for air strike on CHICHI Wo contact made with plano. Surfaced. Radar contact boering 135° (1), range 10,400 y foree 4 wind, force 4 soa. Fosit: Five niles Three targets on the scrcon, all snell. Tracked 010? (2), speed & Imote, zigeagcing overy 6 to 7 « it 3,000 yards, nade out targets to be scall ant: too mall to térscdo. Zolioved to be Soeurcd fron Battle St’tione. This cur first contact with the enay, e id not consider these shellow creft v ularly dn this soa. It scomed probeblo that a nore worth while target or target group. 9 Coteber 0500 9s 1245 1800 Dove in vicinity of last n Sighted floet plane (RUF) Sighted floct plane (RUF3) over CFICET I:s. Surfeced. 20 October OMd5 Dove. Conducting subm: 21 October 0430 uy us 1135 Dove 10 miles Surface. Life SD and s: Surfeced, Plane - 6 miles, headed this way: Dived. 1205 Surfaced. 1213 Received message fran DEO that Liberator ves down 30 to 40 miles southwest of 1i0 JTL. d 1302 SD contact - 8 Sighted plane coning in low. 02430 Dived. B04, Depth boab. 135 Surfaced, U3 ‘SD and sight contect - 2 miles. Coming in over our stern ~ and fast. Dived. Lookouts were alert, but plane cane in lov with aITA INC JDL as e background. 13-20 Straffed by plane. Thank the Lord he didn't have a bonbs Wow believe it inprecticcble to surfece until We cennot stay on the sunfece but 10 or 15 minutes at a tine before they spot u Plane exorcises out here have taen on a decided negative aspect. 1800 Surfaced. 1830 Received dispetch from TG SSVENTa: POLIT SAVIN, giving new posix tion of downed plene 28 15 miles west of TiO Ji. 2100 Tn area plane reported down ~ no contects, Continued soarch. 22 October ou20. Jep Daim Patrol departed. (0420 Dove 12 miles west of TiC Ji 1620 Surfeced. Continuing search to soutim: 23 Cctober 0105 Jap Dawn Patrol doperted TiO JHA. os Dove 15 niles west of THO JUL. 1815, Surfaced, ‘ill seerch west. tonight but have little hope aviators are still hore. Converted #4 F.z.T. to a Vein Bellest Tank. 24, October a0 Dawn Petrol doperted IvO JRE. ou Dived , 1000 Surfaced for lifeguard duty. 1045 Dived. lothing heerd or seen of our plano. 1€25 Surfaced and heeded north Zor area off 2000 Received dispatch of enother course. 25° October ox10 jan Patrol U.S.8. SEA FOX (S02) - Report of Wer Patrol Kunber One. Dived 16 niles west of tho island. Surfaced for lifeguard duty. idrereft Group Commander reported strike completed and ell plancs OK" Dived. Surfaced end heeded north for Hh HA JDL 26 October 0023 102 0102-30 0227 0231. 0232 0233-30 0235 0953 095k, 10h6. Radar eontect ~ 17,000 yards, Co.nenced tre EIRS?_ATTACK — NIGHT SURFACE, Visibility conditions:, No moon, sterlight night, .6 clouds, force 1 sca, force 2 wind. We are 32 miles due north of KIT. 1.0 JIL. There are two targets 2,000 yards apart, the suallor of the tuo is fon the off side and aheed of the larger, ‘Tergets exc on bese course 215°, speed 13 knots, zigeagcing 30° cach side of base course every 6 to 7 mimtes. Battle Stations Torpedo. iit 8,000 yends, both targcts arc in sight. Tho lerger is a KRi nediua froightcr 350 to 375 fect long; the oth Gimly soon, a patrol vessel. ‘Target appearcd heevily loaded with very little frccboerd. Range 3,500 yerds, angle on bow 90 P. All sot to targets zigsed away. Closed outer doors, turned ond around. gain ready for attack - range 3,500 yards, angle target zigzed agein but we vorc waiting for this one. Fange 3,000 yards, engle on bow 90 P., torpedo treck 105 P., gyro angle 3s. Comienced firing four torpedoes. Three ite hoard and seen. Target bl Escort connenced dropping 10 depth chergos. after shooting and headed for our new ares in the SD contect — 13 miles, Dived. ‘Surfeced. 27 October 1450 25k6 Enroute NANST SOTO. SD contact — Uy « Dived. Surfaced. 28 October 0030 0553 Entered patrol area. Dived 15 miles cast of OKIN MCLOSURE (4) FOX (88402) = Report of sar Patrol Kusber Cne. Surfaced. APR contact at 159 mes, This rader, undoubtedly land bescd, was heard intermittently all the tine we wore near the south Gen pert of the dslemle, gracing very, etrong when vith 25 to 30 miles. (Soe RiD:R). 29 Octaber 0518 1658 Patrolling OKINAA GUNTO. Dived . Surfaced, 30 October 0532 2658 Patrolling pase north of YORO! SHIA. Dived. Surfeced. Full moon tonight. 31 October 0540 10 1600 1900 0553 1900 Patrolling paes north of YOROM sHNs Dived. Conrieheed passage to western side of islands. Complotod pessag Surfcced. isuel contact — 5,900 yards, Zxchanged recognition sige SJ with the BILLFISH. west of THEY: RETTO. Dived. Surfeced. 2 November 2000 5 2649 1650 1651. 195 Patrolling southtestern portion of area. SD contect - 35 miles. Came in to 25 miles thon opencd cut, SD contect ~.35 miles. Cane in to 30 niles. SD contact - 30 miles. jauming on SD reder, Glectronic. APR contact on 120 nes. Dived. Surfaced: 3 November 0532 Petrolling southern portion of arc. Dived vest of KULE St Surfaced. 4, November Patrolling central portion of area. 9545 Dived west of IMEYA JDMA. 1930 Surfaced. 5 November Patrolling central portion of erca. 0600 Dived southwest of IHEYA JE: 1900 Surfeced. 6 November oooL Moved to adjacent norther 0515 Dived southviest of TORI SIM 2845 Surfrced. 7 Novenber Fetrolling tortiwest of TORI SHIA. oss: ved northeast of TORI SHECA. ons Sighted an circraft (ESTIY) headed toward Jii2:1 0 SHU 37 1955 eden contect 28,000 yards. Comenced tracking. 2013, ° ital ship properly illuninated, headed % through pass north of 2020 0 SHIA. 2015 Received KINGFISH's message of a four ship convoy headed in our direction. / Changed course for convoy!s midnight position six miles away, and proceeded et best speed. @ Kovenber xi ‘Mt convoy's 2330 position, Wo contact. Couxenced scarch to north- ecst. Radar contact 211° (t), 22000 yar 3 vind. Our p ere ds one terget on bese course 040°, speed 6 ab odd intervals from 4 to 7 minutes 30° on cach The terget, pled

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