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Abhishek Kumar Tripathi Lecturer, Department of Business Administration, Institute of Technology, Gorakhpur Abstract Nobody can be left in any doubt as to the importance of innovation for prosperity upon reading that people living in the first decade of the twentieth century did not know modern dental and medical equipment, penicillin, bypass operations, safe births, control of genetically transmitted diseases, personal computers, compact discs, television sets, automobiles, opportunities for fast and cheap worldwide travel, affordable universities, central heating, air conditioning. These technological changes have transformed the quality of our lives. Here, we have tried to analyze and understand the roles that entrepreneurs can play in innovation in the developing countries like India. Keywords : Entrepreneurship, Women Entrepreneurship Despite this, most of the work on understanding the important to bear in mind the entrepreneurial skills that process of innovation and its relationship to public policy will be needed to improve the quality of life for individuals, has been conducted in economies at more advanced families and communities and to sustain a healthy stages of development. Several authors have even economy and environment. downplayed the importance of innovation for developing There are three main conceptual approaches to countries. In a similar fashion, there has been a resurgence entrepreneurship. The first approach is functional which of interest in the role of entrepreneurship in innovation, is concerned with the dynamic actor that makes key employment creation and economic growth in the decisions on investment, production, innovation, developing economies. location, research and development. From this Defining Entrepreneurship and Innovation perspective, entrepreneurship is a psychological trait The discipline of entrepreneurship generally studies referring to dynamism, creativity and originality. the why, when and how of opportunity creation, The approach also includes managers of MNCs, state recognition and utilization for providing goods and owned enterprises, profit/non-profit organization and a services through the creation of new firms and within variety of dynamic entrepreneurs within organizations. existing firms for both profit and non profit purposes. The second approach focuses on the firm as the key Not all opportunity creation will necessarily be in economic factor. The firms included here are owner societys best interest. The reward structure of a society operated firms, incorporated joint stock companies, state can also lead to destructive allocation of entrepreneurial owned joint venture firms and subsidiaries of multitalent. The focus here stays upon the productive nationals. These firms are the units that make the key entrepreneurial activity. This consists of the creation, decisions on investment, on branching into activities or recognition and utilization of positive opportunities in sectors, or relocating to other countries. The third such a way that involves innovation or the provision approach focuses on owner operated enterprises. Within of new combinations of products and / or processes. this approach the entrepreneur is the owner and is actively Thus entrepreneurship means risk taking, innovating or involved in running the business. This relates mainly to adventuring. Entrepreneurship is the ability to create and the small and the medium sized enterprises, start ups build something from practically nothing. and self employment. Entrepreneurship has two basic qualities as such doing a The concept of innovation refers to putting into thing in a new and better way and taking decision under practice of inventions. A narrow, strictly technological uncertainty. approach focuses on products and processes According to Cole, Entrepreneurship is the innovations, or technological innovation, which is often purposeful activity of an individual undertaken to initiate, said to be the result of technology entrepreneurship. A maintain of aggrandize profit by production or broader approach refers to innovation as not only the distribution of economic goods and services. development of new products, new processes and new An entrepreneur has the qualities such as innovation, sources of supply, but also to the exploitation of new risk taking, leadership, skill, strong urge to perform markets, new avenues, and developing new ways to tenacity and ability to mobilize financial and physical organize the business. resources to build the enterprise and innovation in Entrepreneurship has gained greater significance at business. Thus it might be observed that an entrepreneur global level under changing economic scenario. Global is a person who is able to look at the environment, identify economy in general and Indian economy in particular is the opportunities to the environmental resources and poised for accelerated growth driven by entrepreneurship. implement action to maximize those opportunities. It is Amidst environment of the Super-Mall culture we find

Voice of Research Vol. 1, Issue 2, June 2012 Women Entrepreneurship

plenty of scope for entrepreneurship in trading and manufacturing. In the face of globalization and liberalization in the twenty first century, only those companies that learn to innovate and adopt new technology thrive in the competitive world. Innovation is a practical way to ensure the long term health of organization. The best innovation is user-driven. In the ideal innovative culture, there is a harmony of interests between customers, employees and the management. The innovation process has three major components the first stage is getting ideas, the second stage is turning ideas to reality and the third stage is getting the product to the market and making a huge success which includes activities like distribution, pricing, marketing and public relation etc. Innovation is risk management and if organization is committed to innovation, they need to have a very high tolerance for risk and failure. Economic structure is very dynamic and extremely competitive due to the rapid creation of new firms and exit of old stagnant and declining firms. Modern organizations will face following situation affecting the development of entrepreneurship. 1. Speed and uncertainty will prevail. 2. Technology will continue to plat critical role. 3. Demographics will dictate much of what happens in business. 4. Work will be done anywhere any time. 5. Employment increase. Women Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship is a turf where men are the major players, but, lately many women entrepreneurs have also prove their mettle. Women who were earlier the bread maker have now become the bread earners and they are doing a great job indeed. According to J.A. Schumpeter, Woman who innovates, imitates, or adopts a business activity is called woman entrepreneur. Thus women entrepreneur are those women who initiate, organize and operate business enterprise and want to prove their mettle in innovative and competitive jobs. She also wants to oversee and control every aspects of her business for its overall success. Increase in cost of living has prompted the Indian women to undertake economic activities in order to support their families. They are coming forward to take risks, face challenges and prove to the world that their role in the society is no more limited to that of buyers but they can be also successful sellers .There are thousands of good examples where women have shown entrepreneurial talents and have succeeded. Women entrepreneurs are the key players in any developing country in terms of their contribution to economic development. Now, it is imperative to know who is a women entrepreneur. In the simplest sense, women entrepreneurs are those

women who take the lead and organize the business or industry and provide employment to others. It signifies that section of female population who venture out into industrial activities. It may be defined as a woman or group of women who initiate, organize and run a business enterprise. However, Government of India has given a broader definition of the term women entrepreneur. It defined women entrepreneur as an enterprise owned and controlled by women having a minimum financial interest of 51% of the capital and giving at least 51% of the employment generated in the enterprise to women. The Indian government has introduced several programmes to promote women entrepreneurship in India. The TREAD programme was operated through Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI). SIDBI has initiated various schemes for the growth of women entrepreneurs through Mahila Udyam Nidhi (MUN), Mahila Vikash for Nidhi (MVN), Micro Credit Scheme (MSC), Women Entrepreneurial Development Programme (EDP), and Marketing Development Fund (MDF) for women entrepreneurs.In the context of the opening up of the economy and the need for upgradation of technology, the Consortium of Women Entrepreneurs of India (CWEI) is a common platform to help the very women entrepreneurs in finding innovative techniques of production and marketing and finance. Prime-Minister Rozgar Yojna (PMRY), National Rural Employment Programme and (NREP), Rural Landless Employment Guarantee Programme (RLEGP) are some of the important schemes floated by the Government which encourage women to enter into work entrepreneurial activities. With growing awareness about business and due to growth of educational level, in professional education, industrialization, urbanization and democratic values awareness, the tradition bound Indian society has undergone a change and women entrepreneurs have shifted their entrepreneurial activities to engineering, electronics and energy. They made personal choices, stood up for their convictions and had the courage and strength to enter into new ventures. As a result of these efforts, numbers of women entrepreneurs have increased over the years. Women entrepreneurs have been making a significant impact in all the segments of the economy in India, Canada, Great Britain, Germany, Australia and USA. The areas chosen by women are Retail Trade, Restaurants, Hotels, Education, Culture, Cleaning, Insurance and Manufacturing. Women take up business enterprises to profession as a challenge and get over financial difficulties and respond with an urge to do something. Women Entrepreneurs are achieving higher level of 3 Es,namely (1).Engineering (2) Electronics (3) Energy Women Entrepreneurship in India in the 21st


Century The combined effect of increased awareness, better education and a change in societal mind set the roles that women today play has improved and changed. This is the century of telecom, IT and Financial institutions. Women expertise in all these industries is beginning to emerge and women are emerging as a force to reckon with. Women have come out of their role which was laid back and which related with their father, brother or husband. With the spread of education and awareness, women have shifted from the kitchen, handicrafts and traditional cottage industries to non-traditional higher level of activities. Service sector has opened up vast opportunities for women entrepreneurship developments. However women entrepreneur are subjected to certain limitation that impede their functioning. The limitation include inter-alia poor self-image of women; discriminating treatment; faulty socialization; lack of social acceptance; unjust social, economic and cultural system; susceptible to negative attitude; and low dignity of labour. Suggestions for Improving Women Entrepreneurship in India Following suggestion are made for being about improvement in the direction of women entrepreneurship. 1. Government should provide separate financial funds for women entrepreneurs. 2. We should provide her with special infrastructure facilities whatever she needs. 3. Government should arrange special training

4. 5. 6.

programmes for the women entrepreneurship. Government should facilitate top ranker women entrepreneurs. Women entrepreneurs should be more competitive and efficient in the local and international market We should invite successful women entrepreneurs from foreign nations so as their Indian counterparts can share their experience. References

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