Master List
Master List
Master List
syntax are covered here. See the BOSS Masterlist Syntax.html documentation file in data/boss-common/ on t he Google Code repository for full details. * Use blank lines to separate mods that are grouped together or where it helps readability. * Use silent comments when you think something needs clarification to others r eading the masterlist (such as when a mod looks like it is misspelled, but is co rrect). * Only make edits/additions you're confident about - otherwise discuss the iss ue on the official forum threads. * If you're unsure on how to write something in the correct syntax, check the masterlists for examples, and don't be afraid to ask other committers for help. * When you include a web link in a message, enclose it in double quotes "", fo r example: should be written "". * When you list Bash Tags for a mod, separate them using ", " and not just "," . Eg. {{BASH: Graphics,NoMerge}} should be written {{BASH: Graphics, NoMerge}}. This improves readability in the BOSSlog and the masterlist itself. * Don't include any HTML formatting in messages. In particular, web links do n ot need to be formatted as HTML hyperlinks, as BOSS will do this automatically. * Put variable lines at the top of the masterlist, just under this section of text. * Put global messages at the top of the masterlist, just under any variable li nes. Silent Comments: Silent comments are ignored by BOSS, and may be written by starting a line with "//" (not including quotes). You cannot start a silent comment part-way into a line, only whole lines may be silent. Message Type Keyword Description ===================================================================== General message SAY A general message for the mod a bove. Bash Tag suggestion TAG A Bash Tag suggestion for the m od above. Requirement REQ An installation requirement for the mod above. Incompatibility INC A specific incompatibility for the mod above. Dirty mod message DIRTY A message relating to dirty edi ts in the mod above. Warning WARN A message used to display a non -critical warning for the mod above. Error ERROR A message used to display a cri tical (ie. install-breaking) error for the mod above. Message keywords should be indented by two spaces and followed by a colon ':' th en the message string. */ // Masterlist variable setup for BOSS v1.7+. IF FILE("FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esm") SET: FWE
IF FILE("FOOK2 - Main.esm") SET: FOOK2 // Upgrade message for 1.7+ users: IF VERSION("BOSS", "", <) GLOBAL WARN: An update for BOSS (v2.1.1) has been released. Download it at "" BEGINGROUP: ESMs //-----------Fallout3.esm Anchorage.esm ThePitt.esm StreetLights.esm SAY: Do not use with latest FOOK2, it is already integrated. BrokenSteel.esm TAG: {{BASH: Actors.ACBS, Actors.AIPackages, Relev}} PointLookout.esm Zeta.esm Lings.esm TAG: {{BASH: Hair}} Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch.esm TAG: {{BASH: C.Music, Deflst, Delev, Relev, Factions, Invent, Names, Relations , Stats}} LingsDLC.esm TAG: {{BASH: Hair, Eyes}} HairPack.esm TAG: {{BASH: Hair, Eyes}} Hairday.esm RI_Core.esm FNNsys.esm TAG: {{BASH: Scripts}} Inventory Access.esm IMCN.esm FaceMe.esm TAG: {{BASH: NPC.Race, NpcFaces, Hair, Eyes}} Destruction.esm TAG: {{BASH: Destructible, Scripts}} S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of D.C..esm ARSENAL MOD.esm SShop.esm FallsChurchMetroFix.esm ObjectPlacementFix.esm Phalanx-PointLookout-Navmesh.esm PointLookout-FollowersGetToGo.esm REQ: PointLookout.ESM aHUD.esm iHUD.esm The Librarian.esm TalonExtraArmor.esm Impervious Power Armour.esm H.E.R.K..esm CINEMATECH.esm CRAFT.esm CALIBR.esm xCALIBR.esm TAG: {{BASH: Names, Graphics, Stats}} xCALIBRuniverse.esm TAG: {{BASH: Names, Graphics, Invent, Sound, Stats}} CRAFTHelper.esm
Project Beauty HD version.esm IF VAR(FOOK2) ERROR: Old. Download the latest Project Beauty files. Project Beauty.esm TAG: {{BASH: NPC.Race, NpcFaces, Hair, Eyes, Voice-M, Voice-F, Body-M, Body-F, R.Teeth, R.Mouth}} FACE3.esm TAG: {{BASH: NPC.Race, NpcFaces, Hair, Eyes, Voice-M, Voice-F, Body-M, Body-F, R.Teeth, R.Mouth}} CFWRv4.esm TAG: {{BASH: Deflst, Delev, Invent, Names, Graphics, Scripts, Stats}} 20thCenturyWeapons.esm 20th Century Weapons.esm WeaponRepairKits-Main.esm Weapon Repair Kits - Final.esm [DC RANGER ARSENAL v3 MASTER].esm TAG: {{BASH: Deflst}} CMRS.esm CFWR.esm TAG: {{BASH: Delev, Graphics, Stats, Relev}} Ammo Bench.esm Refurbishes [ALL].esm SAY: Do not use with latest FOOK2, it is already integrated. Megaton Expansion Project V03.esm REQ: CALIBR.esm ArefuExpandedByAzar.esm AWorldOfPainFO3.esm Canterbury Commons Interiors Embiggened.esm tubrrCompound.esm Big Town Overhaul.esm COMM.esm Cotozic's Vault Home.esm TheInstitute.esm Vault 101 Revisited.esm vault64.esm Bunker72 v3.esm FOW - The Last Child of Gallifrey v2.esm The Bunker.esm UndiscoveredCapital.esm UndiscoveredCapital - 'Experiencing Turbulence'.esm MMZombieCemetery.esm MMFastZombieCemetery-NotRecommended.esm Vault 101 Revisited.esm CubeExperimental (EN).esm Project Genesis.esm RatTrapRemastered.esm NewCairo.esm GNRBuilding_BoS.esm TAG: {{BASH: Invent}} All Your Bananas.esm Mothership Crew.esm TSC Air Support.esm Advanced Recon Tech.esm NecronomiconExMortis 5.6.esm FortFreeway.esm Bridge Town.esm BridgeTown.esm Alton, IL.esm Malos_Arena_EV.esm RoadWardens.esm
TAG: {{BASH: Actors.ACBS, Actors.AIData, Actors.AIPackages, Actors.CombatStyle , Actors.Stats, Factions, Invent, Scripts, ScriptContents}} EVE.esm TAG: {{BASH: Graphics, Invent, Sound, Scripts}} EWE Energy Weapons Enhanced.esm TAG: {{BASH: Deflst, Graphics, Invent, Relev, Stats, Scripts}} Apocalypse Armory.esm FOOK2 - Main.esm TAG: {{BASH: Invent, Stats, Relations, Factions}} REQ: CALIBR.esm FOOK.ESM IF VAR(FOOK2) ERROR: Get FOOK2 FOOK2 - [WANK] World And Neighbourhood Kit.esm REQ: CALIBR.esm REQ: FOOK2 - Main.ESM IF VAR(FOOK2) ERROR: Remove if using FOOK2 1.1 and above FOOK2 - [DIK] DLC Improvement Kit.esm REQ: Anchorage.esm REQ: ThePitt.esm REQ: BrokenSteel.esm REQ: PointLookout.esm REQ: CALIBR.esm REQ: FOOK2 - Main.ESM FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esm TAG: {{BASH: Actors.ACBS, Actors.Stats, Deflst, Delev, Invent, Names, Relation s, Relev, Stats}} SAY: Suggested to remove the names tag if using MMM REQ: CRAFT.esm REQ: CALIBR.esm Fallout3Tactics.esm Fallout3Tactics Creatures.esm FWE - Combat Overhaul_Core.esm TAG: {{BASH: Graphics, Names}} REQ: FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esm REQ: RH_IronSights resources INC: Weapon Mod Kits INC: EVE INC: RH IronSights Basic VanillaPlugin.esp Mart's Mutant Mod.esm TAG: {{BASH: Delev, Invent, Names, Relations, Scripts}} FNNIguana.esm Arwen_Core.esm TAG: {{BASH: Actors.Animations}} LingsFinerThings.esm LingsMMMpatch3-3.esm BnB special armors.esm vaps.esm K2_RaiderDolls.esm COCOA.esm Companion Core.esm Companion Share & Recruit.esm REQ: Companion Core.esm RobCo Certified v2.esm REQ: Companion Core.esm Wasteland Whisperer v2.esm REQ: Companion Core.esm Summer_2.5.esm RHKBrisaAlmodovar.esm JHBCloverPlus.esm mesme.esm
Enhanced Weather - Rain and Snow.esm Xepha's Dynamic Weather.esm TAG: {{BASH: C.Climate, Sound}} Globaltravelsystem.esm GTSEssentials.esm GTSDeathCanyon.esm CT_FalloutAdvanced.esm RTS.esm INC: ArefuExpandedByAzar.esm INC: 1PipboyPDA.esp RTS NW.esm INC: ArefuExpandedByAzar.esm INC: 1PipboyPDA.esp Nos' Cosmetic Resource.esm RRCompanionVault.esm RRGuards.esm RR5MoreMales.esm RR5MoreFemales.esm RR All Vanilla Companions.esm Nos' RR Companions.esm Herculine's RR Scouts.esm Herculine's RR Scouts DLC.esm RR Vault 1 Alternate Guards.esm AmyWong.esm EnclaveCommander-Steel.esm EnclaveCommander-OA-Steel.esm EnclaveCommander-OA-Pitt-Steel.esm EnclaveCommander-NoFreeRide.esm CrossModData.esm BHR&M.esm PB mika.esm IF VAR(FOOK2) ERROR: Old. Download the latest Project Beauty files. K2_CompLance.esm Animy_prostitution.esm REQ: CrossModData.esm sc_lovers_resource.esm sc_wasteland_pimp.esm ParadiseHome.esm aMpPlants_2_eng.esm Asset - Brahmin Milk.esm ActionFigures.esm DCInteriors_ComboEdition.ESM INC: DCInteriors components. DCInteriors_Georgtown.esm INC: DCInteriors_ComboEdition.ESM DCInteriors_LEnfntPl.esm INC: DCInteriors_ComboEdition.ESM DCInteriors_Mason.esm INC: DCInteriors_ComboEdition.ESM DCInteriors_SewardSq.esm INC: DCInteriors_ComboEdition.ESM DCInteriors_Takoma.esm INC: DCInteriors_ComboEdition.ESM DCInteriors_SideQuests.esm DCXpansion - Stanton Park.esm Scannadd5000.esm Selected Containers Respawn.esm AngelRaces.esm SeducingWomen.esm Shojo Race.esm
TAG: {{BASH: Hair, Eyes}} XENH.esm TAG: {{BASH: Hair, Eyes}} EZCompanion.esm EZ_citizens.esm EnhancedChildren.esm TAG: {{BASH: Hair, Eyes}} AliciasCuteShop.esm TAG: {{BASH: Stats}} CEH.esm IbIui.esm Sharing and Caring Companions.esm Fallout 3 Sexus.esm ChildrenEmpire.esm MiniVault+Race.esm RH_IRONSIGHTS.esm Zumbs' Overhauled Real Time Security.esm PunisherGear.esm Thermal Vision.esm Abbreviated Effects.esm TAG: {{BASH: Names}} SAY: Do not use with latest FWE, it is already integrated. Detect Traps.esm FNNCQ.esm FNNCQ_DavidsLab.esm WYB.esm CMF-Zeta.esm REQ: Zeta.esm FEM.esm SS Master File.esm SS Creature Compendium.esm Ambient Temperature.esm BobbleHead Collectors Book.esm AgeBasedBodys.esm VATSCINEMATICSGONE.esm Firefly RRCompanion.esm Punisher RRCompanion.esm MyDog - Globals (keep this active).esm MyDog.esm FACE2.esm Herculine's Shojo Companions.esm Tau Ammo.esm Star Paladin Praetus.esm TSC Lincoln Memorial.esm TheSKINNYwearShopDC.esm My Utility World.esm KKOFour.esm SimpleNeeds.esm Survival of the Fittest - Needs.esm Sexout.esm Children of the Wasteland.esm busworld.esm Bunker 72 V4 Beta 2.esm ENDGROUP: ESMs BEGINGROUP: Unofficial Patches and Fixes //----------Selected Containers Respawn - Emptied Trash Cans in Player Homes.esp DALCO Inventory Sorter - Fallout 3 & All DLCs.esp TAG: {{BASH: NoMerge, Names}}
REQ: Anchorage.esm REQ: ThePitt.esm REQ: BrokenSteel.esm REQ: PointLookout.esm REQ: Zeta.esm DALCO Inventory Sorter - Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch (Base Game).esp TAG: {{BASH: NoMerge, Names}} Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Operation Anchorage.esp TAG: {{BASH: Deflst, Names}} IFNOT FILE("Anchorage.esm") REQ: Anchorage.esm Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - The Pitt.esp TAG: {{BASH: Deflst, Names}} IFNOT FILE("ThePitt.esm") REQ: ThePitt.esm Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Broken Steel.esp TAG: {{BASH: Deflst, Names}} TAG: {{BASH: NoMerge, Names}} IFNOT FILE("BrokenSteel.esm") REQ: BrokenSteel.esm Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Point Lookout.esp TAG: {{BASH: Deflst, Names, Invent, Stats}} IFNOT FILE("PointLookout.esm") REQ: PointLookout.esm Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Mothership Zeta.esp TAG: {{BASH: Deflst, Names}} IFNOT FILE("Zeta.esm") REQ: Zeta.esm EVE - UF3P Patch.esp SAY: Paradox Ignition EVE-merger - compatibility patch for the Unofficial Fall out 3 Patch. Broken Steel Early Enclave Fix.esp REQ: BrokenSteel.esm BrokenSteel_StarPaladinCross_Fix.esp REQ: BrokenSteel.esm BrokenSteelFix-GNRAnnouncements.esp UF3P Crane Fix.esp Citadel Crane Fix.esp ObjectPlacementFix.esp sialivi v1.1.esp CinderBlockRockFix.esp INC: CinderblockRockFix2.esp INC: ConcreteSlabFix.esp INC: ConcreteSlabFix2.esp CinderblockRockFix2.esp INC: CinderBlockRockFix.esp INC: ConcreteSlabFix.esp INC: ConcreteSlabFix2.esp ConcreteSlabFix.esp INC: CinderBlockRockFix.esp INC: CinderblockRockFix2.esp INC: ConcreteSlabFix2.esp ConcreteSlabFix2.esp INC: CinderBlockRockFix.esp INC: CinderblockRockFix2.esp INC: ConcreteSlabFix.esp Error Correction.esp TAG: {{BASH: Scripts}} REQ: Requires: Anchorage.esm REQ: ThePitt.esm REQ: BrokenSteel.esm REQ: PointLookout.esm REQ: Zeta.esm Error Correction - All Transparency.esp Error Correction - All Transparency & Trees.esp
INC: Error Correction - All Transparency.esp Error Correction - Transparency Megaton.esp INC: Error Correction - All Transparency.esp INC: Error Correction - All Transparency & Trees.esp Error Correction - Transparency RC.esp INC: Error Correction - All Transparency.esp INC: Error Correction - All Transparency & Trees.esp Error Correction - Transparency Rubble Piles.esp INC: Error Correction - All Transparency.esp INC: Error Correction - All Transparency & Trees.esp Error Correction - Trees.esp INC: Error Correction - All Transparency & Trees.esp OADLCfix.esp REQ: Anchorage.esm DrySewrOurLadyOfHopeHospitalRequestedFix.esp James Invisible wall bugs remove.esp James Invisible wall bugs remove V2.esp James Invisible wall bugs remove V3.esp NavMesh Generation Filter.esp zetabugfix.esp REQ: Zeta.esm BenTweaks-FO3.esp BenTweaks-OAE.esp REQ: Anchorage.esm BenTweaks-TPE.esp REQ: ThePitt.esm BenTweaks-AAF.esp REQ: ThePitt.esm BenTweaks-BSE.esp REQ: BrokenSteel.esm BenTweaks-PLE.esp REQ: PointLookout.esm BenTweaks-MZE.esp REQ: Zeta.esm BenTweaks-CWS.esp FireLightFix.esp TAG: {{BASH: C.Light}} QuickFix.esp REQ: Anchorage.esm REQ: ThePitt.esm REQ: BrokenSteel.esm REQ: PointLookout.esm REQ: Zeta.esm BringBackBael.esp SAY: Obsolete - Now intergrated into Fallout Remastered.esp, upgrade to latest version BlackWidowBurkeFix.esp TAG: {{BASH: Scripts}} PyromaniacFix-Burnmaster.esp TAG: {{BASH: Deflst}} SAY: Do not use with Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Already Included PyromaniacFix-Burnmaster-BS.esp TAG: {{BASH: Deflst}} REQ: BrokenSteel.esm SAY: Do not use with Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Already Included PyromaniacFix-Both.esp TAG: {{BASH: Deflst}} SAY: Do not use with Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Already Included PyromaniacFix-Both-BS.esp
TAG: {{BASH: Deflst}} REQ: BrokenSteel.esm SAY: Do not use with Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Already Included PyromaniacFix-Both+Nuka.esp TAG: {{BASH: Deflst}} SAY: Do not use with Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Already Included PyromaniacFix-Both+Nuka-BS.esp REQ: BrokenSteel.esm TAG: {{BASH: Deflst}} SAY: Do not use with Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Already Included PlunkettsValidPointsRepairFix.esp DemolitionExpertFix-Nuka.esp SAY: Do not use with Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Already Included MS11fix.esp TAG: {{BASH: Actors.AIPackages, C.Light, Invent, Scripts}} Gnr Cleaned.esp GNRKarmaFix.esp Megaton Cleaned.esp RCmarketNoFire.esp Rivet City Cleaned.esp Underworld Cleaned.esp OutcastCasdinArmorFix.esp Project Cleaned Patch V1.0.esp Project Clean FOOK 2 Patch V1.0.esp REQ: CALIBR.esm REQ: FOOK2 - Main.ESM RangerHelmet.esp SniperAimCorrected - nodemo.esp SniperAimCorrected.esp Sniper's Bliss.esp enhancedsnipersandsilent.esp LessRocks.esp Reduced Dust Particles.esp BetterGamePerformance.esp TAG: {{BASH: Deflst, Delev}} Megatonnavmesh.esp BSMovieSkip.esp Dialogue Tweaks.esp SGsUA - No Borders v.1.0-EN.esp SGsUA - No Borders v.1.0-DE.esp Stop Insulting Me Outcasts.esp TAG: {{BASH: Factions}} ENDGROUP: Unofficial Patches and Fixes BEGINGROUP: Early Loading Mods //----------DALCO Inventory Sorter - Fallout 3 (Base Game).esp TAG: {{BASH: NoMerge, Names}} DALCO Inventory Sorter - Operation Anchorage.esp TAG: {{BASH: NoMerge, Names}} DALCO Inventory Sorter - Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch (Operation Anchorage).esp TAG: {{BASH: NoMerge, Names}} DALCO Inventory Sorter - The Pitt.esp TAG: {{BASH: NoMerge, Names}} DALCO Inventory Sorter - Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch (The Pitt).esp TAG: {{BASH: NoMerge, Names}} DALCO Inventory Sorter - Broken Steel.esp
TAG: {{BASH: NoMerge, Names}} DALCO Inventory Sorter - Point Lookout.esp TAG: {{BASH: NoMerge, Names}} DALCO Inventory Sorter - Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch (Point Lookout).esp TAG: {{BASH: NoMerge, Names}} DALCO Inventory Sorter - Mothership Zeta.esp TAG: {{BASH: NoMerge, Names}} DALCO Inventory Sorter - Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch (Mothership Zeta).esp TAG: {{BASH: NoMerge, Names}} DALCO Inventory Sorter - Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch (Fallout 3 & All DLCs).esp TAG: {{BASH: NoMerge, Names}} DALCO Inventory Sorter - CALIBR.esp TAG: {{BASH: NoMerge, Names}} DarNifiedUIF3.esp Ambient Temperature HUD.esp Ambient Temperature - OA.esp REQ: Anchorage.esm Selective Fire.esp PIMP.esp Project Beauty.esp IF VAR(FOOK2) ERROR: Old. Download the latest Project Beauty files. Project Beauty- Broken Steel.esp TAG: {{BASH: NPC.Race, NpcFaces, NoMerge, Deactivate}} Project Beauty- Point Lookout.esp TAG: {{BASH: NPC.Race, NpcFaces, NoMerge, Deactivate}} Raider preset beta.esp TAG: {{BASH: NPC.Race, NpcFaces, NoMerge, Deactivate}} Project Beauty HD version [Hair Fix].esp TAG: {{BASH: NPC.Race, NpcFaces, NoMerge, Deactivate}} FACE3 - NPCS.esp TAG: {{BASH: NPC.Race, NpcFaces, NoMerge, Deactivate}} FACE3 - DLC04 Point Lookout.esp TAG: {{BASH: NPC.Race, NpcFaces, NoMerge, Deactivate}} FACE3 NPCS - DLC03 Broken Steel.esp TAG: {{BASH: NPC.Race, NpcFaces, NoMerge, Deactivate}} Fast VATS 1.esp INC: Fast VATS 2.esp Fast VATS 2.esp INC: Fast VATS 1.esp VATS_Normal_dmg_to_player.esp INC: Fast VATS X.esp. VATS Normal Weapon Degradation.esp Fast_but_dramatic_VATS_0.9.esp QuickerMessages.esp QuickerMessagesOA.esp REQ: Anchorage.esm QuickerMessagesPITT.esp REQ: ThePitt.esm QuickerMessagesBS.esp REQ: BrokenSteel.esm QuickerMessagesPL.esp REQ: PointLookout.esm Clear Cell Buffers every Cell.esp Arwen_Reduced_QuestXPR.esp Headshot_Balance.esp actionpoints_instant_regen.esp playbackdelay_001.esp
CT_FalloutAdvanced - DLC.esp CT_FalloutAdvanced - AAOFF.esp Noise Filter.esp IbIui - BS.esp IbIui - OA.esp IbIui - Pitt.esp IbIui - PL.esp IbIui.esp PIDL-lite.esp PIDL-lite(metric).esp Crosshair Toggle.esp DynamicCrosshair.esp DALCO Inventory Sorter - Dynamic Crosshair.esp TAG: {{BASH: Names}} Stimpak Counter.esp FaceMe.esp TAG: {{BASH: NPC.Race, NpcFaces, NoMerge, Deactivate}} FaceMe-Broken Steel.esp TAG: {{BASH: NPC.Race, NpcFaces, NoMerge, Deactivate}} eyes_hairpack_en.esp hair_add_npc.esp Dalls_Sex_in_City.esp Shojo NPC.esp TAG: {{BASH: Invent, NPC.Race, NpcFaces}} Moira-EXSP.esp TAG: {{BASH: NPC.Race, NpcFaces, NoMerge, Deactivate}} norepairneededv2.esp BatteriesPlusV1_2.esp TAG: {{BASH: Graphics}} Realistic icons.esp TAG: {{BASH: Graphics}} StreetLights - Wasteland.esp SAY: Do not use with latest FOOK2, it is already integrated. SAY: Obselete - upgrade to Fallout Streetlights ( /mods/8069) RK-Skelette-3.0.esp SAY: Do not use with latest FOOK2, it is already integrated. praiseatom.esp SAY: Do not use with latest FOOK2, it is already integrated. Internet Mod.esp SAY: Do not use with latest FOOK2, it is already integrated. TakingOutTheTrash.esp TOTTPointLookoutEdition.esp YearlingsGlasses.esp MaxLevelWorkaround-BS.esp Max Level 99 V2.esp MaxLevel100.esp NoLockTopic.esp LockMan.esp QZ No VATS Radial Blur.esp no blur on hit.esp Advanced Visionary Effects.esp VisionEnabler.esp DoF-PureLow.esp DoF-PureNormal.esp DoF-PureStrong.esp DoF-PureStronger.esp =Extreme+Close=DOF1.1.esp =Extreme+Far=DOF1.1.esp =Extreme+Very Far=DOF1.1.esp
=Insane+Close=DOF1.1.esp =Insane+Far=DOF1.1.esp =Insane+Very Far=DOF1.1.esp =Medium+Close=DOF1.1.esp =Medium+Far=DOF1.1.esp =Medium+Very Far=DOF1.1.esp =Strong+Close=DOF1.1.esp =Strong+Far=DOF1.1.esp =Strong+Very Far=DOF1.1.esp =Subtle+Close=DOF1.1.esp =Subtle+Far=DOF1.1.esp =Subtle+Very Far=DOF1.1.esp =Extreme=MotionBlur1.1.esp =Insane=MotionBlur1.1.esp =Medium=MotionBlur1.1.esp =Strong=MotionBlur1.1.esp =Subtle=MotionBlur1.1.esp SN_Depth_Of_Field.esp krzymar-MoonSize_040%.esp krzymar-MoonSize_060%.esp krzymar-MoonSize_120%.esp krzymar-MoonSize_080%.esp krzymar-MoonSize_200%.esp krzymar-MoonSize_160%.esp krzymar-MoonSize_300%.esp krzymar-MoonSize_400%.esp krzymar-MoonSize_500%.esp V.A.T.S. Depth of Field v1.0.esp CASM.esp DALCO Inventory Sorter - CASM.esp TAG: {{BASH: NoMerge, Names}} Fallout Safe Exit v1.1.esp ASU.esp BTBearTrap-EN.esp CRAFT - Activation Perk.esp REQ: CRAFT.ESM CRAFT -Zeta - Activation Perk.esp REQ: CRAFT.ESM CRAFT - Workbench and Crafting Expansion combined.esp REQ: CRAFT.esm TinCanCRAFTing.esp CRAFT - EnergyAmmo.esp CRAFT - Clutter Conversions.esp REQ: CRAFT.esm CALIBRxMerchant.esp REQ: CALIBR.ESM DelayAnchorage.esp REQ: Anchorage.ESM DelayThePitt.esp REQ: ThePitt.ESM DelaySteel.esp REQ: BrokenSteel.ESM delaypl.esp REQ: PointLookout.ESM delayzeta.esp REQ: Zeta.ESM Delay ThePitt + Anchorage.esp REQ: ThePitt.ESM REQ: Anchorage.ESM More Hotkeys.esp
LMDExpandedHotkeysFO3.esp QuickClothes.esp Console Key Binder.esp Princess Better Prompts v1pt1.esp PCIdles.esp Arwen_Camera.esp Vanity Camera Mod.esp KTs_Centercamera.esp Centered 3P Cam.esp Overhead3PCamera.esp ROTS2.esp ROTS3.esp Pip-Boy Remover.esp Remove That Glove.esp Zumbs' Equipable Pip Boy.esp INC: That Glove.esp INC: Pip Boy Be Gone Mark II.esp INC: Pip Boy Be Gone Mark II 1.1.esp INC: PipBegone.esp INC: PipBoyBeGone.esp INC: 1PipboyPDA.esp LongerDeathCamera.esp DK_BulletTime.esp SAY: DO not use with latest FWE, it is already Sprint Mod.esp SAY: DO not use with latest FWE, it is already Auto Aim Fix v1.1.esp SAY: DO not use with latest FWE, it is already ArmageddonVATSAutoaimfixonly.esp KHWeaponscanner.esp SAY: DO not use with latest FWE, it is already DBAS.esp AlternateStart.esp Alternate Start.esp Alternate Start - Roleplayers.esp SAY: DO not use with latest FWE, it is already Selected Containers Respawn.esp SAY: DO not use with latest FWE, it is already Containers Respawn.esp Precision_AutoAim_6000.esp Precise Aim.esp AlternateEnding.esp Zombie Sounds V2.esp choose_XP_FOSE.esp RH_IronSights_Basic_VanillaPlugin.esp RH_IronSights_Basic_AnchoragePlugin.esp RH_IronSights_Basic_PittPlugin.esp RH_IronSights_Basic_BrokenSteelPlugin.esp RH_IronSights_Basic_PointLookoutPlugin.esp RH_IronSights_Basic_ZetaPlugin.esp RH_Ironsights_Basic_DLC.esp RH_IronSights_Pitt_NewRifleSights.esp RH_IronSights_PL_HatAndShotgun.esp RH_IronSights_RemoveReticule.esp RH_IronSights_PL_NewItems.esp RH_IronSights_Vanilla_BetterUniques.esp RH_IronSights_Vanilla_NewWeapons.esp EVE - RH Ironsights Patch.esp TAG: {{BASH: Graphics}} sc_slaves_stick_around.esp
integrated. integrated.
sc_slaves_stick_around_original_mezz.esp sc_slaves_stick_around_original_mezz_chance.esp 1alexscorpionFPSanimations.esp OneKeyArmor.esp Automated FOV.esp Lights.esp LightBall.esp Feng Shui.esp Feng Shui - Keymap Template.esp PAL - MERGED.esp INC: PAL - BASE File.esp PAL - BASE File.esp INC: PAL - MERGED.esp PAL - Operation Anchorage.esp REQ: Anchorage.esm PAL - The Pitt.esp REQ: ThePitt.esm PAL - Broken Steel.esp REQ: BrokenSteel.esm PAL - Point Lookout.esp REQ: PointLookout.esm PAL - Mothership Zeta.esp REQ: Zeta.esm Achievements for All.esp Achievements for All - Anchorage.esp REQ: Anchorage.esm Achievements for All - The Pitt.esp REQ: ThePitt.esm Achievements for All - Broken Steel.esp REQ: BrokenSteel.esm Achievements for All - Point Lookout.esp REQ: PointLookout.esm Reduced Dust Particles V01.esp Reduced Dust Particles V02.esp PCB.esp PurgeCellBuffers.esp Pause.esp WMMP_Master.esp YetAnotherPurgeCellBuffersPlugin.esp ENDGROUP: Early Loading Mods BEGINGROUP: Sounds //----------Agatha Radio Enhanced.esp Agatha_Radio_Station_Airship.esp ArefuExpandedByAzar-Radio.esp CivilDefenseBroadcastSystem.esp Enclave Radio Enhanced.esp GNR Enhanced.esp GeneratorSound.esp GalaxyNewsRadioFix[N].esp INC: GalaxyNewsRadioXXX[M].esp INC: GalaxyNewsRadioFix[S].esp
GalaxyNewsRadioFix[S].esp INC: GalaxyNewsRadioXXX[M].esp INC: GalaxyNewsRadioFix[N].esp Radio Active.esp GalaxyNewsRadio100[M].esp INC: GalaxyNewsRadioXXX[M].esp INC: GalaxyNewsRadioFix[N].esp INC: GalaxyNewsRadioFix[S].esp GalaxyNewsRadio80[M].esp INC: GalaxyNewsRadioXXX[M].esp INC: GalaxyNewsRadioFix[N].esp INC: GalaxyNewsRadioFix[S].esp GalaxyNewsRadio60[M].esp INC: GalaxyNewsRadioXXX[M].esp INC: GalaxyNewsRadioFix[N].esp INC: GalaxyNewsRadioFix[S].esp GalaxyNewsRadio40[M].esp INC: GalaxyNewsRadioXXX[M].esp INC: GalaxyNewsRadioFix[N].esp INC: GalaxyNewsRadioFix[S].esp GalaxyNewsRadio20[M].esp INC: GalaxyNewsRadioXXX[M].esp INC: GalaxyNewsRadioFix[N].esp INC: GalaxyNewsRadioFix[S].esp GhostRadio.esp GNR Fix.esp GNR-MWTCF BS.esp HamadaRadioStation.esp InvasionRadio.esp KBATRadio.esp Moshman's Wasteland Ambiance.esp mutantradio.esp Ol Hick Radio.esp People_Radio.esp R.A.C.E. Station.esp RadioBlues.esp RadioTenpenny.esp ReneersRadioMod.esp TAG: {{BASH: Scripts}} SAY: Do not use with latest FOOK2, it is already integrated. PointRadio.esp LookoutRadio.esp S.I.K.esp VTAP25.esp VTAP50.esp VTAP75.esp VTAP100.esp VTAP125.esp VTAP150.esp VTAP175.esp VTAP200.esp
VTAP225.esp VTAP250.esp WAR_radio.esp Wasteland Music Injector.esp We Jazz.esp Radio Stutter fix.esp RadioHotkey.esp SAY: Load RadioHotkey after all other radio mods RadioHotkey_RadioBluesAddon.esp SAY: Load RadioHotkey after all other radio mods IPip.esp ENDGROUP: Sounds BEGINGROUP: Early Misc A (Perks) //----------Attack of the 50 Foot Woman4.0.esp ZZ_TP.esp XSPerkMod.esp ReloadAmmo.esp Consistent Books.esp RemoteControlCompanionsPlus.esp TCOS.esp FollowersRelax.esp Relax.esp CONELRAD 640-1240.esp Existence2.0.esp UPP - Pack 1.esp UPP - Pack 1 fix.esp UPP - Pack 2.esp UPP - Original Perks.esp UPP - Experience Perks.esp UPP - Quest Perks.esp UPP - Quest Perks.esp UPP - Beverage Perks.esp UPP Addon - Quest Perks.esp MME Universal Whiz Perk.esp You're Special.esp FalloutPerks.esp PreWar Book Titles and Perks.esp Ex Libris - PreWar Book Titles.esp Perk Revamp Mod - Broken Steel - Perks Only.esp AccuracyPerks.esp Detect Traps - The Traponator 4000.esp Detect Traps - Perk.esp Detect Traps.esp Detect Traps - DLC.esp Dree Perks.esp Dree Perks Anchorage.esp Dree Perks Pitts.esp Dree Perks Broken Steel.esp Dree Perks Point Lookout.esp Dree Perks Mothership Zeta.esp Dree Perks Requested by Fans .esp Combat Style Perks.esp BookPerks.esp BookPerkBarterMOD.esp
VDSP-01.esp implants.esp Cyber-Enhancements.esp PRFEW.esp SRFBG.esp PointLookOutGoodies.esp Double Perks.esp Double Perks Half.esp goat_perks.esp Slayer Of Grelok.esp super_jump_perk.esp Bicurious.esp gender perks unlocked.esp Makes Sense Bounty Hunter 0.91.esp ImprovedCovertOpsPerk.esp REQ: Anchorage.esm Ice Cold Nuka, Converted.esp REQ: BrokenSteel.esm Almost Perfect Anytime Bobbleheads + No Level.esp REQ: BrokenSteel.esm Almost Perfect Anytime Bobbleheads.esp REQ: BrokenSteel.esm Perfectly SPECIAL + No Level.esp REQ: BrokenSteel.esm Perfectly SPECIAL.esp REQ: BrokenSteel.esm PowerArmorTraining.esp PowerArmorTraining_MedicArmor.esp XtraSPECIAL.esp Bloodless Mess.esp ENDGROUP: Early Misc A (Perks) BEGINGROUP: Global Traveling System //----------ClawPeak.esp REQ: GlobalTravelSystem.esm GTSPointLookOut.esp REQ: GlobalTravelSystem.esm REQ: PointLookout.esm GTSThePitt.esp REQ: GlobalTravelSystem.esm REQ: ThePitt.esm GTSCOMM.esp REQ: GlobalTravelSystem.esm REQ: COMM.esm GTSFawkesWeapons.esp REQ: GlobalTravelSystem.esm REQ: GTEssentials.esm Fallout 1+2 All in One Locations.esp REQ: GlobalTravelSystem.esm GTS - Military Base.esp REQ: GlobalTravelSystem.esm GTS - San Francisco.esp REQ: GlobalTravelSystem.esm GTS - Cathedral.esp REQ: GlobalTravelSystem.esm GTS - Arroyo.esp REQ: GlobalTravelSystem.esm GTS - Toxic Caves.esp REQ: GlobalTravelSystem.esm
GTS - Klamath.esp REQ: GlobalTravelSystem.esm GTS - The Den.esp REQ: GlobalTravelSystem.esm GTS - Ghost Farm.esp REQ: GlobalTravelSystem.esm GTS - Redding.esp REQ: GlobalTravelSystem.esm GTS - Modoc.esp REQ: GlobalTravelSystem.esm GTS - Vault City.esp REQ: GlobalTravelSystem.esm GTS - Broken Hills.esp REQ: GlobalTravelSystem.esm GTS - New Reno.esp REQ: GlobalTravelSystem.esm GTS - Vault 13.esp REQ: GlobalTravelSystem.esm GTS - N.C.R..esp REQ: GlobalTravelSystem.esm GTS - The Glow.esp REQ: GlobalTravelSystem.esm GTS - Vault 15.esp REQ: GlobalTravelSystem.esm GTS - Junktown.esp REQ: GlobalTravelSystem.esm GTS - Necropolis.esp REQ: GlobalTravelSystem.esm GTS - Gecko.esp REQ: GlobalTravelSystem.esm GTS - The Hub.esp REQ: GlobalTravelSystem.esm GTS - Boneyard.esp REQ: GlobalTravelSystem.esm GTS - Brotherhood.esp REQ: GlobalTravelSystem.esm GTS - Navarro.esp REQ: GlobalTravelSystem.esm ENDGROUP: Global Traveling System BEGINGROUP: Quests //----------A Little Mutant Problem.esp A Trail of Crumbs.esp ace.esp agcTARDISf3.esp AQFH.esp REQ: BrokenSteel.esm AQFH2.esp REQ: Anchorage.esm REQ: ThePitt.esm REQ: BrokenSteel.esm REQ: PointLookout.esm REQ: Zeta.esm AQFH_C_103.esp AQFH3.esp AReasonedArgument.esp BrokenSteel2.esp
CitadelArmory.esp Devoured in Darkness.esp Darkness.esp Despicable Dashwood v2.esp TAG: {{BASH: Actors.ACBS, Invent}} EIP.esp REQ: BrokenSteel.esm Escape! Redux v1_25.esp Vault 101 Revisited Patch - ER - V101R Patch.esp FOW - The Last Child of Gallifrey.esp FreePlayAfterMQ_V05.esp FreePlay addon - clean Potomac.esp firelance-quest.esp TriggerFirelance.esp HeirApparent.esp TAG: {{BASH: Scripts}} HeirApparentFOOK.esp IntoTheDeepWoods.esp TAG: {{BASH: Scripts}} JetPack.esp Jury Street.esp lamplight secrets.esp Little Lamplight Front Gate.esp Lamplight Backdoor Exit.esp Lawbringer Boutnies Ver1.1.esp TAG: {{BASH: Invent}} Lobotomized! 400.esp REQ: PointLookout.esm SAY: Only use one Lobotomized!plugin Lobotomized! 300.esp REQ: PointLookout.esm SAY: Only use one Lobotomized!plugin Lobotomized! 200.esp REQ: PointLookout.esm SAY: Only use one Lobotomized!plugin Lobotomized! 100.esp REQ: PointLookout.esm SAY: Only use one Lobotomized!plugin Lobotomized! 50.esp MegatonContracts.esp MX_Vault74_eng.esp MX_Vault74fix.esp NecronomiconExMortis 5.5.esp NightmareRealm.esp Northern Enclave Base.esp NotSoFast.esp TAG: {{BASH: Scripts}} NotSoFastFOOK.esp Orion's Gate - Interiors.esp
PLweightadjust.esp TAG: {{BASH: Invent, Scripts, Stats}} REQ: PointLookout.ESM PLFewerItems.esp REQ: PointLookout.ESM Project-Valhalla.esp RandomEncounters.esp RatTrapEyeCandy.esp RatTrapRadio.esp RatTrapSound.esp Regulators.esp RatTrapRadio.esp INC: Regulators_Overhaul.esp INC: Regulators _Overhaul_lvl7.esp INC: Regulators _Overhaul_lvl2.esp Regulators_Overhaul.esp INC: Regulators.esp INC: Regulators _Overhaul_lvl7.esp INC: Regulators _Overhaul_lvl2.esp Regulators _Overhaul_lvl7.esp INC: Regulators_Overhaul.esp INC: Regulators.esp INC: Regulators _Overhaul_lvl2.esp Regulators _Overhaul_lvl2.esp INC: Regulators_Overhaul.esp INC: Regulators _Overhaul_lvl7.esp INC: Regulators.esp Skip Little Lampshit.esp Shadows and Dust - Southwest DC - Public.esp SOL.esp Tenpenny Tower true peace.esp The Mantis Imperative - Mantis.esp TAG: {{BASH: Relev}} The Mantis Imperative - Jello.esp The Mantis Imperative - XP.esp The Mantis Imperative - SkillBooks.esp The Mantis Imperative - Medical.esp The Mantis Imperative - Combat.esp The Librarian.esp The Librarian - Market Comes Alive.esp TheMissingScientist1_V1.21.esp The Car Fort With Quests.esp The Bunker.esp TecVault.esp TheProjectV1.1.esp TheShore.esp UndiscoveredCapital - 'Now Showing'.esp Vault88_TmFox.esp ENDGROUP: Quests BEGINGROUP: Early Misc B //----------Action for men v3.0.esp
TAG: {{BASH: Invent}} Arnold.esp BoSTeslaEarly.esp INC: BoSTesla.esp BoSTesla.esp INC: BoSTeslaEarly.esp DALCO Junk-O-Matic.esp DALCO Wadsworth the Recycler.esp XSSkillCheck.esp XSZeta.esp REQ: Zeta.esm XSIngestPointLookout.esp REQ: PointLookout.esm WorkiingToilets.esp WorkingToilets.esp Scavenger World.esp RZW_SimpleGrab.esp 0rb_BookSet1.esp 0rb_ComicPack1.esp Megaton Tweaks - Snipers Edition.esp BetterHitSquads.esp MegatonScavengers.esp FastTravelFromParadiseFalls.esp Not alone in the Wasteland anymore.esp FemaleEnclaveSoldiers - Broken Steel.esp BoSPatrols.esp SteelWPatrolV_1.esp Ghoulish Ingots.esp Glow Sticks.esp MarkB50K_Wasteland_Patrols.esp REQ: Anchorage.ESM REQ: ThePitt.ESM REQ: BrokenSteel.ESM REQ: PointLookout.esm MarkB50K_Dynamic_Missions.esp REQ: Anchorage.ESM REQ: BrokenSteel.ESM FF_DestructibleRadios.esp TAG: {{BASH: Destructible}} MiniVaultNoScav.esp Ammo Bench - Alien Power Cell.esp Ammo Bench - Artisan.esp Ammo Bench - CRAFT Plugin.esp Ammo Bench - CALIBR.esp Ammo Bench - Car Mechanic.esp Ammo Bench - Old Ammo-Benches.esp Ammo Bench - Toolkit Retex.esp Ammo Bench - Scattered Schematics.esp DisplayedAmmoWeight.esp Angry Scientists.esp TAG: {{BASH: Invent}} DN_RecyclingMachine.esp ScrapMetal.esp TAG: {{BASH: Invent}} INC: ScrapMetal_H.esp
INC: ScrapMetal_Q.esp SAY: Old, upgrade to 'CreateScrapMetal.esp'. ScrapMetal_H.esp TAG: {{BASH: Invent}} INC: ScrapMetal.esp INC: ScrapMetal_Q.esp SAY: Old, upgrade to 'CreateScrapMetal.esp'. ScrapMetal_Q.esp TAG: {{BASH: Invent}} INC: ScrapMetal.esp INC: ScrapMetal_H.esp SAY: Old, upgrade to 'CreateScrapMetal.esp'. CreateScrapMetal.esp TAG: {{BASH: Invent}} Explosive Entry.esp Laurens_Bathroom_poetry_V1.esp LittleLamplightDogs.esp MrLabTechnician.esp MrLabTechnician - FWE.esp TAG: {{BASH: Deflst, Delev}} Placeable Lights Basic Edition v2.1.esp TAG: {{BASH: Actors.AIData, Relev}} Placable Lights v2.1.esp TAG: {{BASH: Actors.AIData, Relev}} REQ: Zeta.esm SelfSurgeryKit.esp TAG: {{BASH: Relev}} ReciveLyonsPA.esp RobCo Universal Battery Charger Kit.esp INC: RobCo Universal Battery Charger Kit - Zeta.esp RobCo Universal Battery Charger Kit - Zeta.esp INC: RobCo Universal Battery Charger Kit.esp Rude Awakening.esp Rude Awakening - MMM.esp RZW_PortableLamps.esp tubRRCompound.esp RTS NW - Volume 1st.esp RTS NW - Volume 2nd.esp RTS NW - Volume 3rd.esp rockville.esp Stealth Kills Enabled.esp Stealth Kills Enabled - Pitt Compatibility.esp SCC - Talk to Anyone.esp SCC Armor.esp VaultTechLocators.esp GNREyebot.esp Echo_BatteryCharger.esp HouseholdWaterPurifier.esp PortableMattress.esp Portable Distilling Lab.esp PortableCampStuff.esp PortableCampStuff - CRAFT.esp EpFspitBomb.esp REQ: CRAFT.esm EpFspitBombMMM.esp REQ: CRAFT.esm REQ: Mart's Mutant Mod.esm Cryo Weapons - No Lists.esp REQ: CRAFT Cryo Weapons - Vanilla.esp
REQ: CRAFT RZW_PortableFans.esp RZW_PortableBearTraps.esp mazas_campfire.esp FF_PortableLabInfirmary.esp FF_WonderMeatMaker.esp Followers Allowed - The Pitt.esp Followers Allowed - Mothership Zeta.esp Followers Allowed - Point Lookout.esp Sack of Holding.esp DALCO Inventory Sorter - Sack of Holding.esp TAG: {{BASH: NoMerge, Names}} Chems and Meds Re-Textures Pack.esp TAG: {{BASH: Graphics}} BlackWolf Backpack.esp BlackWolf Backpack - Vendor Script Replenish.esp BlackWolf Backpack - Vanilla Big Guns Fix.esp BlackWolf Backpack - Anchorage Gauss Rifle Fix.esp BlackWolf Backpack - Zeta Drone Cannon Fix.esp Blank's Container Backpack (BlackWolf Backpack Plugin).esp Blank's Container Backpack (Fook Plugin).esp REQ: CALIBR.esm REQ: FOOK.esm BlackWolf Backpack - Blank's Container Patch.esp Backpacks - SedPL.esp GunnySack.esp JSbackpack.esp MAXdog.esp TAG: {{BASH: Graphics}} WeightedCompanionCube.esp SS OTS Camera FOSE.esp 1Animated Nightvision goggles.esp NightvisionGoggles(Powered).esp MrSlackPants-NightVisionGogglesShades.esp MrSlackPants-NightVisionGogglesNoModel.esp Binoculars.esp Binoculars and Scopes.esp SniperZooming.esp ZoomReworked.esp No Scopeless Zooming.esp FNVFOV.esp Xepha's Radial Blurred Zoom.esp Directional PipLight.esp Directional PipLight HDR.esp solarchargerzeta.esp solarcharger.esp My_Megaton_House.esp MMH_Even_More_Storage.esp MegatonHouseExtraStorage.esp MegatonHouseExtraStorageSG.esp MGSBox.esp Purified Megaton Player House Sink.esp Down Under.esp Expanded Megaton House V3.esp Expanded Megaton House V3-No Stove.esp MegatonBasement.esp JB-MegatonHouse_v1.0.esp DTOMRC3.esp HouseholdTeleporter.esp PINK VAULT Princess Hole in the Wall .esp
Megaton Sorter.esp REQ: BrokenSteel.esm SAY: Requires FOSE A Place to Stay in The Pitt.esp A Place to Stay on Mothership Zeta.esp A Place to Stay in Anchorage.esp A Place to Stay for Broken Steel.esp A Place to Stay in Point Lookout.esp 2nd Home at Tenpennys [Ger].esp 2nd Home at Tenpennys [Engl].esp Bonds Tenpenny Tower Complete.esp Princess Tenpenny Home Extension.esp Princess Megaton Home Extension.esp Tenpenny_Expansion.esp Enhanced Tenpenny Suite.esp PersonalTerminal.esp JHBNewHouse.esp Transporter.esp Forge.esp LurkTank.esp LurkTank_v2.esp LurkTank_v2_meg_door_corner.esp LurkTank_v2_Meg_Upstairs.esp MaintenanceShed.esp HomesteadMotelSuite.esp UrgeWashingtonBoS.esp merc.esp merc_2.esp D.C. Confidential.esp SAY: Choose only one 'D.C. Confidential' ESP. D.C. Confidential with Glow.esp SAY: Choose only one 'D.C. Confidential' ESP. RR No Vault 1 Protectrons.esp RRWastelandPosters.esp RR Vanilla Companion Integration.esp RRUmpaDance.esp RR Companion Vault 20thCW Supply.esp RRSorter100_20thCentury.esp RR_Refurbished.esp RZW_SlotMachine.esp ShadySands.esp TAG: {{BASH: Factions, Relations}} SuperSledgeBeatdown.esp TAG: {{BASH: Scripts}} BM22CelestialSphere.esp QuantumPipeV2.esp Mark and recall.esp Twinkies.esp MoreMapMarkers.esp GPS Tracking.esp rockopolisandabandonedtentmapmarker.esp PL More map markers.esp REQ: PointLookout.esm Nice Player Bed.esp MaxLevelWorkaround-HP-BS.esp
WastelandMastery.esp SkillCheck.esp BA_InventorySorterVanilla.esp TAG: {{BASH: Names} BA_InventorySorterAnchorage.esp TAG: {{BASH: Names}} BA_InventorySorterBrokenSteel.esp TAG: {{BASH: Names}} BA_InventorySorterGOTY.esp TAG: {{BASH: Names}} BA_InventorySorterPointLookout.esp TAG: {{BASH: Names}} BA_InventorySorterThePitt.esp TAG: {{BASH: Names}} BA_InventorySorterZeta.esp TAG: {{BASH: Names}} AmmoSorter - Start.esp TAG: {{BASH: Names}} AmmoSorter - End.esp TAG: {{BASH: Names}} Scenic_Loading_Background.esp TAG: {{BASH: Graphics}} Scenic_Loading_Background_PointofLookoutDLC.esp TAG: {{BASH: Graphics}} REQ: PointLookout.esm Scenic_Loading_Background_OperationAnchorageDLC.esp TAG: {{BASH: Graphics}} REQ: Anchorage.esm loadingsc.esp TAG: {{BASH: Graphics}} Treasure Maps_Underground.esp Treasure Maps_Secrets of the Wasteland.esp Treasure Maps_Bobblehead Edition.esp Treasure Maps_A Fist Full of Caps.esp Destruction - Main.esp TAG: {{BASH: Destructible, Scripts, Graphics}} Destruction - Main - Statics.esp Destruction - DLC.esp TAG: {{BASH: Destructible, Scripts}} Destruction - DLC - Statics.esp DESTRUCt61SP.ESP Classic Fallout Weapons BETA.esp TAG: {{BASH: Invent, Relev}} BusworldV1.05.esp SAY: Possible cause of CTDs, try disabling to test for improvments, or try Bus worldV1.05noexpl.esp BusworldV1.05noexpl.esp BusworldV1.05d.esp GNR Shop.esp FPS Grenade Hotkey.esp SAY: Do not use with latest FOOK2/FWE, it is already integrated. FPS Grenade Hotkey - Zeta addon.esp SAY: Do not use with latest FOOK2/FWE, it is already integrated. FPS Knife Hotkey.esp Melee Lock-On.esp NoKnockedOverComments.esp GothicRagDolls.esp bzArmour.esp
bzArmour-nude.esp bzArmour-non-nude.esp bzBodySuits.esp bzFatiques.esp bzFatigues.esp bzJocks.esp R18BodyPack.esp APReanimated.esp Mannequin.esp TAG: {{BASH: Actors.AIData}} Playthings.esp Slof's Boners!.esp ARTNightVision.esp ARTNightVision-No AP drain.esp ARTNightVision-Energy Cell.esp BM08RandomBobbleheadsFixed.esp RandomizedSkillbooks.esp DriveableMotorCycle.esp SneakModeEffect.esp RadiationEffects.esp CMRS - Vanilla.esp CMRS - Anchorage.esp CMRS - The Pitt.esp CMRS - Broken Steel.esp CMRS - Point Lookout.esp CMRS - Mothership Zeta.esp CMRS - 20th Century Weapons.esp CMRS - MMM.esp CMRS - Rebalanced Junk.esp BA_WRM.esp BA_WRM_ALT.esp StreetLightsaddendum.esp SS Weapons.esp SS Weapon Effects.esp SS Enhanced Combat Maneuvers.esp WC4campsites.esp ENDGROUP: Early Misc B BEGINGROUP: NPC //----------Angel.esp BarterWithRaiders.esp BarterWithRaiders-NoKarmaDiscount.esp BarterWithRaiders-NPC Default.esp BarterWithRaiders-NPC Compatible.esp BarterWithRaiders-NPC Default-MMM.esp REQ: Mart's Mutant Mod.esm REQ: BarterWithRaiders-NPC Default.esp BarterWithRaiders-NPC Compatible-MMM.esp REQ: Mart's Mutant Mod.esm REQ: BarterWithRaiders-NPC Compatible.esp BarterWithRaiders-FWE Class Patch.esp Better Caravans.esp BombayTradingCo.esp TAG: {{BASH: Actors.AIPackages, Invent, Names, Scripts, Stats}} CaravanUpgrades.esp
CarvanTrader.esp TAG: {{BASH: Actors.ACBS, Actors.Stats, Invent, Names, R. Attributes-F, R. Att ributes-M, R.Skills, Scripts}} CaravanEssential.esp Clover Makeover - Asian Bedraggled.esp Clothed American Soldiers.esp TAG: {{BASH: Invent}} REQ: Anchorage.esm Clothed Sarah Lyons.esp TAG: {{BASH: Invent}} Clothed Sarah Lyons - Sleepwear.esp TAG: {{BASH: Invent}} Confessor Cromwell has a Break_EV.esp TAG: {{BASH: Actors.AIPackages}} CrowdedCities_v2.esp INC: CrowdedCities_v2_lessNPCs.esp CrowdedCities_v2_lessNPCs.esp INC: CrowdedCities_v2.esp A Crowded Wasteland.esp Essential Caravan Merchants.esp TAG: {{BASH: Actors.ACBS}} Essential_Zeta_Allies.esp TAG: {{BASH: Actors.ACBS}} EZ_MoreVoices.esp EZ_TempleOfCant.esp EZ_Ammo_Restriction.esp EZ_citizens.esp Ghoulified Cromwell.esp Named Wastelanders.esp TAG: {{BASH: Names}} Named Wasteland.esp TAG: {{BASH: Names}} NPCs Sleep Tighter.esp MTC Wasteland Travellers.esp MTC Wasteland Travellers (Optional)- Crowded Cities less NPCs.esp INC: MTC Wasteland Travellers (Optional)- Crowded Cities.esp MTC Wasteland Travellers (Optional)- Crowded Cities.esp INC: MTC Wasteland Travellers (Optional)- Crowded Cities less NPCs.esp MTC MoreGuardsInBigTown.esp NPC Height Randomizer.esp NPC Height Randomizer Less Variance.esp NPC Response Expansion.esp Outcast Scribes03.esp REQ: Anchorage.esm INC: OutcastCasdinArmorFix.esp Point Lookout Lower Health.esp REQ: PointLookout.esm richvendors.esp More Merchant Caps.esp VendorCapsIncreased15X.esp VendorCapsIncreased1000X.esp VendorCapsIncreased100X.esp
VendorCapsIncreased50X.esp VendorCapsIncreased20X.esp VendorCapsIncreased10X.esp VendorCapsIncreased9X.esp VendorCapsIncreased8X.esp VendorCapsIncreased7X.esp VendorCapsIncreased6X.esp VendorCapsIncreased5X.esp VendorCapsIncreased3X.esp VendorCapsIncreased2X.esp VendorCapsIncreased4X.esp MoriaX3Caps.esp MoriaX10Caps.esp Robotic Butlers.esp royphilipsevil.esp TAG: {{BASH: Actors.ACBS, royphilipsveryevil.esp TAG: {{BASH: Actors.ACBS, royphilipsveryevilwmask.esp TAG: {{BASH: Actors.ACBS, royphilipsevilwmask.esp TAG: {{BASH: Actors.ACBS,
ThreeDogs 3 Dogs Alternative.esp UpgradedCaravanMerchants.esp VaultSuitBetterRearsForFemales.esp Wadsworth Tweaks.esp Wasteland Gigolo.esp TAG: {{BASH: Scripts}} Wasteland Travel Caravans.esp ENDGROUP: NPC BEGINGROUP: Places //----------01AtM - Firefly Ranch.esp 99+2.esp A Ranger Shack.esp A Lore_Friendly Megaton Home.esp AbandonedOutpostv1.2.esp AbandonedShack.esp AbramsOverpassTent.esp After War.esp Aghatas house v0.3.esp AliciasCuteShopDoorOverride.esp Alpine Heights.esp AndaleHouse.esp Arefu Player House.esp INC: ArefuExpandedByAzar.esm ArefuExpandedByAzar-FixMisc.esp ArefuExpandedByAzar-FixOptRemOld.esp ArefuExpandedByAzar-FixOptAddNew.esp ArefuExpandedByAzar-FixEyes.esp Ashur's Palace Player room.esp
B72v3-03.esp REQ: Bunker72 v3.esm B72v3 Clutterfree.esp REQ: Bunker72 v3.esm B72v3 Mainelevator timerswitch.esp REQ: Bunker72 v3.esm Barge.esp B.B.G.esp Better Museum of History EN.esp BigTown - Outskirts.esp Big Town Overhaul.esp Big Town Overhaul [GangStore].esp BM12PungaGardenPurchasable.esp Bonds Big Town.esp Bridge House.esp BusInWilderness.esp Built For The Future.esp CanterburyCommonsEmbiggened.esp Canterbury Estates 0.8 beta.esp CanterburyCommonsInteriors.esp Canterbury Commons Interiors Embiggened.esp Canterbury Boomtown.esp CEI - CaesarrulezExcessiveInteriorsEN.esp CEH_DLC02_03_Opt.esp CEH_DLC04_05_Opt.esp CEH_S_241J_Opt.esp CEH_Shojo_07_Opt.esp Cotozic'sVaultHomeGlobalPatch.esp csxBlastwaveRider.esp Carter_Fallout_Shelter.esp Cliff's_Residences Of DC - Player Version.esp ClutterFreeWorld.esp Cleaned Rivet City.esp DadsRCRoom.esp DCInteriors_ComboEdition.esp DCInteriors_Georgtown.esp DCInteriors_SewardSq.esp DCInteriors_Mason.esp DCInteriors_LEnfntPl.esp DCInteriors_DLC_Collectables.esp DCStreet.esp SAY: Only use DCStreet.esp or DCStreet - BS.esp - NOT Both DCStreet - BS.esp REQ: BrokenSteel.esm SAY: Only use DCStreet.esp or DCStreet - BS.esp - NOT Both Death Canyon v3.esp FLAK.esp Farpost Hollow_v1.esp FIN-NWSeneca.esp Fallin3 South East Wasteland.esp FinchleyHeightsV1.0.esp FruitTrees.esp GameForWilks.esp Ghoul Mansion v3.esp Ghoul Mansion v3.1.esp GNRBuilding_Studio.esp
Greenerworld.esp GreenWorld.esp Home for the Weary.esp Hot n Dusty.esp HiVE.esp Hunters Ridge V3.esp Hunters Ridge V4.esp JL121RCAltDoor.esp Jury Street Metro Station Shelter.esp K2_PlayWearClub.esp Kaza's NorthwestSeneca.esp LadyFrumperton.esp LevelersChamber.esp Location 1 (Megaton-V101).esp Location 2 (Fort Constantine).esp LookoutPointCamp.esp Madhswasteland.esp MCCALL_FriendsAreForever.esp Meresti Metro Station Entrance.esp Museum Station Bunker - 3.esp MiniHideout.esp MiniServants.esp MiniVault+.esp More2Megaton.esp REQ: BrokenSteel.esm Megaton Tweaks 1.28 (no podium).esp Megaton Tweaks 1.28.esp Megaton Park.esp Megaton House and Theme Overhaul.esp Megaton House and Theme Overhaul_SY.esp REQ: FNNsys.esm REQ: Megaton House and Theme Overhaul.esp Nuka Cola Theme 3000 v1.esp Megaton Walkway.esp SAY: Obsolete upgrade to Megaton Walkway 1.01.esp Megaton Walkway 1.01.esp megaton_lighting.esp TAG: {{BASH: C.Light}} MegatonLights.esp TAG: {{BASH: C.Light}} megalight.esp SAY: Do not use with latest FOOK2, it is already integrated. SAY: Needs TES4Edit cleaning: " Edit_Cleaning_Guide" MLights.esp Moriarty's Saloon Fen chui Mod.esp motelPL.esp Mole Rat Maze.esp MovinOnUp3.0.esp MyMansion.esp megbunker.esp Meet the Devs.ESP MegatonWeapons.esp Megaton jail and 101 safehouse_v2.esp
NewMall.esp OakleyRidge1_1.esp OutlookPoint.esp ParadiseHomePlugin.esp PeachCreekRuins.esp Pylon Home.esp potomac home.esp Princess Big Blue House.esp PersonalVertibird.esp Princess Rivet City House FIXED.esp RangerT HQ.esp RangerArmorSafe.esp ranger den.esp RegulatorHQRedesignedUpdate.esp Riverboat Landing Merchant.esp REQ: PointLookout.esm Riverside Apartments.esp RandomExtraTraps.esp RedTricycleBoot.esp Republic of Dave House.esp Rivet City Realignment.esp Rivet City Underworks 1.1.esp Rivet City Merchants.esp Rivet City Merchants With Point Lookout.esp REQ: PointLookout.esm Rivetcityhotelupgrade.esp rivet city 2.esp Rivet City Apartment.esp RuinedOutposts.esp RockopolisRebuilt.esp Rat Trap v1.01.esp RobotFacility.esp Sandstorm.esp SDs Megaton House Trophies + Water Purifier Compatability Patch.esp SShop.esp SShopItems.esp SecuredBarn.esp Simple Camp.esp Submarine Wreck.esp Sanctum.esp Sanctum-Storage.esp Shack On The Beach.esp Solace.esp shopping-spree.esp scraphideST.esp SuperDuperBasement.esp Talon Outpost Expansion - Megaton.esp Talon Outpost Expansion - Rivet City.esp Talon Outpost Expansion - Arlington.esp Talon Outpost Expansion - Takoma.esp Talon Outpost Expansion - Canterbury Commons.esp The town of girdershade.esp Takoma Bank.esp TheRaiderHut.esp Toasty's Rooved Megaton, Holey Light.esp
Tenpenny Suite.esp Trophies - Megaton.esp Trophies- Tenpenny.esp TpWasteThemeMod.esp Towers Hill.esp TAG: {{BASH: Invent}} The Annex.esp TestingRoom.esp TheSKINNYwearShopDC.esp REQ: Anchorage.esm TunnelOutpost.esp REQ: PointLookout.esm The Yard V1.3.esp The Yard v1.3 - Games Theme.esp The Yard V1.6 - The Lab.esp The Yard V1.5 - The Lab - No Items.esp The Dockside Inn and Resort.esp The Camp at Farpost.esp UndergroundHideout.esp UndergroundHideout_SY.esp REQ: Anchorage.esm REQ: ThePitt.esm REQ: BrokenSteel.esm REQ: PointLookout.esm REQ: Zeta.esm REQ: FNNsys.esm REQ: UndergroundHideout.esp DALCO Fixes for Underground Hideout.esp REQ: BrokenSteel.esm REQ: UndergroundHideout.esp DALCO Inventory Sorter - Underground Hideout (Fallout 3 & All DLCs).esp TAG: {{BASH: NoMerge, Names}} Underworld Underground.esp UnderWorld House.esp Underground Home.esp UrgeSpringvaleHome.esp UNDCity.esp Vault64.esp Vault 89 (player home) V1-35.esp TAG: {{BASH: Scripts}} INC: FNNSys.esm VulturesRest.esp Wadsworth-Prewar.esp WIP_BigTown.esp WastelandRecovery0.esp WastelandRecovery1.esp WastelandRecovery2.esp WastelandRecovery3.esp WastelandRecovery4.esp WastelandRecovery5.esp YevicsUrbanTownhome.esp Zumbs' Improved Sniper Shack Home.esp BA_WastelandRestoration.esp
BA_WastelandRestoration_DLCs.esp REQ: BA_WastelandRestoration.esp ENDGROUP: Places BEGINGROUP: Overhauls //----------BEGINGROUP: FOOK //----------FOOK2 - Main.esp IFNOT VAR(FOOK2) ERROR: FOOK2 - Main.esm is missing. TAG: {{BASH: Delev, Relev}} REQ: CALIBR.ESM and FOOK2 - Main.ESM PB FOOK2 - Main.esp FOOK2 - Project Beauty.esp FOOK2 - [EVE] Energy Visuals Enhanced.esp REQ: FOOK2 - Main.ESM IF VAR(FOOK2) ERROR: Remove if using FOOK2 1.1 and above FOOK2 - [DIK] DLC Improvement Kit.esp REQ: Anchorage.ESM REQ: ThePitt.ESM REQ: BrokenSteel.ESM REQ: PointLookout.esm REQ: CALIBR.ESM REQ: and FOOK2 - Main.ESM PB FOOK2 [DIK].esp FOOK2 - Mothership Zeta.esp REQ: FOOK2 - Main.ESM and Zeta.ESM FOOK2 - DIK - Project Beauty.esp FOOK2 - Main [Hotfix].esp IF VAR(FOOK2) ERROR: Please update to FOOK2 1.1 Open Beta 2 FOOK2 - DIK [Hotfix].esp IF VAR(FOOK2) ERROR: Please update to FOOK2 1.1 Open Beta 2 EVE - FOOK2 Patch.esp FOOK2 Main [Hotfix].esp FOOK2 DIK [Hotfix].esp MyFOOK2 - Color Tranquility Lane.esp IF VAR(FOOK2) ERROR: Remove if using FOOK2 1.1 and above MyFOOK2 - No Nightvision on Power Helmets.esp REQ: FOOK2 - Main.ESM IF VAR(FOOK2) ERROR: Remove if using FOOK2 1.1 and above MyFOOK2 - No RAPE Victims.esp REQ: FOOK2 - Main.ESM IF VAR(FOOK2) ERROR: Remove if using FOOK2 1.1 and above MyFOOK2 - S.H.A.D.E.esp REQ: FOOK2 - Main.ESM IF VAR(FOOK2) ERROR: Remove if using FOOK2 1.1 and above MyFOOK2 - Black & White Tranquility Lane.esp REQ: FOOK2 - Main.ESM IF VAR(FOOK2) ERROR: Remove if using FOOK2 1.1 and above FOOK2 - [DESTRUCTION] Main.esp TAG: {{BASH: Destructible, Scripts}} REQ: FOOK2 - Main.ESM FOOK2 - [DESTRUCTION] Main - Statics.esp REQ: FOOK2 - Main.ESM FOOK2 - [DESTRUCTION] DIK.esp TAG: {{BASH: Destructible, Scripts}} REQ: Anchorage.ESM REQ: ThePitt.ESM
REQ: BrokenSteel.ESM REQ: PointLookout.esm REQ: CALIBR.ESM REQ: and FOOK2 - Main.ESM FOOK2 - [DESTRUCTION] DIK - Statics.esp REQ: Anchorage.ESM REQ: ThePitt.ESM REQ: BrokenSteel.ESM REQ: PointLookout.esm REQ: CALIBR.ESM REQ: and FOOK2 - Main.ESM FOOK2 - [DESTRUCTION] Mothership Zeta.esp TAG: {{BASH: Destructible, Scripts}} REQ: FOOK2 - Main.ESM and Zeta.ESM FOOK2 - [DESTRUCTION] Mothership Zeta - Statics.esp REQ: FOOK2 - Main.ESM and Zeta.ESM DESTRUCt61f0k2.ESP FOOK2 - Main Level Up Fix 1.3.esp FOOK2 - DIK Level Up Fix 1.3.esp [DIK] DLC Transition Hotfix.esp RRSorter100_FOOK2.esp WeightAmmo.esp REQ: CALIBR.esm REQ: FOOK2 - Main.esm FPS Grenade Hotkey - FOOK2.esp IF VAR(FOOK2) ERROR: Remove if using FOOK2 1.1 and above FPS Grenade Hotkey - FOOK2 DIK.esp IF VAR(FOOK2) ERROR: Remove if using FOOK2 1.1 and above FOOK2 - DUI Grenade Fix for 11 Open Beta.esp Sally Fix 2.esp Apocalypse Armory.esp TAG: {{BASH: Delev, Graphics, Invent, Names, Sound, Stats, Relev}} Apocalypse Armory - CRAFTing.esp Apocalypse Armory - CALIBR.esp TAG: {{BASH: Delev, Relev}} REQ: CALIBR.ESM Apocalypse Armory - xCALIBR.esp TAG: {{BASH: Deflst, Names, Stats}} REQ: xCALIBR.ESM Apocalypse Armory Preview - Grenades.esp INC: Apocalypse Armory.esp SAY: Included in Apocalypse Armory Apocalypse Armory - DLC Enhancements.esp REQ: Anchorage.ESM Apocalypse Armory - Optional Historical Names.esp Apocalypse Armory - Grenade Hotkeys.esp INC: Apocalypse Armory - Grenade Hotkeys for DLC.esp REQ: FPS Grenade Hotkey.esp Apocalypse Armory - Grenade Hotkeys for DLC.esp INC: Apocalypse Armory - Grenade Hotkeys.esp REQ: FPS Grenade Hotkey.esp AA - FWE + DMG Replacement.esp INC: Apocalypse Armory - Grenade Hotkeys.esp INC: Apocalypse Armory + WMK.esp GSoS - FOOK2 Open Beta - Combat and Sneaking Overhaul.esp IF VAR(FOOK2) ERROR: Old, please update to the latest version GSoS - FOOK2 Open Beta - CaSO.esp GSoS - CaSO - BS Fix.esp CaSO - Project Beauty.esp GSoS - FOOK2 Open Beta - XP Tag Perks.esp
IF VAR(FOOK2) ERROR: Old, please update to the latest version GSoS - FOOK2 Open Beta - XP.esp GSoS - FOOK2 Open Beta - Tag.esp GSoS - FOOK2 Open Beta - Stimpaks Revamp.esp GSoS - FOOK2 Open Beta - Stimpaks Revamp v1.esp GSoS - FOOK2 Open Beta - Stimpaks Revamp v2.esp GSoS - Speed.esp GSoS - FOOK2 Open Beta - Perks.esp GSoS - Bed Heal Tweak.esp GSoS - Portable Water Purifier.esp GSoS - B-Head Effects B-Gone.esp GSoS - Car Explosions.esp ENDGROUP: FOOK BEGINGROUP: Fallout Wanderer's Edition //----------FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esp TAG: {{BASH: Actors.ACBS, Actors.AIData, Actors.AIPackages, Actors.CombatStyle , Actors.Stats, Deflst, Delev, Destructible, Graphics, Invent, Names, Relev, Scr ipts, Stats}} DALCO Inventory Sorter - FWE (Main File).esp TAG: {{BASH: NoMerge, Names}} FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Anchorage.esp TAG: {{BASH: Deflst}} DALCO Inventory Sorter - FWE (Operation Anchorage).esp TAG: {{BASH: NoMerge, Names}} FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC The Pitt.esp DALCO Inventory Sorter - FWE (The Pitt).esp TAG: {{BASH: NoMerge, Names}} FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Broken Steel.esp DALCO Inventory Sorter - FWE (Broken Steel).esp TAG: {{BASH: NoMerge, Names}} FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Point Lookout.esp TAG: {{BASH: Relev, Delev}} DALCO Inventory Sorter - FWE (Point Lookout).esp TAG: {{BASH: NoMerge, Names}} FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Mothership Zeta.esp DALCO Inventory Sorter - FWE (Mothership Zeta).esp TAG: {{BASH: NoMerge, Names}} FO3 Wanderers Edition - UFP Support.esp FO3 Wanderers Edition - Alternate Travel.esp DALCO Inventory Sorter - FWE (Alternate Travel).esp TAG: {{BASH: NoMerge, Names}} FO3 Wanderers Edition - Lvl 30 High Skills.esp FO3 Wanderers Edition - Lvl 30 Balance.esp INC: FO3 Wanderers Edition - Lvl 30 More Skills.esp FO3 Wanderers Edition - Lvl 30 More Skills.esp INC: FO3 Wanderers Edition - Lvl 30 Balance.esp FO3 Wanderers Edition - Followers Enhanced.esp TAG: {{BASH: Actors.ACBS, Actors.AIData, Actors.Stats}} INC: FO3 Wanderers Edition - Followers Enhanced (BrokenSteel).esp DALCO Inventory Sorter - FWE (Followers Enh).esp TAG: {{BASH: NoMerge, Names}} FO3 Wanderers Edition - Followers Enhanced (BrokenSteel).esp TAG: {{BASH: Actors.ACBS, Actors.AIData, Actors.Stats}} INC: FO3 Wanderers Edition - Followers Enhanced.esp DALCO Inventory Sorter - FWE (Followers Enh (BrS)).esp TAG: {{BASH: NoMerge, Names}} FO3 Wanderers Edition - Optional Free Play After MQ.esp INC: BrokenSteel.esm
FO3 Wanderers Edition - Optional Free Play After Mainquest.esp INC: BrokenSteel.esm FO3 Wanderers Edition - Optional No Fast Travel.esp INC: FO3 Wanderers Edition - Alternate Travel.esp FO3 Wanderers Edition - Optional Restore Tracers.esp FO3 Wanderers Edition - Optional VATS Halftime.esp FO3 Wanderers Edition - Optional VATS Realtime.esp FO3 Wanderers Edition - Optional Harsher Wasteland.esp FO3 Wanderers Edition - Optional Worn Weapons.esp TAG: {{BASH: Delev, Relev}} FO3 Wanderers Edition - Optional Restore Tracers (automatics only).esp FWE - Weightless Ammo.esp FO3 Wanderers Edition - FOOK Support.esp SAY: Check for updates; you may have the old version installed. FaceMe-FWE.esp DarNifiedUIF3_FWE.esp SAY: Do not use with latest FWE, it is already integrated. FO3 Wanderers Edition - Project Beauty.esp FO3 Wanderers Edition - Project Beauty (Followers Enhanced B-S).esp FO3 Wanderers Edition - Project Beauty (HD Addition).esp REQ: Project Beauty HD version.esm INC: Project Beauty.esp FO3 Wanderers Edition - Project Beauty (Followers Enhanced).esp FO3 Wanderers Edition - Talon Loot Crash Fix.esp TAG: {{BASH: Delev, Relev}} REQ: CALIBR Return to Shady Sands - FWE weapons rebalance.esp RH_FWE_Patch.esp RH_FWE_Bridge.esp REQ: CRAFT.esm REQ: CALIBR.esm REQ: RH_IRONSIGHTS.esm REQ: FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esm Alt Start Weapons - FWE.esp MZC-FWE_FOIP.esp FO3 Quest Patch - FWE + BS.esp DLM_FWE Medic PA FWE only required.esp REQ: FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esm DLM_FWE Medic PA FWE+Zeta required.esp REQ: Zeta.ESM REQ: FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esm MZC-FWE_CP.esp REQ: Zeta.ESM REQ: CRAFT.ESM REQ: CALIBR.ESM REQ: Mothership Crew.ESM REQ: FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esm FWE_Overhaul Kit - Main.esp SAY: Outdated. Update to latest version of FWE - Combat Overhaul TAG: {{BASH: Deflst, Delev, Relev, Graphics, Actors.ACBS, Invent, Names, Sound , Stats}} REQ: FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esm REQ: RH_IronSights resources INC: Weapon Mod Kits INC: EVE INC: RH IronSights Basic VanillaPlugin.esp FWE_Overhaul Kit - Core.esp SAY: Outdated. Update to latest version of FWE - Combat Overhaul REQ: FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esm REQ: RH_IronSights resources
INC: Weapon Mod Kits INC: EVE INC: RH IronSights Basic VanillaPlugin.esp FWE_Overhaul Kit - Equipment .esp SAY: Outdated. Update to latest version of FWE - Combat Overhaul TAG: {{BASH: Deflst, Delev, Relev, Graphics, Actors.ACBS, Invent, Names, Sound , Stats, Scripts}} REQ: FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esm REQ: RH_IronSights resources INC: Weapon Mod Kits INC: EVE INC: RH IronSights Basic VanillaPlugin.esp FWE - Combat Overhaul_Equipment.esp TAG: {{BASH: Deflst, Delev, Relev, Graphics, Actors.ACBS, Invent, Names, Sound , Stats, Scripts}} REQ: FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esm REQ: RH_IronSights resources INC: Weapon Mod Kits INC: EVE INC: RH IronSights Basic VanillaPlugin.esp FWE weapons pack.esp REQ: CRAFT.ESM REQ: CALIBR.ESM REQ: FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esm FWE_xCAL_ammoweight.esp REQ: CRAFT.esm REQ: CALIBR.esm REQ: xCALIBR.esm REQ: xCALIBRuniverse.esm REQ: FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esm FWE-COL-Enclave-compatibilitypatch.esp REQ: CRAFT.esm REQ: CALIBR.esm REQ: FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esm REQ: FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esp FWE-COL-Enclave-compatibilitypatch-new-tesla-helmet-addon_updated.esp REQ: CRAFT.esm REQ: CALIBR.esm REQ: FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esm REQ: FWE-COL-Enclave-compatibilitypatch.esp FWE-COL-Enclave-compatibilitypatch-hellfireaddon.esp REQ: BrokenSteel.esm REQ: CRAFT.esm REQ: CALIBR.esm REQ: FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esm REQ: FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esp REQ: FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Broken Steel.esp REQ: FWE-COL-Enclave-compatibilitypatch.esp FWE-COL-Brotherhood-compatibilitypatch.esp REQ: CRAFT.esm REQ: CALIBR.esm REQ: FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esm REQ: FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esp FWE-COL-Outcast-compatibilitypatch.esp REQ: CRAFT.esm REQ: CALIBR.esm REQ: FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esm REQ: FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esp AA_FWE_xCalibr.esp ENDGROUP: Fallout Wanderer's Edition
BEGINGROUP: Other //----------WIS-MMM Compatibility.esp Warhammer-Integrated-BS-Base.esp Warhammer-Integrated-PL.esp Warhammer-Integrated-TP.esp Warhammer-Integrated-ZT.esp WI-Legacy.esp WI-Legacy-Chaos.esp WI-Legacy-Dark Eldar.esp WI-Legacy-Eldar.esp WI-Legacy-Imperial.esp WI-Legacy-Necron.esp WI-Legacy-Tau.esp WI-Legacy-SoB.esp WI-Legacy-Space Marines.esp WI-Legacy-Black Templars, World Eaters, Tau, Biel-Tan, Vendoland, Martyred Lady, Flayed Skulls.esp WI-Legacy-Dark Angels, Thousand Sons, Sa'cea, Altansar, Death Korps, Argent Shro ud, Iron Thorn.esp WI-Legacy-Ultramarines, Black Legion, Ulthwe, Sa'riad, Armageddon Steel Legion, Ebon Chalice, Dying Sun.esp WI-BOS-Biel-Tan.esp WI-BOS-Black Templars.esp WI-BOS-Tau.esp WI-BOS-Vendoland.esp WI-Outcast-D'yanoi.esp WI-Outcast-Saim-Hann.esp WI-Outcast-Space Wolves.esp WI-Enclave-Inquisition.esp WI-Enclave-Sa'cea.esp WI-Enclave-Sa'cea (No Crisis Battlesuits).esp WI-Enclave-Thousand Sons.esp WI-Enclave-Ulthwe.esp WI-Enclave-Ultramarines.esp WI-Remnant-Argent Shroud.esp WI-Remnant-Altansar.esp WI-Remnant-Dark Angels.esp WI-Remnant-Fal'shia.esp WIS-Centaurs and Dogs-Beastmen.esp WIS-Centaurs and Dogs-Squigs.esp WIS-Deathclaws-Bloodletters.esp WIS-Ghouls-Necrons.esp WIS-Ghouls-Plague Zombies.esp WIS-Mirelurks-Daemonettes.esp WIS-Non-explosive Bolts.esp WIS-Raiders-Dark Eldar.esp WIS-Regulators-SoB.esp WIS-Robots.esp WIS-Talon Company-Dark Eldar.esp WIS-Talon Company-Sa'riad.esp WIS-Talon Company-World Eaters.esp WIS-Tyranids.esp WIS-Super Mutants-Orks.esp WIS-Yao Gaui-Furies.esp WIS-Load Screens.esp Fallout3Tactics NPCs.esp Fallout3Tactics Food.esp Fallout3Tactics Wasteland.esp
Quests.esp Weapons.esp Weather.esp Citys.esp FOOK2, it is already integrated. FOOK2, it is already integrated.
Refurbishes [ALL].esp SAY: Do not use with latest Refurbish [OA].esp SAY: Do not use with latest INC: Refurbishes [ALL].esp Refurbish [OA] - FWE.esp INC: Refurbishes [ALL].esp Refurbish [TP].esp SAY: Do not use with latest INC: Refurbishes [ALL].esp Refurbish [BS].esp SAY: Do not use with latest INC: Refurbishes [ALL].esp Refurbish [PL].esp SAY: Do not use with latest INC: Refurbishes [ALL].esp Refurbish [MZ].esp SAY: Do not use with latest INC: Refurbishes [ALL].esp FO3toFPS.esp ENDGROUP: Other ENDGROUP: Overhauls BEGINGROUP: Tailor Maid //----------Tailor Maid.esp Tailor Maid Anchorage.esp REQ: Anchorage.ESM Tailor Maid PITT.esp REQ: ThePitt.ESM Tailor Maid Brokensteel.esp REQ: BrokenSteel.ESM Tailor Maid ZETA.esp REQ: Zeta.ESM Tailor Maid Black Retex.esp ENDGROUP: Tailor Maid
FOOK2, it is already integrated. FOOK2, it is already integrated. FOOK2, it is already integrated. FOOK2, it is already integrated.
BEGINGROUP: WeaponModKits //----------WeaponModKits.esp TAG: {{BASH: Actors.AIData, Delev, Invent, Names, Relev}} DALCO Inventory Sorter - Weapon Mod Kits (Base).esp TAG: {{BASH: NoMerge, Names}} WeaponModKits - FOOK.esp WeaponModKits - FWE Master Release.esp TAG: {{BASH: Deflst, Relev, Names}} WeaponModKits - FWE Optional Worn Weapons.esp TAG: {{BASH: Delev}} DALCO Inventory Sorter - WMK - FWE Master Release.esp TAG: {{BASH: NoMerge, Names}} WeaponModKits - OperationAnchorage.esp REQ: Anchorage.ESM DALCO Inventory Sorter - Weapon Mod Kits (DLC Anchorage).esp TAG: {{BASH: NoMerge, Names}}
DALCO Inventory Sorter - WMK - FWE (DLC Anchorage).esp TAG: {{BASH: NoMerge, Names}} WeaponModKits - ThePitt.esp REQ: ThePitt.ESM DALCO Inventory Sorter - Weapon Mod Kits (DLC ThePitt).esp TAG: {{BASH: NoMerge, Names}} DALCO Inventory Sorter - WMK - FWE (DLC ThePitt).esp TAG: {{BASH: NoMerge, Names}} WeaponModKits - BrokenSteel.esp REQ: BrokenSteel.ESM DALCO Inventory Sorter - Weapon Mod Kits (DLC BrS).esp TAG: {{BASH: NoMerge, Names}} DALCO Inventory Sorter - WMK - FWE (DLC BrS).esp TAG: {{BASH: NoMerge, Names}} WeaponModKits - PointLookout.esp REQ: PointLookout.ESM DALCO Inventory Sorter - Weapon Mod Kits (DLC PointLookout).esp TAG: {{BASH: NoMerge, Names}} DALCO Inventory Sorter - WMK - FWE (DLC PointLookout).esp TAG: {{BASH: NoMerge, Names}} WeaponModKits - Zeta.esp REQ: Zeta.ESM DALCO Inventory Sorter - Weapon Mod Kits (DLC Zeta).esp TAG: {{BASH: NoMerge, Names}} DALCO Inventory Sorter - WMK - FWE (DLC Zeta).esp TAG: {{BASH: NoMerge, Names}} WeaponModKits - FWE Talon Loot Crash Fix.esp WeaponModKits - DIK.esp WeaponModKits - Scope Increases VATS Accuracy.esp CRAFTable_WMKs_skill_requirements_lead_pipe_no_assault_rifle_and_laser_pistol_.e sp TAG: {{BASH: Invent}} SAY: Only use ONE CRAFTable_WMKs esp file CRAFTable_WMKs_skill_requirements_no_assault_rifle_and_laser_pistol.esp TAG: {{BASH: Invent}} SAY: Only use ONE CRAFTable_WMKs esp file CRAFTable_WMKs_skill_requirements_lead_pipe.esp TAG: {{BASH: Invent}} SAY: Only use ONE CRAFTable_WMKs esp file CRAFTable_WMKs.esp TAG: {{BASH: Invent}} SAY: Only use ONE CRAFTable_WMKs esp file CRAFTable_WMKs_no_assault_rifle_and_laser_pistol.esp TAG: {{BASH: Invent}} SAY: Only use ONE CRAFTable_WMKs esp file CRAFTable_WMKs_lead_pipe_no_assault_rifle_and laser_pistol.esp TAG: {{BASH: Invent}} SAY: Only use ONE CRAFTable_WMKs esp file CRAFTable_WMKs_lead_pipe.esp TAG: {{BASH: Invent}} SAY: Only use ONE CRAFTable_WMKs esp file CRAFTable_WMKs_skill_req_Amodeus.esp TAG: {{BASH: Invent}} SAY: Only use ONE CRAFTable_WMKs esp file WMK-RH IronSights.esp Apocalypse Armory + WMK.esp T3T_WMK1.esp TAG: {{BASH: Deflst, Stats}} UH-FWE-WMK-DLC.esp
REQ: Anchorage.esm REQ: ThePitt.esm REQ: BrokenSteel.esm REQ: PointLookout.esm REQ: Zeta.esm REQ: FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esm REQ: FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Broken Steel.esp REQ: UndergroundHideout.esp REQ: WeaponModKits.esp REQ: WeaponModKits - FWE Master Release.esp REQ: WeaponModKits - OperationAnchorage.esp REQ: WeaponModKits - ThePitt.esp REQ: WeaponModKits - BrokenSteel.esp REQ: WeaponModKits - PointLookout.esp REQ: WeaponModKits - Zeta.esp ENDGROUP: WeaponModKits BEGINGROUP: Weapons //----------//* 10mmReplacer.esp 18inchCSLatinMachete.esp 2Bore.esp 20th Century Weapons Non-Changing Weapon Conditions.esp REQ: CALIBR.esm REQ: 20th Century Weapons.esm 3EFskewer.esp TAG: {{BASH: Stats}} 44Magnum.esp TAG: {{BASH: Deflst, Stats}} 50CaliberSniperRifle.esp 50CaliberSniperRifleAmmo.esp 7_ISA -ec 10 mm Submachine Gun.esp 7_ISA -ec Mauser.esp 7_ISA -ec 44 magnum.esp 7_ISA -ec Alien Blaster.esp 7_ISA -ec Sawed Off Shotgun.esp 7_ISA -ec G3A3.esp 7_ISA -ec Handgrip_fix_LincolnRifle.esp 7_ISA -ec Chinese Assault Rifle.esp 7_ISA -ec 20th Century Weapons v3.1.esp REQ: CALIBR REQ: 20th Century Weapons.esm 7_HolsterForHandGunsV1_1.esp TAG: {{BASH: Invent}} //A A3-21-Focused.esp Accurate Assault Rifles 1.2.esp TAG: {{BASH: Stats}} AddWanda_v2_blk_eot.esp TAG: {{BASH: Invent}} AER10V2 Laser Rifle.esp AlexScorpion's and Weijiesen's Smoking Fun.esp TAG: {{BASH: Invent}} AlexScorpion's and Weijiesen's Smoking Fun.esp TAG: {{BASH: Invent}} alienblasterammo.esp TAG: {{BASH: Stats}} Akira - Simple Silenced SMG.esp
Ammo Press Calibrified.esp REQ: ThePitt.esm REQ: CALIBR.esm AMR-B04.esp Arms_dealer_V1.esp INC: RH_IRONSIGHTS.esm REQ: CALIBR.esm A_D_Calibr_ammo.esp REQ: Arms_dealer_V1.esp AsharasBatmanItems.esp AsharasLightningItems.esp //B backpackfix.esp BackpackFixForShishkebabENG.esp BackpackFixForShishkebabPL.esp BerettaTwoTone AH.esp BerettaTwoTone AHJr.esp BRUTE_GunKnockdownsSpecialScriptedEditionTHEPOINT.esp BRUTE_GunKnockdownsSpecialScriptedEditionANCHORAGE.esp BRUTE_GunKnockdownsSpecialScriptedEditionTHEPITT.esp Better Looking Combat Shotgun.esp Better Looking Combat Shotgun (Full Auto).esp BlasterEquipmentPackagev1_2.esp //C ColtM4Carbines.esp ColtM4Carbines_RHIronSights.esp TAG: {{BASH: Graphics}} Crossbow.esp cryolator.esp CS_ LightsaberQuest.esp CS_LightsaberQuest - Objectives Patch.esp //D DanWessonPPC357(CALIBR).esp Devils Mistress Unique.esp Drone Cannon Fix.esp TAG: {{BASH: Graphics}} //E ERFatman50.esp ERFatman50only.esp ERFatman75.esp ERFatman75only.esp EWE Supermutant Energy Weapons.esp TAG: {{BASH: Relev}} //F F3RWPMolotovCocktail-0_1.esp Fallout3ProtoGun.esp Flashbangs.esp FLY_weapons.esp FNNCQ_Mesmetron.esp Focused Plasma.esp //G g36mod.esp
Gatling Plasma.esp Glock 86 Plasma Pistol (scoped).esp GaussCompleteBeta.esp //H H.E.R.K. - GOTY.esp INC: H.E.R.K. - GOTY & WMK.esp H.E.R.K. - GOTY & WMK.esp INC: H.E.R.K. - GOTY.esp REQ: WeaponModKits.esp H&KUSPWithWorkingFlashlight.esp Hi-Res Weapons & Ammo Textures - The Pitt.esp Hi-Res Weapons & Ammo Textures.esp HN66FoggierKatana.esp HZ_INGRAM.esp HZ_M14.esp HZ_M249.esp HZ_M92SE.esp HZ_XM586UR.esp HZ_USP.esp //I ImmaFirinMahLazor.esp InverseCombatKnife.esp //J jmschematics - CRAFT.esp joefoxx Gun Mod v1.0 Normal Tracers.esp JQ-40K.esp JQ40K2.esp JQ-DuncanSword.esp //K Kneecapper Linked.esp //L laserPistolRetextured-IronSightsPatch.esp TAG: {{BASH: Graphics}} laserRifleRetexturedScoped.esp TAG: {{BASH: Graphics}} laserRifleRetextured-IronSightsPatch.esp TAG: {{BASH: Graphics}} laserScatterGunRetextured.esp TAG: {{BASH: Graphics}} REQ: BrokenSteel.esm //M M14_EBR.esp MissingUniqueWeapons-Standard.esp MissingUniqueWeapons-Standard-BS.esp MissingUniqueWeapons-Standard-PL.esp MissingUniqueWeapons-Standard-BS+PL.esp MissingUniqueWeapons-Enhanced.esp MissingUniqueWeapons-Enhanced-BS.esp MissingUniqueWeapons-Enhanced-PL.esp MissingUniqueWeapons-Enhanced-BS+PL.esp More308Ammo.esp TAG: {{BASH: Relev}} MPammo.esp
//N New Blackhawk.esp NewKnives.esp //O //P P94-95.esp P94 Plasma Rifle.esp PlastekPrototypeRiflev1.esp Playing With Firepower.esp REQ: CRAFT.esm //Q //R rl3-plasmabeam.esp Remote Bottlecap Mines ADVANCED.esp Reykjavik.esp RimfireRevolver.esp INC:RimfireRevolverCommon.esp RimfireRevolverCommon.esp INC:RimfireRevolver.esp //S Saiga-12 Combat Shotgun Override.esp Saiga-12 Combat Shotgun Override Operation Anchorage.esp REQ: Anchorage.esm Saiga-12 Combat Shotgun Override Broken Steel.esp REQ: BrokenSteel.esm Saiga-12 Combat Shotgun Override The Pitt.esp REQ: ThePitt.esm ShishkebabWithoutGlove.esp Silenced DKS-501.esp TAG: {{BASH: Deflst, Invent, Names, Relev, Stats}} SilencedSniperRiflesStd.esp SilencedSniperRiflesUnq.esp SnakesBandana.esp Solar-Scorcher.esp SolarScorcher.esp SR25Rifle.esp Star Trek Tri-Beam Phaser.esp //T Tactical Weapons by gRs Frederyck.esp TAG: {{BASH: Invent}} Tactical Weapons-Calibr-V3 762 fix.esp TAG: {{BASH: Invent}} REQ: CALIBR.esm SAY: Requires Tactical Weapons by gRs Frederyck.esp resources, but not the esp file Tactical Weapons-Calibr-V3.esp frederyck calibr fix-excalibrified.esp TAG: {{BASH: Invent}} frederyck tactical weapons + excalibr.esp TheFingerOfGod.esp TheProudAmerican.esp //U
Uniqueweapons.esp //V vashdeagle.esp VashDeagleV5.esp Vibroblade.esp //W WattzLasers.esp TAG: {{BASH: Delev, Stats, Relev}} Wattz Laser Weapons Mod.esp Wattz Laser Pistols Mod.esp Wattz Laser Non Replacer Mod.esp Wealisitc Wifles.esp Weapon - Some Katanas.esp WeaponsOfTheShogunate.esp WieldableTorches (Main).esp INC: Wieldable Torches (Optional).esp Wieldable Torches (Optional).esp INC: WieldableTorches (Main).esp WinchesterModel1894Yellowboy.esp WMKAA12Shotgun.esp TAG: {{BASH: Graphics}} DALCO Inventory Sorter - WMKAA12Shotgun.esp TAG: {{BASH: NoMerge, Names}} WMMP_Install.esp REQ: Anchorage.esm REQ: ThePitt.esm REQ: BrokenSteel.esm REQ: Zeta.esm REQ: PointLookout.esm REQ: WMMP_Master.esp WMMP_AMA [Swamp Folk].esp REQ: Anchorage.esm REQ: ThePitt.esm REQ: BrokenSteel.esm REQ: Zeta.esm REQ: PointLookout.esm REQ: WMMP_Master.esp WMMP_AMA [Mutants].esp REQ: Anchorage.esm REQ: ThePitt.esm REQ: BrokenSteel.esm REQ: Zeta.esm REQ: PointLookout.esm REQ: WMMP_Master.esp WMMP_AMA [Mutants][FWE5].esp REQ: FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esm REQ: Anchorage.esm REQ: ThePitt.esm REQ: BrokenSteel.esm REQ: Zeta.esm REQ: PointLookout.esm REQ: WMMP_Master.esp WMMP_AMA [Mutants][20CWv5].esp REQ: Anchorage.esm REQ: CALIBR.esm REQ: 20th Century Weapons.esm REQ: ThePitt.esm REQ: BrokenSteel.esm
REQ: Zeta.esm REQ: PointLookout.esm REQ: WMMP_Master.esp //X xCALIBRmunitions.esp TAG: {{BASH: Delev, Relev}} xCALIBRmunitions_FOSEnhancements.esp //Y YK40 Pulse Pistol.esp YK42B Pulse Rifle.esp //Z ZL-ACR.esp ZL-ACRForFWE.esp ZL-SVD.esp ZL-SVD-CALIBR.esp ZL-MP5 Pack.esp ENDGROUP: Weapons BEGINGROUP: Armor\Clothes //----------//* [DC RANGER ARSENAL v3] - DLC SKIRMISHER HELM.esp [DC RANGER ARSENAL v3] - DLC GEAR.esp TAG: {{BASH: Deflst}} REQ: Anchorage.esm [DC RANGER ARSENAL v3] - ITEM GENERATOR.esp 1SB_VenomousArmor.esp 12BoltDivingHelmet.esp 3EFdrg.esp 3EFdrgplate.esp 3EFhelmlessstealthsuit.esp 3EFwandererGear.esp //A ACU Battle Armor.esp Advanced Recon Armor.esp Advanced Recon Armor-Predator Mode.esp Advanced Recon Gear.esp Advanced Recon Tech.esp Advanced Recon Tech - Detect Traps.esp REQ: Detect Traps.esm REQ: Advanced Recon Tech.esm Advanced Recon Range Finder.esp AdvancedReconGear.esp AdvReconEasierStealth.esp IDreamOfElectricSheep.esp All Anchorage Armors Usable.esp Amy_Armor.esp APMPA.esp APMPA Stimpack restores All HP.esp APMPA Stimpack restores All HP Costs Stimpacks.esp Arcade'sNightwear.esp Armor Your Vault Suits.esp Armored Duster.esp AsharasFormalClothing.esp Assault Combat Gear.esp
//B BABEreconarmor.esp BBBackpacks-v1-1.esp TAG: {{BASH: Stats}} Bikini_Armor_TYPE3.esp BillieJean.esp Black Puppet Armor for Fo3.esp blackrock_shooter.esp BnB special armors.esp TAG: {{BASH: Invent, Relev}} BodyJewelry.esp BodyJewelryEx.esp BornAgain Outcast v3.esp BoS_DX.esp TAG: {{BASH: Graphics}} SAY: Do not use with latest FOOK2, it is already SAY: Old. Upgrade to latest version. BoSDX.esp TAG: {{BASH: Graphics}} SAY: Do not use with latest FOOK2, it is already WinterizedT51bDX.esp TAG: {{BASH: Graphics}} SAY: Do not use with latest FOOK2, it is already Outcast DX.esp TAG: {{BASH: Graphics}} SAY: Do not use with latest FOOK2, it is already Outcast DX - FWE patch.esp TAG: {{BASH: Graphics}} REQ: FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esm Tribal_DX.esp TAG: {{BASH: Deflst, Graphics}} SAY: Do not use with latest FOOK2, it is already BoS_FOOKedition_Armor.esp TAG: {{BASH: Graphics}} SAY: Do not use with latest FOOK2, it is already BSFeminizedPowerArmor.esp BunnySuit.esp
integrated. integrated.
//C Casdin - Technology In Volumes.esp Cat Outfit Fanged.esp TAG: {{BASH: Eyes}} SAY: Use either 'Cat Outfit Fanged.esp' or 'Cat Outfit Only.esp', not both. Cat Outfit Only.esp TAG: {{BASH: Eyes}} SAY: Use either 'Cat Outfit Fanged.esp' or 'Cat Outfit Only.esp', not both. clearhelmets4radsuits.esp TAG: {{BASH: Graphics}} Cobra.esp Colossus Outcast.esp colossus BOS.esp Colossus Headgear.esp Colossus Armor.esp Colossus Tesla Armor.esp REQ: Anchorage.esm colossus T51c.esp T51cReconhelm.esp COL Enclave VER2.esp TAG: {{BASH: Graphics}}
COL Enclave Hell.esp TAG: {{BASH: Graphics}} COW-CustamArmor.esp REQ: EnhancedChildren.esm REQ: AliciasCuteShop.esm CombatDuster.esp ClassicEnclaveAPA-german.esp ClassicEnclaveAPA-english.esp ClassicEnclaveAPA-Better-APA-german.esp ClassicEnclaveAPA-Better-APA-english.esp ClassicEnclaveAPA-Replacement-German.esp ClassicEnclaveAPA-Replacement-english.esp Crysis Marine Armor.esp CSwimsuit_and_Harness_recolor.esp ChineseStealthArmorFixed.esp Cybernetic Implants Xangi.esp //D DIM TYPE3 conversions.esp DIM TYPE3clothesRETAIL.esp DLC03_FemaleHellfire.esp doctorli_glasses.esp Dark_Temptress.esp Dark Justice Duster.esp Dogmeat Leather Armor - CRAFT.esp Dogmeat Leather Armor - no crafting.esp Shaikujins_Chrome_Dogmeat_Armour.esp Dragonskin Tactical Outfit.esp DragonskinBonusPack.esp //E Echo_UseBothGloves.esp EMPGrenadeKnockoutPowArmor.esp EnclavePACollars.esp EnclaveReconArmor.esp Expensive Pre-war suits.esp exnemprewarfix.esp //F FalsSexyT3Conversions.esp FatherandNun.esp FaithOutfit.esp FemalePowerArmor - Vanilla.esp FemalePowerArmor - FWE.esp Female Winterized T51-B.esp FeminizedPowerArmor.esp OAFeminizedPowerArmor.esp REQ: Anchorage.esm TPFeminizedPowerArmor.esp REQ: ThePitt.esm FetishLingerieSet.esp FetishFishnet.esp FieldJackets.esp FixedEyeglasses.esp Freebooter_Armor.esp FO3Ayumi.esp FO3Fate.esp FO3Moon.esp FO3Nami.esp FO3Tona.esp
FO3Western.esp FO3-Closing-merged.esp INC: FO3Tona.esp INC: FO3Western.esp INC: FO3Ayumi.esp INC: FO3Fate.esp INC: FO3Moon.esp INC: FO3Nami.esp FO3NeckChains.esp ForeheadGoggles.esp FrenchMaid.esp //G Gantz stuff.esp GentlemansUniform.esp Ghostbodysuitv3.esp GhostArmor HGEC - Conversion.esp Gloria Armor.esp Gundam_Armors.esp //H Hentai Mania.esp HY_direwolf_type3.esp HY_wastewar.esp //I ignis.esp //J japanese_menace.esp japanese_menace_lite.esp japanese_armor_set.esp Jagi.esp Jessica Outfit.esp JillBSAA.esp jonasclothesnonrplcr.esp SAY: Choose only one of jonasclothesnonrplcr.esp or jonasclothesreplacer.esp, not both. jonasclothesreplacer.esp SAY: Choose only one of jonasclothesnonrplcr.esp or jonasclothesreplacer.esp, not both. jotoughgirlFO3.esp //K K2_ArmorsRedone_Raiders.esp TAG: {{BASH: Graphics}} K2Clothes_BrownLeather03.esp K2Clothes_SheerWhite01.esp K2_Bubblegum.esp K2_GirlieGirlVaultBabe.esp TAG: {{BASH: Invent}} K2_GirlieGirlLeather.esp kikaiEquipment.esp Koukaku_Armor.esp //L Ladyoutfit1.esp LeatherBackpack - eng.esp LNC StealthSuit.esp
REQ: Anchorage.esm Lookout Outfits.esp LoxysCombinedClothingFF.esp Luka.esp //M Mantis07Reflex.esp ME2_Inferno Armor.esp Merc Adventurer Armor - eng.esp Metro 2033.esp Micro Bikini and more recolors.esp MicroBikini.esp MicroBikini_recolour.esp MissingUniqueArmorClothing-Base.esp MissingUniqueArmorClothing-Enhanced-NSF.esp MissingUniqueArmorClothing-Enhanced.esp MissingUniqueArmorClothing-RenamerOnly.esp ModBetterPArmorVanilla.esp TAG: {{BASH: Stats}} ModBetterPArmorAnchorage.esp TAG: {{BASH: Stats}} REQ: Anchorage.esm ModBetterPArmorPitt.esp TAG: {{BASH: Stats}} REQ: ThePitt.esm ModBetterPArmorSteel.esp TAG: {{BASH: Stats}} REQ: BrokenSteel.esm My Cloth Collection.esp Mysteriouswoman_clothesaddon.esp MZ-Weak-EbonTek.esp //N NaughtyRaiderArmor_EZStd.esp NAPA.esp Neo's Cowgirl.esp Neo's DOA Tina.esp Neo's DOA Christie.esp NEVECv1.esp nick-invisibleghoulmask.esp DALCO Inventory Sorter - IGM.esp TAG: {{BASH: NoMerge, Names}} NoInvisArcadeIndustries_SweetSneak.esp InvisArcadeIndustries_SweetSneak.esp SupremeRaiderArmor_Q.esp //O outcast_recon_armor.esp outcast_recon_armor_zeta.esp OutFits.esp //P PEDress.esp Persona_and_Secret.esp Pikachoo.esp Powered Power Armor.esp Power Armor Revival.esp Power Armor Revival - Operation Anchorage.esp Power Armor Revival - The Pitt.esp Power Armor Revival - Broken Steel.esp
Power Armor Revival - Advanced Power Armor.esp PPA - Operation Anchorage.esp REQ: Anchorage.esm PPA - Broken Steel.esp REQ: BrokenSteel.esm PPA - The Pitt.esp REQ: ThePitt.esp PPA - Mothership Zeta.esp REQ: Zeta.esm PPA - FWE.esp REQ: FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esm PPA - Super Human Jump Perk.esp REQ: super_jump_perk.esp PPA - Ambient Temperature.esp REQ: Ambient Temperature.esm REQ: Powered Power Armor.esp PPA - FWE 2.esp PPA - IMCN.esp REQ: IMCN.esm REQ: Powered Power Armor.esp Prototype Medic Armor Upgrade.esp //Q QNeverclockVaultsuits.esp QToughChickArmor.esp QToadletVaultsuit.esp //R RadioactiveSuit.esp Raider Combat Armor.esp Raider Combat Armor Pitt.esp REQ: ThePitt.esm Raider HeadGear.esp RaiderPowerArmor_lvl.esp RaiderPowerArmor_no_lvl.esp RD_ElderLyonsRobe.esp TAG: {{BASH: Graphics}} //S SchoolUniforms.esp Scorpion_Queen_Type3.esp Scout Outfits.esp SimpleEyePatch.esp TAG: {{BASH: Eyes, Invent}} Spartan Armor.esp StarWarsArmorV2.esp StealthArmorHelmLess.esp Stealthboy Recon Armor - CRAFT.esp StealthCamouflage.esp SteinerCombatGear.esp SomeClothes.esp sunglassescollection.esp Merged_RC_Sunglasses-Joes_v1.0.esp SwampfolkOutfit.esp //T T3T_CombatArmorSleeves.esp T3_leather armors.esp Tactical Vest CIRAS.esp Tactical Vest CIRAS - Vendor Restock Script.esp
TalonExtraArmor.esp Tattered_suits.esp TeddyPacks.esp Tesla Metal Armor.esp INC: Tesla Metal Armor (Extended).esp INC: Tesla Light Armor Redone.esp Tesla Metal Armor (Extended).esp INC: Tesla Metal Armor.esp INC: Tesla Light Armor Redone.esp Tesla Light Armor Redone.esp INC: Tesla Metal Armor (Extended).esp INC: Tesla Metal Armor.esp TeslaForGirls.esp Thermoptic PowerArmor Helmets.esp REQ: Thermal Vision.esm Thermoptic Glasses.esp REQ: Thermal Vision.esm TheWanderingRanger(Reilly's Rangers).esp TheWanderingRanger(The Locker).esp thongpack.esp Tribal & Ashur's Power Helmet.esp Testweapon Arms x Arms.esp Test-Weapon_additional armor.esp TAG: {{BASH: Invent}} Testweapon_SP MedicKuma-Spirits.esp TombRaider.esp Tonibiatch.esp Trooper_outfits.esp tubunarVanilla.esp TSoutfitv1.esp Type3Accessories.esp Type3Clothes.esp //U UndiesUnderneath.esp UrgeScarfFallout3.esp //V vaultgirlnp.esp vaultgirlrp.esp TAG: {{BASH: Graphics, Invent}} //W WaldosOutfit.esp Wasteland and Bog Outfits.esp Wasteland_Seductress.esp Wasteland Soldier Armor.esp WasteWearGloves.esp TAG: {{BASH: Relev}} WHSpaceMarineArmor.esp //XYZ XmasOutfits.esp Yoko'sOutfits.esp ENDGROUP: Armor\Clothes BEGINGROUP: Cosmetics //----------DIM CUSTOM PRESETS V1.3WEB.esp
Sparkling Eyes.esp REQ: HairPack.esm SparklingEyes for Eyelashes and HairPack Fix for MMM.esp REQ: Sparkling Eyes.esp F3Eyelashes.esp _R_Tribals.esp LingsFinerThings.esp SAY: Obselete update to latest version ( 31/) Lings Finer Things.esp LingsPrettyThings.esp TAG: {{BASH: Eyes, Hair, Invent, Names, NPC.Class, NPC.Race, NpcFaces, R.Attri butes-F, R.Attributes-M, R.Description, R.Head, R.Mouth, R.Teeth, Voice-F}} LingsPrettyThings-BrokenSteel.esp LingsPrettyThings-SeducingWomen.esp LingsPrettyThings-FOOK2-MMM.esp Lt Williams Companion.esp xCALIBRuniverse_LingsBrokenSteel.esp TAG: {{BASH: Actors.ACBS, Hair, NpcFaces}} xCALIBRuniverse_LingsPrettyThings.esp TAG: {{BASH: Actors.ACBS, Invent, NPC.Class, Voice-F}} Goth Girls Multipack.esp TAG: {{BASH: Eyes, Hair, Invent, NPC.Race, NpcFaces}} moirared.esp TAG: {{BASH: Invent}} Reclothing For LPT and Flash.esp TAG: {{BASH: Invent}} SAY: Outdated, use latest Wrye Flash version ENDGROUP: Cosmetics BEGINGROUP: Middle Misc A //----------//8 //A AS-R CALIBR Patch ONLY.esp AutoGates.esp TAG: {{BASH: Scripts}} CALIBR Ammo Schematics - CRAFT.esp INC: xCALIBR_Universe.esp Ammo_Schematics.esp REQ: CRAFT.esm AutomatScriptRemoved.esp //B Ballistics-ALL-MoreRealism.esp Bobbleheads Begone.esp TAG: {{BASH: Scripts}} BottleBrahminMilk.esp INC: BottleBrahminMilkFWE.esp BottleBrahminMilkFWE.esp REQ: FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esm INC: BottleBrahminMilk.esp Brahmin Dairy Products.esp Burnification.esp FleshBurninPlasma.esp
//C CantaburyCommonsGuards.esp TAG: {{BASH: Actors.ACBS}} CantaburyCommonsGuards - DTO.esp TAG: {{BASH: Actors.ACBS, Invent}} REQ: Dragonskin Tactical Armor.esp Childhood Beginning.esp REQ: EnhancedChildren.esm CB Add-on.esp Childhood Beginning v3 Tweaks.esp REQ: EnhancedChildren.esm CRAFT Improvised Weaponry.esp CRAFT Improvised Weaponry - Unmodeled.esp CRAFT Improvised Weaponry - FOOK+FWE.esp REQ: FOOK+FWE Merger //D DogmeatEssentialModv1.2.esp DogmeatEssentialToken.esp Move-Dogmeat.esp Dogmeat_WaitMegaton.esp Dogmeat_WaitMegaton v1.1.esp DogmeatStealth.esp Unique Dogmeat.esp cyber_meat.esp TAG: {{BASH: Graphics}} Dread Dogmeat.esp TAG: {{BASH: Scripts}} Kick Dogmeat.esp Slof's Alsatian Dogmeat.esp DeadlyTurrets.esp //E //F Force Start The Pitt.esp Friendly Portable Turrets.esp //G GamefeverleveledListRaiders3.esp //H //I IgDRDeathclawGauntletFix.esp Improved Turrets.esp Improved Turret Hacking.esp SAY: Old. Upgrade to latest version. Improved Turret Hacking - BASE.esp INC: Improved Turret Hacking - ALL.esp Improved Turret Hacking - BS.esp INC: Improved Turret Hacking - ALL.esp Improved Turret Hacking - Pitt.esp INC: Improved Turret Hacking - ALL.esp Improved Turret Hacking - PL.esp INC: Improved Turret Hacking - ALL.esp Improved Turret Hacking - ALL.esp REQ: ThePitt.ESM REQ: BrokenSteel.ESM REQ: PointLookout.esm
INC: Improved Turret Hacking - BASE.esp INC: Improved Turret Hacking - BS.esp INC: Improved Turret Hacking - Pitt.esp INC: Improved Turret Hacking - PL.esp Improved Turret Reprogramming - BASE.esp INC: Improved Turret Reprogramming - ALL.esp Improved Turret Reprogramming - BS.esp INC: Improved Turret Reprogramming - ALL.esp Improved Turret Reprogramming - Pitt.esp INC: Improved Turret Reprogramming - ALL.esp Improved Turret Reprogramming - PL.esp INC: Improved Turret Reprogramming - ALL.esp Improved Turret Reprogramming - ALL.esp REQ: ThePitt.ESM REQ: BrokenSteel.ESM REQ: PointLookout.esm INC: Improved Turret Reprogramming - BASE.esp INC: Improved Turret Reprogramming - BS.esp INC: Improved Turret Reprogramming - Pitt.esp INC: Improved Turret Reprogramming - PL.esp //J JHB House Robots Can Repair.esp jmschematics.esp //K KarmaRevamp1010.esp KarmaRevampExtreme1010.esp KarmaCannibalIncrease1010.esp KarmaChurchDecrease1010.esp KarmaHard1010.esp KarmaStealIncrease1010.esp KarmaThreshold1010.esp Ks_DynamicSneak.esp //L LaptopTerminals.esp LaptopTerminalsAnchorage.esp REQ: Anchorage.esm LaptopTerminalsPointLookout.esp REQ: PointLookout.esm LaptopTerminalsPitt.esp REQ: ThePitt.esm LaptopTerminalsBrokenSteel.esp REQ: BrokenSteel.esm LaptopTerminalsZeta.esp REQ: Zeta.esm //M Menu Based Hacking & Picking.esp SAY: DO not use with latest FWE, it is already integrated. OverMightyGold.esp TAG: {{BASH: Invent}} More Ammo.esp TAG: {{BASH: Relev}} More Ammo (Explosive).esp TAG: {{BASH: Relev}} Slightly More Ammo.esp TAG: {{BASH: Relev}} Slightly More Ammo (Explosive).esp
TAG: {{BASH: Relev}} Everso Slightly More Ammo.esp TAG: {{BASH: Relev}} //N Nova Interaction Revised.esp //O //P PHIG_SteadyAim.esp PowerOfTheAtom_FOOKandFWE.esp PP - Less Paranoid NPCs.esp //Q //R RealFragGrenade.esp SAY: upgrade to RealFragGrenade3.esp INC: RealFragGrenade3.esp RealFragGrenade3.esp INC: RealFragGrenade.esp Random Bobbleheads.esp ReneerInvisibleKarmaMod.esp //S safe_regulator_hq.esp Scavenger World - Updated v0.07.esp TAG: {{BASH: Relev}} REQ: PointLookout.esm SAY: Outdated, update to v0.08 Scavenger World - Updated v0.08.esp TAG: {{BASH: Relev}} REQ: PointLookout.esm Scavenger World - FWE Edition v0.07.esp TAG: {{BASH: Relev}} REQ: PointLookout.esm REQ: FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esm SAY: Outdated, update to v0.08 Scavenger World - FWE Edition v0.08.esp TAG: {{BASH: Relev}} REQ: PointLookout.esm REQ: FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esm ScavengerWasteland.esp TAG: {{BASH: Actors.AIData, Invent, Relev, Scripts}} SimpleSmokeo.esp TAG: {{BASH: Actors.AIPackages, Actors.Animations, Delev, Invent, Names, Relev }} Start_Energy_Weapon.esp TAG: {{BASH: Invent}} //T TL Freeze.esp TL [Color].esp TL_Color.esp //U //V Vault 87 [Script Reversion].esp
//W WRK - Plugin.esp TAG: {{BASH: Invent, Relev}} //X XSIngestibles.esp //Y //Z ZORTS - Content Destruction - Normal.esp REQ: Zumbs' Overhauled Real Time Security.esm INC: ZORTS - Content Destruction - Extreme.esp ZORTS - Content Destruction - Extreme.esp REQ: Zumbs' Overhauled Real Time Security.esm INC: ZORTS - Content Destruction - Normal.esp ZORTS - Custom HP.esp REQ: Zumbs' Overhauled Real Time Security.esm INC: ZORTS - Custom HP - FOOK2.esp INC: ZORTS - Custom HP - FWE.esp TAG: {{BASH: Scripts}} ZORTS - Custom HP - FOOK2.esp REQ: Zumbs' Overhauled Real Time Security.esm REQ: FOOK2 - Main.esp INC: ZORTS - Custom HP.esp INC: ZORTS - Custom HP - FWE.esp TAG: {{BASH: Scripts}} ZORTS - Custom HP - FWE.esp REQ: Zumbs' Overhauled Real Time Security.esm REQ: FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esp INC: ZORTS - Custom HP.esp INC: ZORTS - Custom HP - FOOK2.esp TAG: {{BASH: Scripts}} ZORTS - Disable FOOK2 activate.esp REQ: Zumbs' Overhauled Real Time Security.esm INC: ZORTS - Disable FWE activate.esp ZORTS - Disable FWE activate.esp REQ: Zumbs' Overhauled Real Time Security.esm INC: ZORTS - Disable FOOK2 activate.esp ZORTS - Lockbash only.esp REQ: Zumbs' Overhauled Real Time Security.esm ZORTS - Enable minigames.esp REQ: Zumbs' Overhauled Real Time Security.esm Zumbs'_Overhauled_Real_Time_Security.esp SAY: Please update to latest version. Zumbs'_Overhauled_Real_Time_Security_lockbash_only.esp SAY: Please update to latest version. Zumbs'_Overhauled_Real_Time_Security_minigames_enabled.esp SAY: Please update to latest version. ENDGROUP: Middle Misc A BEGINGROUP: Middle Misc B //----------Companion Core DLC Addon.esp REQ: Companion Core.esm REQ: Anchorage.ESM REQ: ThePitt.ESM REQ: BrokenSteel.ESM REQ: PointLookout.esm
REQ: Zeta.esm Wasteland Whisperer v2 Broken Steel Addon.esp REQ: Wasteland Whisperer v2.esm Wasteland Whisperer.esp RobCo Certified v2 Version Updater.esp REQ: RobCo Certified v2.esm RobCo Certified v2 Mechanist's Edition.esp REQ: RobCo Certified v2.esm RobCo Certified v2 Zeta Addon.esp REQ: RobCo Certified v2.esm Mr Smith's Scrapyard.esp REQ: RobCo Certified v2.esm REQ: ThePitt.ESM RobCo Certified.esp RobCo Certified - Robot Perks.esp RobCo Storage Module.esp RobCo Certified Engineer.esp RobCo Certified Engineer - Storage Enabled.esp RobCo Certified Engineer - Storage Enabled Fix.esp BuildableBots v0.3a.esp RobCo Engineer - Robot Repair.esp Buildablebots Robcert. addon.esp tubURP.esp MarcuzVanishingPiles_EVE_Add.esp REQ: EVE.esp VanishingPiles.esp Salvagable cars.esp Salvagable cars_Smallbooms.esp NVG Activator Crash Fix [Experimental].esp WSG Improved.esp XPReward20Percent.esp ThePitt-NoFireFollowers.esp KickDogs.esp Replenishment.esp TAG: {{BASH: Scripts}} UWWUT.esp TAG: {{BASH: Graphics}} INC: UWWUT_WT.esp UWWUT - The Pitt Addon.esp TAG: {{BASH: Graphics}} REQ: The Pitt.esm INC: UWWUT_WT - TP Addon.esp UWWUT - Broken Steel Addon.esp TAG: {{BASH: Graphics}} REQ: BrokenSteel.ESM INC: UWWUT_WT - BS Addon.esp UWWUT - WMK Addon.esp TAG: {{BASH: Graphics}} INC: UWWUT_WT - WMK Addon.esp UWWUT_WT.esp TAG: {{BASH: Graphics, Stats}} INC: UWWUT.esp UWWUT_WT - TP Addon.esp TAG: {{BASH: Graphics, Stats}} REQ: The Pitt.esm INC: UWWUT - The Pitt Addon.esp UWWUT_WT - BS Addon.esp TAG: {{BASH: Graphics, Stats}} REQ: BrokenSteel.ESM INC: UWWUT - Broken Steel Addon.esp
UWWUT_WT - WMK Addon.esp TAG: {{BASH: Graphics, Stats}} INC: UWWUT - WMK Addon.esp WeaponModKits-Unique.esp REQ: WeaponModKits.esp TAG: {{BASH: Graphics}} YX33A WMK MUW E WMK U Patch.esp unique_uniques.esp INC: unique_uniquesDLC.esp TAG: {{BASH: Graphics}} unique_uniquesCut.esp INC: unique_uniquesCutDLC.esp TAG: {{BASH: Graphics}} unique_uniquesDLC.esp INC: unique_uniques.esp TAG: {{BASH: Graphics}} unique_uniquesCutDLC.esp INC: unique_uniquesCut.esp TAG: {{BASH: Graphics}} T3T_MissingUniquesCompanion.esp Less Useless Karma Gifts.esp TAG: {{BASH: Relev, Delev}} Less Useless Karma Gifts 2.0.esp TAG: {{BASH: Relev, Delev}} S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of D.C..esp S.T.A.L.K.E.R. MOD.esp ARSENAL MOD.esp ARSENAL MOD_Test Box.esp Responsive Kill Reactions.esp I am Robot.esp ImmersiveHealth.esp ImmersiveHealth-LITE.esp AfrosNukaCola.esp TAG: {{BASH: Graphics, Stats}} NukaColaBottlingStation.esp Nuka Cola Enhanced.esp TAG: {{BASH: Graphics, Stats}} Nuka Cola Enhanced - FWE.esp TAG: {{BASH: Graphics, Stats}} REQ: FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esm REQ: Nuka Cola Enhanced.esp Bottle That Water.esp {{BASH: Scripts}} Bottle That Water Alternative.esp TAG: {{BASH: Scripts, Stats}} Bottle That Water Alternative - Broken Steel.esp TAG: {{BASH: Scripts, Stats}} REQ: BrokenSteel.esm Bottle That Water Alternative - Option B - BS.esp FWE-PN_BTWA_fix.esp AddBottle.esp SAY: DO not use with latest FWE or RI - Primary Needs, it is already integrate d. Empty Nuka-Cola Quantum Bottles.esp TAG: {{BASH: Names}} Persistent Skill Books.esp
SAY: DO not use with latest FWE, it is already integrated. FalloutFood.esp FalloutFoods - FWE Master Release.esp NoRadsVanilla10.esp VDSC.esp FOSEPerception Distance.esp PlasmaWeaponsRedesignRebalance.esp TAG: {{BASH: Graphics, Sound}} SAY: DO not use with latest FWE, it PlasmaRifleRedesign.esp TAG: {{BASH: Graphics, Sound}} SAY: DO not use with latest FWE, it PlasmaRifleRedesign_A321only.esp TAG: {{BASH: Graphics, Sound}} SAY: DO not use with latest FWE, it PlasmaRifleRedesign_standardonly.esp TAG: {{BASH: Graphics, Sound}} SAY: DO not use with latest FWE, it PlasmaPistolRedesign.esp TAG: {{BASH: Graphics, Sound}} SAY: DO not use with latest FWE, it
is already integrated. is already integrated. is already integrated. is already integrated. is already integrated.
PostalProjectile.esp Water Bottles 3000.esp TAG: {{BASH: Graphics, NoMerge, Deactivate}} schematics2.esp TAG: {{BASH: Graphics, NoMerge}} Item Descriptions Img.esp TAG: {{BASH: Graphics, NoMerge}} Gunfire Sound Range Increased.esp TAG: {{BASH: Sound, NoMerge, Deactivate}} Mark and recall.esp WYB-Base.esp REQ: WYB.esm INC: WYB-Base+DLCs-Merged.esp WYB-DLC-Anchorage.esp REQ: WYB.esm REQ: Anchorage.esm INC: WYB-Base+DLCs-Merged.esp WYB-DLC-ThePitt.esp REQ: WYB.esm REQ: ThePitt.esm INC: WYB-Base+DLCs-Merged.esp WYB-DLC-BrokenSteel.esp REQ: WYB.esm REQ: BrokenSteel.esm INC: WYB-Base+DLCs-Merged.esp WYB-DLC-PointLookout.esp REQ: WYB.esm REQ: PointLookout.esm INC: WYB-Base+DLCs-Merged.esp WYB-DLC-Zeta.esp REQ: WYB.esm REQ: Zeta.esm INC: WYB-Base+DLCs-Merged.esp WYB-Base+DLCs-Merged.esp REQ: WYB.esm
WYB-MOD-DCInteriors_Combo v2.5.esp REQ: WYB.esm REQ: DCInteriors_ComboEdition.esm WYB-MOD-DCInteriors_Combo v2.6+.esp REQ: WYB.esm REQ: DCInteriors_ComboEdition.esm WYB-OPT-WhiteCigarette.esp REQ: WYB.esm WYB-OPT-DynamicReplacer.esp REQ: WYB.esm Weld - Badge.esp TAG: {{BASH: Graphics, Actors.Anims, Invent}} Weld - Badge and Hat.esp TAG: {{BASH: Graphics, Actors.Anims, Invent}} Weld and Steel - Badges.esp TAG: {{BASH: Graphics, Actors.Anims, Invent}} Weld and Steel - Badges, only Weld hat.esp TAG: {{BASH: Graphics, Actors.Anims, Invent}} Deputy Weld and Steel - Badges and Hats.esp TAG: {{BASH: Graphics, Actors.Anims, Invent}} Deputy Weld and Steel - Badges Steel Hat.esp TAG: {{BASH: Graphics, Actors.Anims, Invent}} CMF-Zeta.esp REQ: Zeta.esm Anchorage - Extra Holotapes.esp REQ: Anchorage GaryHoloTape.esp TAG: {{BASH: Names}} Trucker Holotapes.esp TAG: {{BASH: Names}} MTCBigTownRobotFix.esp ENDGROUP: Middle Misc B BEGINGROUP: EVE Stuff //----------EVE Test Options.esp EVE Beta_0.9.4.esp SAY: Upgrade needed, there is a new version of EVE available. EVE.esp TAG: {{BASH: Delev, Graphics, Relev, Stats, Sound, Scripts}} EVE Operation Anchorage.esp TAG: {{BASH: Graphics, Sound}} REQ: Anchorage.ESM EVE Main - FWE Master Release.esp SAY: May cause crashes at start. If so disable this and find updated version. EVE - FWE Master Release.esp TAG: {{BASH: Actors.ACBS, Graphics, Invent, Stats, Sound}} EVE - FWE Master Release (Follower Enhanced).esp TAG: {{BASH: Graphics, Sound}} EVE - FWE Master Release (pulse fix).esp TAG: {{BASH: Actors.ACBS, Graphics, Invent, Stats, Stats}} REQ: CALIBR.esm EVE Anchorage - FWE DLC Anchorage.esp TAG: {{BASH: Graphics, Sound}} EVE - FWE with WeaponModKits.esp TAG: {{BASH: Graphics, Sound}} CFWRloadlastEVE.esp Apocalypse Armory + EVE.esp
TAG: {{BASH: Delev, Relev}} REQ: EVE EVE - FWE Patch.esp AA_FWE_EVE.esp AA_FWE_xCalibr+EVE.esp RH_EVE_Bridge.esp ENDGROUP: EVE Stuff BEGINGROUP: Mart's Mutant Mod //----------Mart's Mutant Mod.esp TAG: {{BASH: Delev, Relev}} REQ: Mart's Mutant Mod.esm DALCO Inventory Sorter - Mart's Mutant Mod (Main).esp TAG: {{BASH: NoMerge, Names}} Mart's Mutant Mod - UF3P.esp TAG: {{BASH: Invent}} PB MMM HD.esp IF VAR(FOOK2) ERROR: Old. Download the latest Project Beauty files. PB MMM.esp IF VAR(FOOK2) ERROR: Old. Download the latest Project Beauty files. Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Anchorage.esp TAG: {{BASH: Scripts}} REQ: Anchorage.ESM Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC The Pitt.esp TAG: {{BASH: Delev, Relev, Scripts}} REQ: ThePitt.ESM Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Broken Steel.esp TAG: {{BASH: Delev, Relev, Scripts}} REQ: BrokenSteel.ESM DALCO Inventory Sorter - Mart's Mutant Mod (DLC Broken Steel).esp TAG: {{BASH: NoMerge, Names}} Mart's Mutant Mod - UF3P - BS.esp REQ: Mart's Mutant Mod - UF3P.esp Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Point Lookout.esp TAG: {{BASH: Delev, Relev, Scripts}} REQ: PointLookout.ESM Project Beauty- Point Lookout MMM.esp TAG: {{BASH: NPC.Race, NpcFaces, NoMerge, Deactivate}} Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Zeta.esp TAG: {{BASH: Scripts}} REQ: Zeta.ESM DangerousRadroaches_MMM.esp TAG: {{BASH: Actors.CombatStyle}} Mart's Mutant Mod - No Abominable Mutants.esp TAG: {{BASH: Relev}} Mart's Mutant Mod - No Corpse Flies.esp TAG: {{BASH: Relev}} Mart's Mutant Mod - No DLC Increased Spawns.esp Mart's Mutant Mod - No Floaters.esp TAG: {{BASH: Relev}} Mart's Mutant Mod - No Geckos.esp TAG: {{BASH: Relev}} Mart's Mutant Mod - No Ghoul Raise.esp Mart's Mutant Mod - No Iguanas.esp TAG: {{BASH: Relev}} Mart's Mutant Mod - No Size Scaling.esp Mart's Mutant Mod - No Skeleton Decay.esp Mart's Mutant Mod - No Stalker Creatures.esp TAG: {{BASH: Relev}}
Mart's Mutant Mod - No Wanamingos.esp TAG: {{BASH: Relev}} Mart's Mutant Mod - Feral Ghoul Rampage.esp TAG: {{BASH: Relev}} Mart's Mutant Mod - Increased Increased Spawns.esp TAG: {{BASH: Relev}} Mart's Mutant Mod - Increased Spawns.esp TAG: {{BASH: Relev}} Mart's Mutant Mod - Reduced Wasteland Spawns.esp TAG: {{BASH: Delev, Relev}} Mart's Mutant Mod - Zones Respawn.esp IF VAR(FWE) SAY: Included in FWE - Not Required Mart's Mutant Mod - Tougher Traders.esp TAG: {{BASH: Actors.Stats, Factions, Relations}} IF VAR(FWE) SAY: Included in FWE - Not Required Mart's Mutant Mod - Hunting & Looting.esp Mart's Mutant Mod - Natural Selection.esp TAG: {{BASH: Relations}} IF VAR(FWE) SAY: Included in FWE - Not Required Mart's Mutant Mod - Mutant Mod Menu.esp SAY: Obsolete. Update MMM to latest version. Mart's Mutant Mod - Master Menu Module.esp Mart's Mutant Mod - Soft Unleveler.esp SAY: Use either 'Soft Unleveler' or 'Soft Unleveler Hardcore' but not both. Mart's Mutant Mod - Soft Unleveler Hardcore.esp SAY: Use either 'Soft Unleveler' or 'Soft Unleveler Hardcore' but not both. Mart's Mutant Mod - Dynamic Player Scaling.esp Mart's Mutant Mod - Zombie Cementery.esp Project Beauty- MMM Raiders.esp IF VAR(FOOK2) ERROR: Old. Download the latest Project Beauty files. Mart's Mutant Mod - Project Beauty (HD Addition).esp TAG: {{BASH: NPC.Race, NpcFaces, NoMerge}} IF VAR(FOOK2) ERROR: Old. Download the latest Project Beauty files. Mart's Mutant Mod - Project Beauty.esp TAG: {{BASH: NPC.Race, NpcFaces, NoMerge}} Mart's Mutant Mod - Project Beauty + FWE.esp TAG: {{BASH: NPC.Race, NpcFaces, NoMerge}} CP - FACE3 NPCS [MMM].esp TAG: {{BASH: NPC.Race, NpcFaces, NoMerge}} CP - FACE3 [MMM] Racefix.esp TAG: {{BASH: NPC.Race, NpcFaces, NoMerge}} Mart's Mutant Mod - FOOK.esp IF VAR(FOOK2) ERROR: Get FOOK2 Mart's Mutant Mod - FOOK2.esp REQ: FOOK2 - Main.ESM and Mart's Mutant Mod.esm TAG: {{BASH: Relations}} Mart's Mutant Mod - FOOK2 - DIK.esp REQ: FOOK2 - Main.ESM REQ: FOOK2 - [DIK] DLC Improvement Kit.esm and Mart's Mutant Mod.esm TAG: {{BASH: Relations}} Mart's Mutant Mod - FOOK2 - Natural Selection.esp Mart's Mutant Mod - GSoS CaSO.esp CT_FalloutAdvanced - MMM.esp ARSENAL MOD+MMM.esp ARSENAL MOD+Mart's Mutant Mod.esp Mutant perks for MMM 1.9.esp S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of D.C.+MMM.esp S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Mutants[addon for MMM].esp Mart's Mutant Mod - FWE Master Release.esp TAG: {{BASH: Invent, Relations}}
REQ: FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esm DALCO Inventory Sorter - MMM - FWE.esp TAG: {{BASH: NoMerge, Names}} Mart's Mutant Mod - FWE Master Release + DLCs.esp TAG: {{BASH: Invent, Relations, Scripts}} REQ: ThePitt.esm REQ: BrokenSteel.esm REQ: FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esm Mart's Mutant Mod - FWE Master Release + Project Beauty.esp TAG: {{BASH: NPC.Race, NpcFaces, NoMerge}} Mart's Mutant Mod - FWE with EVE.esp TAG: {{BASH: Invent, Relations}} REQ: FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esm REQ: EVE.esp Mart's Mutant Mod - Project Beauty + FWE.esp TAG: {{BASH: NPC.Race, NpcFaces, NoMerge}} Mart's Mutant Mod - Project Beauty (HD Addition).esp TAG: {{BASH: NPC.Race, NpcFaces, NoMerge}} IF VAR(FOOK2) ERROR: Old. Download the latest Project Beauty files. Mart's Mutant Mod - Linged.esp Mart's Mutant Mod - CFW.esp Mart's Mutant Mod - XFO.esp MMM - FWE & Overhaul Kit_Master Release.esp SAY: Outdated. Update to latest version of FWE - Combat Overhaul MMM - FWE Overhaul Kit_Master Release Alpha.esp SAY: Outdated. Update to latest version of FWE - Combat Overhaul MMM - FWE_Combat Overhaul Master Release.esp TAG: {{BASH: Actors.ACBS, Actors.Stats, Factions, Graphics, Invent, Relations, Scripts, Stats}} REQ: Mart's Mutant Mod - FWE Master Release.esp MMM_RtSS_Mod.esp EVE - MMM Patch.esp ENDGROUP: Mart's Mutant Mod BEGINGROUP: Companions //----------//New Companions\ AmyWong - FOSE.esp REQ: AmyWong.esm AmyWong - DLCs.esp REQ: AmyWong.esm REQ: Anchorage.esm REQ: ThePitt.esm REQ: BrokenSteel.esm REQ: PointLookout.esm REQ: Zeta.esm AmyWong - DLCs (FOOK2 1.1 DIK).esp REQ: AmyWong.esm REQ: FOOK2 - [DIK] DLC Improvement Kit.esm INC: AmyWong - DLCs.esp AmyWong - DLC01 Anchorage.esp REQ: AmyWong.esm REQ: Anchorage.esm INC: AmyWong - DLCs.esp AmyWong - DLC02 The Pitt.esp REQ: AmyWong.esm REQ: ThePitt.esm INC: AmyWong - DLCs.esp AmyWong - DLC03 Broken Steel.esp REQ: AmyWong.esm
REQ: BrokenSteel.esm INC: AmyWong - DLCs.esp AmyWong - DLC04 Pt.Lookout.esp REQ: AmyWong.esm REQ: PointLookout.esm INC: AmyWong - DLCs.esp AmyWong - DLC05 Zeta.esp REQ: AmyWong.esm REQ: Zeta.esm INC: AmyWong - DLCs.esp AmyWong - CALIBR 1.3 (FWE 5).esp REQ: AmyWong.esm REQ: CALIBR.esm INC: AmyWong - CALIBR 1.3.esp INC: AmyWong - CALIBR 1.2.esp AmyWong - CALIBR 1.3.esp REQ: AmyWong.esm REQ: CALIBR.esm INC: AmyWong - CALIBR 1.3.esp INC: AmyWong - CALIBR 1.3 (FWE 5).esp AmyWong - CALIBR 1.2.esp REQ: AmyWong.esm REQ: CALIBR.esm INC: AmyWong - CALIBR 1.3 (FWE 5).esp INC: AmyWong - CALIBR 1.2.esp AmyWong - FWE 5.esp REQ: AmyWong.esm REQ: FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esm FWE6-AmyWong fix.esp REQ: CRAFT.esm REQ: AmyWong.esm REQ: FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esm REQ: AmyWong - FWE 5.esp AmyWong - FOOK2.esp REQ: AmyWong.esm REQ: FOOK2 - Main.ESM AmyWong - FOOK2 1.1.esp REQ: AmyWong.esm REQ: FOOK2 - Main.ESM amywongmodmod.esp REQ: AmyWong.esm ARC - Assembled Robotic Companions.esp TAG: {{BASH: Invent, Stats}} RHKBrisaAlmodovar - Custom - Lings.esp REQ: Lings.esm RHKBrisaAlmodovar - Custom - PB HD.esp REQ: Project Beauty.esm RHKBrisaAlmodovar - DLC - Anch.esp REQ: Anchorage.esm Brisa and FWE - Primary Needs Patch.esp REQ: FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esm Brisa - FWE Skill Books Compatibility.esp REQ: FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esm Brisa - Cooking with FWE & MMM 6.esp REQ: CRAFT.esm REQ: CALIBR.esm REQ: FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esm REQ: Mart's Mutant Mod.esm REQ: RHKBrisaAlmodovar.esm
INC: Brisa and FWE - Primary Needs Patch.esp ChildrenEmpire Soldiers.esp ChildrenEmpire Enemies.esp DanteCompanion.esp EnclaveCommander.esp EnclaveCommander-OA.esp GaryCompanion.esp JessiCompanion.esp jasmine.esp Kat_Companion_V1.0a.esp Kat_Companion_V1.0b.esp KelseyCompanion.esp KingCompanion.esp mika.esp mika_essential.esp outcast_comp.esp Sgt. Rock.esp slaveraider.esp slaveraider_newlook.esp TAG: {{BASH: Graphics}} SCC 187GURLZ.esp REQ: Sharing and Caring Companions.esm Shojo Companions.esp ENDGROUP: Companions BEGINGROUP: Vanilla NPCs Become Campanions //----------Better Companions Ess.esp Better Companions Clover Ess.esp Better Companions NonEss.esp bittercup_comp.esp BriannaCompanion.esp CompanionPowerup.esp CharonImproved.esp TAG: {{BASH: Actors.AIPackages}} llama's Vanilla Followers for Charon Improved.esp TAG: {{BASH: Actors.ACBS, Actors.AIPackages, Stats}} Get Your Cherry Back.esp TAG: {{BASH: Actors.ACBS, Actors.AIPackages}} CompanionCherry.esp TAG: {{BASH: Actors.Stats}} FEM - BABE enabler.esp REQ: FEM.esm FEM - DIMON enabler.esp REQ: FEM.esm FEM - EXNEM enabler.esp
REQ: FEM.esm FEM - FANTASY enabler.esp REQ: FEM.esm FEM - GROWLF enabler.esp REQ: FEM.esm FEM - MALOS enabler.esp REQ: FEM.esm FEM - NAOUAK enabler.esp REQ: FEM.esm FEM - NILE enabler.esp REQ: FEM.esm FEM - UF3 enabler.esp REQ: FEM.esm FEMed TYPE3 Cloths.esp Frazzled.esp Follower Amata ULTIMATE.esp Follower Autumn.esp FollowersHireContinued-KarmaCheck-NoCharismaCheck-NoCountCheck.esp FollowersHireContinued-CharismaCheck-KarmaCheck.esp FollowersHireContinued-CharismaCheck-NoKarmaCheck.esp FollowersHireContinued-NoChecks.esp JHBCloverPlus.esp NoKarmaCheckToBuyClover.esp Lil_Critters.esp Lil_Critters_NG.esp LucyWestCompanion.esp MegatonCompanions.esp mmMoleRatMount.esp MTC RealWildnessLife.esp TAG: {{BASH: Relations}} mesme.esp TAG: {{BASH: Actors.ACBS}} Mystyk's Followers.esp Mysteriouswoman_outfitonly.esp Mysteriouswoman_scout.esp Mysteriouswoman_dress.esp Mysteriouswoman_dressncoat.esp Mysteriouswoman_topless.esp Mysteriouswoman_underwearncoat.esp Mysteriouswoman_underwear.esp Mysteriouswoman_corsetntrousers.esp Mysteriouswoman_alternativetop.esp Mysteriouswoman_sexytopless.esp MysteriousHottieA.esp Original Moira Brown.esp RoadWardens.esp SAY: If using MMM, use 'RoadWardensMMM.esp' instead RoadWardensMMM.esp Sarah Lyons Companion.esp SeducingWomen_-_override.esp SeducedDLC03.esp SeducingWomen_patch_156.esp Sydney Follower.esp Sydney Follower - Recruitment Fix.esp
Sydney Follower - FWE Dialog Fix.esp ENDGROUP: Vanilla NPCs Become Campanions BEGINGROUP: Companion Compatability / Fixes //----------CBOv1.4.esp CBOv1.4_bittercup_comp.esp CBOv1.4_bittercup_comp_restyled.esp CBOv1.4_bittercup_comp_waitrelax_restyled.esp CBOv1.4_the_other_bittercup_comp_waitrelax.esp CBOv1.4_spcross_dimonized_brazilian_b.esp CBOv1.4_slaveraider.esp COCOA - bittercup_comp.esp REQ: bittercup_comp.esp COCOA - BriannaCompanion.esp REQ: BriannaCompanion.esp COCOA - BrokenSteel.esp REQ: BrokenSteel.esm COCOA - Dogmeat Leather Armor - CRAFT.esp REQ: Dogmeat Leather Armor - CRAFT.esp COCOA - Dogmeat Leather Armor - no crafting.esp REQ: Dogmeat Leather Armor - no crafting.esp COCOA - Follower Amata ULTIMATE.esp REQ: Follower Amata ULTIMATE.esp COCOA - FWE Followers Enhanced (Broken Steel).esp REQ: BrokenSteel.esm REQ: CRAFT.esm REQ: CALIBR.esm REQ: FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esm COCOA - FWE Followers Enhanced.esp REQ: FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esm COCOA - JessiCompanion.esp REQ: JessiCompanion.esp COCOA - Kat_Companion_V1.0a.esp REQ: Kat_Companion_V1.0a.esp COCOA - Kat_Companion_V1.0b.esp REQ: Kat_Companion_V1.0b.esp COCOA - KelseyCompanion.esp REQ: KelseyCompanion.esp COCOA - LucyWestCompanion.esp REQ: LucyWestCompanion.esp COCOA - outcast_comp.esp REQ: outcast_comp.esp COCOA - RHKBrisaAlmodovar.esp REQ: RHKBrisaAlmodovar.esm COCOA - Sarah Lyons Companion.esp REQ: Sarah Lyons Companion.esp COCOA - slaveraider.esp REQ: slaveraider.esp COCOA - Sydney Follower.esp REQ: Sydney Follower.esp resetfollowers_v3.3.esp ENDGROUP: Companion Compatability / Fixes BEGINGROUP: Realism Mods //----------GunFollowCrosshair.esp Headshot Realist.esp
BetterHeadshots.esp WRWC - Classic Fallout.esp SAY: Use one one type of Weapon Restriction while Crippled WRWC - Right Handed.esp SAY: Use one one type of Weapon Restriction while Crippled RI_Base3.esp RI_DoctorCost.esp RI_CrippledEffects.esp RI_LootTableRI.esp TAG: {{BASH: Delev}} RI_PNeeds2S.esp RI_Alcohol.esp RI_PNMMM.esp RI_PNAnchorage.esp RI_FOSE.esp RI_LootTablePN.esp TAG: {{BASH: Delev}} RI_PN_DLC.esp RI_PrimaryNeeds_DUI_Plugin.esp RiPnO CorePatch.esp Imp's More Complex Needs.esp TAG: {{BASH: Delev, Relev, Stats}} REQ: IMCN.esm IMCN - 5 DLC Merged.esp TAG: {{BASH: Stats}} REQ: IMCN.esm REQ: Anchorage.esm REQ: ThePitt.esm REQ: BrokenSteel.esm REQ: PointLookout.esm REQ: Zeta.esm IMCN - Operation Anchorage.esp TAG: {{BASH: Stats}} REQ: IMCN.esm REQ: Anchorage.esm INC: IMCN - 5 DLC Merged.esp IMCN - The Pitt.esp TAG: {{BASH: Stats}} REQ: IMCN.esm REQ: ThePitt.esm INC: IMCN - 5 DLC Merged.esp IMCN - Broken Steel.esp TAG: {{BASH: Stats}} REQ: IMCN.esm REQ: BrokenSteel.esm INC: IMCN - 5 DLC Merged.esp IMCN - Point Lookout.esp TAG: {{BASH: Stats}} REQ: IMCN.esm REQ: PointLookout.esm INC: IMCN - 5 DLC Merged.esp IMCN - Mothership Zeta.esp TAG: {{BASH: Stats}} REQ: IMCN.esm REQ: Zeta.esm INC: IMCN - 5 DLC Merged.esp IMCN - FWE Compatibility and Ingestibles.esp TAG: {{BASH: Stats}} REQ: IMCN.esm REQ: FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esm
IMCN - FOOK2 Ingestibles.esp TAG: {{BASH: Stats}} REQ: IMCN.esm REQ: FOOK2 - Main.ESM IMCN - BLTC Compatibility and Ingestibles.esp TAG: {{BASH: Stats}} REQ: IMCN.esm REQ: bltc.esp INC: IMCN - FWE Compatibility and Ingestibles.esp IMCN - BLTC RiPnO Combined Compatibility.esp REQ: IMCN.esm REQ: bltc.esp REQ: RI_Core.esm REQ: RiPnO Core Patch.esp INC: IMCN - FWE Compatibility and Ingestibles.esp IMCN - RiPnO Compatibility and Ingestibles.esp TAG: {{BASH: Stats}} REQ: IMCN.esm REQ: RI_Core.esm REQ: RiPnO Core Patch.esp INC: IMCN - FWE Compatibility and Ingestibles.esp IMCN - MMM Meats, Bloods, and Eyeballs.esp TAG: {{BASH: Delev, Relev, Stats}} REQ: IMCN.esm REQ: Mart's Mutant Mod.esm IMCN - Forced Initialization.esp REQ: IMCN.esm IMCN - Ambient Temperature.esp REQ: Ambient Temperature.esm PPA - IMCN.esp REQ: Powered Power Armor.esp Fallout Fatigue v2.esp bltc.esp BLTC Immersion Patch.esp BLTC Hypo Fix.esp BLTC Less Addictions.esp BLTC No Visual Effects.esp BLTC No Overdosing.esp CP - RiPnO [bltc032].esp CP - RiPnO [MMM] Meats.esp RiPnO - OPTIONAL - Cola Heals.esp Realistic Explosions.esp Explosive Explosives v1.3.esp RealPhysicsLessCarExplosions.esp Sensible Dismemberment Lite.esp Sensible Dismemberment.esp ENDGROUP: Realism Mods BEGINGROUP: Later Misc //----------//* 1PipboyPDA.esp 1stPersonKnockDowns VATS Working!.esp 20thCWItemPlacement2.esp //A ACE2-0.esp ACE2-1b.esp Accurate Sniper Rifles.esp Action_Boy_hacking.esp
All Companions Essential.esp TAG: {{BASH: Actors.ACBS}} allspeak.esp allspeak0a.esp allspeaktp.esp allspeakbs.esp allspeakpl.esp allspeakmz.esp allspeakdlc.esp allspeakcreatures.esp Ammo Press Fix.esp AMPUTATE!.esp TAG: {{BASH: Scripts}} AsharasPresets.esp Attentater's Wasteland Economy.esp TAG: {{BASH: Names}} //B BA_RepairVanilla.esp TAG: {{BASH: Deflst}} BA_RepairVanillaXtras.esp BA_RepairAnchorage.esp BA_RepairAnchorageXtras.esp BA_RepairThePitt.esp TAG: {{BASH: Deflst}} BA_RepairThePittXtras.esp BA_RepairBrokenSteel.esp BA_RepairBrokenSteelXtras.esp BA_RepairPointLookout.esp BA_RepairZeta.esp BA_RepairZetaXtras.esp BA_RepairGOTY.esp TAG: {{BASH: Deflst}} BA_RepairGOTYXtras.esp BAN - Dupe This.esp bittercup_6.esp TAG: {{BASH: Delev, Relev, ScriptContents}} BoS Diversification.esp BoS Diversification - Broken Steel.esp BOC Diversification.esp BOC Diversification - Operation Anchorage.esp body blood replacment.esp Brahmin Cattles ENG v1 - FWE patch.esp //C CasdinExtras.esp ChildKiller.esp TAG: {{BASH: Actors.ACBS, Scripts}} Cliff's_Sellable_Body_Parts.esp ColeensTent.esp CombatEnhanced-Package v02.esp Core Robots - The Eyebots.esp REQ: Anchorage.esm REQ: ThePitt.esm REQ: BrokenSteel.esm REQ: PointLookout.esm REQ: Zeta.esm Core Robots - The Handy.esp REQ: BrokenSteel.esm
Core Robots - The Protectrons.esp REQ: ThePitt.esm REQ: BrokenSteel.esm REQ: PointLookout.esm Core Robots - The Robobrains.esp REQ: Anchorage.esm REQ: ThePitt.esm REQ: BrokenSteel.esm REQ: PointLookout.esm REQ: Zeta.esm CrossRepairWeapons.esp CrossRepairArmor.esp //D Devour Gore.esp DLM_FFOutcastsQuest(FWEEd).esp DLM_FFOutcastsQuest_Override.esp REQ: FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esm REQ: DLM_FFOutcastsQuest(FWEEd).esp DLM_FFOutcastsQuest_Override-BS.esp REQ: BrokenSteel.esm REQ: FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esm REQ: DLM_FFOutcastsQuest(FWEEd).esp DLM_FFOutcastsQuest_Override-DLC.esp REQ: Anchorage.esm REQ: BrokenSteel.esm REQ: Zeta.esm REQ: FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esm REQ: DLM_FFOutcastsQuest(FWEEd).esp DWCRedux.esp //E Easier_hacking_5_8.esp SAY: Choose only one of Easier_hacking_5_8.esp or Lucky_hacking_5.esp, not bot h Lucky_hacking_5.esp SAY: Choose only one of Easier_hacking_5_8.esp or Lucky_hacking_5.esp, not bot h ek.BrokenSteel.esp EnduranceBasedHealthRegen.esp EWE Load Order Fix.esp EWE Stormfront Studios Load Order Fix.esp EWE DLC Addon.esp TAG: {{BASH: Deflst, Graphics, Stats}} //F FaceMe-MMM.esp FaceMe-MMM Tougher Traders.esp Flashlight-Performance.esp Flashlight-LOS.esp Flashlight-LOS-nonFOSE.esp Flashlight-Performance-nonFOSE.esp FleshBurningPlasma.esp FasterMorePowerfulMines.esp FatmanExp.esp FourEyes.esp FreePumpkin-perk.esp FreePumpkin.esp //Fallout 3 Sexus
Fallout 3 Sexus Enemies.esp Fallout 3 Sexus - DLC The Pitt.esp Fallout 3 Sexus with Children Empire.esp SAY: Obsolete. Update to latest version. sexus_no_trouble_for3_0_2.esp REQ: Fallout 3 Sexus.esm zzzSexusParasiteAddon.esp REQ: Fallout 3 Sexus.esm //G Gifts4Kids.esp Gore_No_More.esp Ghouls Cohabitate.esp TAG: {{BASH: ScriptContents}} GTent.esp GTent-MMM.esp REQ: GTent.esp REQ: Mart's Mutant Mod.esm GTent-FWE.esp REQ: FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esm REQ: CRAFT.esm GTent-FWE-MMM.esp REQ: GTent-FWE.esp REQ: Mart's Mutant Mod.esm GTent-FWE-WMK.esp REQ: GTent-FWE.esp REQ: WeaponModKits.esp //H Hacking Cheat.esp HoloPipboyWristband.esp //I I'll Touch What I Want.esp infiltrations.esp TAG: {{BASH: Scripts}} improved_glasses.esp improved_shades.esp improved_shades_zumbs.esp Inebriation.esp INC: Inebriation.esp Inebriation-FOSE.esp INC: Inebriation-FOSE.esp ipipextended.esp //J //K K9Breeds.esp K9BreedsMoreDogs.esp K9BreedsPatchDLCPitt.esp REQ: ThePitt.esm K9BreedsPatchMMM.esp REQ: Mart's Mutant Mod.esm REQ: Mart's Mutant Mod.esp REQ: K9Breeds.esp Keep Anchorage Equipment.esp KillableKids.esp SAY: Choose only one 'KillableKids' ESP.
KillableKidsOptional.esp SAY: Choose only one 'KillableKids' ESP. KillableKidsNormalHealth.esp SAY: Choose only one 'KillableKids' ESP. KillableKidsNormalHealthOptional.esp SAY: Choose only one 'KillableKids' ESP. KillableKidsNoExtras.esp SAY: Choose only one 'KillableKids' ESP. AttackableBrats.esp SAY: Choose only one 'Brats' ESP. KillableBrats.esp SAY: Choose only one 'Brats' ESP. BadAssBrats.esp SAY: Choose only one 'Brats' ESP. KillableChildren.esp KillableChildren - MMM.esp KillableChildren - CotW.esp Kill and Loot Unconscious Essential NPCs.esp INC: Kill and Loot Unconscious Essential NPCs_NoGore.esp INC: Kill and Loot Unconscious Essential NPCs_FOSE.esp Kill and Loot Unconscious Essential NPCs_FOSE.esp INC: Kill and Loot Unconscious Essential NPCs.esp INC: Kill and Loot Unconscious Essential NPCs_NoGore.esp Kill and Loot Unconscious Essential NPCs_NoGore.esp INC: Kill and Loot Unconscious Essential NPCs.esp INC: Kill and Loot Unconscious Essential NPCs_FOSE.esp Knight Finley Companion.esp knockdowns.esp //L Laboratory.esp TAG: {{BASH: Scripts}} REQ: BrokenSteel.esm REQ: PointLookout.esm REQ: Zeta.esm QuantumLab.esp TAG: {{BASH: Scripts}} Laboratory (BS).esp TAG: {{BASH: Scripts}} REQ: BrokenSteel.esm Laboratory (PL).esp TAG: {{BASH: Scripts}} REQ: PointLookout.esm QuantumLab (PL).esp TAG: {{BASH: Scripts}} REQ: PointLookout.esm Laboratory (MZ).esp TAG: {{BASH: Scripts}} REQ: Zeta.esm QuantumLab (MZ).esp TAG: {{BASH: Scripts}} REQ: Zeta.esm Laboratory (BS & PL).esp TAG: {{BASH: Scripts}} REQ: BrokenSteel.esm REQ: PointLookout.esm Laboratory (BS & MZ).esp TAG: {{BASH: Scripts}} REQ: BrokenSteel.esm REQ: Zeta.esm
Laboratory (PL & MZ).esp TAG: {{BASH: Scripts}} REQ: PointLookout.esm REQ: Zeta.esm QuantumLab (PL & MZ).esp TAG: {{BASH: Scripts}} REQ: PointLookout.esm REQ: Zeta.esm Less_Blood.esp LightweightFoodSanitizer.esp TAG: {{BASH: Stats}} LiteChemWearoffFX.esp //M Megaton Closes.esp MercenaryExpanded.esp MercenaryExpanded[MMM].esp MercenaryExpanded[WMK].esp MercenaryExpanded[M&W].esp Mighty Mouse Alternative 4.esp Misc Mod.esp MiscWeightFix.esp TAG: {{BASH: Stats}} MrSlackPants-Explosions.esp MZAllAccessPass.esp REQ: Zeta.esm MZ No Karma Loss.esp MZC Addon - Shorter Zeta DLC (turrets).esp REQ: Zeta.esm MZC Addon - Shorter Zeta DLC.esp REQ: Zeta.esm MZC Addon - ADV Recon.esp REQ: Zeta.esm REQ: Mothership Crew.esm REQ: Advanced Recon Tech.esm MZC Addon - Gear Improve - ADV Recon.esp REQ: Zeta.esm REQ: Mothership Crew.esm REQ: Advanced Recon Tech.esm MZC Addon - Tyranid to Xenomorph (old name).esp REQ: Zeta.esm REQ: Mothership Crew.esm MZC Addon - Tyranid to Xenomorph (new name).esp REQ: Zeta.esm REQ: Mothership Crew.esm MZC Addon - MZC-IMCN Patch.esp REQ: Zeta.esm REQ: Mothership Crew.esm REQ: IMCN.esm MZC Addon - Gear Improv-All in One.esp MZC Addon-Olympus Armory.esp MZC Addon-Olympus Armory (forecefield).esp //N NippersWeaponNips.esp NippersArmorNips.esp NoQuestItems.esp NoStupidExplosiveCars.esp NoTheftComments.esp
NTFS.esp NVFAAPANoTex.esp //O Outcast Collection Agent Expanded.esp Outcast Collection Agent Expanded - DLC Plugin.esp oroLookoutFix.esp Owned!.esp TAG: {{BASH: Factions}} //P PHIG_IncreasedLocationalDamage.esp PHIG_IncreasedDamageLITE.esp PHIG_IncreasedDamageLOWERLEVELHP.esp PHIG_IncreasedArmor.esp PHIG_GunKnockdownsTOUGHERSUPERS.esp PHIG_GunKnockdownsSpecialScriptedEdition.esp PHIG_SteadyAimPERKONLY.esp Point Lookout Travel Fix.esp Portable Camp.esp PortableCampStuff - WMK.esp WeaponModKits - PortableCampStuff.esp PPA - Readius.esp REQ: 1PipboyPDA.esp //Q QuantumForAll!.esp Quantum Fridge Maker.esp //R RaiderExpanced.esp RaiderMercenaryExpanded.esp RaiderExpanded[MMM].esp RaiderMercenaryExpanded[MMM].esp RaiderExpanded[WMK].esp RaiderMercenaryExpanded[WMK].esp RaiderExpanded[M&W].esp RaiderMercenaryExpanded[M&W].esp RaiderGirls_vanilla_adult.esp RaiderGirls_vanilla_003.esp RaiderGirls_pitt.esp REQ: ThePitt.esm Recoil.esp RebalancedFire-Vanilla.esp INC: RebalancedFire-BrokenSteel.esp RebalancedFire-BrokenSteel.esp REQ: BrokenSteel.esm INC: RebalancedFire-Vanilla.esp repairfix.esp Updated XRepair.esp AnchoRepair.esp PittRepair.esp BSteelRepair.esp PLookoutRepair.esp MZetaRepair.esp RRRU +4 UFP.esp TAG: {{BASH: Deflst}} REQ: Anchorage.esm REQ: ThePitt.esm REQ: BrokenSteel.esm
REQ: PointLookout.esm RRRU +4.esp TAG: {{BASH: Deflst}} REQ: Anchorage.esm REQ: ThePitt.esm REQ: BrokenSteel.esm REQ: PointLookout.esm RRV1 Bedroom Redecorated.esp RRQuests.esp RR Companion Vault Raider Attacks.esp RTS_Life_Of_Raider_Addon.esp RTSpatch_RVW.esp RTSBeta0.1c_extension_FarmingBob1.2.1.esp RTS NW - Volume 4 Stone.esp //S Savage Wasteland - Fewer Gun Wielding Maniacs.esp SbkTougherEnclave.esp Skill Modification Assignment.esp TAG: {{BASH: Scripts, Stats}} DALCO Inventory Sorter - SMA.esp TAG: {{BASH: NoMerge, Names}} Standard Weapon's Spread.esp Anchorage Weapon Spread.esp Pitt Weapon Spread.esp BOS Weapon Spread.esp Pt Lookout Weapon Spread.esp M. Zeta Weapon Spread.esp ACRForFWE.esp SVDForFWE.esp MP5ForFWE.esp DTOForFWE.esp Sleep in any bed.esp ShellRain.esp SuperStimpak_effects.esp SuperStim.esp TAG: {{BASH: Scripts}} SpeechLite.esp SpeechLiteDLC.esp SpeechLiteCombat.esp SpeechLiteCombatDLC.esp SpeechLiteCrime.esp SpeechLiteCrimeDLC.esp SpeechLiteCombatCrime.esp SpeechLiteCombatCrimeDLC.esp 100% Speech.esp Speech,Hack and Max Level.esp SpiderAnts.esp TAG: {{BASH: Relev}} StripClub.esp SunGlassesFX.esp //T T_R_A_S_C_H.esp T3T_OutcastTechSupport.esp T3T_AnchorageExtras.esp T3T_WeaponTweaks.esp T3T_WT_AnchorageCompanion.esp T3T_WT_ThePittCompanion.esp T3T_WT_BrokenSteelCompanion.esp
T3T_WT_PointLookoutCompanion.esp T3T_WT_ZetaCompanion.esp T3T_WeaponSettingsCompanion.esp T3T_ArmorTweaks.esp T3T_AT_AnchorageCompanion.esp T3T_AT_ThePittCompanion.esp T3T_AT_BrokenSteelCompanion.esp T3T_AT_PointLookoutCompanion.esp T3T_AT_ZetaCompanion.esp T3T_AT_CAS.esp T3T_BetterMegatonStorage.esp T3T_MiscItemIcons.esp SAY: Do not use with latest FWE, it is already integrated. TalkToAnybody.esp tacticalAmmo.esp teddybear_brothers.esp TenpennyGhoulsAtPeace.esp TAG: {{BASH: ScriptContents}} The Mantis Imperative - Nasty Zeta.esp The Mantis Imperative - Nasty Zeta No Scaling.esp ThePittReforged.esp TAG: {{Actors.ACBS, Scripts}} TSC Air Support.esp //U UsableCigarettes.esp Useful Wasteland Clipboards.esp //V vaps.esp vaps-automated-ammo-toolkit.esp vaps-broken-steel.esp vaps-point-lookout.esp vaps-fwe.esp vaps-marts-mutant-mod.esp VATS - MCE.esp VatsLongerDistance.esp Vault-Tec Experimental Dimensional Safe.esp VisionMod-Tom.esp A20 VisionFX.esp EnhVision.esp INC: EnhVisionHK.esp EnhVisionHK.esp INC: EnhVision.esp Arwen_VisionFX.esp //W Weapon Repair Kits.esp TAG: {{BASH: Relev}} WRK Final - Plugin.esp TAG: {{BASH: Invent, Relev}} WRK Final - Point Lookout.esp TAG: {{BASH: Invent}} REQ: PointLookout.esm Weighted Bottlecaps [Insane].esp Weighted Bottlecaps [Harsher].esp Weighted Bottlecaps [Normal].esp Weighted Bottlecaps [Yushatak Version].esp Whose been sleeping in my Bed.esp
//X //Y yaDisguisesMod.esp yaDisguisesMod-DLC-Anchorage.esp yaDisguisesMod-DLC-BrokenSteel.esp yaDisguisesMod-DLC-ThePitt.esp yaDisguisesMod-Merged.esp yaDisguisesMod-MOD-bzArmor.esp INC: yaDisguisesMod.esp INC: yaDisguisesMod-DLC-Anchorage.esp INC: yaDisguisesMod-DLC-ThePitt.esp INC: yaDisguisesMod-DLC-BrokenSteel.esp SAY: Merged Version of yaDisguisesMod.esp, yaDisguisesMod-DLC-Anchorage.esp, y aDisguisesMod-DLC-ThePitt.esp, yaDisguisesMod-DLC-BrokenSteel.esp yaDisguisesMod-MOD-bzArmour.esp yaDisguisesMod-MOD-FWE.esp REQ: Anchorage.esm REQ: BrokenSteel.esm REQ: FO3 Wanaderers Edition - Main File.esm REQ: FO3 Wanaderers Edition - DLC Anchorage.esp REQ: FO3 Wanaderers Edition - DLC Broken Steel.esp REQ: yaDisguisesMod.esp //Z Zombie Apocalypse.esp Zombie Apocalypse - Point Lookout.esp Zumbs' Smaller Condition Effect On Item Value.esp Zumbs' Console Mod.esp ZumbsDarkerSunglasses.esp ZumbsDarkerSunglasses_no_replace.esp SAY: Zumbs has asked you to rename this to ZumbsDarkerSunglasses.esp ZumbsDarkerSunglasses_screen_effect.esp SAY: Zumbs has asked you to rename this to ZumbsDarkerSunglasses.esp ENDGROUP: Later Misc BEGINGROUP: Arwen's Realism Main //----------Arwen_Realism_Core.esp TAG: {{BASH: Actors.CombatStyle, Actors.Stats, Destructible, Names, Relev, Sou nd, Stats}} Arwen_GOTY_Realism_Core.esp TAG: {{BASH: NoMerge}} Arwen_Hard-Core.esp TAG: {{BASH: Actors.CombatStyle, Actors.Stats, Destructible, Names, Relev, Sta ts}} Arwen_GOTY_Hard-Core.esp TAG: {{BASH: NoMerge}} Arwen_FULL_Tweaks.esp Arwen_Skills.esp Arwen_Armor.esp INC: Arwen_FULL_Tweaks.esp Arwen_Less_Is_More.esp INC: Arwen_FULL_Tweaks.esp Arwen_Less-Is-More.esp INC: Arwen_FULL_Tweaks.esp Arwen_Localized_Damage.esp INC: Arwen_FULL_Tweaks.esp Arwen_SmarterAI.esp
INC: Arwen_FULL_Tweaks.esp Arwen_Survival.esp INC: Arwen_FULL_Tweaks.esp Arwen_Tweaks_Main.esp INC: Arwen_FULL_Tweaks.esp Arwen_Weapons.esp INC: Arwen_FULL_Tweaks.esp Arwen_Encumbrance.esp Arwen_Med-Tec.esp TAG: {{BASH: Names}} Arwen_GOTY_Med-Tec.esp TAG: {{BASH: Names, Relev, Stats}} Arwen_MMM_Med-Tec_Patch.esp TAG: {{BASH: Relev, Scripts}} Arwen_MMM_Patch.esp TAG: {{BASH: Scripts}} Arwen_EVE_Patch.esp TAG: {{BASH: Graphics, Sound, Stats}} Arwen_EVE_RH-IS_Patch.esp Arwen_RiPnO_Patch.esp Arwen_RiPnO_BLTC_Patch.esp Arwen_XPR_Extreme.esp Arwen_Brahamin_Med-Tec_Patch.esp Arwen_10mmReplacer_Patched.esp Arwen_RH_IronSights.esp ENDGROUP: Arwen's Realism Main BEGINGROUP: Phalanx //----------Phalanx-MainFollowerModule.esp TAG: {{BASH: Actors.AIPackages, Actors.ACBS}} SAY: Do not use with latest FOOK2, it is already integrated. Phalanx-BrokenSteel-Integration.esp REQ: BrokenSteel.esm SAY: Do not use with latest FOOK2, it is already integrated. Phalanx-PointLookout-Integration.esp REQ: PointLookout.esm SAY: Do not use with latest FOOK2, it is already integrated. Phalanx-PerksAndStims.esp Phalanx-Obedient-Dogmeat.esp Phalanx-DogmeatEnemyTweaks.esp Phalanx-OPTIONAL-Weaponchange.esp Phalanx-OPTIONAL-WeaponRepairLists.esp Phalanx-OPTIONAL-BROKENSTEEL-WeaponRepairLists.esp Dogmeat Never Dies.esp ENDGROUP: Phalanx BEGINGROUP: Game-Settings and Overrides //----------fasttravelfromindoors.esp EVE - FastTravelIndoors Patch.esp SAY: Paradox Ignition EVE-merger - compatibility patch for Fast Travel from In doors. Aim Toggle.esp No[EMPTY]ContainerMessages.esp Faster Dialog Zoom.esp XSBalanceTweaks.esp XSGameplayTweaks.esp GH-HealingRebalanceMod_HPamount.esp
GH-HealingRebalanceMod_stimpackduration.esp REQ: Zeta.esm GH-HealingRebalanceMod_Infirmary+Lab.esp TAG: {{BASH: Scripts}} GH-HealingRebalanceMod_sleepscript.esp HT Don't Pickup Weapons.esp maxarmor95.esp maxarmor100.esp MaxLevelWorkaround.esp MaxLevelWorkaround-HP.esp DALCO Inventory Sorter - Max TAG: {{BASH: Names}} DALCO Inventory Sorter - Max TAG: {{BASH: Names}} DALCO Inventory Sorter - Max TAG: {{BASH: Names}} DALCO Inventory Sorter - Max TAG: {{BASH: Names}} SurplusReassign.esp 5xlvling.esp Fallout_3_XP_Faster_10.esp Fallout_3_XP_Faster_30.esp Fallout_3_XP_Faster_20.esp Fallout_3_XP_Faster_40.esp Fallout_3_XP_Faster_50.esp Fallout_3_XP_Faster_60.esp Fallout_3_XP_Faster_70.esp Fallout_3_XP_Faster_80.esp Fallout_3_XP_Faster_90.esp Fallout_3_XP_Slower_10.esp Fallout_3_XP_Slower_20.esp Fallout_3_XP_Slower_30.esp Fallout_3_XP_Slower_40.esp Fallout_3_XP_Slower_50.esp Fallout_3_XP_Slower_60.esp Fallout_3_XP_Slower_70.esp Fallout_3_XP_Slower_80.esp Fallout_3_XP_Slower_90.esp Fallout_3_XP_Slower_100.esp Fallout_3_XP_Slower_125.esp Fallout_3_XP_Slower_150.esp Fallout_3_XP_Slower_200.esp Fallout_3_XP_Slower_250.esp Fallout_3_XP_Slower_300.esp Fallout_3_XP_Slower_350.esp Fallout_3_XP_Slower_400.esp Fallout_3_XP_Slower_500.esp Slower Slower Slower Slower Slower Slower Slower Slower Levelling Levelling Levelling Levelling Levelling Levelling Degradation Degradation slow.esp slower.esp Very Slow.esp Extremely Slow.esp Super Duper Slow.esp Super Duper Extreme.esp (-25%).esp (-50%).esp
Level Workaround.esp Level Workaround (BS).esp Level Workaround (HP).esp Level Workaround (HP-BS).esp
Slower Degradation (-80%).esp Slower Degradation (-95%).esp Alternating Timescale.esp ImmersiveTimescale.esp TimeScaleTo3.esp TimeScaleTo4.esp TimeScaleTo5.esp TimeScaleTo15.esp TimeScaleTo20.esp TimeScaleTo25.esp Backpedal.esp SuperJump1.5x.esp SuperJump2x.esp SuperJump3x.esp SuperJump4x.esp SuperJump10x.esp SuperJump5x.esp SuperJumpWater1.5x.esp SuperJumpWater2x.esp SuperJumpWater3x.esp SuperJumpWater4x.esp SuperJumpWater5x.esp SuperJumpWater10x.esp 1day interior resets.esp 2day interior resets.esp 3day interior resets.esp 7day interior resets.esp 15day interior resets.esp 30day interior resets.esp 60day interior resets.esp 90day interior resets.esp 180day interior resets.esp 1yearlol interior resets.esp 10yearlol interior resets.esp lessviewdistance.esp lessviewdistanceThePitt.esp LessViewDistance Fellout Compatability Patch.esp OAlessviewdistance.esp dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp SAY: Older version included in FOOK2 dD-Larger Blood.esp dD-Less Blood Time.esp dD-Less Blood Time, Larger Blood.esp dD-No Screen Blood.esp dD-Full Screen Blood.esp dD-More Gore.esp dD-More Gore-The Pitt.esp dD-More Gore-BrokenSteel.esp dD-More Gore-PointLookout.esp dD-More Gore-Zeta.esp FO3 Wanderers Edition - More Gore.esp FO3 Wanderers Edition - More Gore Zeta.esp FO3 Wanderers Edition - More Gore The Pitt.esp
FO3 Wanderers Edition - More Gore PointLookout.esp GT_No_Gore.esp GT_No_Bloody_Mess_Gore.esp GT_No_Dismemberment.esp GT_No_Exploding_Parts.esp GT_Less_Dismemberment.esp GT_Less_Exploding_Parts.esp GT_More_Dismemberment.esp GT_More_Exploding_Parts.esp GT_Always_Dismemberment.esp GT_Always_Exploding_Parts.esp GT_BM_No_Full_Dismemberment.esp GT_BM_Less_Full_Dismemberment.esp GT_BM_More_Full_Dismemberment.esp GT_BM_Always_Full_Dismemberment.esp GT_BM_No_Exploding_Torsos.esp GT_BM_Less_Exploding_Torsos.esp GT_BM_More_Exploding_Torsos.esp GT_BM_Always_Exploding_Torsos.esp dD-Reduced Ragdoll Force.esp dD-Reduced Dismember Force.esp dD-Smaller Wounds.esp dD-Smaller Spatters.esp Realistic Death Physics.esp SAY: Do not use with latest FWE, it is already integrated. REAL-ThirdViewMod.esp INC:LOWER-real-thirdpersonview.esp LOWER-real-thirdpersonview.esp INC:REAL-ThirdViewMod.esp Level50NoBrokenSteel.esp Level50BrokenSteel.esp Magic Pip-Light (50 Brightness).esp MrSlackPants-DecentPipBoyLight.esp Fellout-pipboylight.esp pip30.esp pip60.esp pip150.esp pipomfg.esp LED LED LED LED LED LED pipboy pipboy pipboy pipboy pipboy pipboy light.esp light extended.esp light amber.esp light ember extended.esp light green.esp light green extended.esp
PiPBoy PiPBoy PiPBoy PiPBoy PiPBoy PiPBoy PiPBoy PiPBoy PiPBoy PiPBoy
Blue Light.esp Cyan Light.esp Grey Light.esp Light Range Infinity.esp Light Range x2.esp Light Range x3.esp Light Range x4.esp Light Range x5.esp Light Range x6.esp Purple Light.esp
PiPBoy Red Light.esp PiPBoy White Light.esp PiPBoy Yellow Light.esp Faster PipBoy Light.esp Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic Pip-Light Pip-Light Pip-Light Pip-Light Pip-Light Pip-Light Pip-Light Pip-Light Pip-Light Pip-Light (Night-Vision Edition).esp (20 Brightness).esp (25 Brightness).esp (30 Brightness).esp (35 Brightness).esp (40 Brightness).esp (45 Brightness).esp (55 Brightness).esp (60 Brightness).esp (90 Brightness).esp
ZZ_APP.esp ENDGROUP: Game-Settings and Overrides BEGINGROUP: Weather\Light\Water //----------Dust-away.esp Dust-away - DLC support.esp REQ: Anchorage.esm REQ: ThePitt.esm REQ: BrokenSteel.esm REQ: PointLookout.esm REQ: Zeta.esm Paper-Shredder.esp Paper-Shredder - DLC Support.esp Rock-Out.esp Rock-Out - DLC Support.esp Clean-Deluxe GOTY.esp INC:Dust-away.esp INC:Dust-away - DLC support.esp INC:Paper-Shredder.esp INC:Paper-Shredder - DLC Support.esp INC:Rock-Out.esp INC:Rock-Out - DLC Support.esp REQ: Anchorage.esm REQ: ThePitt.esm REQ: BrokenSteel.esm REQ: PointLookout.esm REQ: Zeta.esm SAY: Includes all Dust-away, paper-shredder and Rock-out plugins Wasteland Weather Overhaul .9.esp Wasteland Weather Overhaul .9 (no interiors).esp Wasteland Weather Overhaul .9 Level 2 Color.esp Enhanced Weather - Rain and Snow.esp Enhanced Weather - Rain and Snow in Fallout.esp Enhanced Weather - Radioactive Rain and Snow Plugin.esp Enhanced Weather - Rainbows.esp Enhanced Weather - Weather Sounds in Interiors.esp Enhanced Weather - Sneak Bonus during Storms.esp Enhanced Weather - REBOOT.esp MTC DoctorsFix for Enhanced Weather - Rain.esp MTC RadAwayFix for Enhanced Weather - Rain.esp Fellout-Full.esp
INC: Fellout-SOTD.esp SAY: Do not use with latest FOOK2, it Fellout-SOTD.esp INC: Either Fellout-Full.esp SAY: Do not use with latest FOOK2, it Fellout-Anchorage.esp REQ: Anchorage.esm SAY: Do not use with latest FOOK2, it Fellout-BrokenSteel.esp REQ: BrokenSteel.esm SAY: Do not use with latest FOOK2, it Fellout-PointLookout.esp REQ: PointLookout.esm SAY: Do not use with latest FOOK2, it Fellout-Zeta.esp SAY: Do not use with latest FOOK2, it FelloutWithLightingOverhual-1.0.esp TAG: {{BASH: C.Light}} FelloutNightsRestored.esp FelloutNightsRestored-PointLookout FOOK2 Nightvision for Fellout.esp Realistic Interior Lighting.esp TAG: {{BASH: C.Light}} Realistic Interior Lighting - BS.esp TAG: {{BASH: C.Light}} Realistic Interior Lighting - OA.esp TAG: {{BASH: C.Light}} Realistic Interior Lighting - PL.esp TAG: {{BASH: C.Light}} DarkerInteriorsFallOut3.esp TAG: {{BASH: C.Light}} DarkerInteriorsAnchorage.esp TAG: {{BASH: C.Light}} DarkerInteriorsThePitt.esp TAG: {{BASH: C.Light}} DarkerInteriorsBrokenSteel.esp TAG: {{BASH: C.Light}} DarkerInteriorsPointLookout.esp TAG: {{BASH: C.Light}} DarkerInteriorsZeta.esp TAG: {{BASH: C.Light}} URWL47.esp TAG: {{BASH: C.Light}} SAY: Old. Upgrade to latest version. URWL48.esp TAG: {{BASH: C.Light}} SAY: Old. Upgrade to latest version. URWL.esp TAG: {{BASH: C.Light}} URWL-Normal Color Saturation.esp TAG: {{BASH: C.Light}} INC: URWL.esp URWLRain.esp TAG: {{BASH: C.Climate, C.Light}} NColorDCInteriors.esp TAG: {{BASH: C.Light}} Xepha's Darkened Interiors.esp TAG: {{BASH: C.Light}} Xepha's Darkened Interiors - OA.esp TAG: {{BASH: C.Light}}
is already integrated. is already integrated. is already integrated. is already integrated. is already integrated. is already integrated.
REQ: Anchorage.esm Xepha's Darkened Interiors - BS.esp TAG: {{BASH: C.Light}} REQ: BrokenSteel.esm SAY: Manditory if using BrokenSteel.esm Xepha's Darkened Interiors - PL.esp TAG: {{BASH: C.Light}} REQ: PointLookout.esm Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Main.esp TAG: {{BASH: C.Climate}} Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Anchorage.esp TAG: {{BASH: C.Climate}} REQ: Anchorage.esm Xepha's Dynamic Weather - The Pitt.esp TAG: {{BASH: C.Climate}} REQ: ThePitt.esm Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Broken Steel.esp TAG: {{BASH: C.Climate}} REQ: BrokenSteel.esm Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Point Lookout.esp TAG: {{BASH: C.Climate}} REQ: PointLookout.esm Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Main + DLC Merged.esp TAG: {{BASH: C.Climate}} Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Night Eye Edition.esp INC: Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Night Eye Edition.esp Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Night Eye Edition (Anchorage).esp INC: Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Night Eye Edition (Anchorage).esp REQ: Anchorage.esm Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Anchorage (NEE).esp REQ: Anchorage.esm Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Rain (NEE).esp REQ: Enhanced Weather - Rain and Snow.esm REQ: Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Night Eye Edition.esp Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Rain (OA + NEE).esp REQ: Anchorage.esm REQ: Enhanced Weather - Rain and Snow.esm REQ: Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Night Eye Edition (Anchorage).esp Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Rain (OA).esp REQ: Anchorage.esm REQ: Enhanced Weather - Rain and Snow.esm Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Night Eye Edition Merged (NEE+OA+Rain).esp Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Rain.esp REQ: Enhanced Weather - Rain and Snow.esm Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Climate OverRider (OA + Rain).esp REQ: Anchorage.esm REQ: Enhanced Weather - Rain and Snow.esm INC: Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Climate OverRider (OA).esp INC: Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Climate OverRider (Rain).esp INC: Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Climate OverRider.esp INC: Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Climate OverRider (OA + Rain) - No Fog.esp Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Climate OverRider (OA).esp REQ: Anchorage.esm INC: Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Climate OverRider (OA + Rain).esp INC: Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Climate OverRider (Rain).esp INC: Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Climate OverRider.esp INC: Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Climate OverRider (OA + Rain) - No Fog.esp Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Climate OverRider (Rain).esp
REQ: Enhanced Weather - Rain and Snow.esm INC: Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Climate OverRider (OA + Rain).esp INC: Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Climate OverRider (OA).esp INC: Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Climate OverRider.esp INC: Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Climate OverRider (OA + Rain) - No Fog.esp Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Climate OverRider.esp INC: Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Climate OverRider (OA + Rain).esp INC: Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Climate OverRider (OA).esp INC: Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Climate OverRider (Rain).esp INC: Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Climate OverRider (OA + Rain) - No Fog.esp Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Climate OverRider (OA + Rain) - No Fog.esp REQ: Anchorage.esm REQ: Enhanced Weather - Rain and Snow.esm INC: Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Climate OverRider (OA + Rain).esp INC: Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Climate OverRider (OA).esp INC: Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Climate OverRider (Rain).esp INC: Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Climate OverRider.esp Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Sandstorm.esp Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Darker Water.esp Xepha's Dynamic Weather - NightTime SneakBoost.esp Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Dynamic Sneak Bonus.esp Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Experimental Green Tint Remover.esp Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Green Tint Remover.esp Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Sandstorms Damage Armor.esp Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Sandstorms + Armor Damage (FOSE).esp INC: Dynamic Weather - Sandstorms.esp Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Weather Machine.esp SAY: Only use one Weather Machine.esp at a time. Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Weather Machine (+Rain).esp SAY: Only use one Weather Machine.esp at a time. Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Weather Machine (Quest Added).esp SAY: Only use one Weather Machine.esp at a time. Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Weather Machine (Start Game Added).esp SAY: Only use one Weather Machine.esp at a time. Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Weather Machine (Vendor Added).esp Night Time Sneak Boost.esp Dynamic Weather Sneak Bonus.esp Dynamic Weather Sneak Bonus NoInteriors.esp Better DC Weather - 60-40.esp INC: Better DC Weather - 80-20.esp Better DC Weather - 80-20.esp INC: Better DC Weather - 60-40.esp Better DC Weather Dark - 100.esp Two Moons.esp OasisSafeWater.esp Their World.esp Apocalyptic.esp TheOutbreak - WMS Combo Pack - C12H.esp TheOutbreak - WMS Combo Pack - C24H.esp TheOutbreak - WMS Combo Pack - C6H.esp TheOutbreak - WMS SPVol 1 - Hell - Broken Steel.esp TheOutbreak - WMS SPVol 1 - Hell - Point Lookout.esp TheOutbreak - WMS SPVol 1 - Hell - The Pitt.esp TheOutbreak - WMS SPVol 1 - Hell.esp TheOutbreak - WMS Vanilla Combo Pack - C12H.esp TheOutbreak - WMS Vanilla Combo Pack - C24H.esp TheOutbreak - WMS Vanilla Combo Pack - C6H.esp TheOutbreak - WMS Vol 1 - C12H - No Blue.esp TheOutbreak - WMS Vol 1 - C12H.esp TheOutbreak - WMS Vol 1 - C24H - No Blue.esp
TheOutbreak - WMS Vol 1 - C24H.esp TheOutbreak - WMS Vol 1 - C6H - No Blue.esp TheOutbreak - WMS Vol 1 - C6H.esp TheOutbreak - WMS Vol 1 - IDoV.esp TheOutbreak - WMS Vol 1 - Rusted Rose.esp TheOutbreak - WMS Vol 1 - Silent Hell.esp TheOutbreak - WMS Vol 1 - Super Blue.esp TheOutbreak - WMS Vol 1 - Weather Controller.esp TheOutbreak - WMS Vol 2 - C12H - No Dust.esp TheOutbreak - WMS Vol 2 - C12H.esp TheOutbreak - WMS Vol 2 - C24H - No Dust.esp TheOutbreak - WMS Vol 2 - C24H.esp TheOutbreak - WMS Vol 2 - C6H - No Dust.esp TheOutbreak - WMS Vol 2 - C6H.esp TheOutbreak - WMS Vol 2 - Calm.esp TheOutbreak - WMS Vol 2 - Cloudy.esp TheOutbreak - WMS Vol 2 - Duststorm.esp TheOutbreak - WMS Vol 2 - Fog.esp TheOutbreak - WMS Vol 2 - Hot.esp TheOutbreak - VATS - No Color Shift.esp TheOutbreak - Piplight - Hell.esp TheOutbreak - Silent Hell Piplight.esp muzzle with no lightening.esp muzzle with 100 radius lightening.esp Level 1 Smallest More Color.esp Level 2 Some More Color.esp Level 3 Alot More Color.esp Wasteland Weather Overhaul .9 Level 1 Color.esp Wasteland Weather Overhaul .9 Level 2 Color.esp Wasteland Weather Overhaul .9 Level 3.esp F3ProjectRealityMkI.esp F3ProjectRealityMkITweaks.esp ImaginatorFO3.esp ENDGROUP: Weather\Light\Water BEGINGROUP: Lastish //----------CRAFTHelper_ReplaceWorkbenchScript.esp INC: CRAFT - Activation Perk.esp CRAFTHelper_ReplaceWorkbenchScriptFWE.esp INC: CRAFT - Activation Perk.esp CRAFTHelper_Vanilla.esp CRAFTHelper_TinCan.esp CRAFTHelper_EA.esp CRAFTHelper_WCE.esp CRAFTHelper_VAPS.esp CRAFTHelper_ATK.esp CRAFTHelper_FWE.esp CRAFTHelper_FWEAlternateTravel.esp CRAFTHelper_WMK.esp CRAFTHelper_SBReconArmor.esp CRAFTHelper_DLAC.esp CRAFTHelper_AS.esp CRAFTHelper_VAPS-ATK.esp CRAFT - WCE FOOK+FWE Patch.esp REQ: FOOK2 - Main.esm REQ: FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esm
REQ: CRAFT - Workbench and Crafting Expansion combined.esp CRAFT - WCE Warmonger Addon.esp REQ: CRAFT - Workbench and Crafting Expansion combined.esp 20th Century v4 ALIVE (Vendor).esp TAG: {{BASH: Invent}} 20th Century v4 ALIVE (NPC_Settler).esp TAG: {{BASH: Invent}} 20th Century v4 ALIVE (Raider).esp TAG: {{BASH: Invent}} 20th Century v4 ALIVE (RivetCity).esp TAG: {{BASH: Invent}} 20th Century v4 ALIVE (Brotherhood_Outcast).esp TAG: {{BASH: Invent}} 20th Century v4 ALIVE (SuperMutant).esp TAG: {{BASH: Invent}} 20th Century v4 ALIVE (Vault 101).esp TAG: {{BASH: Invent}} 20th Century v4 ALIVE (Chinese Ghoul).esp TAG: {{BASH: Invent}} 20th Century v4 ALIVE (Talon_Regulator).esp TAG: {{BASH: Invent}} 20th Century v5 ALIVE (Vendor).esp TAG: {{BASH: Invent}} 20th Century v5 ALIVE (Containers).esp TAG: {{BASH: Invent}} 20th Century v5 ALIVE (NPC_Settler).esp TAG: {{BASH: Invent}} 20th Century v5 ALIVE (Vault 101).esp TAG: {{BASH: Invent}} 20th Century v5 ALIVE (RivetCity).esp TAG: {{BASH: Invent}} 20th Century v5 ALIVE (Raider).esp TAG: {{BASH: Invent}} 20th Century v5 ALIVE (Slaver).esp TAG: {{BASH: Invent}} 20th Century v5 ALIVE (Chinese Ghoul).esp TAG: {{BASH: Invent}} 20th Century v5 ALIVE (SuperMutant).esp TAG: {{BASH: Invent}} 20th Century v5 ALIVE (Talon_Regulator).esp TAG: {{BASH: Invent}} 20th Century v5 ALIVE (Brotherhood_Outcast).esp TAG: {{BASH: Invent}} 20th Century v5 ALIVE (TEST Container).esp FWE Ammo Rarity for 20th Century.esp FWE Ammo Weight for 20th Century.esp INC: FWE Realistic Ammo Weight inc 20th Cent.esp FWE-20thCent Ammo Weight in Names.esp INC: FWE Realistic Ammo Weight in Names inc. 20th Cent.esp TAG: {{BASH: Names}} FWE Realistic Ammo Weight inc 20th Cent.esp INC: FWE Ammo Weight for 20th Century.esp FWE Realistic Ammo Weight in Names inc. 20th Cent.esp INC: FWE-20thCent Ammo Weight in Names.esp TAG: {{BASH: Names}} CFWR_EVE_LoadLast.esp TAG: {{BASH: Names, Graphics, Stats}} Achievement Remover [FO3+OA+BS].esp SAY: Choose only one 'Achievement Remover' ESP. Achievement Remover [FO3+OA+MZ].esp
SAY: Choose only one 'Achievement Remover' Achievement Remover [FO3+OA+TP+MZ].esp SAY: Choose only one 'Achievement Remover' Achievement Remover [FO3+OA+TP+PL].esp SAY: Choose only one 'Achievement Remover' Achievement Remover [FO3].esp SAY: Choose only one 'Achievement Remover' Achievement Remover [FO3+BS+PL].esp SAY: Choose only one 'Achievement Remover' Achievement Remover [FO3+BS+PL+MZ].esp SAY: Choose only one 'Achievement Remover' Achievement Remover [FO3+BS].esp SAY: Choose only one 'Achievement Remover' Achievement Remover [FO3+OA+TP].esp SAY: Choose only one 'Achievement Remover' Achievement Remover [FO3+OA+PL+MZ].esp SAY: Choose only one 'Achievement Remover' Achievement Remover [FO3+OA+BS+MZ].esp SAY: Choose only one 'Achievement Remover' Achievement Remover [FO3+OA].esp SAY: Choose only one 'Achievement Remover' Achievement Remover [FO3+PL+MZ].esp SAY: Choose only one 'Achievement Remover' Achievement Remover [FO3+PL].esp SAY: Choose only one 'Achievement Remover' Achievement Remover [FO3+TP+BS+MZ].esp SAY: Choose only one 'Achievement Remover' Achievement Remover [FO3+OA+BS+PL+MZ].esp SAY: Choose only one 'Achievement Remover' Achievement Remover [FO3+TP+BS+PL+MZ].esp SAY: Choose only one 'Achievement Remover' Achievement Remover [FO3+MZ].esp SAY: Choose only one 'Achievement Remover' Achievement Remover [FO3+OA+PL].esp SAY: Choose only one 'Achievement Remover' Achievement Remover [FO3+OA+BS+PL].esp SAY: Choose only one 'Achievement Remover' Achievement Remover [FO3+BS+MZ].esp SAY: Choose only one 'Achievement Remover' Achievement Remover [FO3+TP].esp SAY: Choose only one 'Achievement Remover' Achievement Remover [FO3+OA+TP+BS+MZ].esp SAY: Choose only one 'Achievement Remover' Achievement Remover [FO3+OA+TP+BS+PL].esp SAY: Choose only one 'Achievement Remover' Achievement Remover [FO3+OA+TP+BS].esp SAY: Choose only one 'Achievement Remover' Achievement Remover [FO3+TP+PL].esp SAY: Choose only one 'Achievement Remover' Achievement Remover [FO3+TP+PL+MZ].esp SAY: Choose only one 'Achievement Remover' Achievement Remover [FO3+TP+MZ].esp SAY: Choose only one 'Achievement Remover' Achievement Remover [FO3+OA+TP+PL+MZ].esp SAY: Choose only one 'Achievement Remover' Achievement Remover [All].esp SAY: Choose only one 'Achievement Remover' Achievement Remover [FO3+TP+BS].esp SAY: Choose only one 'Achievement Remover' Achievement Remover [FO3+TP+BS+PL].esp
SAY: Choose only one 'Achievement Remover' ESP. Achievement Remover [DIK].esp REQ: FOOK2. Achievement Remover [FWE].esp REQ: FO3 Wanderers Edition. DUIF3Extras.esp SAY: Obsolete. Update DarNifiedUIF3 to latest version. Dog lover's TAG: {{BASH: Deflst, Delev}} Dog lover's mod NO ANCHORAGE.esp TAG: {{BASH: Deflst, Delev}} MMM dog lover's mod.esp TAG: {{BASH: Deflst, Delev}} Vault101 Exit Cancel.esp ENDGROUP: Lastish BEGINGROUP: Pose mods //----------//Scripts and new animations. SlavePoses.esp SomePoses.esp FacialExpressions.esp F3UmpaAnimation.esp Poses-Animation.esp The Groovatron.esp The Groovatron_DLC_Anch_Addon.esp The Groovatron_DLC_Pitt_Addon.esp The Groovatron_DLC_PL_Addon.esp ENDGROUP: Pose mods BEGINGROUP: Beauty Packs & Race Addons //----------//Hair, eyes, race addons & changes and other cosmetics. BEGINGROUP: Body and head changes //----------Josef Greys Kozaburo Hair Style for Fallout 3.esp AAAlbino_LingsBOG+eXcalibr.esp AinzBeautifuleEyes.esp TAG: {{BASH: Eyes}} CUSTOM RACES.esp TAG: {{BASH: Eyes, Hair}} DIM CUSTOM RACES V2.esp TAG: {{BASH: Eyes, Hair}} EwwGhoulyBody.esp TAG: {{BASH: Body-F}} RaiderDiversity.esp ENDGROUP: Body and head changes BEGINGROUP: Hair //----------HairPack_2chPlus.esp TAG: {{BASH: Hair}} HairPack_2chPlus+.esp TAG: {{BASH: Hair}}
HairPack_2chPlus+EYE.esp TAG: {{BASH: Hair, eyes}} VB_Hair_Shojo+CotW_15.esp TAG: {{BASH: Hair}} REQ: EnhancedChildren.esm REQ: Shojo Race.esm ENDGROUP: Hair BEGINGROUP: Race additions (+ hair + eyes etc) //----------Shojo Race.esp TAG: {{BASH: Hair, Eyes}} SAY: Old. Upgrade to latest version. XENH.esp TAG: {{BASH: Hair, Eyes}} [Nukomimi-San] Starter.esp TAG: {{BASH: Hair, Eyes}} EZCompanion_Type-N.esp TAG: {{BASH: Hair, Eyes}} AAAAlbino_LingsBOG.esp TAG: {{BASH: Hair, Eyes}} ENDGROUP: Race additions (+ hair + eyes etc) ENDGROUP: Beauty Packs & Race Addons BEGINGROUP: Merged Patch\CPs //----------AmyWong - Load Order Fix.esp REQ: AmyWong.esm Ling_FWE_MMM.esp REQ: ThePitt.esm REQ: BrokenSteel.esm REQ: Lings.esm REQ: FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esm REQ: Mart's Mutant Mods.esm REQ: LingsFinerThings.esm REQ: LingsPrettyThings.esp RobCo Certified - FWE EVE Balance.esp RobCo Certified - FWE EVE Balance Light.esp RobCo Certified v2 EVE.esp REQ: RobCo Certified v2.esm RobCo Certified v2 FWE.esp REQ: RobCo Certified v2.esm RobCo Certified v2 Omnipatch.esp REQ: RobCo Certified v2.esm INC: RobCo Certified v2 EVE.esp INC: RobCo Certified v2 FWE.esp INC: RobCo Certified v2 Zeta Addon.esp RobCo Certified v2 Impervious.esp REQ: RobCo Certified v2.esm RobCo Certified v2 Impervious FWE.esp REQ: RobCo Certified v2.esm RobCo Certified v2 Impervious for FWE.esp REQ: RobCo Certified v2.esm Destruction - CP - Fellout.esp FNNIguana - MMM.esp
REQ: FNNIguana.esm REQ: Mart's Mutant Mod.esm FNNIguana - FWE.esp REQ: FNNIguana.esm REQ: FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esm FWE - FOOK DLC Support.esp REQ: Anchorage.ESM REQ: ThePitt.ESM REQ: BrokenSteel.ESM REQ: PointLookout.esm REQ: CRAFT.ESM REQ: CALIBR.ESM REQ: FOOK2 - Main.ESM REQ: FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esm FO3 Wanderers Edition - FOOK Support - Classic DR.esp FWE - FOOK DLC Support - Classic DR.esp REQ: FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esm REQ: FOOK2 - Main.ESM FOOK+FWE+WMK - DLC Version.esp FOOK+FWE+PB+MMM.esp FOOK+FWE+EVE+UWWUT.esp Mez's Merged Patch - FWE-WMK-MMM.esp Mez's Merged Patch 5-0 - DLC-FWE-WMK-MMM.esp TAG: {{BASH: Deflst, Delev, Factions, Invent, Relations, Relev, Scripts}} FNNIguana - MMMRC6.esp FNNsys - FWE.esp TAG: {{BASH: Scripts}} FNNsys start inventory.esp REQ: FNNsys.esm Impervious Power Armour- FWE Fixer.esp JHBCloverPlusOverride.esp Sydney Follower - Load Order Fix.esp JHBSydneyUpdate.esp xCALIBRuniverse.esp TAG: {{BASH: Actors.DeathItems, Delev, Names, Graphics, Invent, Relev, Sound, Stats}} xCALIBR - Alternative Path.esp xCALIBRuniverse_ammoLists.esp xCALIBRuniverse_repairLists.esp xCALIBRUniverse - WMK.esp TAG: {{BASH: Names, Graphics, Sound, Stats}} xCALIBRuniverse_M14EBRSopmod_Fix.esp xCALIBRUniverse_FWE_FPS.esp TAG: {{BASH: Names, Graphics, Invent, Sound, Stats}} INC: xCALIBRUniverse_FWE_Tactical.esp xCALIBRUniverse_FWE_Tactical.esp TAG: {{BASH: Names, Graphics, Invent, Sound, Stats}} INC: xCALIBRUniverse_FWE_FPS.esp xCALIBR_override.esp TAG: {{BASH: Names, Graphics}} REQ: CALIBR.esm REQ: xCALIBR.esm xCALIBR_override_unsorted.esp TAG: {{BASH: Names, Graphics}} REQ: CALIBR.esm REQ: xCALIBR.esm xCALIBR_override_FWE5.esp
TAG: {{BASH: Names, Graphics}} REQ: CALIBR.esm REQ: xCALIBR.esm xCALIBR_FWE5_Override.esp TAG: {{BASH: Names, Graphics}} REQ: CALIBR.esm REQ: xCALIBR.esm xCALIBRammo_FWE.esp TAG: {{BASH: Names, Graphics}} REQ: CALIBR.esm REQ: xCALIBR.esm xCALIBR_2CW_CP.esp TAG: {{BASH: Names, Graphics}} REQ: CALIBR.esm REQ: xCALIBR.esm REQ: 20th Century Weapons.esm xCALIBR_2CW_CP_Sorted.esp TAG: {{BASH: Names, Graphics}} REQ: CALIBR.esm REQ: xCALIBR.esm REQ: 20th Century Weapons.esm xCALIBR_20CW_v5.12.esp TAG: {{BASH: Names, Graphics}} REQ: CALIBR.esm REQ: xCALIBR.esm REQ: 20th Century Weapons.esm FWE+WMK_weapons_xCALIBRified.esp TAG: {{BASH: Names, Graphics, Stats}} FWE(v.5.04)+WMK_weapons_xCALIBRified.esp TAG: {{BASH: Names, Graphics, Stats}} FWE+WMKexcalibrified(Anch).esp TAG: {{BASH: Names, Graphics, Stats}} FWE+WMKexcalibrified(Pitt).esp TAG: {{BASH: Names, Graphics, Stats}} FWE+WMKexcalibrified(Lkout).esp TAG: {{BASH: Names, Graphics, Stats}} frederyck+FWE+xCALIBR.esp TAG: {{BASH: Names, Graphics, Stats}} REQ: FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esm REQ: CALIBR.esm REQ: xCALIBR.esm REQ: WeaponModKits.esp REQ: WeaponModKits - FWE Master Release.esp Compatibility_Plugin_TalonExtraArmor_FWE_BrokenSteel.esp TAG: {{BASH: Delev, Relev}} Compatibility Plugin00 TalonCo & Marts.esp Compatibility Plugin01 PunisherGear & TalonCo.esp UPP - NaturalBornSniper WMK compatibility.esp Choose your own hairstyle (load this last on FOMM).esp TAG: {{BASH: NPC.Race, NpcFaces, Hair, Eyes}} tubunarFWE.esp tubunarCombatFWE.esp AAAlbino Player Race - MQ to BS Fix.esp CRBSOR.esp SAY: Do not use with latest FWE, it is already integrated.
CRBSOR [Achievements Removed].esp MMM-Zeta crash fix.esp MMM-FWE fix.esp Merged.esp TAG: {{BASH: NoMerge}} Merged Patch.esp TAG: {{BASH: NoMerge}} Override.esp xCALIBRammo_override.esp TAG: {{BASH: Names, Graphics}} ENDGROUP: Merged Patch\CPs BEGINGROUP: Error Corrections - Reduce CTD //----------Error Fixes V1.2.esp SAY: Old version - consider updating Error Fixes V1.5.esp SAY: Choose only one of Error Fixes V1.5.esp or Error Fixes V1.5 - Higher FPS. esp, not both. Error Fixes V1.5 - Higher FPS.esp SAY: Choose only one of Error Fixes V1.5.esp or Error Fixes V1.5 - Higher FPS. esp, not both. Error Fixes V1.5 - FastTravelIndoors.esp Error Fixes V1.5 - Fellout.esp Error Fixes V1.5 - FOOK2.esp Error Fixes V1.5 - Anthony Ling's Coiffure.esp Error Fixes V1.5 - Mothership Zeta Crew.esp Error Fixes V1.5 - Fallout3 Wanderers Edition.esp Error Fixes V1.5 - Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch.esp Error Fixes V1.5 - Realistic Interior Lighting.esp Error Fixes V1.5 - Xephia' Dynamic Weather.esp ENDGROUP: Error Corrections - Reduce CTD BEGINGROUP: Bashed Patch //----------Bashed Patch, 0.esp Bashed Patch, 1.esp Bashed Patch, 2.esp Bashed Patch, 3.esp Bashed Patch, 4.esp Bashed Patch, 5.esp Bashed Patch, 6.esp Bashed Patch, 7.esp Bashed Patch, 8.esp Bashed Patch, 9.esp Bashed Patch.esp ENDGROUP: Bashed Patch BEGINGROUP: Post Bashed Patch //----------//Mods rumoured to be needed after Bashed Patch. //Utility addons. //Ultimate final absolute end last mods, ever. BEGINGROUP: Fallout 3 Master Fix Fallout 3 Master Fix.esp REQ: Anchorage.esm REQ: ThePitt.esm
REQ: BrokenSteel.esm REQ: PointLookout.esm REQ: Zeta.esm INC: Fallout 3 Master Fix - Higher FPS.esp INC: Fallout 3 Master Fix - No DLC.esp INC: Fallout 3 Master Fix - No DLC - Higher FPS Fallout 3 Master Fix - Higher FPS.esp REQ: Anchorage.esm REQ: ThePitt.esm REQ: BrokenSteel.esm REQ: PointLookout.esm REQ: Zeta.esm INC: Fallout 3 Master Fix.esp INC: Fallout 3 Master Fix - No DLC.esp INC: Fallout 3 Master Fix - No DLC - Higher FPS Fallout 3 Master Fix - No DLC.esp INC: Fallout 3 Master Fix.esp INC: Fallout 3 Master Fix - Higher FPS.esp INC: Fallout 3 Master Fix - No DLC - Higher FPS Fallout 3 Master Fix - No DLC - Higher FPS INC: Fallout 3 Master Fix.esp INC: Fallout 3 Master Fix - Higher FPS.esp INC: Fallout 3 Master Fix - No DLC.esp Fallout 3 Master Fix - Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch.esp Fallout 3 Master Fix - FOOK2.esp Fallout 3 Master Fix - Fallout3 Wanderers Edition.esp EVE - Master Fix Patch.esp Fallout 3 Master Fix - FastTravelIndoors.esp Fallout 3 Master Fix - Anthony Ling's Coiffure.esp Fallout 3 Master Fix - Mothership Crew.esp Fallout 3 Master Fix - Fellout.esp Fallout 3 Master Fix - Realistic Interior Lighting.esp Fallout 3 Master Fix - Enhanced Dynamic Weather.esp Fallout 3 Master Fix - Xepha's Dynamic Weather.esp ENDGROUP: Fallout 3 Master Fix BEGINGROUP: Fallout Remastered Fallout Remastered 1.0.esp Fallout Remastered.esp IF FILE("Fallout 3 Master Fix.esp") INC: Fallout 3 Master Fix.esp IF FILE("James Invisible Walls Remover.esp") INC: James Invisible Walls Remover.esp Fallout Remastered - Mothership Crew.esp Fallout Remastered - Project Beauty.esp Fallout Remastered - FWE.esp Fallout Remastered - EVE (PI Merge).esp Fallout Remastered - EVE (Paradox Ignition Merge).esp REQ: Paradox Ignition Merged version of Energy Visuals Enhanced Fallout Remastered - FOOK2 + EVE (PI Merge).esp REQ: Paradox Ignition Merged version of Energy Visuals Enhanced REQ: FOOK2 1.2 Open Beta Fallout Remastered - FWE + Project Beauty.esp Fallout Remastered - FWE + EVE (PI Merge).esp REQ: Paradox Ignition Merged version of Energy Visuals Enhanced REQ: Fallout Wanderer's Edition 6.03 and all DLC plugins Fallout Remastered - FWE + RH Ironsights.esp Fallout Remastered - MMM + EVE (PI Merge).esp REQ: RC6.1 OR RC6.2 version of Mart's Mutant Mod REQ: Paradox Ignition Merged version of Energy Visuals Enhanced
Fallout Remastered - Mart's Mutants Mod.esp Fallout Remastered - FOOK2 + MMM.esp REQ: all DLC plugins for the RC 6.1 or RC 6.2 version of Mart's Mutants Mod REQ: FOOK2 1.2 Open Beta SAY: Does not require a FOIP, provides complete compatibility between these tw o files Fallout Remastered - FWE + MMM.esp REQ: all DLC plugins for the 6.03 version of Fallout Wanderer's Edition REQ: all DLC plugins for the RC 6.1 or RC 6.2 version of Mart's Mutants Mod SAY: Does not require a FOIP, provides complete compatibility between these tw o files Fallout Remastered - MMM + Scavenger.esp REQ: RC6.1 OR RC6.2 version of Mart's Mutant Mod REQ: Scavenger World 0.04 Fallout Fallout Fallout Fallout Remastered Remastered Remastered Remastered DCStreet.esp RIL.esp RIL (PI Merge).esp Breeze Armor.esp
Fallout Remastered - Arwen Realism.esp Fallout Remastered - Scavenger World + FWE.esp Fallout Remastered - FWE + Scavenger World.esp Fallout Remastered - Fellout.esp Fallout Remastered - Wasteland Music Injector.esp Fallout Remastered - Xepha's Dynamic Weather.esp Fallout Remastered - Xepha's Darkened Interiors.esp Fallout Remastered - WMI + Xepha.esp REQ: Xepha's Dynamic Weather.esm REQ: Realistic Interior Lighting.esp REQ: Wasteland Music Injector.esp Fallout Remastered - DCStreet + Dynamic Weather.esp REQ: Requires Xepha's Dynamic Weather REQ: Requires DC Street - BS.esp Blackened FWE + MMM + EVE + Project Beauty.esp ENDGROUP: Fallout Remastered SAY: Do NOT use Master Updater on this mod ENDGROUP: Post Bashed Patch