Tutorial5 Ex 150202
Tutorial5 Ex 150202
Tutorial5 Ex 150202
Tutorial 5 15.01.2002.
Erlang capacity of the system. In the system are cells in each cell are users. Each user generates load M%RLANGS . a) What is the blocking probability in one cell when in the cell are available 8 channels? b) What is the blocking probability when the cells are combined and served by one big cell with q channels? c) What is average call arrival time in one cell? What will be average arrival time in the big cell? The average call duration is S.
How many users can one cell serve when WCDMA system contains a mix of different type of users: high speed users with data rate KBIT and requiring 3)2 target D" S Three data users with data rate
Rest of the users are slow moving speech users ( D" . The neighbouring cell interference factor I .
Calculate the soft capacity of the system with parameters. Bit rates Speech 15 KBIT S Real time data 15 KBIT S 64 KBIT S Voice activity Speech 65 % Data 100 % Eb/No Speech 4 D" Data 15 3 D" Data 64 2 D" i 0.65 Noise rise 3 D" Blocking 2 % probability Spread chiprate 3.84 -CHIP S