After The King Dies, His Brother Will Usurp The Throne From The Prince
After The King Dies, His Brother Will Usurp The Throne From The Prince
After The King Dies, His Brother Will Usurp The Throne From The Prince
Take the place of (someone in a position of power) illegally; supplant. After the king dies, his brother will usurp the throne from the prince. 2. avouch vouCH/ Verb Affirm or assert. She is my intimate friend, and I can avouch for her reputation. 3. martial m SH l Adjective Of or appropriate to war; warlike: "martial bravery". Many soldiers facing courts martial have to wait up to a year to be tried. 4. portentous p tent Adjective 1. Of or like a portent. 2. Done in a pompously or overly solemn manner. "The dark skies were a portentous sign of the approaching storm." 5. dirge /d rj/ Noun 1. A lament for the dead, esp. one forming part of a funeral rite. 2. A mournful song, piece of music, or poem. 3. Although the wedding party had requested bagpipes, the sound coming from them was more of a dirge than the kind of celebratory music they had hoped for. 6. impious imp Adjective
Not showing respect or reverence, esp. for a god. The man's impious remark was offensive to the people in the room that were Christians. Synonyms ungodly - godless - unholy - profane - irreligious 7. jocund jk nd Adjective Cheerful and lighthearted. 8. perusal p oo l Noun The action of reading or examining something The employees hoped for the best as the manager made his perusal of the front room. 9. gratis g ati Adverb Without charge; free. Adjective Given or done for nothing; free. The medical students provided flu shots to senior citizens gratis.
10. orison i n Noun A prayer. The child recited a quick orison, wishing that he would do well on his test