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DE HSGcaptruong 2013-2014-1

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K THI HC SINH GII CP TRNG NM HC 2013-2014 MN THI: TING ANH Lp 12 Thi gian lm bi: 180 pht

I. LISTENING (15 points) Hng dn phn thi nghe: * Bi nghe khong 16 pht gm 2 phn, mi phn c nghe 2 ln mi ln cch nhau 10 giy. * Th sinh c 5 pht c qua cc phn trc khi nghe. * Th sinh c 3 pht hon chnh bi lm sau khi nghe ht 2 phn. * Mi hng dn cho th sinh (bng ting Anh) c trong bi nghe. PART 1: You will hear people talking in five different situations. For questions 1 to 5, choose the best answer A, B or C. 1. You overhear a man talking about an experience he had at an airport. What did he lose? A. his passport B. his wallet C. a piece of luggage 2. You overhear the beginning of a lecture. What subject are the students taking? A. medicine B. sport C. music 3. You hear a man talking on the phone about buying a house. What is the purpose of his call? A. to apologise B. to complain C. to obtain information 4. You hear a writer of childrens stories talking about books and compact discs. What advantage does he think books have over compact discs? A. They may last for a longer time. B. They are easier to look after. C. They contain better quality material. 5. You hear a husband and a wife talking about their holidays. What problem do they have? A. They really hate flying anywhere. B. They can never think of anywhere to go. C. They never agree about what to do. 1 2 3 4 5

PART 2: You will hear an interview with Elizabeth Homes about her experience working in Africa. For sentences 6 to 15, complete the sentences. 6. Elizabeth worked for a ________________ before she went to Africa. 7. Elizabeth first found out about working as a volunteer from a ________________ she saw at the dentists. 8. The course in London that Elizabeth attended was called _________________. 9. Elizabeths job in Africa was to teach _________________ how to market their goods. 10. On arrival in Africa, Elizabeth spent _________________ doing a training course with other volunteers. 11. Elizabeth used a _________________ to travel short distances in Africa. 12. Elizabeth feels that she got on best with _________________ in the area of Africa where she lived. 13. Back in England, Elizabeth found that she was disturbed by the ________________ in the city. 1

14. At the moment, Elizabeth buys and sells __________________ from Africa. 15. Nowadays, Elizabeth spends more time on her favourite pastime, which is ________________. 6. 8. 10. 12. 14. 7. 9. 11. 13. 15.

II. LEXICO-GRAMMAR (25 pts) PART 1: Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence. For sentences 16 to 30, write your answer (A, B, C, or D) in the numbered box. 16. I usually buy my clothes ______. Its cheaper than going to the dressmaker. A. on the house B. off the peg C. in public D. on the shelf 17. My father ______ when he found out that I had damaged his car. A. hit the roof B. saw pink elephants C. made my blood boil D. brought the house down 18. ______ every industry in our modern world requires the work of engineers. A. Wholly B. Hardly C. Most D. Virtually 19. Suddenly, someone shouted, Thief! and the man quickly ______ on a motorbike. A. took in B. came forward C. made off D. handed in 20. The new manager ______ very strict rules as soon as he had ______ the position. A. laid down/ taken over B. put down/ taken over C. lay down/ taken up D. wrote down/ come over 21. I see Johns ______ again. Ive heard him telling everyone hes the best tennis player in the County. A. holding his tongue B. singing another tune C. blowing his own trumpet D. pulling my leg 22. The hall was very crowded with over a hundred people ______ into it. A. stuck B. packed C. pushed D. stuffed 23. Fire crews have been operating at full ______. A. effort B. power C. strength D. energy

24. Owing to the fog, his flight from Karachi was ______. A. belated B. overdue C. unscheduled D. unpunctual 25. The car burst into ______ but the driver managed to escape. A. fire B. burning C. heat D. flames 26. Dont wake him up. He was ______ the go all night and he returned from work very tired. A. in B. on C. during D. over 27. They say that when you turn 40, you are over the ______. A. cloud B. threshold C. hill D. line 28. The comforting news from my sister was a real ______ off my mind. A. stone B. deal C. load D. mass 29. If the man fails to repair the faulty wiring, we could borrow a candle from the neighbors as a last ______. A. resort B. rescue C. resource D. recourse 30. Dont think you can change his approach; hes too stubborn to be ______. 2

A. brought up

B. brought in

C. brought round

D. brought forward
















PART 2: Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits in the space. For sentences 31 to 40, write your answer in the numbered box. Life in extreme conditions Until relatively recently, it was thought that extreme heat and cold presented (31) ________(MOUNT) problems to living organisms and that all life existed in a narrow range of (32) ______ (FLAVOUR) temperatures. However, the discovery of extremophiles has forced a (33) _______ (ASSESS) of that view. Extremophiles are bacteria that survive, and even thrive, in (34) _________ (SEEM) impossible conditions. (35) ________ (PROBABLE) as it may seem, some exist at temperatures exceeding 80C in geysers and hot springs, while others live in the freezing conditions of the Antarctic (36) _________ (WILD). While most species of large animals are (37) _______ (THREAT) by global warming, even to the point of (38) _______ (EXTINCT), that kind of (39) _______ (ECOLOGY) change may actually benefit the extremophiles. These (40) __________ (MYSTERY) organisms may survive long after the human race. 31. 33. 35. 37. 39. 32. 34. 36. 38. 40.

III. READING: (30pts) PART 1: Read the following passage and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. For sentences 41 to 50, write your answer in the numbered box. Television has changed the lifestyle of people in every industrialized country in the world. In the United States, where sociologists have studied the effects, some interesting observations have been made. TV, although not essential, has become a(n) (41)_______ part of most peoples lives. It has become a baby- sitter, an initiator of conversations, a major transmitter of culture, and a keeper of traditions. Yet when what can be seen on TV in one day is critically analyzed, it becomes evident that TV is not a teacher but a sustainer. The poor (42)_______ of programs does not elevate people into greater (43)_______, but rather maintains and encourages the status quo. The (44)_______ reason for the lack of quality in American TV is related to both the history of TV development and the economics of TV. TV in American began with the radio. Radio companies and their sponsors first experimented with TV. Therefore, the close relationship, (45)_______ the advertisers had with radio programs, actually produced the programs. Thus, (46)_______ from the capitalistic, profit-oriented sector of American society, TV is primarily (47)_______ with reflecting and attracting society (48)_______ than innovating and experimenting with new ideas. Advertisers want to attract the largest viewing audience possible; to do so requires that the programs be entertaining rather than challenging.

TV in America today remains, to a large (49)_______, with the same organization and standards as it had thirty years ago. The hope for some evolution and true achievement toward improving society will require a change in the (50)_______ system. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. A. integral A. quantity A. preconception A. adequate A. which A. going A. interested A. more A. extent A. total 41 42 B. mixed B. quality B. knowledge B. unknown B. that B. leaving B. concerned B. rather B. degree B. full 43 44 45 C. fractional C. effect C. understanding C. inexplicable C. where C. coming C. worried C. less C. size C. entire 46 47 48 49 D. superior D. product D. feeling D. primary D. what D. getting D. connected D. better D. amount D. complete 50

PART 2: You are going to read an extract from a magazine article about underwater exploration. Eight sentences have been removed from the extract. Choose from the sentences (A-I) the one which fits each gap (from 51 to 58). There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. Write your answer in the blanks. In hot water Rachel Mills is a scientist who spends as much time as she can at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. Rachel Mills teaches and does research into marine geochemistry, which means she studies the chemical processes happening in the sea. (51)___________. When she isnt teaching, she lowers herself into a steel vehicle, a vessel for underwater exploration the size of a small car, and dives three kilometres down into the Atlantic Ocean to study underwater volcanoes. Inside, she says, space is so limited that I can reach out and touch the two pilots. (52)___________. A diver can last for 16 hours - three hours to reach the ocean floor, ten hours gathering samples of rock and water and then three hours to get back up to the surface again. If anything happens, and you have a problem and have to get to the top quickly, you can hit a panic button. The outside drops away leaving a small circular escape vessel that gets released, and its like letting go of a ping-pong ball in the bath it goes rapidly to the surface. (53)___________. I didnt know how I was going to react the first time I climbed into the vehicle. It was on the deck of ship and I got in with an instructor. (54)___________.They were testing me to see how I would react to being in such a small place. Now Rachel has made six dives. Last year she dived with a Russian crew. We went to a site which was a five-day sail west of the Canary Islands in the Atlantic. (55)___________. It is where the Atlantic Ocean comes alive. The Russian team were dropping off some scientific equipment there to discover the effect of a multi-national programme that would make a hole of 150 metres through a volcano. When she isnt at sea, Rachel is in her office at the Oceanography Centre, Southampton. Two thirds of my salary comes from teaching, which I love, but I do it so I can get on with my research into the black 4

smokers. This is just another name for underwater volcanoes - water comes out of the rock and turns into what looks like black smoke. (56)___________. The only time Ive been frightened is when I first went down with the Americans. We were towing equipment on a 50-metre rope when suddenly there was an explosion. There was this immense bang as the shock waves hit our vehicle and I thought, Im going to die. We stared at each other in silence, waiting. (57)___________. The relief was incredible - we were still alive! Its such an adventure diving down to the deepest part of the ocean. Every time I look out of the porthole and see those chimneys, there is such a sense of wonder. (58)___________. I had studied the black smokers for three years for my Ph.D. When I got down there and saw them for real it was such an amazing feeling. A. Here, on the ocean floor, is a huge area of underwater volcanoes, their chimneys all blowing out black smoke. B. Here I am on the bottom of the sea, and no one else on this planet has ever before seen them. C. No ones tested it yet, but I dont think it would be a very pleasant journey. D. He then talked me through the emergency procedures; including what to do if the pilot had a heart attack! E. They are used to these conditions, which means we cant stand up or move and we must stay inside until someone opens the door from the outside. F. When it didnt happen, we couldnt believe it. G. This pours out at a rate of one metre per second and at a temperature of 350 degrees. H. After that, as you get really deep, its near freezing point so you need a sweater, thick socks, gloves and a woolly hat. I. She is a lecturer at the Oceanography Centre at Southampton University. 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58

PART 3: Read the passage and choose the best answer for each question. Write your answer in the numbered box. Vitamins, taken in tidy doses, are a major group of organic compounds that regulate the mechanisms by which the body coverts food into energy. They should not be confused with minerals, which are inorganic in their makeup. Although in general the naming of vitamins followed the alphabetical order of their identification, the nomenclature of individual substances may appear to be somewhat random and disorganized. Among the 13 vitamins known today, five are produced in the body. Because the body produces sufficient quantities of some but not all vitamins, they must be supplemented in the daily diet. Although each vitamin has its specific designation and cannot be replaced by another compound, a lack of one vitamin can interfere with the processing of another. When a lack of even one vitamin in a diet is continual, a vitamin deficiency may result. The best way for an individual to ensure a necessary supply of vitamin is to maintain a balanced diet that includes a variety of foods and provides adequate quantities of all the compound. Some people take vitamin supplements, predominantly in the form of tablets. The vitamins in such supplements are equivalent to those in food, but an adult who maintains a balanced diet does not need a daily supplement. The ingestion 5

of supplements is recommended only to correct an existing deficiency due to unbalanced diet, to provide vitamins known to be lacking in a restricted diet, or to act as a therapeutic measure in medical treatment. Specifically, caution must be exercised with fat-soluble substances, such as vitamins A and D, because, taken in gigantic doses, they may present a serious health hazard over a period of time. 59. In line 1, the word regulate is closest in meaning to ______. A. control B. refine C. refresh D. confine 60. According to the passage, vitamins are ______. A. food particles B. essential nutrients C. miscellaneous D. major food group 61. In line 4, the word nomenclature is closest in meaning to ______. A. conservation B. classification C. concentration D. clarification 62. How many vitamins must be derived from nourishment? A. 5 B. 7 C. 8 D. 10 63. The author implies that foods ______. A. supply some but not all necessary vitamins B. should be fortified with all vitamins C. are equivalent in vitamin content D. supplement some but not all necessary vitamins 64. In line 7, the phrase daily diet is closest in meaning to ______. A. weight loss or gain B. sufficient quantities C. nourishment intake D. vitamin tablets 65. A continual lack of one vitamin in a persons diet is ______. A. contagious B. desirable C. preposterous D. dangerous 66. With which of the following statements would the author be most likely to agree? A. A varied diet needs to be supplemented with vitamins. B. An inclusive diet can provide all necessary vitamins. C. Vitamins cannot be consistently obtained from food. D. Vitamins should come from capsules on purified form. 67. It can be inferred from the passage that vitamin supplements can be advisable ______. A. in special medical case B. in most correcting diets C. after correcting a dietary deficiency D. before beginning a therapeutic treatment 68. In line 17, the phrase act as is closest in meaning to ______. A. play the role of B. pretend to be C. fight for D. attest to the fact that 69. The author of the passage implies that ______. A. some vitamins are not fat-soluble B. vitamins can be taken in very small doses C. most vitamins are water-soluble D. all vitamins are found in measured doses 70. What does the passage mainly discuss? A. Adopting vitamins to control weight B. The individuals diet for optimum health C. Vitamin categorization and medical application D. The place of vitamins in nutrition 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70

III. WRITING: (30 points) PART 1: (10 pts)

For questions 7180, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and eight words, including the word given. Here is an example: Do you mind if I watch you while you paint? OBJECTIONS Do you have any objections to my watching you while you paint? 71. I want to inform you that I was not satisfied with the standard of service in your hotel. EXPRESS I would ________________________________________ with the standard of service in your hotel. 72. I wanted to stay in last night but my flatmate insisted we go out. SOONER I _________________________________________ in last night but my flatmate insisted we go out. 73. I would find Andy more attractive if he didnt laugh at strange things. SENSE If it were _____________________________________ humour, I would find Andy quite attractive. 74. You were not supposed to tell anyone about my news! SECRET Id rather __________________________________________________ instead of telling everyone! 75. Team spirit no longer exists after one member of a team makes a mistake. SUCH Once one member of a team makes a mistake, there ___________________________ as team spirit. 76. He thinks his friends do not appreciate him. GRANTED He dislikes ____________________________________________________________ by his friends. 77. My parents are planning to pay someone to repair and redecorate their house next month. UP My parents are planning to have their ________________________________________ next month. 78. Since the director could not speak at the awards ceremony himself, one of the actors took his place. BEHALF One of the actors made _________________________________ the director at the awards ceremony. 79. The Japanese are the best at making pocket-sized technology. SECOND The Japanese _____________________________ when it comes to making pocket-sized technology. 80. The animal rights activist was so persuasive that I felt obliged to sign the petition. ADD I felt I had ___________________ to the petition because the animal rights activist was so persuasive. PART 2: Write a composition of about 250-350 words on the following topic: (20 pts) Some people believe that a college or university education should be available to all students. Others believe that higher education should be available only to good students. Discuss these views. Which view do you agree with? Explain why.


I. LISTENING (15 points) PART 1: 1 2 3 8 4 5

C PART 2: 6. travel agent(s)/ travel agency 8. Changes 10. three/ 3 weeks 12. the (local) women 14. (pieces of) furniture II. LEXICO-GRAMMAR (25 pts) PART 1: 16 17 18 19 20 21 B A D C A C PART 2: 31. insurmountable 33. reassessment 35. improbable 37. threatened 39. ecological III. READING: (30pts) PART 1: 41 A PART 2: 51 I PART 3: 59 A 60 B 61 B 62 C 63 A 52 E 53 C

7. poster 9. (local) (African) farmers 11. motorbike/ motorcycle 13. traffic (noise) 15. gardening

22 B

23 C

24 B

25 D

26 B

27 C

28 C

29 A

30 C

32. favourable 34. seemingly 36. wilderness 38. extinction 40. mysterious

42 B

43 C

44 D

45 A

46 C

47 B

48 B

49 A

50 C

54 D

55 A

56 G

57 F

58 B

64 C

65 D

66 B

67 A

68 A

69 A

70 D

III. WRITING: (30 points) PART 1: Part 1: Sentence transformation (10 pts) 71. I want to inform you that I was not satisfied with the standard of service in your hotel. EXPRESS I would like to express my dissatisfaction with the standard of service in your hotel. 72. I wanted to stay in last night but my flatmate insisted we go out. SOONER I would sooner have stayed in last night but my flatmate insisted we go out. 73. I would find Andy more attractive if he didnt laugh at strange things. SENSE If it were not for his strange sense of humour, I would find Andy quite attractive. 9

74. You were not supposed to tell anyone about my news! SECRET Id rather you had kept my news secret instead of telling everyone! 75. Team spirit no longer exists after one member of a team makes a mistake. SUCH Once one member of a team makes a mistake, there is no such thing as team spirit. 76. He thinks his friends do not appreciate him. GRANTED He dislikes being taken for granted by his friends. 77. My parents are planning to pay someone to repair and redecorate their house next month. UP My parents are planning to have their house done up next month. 78. Since the director could not speak at the awards ceremony himself, one of the actors took his place. BEHALF One of the actors made a speech on behalf of the director at the awards ceremony. 79. The Japanese are the best at making pocket-sized technology. SECOND The Japanese are second to none when it comes to making pocket-sized technology. 80. The animal rights activist was so persuasive that I felt obliged to sign the petition. ADD I felt I had (an obligation) to add my name/ signature to the petition because the animal rights activist was so persuasive. Part 2: Composition (20 pts) - Organization (B cc bi lun r rang, y 3 phn: m bi, thn bi, kt lun) (1pt) - Discourse (Th hin kh nng vit mch lc, cht ch; ni kt cu, chuyn mch tt) (7pts) - Sentence structure (morphology, vocabulary, spelling): Cu trc cu, ng php, t vng; cu linh hot (n, phc) (2pts) - Ideas ( hay, phong ph, biu t ni dung lin quan cht ch vi ch va thi) (9pts) - Length (m bo s lng t qui nh: khng qu di hoc qu ngn) (1pt)


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