Biomimicry in Architecture
Biomimicry in Architecture
Biomimicry in Architecture
Michael Pawlyn
Foreword: Jonathon Porritt Introduction Chapter 1: How can we build more efficient structures? Chapter 2: How will we manufacture materials? Chapter 3: How will we create zero-waste systems? Chapter 4: How will we manage water? Chapter 5: How will we control our thermal environment? Chapter 6: How will we produce energy for our buildings? Chapter 7: Synthesis
iv 1 9 35 53 65 77 91 103
Acknowledgements, 118 Bibliography, 119 Notes, 122 Index, 126 Image credits, 130
When historians come to look back on the twentieth century, from the vantage point of their genuinely sustainable society in the second half of this century, one of the most disputatious areas of enquiry will be fathoming out exactly why we did so little about sustainable living in the second half of that century. It wasnt that we didnt have the knowledge, because we did. It wasnt that we didnt have the technology, because we could have. More mundanely, caught up as we were in our post-war cornucopian fantasies, we simply couldnt be arsed. Broadly speaking, we were content with our model of consumption-driven economic growth, for all people, apparently forever, and just accepted the rising environmental damage as an acceptable price to pay for it. Happily, we do at last seem to be waking up after these dismal decades of life-destroying arrogance. Illusions of the limitlessness of the planet are evaporating as the ineluctable physical reality of scarcity impacts on more and more aspects of our economy. People no longer dismiss out of hand concerns about peak oil or about diminishing supplies of critical raw materials. And those control fantasies that once persuaded us that making war on nature would somehow turn out to be the best way of advancing humankinds special interests are giving way to a much more sophisticated understanding of the need for balance and reciprocity between ourselves and the rest of the living world. Michael Pawlyns fascinating work opens up one particularly intriguing aspect of that search for a new balance biomimicry in architecture. He defines biomimicry as mimicking the functional basis of biological forms, processes and systems to produce sustainable solutions, and he invites us to explore not just its potential but specific case studies in architecture where biomimicry has already had an important influence. I came away from reading this with the distinct impression that whats out there today, already in situ, provides just the tiniest insight into what lies ahead. Biomimicry is increasingly well established in the fields of industrial design, engineering and manufacturing, and even in medicine and fashion. The profession of architecture, however, has been slow to incorporate any of the basic principles let alone the practice of biomimicry into its teaching. Most contemporary architects would be quick to attribute that to a lack of imagination on the part of their clients. However, there is a broader case to be made that relatively few architects have, as yet, used their professional skills and their standing in society to the full to help other people live more sustainably in buildings and spaces that are fit for purpose in a very different age.
iv Biomimicry in Architecture
Michael Pawlyn clearly feels much of that frustration himself, and is keen to demonstrate that even as architects become more mindful of the impact their work has on the environment, there is only so much they can do within the existing paradigm. If we remain stuck in a wastegenerating, inherently polluting model of development (using raw materials in the heat, beat and treat paradigm, as Janine Benyus describes it), then we will only ever get to the less bad (or less unsustainable in my terms) in our use of the natural world but never to good! Its that entire paradigm that we have to render obsolete, designing out waste as such by ensuring that as much as possible of what we create remains useful to us for as long as possible, in one way or another, and performs functionally with zero impact on the natural world. Biomimicry allows wealth-creators of every kind to emulate natural forms in their own work, using nature as a critical sourcebook. Happily, theres no shortage of role models. From the insect world alone, we are invited to learn from the mud-dauber wasp, compass termites, Eastern tent caterpillars, female bauble spiders and the extraordinary Namibian fog-basking beetle! Pawlyn introduces us to a veritable treasure trove of teachers. And at the heart of this celebration of evolution lies a wonderful paradox. Even as our politicians and economists focus ever more intently on the problems of scarcity (in terms of oil, land, water, precious metals, rare earths, and so on), we are only just beginning to appreciate the astonishing abundance with which we are surrounded. In short, its not the lack of biophysical plenty that will constrain the future of humankind, but rather the lack of vision and creativity on our part.
Jonathon Porritt
14 January 2011 Jonathon Porritt is Founder Director of Forum for the Future
Foreword v
You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.
richard buckminster fuller
This is a book about solutions . It is about learning from a source of ideas that has benefited from a 3.8-billion-year research and development period. That source is the vast array of species that inhabit the earth and represent evolutionary success stories. Biological organisms can be seen as embodying technologies that are equivalent to those invented by humans, and in many cases they have solved the same problems with a far greater economy of means. Humans have achieved some truly remarkable things, such as modern medicine and the digital revolution, but, when one sees some of the extraordinary adaptations that have evolved in natural organisms, it is hard not to feel a sense of humility about how much we still have to learn. There are, I believe, three major changes that we need to bring about if the grand project of humanity is to endure: achieving radical increases in resource efficiency, shifting from a fossil-fuel economy to a solar economy and transforming from a linear, wasteful and polluting way of using resources to a completely closed-loop model in which all resources are stewarded in cycles and nothing is lost as waste. None of these will be easy but if we choose to embark on these linked journeys then there is, in my opinion, no better discipline than biomimicry to help reveal many of the solutions that we need.
Coccolithophores (marine micro-organisms) make their skeletons from calcium carbonate using elements in seawater and are thought to be part of the planets long-term carbon cycle. In geological periods when carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere have risen, coccolithophores bloomed and, when they died, fell to the ocean floor to form layers of limestone.
advantages of scientific knowledge, better tools and aesthetic sensibilities unconstrained by historical dogma. There are few times when designers have been presented with such an opportunity. Many current approaches to environmentally sustainable architecture are based on mitigation. The suggestion from the examples collected in this book is that it is possible to go further than this, and for buildings and cities to be regenerative. In some cases, buildings will cease to be static consumers and can become nett producers of useful resources. The intention is therefore to transcend the mimicking of natural forms and attempt to understand the principles that lie behind those forms and systems. Then we can look for opportunities to create works of architecture that are celebratory as well as being radically more resource efficient.
Bio-utlisation refers to the direct use of nature for beneficial purposes, such as incorporating planting in and around buildings to produce evaporative cooling. We will see later in Chapter 3 that this approach has a major role to play in biomimetic systems thinking. Biophilia was a term popularised by the biologist E. O. Wilson, and refers to a hypothesis that there is an instinctive bond between human beings and other living organisms.4 From an architectural perspective there is an important distinction to be made between biomimicry and biomorphism. Modern architects have frequently used nature as a source for unconventional forms and for symbolic association. There are some examples of how this has produced majestic works of architecture, such as Eero Saarinens TWA terminal (fig. 2) and Frank Lloyd Wrights Johnson Wax building (fig. 3). In the esoteric realm, Le Corbusier used allusions to natural forms extensively for their associated symbolism (fig. 4). The reason that it is necessary to make a distinction is because we require a functional revolution of sorts if we are to bring about the transformations described above, and I firmly believe that it will be biomimicry rather than biomorphism that will deliver the solutions we need. Are there grey areas between biomorphism and biomimicry? There are certainly projects that have been based on a very detailed understanding of natural forms and have used this to great effect. The key, I believe, is whether the design engages with the function delivered by a particular natural adaptation. If it does, then it is fair to label it as biomimetic; if it does not, then I think it is correct to say it is biomorphic. I do not want to sound too dismissive of biomorphic architecture. It is quite possible for the two approaches to coexist in one building, and biomorphism can add further meaning than would be achieved from a purely technical use of biomimicry. It is also worth considering the limitations of biomimicry. Just as with any design discipline, it will not automatically produce good architecture, and we should be wary of trying to become purely scientific about design. Architecture should always have an emotional dimension it should touch the spirit, it should be uplifting and it should celebrate the age in which it was created.
2 Biomimicry in Architecture
4 2. 3.
The TWA terminal at John F Kennedy Airport, New York, in which Eero Saarinen used biomorphic forms to capture the poetry of flight Frank Lloyd Wright likened the columns in the Johnson Wax building to water lilies and, while they create a spectacular space, they have nothing functionally in common with lily leaves
Le Corbusier, possibly the greatest symbolist architect of all time, appears to have made deliberate reference to the cleansing function of kidneys in the design of the washrooms for the unbuilt Olivetti Headquarters project
Introduction 3
There are some cases in which a biological example may already have some of these inspiring qualities one could cite the Amazon water lilies that were translated into concrete beauty by Pier Luigi Nervi. In other cases, such as the principles of structural efficiency revealed in abalone shells, it is no more (or less) than a promising starting point from which to imagine all manner of spaces with, for instance, the magical qualities of Eladio Diestes architecture (fig. 5). The word natural is used in many contexts to imply some kind of inherent virtue or rightness, and it would be easy to misconstrue biomimicry as being about the pursuit of solutions that are more natural.5 This is not the aim. There are certain aspects of nature that we definitely do not want to emulate voracious parasitism to name just one. There is also a danger in romanticising nature. What I believe nature does hold that is of enormous value is a vast array of products
(for want of a better word) that have benefited from an extremely long and ruthless process of selection and refinement. Evolution could be summarised as a process based on genetic variability, from which the fittest are selected over time. The pressures of survival have driven organisms into some almost unbelievably specific ecological niches and into developing astonishing adaptations to resource-constrained environments. The relevance of this to the constraints that humans will face in the decades ahead is obvious. We will, in the chapters of this book, study a beetle that can harvest fresh water from the air in a desert environment, a reptile that effectively drinks with its feet and another beetle that can detect a forest fire at a distance of 10 km.6 We will also learn about projects that achieve alchemical transformations of waste into highly productive systems.
4 Biomimicry in Architecture
Origins of biomimicry
While there is no proof, it is quite likely that the forms of eggs inspired the first human-made domes, and in this sense biomimicry is far from being a recent idea. Leonardo da Vinci was clearly a pioneer, and his visions were hundreds of years ahead of his contemporaries. Other examples abound, as Steven Vogel has clearly described in Cats Paws and Catapults.7 Around 1719, the production of paper shifted from using cotton and linen fibres after the French entomologist RneAntoine Ramur suggested that wasps use of wood pulp demonstrated an alternative. In the field of naval architecture there are examples such as that of Sir George Cayley, who in 1809 studied the streamlined form of dolphins and trout in order to develop ship hulls with lower coefficients of drag. More recently there are some well-documented examples such as the invention of Velcro around 1948, and in the last decade there has been a phenomenal flourishing of biomimicry as more and more designers respond to the demand for sustainable products. The Mercedes biomimetic concept car (fig. 8) is inspired by the surprisingly streamlined and roomy boxfish (fig. 7), Olympic swimsuits based on shark skin (fig. 9) and new types of drill designed after a wood wasps ovipositor8 have all delivered a superior product by learning from the functions delivered by adaptations in natural organisms. To date, biomimicry has only been applied to building design to a fairly limited extent, often relying on frequently cited examples such as termite mounds and spider webs. In recent years, biomimicry has developed very rapidly in other fields such as industrial design and medicine. This book will explore the potential that biomimicry offers to architecture. It is not intended to be an exhaustive survey of works of architecture that are biomimetic, but it does aspire to be a comprehensive sourcebook to encourage other architects and students to explore a wonderfully rich range of solutions.
5. 6.
The Iglesia Christa Obero designed by Eladio Dieste Burdock burr were the source of inspiration for George de Mestral the Swiss engineer who invented Velcro. Apparently after some recent frustration with zips, he noticed the way that burdock burrs clung to his dogs coat and, after studying them with a magnifying glass, designed the first version of the now ubiquitous fastening
Introduction 5
7. 8.
The boxfish In spite of its rather cubic form the boxfish has a very low coefficient of drag and inspired the designers of the new Mercedes
Sharks and other elasmobranchs have a very rough skin texture (as this scanning electron microscope image of spiny dogfish skin shows) which, somewhat counterintuitively, creates a more streamlined surface. New biomimietic swimsuits based on shark skin were so successful in allowing swimmers to move faster through the water that they were banned by Fina the governing body for world swimming
6 Biomimicry in Architecture