Asgl School Compact
Asgl School Compact
Asgl School Compact
Ambassador Leadership
John E. Deasy, Ph.D. Superintendent of Schools Tommy Chang ISIC Instructional Leader John Samaniego Principal
School-Family Compact
As a parent/guardian or family member I will: Learning Environment: Provide a quiet time and place for homework and monitor T.V. viewing. Ensure that my child gets adequate rest and regular medical attention Support my child to be college and career ready by participating in parent workshops on relevant topics ( i.e. A-G requirements, college admissions, EL Reclassification, CSTs ) Communication Talk to my child regularly about the value of education. Communicate regularly with my childs teachers, principal, councilor or other school staff to check my childs academic progress or when I have a concern. Collaboration Ensure that my child attends all classes and is on time to school every day. Monitor my childs academic progress in school by checking their report cards or talking to his/her
Leadership Participate in shared decision making with school staff and other families for the benefit of students through the English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) and or school governing council. As a teacher I will:
teachers or other school staff. Participate at school activities such as school decision making, volunteering, Back-to-School Night, Parent/Teacher Conferences, Coffee with the Principal, or Open House.
Learning Environment Provide a rigorous, global relevant and engaging standards-based curriculum that prepares all students for college and equips them with 21st century skills. Motivate my students to want to learn by making learning engaging through project based learning, assigning meaningful and relevant homework, and 21st century technology. Enforce rules equitably and engage students in providing a warm, safe, and caring environment for all students. Communication Communicate high expectations for every student. Communicate regularly with families about student progress using a variety of means (ie. e-mail, calls. Notes and/or in person conferences) and provide them with clear action steps on how they can support their students. Collaboration Consistently work with families and my school colleagues to make ASGL accessible and welcoming for families. Collaborate with my colleagues to ensure that each student achieves the schools high academic standards and social code. Respect the school, students, staff, and families. Leadership Participate in professional development opportunities to continue to learning and improve teaching and so that I performing at my highest potential for all my students. Actively participate in collaborative decision-making through pilot committees, ad-hoc committees and or school governing council. We make a commitment to work together to carry out this agreement. _______________________________________ ________ Student _______________________________________ ________ Parent/Guardian/Family Member _______________________________________ ________ Mr. Samaniego, Principal (Representative for All Teachers) ____________________________ Date ____________________________ Date ____________________________ Date