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UNIVERSITY OF EAST ANGLIA School of Literature and Creative Writing MA IN LITERARY TRANSLATION LITEM036: Translation Theory Tutor: Jean

Boase-Beier Spring 2011 Thursdays 2-4

This module discusses key theoretical and descriptive pronouncements on translation by theorists and practising translations working mainly within the Western tradition. However, we will try to look at other traditions as well, depending on the expertise and interests of the members of the group. The focus is predominantly on contemporary work, with some older commentary providing historical context. Students are encouraged to explore their own theoretical interests and present their findings in class. The week-by-week plan is as follows:


Introduction: aims and structure of unit. Translation studies, linguistics and literary theory. Terms and concepts; theory and practice. Reading: Bassnett 1991: Chapter 1; Steiner 1992: Chapter 4; Jakobson in Schulte & Biguenet 1992 (S&B): 144-151; Boase-Beier & Holman 1999: Chapter 1 Chesterman & Wagner 2002 Reading translators prefaces and notes Reading: Preface to King James Bible; Introduction to Lowell 1958; Prefaces and notes to Visible Poets Series Historical pronouncements on translation Reading: dAblancourt in Lefevre 1992 (L): 35-37; Dryden in S&B: 17-31; Pope in L: 64-66; Tytler in L: 128-135; Schleiermacher in L: 141-165; Goethe in L: 7478; Schlegel in L:78-80; Benjamin in S&B: 71-82: Pound in S&B: 83-92 Linguistic theories of translation Reading: Nida in Brower 1966: 11-31; Nida 1964: Chapter 6; Catford 1965; Malmkjaer 2005 Polysystem theory, norms and Descriptive Translation Studies Reading: Gentzler 2001: 106-144: Even-Zohar and Toury in Venuti 2000: 192-7, 198-21 Translation and ethics, domesticating and foreignising. Postcolonial translation Reading: Berman in Venuti 2000: Venuti 1995, esp. Chapters 1 and 6; Venuti 1998; Bassnett & Trivedi 1999; Tymoczko 2007






7. 8.

Reading Week: work on essay preparation Cognitive Stylistic Approaches Reading: Boase-Beier 2004; Gutt in Venuti 2000; Boase-Beier 2006b Gender and translation Reading: Simon 1996 Functional theories Reading: Nord 1997 The importance of non-Western theories for the study of translation in England Reading: Chung 2006; Hung & Wakabayashi 2005; Curran 2008 Memes of translation. The effects of theory on practice Reading: Chesterman 1997






Marcus Tullius Cicero 106-43 BC Quintilian 35-96 AD St Jerome 345 - 419/20

De oratore 55 BC Institutio Oratoria 96 AD Letter to Pammachius c. 406 AD

Lindisfarne Gospels 777 Roger Bacon c. 1214 - 1292 John Wycliffe 1320 - 1384 Desiderius Erasmus 1466 - 1536 De lingarum cognito 1267 Wycliffe Bible 1330 - 84 Letter to William Warham 1506; New Testament 1516 Sendbrief Dolmetschen 1530 vom

Martin Luther 1483 - 1546

William Tyndale 1494 - 1536

Tyndale's 1525



Sir Thomas Wyatt 1503 - 1542

Translations sonnets



Etienne Dolet 1509 - 1546

De la manire bien traduire d'une langue en autre 1540 Translations sonnets of Petrarch's

Earl of Surrey 1517 - 1547

Philemon Holland 1552 - 1637

'Preface to the Reader' in Pliny's History of the World 1634 Iliad 1598 Translations of Cicero 1638 Preface The Translators to the Reader 1611 Preface to the Aneid 1656 Preface to the Pindariques 1656 Preface to Ovid's Epistles 1680 Iliad 1715 Essay on the Principles of Translation 1790 Schriften zur Literatur 1824 De l'esprit des traductions 1821 Schlegel - Tieck Shakespeare 1797 1833

George Chapman c. 1559 - 1634 Nicolas Perrot d'Ablancourt 1606 - 1664 King James Bible

Sir John Denham 1615 - 1669 Abraham Cowley 1618 - 1667

John Dryden 1631 - 1700

Alexander Pope 1688 -1744 Alexander Fraser Tytler

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 1749 - 1832 Madame de Stael 1766 - 1817

August Wilhelm Schlegel 1767 - 1845

Friedrich Schleiermacher 1768 - 1834

ber die verschiedenen Methoden des bersetzens 1812 Preface to Agamemnon 1816 The Death of Wallenstein 1800 A Defence of Poetry 1821 The State of Literature 1827 The Rubaiyat Khayyam 1859 of German

Wilhelm von Humboldt 1767 - 1835 Samuel Taylor Coleridge 1772 - 1834

Percy Bysshe Shelley 1792 - 1822 Thomas Carlyle 1795 - 1881

Edward Fitzgerald 1809 - 1863


George Eliot 1819 - 1880

The Essence of Christianity L. Feuerbach, 1854 On Translating Homer 1861 Dante and his Circle 1861 On Translation 1931 Cathay 1915 The Fables of La Fontaine 1954 'The Task of the Translator' 1923 Mediaeval Latin Lyrics 1948 On Linguistic Aspects of Translation 1959 Problems of Translation: Onegin in English, 1955

Matthew Arnold 1822 - 1868 Dante Gabriel Rossetti 1828 - 1882 Hilaire Belloc 1870 - 1953 Ezra Pound 1885 - 1972 Marianne Moore 1887 - 1972

Walter Benjamin 1892 - 1940

Helen Waddell 1889 - 1965 Roman Jakobson 1896 - 1982

Vladimir Nabokov 1899 - 1977

2. Contemporary Views Adab, B. & C. Valds, eds. (2004) Key Debates in the Translation of Advertising Material [Special Issue of The Translator], Manchester: St Jerome.

Alln, S., ed. (1999) Translation of Poetry and Poetic Prose, London: World Scientific. Alvarez, R., & M. Carmen-Africa Vidal (1996) Translation, Power, Subversion, Clevedon: Multilingual Matters. Baker, M. ed. (2009) Critical Readings inTtranslation Studies, London: Routledge. Barnstone, W. (1993) The Poetics of Translation, London: Yale University Press. Bassnett, S. (1991) (2nd ed.) Translation Studies, London: Methuen. Bassnett, S & P. Bush, eds. (2006) The Translator as Writer, London: Continuum. Bassnett, S. & A. Lefevere (1990) Translation, History, Culture, London: Cassell. Bassnett, S. & H. Trivedi, eds., (1999) Post-Colonial Translation: Theory and Practice, London: Routledge. Batchelor, K. (2009) Decolonising Translation: Francophone African Novels in English Translation, Manchester: St Jerome Publishing. Beaugrande, R. de (1978) Factors in a Theory of Poetic Translation, Assen: Van Gorcum. Behn, Aphra (1993) Seneca Unmasked and Other Prose Translations in Todd, The Works of Aphra Behn, vol. 4. London: Pickering. Belitt, B. (1978) Adam's Dream: A Preface to Translation, New York: Grove. Berman, A. (1984) L'Epreuve de l'tranger, Paris: Gallimard [translated as The Experience of the Foreign, 1992. Albany: State University of NY]. Berman, A. (1995) Pour une critique des traductions: John Donne, Paris: Gallimard. Biguenet, J, & R Schulte, eds. (1989) The Craft of Translation, Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Boase-Beier, J, (2005) Bringing Together Science and Poetry, Comparative Critical Studies, 2/1. Boase-Beier, J. (2006a) Stylistic Approaches to Translation, Manchester: St Jerome. Boase-Beier , J. (2006b) Loosening the Grip of the Text: Theory as Aid to Creativity, in Perteghella, M and E. Loffredo, eds. Translation and Creativity, London: Continuum

Boase-Beier, J. & M. Holman (1999) The Practices of Literary Translation: Constraints and Creativity. Manchester: St Jerome. Brodzki, B. (2007) Can These Bones Live? Stanford: Stanford UP. Brower, R. A., ed. (1959) On Translation, New York: OUP. Brower, R.A. (1974) Mirror on Mirror: Translation, Imitation, Parody, Cambridge, Mass: Harvard UP. Catford, J. C. (1965) A Linguistic Theory of Translation, Oxford: OUP. Chan, Leo Tak-Hung, ed. Amsterdam: Benjamins. (2004) Twentieth-Century Chinese Translation Theory,

Chesterman, A. (1997) Memes of Translation, Amsterdam: Benjamins. Chesterman, A. & E. Wagner (2002) Can Theory Help Translators, Manchester: St Jerome. Cheung, M. P., ed. (2006) An Anthology of Chinese Discourse on Translation, Manchester: St Jerome Publishing. Cheung, M. ed. (2009) Chinese Discourses on Translation [Special Edition of The Translator]. Crandell, T. E., ed. (1975) Translators and Translating, Binghampton: New York State UP. Cronin, M. (2003) Translation and Globalisation, London: Routledge. Curran, B. ed. (2008) Theatre Translation Theory and Performance in Contemporary Japan, Manchester: St. Jerome Publishing. Evan-Zohar, I. (1990) Polysystem Studies, Tel Aviv: Porter Institute. Evan-Zohar, I. & G. Toury, eds. (1981) Translation Theory and Intercultural Relations, Poetics Today 214. Fawcett, P. (1997) Translation and Language: Linguistics Theories Explained, Manchester: St Jerome. Flotow, L. von (1997) Translation and Gender: Translating in the 'Era of Feminism' , Manchester: St Jerome.

Frawley, W., ed. (1984) Translation: Literary, Linguistic and Philosophical Perspectives, Newark: University of Delaware Press. Gentzler, E. (2001) Contemporary Translation Theories, London: Routledge. Graham, J., ed. (1985) Difference in Translation, Ithaca: Cornell UP. Gutt, E.-A. (2000) Translation and Relevance, Manchester: St Jerome. Hardwick, L. (2000) Translating Worlds, Translating Cultures, London: Dudworth. Hatim, B. & I. Mason (1997) The Translator as Communicator, London: Routledge. Hatim, B. & I. Mason (1990) Discourse and the Translator, London: Longman. Hermans, T. ed. (1985) The Manipulation of Literature: Studies in Literary Translation, London: Croom-Helm. Hermans, T. (1999) Translation in Systems: Descriptive and Systemic Approaches Explained, Manchester: St Jerome. Holmes, J. (1988) Translated! Papers on Literary Translation and Translation Studies, Amsterdam: Rodopi. Honig, E. (1985) The Poet's Other Voice: Conversations on Literary Translation, Amherst: University of Mass. UP. Hung, E & J. Wakabayashi, eds. (2005) Asian Translation Traditions, Manchester: St Jerome Publishing. Hyde, G. (1993) The Whorf-Sapir Hypothesis and the Translation Muddle, Translation and Literature, Vol 2: 3-16. Jin, Di (2003) Literary Translation: Quest for Artistic Integrity, Manchester: St Jerome. Katan, D. (1999) Translating Cultures, Manchester: St Jerome. Kelly, L. G. (1979) The True Interpreter: A History of Translation Theory and Practice in the West, Oxford: Blackwell. Kuhiwczak, P. & K. Littau, eds. (2007) A Companion to Translation Studies, Clevedon: Multilingual Matters. Lathey, G., ed. (2006) The Translation of Childrens Literature: A Reader, Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.

Lefevere, A (1975) Translating Poetry, Assen: Van Gorcum. Lefevere, A., ed. (1977) Translating Literature: The German Tradition from Luther to Rosenzweig, Assen: Von Gorcum. Lefevere, A.,ed. (1992) Translation/History/Culture: A Sourcebook. London: Routledge. Long, L., ed. (2005) Translation and Religion, Clevedon: Multilingual Matters. Lowell, R. (1958) Imitations, New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux. Malmkjaer, K. (2005) Linguistics and the Language of Translation, Edinburgh: EUP. Mossop, B. ( 2007) Revising and Editing for Translators, Manchester: St Jerome. Munday, J. (2001) Introducing Translation Studies, London: Routledge. Munday, J. (2009) The Routledge Companion to Translation Studies, London: Routledge. Newmark, P. (1981) Approaches to Translation, Oxford: Pergamon. Nair, R. B. (2002) Translation, Text and Theory: The Paradigm of India, New Delhi: Sage. Nida, E. A. (1964) Towards a Science of Translating, Leiden: Brill. Nord, C. (1997) Translating as a Purposeful Activity, Manchester: St Jerome. Parks, T (2007) Translating Style, London: Cassell Paz, O. (1971) Traduccin: Literatura y literalida, Barcelona: Tusquets. Perteghella, M. & E Loffredo, eds. (2006) Translation and Creativity: Perspectives on Creative Writing and Translation Studies, London: Continuum. Pym, A. (1998) Method in Translation History, Manchester: St Jerome. Pym, A (2009) Exploring Translation Theories, London: Routledge. Raffel, B. (1971) The Forked Tongue: A Study of the Translation Process, The Hague: Mouton. Rener F. M. (1989) Language and Translation from Cicero to Tytler, Amsterdam: Rodopi. Robinson, D. (1997) Western Translation Theory, Manchester: St Jerome.

Robinson, D. (1997) Translation and Empire: Postcolonial Theories Explained, Manchester: St Jerome. Rose, M. Gaddis (1997) Translation and Literary Criticism, Manchester: St Jerome. Santaemilia, J. , ed. (2005) Gender, Sex and Translation, Manchester: St Jerome. Schulte, R. and J. Biguenet, eds. (1992) Theories of Translation: An Anthology of Essays from Dryden to Derrida, Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Scott, C. (2000) Translating Baudelaire, Exeter: University of Exeter Press. Simon, S. (1996) Gender in Translation: Cultural Identity and the Politics of Transmission, London: Routledge. Snell-Hornby, M. (1988) Translation Studies: An Integrated Approach, Amsterdam: Benjamins. Snell-Hornby, M. (2006) The Turns of Translation Studies, Amsterdam: Benjamins. Steiner, G. (1975) After Babel: Aspects of Language and Translation, Oxford: OUP. Steiner, T. (1975) English Translation Theory 1650 1800, Assen: Van Gorcum. Toury, G. (1980) In Search of a Theory of Translation, Tel Aviv: Porter Institute. Toury, G. (1995) Descriptive Translation Studies - and Beyond, Amsterdam: Benjamins. Tymoczko, M (1999) Translation in a Post-Colonial Context: Early Irish Literature in English Translation, Manchester: St Jerome. Tymoczko, M (2007) Enlarging Translation, Empowering Translators, Manchester: St Jerome Publishing. Upton, C.-A., ed. (2000) Moving Target: Theatre Translation and Cultural Relocation, Manchester: St Jerome. Van Coillie, J. & W. Verschueren, eds. (2006) Childrens Literature in Translation, Manchester: St Jerome. Venuti, L., ed. (1992) Rethinking Translation: Discourse, Subjectivity, Ideology, London: Routledge. Venuti, L. (1995) The Translator's Invisibility, London: Routledge.

Venuti, L. (1998) The Scandals of Translation: Towards an Ethics of Difference, London: Routledge. Venuti, L., ed. (2000) The Translation Studies Reader. London: Routledge. Venuti, L., ed. (2004) The Translation Studies Reader. London: Routledge. [Second (different)edition],

Weissbort, D., ed. (1989) Translating Poetry: The Double Labyrinth, London: Macmillan. Weissbort, D. & A. Eysteinsson, eds. (2006) Translation Theory and Practice: A Historical Reade, Oxford: OUP. Williams, J. & A. Chesterman (2002) The Map: A Beginners Guide to Doing Research in Translation Studies, Manchester: St Jerome. Wilss, W. (1996) Knowledge and Skills in Translator Behaviour, Amsterdam: Benjamins. Zuber, O.,ed. (1980) The Languages of Theatre, Oxford: Pergamon. 3. Reference Books Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies (ed. Mona Baker), 1998 The Encyclopedia of Literary Translation into English (ed. Olive Classe), 2000 The Oxford Guide to Literature in English Translation (ed. Peter France), 2000 4. Journals Babel Modern Poetry in Translation Target Translation and Literature Translation Review The Translator: Studies in Intercultural Communication 5. Related Areas Iser, W. (2006) How to do Theory, Oxford: Blackwell.

Rutherford, J., ed. (1990) Identity, Community, Culture, Difference, London: Lawrence & Wishart. Sperber, D. (1996) Explaining Culture, London: Blackwell. 6. Novels, Poetry and Memoirs Aboulela, Leila (1999) The Translator, Edinburgh: Polygon. Hoffman, Eva (1989) Lost in Translation: Life in a New Language, London: Heinemann. Lee, Chang-rae (1995) Native Speaker, London: Granta. Visible Poets series

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