Peer Review - Draft 1
Peer Review - Draft 1
Peer Review - Draft 1
Directions: Creative writer read your narrative aloud to your group. Creative writer should ask
the questions below. As the audience/responders answer the questions, take notes about their
1. What is something you liked about my piece of writing? Why?
2. What questions do you have? (Note: Take notes about questions, for you can add
information that will help a reader to not have any unanswered questions.)
3. Is there something I did not consider or include that you would be interested in knowing
more about? What do you think that I should change or add?
What is something you wanted to know more about that I did not include?
4. What could I add or change about the introduction to draw you in as a reader?
5. What are your opinions and suggestions about the topic of my narrative?
6. What specific words, things, or events stand out to you?
7. Is there a point in my narrative that could benefit from more details, information, or that
could be changed? Is there anything that is unclear, too wordy, confusing, etc.? Do I include
enough details, imagery, and/or figurative language? If not, what suggestions do you have?
8. What are your thoughts and suggestions about how my narrative is organized?
9. What do you think about the ending and the message?
Listen actively
Do not interrupt
Give your full attention:
Eye contract & Body language
Think about the strengths of the