Adobe Connect Synchronous Guide For Instructors
Adobe Connect Synchronous Guide For Instructors
Adobe Connect Synchronous Guide For Instructors
School of Education
June 2013
Table of Contents
Logging in to Adobe Connect..3 Opening your Adobe Connect Room.4 Using the Webcam.5 Recording Meetings..6 Creating More Than One Meeting Room..6 Promoting Participants to Presenters..8 Screen Layout9 Sharing Screen Options..12 Sharing Files14 Sharing Weblinks.17 Sharing Video.17 Designing Presentations with Student Interactivity a. Chat..20 b. Using Icons/Symbols.22 c. Break Out Rooms23 d. Polling.25 e. Notes Pod...26 Mobile Devices and Adobe Connect..28 Resources..29
Students should log in as Guest Request that they log in with their full name.
Instructor Log in with login and password so you have control of the room. Start the Meeting Audio by clicking on the Audio tab at the top of the page.
Click on Microphone to mute (line through mike) Notice the indications on your attendees list. Recommendation: Have all students click to mute their microphones until they are ready to speak.
Preview your webcam view Make adjustments for lighting/ centering/etc. Click on Start Sharing.
Recording Meetings Click on Record Meeting from the Meeting dropdown on the top menu Recommendation: Wait a few seconds to begin your meeting audio so you dont cut off the beginning
End Meeting and Access the address of the recording via Manage Meeting Settings Go to Meetings Tab and click on Recording Copy the URL for Viewing
You can use the Meeting menu to Manage Meeting Information Click on Meetings and then My Meetings for more options You can create a New Meeting from this menu. Recommendation: Set up new meetings for different purposes/classes etc.
Screen Layouts
Default layout includes three typical screens o Sharing o Discussion o Collaboration You can design your own layouts You can create your layouts from scratch or copy a previous layout (I highly recommend this option so you dont lose the 3 default layouts).
From the layouts menu, you can o Create new layout o Manage layouts o Reset layouts 10
Create a New Blank Layout (suggest you duplicate an existing layout that is similar)
Recommendation: Always use Duplicate an existing layout so you dont lose the original default layouts Manage Layouts (suggest you name them for specific types of activities)
Generally, select Desktop and share whatever is on your computer screen. You will see a Sharing FullScreen popup at the bottom of your screen.
You can Add New Share from the pods menu and have several different shared screens available.
Stop sharing when you are done or if you want to have someone else share his/her screen. 13
Sharing Files
Browse your computer to locate the file (document, presentation, spreadsheet, image, etc.) Once you have uploaded files, they will stay in your account until you delete them. You would then select Uploaded files. Upload the files you are going to use ahead of time. Highlight the file you which to share.
A PowerPoint Presentation and Word documents are the easiest to use effectively. Consider a welcome, an agenda, or brief introduction to discussion questions for the week, etc. Use the forward and back arrows to move around in the presentation.
You can also activate the whiteboard along with your presentation or document and make notations, draw arrows, create text boxes, collaborate, etc. in the whiteboard. Click on Draw on the top menu 14
When you are done with your presentation/discussion, click on Stop Sharing. Once you have uploaded a file, it will remain as an optional pod unless you delete it.
You may wish to design a welcome screen with an agenda. See 2nd example with one slide with breakout room assignments. You can create one PowerPoint slide and save it as a jpeg image file (see examples below) Upload your pptx, docx, jpg, xlsx, etc. under share my document (or under files).
To add a photo or graphic, go to Share from the Pods menu Select Add New Share (This will leave your main share my screen option open and available for other shares.
Downloading Files
Students can download files you have uploaded for them). Go to the Pods menu on the top file bar Select Files
Browse your computer to upload files. Note: This is also where you upload Adobe Extensions and Flash files (like the ConnectTube.swf for viewing YouTubes within your share window).
Sharing Weblinks
Go to the Pods menu and select Add New Weblinks If you want students to visit a website or several websites during your session, you might include the web link for sharing.
Sharing Video
Must be Flash file Problems with Flash - Not supported on ipad, iphone, or android tablet/phone Select Share Document and locate your swf video flash file for upload. You can also share the link of a video using the web link pod. You can download the Adobe Connect extension for viewing YouTube videos in the share document window.
Custom Meeting Pods for Adobe Connect YouTube Tutorial - Download the custom pod Connectube.swf Upload the swf file to Adobe Connect under sharing document
Search for a YouTube Video by Address or Topic The videos from YouTube are imported as Flash files and are NOT supported on mobile devices (ipad, iphone, android, smartphone)
Additional Extensions Available Locate Adobe Connect Extensions Download free extensions to your computer Upload the extensions through Share My Screen and select Document 18
Promote students from participant to presenter when you want them to share their screen. Chat is one of the easiest ways to promote interactivity o Have students respond to questions or chat on a specific topic o You can rename your chat and use it for specific questions or attendance o Go to Manage Pods on your top file menu
Ask students to sign in with full name, campus, subject matter, etc. If you are having audio problems, you may want to Remove Audio Rights from All Ask specific questions and have everyone answer Set up additional chat pods with specific questions. May want to click to show timestamps so you have record of time Email your chat to yourself as a record. Require chat responses on any topic frequently so that students stay involved.
Email Chat History to yourself Great way to take attendance Add New Chat ahead of time under the Pods menu
As you are talking, ask for students to respond by using the icons for agree or disagree, raise hand, applause, etc. Icons appear to the right of the attendeess name A pop-up will also appear Use this tool frequently during your session so that students have to participate! Clear Status when everyone has answered 22
Hold mouse on a name and click on break out room you would like the student to go to
You can add break out rooms by clicking on the + icon Click on Start Breakouts to have students begin small group work Reminder: Do not connect the phone line or the groups will have no audio access.
When in the room students can communicate with their group, share powerpoints, files, etc. No other groups will hear them See Adobe Tutorial on Creating and Managing Breakout Rooms (Screenshots are included below)
Type you poll question and each answer Click on open poll Try a Poll Layout for Multiple Questions Use with PowerPoint or other shared document
Notes Pod
Notes Pod Resource - Select Add New Notes pod. Select Export Note and you can save the file as an rtf or email notes to yourself of everyone. Excellent way to take attendance, but only presenters can type in the notes box. Also useful for assigning a note taker for a particular discussion. Can be used in breakout rooms for notetaking. Participants are automatically promoted to presenter in breakout rooms.
Only Presenters can type on the notes pod unless you give participants Enhanced Participant Rights. From the Attendees dropdown on the top right of the Attendees pod, select Attendee Options Click on the pods that you want the attendee to control as a presenter.
Audio Options
Encourage USB headset and microphone for computer Use earbuds with microphone for mobile devices OR Computer.
Attend Adobe Connect Trainings in CII - o Introduction to Adobe Connect *Required to Get Adobe Account o Pod Functionality o Breakout Rooms o Recording a Meeting o Pulling Attendance Reports o Viewing YouTube Videos (coming soon) Carla Pipers Adobe Connect Tutorials -
Additional Resources and Tutorials Learn Adobe Connect (Adobe TV) - Quick Start Guide for Hosts - Quick Start Guide for Participants - Adobe Connect Professional Meetings a52b610b38bfaa95-7f25.html Adobe Connect Tutorials - Adobe Connect Pro Meeting How To (Adobe Connect 8) - Adobe Connect Managing Pods - Creating a Meeting - Creating and Managing Breakout Rooms Adding Polls - Custom Meeting Pods for Adobe Connect 29
Webinars and Examples of How to Use Adobe Connect From Blah to Aha: Engaging Learners in the Virtual Classroom (Can access from various locations) o Online Events ontent=true&pbMode=normal o o - Slideshare - Adobe Connect Blog - NERIC Menu -