Pronombres Personales
Pronombres Personales
Pronombres Personales
Pronombre sujeto
I - yo you - t he -l she - ella it - (ello) (se utiliza para animales y objetos) we - nosotros you - vosotros they - ellos
,ive me the pen" I li'e you" # -ambin utilizamos los objetos pronombre detr.s de una preposici n" /ait !or me" -al' to her"
Completar con el pronombre personal de sujeto
0" &y name is 1ue" (1ue) 222222222 am 3nglish" 4nd this is my !amily" 5" &y mum+s name is 4ngie" (4ngie) 222222222 is !rom ,ermany" 6" 7ob is my dad" (&y dad) 222222222 is a waiter" 8" 9n the le!t you can see 1imon" (1imon) 222222222 is my brother" :" (1ue and 1imon) 222222222 are twins" ;" 9ur dog is a girl* <udy" (<udy) 222222222 is two years old" =" (1ue* 1imon* 4ngie and 7ob) 222222222 live in >anterbury" ?" (>anterbury) 222222222 is not !ar !rom @ondon" A" &y grandparents live in @ondon" (&y grandparents) 222222222 o!ten come and see us" 0B" /hat can 222222222 tell me about your !amily(
A" &y grandparents live in @ondon" -hey o!ten come and see us" 0B" /hat can I tell me about your !amily(
=" I have a dog" 222222222222 is called @uc'y" ?" &y !amily and 222222222222 live in a big city" A" Dic' up your toys and put 222222222222 away" 0B" @isa* I told 222222222222 to tidy your bedE
00" /hat are 222222222 doing* >lara( 05" /ho do 222222222 wish to spea' to( 06" )o one can help 222222222" 08" /hat is the matter with 222222222( 0:" 1ilvia is a translator" 222222222 spea's 3nglish very well" 0;" -his is &iss @ee" 222222222 is a teacher" 0=" Daul and 1imon are good !riends" 222222222 are not enemies" 0?" 222222222 is a sunny day" 0A" 222222222 am angry with <oe" 5B" 222222222 are my good !riends" 50" 222222222 am playing chess with my !riend" 55" /hy aren+t 222222222 doing your homewor'( 56" 222222222 am visiting <oe neFt wee'" 58" 222222222 is getting dar'" 5:" I! we as' her* she will teach 222222222 how to play chess"
05" /ho do you wish to spea' to( 06" )o one can help me" 08" /hat is the matter with you( 0:" 1ilvia is a translator" 1he spea's 3nglish very well" 0;" -his is &iss @ee" 1he is a teacher" 0=" Daul and 1imon are good !riends" -hey are not enemies" 0?" It is a sunny day" 0A" I am angry with <oe" 5B" Gou are my good !riends" 50" I am playing chess with my !riend" 55" /hy aren+t you doing your homewor'( 56" I am visiting <oe neFt wee'" 58" It is getting dar'" 5:" I! we as' her* she will teach us how to play chess"
06" 22222222222 was coo'ing our supper" (&om) 08" 22222222222 is tal'ing to Deter" (<ames) 0:" 22222222222 can dance quite well" (<ean) 0;" 22222222222 roars" (4 tiger) 0=" 22222222222 wore mas's on %alloween (Hasheeda and >andy) 0?" 22222222222 is bro'en" (-he lawnmower) 0A" 22222222222 came to 1pain" (the tourists) 5B" 22222222222 is very old" (&y car) 50" 22222222222 loves to visit Cisney land" (4ntonio) 55" 22222222222 drives very !ast" (-he ambulance) 56" 22222222222 are playing !ootball" (Dedro and I) 58" 22222222222 is very nice" (&iss @ucy) 5:" 22222222222 built this computer" (&y brother)
08" %e is tal'ing to Deter" 0:" 1he can dance quite well" 0;" It roars" 0=" -hey wore mas's on %alloween 0?" It is bro'en" 0A"-hey came to 1pain" 5B" It is very old" 50" %e loves to visit Cisney land" 55" It drives very !ast" 56" /e are playing !ootball" 58" 1he is very nice" 5:" %e built this computer"
0:" Gou must not play with the 'ni!e" ,ive 222222222 to 222222222" 0;" Dic' up your toys and put 222222222 away" 0=" &iguel li'es riding my bicycle" I sometimes lend 222222222 to 222222222 " 0?" 7aby birds cannot !ly" &other bird has to !eed 222222222 " 0A" Isabel isn+t well" Cad is ta'ing 222222222 to see a doctor" 5B" 4ll his students li'e 222222222 very much" 50" 1ue 'nows 222222222 (I) very well" 55" <ill loves 222222222 (he) very much" 56" 7ill li'es to tal' to 222222222 (she) a lot" 58" Deter and 1andra are doing their homewor' and I want to help 222222222 " 5:" /hich o! 222222222 (they) will win the race(
0;" Dic' up your toys and put them away" 0=" &iguel li'es riding my bicycle" I sometimes lend it to him" 0?" 7aby birds cannot !ly" &other bird has to !eed them" 0A" Isabel isn+t well" Cad is ta'ing her to see a doctor" 5B" 4ll his students li'e him very much" 50" 1ue 'nows me very well" 55" <ill loves him very much" 56" 7ill li'es to tal' to her a lot" 58" Deter and 1andra are doing their homewor' and I want to help them" 5:" /hich o! them will win the race(