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Blog Post Rubric

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Name: ____________________________

Level of Performance Criteria

Ideas and Content (10 points)

Book Blog Post #: ________


(10 points)
Articulates complex ideas, claims, theses, or arguments appropriate to the task and discipline.

(8 points)
Articulates a central idea, claim, thesis, or argument appropriate to the task and discipline.

(7 points)

(6 points)

The central idea, claim, thesis, The topic is unclear or does or argument is not clearly not address the task and stated or is undeveloped, or discipline. does not fully address the task and discipline.

Justifies complex ideas, Justifies central idea, claim, claims, theses, or arguments thesis, or argument using using relevant evidence. relevant evidence. Develops complex ideas, claims, theses, or arguments using clearly defined paragraphs, transitions, and other structures appropriate to task and discipline. Always uses voice appropriate to the task and discipline. Has no errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation or presentation that do not interfere with communication. All components of a book blog post are thoroughly developed; thoughtfully includes extra elements in order to enhance overall impact and meaning. Develops central idea, claim, Addresses complex ideas but Does not address complex thesis, or argument using organizational structure is weak ideas and there is little or no paragraphs, transitions, and or unclear. organizational structure. other structures appropriate to task and discipline. Uses voice appropriate to Inconsistently uses voice that is Voice is inappropriate to task the task and discipline with appropriate to the task and and discipline. minor lapses. discipline. Has few errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation or presentation that do not interfere with communication. Includes all required components of a book blog post. Components are sufficiently developed. Has many errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation or presentation that somewhat interfere with communication. Has serious errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation or presentation that interfere with communication.

Organization (10 points)

Voice (10 points) Grammar and Conventions (10 points) Completeness (10 points)

Some blog post components are Most components are underdeveloped; missing a underdeveloped; missing central component of a blog more than one component of post. a blog post.

Total # of Points Earned: ______/50__

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