Book VI Original PDF
Book VI Original PDF
Book VI Original PDF
of Phlloeophere,
Geouancers, Pbyslcals
ald AstDoDoDerB.
1e eddcd,
A Bar to etop TEOI,IAS STREETfron hl's lnpudclt Attcupte, a.nd nad clanber{.Eg up to Aatrothat bl,e TAB-
Dory; to rbl'ch 1s deuoastrated, ULA COK)LIXA ls all b!.s lutbors, etudhg falee,
a ser-
H( ) L Y
PhysicLan t"."nirg the knowledge of aII things, tait, Present and yet to Cone, Diz, of Pleaeure, Long f,dfe, Eealth, Youth, Blessedness, Wisdqn and Virtue, andl to Cure, Change and Rernedy all Dieeases in both Yorng and Old.
A ccrpleat
By John Heydon, Gent., 6tAoyor.ot, of God, and a Secretary of Nature. a sernrant
'And he tosb th,e go2aen cal{ wLtch theg had, mad.e, and bunned tt in tfre F-tste, and, giand tt tq- powd,et, ahd ttnewed upon the 0laten, and nade t[lu- Chttdnen og ltn b o [ i t" . n a e l d n i-Lt EX.o. 32, V. 20. J LONDON Printed by T.l!. and are to be sold try !ffroas Whittlesey at the Globe in Cannon Street near london-Stone, and at all Booksellers and Shops. 1682.
Llb. 5. fo ry rucD' hoaourcd trtlcnds, ol DIIRTOX ulnn thc letcr of GIOCESTER Eaqul'rc, r.ld Gcntlcnrn !trOltAS IEMPLE
Pege to Prhcc
CERfSTOPEER RODDol EEREF0RD nSQ; ead 1n CLfFFDRDS-If,f,, oae of tbe lttouraeye tbe Klage BencL. AII Cclcatlal ald terrcstrlal Eapplneee of
be rlabcd.
Oeatlcnea, Ae toylab Ayres please trlvlal bctray tt; but behold rtthout Ears, eo tbey tbe feacy aad or crpectatloa of ga1n, f glve
you e.B urbeard of p1.cce of ROSfE CRUCfflf PEIIOSOPEI aad PtrTSICK, I do lot cry Eal'l flret, aad after cruclfleg f preeeat lt to you, becauee I ahall not to coue
IOU ARE IUO OUARDS OF SAFEN; eDd 1f tou crcept 1t aot, tbercfore eo plala be ea6ry, but queetlon le relf Deforc fISDOll and VfRIIE;
to defend; you beve ARt ald ClXmUR, let rad f,NOWLEDGE thc OTEERD(CUSE. hunble Scrvaat
Iour rost
John Eeydoa.
Llb. 6. lor el Ep11o6uc.
I aball
here tcll
you rhrt
end tbrt
I4oSES raa
Fethcr, ead be rae e6'y 11a.5; soDc e1y tbey rcre of the order of
otheDs deilac tbeu to be
- r t f _t r47a, ir fY
that ere ae tbe they are
cJre6 aad ears of the 6reat Elag, aeelag ead beer{.trg el1 tblnge; Serapblcally 1llual-aated, re IOSES rae, asssid{r8 to laterr later to l1r1
to be one of the EEROES,of e EEROES a DAElOt, or tood OEI|IUS, of a OEIfIUSa partakcr of Dlvlne thlager ald a GoDprn{en of the holy coEpar:r to thelr vehlcles,
any ebape.
But tLere 1a yet Ar6uneate to procure Hr. IILFORD, aad T. trILLfA!{S, Rosl'e Cruclale by e1ectloa, and thEt le tbc r5.reclea that rere done by
for 1t should eeen ROSfE CRUCfAI|S rere not oaly lnlfbcoryr but Leve errlvcd deo to tbe lnrer of
tbe l{oeelcal
ea I{OSES, ELIAIi, EZEKIAI, rad tbe eucceedlag Prophete rbere they pleaeer aa EABIIGIIK ras fron JEWRI bo had babtlled, tbe EUITfCE,to AZOTUS, of ulnc ta DEVOI{SEIRE, rnd
ea bclag traaaported
fron re to a frlcnd
ae e! lrsrer
L1b. 5. Dertbquekca; thcy rhck ft.lde ead tclpcata; tbc Ple8uc 1D C1t1ce; tbct .llcDcc thc vlolcat thcy ralk thcy cure
thcy cdr
tbcy fruatrate
tbc lelrcloue
re rbctber !y Couplerlon
rerc cepable of the aoctety of ly tood CElffUS? Uhea I aec you agala, aal.d bel f l1.ll I haor lot tell you, rhl.cb 1ar (rbcn bc plcaece to cole to lc, tben be rald, ao greater lor lor
pray to God; for a good ald boly Ea! cen offer cptable Sacrlflce Ee eald aleo, ruadag to God, tben tbe oblatlon tbat the 6ood GEI{II ue rlth
of blnse1f,
bls soul.
then good, and to belp then; aad at his 6olng arey be bld re berare of ry secnlng frlende, rbo rould do le all the hurt tbey couldr ead, cauge
to be Jr6ry rltb
lappened to lel
ne before re parted,
but f ehall
tbat glckaeas,
re ordl'narlly
and alL othcr Dlaeascol la tbe Goutl Dropslc, Leprosle and erd tbeee len leJr be gal'd to bave ao elall taslgbt
1tr tbe body, aa'd tbat III,FDRD, ffLLfAilS, aor llrl-ng, Dlrtae lay bear up ta the aane llkely thelr
Llb. 5. rorc of rutruDatrurl rthDchol:/, otD ltutr rlrlgtucr 1E hot uascttlcd ead dlttlnct uee ot
then rny that profeaeed or preteuded tbeueelves ao, thlr 1dr{jgtton of thclr
tcea huadrcd' yearEr aad I el ravl.aberl rtth ud, traaeccndent ln tbe rorld; tecbrnlcel lnvcntloue, offence
I lay rlthout
say they ere; tben tbat otbers are 1aeptred, becauee to le ls no arguneat at aII; but the euppte6gand rodesty;
eobcr leDr tould be suspected of sone cepeclally crerctee lu thcee tb1agsl rbere of reasoa, not e bare tbere te ao
and dletractlon,
tb'e grand plcaeure 1e tbe crldeDce ud bcl:lef, tnrc or rD lneffabl.c Benae of llfe,
but lf eltber
prudence ud tlcse
to the bottor,
sDell notrlthetaadlng
Dl'a of 1'aJuettce or
tlb' folrt: 6. for er r r tosrE cRocrlf,r ror do r rpcrk of rDtto, t|rch iattcr; tbcrs le lo clule, God raora, lor or hopG ot r cnrLc Do DGvr rea!
bc Lc rbet hc rllr
relrce lo retter
tbegc holy ead Sood ren rould bavc le haor, rad pcrfectloa of e vcrtuoue loul', 1a tnre rladol
eculoug thhge
aad klorled-
otbere bapDy.
SpLttle-f1elde fOth.
of Hay, 1662.
iloDa Ecydoa.
LLb. 6. !bc Doelc Croaa Ulcovcred.
Ihe Slrtb
Oodr bccauac hc raa toodr dtd aot 6r1cve to bave otbcre coodaeeer (tlat of ell 1t, to be ead to be rell)
klnds of everlaatln6
bora up by
he eortod out, end erudred a tay round about, a flae rlvely tbcy call EEAVEI|) for the IiALE lOVm aad tORKfItG; Iearlag loyes !'n oplnaltlon to LfGET,
tbc EEltAIf,
to recelve
to bc Johed agala tad couplcd together. Ihenr tlat but all thesc dght be no lfiuber of Coafugtoa la rtolag cauaes, force of rork-
to f;Ior tron one Lead, ae be la Oae, Le drer all of be6etthg lnto oDc natrot
tLc rorldr
Llb. t.Dcnl 6. LfgE:[, EEI,T, IATIIRE, IIFE rDd lnUL of tbc lorldr thc ceuas of
AI,L lEItrOS. lad bcceusc lt rdre rad rslc tote bccorcth tLc lll0Ef, ffSDOl,t eld PLEISIIREot God to aad not ryeF-
(oae LIGET l'n lAay) to ru ray and tlet rsyr fttly that rork
ald restleae
var{.eble prEence, lbaeace aad rcetl-ag they nlght chalge of fl1ttla6 Creature.
So WRGIL rtnge:
Tbus traae-
fhe lboue br{gDt al'en, A Spl'rtt rhole, ADd rlth 8ou1: f,eace l.larr ud tbelr etraln,
fed rlthla,
spread ttrough
1nfueed a
1a the rarbled
*9 Ll,b. 6.
for tlcrc uc r hlnd of rclr Frrtcrdty tbrt rB tbcy thcrgclvca labebltc rcDort, lrnrd ROSIE
thc Otflccre
tbe cyce ead cara of the 6rcat f,1agr ecelag aad heerlag ell tbey eey tbcse ROSIE CRUCflIfS ere eerepbJ.cel'ly tf]nn{1atcd, raa, lccordlag latcr to Alr, to thla l1r ordcr of tbe Elercata, EutI rctlned
to Elre.
ead a Coupan{on ol tbe holy Conpaay of unbodled Soule e.ud lnnortal ela, ald accordlng to tbelr eelveer PROTEITS-11ko, lnto But tbe rlcbcat acdlclne; lt Vehlclee, l vcreatlle el5r ahape. llfe; turnlng
arrLye to thle
gtudled God aad Xature, ea they thenselvee coafess; (saflag) the only rl'ee end lerclful rlcbly lore tuatly bl.e rercy God tn theee lettcr
erd 6oodncae to, rhereby re do ettaln kaorledge of hl'a Son Jeaua CLrlat rhereln
to the perfcct
eld lature;
aooD rorke ead Crcatures of f,aturc, great rlador, our Ager slnttcd rblch
rJ.6ht pertly
ead re-
duce all
eld tlperfcct)
to perfectton.
Eo ElaaIIy
Llb. 6. IIICROCOSUUS, rad Lor frr knorlcige rrtcBdcth la
bc but lttt1c
plce,aed, but
elso tbc prtdo ald covcteousncee of aot auffcr tbcn to egree together; rLlcb 1n thls but our
tbey rlght
out of ell
thoee tDlnga,
aethod of all
fore called R.C. AXIOMATA, But euch 1s thelr h,eep; eld are loath
to leave tbe old course eateenlng PORPBORY, ARISehcr of lcarnlug, they rere Dorr But bere
fi)TLE aad GALEf,Tlea aad that rbtcb bath but e leer lole thcl tbe clear safl rar{ fest llgbt aad truth;
rbo lf
erroEeoua doctriaes.
1e too great reakaeee for auch a gteat lorh. lad although dotb oPPose lt craft ta TEDOIfGfE, PEISICK, AttD TEE IIAI'EEI{ATfCKS,th,e truth leverthelees tbe Old e!e!y by h1s eubtllty aad
1t eelf;
ln hlader{.ng eyerv tood purpo:e by hls lagtnr(raverlag people.) To eucb an lntent tflur{astcd of a general Fatber, out hath
of otir Fratenlty,
1a the ftftb
Age ras placed ta a Cloleter, Greck ead Latla yet 1a Dls trorllg d,etenfued
tonguesr (rho upon hls earaeet deed,rc ald rcqueet) belag Jrearor rag aesoclrted to a Brothet P.l.L. rho bad
to go to APAI'IIA.
llt Llb. 6. llttougb yct olr llr brotbcr C.R. ild lrol {ycd 1a CI?RUS, eld !o Dcvcr clre aot rcturu but ahlpDcd hl'uclf to APA.}SA,
to DI!{ASCO, rladlng
tbc ISEI{ALfTS. In the neaa tllc tLc rlae rca of Dll{CAn ta AMBfA, ead bor f,eture rae dlacovof brother C.R.
eld bcbcld rLet greet rondcra tbcy rrougbtl crcd uato thclr ao etlmcd
up tbat APAIfIA rae aot ao ruch nor 1a hle liud brldle hte deelree uy
to DAlfC.[R;tbla tee 1a tbe l6tb. hl.u (as be b:lneclf rttneeeeth) bad long expccted; tbcy called aecrete out of hJ'e Cloyeter, Ee lcarncd tbere better 1ng be lralslated EI|OLISE, rear{.lg
Jreer of bl.e Age, rhen tbe rlee recelved not as a Stranger, but aa one rhou they hl.n by hle aale, aad abered blu otber londer.
tbe ARABIAIT tongue: eo that tbe year folloreld f bave put lt lnto
A trET I.IETEOD OF ROSIE CRUCIAI PEYSICK. llLta la tbe place rhere he dld letra Lla Phyetck ead Phlloeophle hor to ral'ee the dead; for exalple, l,n duatr rtll everJr plcce prove a furtLcr lattere, of aad
la r Silfi(E cut 1a plcces eld rottcd rbolc rld SnAtrEatalDr blrde & ctc. tDrt
to kl'll
Ll,b. 6. toltorc tbe ruc; lld otbcr ttrugc p!ofs cornrptlo! thcy trd! to nl.!r of Do6r, Eogs, ttcl up t6alD, coutso, A6eei tbe
ol Eorscar eld by tbc l:ll,c khdly ud tucr tbcr: lrld rt leet tbst
could rcatorc,
(altbough of e tu;
aay thl,ng else but a part of uan (erglfEf,, cEtrTLE, tOfST, aad TATIIRAL bodvr rottcd l.n llke ttDler, aad 1a
arln out,
at last
qul'ckca, aad ar:lee tbc aale a^adnade bl'n IOIIlfc AGAII, tDls laDter rateed
es TIIf,,LI ealtbr
ao taa ItfRGfL the Poet: but tbe SFATISE Earl falled, of ble H.cad tbe artlet that rlctook tbe beat, booh. NATIIBE
EUT f CAilSOTTELL' I IILL IS DEEPr eld ronderful ead, ra5r gulfer tDler
tDey bc aearcbcd to the bottou, Eut to our R.C. rbo learned hls
aot longr but only took Detter aotlce of ld,neral l{edlclreB, the falous
ead Creatutee,
IJ.b. 6. tlet curcr ell ltca eteclrce ln body eld d.Ddr eld of thc O1l of 6old. l{cdltcrm!,ru h1r. Sce, lor to colc uato ahane ulto
Lc rel'lcd
FEZO rbcro
thc lRlBfAf
ue thet rtec
r11 coatcntlous
SOT{E BETTERfEIIIGS; OR TF EXPERIEI|CE EAD TEAfiEITED TEEIR REASONS, YeaTIY tbere (tor crre eonet!1ag to l16bt, rbereby tbe HAIf,EMATICA, CBfSfR and ll,AGIR rere aneaded; aa therc l'e
IOGERST GDOUAI|CERS, aad PEIIOSOPEERS, rere tbere but love aad nore klndlcas ruolg eecreta: tbenl or that tbe nost prt dght of tbeu rould not keep thelr 6ather to6ether DeBy tLlnge, lf
ea te gERltAl{Sllkerlee ualty:
Brother C.C. departcd the C1ty FEZ, end galled SPAII|, hoplng rell; tbat bc eo rell
aad eo profltably
the learned la EUROPE rould h16hly reorder ell tbelr Studlee, coaferred accordrl,tb
Be tlerefore
514 IJ.b. 6. Brt bcceu! tbclr rtloDr rcccptucc btppclsd to b1n contrary all to htg rrlrGctp
to tlpart
ll.s Arte ead Secrete to rrltc thcu, If,E IRUE llke a GIOBE
fl(rOldATA, rblcl
aad (es lt
1e usual
rloDg tbc ARABIAXS)1t abould ooly aerye to the rlse Buler that also there nlgbt bc a eoclety
1n C.Cf,l.0lIrLtch
end precloue Stonee, suftlclent DecessarJr uae, and larful be brougbt up to learu
Ia tbl's houae be epeat a great tlne ln tbe Iaetr rents, Ef OUilfHtS EIUUS ARTfS
tlATtrEl,tATfCKSr and uade laDJr flne PIRTIBITS. lfter flve yearg clte llto
hle d.nd the rlabed return of the cbLldtbcn out of bondage rltb to rhl'ch be bare hln to llOSES,
tca of ISRAET out of DGI[{I, bor God rould brlng tb,e Iaatruleat affectlour
tEE CEOSEN SERVAI{T OF CODBrotber G.V. Brother rho beeldea, tbet tlre laly
Llb. 6. dlIlgcntr eld sccret; eIl rB rlao to corult carcfirlly to rrlttat fdtltttr
ead laatruct
thoee rblcb
1al Revelatloa
by four Psrlolar
caDe tq ;speh{p aa the Star gr[ded theu to BEIELE{ of .IIIDErA,there lay our SAWOIIRIIY EfS !f,rTEmS AR}IS; aad then tbey opeaed thelr end prceented uato Dlr GIIIS, Treasure
llhese four ra:dng youDg agalu succeselvely nade a I{AGICALLAIfGttAGE aad WRfTItrG, rltb tet lrrlJr uge to Gods pralse and tlory;
of IEE TfSEDIAXS CROUtr. Brotber C.R. rae !'n a proper ronD quLckcala6, t!.cy coayet ot!,ers lore l'ato thelr Fraternlty: To tbl'e
trol rhllest
cad ras chosea Brother R.(I. b1e deccased FATEERS BROTEERS SOlf; Bnother B.8 elr|llful Palnter, G. thelr Secretary, aad P.D. aaotber Bnother go l.a all they
GERIiAIIS,ercept I.A.
BATCEEIORS and of UOTED VfRGfMTY; by thoee of all tbat rblcb Ea!, ea! deeil.rel rlah or bope
euch a rost
L1b. 6.
frcc ud lrol ell 4lecl!c8 tlnc ud pdnr fot utrtttbetqld{rt of 0o0: So thcy ell rDd thelr Sp-
lnee tbclr
dlcd,r et tLc dcath of our lprd lrI.te attsadcd bl.l l.nto glory.
rore called
tbe Tlse lea of the Eeet; eld clgbty oDc ycare the Sccrets rere colccelcd. Rclatt'oa ol ttadlng the rcrorlr of tbe
ead Teleelee, be cboae r llaeter of f,ruberg A. to be L1s r! old rtrange ta rhlcb habitrtloa, thcl tbey eet tbeneelulnn the aentbe aalcs of the to aaother
renerJ,ng, be llgbted
great Joy; for Le Lad aever heard of thte lrafn thts lable force or plaeter-
bcla6 all of tbe Dlddea door, ead eo, udoohcd fore rc dl'd rlth clcared Joy aad 1on61ag tDlor
tbc year of our loDd rnder 1t. aad let tbc rest tbrt eale dg[t; la
l,l,b. 6. r16Dt r Yeult of !Gte! eld ths bclgbt Yeultr ol dlc eldea rld foot. corotr!, thr rltb cvcay !1d6 flvc foot broad,
1t rae oallghtcncd
cd tLta of tbe 8ua1 eld ras altuated of the cclllnt; terr la the ddat, rltb
1natcad of e Iolb-atoae,
covered ovtt
c. R. c.
or brln
.t,EsusMIBI OtfirA.
four Elguree,
lthl'e all
the aeventb alde, aad the 2. ald tavc thenke to tbe aole then
dora together,
could Deve found out, eld pralsed be h1e holy lfane: llhle
ttE Lf.b. 6. YAITLTrc tlutcd llto thrcc Inrttr tbc uppcr Drat or cclllatr tht trll
oD !il,dc, tbc 6rould or floor. Of thc uppcr put you ahelI uadcrgtald Do rorG of 1t et tlle t1ue,
but that 1t raa dlv1dcd eccordlng to the EcveB aldce la thc Trlaagle, rhlcb raa la the brLgbt Ccater: but rbat thcreh (that ere dcslDoua of our Soctety) 1a contalacd, you sball,
god rlUlagr
lrour orD !rea; but cyorlr alde or rell oae rltb tbelr
le parted tato
eeveral El6uree ead Seateacee, es tbey are truly Conceatratun bere ln tble Book.
Goveraours, re leave to
for fear of tbe abuee by the evL1 ald unto&Iy rorld. tbe beaveDly Aatldote, tbe old, aad EYery atde or especlally tb.ey
But thoee tbat are provtded aad atored do rltbout evtl rall all fear or burt
tbe lorhe of C.R. hor !e e.d hls Eretbren ra1eed cach other to Llfe la tbose Books tete rrltten rld of thelr to uor6otEg to BEIELEEAI'I
of the ITI,IERARIUM, srrd tlfllfi,t of C.R. of dlvere vlrtues; lf as aleo !.n otber flnaad
naaaer of colours;
tbcy barl kept oyer alnce Ood apake to IIOSES1l tbe l{ouat: tfbey
Ll,b. 6.
to bcer rltncee
end sulrcrat
Scctar tbet
CD'rlet ls the Son of Ood, rad rrs tbese Brctbreu eLl the ronderful
Tyraate ehould burn thc old Teatareat, of God, tbet tber they ntght
by tbla
be reatorcd
or Eabltatloa
Ghepter crplal'ucd. lor ee yet re had not aeeD tbe dead body of our carefirl reuoved tbe Altar and rlse aslde, there body rlth alt
aad rortby
aad uacoleuned, ee tbe seoe l's here, Ilvely ead Attlree; tbe flrat
tn bl'e bald be held a Parchneat book dlvlderl rae the old Testanent, ead cvery Cbapter tatcruert tato tbe Bdble 1g our
aad the otber 1e the Book I1 rblcl trcaeurcr rhlcb ougbt to be dellvered Book etaadetb thle
Llb. 6. Dostqur rcCa! lurl (qurn fnfBICO & fl:Rlcfm, lapcretorLen Gecrr luo rcculo & tar autrur IIfERIBUS @I.LEGERA!) aoadul Coavsalctcl ut & nonlaLe
cnrcndar cudodl.yleeet,
lc contulctlsehoe
Ecredea lastlgulaaet,
rorbo (quon lpae luDqua! Corpore erpertua are ghebat) ral (lnter ullo pclleate,
Fratuun elplenrs
Greator{. Deo
reddldleeetr buer
Petcr dllectlesluue,
adcue lategenlnus,
Caput. 2. 5. 4. ,I}a. Ila. G. Y. l{. P. C. S. R. C. Jrulor P. l. baeree S. SptrJ.tue. Plctor & Arcluttectus. c. A. ll. cabbarLeta F. u. f,.
Fra. B. ll.
l.ra- G. G. F. E. M. P. r.
Q. A. Z. B. X. O. tr. P. E. D. L. E. K. H. Z. A. S. C. R. Secuadl Clrcull. l. ?. ,. belt. !ta. Fe. Fa. T. E. Succceeor, Era. p, A. Hatheuatlcua. f. O. Succcesor, Era. A. D. P. R. succeasor Patrla c. R. c. cu! cbr-r,eto Tr{.rup-
Llb. 6.
l't thc old trs rrlttca. Er Doo araclrur, llcl.rua. ta Jcau l{ortrur, Der SDlrltur Selctun rGvly-
At tLle tbetr
day tbe ROSIE CRUCIAIIS tbat Lrve bcea atace Cbr.Let, EaVr labablte the IEST OF htlaDd; ead thcy tave llkerlse
ead rar tour6 rgalne ea thogc dl'd before ra tou ray read J'a raay Booke. of EI|GLAXD,
la thle Castle ls great Rlchee, tbe Eallc tbe Cbalbere are nade and coaposed ol rhlte Eall treer Llatcl tbcre ls a Cblueyr rbereof
and rl'cb to behold, end et the cad of tbe auateln the l{antlc-
are of flae Jaaperr ead tbe l{ant1e 1e of rlch ls rade of flne EueralCr trelled ead all rlth e rlng
tbe Plllarg
Calcedonle, ead thc pavelent le of tlne lrber. Tbe Cbarbere arc banged rlth ateede ere all of rblte Ivory, rlch rlehly clothee, aad tbc belcbea and bedprccloua atoaee; all
6aralahed rlth
aad 1a tbeee Presece erc Gorae and llaatles, I\ured rlth SaDlee, rad
ranaer of tlch
Ll,b. 6. tg ee clcu, et tol tcl thls; rlth r! thoutD thc Sua 1a tbc diet yct 1t 1r rcvcatcorc of tLc drt brd catcrcd 1n |ld thcrc lre
Scrvr.Dts of tLc ROSIE CRUCflfS, fel'r rbea I flret tro loutbe, crle rllch
by rhlcb
rcn lade Paatc for Bncad, ead tro rad tbcy rlt thsa dora upon e rlch
of elll,;
tbe Ovca to bakc, ead at tbe other loutb drer out the rhlte recelved Ioavee aad Peetst thelr end put tbel
of the Oyea, there rae a laa thrt ald bcfore hl'n ras elothcr lato
1a1d,, aad tbere etood Pote of SJ,lver, e.o,d Veesele of Gold, preclous Stoaee aad Pcarl, aad Baeone and Elers of GoId Dalrer of Eleah, tbcre they had pleaty, of tlne: Thl.e Chal-
baad,s; tbcn rc reat to dJ.aler; of all !e!Dt of llcet la tbe rorld, precloue Stonee full rltb
eld Pota of Gold.6aralabed ulth ber rae rade of Chryetal, npoD the rallr to coucr and all rre rrltten
rcad J'a the Prcface3 upoa thc Pavenert ra6 BpDeedrbroad Roeee, Elorers, aaO Eerbe ereet-enelllag CLauber rre dlvers ebove all eavours l'n thc rorld; aad ln thl.s ereetly.
Bil.rds flylag
lJ.b. 5. fa tll,r Dhcc bevc f e dcsl!! to 111c, 1f 1t rcre eppltcd for no otber taEOSPRII{-
uu sol. $ILUTAT, IILTil,OSQUEDESERIT. QUrS IOCUU tor EfBElfTEll. But of thl.s placc f dll rer
dcra ahoultl rlatakc thl.e Order. !0BIAS IILLIA|IS, ln all ere tblrty
8o la to caterteln
that I el of
8. f.
V. C. B. I.
rnd thesc
of Ghrlat.
lad Fa.
N. cboee C. B. for b1s Suceasorr saylngl I have long exllve, aad re rlII teacb you
th1a6e1 eld you ahalL learn our AI(IOIIATA. Elratr you ruetr aa le do, profess lfedlclue, aad cute tbe elck, aad
tbat GRATfS. ?. Iou aball not be conetralaed to rear oae certatn klnd of Eablt, follor tbe custon of the Couatry.
Every yGat upoa tbe day C. you aha1l reet us Ln tbl'a Eouse, 5. the cruee of your ebsencc, ead rben I aa dead lay ue irtaln, a6 Jrou are
taugbt by ue. 4. lad tou luat look ebout for a rortbrJr poraot, rho efter your
d,ecsase rust aucceed you. 5. 6. lbe rord R. Co lrgt Our Feternity ehall be your llark, Scal, eld CLaracter.
be coaceelcd royen J/Grra, ead Do lore. only four aad the Brcatbren T. U. l. rDd thelr eeryrnts
Ald tbl.rty
of tLe Brctbren
,24 Llb. 6.
e rbolc ud Vour rld !f . 1.1 dlcd,, ead Frtbcr ble Llfc. botb of Dtvlne of otbers: f . A. put Llr la e 6hes,
for rcncrlas
fcr yeara thcrc r11I bc e 8cEcral Rcfornettol rccordlag tbat to our dealrcr
before tbe RlalB6 of the Suae tbere ehould eppear la tbc dry, end so 1D tbe neaa
by to clcrrae
tbe au.aber rad reepect of our Frateralty, for be65,nnlag of our Phllosophlcal R. C. aad De ynrtakcre or be raated) ead not ralk la aIl rltb
Caaons preecrlbed
eo bltndly
ln the klortedge
te arer f,e coafese to have tbe kaorledge of JESUSCERIST, alon6 Lts Dl.ectp1esl rnd be le tbe SONOF GOD, ald ras cruclfled JERUSALEI|,hlr dJ'd our EIES aee and rorehlp, lor l{ankind at
Ald EPfS@PACI le tbe beet loru of Cburch Governnent, bclat ead purely profceeed, aad cleansed fror
TELLIAX AIIAB.APTTSTS, itESItrTICAt QUAtrERS, ArD FALSE PROPEEES. AIeo te uae tro Secra.lents ee they ere lnstltuted atrd CEREI.OIIIES of the fLrst renered Cburcb tr rlth all FORMS
Ef,GLAlfD, le acknorledge
CIROLUSIiACXUSSECUilDIIS,for our CffiISTfAIf EEAD: ard ta POLfTIA, re tckaorlcd8c I'IENT; albelt the PROTESIAtrI EN{PfRE ead QUARTIilI'0I|ARCEIAMlor our GOVRI{re kaou rhat Alteratloas be et haad, 1665t 16641 156j,
52, lJ.b. 6.
f666r 166?t l66Er 1669r rDd lould bcertr to othcr Oodly Lceracd tcnr out trltlnte rhtcb 1g 1n our lrads !o na (crcept tel'l lrpert tDr rrrc rlth rLI our
accret rl'd,
or hl'ader ua: lor our God 1e aot bl1ad rs tbe BeerDd the honour ol tbe Telbut as ADAII
thcaa trl0RIUXA, but l.e tbe Churcbea Orueleutr ple: efter 1t;
Our PEIITSOPEI of nunbere eleo 1s Dot I Der laveatloa, Dle FaIl hath recelved 1t,
also ebe ought aot ruch to bc doubted of, or reanlDts; her self
but the Trutb te pcaccablel la all th1a6s, aad especlally uelbers:
JESUS il{ OUilf PIRTE aad all ao 1e sbe lle Phlloeophyr flage;lt
but true eccordl'ag to TEIDIOGIE; ead rberelu 41d hlt tbe lark, ead rherela but eepeclally tbat
IOSEST our Hear ald SOIOHAI| dl.d crcell; roaderfiil ead taketb EOOEtLe Bi.ble agreetbr ell
aate coacrurGtb togetber, parta ere cquJ-dlata.nt fron plaln ehall bc spoken la
a^ld lore
But aor coacer.nlng (aad chl.efly la thla lccursed Cotd lahlngr rhlch hath tottea
reDy Bcna8adee ald RogUlsL Pcople do uge grcat Vilrb!'ch la 6!'vcl tbcn, lrea Dot
,26 Llb. 6.
rdrys rc! hlgbcat of elecrctlon Co Lold tbs treatrutrttoD 1a PEIIOSOPEI, thla of Hetde 1a ell thclr to bc the lateat
ead honoured,
could rake greet atorc of GoId, ead ln ebuadaacer tbc rb1cb rltb Praycra, they hope to obtala rc therefore of tbc lll-klorlng 0odt
tbe raklBg of Oold, rhJ.cb ts but a Parergon; th1a6e. Aad re eay rltb
PEI. l'ltRItU, I|IHI QIIAITUMAURITU;for uato tb,en tbe rbole lfature be doth not rcJolcer that he caa rake 6oldr a.nd that as but 1s glad
he eecth tbe EeaveDs open, ead the Aagels of God ascending and ln tL,e Book of Llfe.
dcscendlag, aad bls la.ue rrittea Aleo re do testltle Plcturee ere set fortb
that under tbe ae^le of CEYI{IA naay Booke and l-n C0ilTUI,IELIAU OIORfAE DEI, aa te rtll nare ln
tbet-r due eeaeon, ead r11I glve to the Pure bearted a Cataloge or Regleter of thel; re pray all leaned ren to take heed of THE AURUT'I ead eucb klnd
CEy}lrCttl.tBRITAffCUH, publtabed of Booke aa tbeee; for thc hery tl'll. a atrongcr oDe doth root lt
To coacluder the ROSIE CRUCIAtrS sayr PEARLDelpeth aroonlnta, rltbetelda the Plague of Poleont ead tbat
Plaguet ead heele the rouads of venenous et1n6e. Se IATR OF XILE uakee the rouan of EGIPI qulck of concelte ead
tr'f,b. 6. trultftlr rad tolotlDee thcy bear asvca chlldrea vtrtue at r Bi.rtb, ead thlc
of Saffroa,
ead Julce of Poppy, Lubcr, rLtcb la ao atone, but sallcd 8il.tunen, eaectb the Iabour o l ronea, and
elckaeee tn chlldren. J't 1t be true, rhlcb eII fashlon, of all nea graat, that precloue and porer
the nl-rturea
these Metale under a fortunora PLANEDS do, rhicb 1111 cure the Cranp, Dropsle, lf lt be
Beaunning Palele,
Gout, Leproslel
torB ou the bcart-fLDget; & ctc. The thlrd tbe AEEBERT lf the llay-atar 1vc facurty;
drar to it
Btrds aad Baaster eld drlve aray evtl R. C. ltlacral ltcd eartb; lt
Sua 1e colporuded of tbe AEIEER, eld a bloodyr flery-splrappeara ln a OuranyConalsteucy, l't le gubetaatlally but rlth e tlery, hot,
a certaLa purple,
rnt6st6d, Coaeunptloas,
lJ.b. 6. lc 61vc rDotbcr the trlncture Balabor; llce llcdiclnc, rDich le ea &urc, ead brtgDt, reter lt rcllcctr or Sky-colourcd ratcr, r rolt bceltLy; beeutlful ln thle ratcr
ol 1t le ttght
ead tlo
drope of thla
kccpe l re!
e blood rcd cartb of 6rcat vlrtue. Ihe other llcCtcJ'ae la thc EcavoLly UnfA ead IOOX of thc lllne, etuplfyla6 euDstalcc: tt la aot etrplc but rlrt: lekce tt a
vcrJr atrelge
tben the AlltEB t't self ; l't appeare t'n tb.e forn of en crceedl'u6 rhlte o1l, but ln vry truth a certala vegetant, flor1ng, suootb, aoft salt,
and causeth uledou ead rtrtue. eld ao atone;lt efterla tbe for
1e a laterr 'Ite Pa.ntarya of ROSIE CRIICIAI|S dgbt dlecovere e Clre as brlght Lt dazzlee th.e eye rlth
day tlne,
gleaae or Conuscattoae;
thcse Secrets,
ol BULVEnfi)lf EfLL to atudy l{unbere aad tbe I could see bctreo! ber fraae lelther re aad tbe Xlght, but a a
nature of tbJ.aga, oae evcnllg, roet rer! thet erqulette beauty; attlrcd
deacent gtature;
Llb. 6.
llol tbcy lra curlce hcr vell dleD.velcd dld hcr looka Drce! out, to ber bceat, ud tlca llkc Sru bcera trol to lcr r l6st,
cbcckt 1a
eld r1'l6s of SoId; bcr balr r elall ehort rplre Dute rntlrc
to e curlous colour
purple rad ty
Ecraldep Il
bcr peldDte
rad floreryr
tbat t1ue. &rt rLllet I adn{rcd ber perfectloaa, a voluntary ead prepared to rake !y addapproecb; Lcrc lndeed f cxpectrDd e1lently
cd rone d{scouree fron her, but gbe looked vcrJr eerlouely ln ry face, takee ae by the Dand ead aoftly 6tve your aad rltb
15r love r freely tbe oac opeDa, ra for the lyettbare teach f have 5lou
of tbe ROSIE CROSST you hrve ly Llbcrty rlly thrnt bcre, but r rllr 8rrdry
reveel lt
crtead ry alloratce;
tbat I aD your
loYe, end tou 1111 aot rake De l Proetltutc. lervl'ceable lattcal to tboee of your ora dlepoal.tloa, vlZ.
Tbc arroHATA of thc R. C. Tbe cecrets to pubrleh tt. lhla te ell, aad Goddeeses,
ol f,uubcre, rltb
Regtoa, elolt8t
the lDgbcrlal
[.1b. 5. trl,c phcc your Onrt of dghtl
ort of rlnd;
l{y dcar
Obacrve la yonr R. C. AXIOII|'TAtbet tbc OEIWfI|E tlue of llpreselon of Claractcrs, prlnclplB perfect old tlre Xelcs, lagela, f,urbcrs, eld Gcnll of rtt, 18, rben tD,e
end CAIIAIO; but belng oace coagulated to a are SPERIIADE le past. f,or the R. C. ln rtth
rtulcb et certaln
plece of Hetale,
eaotber rhlallg
a Chrystal
Stoner and tbcee tbey f16ure rltb tbeu to the Plaacte, not rbatl ln thelr rbea thle practleer
not ln an.lLI(El{USf, but ae they Drean they kaor ls doaer all 1e to ao pual,oee; Dut tbough tbey fall
of Vot they bel:lcve they uad,erstaDd the AICIOIIATA f,or ry beloved J. E. thst you ray kaor rbat to
to tbe Sun bcale 1n a 6lass or aDy otber yeaael, aad for Gyer; but lf rolgture you do bury lt ln the Eartb, tD,ea
eld reke lt
e.u,daprout to a aer body; he exlneeth to the Planets to perforu rorlds. tbe ROSIE
aad Superlour
L|'b. 5. It lotttutor ray bo rt Ifature. ruat bc r body reduccd lato rhlcb rccclvce llberty, lLte SPERtt, tbrt the flprcea thc Ecevrdy of tbc letrll Fcalnlne l6cnt, of
eld retalaa
and tuedtetcly
tbe Jolat l{egaetleu of three Eeavene; lhea ebe had tbue aatd, abe took out lluobers and ltauea oD tben, tbey dld I coucelve
Hcdels rltb
la a rute Cernony; for I rae to be left sllent to part; rnllar drt rith
our Last leaye, sbe paseed before Ey elres tato crcuelag ber eelf es betag sleepy, otherrlee te; I lookedt ad.ulredr and rearted ly self
ln tbat Coatenplatlon;
contlauanc ao uyeterlous,
I dtd not
knor rbet to lake of thea, I tnrned aelde to ece, lf but ebe ras toDer aad thla dld lot a llttle
trouble re.
t111 tbe day rae qulte epeat, but ahe dld not appear:
ry GyB oa that place, rbere ehe eonetlnee reeted, I pleces of Goldr fuIl of lfirnbere ald Xales, rhtcb a Letter.
behlad herr ead herd by a Paper folded llke the algbt epproachlng,
Ll,b. 6. 1a thc lcst; lrol lba! trkh6 ry hlt luryay of ber f,Lorery plIlor I parted
1t ta theec yrEe8o
Sru-bcena, aad Roael ead Lltllce SLc elcpt on tbee, but aeeded lot Xcr GoId, ftlas Sy
to shed
prJr cDougb to bc ber bcd: for thJ-e lovrd day her dtd play;
They tet
heavta et bead, and la her eyee abeeat Bkles. true Glorlea Trade,
dld rltb
ber cheeks, one poste lade; akln conflue tbelr prlde, dlvlde;
a eoul to aake tbeu eelvee conpleat. thou6b tbou ert la1d eyeD a heavea;
Iocka, strertd
poor, dl'd such a Treaeure hold,, rltb Luber, Splce aad Gold.
Drt thrlce
IJ.b. 6. lhue rucb et thls EUIERPEto publleb: rc tou do earaeatly ead eare of all tbat tlre, ead Do rorc el I rllorcd tcltle by rt lllatrcaa tbat rlth
Bo tbcrefore,
Rcedcr edmdebcd
peopler ead to 6raat uato thca hla bleeslD8r rlth lenril4g ss1-
they uay be able to kaor hl'n la hl's Onalpotcacy, ol lfaturer to LLe Lonour rad Pralee, of our aelgbboure;
Eelp, of
aad atreagtbenlng
the dleeaeed, by the lledlclaee above taugbt. f had 61ven you a lore large accouat of tbe MSteter{.eeof lfature, f etudled ltettclnee to cure othere, ny abe ald
tbus I tate
bappy Solltudes.
Llb. 6.
to 0od.
I do, renenbcr, f
I a.u but DUS[, but ea r VAPOUR sprutrt fron EAR1I, BREATE caa ecatter; let that TBou haet gtvea !e a sr, tbou dldst flrst
I cannot rlgDtly
uadst'6tard{D8, be perfect;
but ly l8aoralce
llby Rcvelatlon
bleb creator,
vEalED sEcREtts, Thy Glfts to nar'{ feat tbeugelves. not falI tnrtbs lnto
to thy ilagracer
to be pubrlebed,
because rbat God rcveaLe, ls to be kept secrct. aopbers lay up thls to ladfeet clearly Secret lato aad plalnly. 1tr tbat
the Truth ray !o lore be darkened rlth 1a. ob etrean t\r aad
thy Revealatlon.
tbat l{aa
6. rccorut Thcc rt hl-. El-atr e.nd lot ry ecll 1a lhce, hldc rht Boncy of ltaorlcdtc thy fcct. of ell
.hould bc letb
rcvcelcd. lt
I ctlt
O eetebllab
bouatyr ead caaet aot but be lerclful, bled Soul tbat unleee I }lve tnrata aftcr Thec: lld thy larer ead thlt
hecp rcl
aad Graces bestored upou re; aad lake thy Illunhatlng rrerved Sptrtt
destroy ue rltbl'nl
re to tbe Trutb;
f al a ead Proetrate
et the foot of thy Throne; f appeal O llr God, I kaor 1t le a nydeep enough
eterLe beyond the vaet Soule appreheneloa, al'd tberefore for I'taa to reet tn eafety 14. rork ty self to tbee, end lato For outrerd O thou Betng of aII the rece1rlng ltla
Lldl-ng any thta6 of rbat taB reyealed to ne, ead erperlenced to Deluelon or Drean, but tD,e ADIECTAI.{Eil|TA of tby rlcher are both ta thy baads. llto In rhat thou lV Soulr glve
be ao DLabollcal
re but a heart to plcaee tbeer f beg Do rore thcn tbou baet gtvea, aad tbat to coatlDu re, uacoatennedly aad, uaplttledly Loaest. Save ae
,16 ll.b. 6.
thlcL rculd tcl6h dora ry Soro to Ipraesa ry .olf rld Debeucblcat; lct tt be
ry 6lory thcr.
Trkc lc tro,
ln tloee cternel
r ray be rl6htly