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Basic Structural Design

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(Masonry, Timber& Steel)

Design of brick Masonry structures

1) 2) 3)

List out any two factors which affect the permissible stress of masonry? What is slenderness ratio for a masonry wall? State the maximum values? What are the conditions to be satisfied in the masonry structures for their stability?

4) 5)

What is overturning moment? Explain the factors to be considered while designing brick masonry with respect to stability and lateral support on the structure?

6) 7) 8) 9)

Distinguish between load bearing and non load bearing walls with example? Define Bearing wall? What are the assumptions made in the design of reinforced masonry structure? Differentiate between masonry walls and monolithic walls? the important factors to be considered in the design of masonry

10) Mention

11) Define 12) Give

slenderness ratio of a masonry column and give its limiting value?

one example each for partially restrained support and fixed support of

masonry structures?
13) List

the classification of masonry structures? load bearing wall and non-loading bearing wall?

14) Compare 15) How 16) What

masonry structures gain stability? important loads are to be considered while designing masonry

components of a structure?
17) Define

stability moment?

18) Why

are the piers provided along the length of wall? the terms effective height and effective length of a masonry wall.

19) Explain 20) What 21) What 22) What 23) What 24) How

is the purpose of providing lateral support in a masonry structure? do you mean by shape modification factor? are the different grades of mortar that is recommended in IS 1905-1987? is a pilaster in a brick masonry wall? area reduction factor can be determined? the cross, wall, and bed joint in masonry structure. is meant by local bond stress? masonry structures gain stability?

25) Draw 26) What 27) How

Design of Timber structures

1) List the factors governing the permissible bearing stress perpendicular to the timber grains? 2) Draw various forms of solid timber columns? 3) What do you mean by gravity of timber? 4) Write down the Hankinsons formula used for permissible bearing stress in the timber? 5) List the factors affecting the strength of timber? 6) Name the type of timber joints in construction? 7) Write different groups of timber? 8) A timber section has a length 1.8m with cross sectional dimensions 150mm*150mm.Determine whether it is long column (or) short column? 9) Why bridges are rarely constructed entirely of wood? 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) Name various types of timber plate joints? What are the factors affecting the strength of timber? What is meant by seasoning of timber? What is the importance of wood grain for the structural properties of timber? What are the types of nails that are commonly used in joints of timber

structures? 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) How will you presence the timber? What do you mean by grains of timber? Write down the factor which affects the strength and durability of timber? What is the different grading of timber? Briefly explain seasoning of timber? What do you mean by decay of timber? Define desiccating seasoning?

22) 23) 24) 25) 26) 27)

Resistances that can be made by designing timber beam are? Write the form factor value for built-up beams? In what condition beam to be safe in bearing stress? What is the least lateral dimension for circular column? Neatly Draw the fishplate joint in timber A Timber column is made of deodar wood and is 20cm in diameter. The

effective length of the column is 1.25metres. Find the safe axial load. The safe compressive stress for deodar wood for a short column may be taken as 70kg/cm2

Plastic theory
1) What are the two basic criteria any structural design must satisfy? 2) In what way plastic design methods are different from elastic design methods? 3) Distinguish between the elastic modulus and plastic modulus of a section. 4) State the assumptions made in plastic design to simplify computations. 5) State the condition to be satisfied in order to use plastic methods of analysis as per IS 800. 6) Define shape factor 7) Draw the idealized stress-strain curve for mild steel 8) Will the shape factor of rectangular and circular cross sections be higher than that of I-sections? Justify your answer 9) What are the advantages and disadvantages offered by plastic hinge? 10) 11) 12) What is a plastic hinge? In what way it is different from ordinary hinge? What are the points at which a plastic hinge is likely to form? Evaluate the shape factor for a) Rectangular section b) Triangular section

c)circular section d) hollow circular section e) diamond section 13) 14) In plastic design, what is meant by margin of safety? What is the hinge length of the plasticity zone for a simple beam subjected

to uniformly distributed load? 15) What are the basic conditions to be satisfied in an elastic analysis and a

plastic analysis? 16) Illustrate the difference between the yield moment and plastic moment of

resistance by taking an example of a simply supported rectangular beam and subjected to central concentrated load. 17) State the principle of virtual work


State the following theorems of plastic collapse: a) static theorem b)

kinematic theorem c) uniqueness theorem 19) What are the two methods of plastic analysis by which the collapse load can

be determined? 20) 21) What is load factor usually adopted in plastic design? What are the two groups of mechanisms considered in the plastic design to

continuous beam? 22) 23) What is meant by redistribution of moment? For simply supported beam subjected to uniformly disturbed load determine

the collapse load? 24) A beam of rectangular cross section b x d is subjected to a bending moment

0.9Mp.find out the depth of the elastic core 25) 26) What is meant by complete, partial and over complete collapse? Define collapse load.

1) What is bolt value? 2) Define modulus of elasticity 3) Define Poissons ratio 4) Draw a neat sketch of ISMB 400 and mention its properties 5) Define the terms gauge distances ,pitch, edge and end distance of bolt holes 6) Define staggered pitch 7) Define clip angle 8) What are the types of bolts used to connect structural members? 9) Why black bolts are used only for static loads not for dynamic loads? 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) What are the possible modes of failure of bolted connection? Write interaction formula to check the critical bolt How strength of weld can be calculated? What are the disadvantages of welded connections? What are the different types of bolts? Define effective length and minimum length of weld connections List the advantages of welded connection What are the advantages of bolted connection? List any four common defects in the welds List out any two merits of welded connection Write the expression for investigating the safety of an eccentric bolted

connection, when the applied moment is normal to the plane of connection What are the deformations against which the resistances are offered by the

bolts connecting the bracket plate and the flange of the column, when the applied moment is in the plane of the connection? 22) State the advantages of welded connection over bolted connection

23) 24) 25) 26) 27) 28) 29) 30) 31)

Determine the bolt value for 20mm diameter common bolts connecting

12mm thick plates if it is in a) single shear b) double shear What do 4 and 6 imply for bolts of grade 4.6? Write the expression for calculating the nominal capacity of black bolts. Differentiate between rigid and semi rigid connections What are the types of Welding? Give the types of welded joints Write the relation between the size and throat of a fillet weld having 90

degree fusion angle. What is Rivet value? Define shape factor

Tension members
1) List some of the tension members used in buildings and bridges. 2) What are the factors that influence the strength of tension members? 3) List the type of cross section that can be used as tension members and their use in typical structures. 4) What is meant by slenderness ratio? 5) Write down the expression for the axial elongation of the member subjected to a tensile force? 6) How is the yield point of a high-strength steel tension member determined? 7) List out the different modes of failure in tension member. 8) What is the design stress of a tension member based on a) gross-section yielding b) net section rupture 9) Write short notes on block shear failure in plates and angles? 10) 11) 12) Under what circumstances will the block shear failure be predominant? Why drilled holes preferred over punched holes? By what methods can the effect of punched holes be considered in the design

calculation? 13) Write down the expression to calculate the net area of cross section of a

plate of width B, thickness t, and having staggered holes of pitch p and gauge g. 14) 15) 16) 17) What is effect of high bearing stress due to bolts bearing against the holes? What is meant by shear lag? How can the effects of shear lag be considered in the design calculation? How the net area is calculated when angles are connected through both the

legs with staggered bolts? 18) Write down the expression given in IS 800-2007 for the net section design of

angle tension members


19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) 25)

List the various steps involved in the design of a tension member What is lug angle? Why it is not used in practice? What is permissible stress in axial tension? In what situation lug angle is used? What is moment resistance? Define Equivalent axial tensile load Draw the different shapes of tension members


Compression members
1) What is meant by strut? 2) Draw the diagram of buckling of column. 3) What are the assumptions made in Eulers analysis? 4) What is meant by Effective sectional area? 5) What are the buckled modes for different end conditions? 6) Define position restraint 7) What are the different forms of compression members? 8) What are the effect of initial bow of member and eccentricity of load? 9) Define Effective length 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) What are the different effective lengths for different boundary conditions? What is meant by actual length? How the effective length of column is determined? Define slenderness ratio A single angle discontinuous strut ISA 70x70x8mm of a roof truss is

connected by two rivets at end .Determine the safe load if the permissible axial compression is 92 N/mm2 .Take yield stress as 250 MPa 15) An ISHB300 is to be used as a short column carrying axial load .is its

compressive strength likely to be affected by local buckling assuming Fe410 with fy=250 MPa 16) What are the factors which influence the load carrying capacity of a compression in steel design 17) 18) State the possible modes of failure of an axially loaded column. How will you calculate the safe load carrying capacity of a compression

member? 19) List out the different sections of rolled steel joint.

1) Why are rolled I-sections widely used as beam? 2) What are the checks to be performed for beam member design? 3) What are the points to be considered in the design of beam? 4) Compare: laterally supported beam and laterally unsupported beam 5) Distinguish between laterally restrained and unrestrained beams 6) What is web crippling? 7) What is web buckling? 8) Explain beam with unrestrained compression flange 9) What is lateral torsional buckling of beams? 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) Name various ways of providing torsional restraint of steel beams Explain the behavior of beam in flexure What is meant by elastic critical moment? Write the expression for elastic critical moment How rotation about the longitudinal axis and rotation of the flange in plane

of beams are prevented? 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) Draw the failure of beams due to buckling and crippling for I-section What are the factors affecting lateral stability? What is meant by shear lag effect? Under what conditions can lateral buckling occur? Under what conditions can a beam member be assumed as laterally

restrained? 20) 21) 22) 23) What is the difference between column buckling and beam buckling? Differentiate between local and lateral buckling of beams How can the lateral buckling behavior be improved in a beam member? Under what conditions a beam should be checked for shear?

24) 25)

What is meant by effective length of beam member? A beam subjected to transverse loads experience two types of shear .what

are they? 26) Web crippling in steel beam occurs due to failure of web under concentrated

load why? 27) 28) 29) What are the parameters to be checked for beam design? How is spacing of the purlins fixed? Define the gross cross-section of the web in the case of rolled beams and

channels. 30) 31) Define 1.) Eaves 2.) Spacing of purlins What are the permissible values for bearing and shearing stresses of steel

member used as beam sections? 32) 33) 34) 35) 36) 37) Draw any four types of Roof trusses How are live loads on roof considered for design? What is the criterion for economic spacing of trusses for roofs? Differentiate between main member and secondary member of a truss Define a column splice Define a girder


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