Sample Resignation Letter
Sample Resignation Letter
Sample Resignation Letter
Mrs. Aida T. Agbayani, EdD, R.N. Chief Nurse Nursing Office UERM Memorial Medical Center, Inc
!ear Ms Ag"a#ani$ %ith this letter I &ish to inform #ou that I &ill "e resigning from m# 'osition as (taff Nurse &ith UERM Memorial Medical Center, Inc M# resignation &ill "e effecti)e from (e'tem"er 13, 2012 I regret a"out an# difficult# &hich might "e caused "# this resignation *lease allo& me to state m# "est &ishes for all the em'lo#ees of this institution I ha)e "een re&arded "# m# e+'erience of &or,ing at this medical center &hich has ena"led me to foster s,ills in the field of health care %hile I ha)e "een contented &ith m# good time and ser)ice here, I can-t sta# a&a# from the u'coming res'onsi"ilities I ha)e &ith regards to m# father.s untimel# death I am than,ful for the e+'erience I ha)e gained in UERM Memorial Medical Center, Inc *lease let me ,no& regarding an# formalities I need to fulfill &ith /R 0han, #ou once again for #our su''ort during m# ser)ice and "est of luc, to all of m# colleagues and seniors