G a m e b o a r d Where We are in Place & Time Central idea: A nation is made up of many unique individuals, cultures and communities. We are learning how to write information reports for this unit and we used the National Symbols of Singapore as our topic for our first information report. In finding out more about the national symbols, we also learned a bit more about Singapores history and why they use certain symbols like the lion and the orchid. Our concept for this unit is perspective. In understanding that people have different perspectives, we hope to develop into more open-minded and respectful citizens of the world. MONDAY Swimming with Ms. Lola *bring swimming kit E-mail: gabadesco@chatsworth.com.sg Class website: http://year3abadesco.weebly.com TUESDAY PE with Ms. Unso WEDNESDAY Mandarin with Ms. Song Music with Ms. Pittaway Library with Ms. Rich *bring Library bag THURSDAY Field trip to the Peranakan Museum FRIDAY Mo Day! Homework due Action Time focus: My Passion Unit of Inquiry We have been developing our understanding of why we borrow in subtraction. Through the use of base 10 blocks and making number stories, students understood better why numbers have to be regrouped, traded, exchanged, etc. We also have been working on explaining the steps that we use when completing number problems. Maths We pretended to prepare Singapore Soup in class where the pot symbolized Singapore and the ingredients represented everything that makes up Singapore. For this weeks challenge, think of other ingredients that you can add to our Singapore Soup. Some of the ingredients that we already listed are: different people, languages, celebrations, HDBs, respect, national symbols, places, animals, physical features UOI Challenge November is Mens Health Month (Movember) and to mark the end of this month in school, everyone is invited to come to school wearing a mustache and your House shirt. Students who come to school wearing both will get a merit. Mo Day Dates to Remember Dates to Remember 22 November End of CCA/ECA Session 1 28 November Field trip to the Peranakan Museum 2-3 December Bookaburra visit in the school hall 6 December Semester 1 Reports sent home 11 December Concert practice at Tanjong Katong Secondary 12 December December Concert at Tanjong Katong Secondary (along Haig Road), 10am-11:30am. Seating is from 9-10am 13 December December Market, 9:15am-11:30am (all proceeds will go to the Typhoon Haiyan survivors) School will nish at 2:30pm 16 Dec. - 3 Jan. December Holiday 6 January Semester 2 begins 13 January CCA & ECA Session 2 begins Addition & Sbutraction with Regrouping In light of Supertyphoon Haiyan that greatly affected many parts of the Philippines, we can do our share in helping out by donating $5 for a case of bottled water. Who: For the survivors of Typhoon Haiyan What: $5 for 24 bottles of 500ml. water Where: Samar and Leyte, Philippines (with the help of The Youth of Santuario de San Antonio and the Meralco Foundation) When: How: Give $5 to your Homeroom teacher in an envelope Donations in kind will be accepted until Drop-off point is the school lobby (beside the staircase) What we need: Clothes (practical, usable, sorted by size) Toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, tissue paper) Candles and matches Ready to-eat food in easy-to-open packages (biscuits, canned goods with pull rings) Please e-mail ms. Abadesco at gabadesco@chatsworth.com.sg for questions or comments DECEMBER 13TH, FRIDAY By November 22nd, Friday Abbie Rose and tbe Magic Suitcase: Pic|ing up a Penguin's egg RFALLY got me into trouble A66!F ROSF and 6!LLY bead to tbe Soutb Pole Ior an adventure! !t began vben Abbie pic|ed up a penguin's egg. Tbey got cbased by penguins, tbe ice brea|s and tbey encountered a bungry leopard seal. Fortunately, an unli|ely bero comes up vitb a clever plan and saves tbe day! Secrets oI tbe SWAMP AlIie, Pacey and Lu|e, are supposed to go to a svamp to ta|e pictures oI borsesboe crabs Ior a project, but tbey end up baving tbe adventure oI a liIetime. Tbey discover many secrets oI tbe svamp sucb as up-close encounters vitb vildliIe, a spoo|y bungalov and an underground staircase! MFFT-THF-AUTHOR NF!L HUMPHRFYS Saturday, 23 November 20J3, ^pm kino|uniya Singapore Main Store Neil Humpbreys vill be sbaring vitb you more about bis latest cbildren's boo|s at tbis event! *!"#$s#%&ro'(c#%)*#%r#"#v$n)%Books%K+nok(n+,$%r#c#+&)%(&on%r#-(#s)+ng%)*#%$()*ors%$()ogr$&*. To hod o0t more abo0t th|s eveot, scao th|s 08 code oow. 31st October 2013 Dear Year 3 Parents and Guardians, Year 3 students will visit The Peranakan Museum for the Mandarin programme integration with the Unit of Inquiry - A Nation is made up of many unique individuals, cultures and communities. Students will be exploring the cultural diversity of our host country, Singapore, through experiencing the historical richness of the South East Asia Peranakan culture. On Thursday the 28th of November, we will be leaving school at 9:10am and returning at approximately 11:30am. In the museum, students will have the opportunity to see the worlds finest Peranakan collection displayed in ten different galleries. They will learn about the origins of the Peranakan culture including their food, feasting, celebrations of marriage, religions, lifestyle and more. Students will immerse themselves in the uniqueness of Peranakan culture through some hands-on activities such as stamping on coloured papers with beautiful symbols, taking photos for the unique collections that interest them and both sketching and creating their own artwork. We will provide a selection of traditional Peranakan snack for students to taste once we return. Please let us know if you have any concerns about this. Students may bring a camera if they wish to. Please note that it is their responsibility to look after their belongings. Students will wear their school uniform for the field trip. Afternoon classes will be as normal. Please fill out the reply slip below, and attached consent form, and return with the payment (exact amount please) by Thursday the 21st of November. Kind regards, Ms Song dsong@chatsworth.com.sg Ms Chiu schiu@chatsworth.com.sg --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REPLY SLIP FOR FIELD TRIP TO THE PERANAKAN MUSEUM Name of child __________________________
Please check all that apply ______I am allowing my child to join the field trip and have enclosed $4 ______I am not allowing my child to join the field trip ______I am willing to join the field trip as a parent volunteer (1 needed from each class only)