A book from Ananda Centish Coomaraswamy , covering the relation to ancient art from past ages, highlighting the differences between modern and archaic cultures, and the uncompatible foundations of these cultures.
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A. C. Coomaraswamy - Traditional Art and Symbolism
A book from Ananda Centish Coomaraswamy , covering the relation to ancient art from past ages, highlighting the differences between modern and archaic cultures, and the uncompatible foundations of these cultures.
A book from Ananda Centish Coomaraswamy , covering the relation to ancient art from past ages, highlighting the differences between modern and archaic cultures, and the uncompatible foundations of these cultures.
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A. C. Coomaraswamy - Traditional Art and Symbolism
A book from Ananda Centish Coomaraswamy , covering the relation to ancient art from past ages, highlighting the differences between modern and archaic cultures, and the uncompatible foundations of these cultures.