GRE Vocabulary List 2
GRE Vocabulary List 2
GRE Vocabulary List 2
30. accord - a formal reaching of agreement 31. accost - to greet; to address 32. accrue - to be added to by growth 33. acculturation - change of one culture from interacting with another 34. acerb - acid; sour 35. acme - highest point 36. acolyte - novice; young assistant 37. acquiesce - to comply; to yield 38. acquit - to free from charge 39. acrid - biting or harsh in odor or taste; deeply or violently bitter 40. acrimonious - bitter and sharp in language or tone; meanspirited; bitter; ill-natured. ("acrimonious remarks") 41. acumen - keen insight
6. 7. 8. 9.
10. abject - utterly hopeless; miserable 11. abjure - to give up (rights); to deny 12. ablution - washing or cleansing the body as part of a religious rite 13. abnegate - to deny privilege to
42. acute - sharp; shrewd; severe 14. abominable - something that causes disgust; easily hated 43. adage - a short proverb or saying 15. aboriginal - the first of its kind in a region 44. adamant - persistent; stubborn 16. abortive - unsuccessful or fruitless 17. abrade - to wear away or rub off; to wear down in spirit 18. abridge - to edit a book by shortening the text 19. abrogate - to cancel; to nullify 20. abscond - to depart secretly, especially to avoid criminal charges 21. absolve - to free from blame or responsibility 50. adjudicate - to judge; to hear and decide a case in court 22. abstemious - to be moderate, especially in eating and drinking 51. adjure - to command solemnly as if under oath 23. abstinence - the act of refraining from pleasurable activity, e.g., eating or drinking 24. abstruse - complex and difficult to comprehend 25. abuts - lie adjacent 26. accede - to give one's consent 27. accentuate - to put emphasis on 28. accessory - a partner in a crime 29. accolade - a mark of acknowledgement or expression of praise 52. admonition - a gentle rebuke 53. adroit - nimble; skillful in the use of one's hands or body 54. adulation - high praise 55. adulterate - to make impure or tainted 56. adumbrate - foreshadow 57. adventitious - happening by chance; incidental; accidental 58. adversity - misfortune, an unfavorable turn of events 45. adaptation - A composition that has been recast into a new form 46. addendum - something additional; an item to be added on 47. adduce - to cite as an example or justification 48. adept - proficient; expert; highly skilled 49. adherent - someone who adheres to an opinion
91. amenity - a pleasant manner or feature 92. amiable - having a pleasant, cordial nature 93. amicable - friendly, agreeable 94. amity - friendliness 95. amoral - without moral standards 96. amorous - passionate 97. amorphous - formless ("an amoeba is amorphous") 98. amortize - to settle a debt by means of installment payments 99. anachronism - something in the wrong time period; out-ofdate
156. askance - distrustfully 157. askew - turned to one side 158. asperity - harshness; severity in temper 159. aspersion - false accusation; slander 160. assertion - a positive statement or claim 161. assiduous - attentive; diligent 162. assuage - soften; alleviate 163. astral - pertaining to the stars 164. astute - shrewd; very smart; clever 165. asylum - sanctuary, shelter, refuge 166. atrophy - wasting away (of muscle) 167. attrition - grinding down; wearing down 168. audacious - bold; brazen; lacking timidity; fearless 169. augment - to increase 170. augury - prediction 171. august - stately; majestic 172. auspices - support; encouragement; patronage 173. auspicious - of favorable prospect; promising 174. austere - severe; strict 175. authentic - genuine 176. autocrat - a despotic ruler; a mean ruler 177. autonomous - self-governing
222. benighted - ignorant; unenlightened 223. benign - favorable; kind 224. benison - blessing 225. bequeath - to give an inheritance to 226. berate - to scold severely 227. bereaved - in a state of mourning 228. beseech - to beg 229. besmirch - to make dirty; to soil (like a reputation) 230. bestial - relating to beasts 231. bestow - to give ("bestow on you three wishes") 232. bevy - a large group 233. bigamy - being illegally married to two people simultaneously 234. bigoted - prejudiced 235. bilateral - pertaining to both sides of something 236. bilk - to swindle; to cheat 237. binary - made up of two parts; double 238. biogenesis - the process of life arising from other living things 239. bipartisanship - of, consisting of, or supported by members of two parties, especially two major political parties: a bipartisan resolution.
288. bygone - an occurrence that took place in the past 289. cabal - intrigue; a group plotting secretly 290. cache - hiding place 291. cacophony - discordant sounds or comments 292. cadaverous - haggard; ghastly pale
420. confabulate - to chat or talk informally 421. confederations - a group of nations 422. confine - to give a restriction 423. conflagration - a big fire 424. conflated - fused together; not distinct 425. conflict - a situation that lacks accord 426. confluence - a point of meeting or flowing together 427. conformist - person who complies with accepted rules and customs
485. cull - to select 486. culminate - to result in 487. culpable - guilty 488. cumbersome - hard to manage 489. cumbrous - burdensome 490. cupidity - greed 491. curative - curing 492. curator - someone who manages a museum
551. deride (adj. derisive) - to ridicule 552. derision - ridicule 553. derisive - making fun of; belittling 554. derivation - a source 555. derivative - copied or adapted from others 556. derogatory - belittling 557. desecrate - to render unholy; treat as unholy ("desecrate a temple")
617. disquiet - to disturb, to increase apprehension 618. disseminate - to disperse; to scatter far and wide 619. dissension - fighting 620. dissipate - to vanish or cease 621. dissolution - the act of dissolving into parts 622. dissonance - a harsh or inharmonious combination, especially of sounds
684. elusive - difficult to understand, grasp, or perceive 685. emaciated - haggard 686. emanate - to issue forth; to emit from a source 687. emancipate - to liberate 688. embark - to cause to board a vessel or aircraft
748. espouse - to marry; to advocate (as a doctrine) 749. essay - a nonfiction literary work 750. esteemed - respected 751. estimable - admirable; deserving praise 752. estrange - to alienate; to remove from a position or relationship
814. fanatical - being crazy about something 815. fanciful - lacking pragmatism 816. fanfare - much attention, a spectacular public display 817. fastidious - hard to please; squeamish 818. fatuous - silly; stupid or foolish 819. fawn - To seek favor or attention by flattery and obsequious behavior.
881. gainsay - deny; to declare false 882. gait - a particular way of walk 883. gale - a very strong wind 884. gallantry - something displaying dashing bravery or chivalry
947. haughty - arrogant; lacking humility; scornfully proud 948. havoc - destruction 949. headstrong - lacking restraint 950. hedonist - lover of pleasure; seeker of gratification 951. hegemony - strong influence 952. heinous - atrocious; evil; reprehensible 953. hemp - stuff rope is made of 954. herbicide - a chemical that kills plants 955. herculean - strong and powerful 956. heresy - unorthodox doctrine 957. heretic - someone going against traditional beliefs 958. hermetic - airtight 959. hermit - an antisocial person; someone who seeks solitude 960. heterogeneous - from various sources; not uniform; different 961. hiatus - an interruption, intermission, or break 962. hibernal - wintery 963. hierarchy - a formal chain of command 964. hilarious - boisterously merry 965. hirsute - hairy; bearded 966. histrionic - theatrical 967. hoax - rumor designed to deceive the public 968. holistic - emphasizing wholeness 969. holocaust - destruction by fire 970. homage - display of special respect or honor 971. homily - sermon 972. homogeneous - uniform; lacking variation 973. homonym - a word that sounds the same as another word 974. hone - to sharpen a knife 975. hoodwink - to deceive 976. hortatory - urging or inciting to action 977. hot-spur - a quick-tempered, impulsive person 978. hour - something that measures duration 979. hubris - excess pride
1014. impious - lacking reverence; not pious 1015. implacable - not easily pacified 1016. implausible - difficult to believe; not plausible 1017. implement - to put a plan into effect 1018. implicit - implied; understood though not stated 1019. implore - to beseech or beg for fervently 1020. imponderable - incapable of being weighed or evaluated precisely
1080. infernal - fiendish; devilish 1081. infidel - unbeliever 1082. infinitesimal - very small 1083. infrastructure - foundation; underlying base 1084. ingenious - Having genius; brilliant; skillful 1085. ingenuous - simple; innocent 1086. ingrate - one who is ungrateful 1087. ingratiate - work oneself into another's good graces 1088. inherent - inborn; intrinsic; basic 1089. inhibit - restrain
1147.itemize - to detail item by item, to list 1148.itinerant - traveling 1149.jaunty - showy; gay 1150. jejune - dull or empty 1151. jeopardize - to endanger 1152. jettison - to throw overboard 1153. jingoist - someone with extreme nationalism
1215. locution - style of speaking 1216. logistics - the essential details of how something is to be accomplished
1282.mien - appearance; manner 1283.millennium - a thousand years 1284.mimicry - the act, practice, or art of mimicking 1285. mirage - optical illusion 1286. mirth - happiness 1287. miry - muddy 1288. misanthrope - someone who hates people 1289. misanthropic - not trusting (esp. of people); n. misanthropy 1290. misconstrue - to misinterpret 1291. miscreant - villain 1292. miserly - cheap like someone who wont let you borrow money 1293. misnomer - wrong name 1294. misogamy - hatred of marriage 1295. misogyny - hatred of women 1296. missile - projectile weapon
1349. nocturnal - pertaining to the night 1350. nomadic - wandering 1351. nomenclature - system of names for purposes of organization 1352. nominal - in name only 1353. nonchalant - indifferent; calm, casual, seeming unexcited 1354. nonentity - nobody; of little importance 1355. nonfeasance - failure to perform (a given duty) 1356. nonpareil - unequaled 1357. nonpartisan - unbiased; not taking sides 1358. novel - new; innovative 1359. novice - apprentice, beginner 1360. noxious - harmful, injurious 1361. nubile - sexually mature and or prepared for marriage 1362. nugatory - worthless or in vain 1363. nullify - to make void 1364. numismatics - coin collecting 1365. nuptial - relating to marriage; connubial 1366. obdurate - stubborn 1367. obeisance - submission 1368. obese - fat 1369. obfuscate - to confuse 1370. obligatory - binding; required 1371. oblique - angled; indirect 1372. obliterate - destroy utterly 1373. oblivious - not mindful 1374. obloquy - abusive criticism 1375. obnoxious - offensive 1376. obsequious - compliant and servile to superiors 1377. obsolete - out-of-date 1378. obstinate - stubbornly adhering to an attitude, opinion, or course of action; unyielding
1417. ostentatious - showy, excessive, pretentious 1418. ostracize - to exclude or banish 1419. overhaul - to completely revise 1420. overt - open; manifest 1421. overture - an introduction to a play 1422. ovoid - egg-shaped 1423. pacifistic - opposing conflict 1424. pacify - to calm down 1425. palatable - pleasant to taste 1426. palaver - a parley or conference 1427. palliate - to lessen the severity 1428. pallid - pale 1429. palpable - capable of being felt or touched; tangible
1482. peripheral - off to the side 1483. periphery - border 1484. perjure - to lie or give false and misleading testimony 1485. permafrost - permanently frozen subsoil, occurring throughout the polar regions and locally in perennially frigid areas. 1486. permeate - spread; to penetrate 1487. pernicious - causing great harm; destructive; deadly; dangerous 1488. perpetuate - to make everlasting 1489. perquisites - a payment or profit received in addition to a regular wage or salary 1490. persnickety - fussy about small details; snobbish 1491. perspicacity - sharp perception 1492. perspicuity - clear and easy to understand 1493. pertinacity - persistency 1494. pertinent - relevant
1547. posthumous - occurring after death 1548. postulate - hypothesis 1549. potable - drinkable 1550. potent - powerful 1551. potentate - a powerful person 1552. powerful - to have influence 1553. pragmatic - practical 1554. precarious - dangerously uncertain; insecure; lacking stability
1612. protg - someone aided by another influential person 1613. protocol - formal etiquette
1742. resolute - unyielding in determination 1743. resonate - to vibrate or sound in a way similar 1744. respite - a pause 1745. resplendent - brilliantly shining 1746. respondent - one who responds 1747. restitution - the act of compensating for a past misdeed; to put back, set up again, restore
1809. schematic - having to do with a diagram or scheme 1810. scintilla - a trace 1811. scintillate - to sparkle (intellectually) ("scintillating ideas") 1812. scion - descendent 1813. score - music created by a composer; the written music for a musician
1874. sordid - tawdry; undignified 1875. sovereign - someone in charge of a kingdom 1876. sovereignty - legitimacy as a nation 1877. specious - outwardly reasonable 1878. spectator - someone who watches an event 1879. spinster - a single woman, especially a middle-aged one 1880. splenetic - melancholy 1881. spontaneity - impulsive action, unplanned events 1882. sporadic - occurring at irregular intervals 1883. spurious - lacking authenticity, false; not genuine
1938. sycophancy - the act of kissing up 1939. sycophant - an ambitious flatterer; brown-noser
2002. torrent - a powerful stream 2003. torrential - stormy 2004. tort - a civil misdeed requiring compensation (law) 2005. tout - to publicize or praise highly 2006. toxic - poisonous 2007. tractable - easily managed or controlled; governable 2008. traitorous - being a traitorous 2009. trajectory - the path of flight followed by a projectile 2010. transcend - to surpass; to exceed 2011. transcribe - to make a copy of (by writing) 2012. transformed - totally change 2013. transgress - to break a rule; to violate 2014. transient - temporary, short-lived, fleeting 2015. transitory - something that is continuously changing 2016. translucent - allowing some light to show through but not transparent
2134. watershed - a critical event or turning point 2135. wayfaring - tending to travel by foot 2136. waylay - to lie in wait for 2137. weave - to create fabric 2138. wend - to go forward 2139. wheedle - cajole; entice 2140. whim - random, spontaneous idea 2141. wily - cunning 2142. winnow - to sift through 2143. wistful - longing 2144. wither - wasting away of a flower or blossom 2145. wont - custom 2146. wool - the outer covering of sheep 2147. wrangle - quarrel 2148. writhe - to twist (e.g. ones body) 2149. yahoo - a bumpkin 2150. zealous - enthusiastic 2151. zenith - highest point