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Middle School Choir Lesson Plan

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Teacher Candidate: Kelsey West Grade Level: 8th Subject/Content: Music/Choir Title: Counting Assessment/Lesson

CONTEXTUAL FACTORS (e.g. ethnicity, gender, exceptionalities, ELL, GATE, etc.) which need differentiation in instruction and assessment. 59 students in a co-ed 8th grade choir class (32 girls, 27 boys) 1 Hawaiian boy 1 Hawaiian girl 1 boy in wheelchair **No different instruction or assessment was needed for those listed above.

WALK-AWAY (what do I want students to know, understand, and be able to do?) Content Walk-Away: Students will be able to insert the counting of notes or rests in a given measure based on the time signature.

Reading/Language Walk-Away: Students will learn and understand the first step to reading music. (example: 1 st look at the time signature)

ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE (formative/summative checks for learning) (Match the Content Walk-Away) Students are given a counting pre-test of 8 measures with a copied bass line of the same rhythms. Students are asked to fill in the given lines under each measure for how many counts each note and each rest gets. The first measure of the pre-test is done for them as an example. Students turn in the pre-test and prepare for a quick lesson. A lesson is given on how to first look at the time signature, then the note value, rests, patterns in the music, bass clef and treble clef, and instructions of the test. The post-test is given with the exact same questions on it.


(ELL, IEP, GATE, etc.)


Modifications/ Accommodations (ELL, IEP, GATE, etc.)

Activate Prior Knowledge/Experiences Music theory Note value (quarter note = 1 count) (half note = 2 counts) (quarter rest = 1 count) (half rest = 2 counts) (four-four time signature=4 counts in a measure) Clefs (treble clef = soprano & alto voices) (bass clef = tenor & bass voices) Notating music (how to write in the counts underneath a music measure for better understanding) Focus Lesson (I do it) -I write on the board 1 measure of four-four time with one quarter note, one rest, one quarter note, and one rest. I fill in the counting underneath the measure that each note and each rest has. The class sees what it is exactly that I am asking for on the test.

Guided Instruction (We do it) -I write another measure from the pre-test and we hash it out together. I ask students what the value of each note or each rest is during the hash out. Students answer by being called on with the raise of a hand.

Collaborative/Cooperative (You do it together) -I write a third example from the pre-test on the board and we hash it out again. This time students converse together and throw out answers that should be put under the music measures. I write it on the board.

Independent (You do it alone) -Students are given the post-test which is exactly like the pre-test. Summarization/Closure

-Students are now aware of the steps of looking at a new piece of music. 1. Point out the time signature-what does it mean? 2. Know the note value 3. Write in the value of each note or rest under the measure (example: remembering nothing should exceed 4 counts in a measure because it is in four-four time) -Students know how to write in counts for notes/rests in a time signature of four-four. *I know this due to the collaboration and the blurting out of answers. I also know this due to a better instruction of the test being given and the eagerness of the kids when the post-test was given.

NOTES TO TEACHER What do I need to remember to do? -Remind students to show respect to their peers by being quiet during both test periods. -Ask for students to raise hands for questions/answers instead of yelling out. -Ask students for any further questions before giving the post-test. Materials to have ready? -1 pre-test copy for each student. (59) -1 post-test copy for each student. (59) -Dry-erase board -Dry-erase marker Approximate time needed for lesson? -15-20 Minutes

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