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Stephen T. Hale

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S.Hale Pg.

1 201 3

Stephen T. Hale
S.hale1028@gmail.com 2254 Windsor Lane Country Club Hills !L "04#8 ##$.%%1.8445 Objective !nterested in a high&energy 'osition o((ering creati)ity and critical thin*ing s*ills to hel' generate inno)ati)e ideas +hile gaining industry e,'erience and continuing to be a ser)ant leader in a ca'acity +here ad)ancement is continuous. Education -labama -./ 0ni)ersity 2.-. in 3sychology /a4or 53- $.$64.0 Work Experience 0$62012&116201$ HBCUPrideNation, LLC Charlotte 1C Co&/ar*eting 7irector Wor* directly +ith the C89 to e,ecute the mission and )ision o( H2C03ride1ation LLC 7e)elo' mar*eting material that +ill 'lace the H2C03ride1ation LLC brand into direct contact +ith target audience. 7e)elo' and e,ecute Social /edia cam'aigns (or H2C03ride1ation LLC and 'artner organi:ations. 0162012&056201$ YBE Maga ine -tlanta 5-ssistant 3ublic ;elations Coordinator 3romote <28 through )arious outlets including social media such as =+itter >aceboo* =umblr etc. 7e)elo' contacts and aid <28 in establishing bene(icial 'artnershi's in media and organi:ations that align +ith our goals 3re'are and distribute 'ress releases to )arious outlets -ssist in de)elo'ing mar*eting strategies (or <28 Stimulate the economic gro+th o( <28 through (undraising 0862012&056201$ !"aba#a !$M Univer%it& Hunts)ille -L 9((ice o( Student -cti)ities and Leadershi' 7e)elo'ment 3er(orm clerical duties Wor* closely +ith the 7irector o( Student -cti)ities and Leadershi' 7e)elo'ment and ?ice 3resident o( Student -((airs Stimulate the ambition o( our 0ni)ersity Students +hile 'ro)iding -cti)ities geared to+ards !nstitutional ad)ancement 1ormal -L /ay 201$


S.Hale Pg. 1 201 3

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