Absent or Absence (Scheduled Time Off)
Absent or Absence (Scheduled Time Off)
Absent or Absence (Scheduled Time Off)
an employee is not present at work during a normally scheduled work period. Absenteeism Policy Absenteeism policy is a policy that provides guidance within an organi ation about how to manage the state of chronic absence from work. Agile Organi ation (Agility) An agile organi ation is able to !uickly adapt to changing circumstances" it is ready for anything. #t can respond instantaneously to changing customer demands. The agile organi ation innovates rapidly$ and immediately tailors products and services to customer needs. Agility means nimble and !uick. Attendance and Attendance Policy Attendance Policy% The guidelines and e&pectations for employee attendance at work as defined$ written$ disseminated$ and implemented by an organi ation. 'ehavioral #nterview A behavioral interview attempts to determine if you have the behavioral characteristics that have been selected as necessary for success in a particular (ob. 'ehavioral interviews ask the candidate to pinpoint specific instances in which a specific behavior was e&hibited in the past. #n the best behaviorally)based interviews$ the candidate is unaware of the behavior the interviewer is verifying. 'enefits *mployers provide a package of additions to the base salary to employees. These benefits can include health insurance$ dental insurance$ life insurance$ disability insurance$ a severance package$ tuition assistance$ and more. On average$ organi ations spend +, paisa for benefits for every rupee of payroll. That-s ./ percent of the total employee compensation package. 'usiness 0asual 1ress 0ode The 0ompany2s ob(ective$ in establishing a business casual dress code$ is to enable employees to pro(ect a professional$ business)like image while e&periencing the advantages of more casual and rela&ed clothing. 'usiness casual dress is the standard for this dress code which is described in detail in the 'usiness 0asual 1ress 0ode policy. 0oaching 0oaching (work coaching) is a method used by managers and supervisors to provide positive or constructive feedback to employees to help them continue e&cellent performance or identify ways to improve performance. 0ounseling 0ounseling (work coaching) is providing day)to)day feedback to employees about areas in which their performance at work can improve. 0ulture 0ulture is made up of the values$ beliefs$ underlying assumptions$ attitudes$ and behaviors shared by a group of people. 0ulture is the behavior that results when a group arrives at a set of ) generally unspoken and unwritten ) rules for working together. An
organi ation-s culture is made up of all of the life e&periences each employee brings to the organi ation. 1epartment 1epartments are the entities organi ations form to organi e people$ reporting relationships$ and work in a way that best supports the accomplishment of the organi ation2s goals. 1epartments are usually organi ed by functions such as human resources$ marketing$ administration$ and sales. 'ut$ a department can be organi ed in any way that makes sense for the customer. 1iscipline Progressive discipline is a process for dealing with (ob)related behavior that does not meet e&pected and communicated performance standards. 1ownsi ing 1ownsi ing means to reduce the number of employees in an organi ation. 1ownsi ing or lay)offs reduce the si e of a work force. 3sed sparingly$ and with planning$ downsi ing can be an organi ational lifesaver$ but when layoffs are used repeatedly without a thoughtful strategy$ downsi ing can destroy an organi ation2s effectiveness. Also known as% reduction in force. 1ress 0ode A work dress code is a set of standards that companies develop to help provide their employees with guidance about what is appropriate to wear to work. 4ork dress codes range from formal to business casual to casual. The formality of the workplace dress code is normally determined by the amount of interaction employees have with customers. 1ress 0ode for 'usiness 0asual The 0ompany2s ob(ective$ in establishing a business casual dress code$ is to enable employees to pro(ect a professional$ business)like image while e&periencing the advantages of more casual and rela&ed clothing. 'usiness casual dress is the standard for this dress code which is described in detail in the 'usiness 0asual 1ress 0ode policy. 1rug)free 4orkplace #n a drug)free workplace$ the employer has taken steps and initiated policies to ensure that employees are not taking or using alcohol or drugs$ selling drugs$ or affected by the after effects of indulging in alcohol or drugs outside of the workplace. The goal of a drug)free workplace program is to encourage an employee with a substance abuse problem to seek treatment$ recover$ and return to work.
*mployee *mpowerment$ *mpower *mployees$ *mpowered *mployees *mpowerment is the process of enabling or authori ing an individual to think$ behave$ take action$ and control work and decision making in autonomous ways. #t is the state of feeling self)empowered to take control of one2s own destiny. *mpowerment rules as a development strategy. *mployee #nvolvement *mployee involvement is creating an environment in which people have an impact on decisions and actions that affect their (obs. *mployee involvement is not the goal nor is it
a tool$ as practiced in many organi ations. 5ather$ employee involvement is a management and leadership philosophy about how people are most enabled to contribute. 6eedback ) 7ive 6eedback is information to another person about the impact of their actions on a person$ situation$ or activity. *ffective feedback is specific$ timely$ and focuses on a specific behavior. 7eneration 8 7eneration 8ers are people born between ,/9: and ,/;9 < ,/=>$ depending on the source. 7en 8ers are independent$ en(oy #nformality$ are entrepreneurial$ and seek emotional maturity. They are the core of your current workforce. 4hat #s a ?uman 5esource@ A human resource is a person or employee who staffs and operates a function within your organi ation. 5ead the definition of a ?uman 5esource. 4hat #s ?uman 5esources@ ?uman resources are the people that staff and operate an organi ation. 4hat #s ?uman 5esource 1evelopment (?51)@ ?uman 5esource 1evelopment is the framework for helping employees develop their personal and organi ational skills$ knowledge$ and abilities. ?uman 5esource 1evelopment includes such opportunities as employee training$ employee career development$ performance management and development$ coaching$ succession planning$ key employee identification$ and organi ation development. 4hat #s ?uman 5esource Aanagement@ ?uman 5esource Aanagement is the function within an organi ation that focuses on recruitment$ management$ and the direction of the people in the organi ation. ?uman 5esources management is also performed by line managers. ?uman 5esources #nformation System (?5#S) The ?uman 5esource #nformation System (?5#S is a software or online solution for the data entry$ data tracking$ and data information needs of the ?uman 5esources function within a business. Bormally packaged as a data base$ hundreds of companies sell some form of ?5#S and every ?5#S has different capabilities. Pick your ?5#S carefully based on the capabilities you need in your company. ?uman 5esources Cob 1escriptions #n the past$ ?5 personnel have been associated with performing the administrative function of an organi ation$ such as handling employee benefits or recruiting$ interviewing$ and hiring new personnel in accordance with policies and re!uirements that have been established. Today2s human resources workers (uggle these tasks and$ increasingly$ consult top e&ecutives regarding strategic planning.
4hat #s the ?uman 5esource 1epartment@ 1epartments are the entity organi ations form to organi e people$ reporting relationships$ and work in a way that best supports the accomplishment of the organi ation2s goals. 1epartments are usually organi ed by functions such as human resources$ marketing$ administration$ and sales. 'ut$ a department can be organi ed in any way that makes sense for the customer. #ndependent 0ontractor An independent contractor is a person or a business that performs services$ produces a particular outcome$ or produces a product for a person or a business under a written or implied agreement or contract. #nduction Bew employee orientation is the process for welcoming a new employee into your organi ation. Bew employee orientation$ often spearheaded by a meeting with the ?uman 5esources department$ generally contains information about safety$ the work environment$ the new (ob description$ benefits and eligibility$ company culture$ company history$ and anything else relevant to working in the new company. #nterview There are screening interviews and hiring or selection interviews. Screening interviews !ualify a candidate before he meets with a hiring authority for possible selection. ?iring interviews allow the employer to assess the fit of the candidate. The candidate also interviews the employer for (ob suitability. Aost of these interviews take place in an office setting one)on)one or in a small group. #nterview One)Stop% ?ow to #nterview Potential *mployees The (ob interview is a powerful factor in the employee selection process in most organi ations. 4hile the (ob interview may not deserve all the attention that the (ob interview receives$ it is still a powerful force in hiring. Other background checking and work history references provide much less personali ed and more factual information. Cob Analysis A (ob analysis is the process used to collect information about the duties$ responsibilities$ necessary skills$ outcomes$ and work environment of a particular (ob. Dou need as much data as possible to put together a (ob description$ which is the fre!uent outcome of the (ob analysis. Cob 1escription Cob descriptions are written statements that describe the duties$ responsibilities$ most important contributions and outcomes needed from a position$ re!uired !ualifications of candidates$ and the reporting relationship of a particular (ob. Cob 1escriptions% ?uman 5esources #n the past$ ?5 staff have been associated with the administrative functions of an organi ation$ such as benefits and payroll or recruiting$ interviewing$ and hiring new employees. Today2s human resources workers (uggle these tasks and$ increasingly$ consult top e&ecutives regarding strategic planning.
Cob 1escriptions% 4hy *ffective Cob 1escriptions Aake 7ood 'usiness Sense *ffectively developed$ (ob descriptions are communication tools that are significant in your organi ation2s success. Poorly written (ob descriptions$ on the other hand$ add to workplace confusion and hurt communication. ?ere2s why effective (ob descriptions are so important. Cob Offer Eetter A (ob offer letter is a document that confirms the details of an offer of employment. The (ob offer letter includes details such as (ob description$ reporting relationship$ salary$ bonus potential$ benefits$ and more. The (ob offer letter generally confirms the terms ... Eearning Organi ation Peter Senge defined the learning organi ation. ?e said they were Forgani ations where people continually e&pand their capacity to create the results they truly desire$ where new and e&pansive patterns of thinking are nurtured$ where collective aspiration is set free$ and where people are continually learning how to learn together.G
Aanaging ?uman 5esources Aanaging human resources refers to the functions that a manager performs relative to the organi ation2s employees. Aanaging human resources includes$ but is not limited to these functions. Aillennials The millennials (oining your workforce now were born between ,/=> and .>>>. 3nlike the 7en)8ers and the 'oomers$ the Aillennials have developed work characteristics and tendencies from doting parents$ structured lives$ and contact with diverse people. Aission Statement Aission or Purpose is a precise description of what an organi ation does. #t should describe the business the organi ation is in. #t is a definition of FwhyG the organi ation e&ists currently. Begativity Begativity is the feeling and e&pressing of unhappiness$ anger$ frustration$ or upset to other employees in your workplace" it is often accompanied by resistance. According to 7ary S. Topchik$ author of Managing Workplace Negativity$ negativity is often the result of a loss of confidence$ control$ or community. Hnowing what people are negative about is the first step in solving the problem. Betworking Betworking is building a web of interpersonal relationships for mutually beneficial purposes such as business referrals$ customer ac!uisition$ complementary product offerings$ and sharing information. Betworking means establishing$ maintaining and utili ing contacts made for purposes beyond the reason for the initial contact. Bew *mployee Orientation Bew employee orientation is the process for welcoming a new employee into your
organi ation. Bew employee orientation$ often spearheaded by a meeting with the ?uman 5esources department$ generally contains information about safety$ the work environment$ the new (ob description$ benefits and eligibility$ company culture$ company history$ and anything else relevant to working in the new company. Open 1oor Policy% An open door policy means$ literally$ that every manager2s door is open to every employee. The purpose of an open door policy is to encourage open communication$ feedback$ and discussion about any matter of importance to an employee. Optimism Optimism is the propensity to look at the bright side of any situation and e&pect the best possible outcome from any series of events. Organi ational 0ulture 0ulture is made up of the values$ beliefs$ underlying assumptions$ attitudes$ and behaviors shared by a group of people. 0ulture is the behavior that results when a group arrives at a set of ) generally unspoken and unwritten ) rules for working together. An organi ation-s culture is made up of all of the life e&periences each employee brings to the organi ation. Orientation Bew employee orientation is the process for welcoming a new employee into your organi ation. Bew employee orientation$ often spearheaded by a meeting with the ?uman 5esources department$ generally contains information about safety$ the work environment$ the new (ob description$ benefits and eligibility$ company culture$ company history$ and anything else relevant to working in the new company. Outsourcing Outsourcing is paying a second party to perform one or more of your internal processes or functions. 'usiness process outsourcing of certain functions is an increasingly popular way to improve basic services while allowing ?5 professionals time to play a more strategic role in their organi ations. 6re!uently outsourced% payroll$ administration$ employee assistance$ and retirement planning. Paid Sick 1ays Policy Paid sick days are time off from work that an organi ation voluntarily provides employees as a benefit. The number of paid sick days is often accrued by employees based on years of service to the organi ation and the level of their position. Other companies$ however$ keep paid sick days simple ) every employee receives the same number of paid sick days. Paid Time Off Policy 1efinition of the paid time off approach to employee vacation$ sick days$ and personal days for the human resources glossary of human resources related terms. Paid time off has advantages and disadvantages that are e&plored in this definition of paid time off. Paid Iacation 1ays Policy Paid vacation days are time off work an organi ation provides employees as a benefit. The number of paid vacation days is generally accrued by employees based on years of service to the organi ation.
Performance Aanagement% Progressive discipline is a process for dealing with (ob)related behavior that does not meet e&pected and communicated performance standards. Personnel 6ile Access Policy All employees$ former employees$ and representatives of employees may view certain documents from their personnel file with advance notice to ?uman 5esources staff. 1ocuments that relate to the employee2s !ualifications for hire may be viewed. 1ocuments that may not be reviewed are also described. Personnel 6ile Policy Sample The 0ompany maintains three employee files for each employee. The files maintained include the personnel file$ the payroll file$ and the medical records file. *mployees may access their personnel file by contacting ?uman 5esources staff. Profit Sharing Profit sharing is an e&le of a variable pay plan. Profit sharing is taking a percentage of a company-s annual profits and then dividing the pool of money generated across all employees using a formula for distribution. Profit sharing payments are only made if the company has been profitable for the time period specified. Progressive 1iscipline Progressive discipline is a process for dealing with (ob)related behavior that does not meet e&pected and communicated performance standards. Pro(ect Aanagement According to the American Society for Juality (ASJ)$ pro(ect management is$ KThe application of knowledge$ skills$ tools and techni!ues to a broad range of activities to meet the re!uirements of the particular pro(ect.K Promotion The advancement of an employee from one position to another position that has a higher salary range ma&imum is called a promotion. Juality% 1efinition for the ?uman 5esources 7lossary Juality is a measure of e&cellence" !uality defines desirable characteristics of a product$ a process$ or a service. 5ecognition 5ecognition is providing attention or favorable notice to another person. 5ecognition can be written$ verbal$ or monetary. #n the workplace$ the second purpose for employee recognition is to communicate and reinforce the behaviors and actions you2d like to see the employee do more often. 5ecruiter 5ecruiters are employed by a company for the purpose of finding and !ualifying new employees for the organi ation. Third party recruiters are subcontracted to by a company for the same purpose. Several different types of third party recruiters e&ist$ but the main difference between them lies in how they are compensated$ up front or by a company) paid percentage of the hired person2s first year pay.
5ecruiting L 5ecruitment To find and take on or hire a new employee. Sick 1ays Policy Paid sick days are time off from work that an organi ation voluntarily provides employees as a benefit. The number of paid sick days is often accrued by employees based on years of service to the organi ation and the level of their position. Other companies$ however$ keep paid sick days simple ) every employee receives the same number of paid sick days. Se&ual ?arassment Se&ual harassment occurs when one employee makes continued$ unwelcome se&ual advances$ re!uests for se&ual favors$ and other verbal or physical conduct of a se&ual nature$ to another employee$ against his or her wishes. Screening #nterview Screening interviews are used to !ualify a candidate before he or she meets with a hiring authority for possible selection. Screening interviews are usually !uick$ efficient and low cost strategies that result in a short list of !ualified candidates. These interviews save time and money by eliminating un!ualified candidates via phone or email. Self)1iscipline Dou can create a work environment and supervisory interactions which encourage the people you employ to develop and practice self)discipline. 4hen people practice self) discipline$ they control their own behavior. Severance Pay Severance pay is money that an employer might want to provide for an employee who is leaving their employ. Bormal circumstances that might warrant severance pay include layoffs$ (ob elimination$ and mutual agreement to part ways for whatever reason. Severance pay usually amounts to a week or two of pay for each year of service to the company. #n some instances$ a severance package might include e&tended benefits and outplacement assistance. Succession Planning Succession planning is a process whereby an organi ation ensures that employees are recruited and developed to fill each key role within the company. Succession planning ensures you can fill key roles from within your organi ation. Telecommuting Telecommuting or working from home is a fle&ible work arrangement that enables an employee$ a consultant$ or a contractor$ to work distantly from the employer all or part of the time. M9> 1egree 6eedback M9> degree feedback is a method and a tool that provides each employee the opportunity to receive performance feedback from his or her supervisor and four to eight peers$ reporting staff members$ co)workers and customers.
Trust ) #nterpersonal and Organi ational 1r$ 1uane 0. Tway defines trust as$ Fthe state of readiness for unguarded interaction with someone or something.G Iacation 1ays Policy Paid vacation days are time off work an organi ation provides employees as a benefit. The number of paid vacation days is generally accrued by employees based on years of service to the organi ation. Iariable Pay Iariable pay is used generally to recogni e and reward employee contribution toward company productivity$ profitability$ team work$ safety$ !uality$ or some other metric deemed important. Iariable pay changes depending upon the circumstances. Ialues Ialues are traits or !ualities that are considered worthwhile" they represent an individual-s highest priorities and deeply held driving forces. Ialues include !ualities such as integrity$ resourcefulness$ achievement$ and honesty. Ialue Statements Ialue statements are grounded in values and define how people want to behave with each other in the organi ation. They are statements about how the organi ation will value customers$ suppliers$ and the internal community. Ialue statements describe actions which are the living enactment of the fundamental values held by most individuals within the organi ation. Iision Iision is a statement of what the organi ation wants to become. #t should resonate with all members of the organi ation and help them feel proud$ e&cited$ and part of something much bigger than themselves. A vision should stretch the organi ation-s capabilities and image of itself. #t gives shape and direction to the organi ation-s future. 4orkers2 0ompensation 4orkers2 compensation laws make certain that an employee who is in(ured as a result of an accident on the (ob or who contracts a disease as a result of performing his or her (ob$ will receive compensation and medical benefits. *very state re!uires that employers purchase workers2 compensation insurance to ensure that employees$ who are affected by illness or in(ury$ and their dependants$ are protected against significant hardships in case of in(ury$ illness$ or death.