Debugging Webui
Debugging Webui
Debugging Webui
1849381 - How to debug CRM WebUI using Conditional Breakpoints Version 1 Validity: 21.04.2013 - active Language English
You want to debug CRM WebUI and you do not know where to set a breakpoint.
SAP CRM 2007 and later Conditional breakpoints
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were originally introduced in CRM 2007 and got extended during higher releases (note 1225639)
How to activate conditional breakpoints
To be able to use conditional breakpoints, you have to 1. ActivatecheckpointgroupCRMUIF_CONDITIONAL_BREAKPOINTS in transaction SAAB
2. start the CRM WebUI using transaction CRM_UI_DBG (CRM 7.0),WUI_DGB(CRM7.0EHP1andlater)or transactionSTART_BSP with "BSP Application": CRM_UI_START (CRM 7.0 and later), CRM_UI_FRAME (CRM 2007) Flag for "External Debugging On"
3. Logon to CRM WebUI and open the conditional breakpoint popup using F2 + ALT
An Example
We want to use conditional breakpoints to debug searching and displaying of accounts using business role SALESPRO:
We want to stop 1. wheneventforsearchingistriggered(Breakpoint2)and 2. whenthemessageonhowmanysearchresultsgetsadded(Textmessage) 3. thetheattributewithvalue7000043636(=numberoftheexamplebusinesspartner)isreadfromthecontextnode(Breakpoint1)and Then we search for an account with Name 1 is "Test Organization":
The debugger stops three times 1. when the search event is triggered:
Header Data
Released On Release Status Component Priority Category 22.04.2013 13:45:12 Released to Customer CRM Customer Relationship Management Normal How To
This document is not restricted to a product or product version
This document refers to:
CSS SAP Notes 1225639 Conditional Breakpoints - Improved Error & Program Analysis